


1.小学英语二年级语法 篇一

1.a (an) art. 一个

2.afternoon n. 下午

3.and conj. 和

4.apple n. 苹果

5.arm n. 胳膊,手臂

6.autumn n. 秋天

7. bag n. 书包

8.basketball n. 篮球

9.be(am/is/are) v. (be动词)是

10.bed n. 床

11.big adj. 大的

12.bike n. 自行车

13.bird n.鸟

14.black adj. 黑色的 n. 黑色

15.blue adj. 蓝色的 n. 蓝色

16.book n. 书

17.boy n. 男孩

18.bus n. 公共汽车

19.but conj. 但是

20.cake n. 蛋糕

21.can v./aux. 能

22.cap n. 帽子

23.car n. 汽车

24.cat n. 猫

25.chair n. 椅子

26.China n. 中国

27.Chinese n. 汉语;语文课;中国人adj. 中国的;中国人的

28.class n. 班组;同学们

29.classroom n. 教室

30.coat n. 上衣

31.cold adj. 寒冷的 n. 感冒

32.colour n. 颜色33.computer n. 电脑

34.cook v. 做饭

35.cool adj. 凉爽的;(俚)漂亮的

36.cup n. 茶杯;杯子

37.dad n. 爸爸

38.dance v. 跳舞

39.daughter n. 女儿

40.dear adj. 亲爱的 int. 哎呀(表示惊奇)

41.desk n. 书桌

42.do v. 做

43.dog n. 狗

44.door n. 门

45.draw v. 画

46.drink v. 喝

47.drive v. 驾驶

48.ear n. 耳朵

49.eat v. 吃50.egg n. 鸡蛋

51.eight num. 八

52.English adj. 英语的;英国人的n. 英国人,英语

53.eye n. 眼睛

54.fat adj. 胖的

55.father n. 父亲

56.favourite adj. 最喜欢的

57.fine adj. 好的

58.fish n. 鱼

59.five num. 五

60.flower n. 花

61.food n. 食物

62.foot n. (feet)脚

63.football n. 足球64.four num. 四

65.friend n. 朋友

66.game n. 游戏

67.girl n. 女孩

68.good adj. 好的

69.goodbye (bye-bye) int. 再见

70.green adj. 绿色的 n. 绿色

71.hair n. 头发

72.hand n. 手

73.happy adj. 快乐的,幸福的

74.he pron. 他

75.head n. 头

76.hello (hi) int. 喂,你好

77.hobby n. 爱好

78.home n. 家 adv. 在家;回家

79.homework n. 家庭作业

80.hot adj. 热的

81.how adv. 怎样,如何

82.I pron. 我

83.in prep. 在……里

84.it pron. 它

85.large adj. 大的

86.leg n. 腿

87.like v. 喜欢 prep. 相似,像

88.listen to 听

89.look v. 看

90.many adj. 许多

91.map n. 地图

92.me pron. 我(宾格)

93.meat n. 肉

94.Miss n. 小姐

95.moon n. 月亮

96.morning n. 早上

97.mother n. 母亲

98.mouth n. 嘴

99.Mr. n. 先生

100.Ms n. 女士

101.mum n. 妈妈

102.music n. 音乐

103.my pron. 我的

104.name n. 名字

105.new adj. 新的

106.nice adj. 美味的;美好的;愉快的

107.nine num. 九

108.no adv. 不

109.nose n. 鼻子

110.not adv. 不

111.now adv. 现在

112.old adj. 年长的;古老的;…岁的

113.on prep. 在……上114.one num. 一

115.pear n. 梨

116.pen n. 钢笔

117.piano n. 钢琴

118.play v. 玩,打(球)

119.please int. 请

120.point n. (考试分数)分; v.指

121.put v. 放

122.read v. 阅读

123.red adj. 红色的 n. 红色

124.rice n. 米饭

125.ride v. 骑;乘坐

126.run v. 跑

127.say v. 说

128.school n. 学校

129.see v. 看

130.seven num. 七

131.she pron. 她

132.shoe n. 鞋

133.short adj. 矮的,短的

134.sing v. 唱歌

135.sit down 坐下

136.six num. 六

137.small adj. 小的

138.son n. 儿子

139.song n. 歌曲

140.sorry adj. 抱歉

141.speak v. 讲(某种语言)

142.spell v. 拼写;拼读

143.sports n. 运动

144.spring n. 春天

145.stand up 起立

146.student n. 学生

147.study v. 学习

148.summer n. 夏天

149.sun n. 太阳

150.swim v. 游泳

151.tall adj. 高的

152.tea n. 茶

153.teacher n. 教师

154.television (TV) n. 电视

155.ten num.

