


1.冀教版hello教学设计 篇一


-----冀教版英语七年级Lesson1 Hello!教学设计





根据孩子们的年龄特点和接受能力,最后给出语言框架 Hello!Hi!My name is ….What’s your name? I’m from …

How are you? I am fine.And you? 通过师生师范,动作和歌曲让学生学会介绍自己,高效地完成课堂任务。



三、学情分析: 七年级学生的年龄在13岁左右,生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏竞赛特别感兴趣,而且他们在小学已经接触过英语学习,具有初步的听说能力。七年级学生的记忆以具体形象记忆为主,并习惯于机械性记忆。初中生理解和分析语言的能力相对来说较弱。在知识积累方面,学生已经掌握了一定的词汇和句型,对语言学习的热情也逐步增加。他们更感兴趣的是如何用英语来表述与现实生活息息相关的话题并寻求合理的解决办法。


1、语言技能:能用新句型打招呼和介绍自己:hello, hi

What’s your name? My name is …

I’m from ….How are you ? I’m fine, thanks.2、情感态度:

⑴ 激发学生学英语、说英语的兴趣

⑵ 帮助学生树立自信心,让他们乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与到用英语与人交流的活动中。


掌握以下句型: What’s your name? I’m from …

How are you? I am fine.And you?







Step I Class opening 1.Greeting Ts: How are you? How are you? How are you today? Ss: I am fine, thanks.I am fine, thanks.Have a lovely day.Ts: How are you? How are you? How are you today? Ss: I am fine, thanks.I am fine, thanks.Have a lovely day.(设计思路:通过歌曲以轻松愉快的方式进入英语学习,教师要带动学生,通过身体和表情号召学生加入到以歌曲打招呼的活动

中来)Step II New concepts 1.Hello!Hi!My name is ….教师拉起一位学生,“Hi”打招呼,边和学生握手,边指自己说My name is ….What is your name? 让学生模仿并介绍自己,并以游戏方式传递进行。教会学生用英语礼貌地打招呼,介绍名字。注意表情,面带微笑。2.How are you? I’m fine, thanks.听录音,要求学生跟读。然后要求学生两两进行对话练习,直到能够熟练进行对话,并结合上一个对话,反复练习。


3.Write the sentences on the blackboard,ask the students to write down the sentences on the exercise book.Check their handwriting and praise some students。

注意书写规范, 四线三格。


Step III.Consolidation S

1.Role play

S1: Hello!My name is…

What is your name?

S2: Hello!My name is …

What is your name?


进行内容的扩充。本活动要在全班范围进行,教师鼓励孩子给自己起一个好听的英文名字,如Mary, Jack等,注意性别的区分。


2.Sing a song

Follow the tape to sing the song “What is your name?” together.(设计思路:寓教于乐,尽可能以歌曲等喜闻乐见的方式让孩子轻轻松松学英语,同时也巩固了所学的知识。)









Lesson 1


What is your name? My name is …(Jack , Li Ming)I’m from China/Canada.How are you? I’m fine.Thank you.

2.冀教版hello教学设计 篇二

1.学习本课生字。掌握 “浙江、杜鹃、明艳、蜿蜒 、聚集、孔隙、臀部、稍微、漆黑、观赏、盘曲而上、变化多端”等词语。


3. 通过语言文字了解金华双龙洞的特点 , 激发学生对大自然的热爱。




2. 了解外洞、内洞的特点及作者是怎样把由外洞进入内洞的过程写具体的。


学习作者抓住景物特点, 按照游览顺序生动具体地描述景物的写作方法。






同学们,这节课我们继续学习第9课《记金华的双龙洞》,(板书 )跟老师一起来梳理作者的游览顺序 :路上→外洞→孔隙→内洞→出洞。 (板书)


师:外洞、孔隙、内洞各有什么特点? 你是从文章的哪些词句中体会到这些特点的?找到后在文中标注。一会儿咱们一起交流。












师:再读读这句话,还能读出孔隙有什么特点? (窄)