156.thank v. 谢谢

157.thanks n. (复数)谢谢

158.that pron. 那个

159.the art. 这个,这些;那个,那些

160.these pron. 这些

161.they pron. 他们

162.thin adj. 瘦的

163.this pron. 这个

164.three num. 三

165.to prep. 给……,向

166.touch v. 触摸

167.tree n. 树

168.TV n. 电视

169.two num. 二

170.type v. 打(字)

171.under prep. 在…下面

172.very adv. 很

173.walk v. 走;散步

174.warm adj. 暖和的

175.watch v. 看

176.water n. 水

177.we pron. 我们

178.weather n. 天气

179.what pron. 什么

180.where adv. 在哪里

181.white adj. 白色的 n. 白色

182.window n. 窗户

183.winter n. 冬天

184.word n. 单词

185.work v. 工作

186.yellow adj. _ n.


187.yes adv. 是的

188.you pron. 你,你们

189.your pron.你的,你们的

2.小学英语二年级语法 篇二


《课标》指出:义务教育阶段的英语课程具有工具性和人文性双重性质。就工具性而言, 英语课程承担培养学生基本英语素养的任务, 即学生通过英语课程掌握基本的英语语言知识, 发展基本的英语听说读写技能, 形成用英语与他人交流的能力, 为今后继续学习英语和应用英语学习其他相关科学文化知识奠定基础。


感性思考走向理性思考的过程, 语法教学有助于培养学生的语法意识, 有助于培养学生归纳语法的能力和自主学习语法的能力。


英语五级掌握过程要求:1.了解常用语言形式的基本结构和常用表意功能;2.在实际运用中体会和领悟语言形式的表意功能;3.理解和掌握描述人与物的表达方式;4.理解和掌握描述具体事件和具体行为的发生、发展过程的表达方式;5.初步掌握描述时间、地点、方位的表达方式;6.理解掌握比较人、物体及事物的表达方式。从这个定位可以看出:初中阶段是英语语法打基础的关键时期。同时, 语法教学要做到学用结合, 教学内容侧重词法、句法和时态概念的形成, 注意语法知识的基础性和系统性。

由以上可知, 英语语法教学是英语教学必不可少的部分, 学生离开了语法来学习英语是困难重重的。只有把语法学好、用准, 才能使自己的英语表达能力提高, 才能很好地把英语应用到生活中。

那么, 在七年级的英语学习中如何学习英语语法呢? 我的建议如下:


认知学习理论认为:知识习得的关键是理解, 而理解的实质是学生弄清新旧知识的关系, 形成认知结构。英语语法的学习不能死记硬背, 要机动灵活。例如:针对句子的成分问题, 不能死记分词可以作定语、状语、补语等;动名词可作主语、宾语、表语等。实际上, 分词相当于形容词, 形容词能充当的成分, 分词都能够充当;动名词相当于名词, 动名词有名词的所有性质。

要特别指出的是, 在英语语法教学中, 并不是要对语法规则刨根问底, 而是要求我们在英语语境中理解语法。


《课标》没有明确的讲解语法的规定 , 所以教师在授课过程中对语法的讲解不是很集中、重视。学生不能完全依靠教师的讲解学习英语语法, 而是应该在学习的过程中主动观察、归纳语法规则。研究表明, 学生自己归纳总结的语法规则比依靠教师讲解理解的记得更牢固。实践表明, 能自己总结归纳语法的学生更灵活应用语法, 并且在阅读中显示语法的重要作用。