师:谁能把这种好奇、紧张的心情读出来吗? 自己练一练。

生:我觉得很惊险(眼前昏暗了……擦伤鼻子。 )



师:“挤压”是什么意思? (挤过来,压下来)为什么会有这样的感觉?从这又说明了孔隙还有一个什么特点? (矮)怀着好奇的心情独个儿仰卧在小船里,自以为从后脑到肩背,到臀部,到脚跟,没有一处不贴着船底了,才说一声“行了”,船就慢慢移动。











师:所以作者才又觉得要是把头稍微抬起一点儿,准会撞破额角,擦伤鼻子。你们现在有什么感觉? (紧张、害怕)把这种感觉读出来。



生:如此惊险,也说明了孔隙不但窄小还怎么样? (矮)




1.展示汇报 ,适时指导感情朗读。

(1)“黑”“内洞一团漆黑 , 什么也看不见……不知道有多宽广。”

(2)“奇”(奇特有趣 )“工人高高举起汽油灯……也很值得观赏。”


师:让我们来观赏一下洞内的景观,大家也可以展开想象的翅膀, 想它是什么它就是什么。 (图片展示洞内的奇特景观———“彩云追月”“寿星捧仙桃”“擎天柱”“仙女帐”)




2.指名有感情地朗读6、7自然段 。

3.师小结 :作者乘船出洞 ,结束了双龙洞之旅。我们同作者一道感受了双龙洞的雄伟、惊险与神奇。面对大自然的鬼斧神工,我们不禁折服于自然之伟大和神奇。


1. 游完了双龙洞 , 回过头来看 , 作者介绍最详细的是哪个地方? 刚才,我们也有很多同学对这儿感兴趣,那作者为什么不先写这儿呢? 这样重点不是更突出吗?

2.那你说说作者的游览顺序是怎样的呢 ?

3.那 么 ,今后我们应该怎样写参观游记呢 ? 除了写作顺序之外,要想吸引读者,打动读者的心,还应该抓住什么写?

(小结写作方法 :学到这里 , 我们得到两点启示 : 第一 , 写参观游记要按参观游览的顺序写;第二,要把看到的事物特点写清楚。主次分明,详略得当。 )



其实大自然的美景随处可见,如果大家对溶洞很感兴趣,离咱很近的北京平谷区就有一个大溶洞,AAAA级景区, 大家可以去那亲身体验一下。


1.请以导游身份写出介绍金华双龙洞的导游词 。

2.你 曾经到哪里旅游过 ? 按照游览顺序写一写那里的景色,突出景物的特点。



3.浅谈冀教版英语的语法教学 篇三




英语每个句子至少包含一种时态,如果不让学生总结每种时态的构成式,学生很难学会造句,从而就会感到学习困难,甚至厌学。教学本教材时,我认为先学习教材中的句式,再通过句式中渗透的语法内容总结出其规律,然后让学生记住这一规律,并能够运用这一规律造出新的句子。采取这种“先……再……然后……”的模式,学生会越练越想练,越说越想说,从而对学习英语产生兴趣。如:含有实义动词的“一般现在时”,其构成规律是:“主语加动词原形……”或“主语第三人称单数加动词第三人称单数形式……”。如:I like English. He likes English.当谓语动词部分中,含有助动词do或does时,谓语动词一律用原形。如:I don'tlike English.He doesn't like English.Do you like English? Does he like English?Don't be late!等等。如果把含有实义动词的“一般现在时”,改为“一般过去时”,除时间状语作相应的变化外,在陈述句的肯定句中,实义动词一律用过去式,没有人称和数的变化。如果在否定句中和疑问句中,只把助动词do或does改为did,而实义动词一律用原形。如:陈述句的肯定式:He helped me yesterday.They came back home last week.陈述句的否定式:“He didn't help me yesterday.They didn't come back home last week.一般疑问句:Did he help you yesterday? Did they come back home last week?如果把含有实义动词的“一般现在时”,改为“一般将来时”,除时间状语要用表示将来的时间外,谓语部分一律用will/shall或am/is/are going to 加动词原形(进行时或其它形式表示将来的除外),只是在疑问句中把will/shall或am/is/are提到主语之前。在陈述句的肯定式或否定式中,把will/shall放在主语之后。如:陈述句:He walks to school every day.He won't walk to school tomorrow.He is going to ride to school tomorrow.一般疑问句:Will he walk to school tomorrow?ls he going to ride to school tomorrow?等等。如果将主动语态的“一般现在时”改为被动语态的“一般现在时”,主动语态的宾语变成被动语态的主语,主动语态的主语要变成被动语态介宾或省略。如:主动语态:We learn English.→被动语态:English is learnt (by us)。不论是主动语态中的各种时态还是被动语态中的各种时态,都分别进行总结归纳,使其简单化,使学生感到英语有规律可寻,能走一些捷径,提高了效率,同时也提