此外, 一些语法规则总结得也不是很准确。如:关于以字母“o”结尾的名词的复数规则:一般情况下, 在该名词后加“s”;有些在该词后加“es”。那么, 到底哪些加“s”, 哪些加“es”呢? 这带给学生的是迷惑。事实上, 多数名词变复数是加“es”。例如:heroes, tomatoes, potatoes等;少数名词变复数加“s”, 而且加“s”的词多为较长名词的缩写。例如, photographs-photos, kilograms-kilos等。而radio本身就是几个单词的缩写, 其复数形式是radios。如果在学习中发现类似的规律, 那么对此问题的迷惑就会消除。


学生在英语学习中出现错误是不可避免的, 所以在英语语法的学习中, 学生不要怕犯错误, 要大胆地在学习英语中善于发现错误、纠正错误, 在错误中加深对英语语法的理解。英语本身就是一种语言, 学习英语就是为了与人交流, 故此, 在口语交际中, 不要怕犯语法错误而不开口进行英语交际。这样就失去学习英语的意义, 同时也不能很好地提高自己的英语口语表达能力。


由于英语短文阅读中, 或多或少地涉及语法方面的知识, 因此, 学生在阅读短文过程中, 总是有意地注意分析短文中句子的语法结构。一般来说, 阅读英语短文时, 只要明白句子的意思, 就不要刻意地关注语法。例如:walking on the street, hesaw a man stealing things from a shop.此句句意很简单 , 即他在街上走的时候看到一个人正偷一家商店的东西。但是有的学生在读懂句意的同时, 还关注walking on the street和stealingthings是现在分词还是动名词及它们在句中所充当的成分。学生应该明白的是, 在课堂上, 教师之所以讲英语语法, 是为了让学生更好地理解句意, 既然句意已经很明白, 就没有必要再理会语法。

如果在阅读短文的过程中遇到难以理解的句子, 学生可以从分析语法结构入手, 教师帮助学生找到句意理解的手段。例如:The teacher made the first student to finish the game thewinner. 一些句子有一定的难度 , made the first student to finishthe game不符合语法规则, 因为make后面的宾语补足语应该是不带to的动词不定式。其实这个句子的主要结构是:“makesb.sth.”即“学生来说理解这个命名某人为……”或“使某人成为……”。句中的“to finish the game”是动词不定式做后置定语修饰“the first student”而不是宾语补足语, 此句意是:老师宣布第一个完成游戏的学生为获胜者。

总之, 面对新教材和新课标, 我们应该“优化”英语语法的教学。在英语语法教学过程中, 教师应该让学生在借鉴他人学习方法的基础上, 探索最符合自己的学习英语语法的方法与策略。同时, 教师应该培养学生对语言变化的敏感度, 在英语语言交际的过程中分析、掌握英语的语法使用方法。


[1]中华人民共和国教育部制定.英语课程标准 (2011年版) .北京师范大学出版社.

[2]张道真编著.英语语法大全 (上) (下) .首都师范大学出版社.

3.小学英语高年级语法教学之我见 篇三

【关键词】小学英语 语法教学

【中图分类号】G623.31 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2016)27-0135-01





记得是在教学be动词的时候,学生们总是分不清什么人称后用什么be动词。先开始教学时只是让学生们去寻找不同之处,他们能够看出人称代词后的be动词有所变化,但是在实际运用中,总是会出错。一次偶然的机会,我看到了一个顺口溜,之后我进行了一下编改,然后教给学生,顺口溜是这样的:“i 连着am,you 牵着are,she/he伴着is.”我还进行了补充:“i连着am;you牵着are;she/he/it伴着is,不要忘了we和they,他们也要牵着are.”。我马上将这个顺口溜教给学生,学生们朗朗上口,而且在之后的学习和运用中,遇到这个语法点,我就让学生们一起背这个顺口溜。后来,我发现学生们在写作和考试中be动词的运用准确性很高。







在译林英语中,教学一般将来时态be going to 时,我设计了如下任务型调查活动:明天是星期天,你要做什么?winter holiday is coming,what are you going to do?学生在调查中,理解了一般将来时态表达的意义,练习了所学句型。另外,我还布置学生将这些计划用小作文的方式写下来,并且以e-mail的形式发给我。学生们在接到这个任务后兴致很高,先是小组内讨论各自的计划,接着是写出自己的计划,反复练习之后,学生对于这一新的时态学习不再觉得很难,畏难的情绪随之消失。

另外,我还发现一个问题,部分学生在练习对话时,对be going to 掌握得很好,较少出错,但是在真实的语境中练习写作文,反复运用这一语言时却往往容易出错,比如:im going to the supermarket,im going to play football with my friend,then i go home.有部分学生在写作时会出现以上这种现象,这时教师要注意及时反馈与评价,及时指出其出错处,正确运用时态。

4.综合英语二语法及课后翻译 篇四


一、语法 Grammar & Usage

Subject-Verb Agreement (I)



Human beings enjoy learning.

Everybody’s understanding is incomplete.


The people there are fighting for the independence of their country.

The dollars was a lot of money at that time.


There is a pen, two pencils and an eraser in the pencil box.

Neither the boy nor his teachers know the answer.


1)当主语为furniture, equipment, machinery等词时,谓语动词通常用单数。

The furniture in that shop is all made in China.

Office equipment is very expensive nowadays.

A lot of new machinery has been installed.

2)集体名词如people, cattle, police, poultry,等往往作复数用。

Some people drive madly in this country.

Many cattle have died because of the fold.

The police have been sent there but they have not made any arrests yet.

Poultry are plentiful in that mountain region.

3)family, government, class, committee, audience , team, public 等词被视做一个整体时,其后的动词作单数;被视做为构成整体的个体时,其后的动词则为复数。

His family is a happy one.

His family are all interested in stamp-collecting.

The Democratic Government is in power now.

The government is/are considering further tax cuts.

The audience was very quite when he was giving his speech.

The audience were shouting and laughing when he came into the hall.

Our class is the top class in the grade.

The class are busy taking notes.



Bacon and eggs is a very popular British breakfast.

Toast and marmalade (果酱面包) is my favorite breakfast.

Fish and chips (炸鱼与土豆片) is served every day.

2)当主语是由and, both ….and 连接的并列结构时,如果主语所指的不是一种事物,动词则用复数形式。

Jack and Mary are in love with each other.

Both Tom and John are absent today.

War, famine and drought have claimed thousands of lives in that country.

3)在又or或 nor连接的并列结构中,动词单、复数形式一般与or 或 nor 后边的名词或代词保持一致。

He or his brothers are to blame for this.

Either you or your friend has to pay the bill.

Either his father or his mother comes to see him every day.

When couples quarrel, (either) the wife or the husband has to give in.

Neither she nor you are mistaken.

Neither the manager nor the clerks are college graduates.

4) not only … but also 连接的结构做主语时,动词的单、复数形式依据but also 后的名词或代词。

Not only Fred but also his parents love this small pet dog.

Not only the boys but also their mother is very ell.


Translate the following into English.

1) Use the verb + noun collocation.

出席会议 to attend a meeting 干的不错 to do a good job

体验苦难 to experience bitterness 自学英语 to teach oneself English

发现奇迹 to discover wonders 忍住咳嗽 to hold back one’s cough

5.小学英语二年级语法 篇五




1. 由here,there,now, then + come/go …时。如:

There goes the bell! Now comes your turn.。

2.副词out,in, into, away, up, down等置于句首时。如:

Out jumped a tiger from behind a rock. In came an old man with a long white beard.

3. 当地点状语置于句首时。如:

At the corner of the street stands a newly-opened tea house.

On the wall hang two pictures.


Here they are.

Out they went into the forest.

Away they rushed when they saw some enemy soldiers running along.


1.在口语中,用在以so,neither,nor引起的缩略答语中,即So do sb./ Neither(nor) do sb.结构。(So do sb: 两者比较,也是如此;So sb does: 同一个人再次确定,确实如此)

2.only + 状语放句首。如:

1) Only when he reached school did he realize that he left his textbook at home.

2) Only then did she see her mother.

3) Only in this way can we improve our English.

3.表否定意义的成分 little; few; seldom; neither; nor; no; not; never; hardly; scarcely(很少)放在句首时。如:

1) Never shall I forget the day when I met Mr.Wang in the countryside.