1.where引导的定语从句:从句前应有一个表示地点的名词作先行词,先行词在从句中必须充当状语。地点状语从句则没有表地点的名词充当状语。如:Go back to the village where you came from.(定语从句);Go back where you came from.(状语从句)

2.在抽象名词answer,belief,fact,hope,idea,news等词之后可用that引导同位语从句。同位语从句引导词无意义,不充当成份,不可省略。如:I had no idea that you were here.同位语从句与其说明的名词或代词应为同一内容,同位语从句前一般没有逗号。关系代词that引导的定语从句,先行词即可指人又可指物,在从句中作主语或宾语。在讲清楚的基础上,反复练习,用此方法来达到突破难点的目的。

4.冀教版hello教学设计 篇四

Section one

Step I. Greeting and speech time

Let one of the Ss give his/her speech in the front of class.

Step II. Go over the new words.

1. Listening to the tape of vocabulary and let the Ss read following it twice.

2. Have a dictation to the following words.

important ones: whisper, literature, eagle, feather, swan, beauty, muddy, peace,

sharp, familiar, identity, somehow, press, bite, expectation, statement,

content, entire, respond, material, challenge, vocabulary

Step III. Pre-reading

1. Read through the whole text and let them do the following simple questions 伴读P72

Answer the following questions.

A. Why did the girl walk into the forest one day?

B. What is the purpose of the eagle?

C. What is the purpose of the hawk?

D. What is the purpose of the hummingbird?

E. What is the purpose of the swan?

F. Did the girl find her dreams?

G. What was the dream of the girl?

2. Help the students identify the theme in this story.

Read the text more carefully and then answer the following questions.

1) What is the underlying idea?

2) What is the story trying to tell us?

3) What is the symbolic meaning?

4) What do the characters or the evens in the story stand for in the real world?

Possible answers:

1) a difficult journey

2) persistence

3) patience

4) Identifying one’s purpose in life and finding yourself and who your are.

Step IV. Language points

1. Deep into the forest

2. There is no hesitation in their flight. (There is no hesitation…)

3. fly away/ fly by /fly over

4. still 的各种含以及用法

5. from + 介词短语 :from within her heart

Section Two

Step I. Build your comprehension

1. Ask the Ss to do brain-storm: what can you see in the forest?

What can you hear in the forest?

What can you feel in the forest?

Then collect the answers to enrich their vocabulary.

2. Finish the questions (见课本58页)

Step II. Build your vocabulary

1. Finish the exercise on P58.1

2. Lead the Ss to understand the rule of forming new words by adding Adv. Suffix “ly”.

Step III. Listening skills

Listening to the tape and finish the questions 课本59页

(Answers: a. a. a. b)

Step IV. Speaking skills

1. Giving out some expressions of making suggestions.

(If you want to…? / Do you like…? / Are you interested in…? / I would like you to…/ You’d better…)

2. Asking the Ss to give suggestions in order.

3. Let the Ss work in pairs to form dialogues.

Section Three

Step I. Let Ss read the text content (课本61页).

Step II. Lead them to the conclusion of the following rules:

1. ability: can / could/ be able to

2. request & permission: can / could / may/ might / must not / shall / will / would

3. duty & obligation: should /ought / must / have to

4. intention: will / would / shall / should

5. possibility & prediction: may / might / can / could / must / will / would / ought

Step III. Exercise


1. You ________ work harder if you want to succeed.

2. ________ I have some more tea?

3. Where ________ it be? It ________ be in your desk.

4. Who ________ it be? It ________ not be the headmaster for he is now attending a meeting.

5. I ________ read English very fluently.

6. He ________ swim across the channel when was only 12.

7. It ________ rain at any moment.

8. Listen! It ________ be mother back. Let’s hurry up.

9. It ________ not be him, but I am not sure.


1. You might just as well tell the manufacturer that male customers ________ not like the design.

A. must B. shall C. may D. need

2. How ________ you say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only part of the article?

A. can B. must C. need D. may

3. My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared. Who ________ have taken it?

A. should B. must C could D. would

4. -Is John coming by train?

-He should, but he ________ not. He likes driving his car.

A. must B. can C. need D. may

5. I heard they went skiing in the mountain last winter.

It ________ true because there was little snow there.

A. may not be B. won’t be

C. couldn’t D. mustn’t be

6. I hear you’ve got a set valuable Australian coins. ________ I have a look?

A. Do B. May C. Shall D. Should

Step IV. Let the Ss analyze several sentences to help them make clear about the sentence


1. In Africa I met a boy,who was crying as if his heart would break and said,when I spoke to

him,that he was hungry because he had had no food for two days.

分析: 第一,拆分句子:这个长句可以拆分为四段:In Africa I met a boy/who was crying as if his heart would break/when I spoke to him,that he was hungry because/he had had no food for two days.

第二,句子的结构分析:(1)主干结构是主语+过去式+宾语:I met a boy…。(2)crying后面是壮语从句“as if his heart would break”。(3)“when I spoke to him”是介于“said”和“that he was hungry because”之间的插入语。

2. There was little hope of continuing my inquiries after dark to any useful purpose in a neighborhood that was strange to me.

分析: 该句可分为三部分:There was little hope/continuing my inquiries after dark to any useful purpose/in a neighborhood that was strange to me.

Section Four

Step I. Introduction of background information of the woman writer.




Step II. Check of understanding

1. How would you feel if you were a Chinese person born in the USA?

2. Are you still Chinese when you don’t know any Chinese?

3. Why do you think the author simply denied that she was Chinese?

4. What is it that drives her to go back to her roots?

5. Toward the end of the story, do you think the author comes to see that she is Chinese? Why or why not?

Step III. Difficult points

1. take off

2. feel my excitement rising

3. cannot be helped

4. I was about as Chinese as they were

5. someday

6. with引导的伴随状语

7. if only / only if

8. as though / as if

Step IV. Language points

1. be worth doing / sth. be worth while doing / to do sth.

It’s worth seeing / hearing / reading值得一看/一听/一读

be worth notice / the trouble 值得注意/费点事

It is worth while the place.这地方值得参观。

The problem is worth .这个问题值得讨论一下。

比较:上面两句中的主语, worth 前面的主语是名词或代词, 后面的动名词其逻辑宾语是句子的主语, 这是一种用主动式表达被动式的一种句型。worth while 前面的是It 是形式主语。

2. close to:

Our house is quite close to the town center.

Don’t get close to the falling building.

They were standing close to each other.

第一句中的close 是______ 词.二三句中的是______ 词.

The two things are closely interconnected.这两个事物是相互紧密地联系在一起的。


3. follow


The children followed their mother into the room.

We shall follow closely the latest advance of the subject in the world. We followed the road to the top of the hill.