2)As she is busy writing an important article, seldom does she watch Tv.

3)Hardly does the hibernating animal make any movement and need any food in winter.

4)Little did I expect to meet him on such an occasion.


1) Not only+倒… but also+顺

Not only is he a diligent student, but also he is a warmhearted helper.

2) Neither+倒… nor +顺

Neither did they remain silent nor any one of them shout at the top of his voice.

3)Either +倒… or +顺

Either will he choose to stay or go with the big group.

4)Not until置于句首时, Not until+时间+肯定句的部分倒装(没有not )

Not until he lost his health did he realize what good health meant.(倒装在后)

5.在虚拟语气结构中,当if省略时, 后面的had, should ,were提到句首,剩下部分不变。

If he had known about it , he would have come to the meeting yestersay. = Had he known about it, …

If it were to rain tomorrow, we wouldn’t have the meeting. = Were it to rain tomorrow, …

6. 在so + adj/adv + that…结构中,当so + adj/adv置于句首时。如:

So louldly did he speak that everybody could hear him clearly.

7. 在Scarcely / Hardly had …when和No sooner had… than(刚…就…)的结构中。如:

Hardly had I got back when I started cooking.

No sooner had we sat down than he found it was time to go.

8. 在频度状语often, always, many a time等开头的句子中

Often did we warn them not to do so.

Many a time has she helped me with my English.

9. 在as(尽管)引导的让步状语从句中 = Though/Although。。。(此时不可用 As…, 因为as放句首时只能表示因为或是当。。。的时候)

Young as he is, he knows a lot. Child as he is, he knows a lot.

Hard as he works, he is not good at maths.

放中间时as和though可以替换, 注意名词前提时不带任何冠词。

6.小学英语二年级语法 篇六


1. 并列代词的顺序:

单数为: 二, 三,一, You , he and I should return on time.

复数为: 一, 二, 三, We , you , and they are all right.

2. 反身代词的几种用法:

feel / be ~ 身体好, 行动正常, He is not quite himself today.

by ~ = alone

for~ 亲自

enjoy ~/ = have a good time

seat~ = sit

devote ~ to ---

help ~ to

come to ~ 苏醒过来

make ~ at home 不拘束, 不客气

3. each other/ one another

前者指两者互相, 后者指三者或以上互相, 所有格, 直接在它们后加’s

4. other/ the other/ another

other 常与复数名词和不可数名词连用, 但当可数名前有the / this/ that 等修饰时可用.

the other 是两者中的另一个, 常与one 连用 形成: one --- the other 或the other + 复数名词=the others

another 是三者或以上的任何一个, 也表示 再, 另, 和数词搭配 如: another three

5. it/ one/ that 做替代词的区别



that后常有of短语修饰时, 或有过去分词, 从句等修饰.

6. none/ no one/ nothing

none 指代人或物, 单复数都可以, 可和of短语连用, 用来回答how many/ much疑问

no one 指 人, 只用可数, 不跟of短语, 回答who 疑问句

nothing 指物, 回答what


No one / nobody is absent today.

----Did you have any trouble with the customs? ----- None

7. few, little, a few, a little

8. either, neither 表两者, 可跟 of短语 谓语动词用单数形式

9. 部分否定与全部否定

但否定词与all , both, every及every类(everybody/ everyone/ everything)的词连用时, 不论否定词的位置前后都表部分否定

如: Not all the ss are working hard.

All the students are not working hard.

Much of what you say I agree with, but I cannot go all the way with you .

用none, no one, nobody, nothing表全部否定

10. every / each

every 强调集体, 指三者或以上, 与not 连用表部分否定

each 强调个体, 可接of 短语, 指两者或以上, 与not连用表全部否定

11. any, 在肯定句中指两者或以上的人或事中的任何一个

any 类 用于否定/疑问/条件句中不表任何意义

anyone= anybody 仅指人

any one 指人或物

12. some

修饰 可数名词或不可数

表 “某一”时= a certain some 后不跟复数名词, 而certain 可跟复数名词

13. 疑问代词的注意点:

who 在句中可做主语或宾语, 但是不能跟介词后

whom 在句中只作宾语,

what 无范围

which 知在一定的范围的哪一个

如: The ties are all in good quality and style, so I don’t know which one to choose from.