I didn’t follow his line of reasoning.

The soldiers must follow the officer’s orders.

Please follow the instructions on the packet when you take the drug. Disease often follows war.

4. cannot help but 不能不,不得不 can’t help 情不自禁地做某事

One cannot help but be struck by the enthusiasm of the representatives present.


I cannot help doing so under these circumstances.在这样的情况下我不得不这样做。

比较上面两句话,can’t help but 后面接__________ , can’t help 后接的是____________ .

It can’t be helped. 这是没办法的.

5. go through

to go through two stages (时期,阶段)

These countries have gone / been through too many wars.

上面两句中go through 意思是______________

The law has gone through Parliament(议会).

Their plans went through.他们的计划得到了批准。

You should go through the official channels to get help instead of through private relationship.


归纳上面句子中go through的意思:

6. as though = as if ( means in a way that suggests that something is true )

The animal was walking as though it had hurt its leg.这动物走路的样子好像伤了腿似的。

She looked as if she’d been crying. 她看上去好像哭过.

He shook his head as if to say no.

7. similar 相似的, 类似的

My new dress is similar to the one you have.我的新衣服和你的那件相似。

be similar to

比较:familiar 熟悉的,熟知的

Are you familiar with this type of car? 你熟悉这种型号的汽车吗?

Are you familiar with the rules of baseball? 你熟悉棒球规则吗?

He is familiar with Chinese ancient history.他通晓中国古代史。

be familiar with 表示 ________ 对________ 熟悉.

Those plants are familiar to me.

The history of Tang Dynasty is quite familiar to him.

be familiar to

8. doubt 学习下列例句,归纳doubt 的用法

I doubt whether/if he is at home.我看他不一定在家。

I do not doubt that he can recite it.我相信他能把它背下来。

Can you doubt that he will win? 你不相信他会获胜吗?

I doubt what he said.我不相信他说的话。

9. intend vt.想要, 打算, 意指, 意为

We intend to go. They intend going. You intended that she go.

intend 后接_______和_________ 意思一样 , 如果接从句,从句中的谓语动词用_________.

intend...for 打算供...使用;打算使...成为;

The book is intended for beginners.本书是为初学者编写的。

The parent intended their daughter for a doctor . (翻译)

10. regard...as...把...视为; 认为...是

You can’t regard him as a friend but a business associate.


‘Titanic’ .


At that time the ship’Titanic’was regarded as unsinkable.


regard ... as ... 后面可接名词或 .


He challenged me to play another tennis game.他向我挑战要我跟他再打一场网球。

I challenged him to a game of chess.我邀他跟我下棋。

向...挑战的句型为 其中的to 后接动词时,是不定式符号, 接名词时to为介词。

12. purpose

What is your purpose in doing that? 你做那件事的意图是什么?

set the purpose for 为...确立目标 When you read , you must set the purpose for reading.

on purpose 故意地;为了;特地

I came here .我特地来这里看你。

for/with the purpose of ; 为的是; 为了....起见; 为了...的目的

He went to town .


13. more than


I have been there more than once.

More than one student has been to the Great Wall in our class.

Reading is more than rapidly running one’s eyes over the words.

My English teacher is more than a teacher, he is also my friend.

前两句中的more than 意思是 ;后面两句中的more than 意思是 。

Step IV. Homework

5.冀教版hello教学设计 篇五

2. the usage of adj. and adv.

3. a dialogue about how to take a taxi

Teaching goals: 1: remember the mastery words

2. learn the difference of slow and slowly; quick and quickly

3. understand the meaning of the text

Key points: the usage of slow and slowly; quick and quickly

Difficult points: the usage of adj. and adv.

Teaching aids: word cards, audiotape, flashcard, slide projector

Type: dialogue

Teaching procedure

1. Class opening

1) Greet the students in everyday English. Make sure they can response correctly.

2) Duty report: They can say anything they like to say.

3) Check the homework of last lesson. Explain if necessary.

2. New lesson

Step 1 Lead in

Discuss the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”

Do you like to take taxi? Why or why not?

Have you ever stayed in a hotel? When? Where?

Maybe they have many different answers. Gather them and then say “Today, Li Ming and his friends get to Beijing. They want to go to a hotel by taxi. Danny has a dialogue with the driver. Let’s look at what does he say to the driver.”

Step 2 Listen to tape with the following questions:

Why is Danny scared?

Can Danny speak Chinese?

Can the driver speak English?

Step 3 After listening to the text, discuss the questions with the students. Go through the dialogue at the same time. Deal with the language points. You can use the blackboard or the slide projector. Pay attention to the different usage of slow and slowly, quick and quickly.

Step 4 Listen to the audiotape again and let the students read after it.

Step 5 Practice

Have them read the text for a few minutes and then have them act out the dialogue in roles. Correct their pronunciation if any.

Step 6 Demonstrate quickly and slowly by performing an action quickly and slowly as you say the words. Point out the difference between “ I am quick/slow.” and “I am ___ing quickly/slowly.”

Ask for volunteers to perform actions quickly and slowly. Describe the volunteers’ actions to the class. Then ask the class to describe the actions.

Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make a dialogue about taking a walk on a busy street in Beijing. Let them use slow and slowly, quick and quickly.

Step 7 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”

Work in a small group. Imagine you are a tour guide. Your group members are on a trip to Beijing. Where do they want to go? Where do you take them?

Step 8 A test


1) They eat many _____ . (noodle)

2) Look! They are ________ over there. (help)

3) Be ________ , or we will be late.(quickly)

4) The train is _________ tonight. (come)

5) Thank you for _______ me. (help)

6) They found that lost sheep ________. (quickly)

7) The bike is going _________ . (fast)

8) That old man is walking ________ . (slow)

9) That car is _______ (slowly), but this bus is _______ . (fast)

10) _________ , I can’t go down. (help)

3. Homework

1) understand the meaning of the text

2) remember the mastery words

3) finish the exercise of the workbook

the next reading in the student book

Lesson 18 Tian’anmen Square

Teaching content : 1. mastery words: laugh, fly, hard, quietly, worry, put

2. learn a dialogue about flying a kite

3. some word such as quiet and quietly, loud and loudly

Teaching goals: 1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember the mastery words

3. learn some words of adj. and adv.

Key points: 1. there be…

2. the usage of adj. and adv.

3. some useful words and phrases

Difficult points: the usage of adj. and adv.

Teaching aids: audiotape, word cards, slide projector, a picture of Tian’anmen Square, a kite

Type: text

Teaching procedure

1. Opening class

1) Greet the students in everyday English. Make sure they can response in correct way.

2) Duty report.

3) Check the homework.

2. New lesson

Step 1 Lead in

Ask the students some questions :

Have you ever visited Tian’anmen Square? If yes, when? If no, why not?

Do you want to visit Tian’anmen Square? Why or why not?

You may give them some words to help them.

Step 2 Listen to the tape with the following questions:

What happens to Danny?

Can Jenny fly a kite?

Can Danny fly a kite?

Answer the questions together with the students and then discuss the text again. If they have any question, explain to them. Deal with the language points at the same time. Pay attention to the usage of loud and loudly, quiet and quietly.

Step 3 Listen to the audiotape again and let the students read after it. Give them a few minutes to practice the text. Correct the pronunciation when necessary. Then have them act out the text in roles.

Step 4 Practice

Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about walking in Tian’anmen Square. Encourage the students to use as much vocabulary as possible from this unit (easy, hard, loudly, quietly, many, men, women, children, people). Encourage the students to be active and praise them for talking risks with English! The more they experiment, the more they learn.

Step 5 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”

Work with a parter. Draw a map of Tian’anmen Square. Describe your maps to each other. What are the people doing? Try to use loudly, quietly, slowly and quickly.