7.小学二年级趣味数学学法研究 篇七


小学二年级数学侧重对基础知识的讲解及一些简单的四则运算, 包括对长度单位的认识、100以内的加减法、 角的认识、简单的乘法运算及基础的统计知识等。 数学中最枯燥乏味的不是数字的加减计算, 而是对基础概念的理解, 如何使学生以更主动的方式接触这些概念、 理解这些概念是教师首先应当做的事。 同时, 二年级数学在一年级数学的基础上增加了计算的难度, 目的是提高学生的计算速度和准确性, 抽象的数字对低年级学生来讲吸引力十分有限, 若教师一味采用施压的方式逼迫学生学习, 则可能会造成学生的逆反心理, 影响后续学习效果。


小学二年级数学的特点决定了教师在课堂教学过程中要有意识地引入趣味元素, 吸引学生的注意力, 使他们感受到数学知识的魅力。


游戏是孩童的天性, 以游戏作为课堂导入环节是再好不过的方式。 教师在设计游戏时, 要保证游戏具备趣味性和教学性, 两者要以适当比例存在, 如果一味强调趣味性就可能会使学生无法快速进入学习状态, 而过分强调知识, 又会导致游戏的趣味性不足以吸引学生。 同时, 游戏还需要具有诱导学生思考的功能, 学生一旦有了疑问和探索的欲望, 教师将更容易展开新课教学。例如, 在学习表内乘法的时候, 教师可以制作写有数字的帽子和写有乘号的题板发给班内同学, 让他们根据自己的数字与其他同学结合, 组成一个乘法公式, 结束后教师可以根据学生的表现给予适当表扬。 通过这样的方式, 学生在玩的过程中学习了简单的乘法运算, 同时在这一过程中他们会更倾向于使用大脑进行快速计算, 锻炼了理性的思考方式。


课堂导入环节能够帮助学生了解课堂内容, 对课堂教学产生浓厚的兴趣, 而在讲课过程中继续增加趣味元素, 能够使学生继续保持愉悦的心情, 提高学习效率, 也能够将走神的学生吸引回课堂。 教师在教学中可以为题目增加一个故事作为背景, 将题目隐藏在故事中, 故事的设计应当符合二年级学生的生活和理解能力, 使他们易于明白。 例如, 小明的父母周末带小明去动物园玩, 看到狮虎兽的园区旁管理员叔叔拿着水桶不知所措, 小明是个热心肠的小朋友, 就拉着父母上前询问, 叔叔告诉小明:“我要给老虎准备食物, 但是喂食的单子丢了, 我不知道该准备多少肉了? ”小明问:“叔叔, 动物园里一共有多少老虎啊? 它们每顿饭吃多少肉? ”叔叔说:“现在一共有8只老虎, 每一只要吃5块肉。 ”小明说:“叔叔, 可以用5乘8来计算, 应该是40块肉。 ”教师通过讲述这样一个浅显易懂的故事, 既讲解了课堂内容, 又向同学们传达了数学与生活息息相关这样一个观念, 帮助他们构建正确的认识观。

2.3巧妙设计课后练习, 巩固学习效果。

对小学二年级学生来讲, 科学合理的课后练习是十分必要的。 小学二年级数学课本每一章节的后面均设置了练习, 教师可以将这些题目作为家庭作业布置下去, 也可以作为课堂练习, 但仅有这部分练习还是不够的, 教师还应当设置专门的练习课, 提高练习强度, 加强知识巩固。 例如, 教师可以在课上组织学生为同桌出题, 做完后互相改正, 这样学生就会发现自己存在的不足, 在修改其他同学的题目时会发现其他潜在的错误, 并引以为戒, 使自己的知识基础更扎实。 其次, 教师可以将游戏引入课堂教学, 将学生分成两组, 写好题目放到暗箱里, 让每一位同学上前抓取一个题目并解答, 答对了得分, 答错不得分, 最后记录每一组的总得分并给予优胜方一定的奖励。 这种带有鼓励性质的小游戏, 能够帮助学生积极参与到课后复习环节中, 主动学习知识提高能力。