Step 6 A test


1) 放风筝 _____________ 2) 玩得痛快 __________ 3) 天安门 __________

4) 看见某人放风筝 _________ 4) hurt one’s arm _________

5) Let’s do sth. ___________ 6) laugh at _________

2. 词形转换

1)We often see boys ________ football. (play)

2) Tom is a ____ boy, he often doesn’t talk with others. (quietly)

3) The street is so busy, but the people like to walk ______ (happy)

4) I can’t hear your words, will you speak ________ (loud)?

5) Let’s _______ the basket on the table. (puts)

Step 7 If there is enough time, do the exercises in activity book.

Step 8 Summary

Today we learn a text about Li Ming and his friends. They are flying kites. There are so many people on the Tian’anmen Square. Some people are loud and some are quiet. After class you should understand the meaning of the text and try to use loud, loudly, quiet, quietly correctly.

3. Homework

1) understand the meaning of the text

2) remember the mastery words

3) finish the activity book in lesson 18

the next reading

Lesson 19 The Palace Museum

Teaching content: 1. mastery words: sky, film, camera, picture, smile, break, tail

2. a dialogue about taking pictures

3. some useful words

Teaching goals: 1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember the mastery words

3.master the usage of some words and phrases

Key points: 1. express taking a picture

2. ask permission to do sth.: May I …?

Difficult points: 1. express what you see

2. express taking a picture

Preparations: a picture of the Palace Museum, a camera

Teaching aids: audiotape, pictures, a camera, flashcards and slide projector

Type: dialogue

Teaching procedure

1. Opening class

1) Greet the students in everyday English and make sure they can response correctly.

2) Everyday report in English.

3) Check the homework and explain if necessary.

2. New lesson

Step 1 Lead in

Discuss the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”

Have you ever been to the Palace Museum? If yes, when?

What do you know about the Palace Museum?

Do you want to live there? Why or why not?

Today Li Ming and his friends go to the Palace Museum. The weather is fine. The palace is red and yellow. It’s beautiful. They take some pictures there. Now let’s join them.

Step 2 Listen to the tape of the text with the following questions:

What happens to Jenny?

What’s wrong with Danny’s nose?

What do they do for Danny’s nose?

What’s wrong with Danny’s tail?

After listening, discuss the questions with the students. Make sure they understand the whole text. Deal with any language point at the same time. Pay attention to the usage of the following words: sunny, help sb. (to) do sth., careful, fall, break

Step 3 Listen to the audiotape again and let them read after it.

Step 4. Have them read the text for a few minutes and then ask some students to act out the dialogue in roles. Pay attention to their pronunciation.

Step 5 Practice

Divide the class into small groups. Ask them to make up a dialogue about visiting the Palace Museum. Encourage the students to use much new vocabulary as they can.

Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about taking pictures. Encourage the students to use as much vocabulary from this unit as possible (camera, picture, easy, hard, help, hurt, loudly, quietly, many, everyone, men, women, children, people, quickly, slowly)

As the students work on this dialogue, take real pictures of each group with your camera. Later make a poster of these photos to put up in class. Do this as a class project! Help the students write English sentences under each photograph to describe the action.

Step 6 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”

In a small group, write a dialogue about taking pictures. Where are you taking pictures? What funny things happen?

Step 7 A test


1) Can you sing? Yes, it’s e_______ .(容易)

2) Working out the problem is h______ . (难)

3) He b_______ that glass , look! He is crying. (打坏)

4) Don’t w________ , the classmates all help you. (着急)

5) Bad luck! He f________ off his bike. (掉下来)

6) Now Tom is putting the f______ in his c________ . (装胶卷)

Step 8 exercise

If time permits, do some exercises in activity book.

3. Homework

1) understand the meaning of the text

2) remember the mastery words

3) finish the activity book of lesson 19

read the next reading in lesson 20

Lesson 20 Let’s Write Home

Teaching content: 1. mastery words: letter, dear, dad, soon, bottom, address, stamp

2. a text about writing a letter

3. some useful expressions

Teaching goals: 1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember the mastery words

3. find and use the list of mastery vocabulary in lesson 24

Key points: learn how to write a postcard

Learn how to write an envelope

Difficult points: write a letter

Preparations: postcards, letters, envelopes

Teaching aids: audiotape, postcards, envelopes, letters

Type: text

Teaching procedure

1. Opening class

1) greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly.

2) Everyday report in English

3) Check the homework and explain something when necessary.

2. New lesson

Step 1 Lead in

Ask the following questions: Have you ever write a letter in Chinese?

Do you know how to write a letter in English?

Where do you put the address?

Where do you put the stamp?

Today we will learn how write a English letter.

Step 2 Listen to the tape of a letter. Then look through the text together with the students. Show the students some letters and envelopes and let them know how to write a letter. Learn the words: top, bottom, left and right. Show a letter to the students when explaining.

Step 4. Use objects in the classroom-such as the blackboard, a door or a window-to demonstrate top, left, right, bottom and corner. Ask for volunteers to show you the top, left, right and corner of objects in the classroom.

Step 5 practice

Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about buying postcards. Why are they buying postcards? Who do they buy them for?What pictures do the postcards have?

Step 6 Play a game

Play “Opposites” with the new vocabulary and other vocabulary.

Step 7 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”

Make a postcard. Draw a picture on it. Include a place for writing a note, for the address and for the stamp. Write to a classmate. Do you know his or her address? Ask!

Step 8 If time permits, do some exercises in the activity book.

3. Homework

1) the remaining activities in the activity book

the next reading in the student book

Lesson 21Sending an E-mail

Teaching content: 1. mastery words: send, e-mail, show, welcome

2. a dialogue about sending an e-mail

3. an English song

Teaching goals: 1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember the mastery words

3. some useful words and phrases

Key points: how to ask for help and how to send an e-mail

Difficult points: learn how to send an e-mail

Preparations : a postcard, a letter

Teaching aids: audiotape, slide projector, a postcard, a letter

Type: dialogue and song

Teaching procedure

1. Opening class

1) Greet the students in everyday English and make sure they can response correctly.

2) Duty report

3) Check the homework and explain something if necessary.

2. New lesson

Step 1 Lead in

Ask the following questions: Do you have a computer?

Where can you buy one?

Do you use e-mail?

Who do you like to send e-mail to?

Today we will learn a short dialogue about sending an e-mail.

Step 2 Listen to the tape with the following questions:

When will Danny go home?

Who does Danny send an e-mail to?

Where does Danny send his e-mail?

Answer the questions and discuss the dialogue with the students. Deal with the language points at the same time. You can use a computer and show the students how to send an e-mail. If they have any question you can help them.

Step 3 Listen to the audiotape again and let them read after it.

Step 4 Give them a few minutes to read the text. Then have them act out the dialogue in roles.

Step 5 Practice

Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about writing and sending an e-mail. Encourage them to use as many different words as they can.

Step 6 Let’s sing a song

Play the tape for the students to listen.

Read through the songs together. Make sure the students understand the meaning of the song. Deal with any language point at the same time.

Step 7 Listen to the audiotape for a few times again and let them sing after it. Make sure they can sing the song themselves.

Step 8 Do some exercises in the activity book.

3. Homework

1) understand the meaning of the dialogue

2) learn to sing the song

3) finish the remaining exercises in activity book

the next reading

Lesson 22 The Great Wall

Teaching content: 1. mastery words: today, turn, traffic, light

2. a dialogue about visiting the Great Wall

3. some useful expressions

Teaching goals: 1. understand the meaning of the dialogue

2. remember the mastery words

3. learn to use some useful expressions

Key points: 1. follow the direction

2. some phrases: in an hour, arrive in, stop doing

Difficult points: some phrases

Teaching aids: a picture of the Great