3.注重趣味元素添加的质量和数量, 避免趣味教学误用

在新课程改革的背景下, 在课堂上使用游戏教学、引导教学等手段的教师越来越多, 但是并不是所有的教师都能够深刻理解趣味性的意义, 特别是对于小学二年级的学生来讲, 在课堂上融入过多低质量的趣味元素, 尽管吸引了学生的兴趣, 但是弱化了教学效果, 因此, 在进行趣味教学时, 为了避免取得适得其反的效果, 教师应当注意以下几点:1) 合理分配趣味元素与数学元素的比重。 趣味元素的设置应当点到为止, 满足吸引学生的学习兴趣即可, 不应过度在课堂使用趣味性元素, 导致学生分不清什么是教学重点, 模糊了学习和玩乐的差别。例如上述第二节中提出的三种趣味学习法在同一个章节的教学中不应当全部使用, 教师还是需要适当使用一些传统的教学方法, 帮助学生在脑海中构建学习的印象。 同时, 过多地使用趣味教学法, 也会占用大量的教学时间, 导致教师可能无法在规定的时间完成教学任务, 增加学生课后负担, 因此总的来讲, 教师教学在讲究趣味的同时不能忽视课堂教学的真正目的。2) 注重游戏或故事的品德教育。 教师设置的游戏环节在兼具趣味性和教学性的同时, 还要起到一定的品德教育作用, 帮助学生树立正确的价值观, 使他们形成团结协作的精神, 能够同其他同学和谐相处。 例如, 应当适当降低游戏的竞争性, 避免学生之间为了追求胜利产生矛盾; 设计故事时要传播正能量, 帮助学生从小养成好的品质, 等等。


将趣味元素引入小学二年级数学课堂是新课改背景下的必然要求, 对于吸引学生的学习兴趣, 提高他们解题能力具有重要意义。 但是在具体实践中, 教师还要从多角度思考, 从科学的角度出发设计合理的游戏环节, 避免课堂仅存趣味而失去教学本身的目的, 在减轻学生学业负担的同时圆满完成教学任务。


[1]闫会琴.浅议小学数学趣味教学中的“数学味”[J].学周刊, 2013, 17:133.

8.小学英语二年级语法 篇八

Ⅰ. 根据句意及所汉语提示,在空格上填上正确的单词。

1. Jim played a _________(小丑) in the play and did a good job.

2. Look! There is a water _________(滑梯). Let’s go and play there.

3. —Can you go to the park with me now?

—OK, but we can go there an hour later. It’s_________(不拥挤).

4. The boy caused a lot of _________(麻烦) to his parents.

5. I ________(想知道) why James is always late for school.

6. Don’t _________(混淆) Austria with Australia.

7. Jim put on his ________(发亮的) shoes and went out.

8. There was a _________(井) in our village. It’s said that it was dug in the 1940’s.

9. Please put your camera in the _________(小提箱里).

10. Please take the _________(旅行手册), or you’ll get lost.

11. Tina, have you packed your _________(毛巾) and toothbrush?

12. It’s dark in the room. Please _________(点燃) the fire for us.

13. He went to America ten years ago. But China is his ________(故乡), so he came back.

14. We often put the bowls, chopsticks and spoons in the ________(碗橱).

15. My uncle is a ________(农民). There used to be a lot of apple trees on his farm.

Ⅱ. 根據句意及首字母提示,在句子空格内填上正


16. —Would you like another cake?

—No, thanks. I’m f________.

17. In Brazil, you should w________ your mouth with your napkin every time you take a drink.

18. His c________ was to get up early and have a cold bath.

19. It is bad m_______ to make noise while eating soup.

20. It’s r_______ to point at others with your finger.

21. He has broken his leg and t________ he can’t walk.

22. You should make a l_______ before you go shopping.

23. Jim got up late this morning, so he m________ the early bus.

24. He thought of the success as a t________ point in his life.

25. Yu Dan’s new book will be a________ in the shops next month.

26. I have never seen a zoo that was s________ for animals to live in.

27. We u________ all of the students to leave school quickly after evening classes.

28. The animals are kept in t________ cages and can hardly move at all.

Ⅲ. 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

29. He had lost all __________(feel) in the left leg.

30. There are two _________ (knife) in Kate’s pencil case.

31. Most of the Americans use their cars __________(most) for their job.

32. The mother has never give up ________ (help) her disabled child.

33. Miss Gao has decided ____________ (have) an exam at the end of this week.

34. They are having their wedding at the hotel. It has the best ___________(light).

35. ________ (advertise) is one of the biggest businesses in America.

36. Please tell us the ________ (true) of the matter.

37. He is a good boy, don’t let bad companions________(lead) him.

38. Cattle _________(main) feed on grass and so do sheep.

39. It was _________(thank) to John that we won the game.

40. There are __________(thousand) of people in the supermarket on Sundays.

41. Xiamen is one of big cities in _________(south) China.

42. If fish are taken from the sea, there will soon benone________ (leave).

43. If we keep on ________(cut) down trees, forests will disappear.

44. Manatees usually _________ (weight) about 1000pounds.

45. Many rivers and lakes have become ________(pollute) in our countries.

46. I feel that there are few laws to stop people_________(put) the waste into rivers or into thesea.

Ⅳ. 根据句意,用方框内所给单词或词组的适当形式填空。

hand in magic drugstore trouble structure

dress up wonder hang out crowded lend

47. Yesterday I saw Jenny ________ in her mother’s clothes.

48. The market is ________. We can ride a bike to do some shopping now.

49. In the evening he and his wife often ________ in the park.

50. Can I ________ you to shut the door?

51. The man used ________ to produce six rabbits from his hat.

52. He ________ that book to me the day before yesterday.

53. He ________ why people built ugly homes,when they could have beautiful ones.

54. The teacher told us ________ our exercise books at the end of the lesson.

55. The biology teacher told us about the _______ of the brain today.

56. When you go to the ________, please buy some medicines for me.




1. I don’t decide _______ one I will choose.

2. Can you tell me ________ the film will begin?

3. Do you know ________ your friend is so worried?

4. He told me _______ he was reading a newspaper.

5. Could you tell me ______ is the man over there?

6. Do you know ________ CDs are these?

7. I don’t understand ________ you said just now.

8. Can you tell me _______ there’s a good place to eat?

9. Will you please tell me _______ I can get to the post office?

10. Can you show us ________ we can turn on the computer?

be supposed to“应该”


What are you supposed to do; I was supposed to;You’re supposed to

1. __________________________ when you visit a

friend’s house?

2. ___________________ when you are invited to a party?

3. _____________________ brush your teeth every time you finish a meal.

4. _____________________ when you have a bowl of rice in China?

5. _____________________ bow when I met someone for the first time in Korea.


6. 你不应该用筷子指着任何人。

You _______ _______ _______ point at anyone with your chopsticks.

7. 我们不应该在这里抽烟。

We’re _______ _______ _______ _______ here.

8. 她上课又迟到了,她应该向老师说对不起。

She is late for class again and she _________ _______ sorry to the teacher.

9. 当你被邀请参加聚会时,你应该做什么?

What are you ________ ________ _______ when you are invited to a party?

10. 在韩国,人们第一次见面时经常应该鞠躬。

In Korea, people _______ _______ _______ _______ when they meet for the first time.



1. _______ you ________ (finish) ________ (read) thebook yet?

2. ________ you ever ________(be) to West China?

Great changes _______(take) place in West China inthe last few years.

3. By the time I _______(return) home yesterday, they _______ already _______(have) dinner.

4. Though he had often made his sister ______(cry),today he was made ______ (cry) by his sister.

5. He ______(meet) by my father as soon as he_______(arrive) last week.

6. I visited my uncle for a few days last week. When I _______(get) to his house, he _______(mend) a bike.

7. What _______ Tom _______(do) while his mother_______(cook) a meal yesterday evening?

8. The little boy _______(sleep). You’d better _______(not wake) him up now.

9. It’s your turn _______(speak). ______ you ______(get ) ready yet?

10. She _______ already _______(sing) several songs.
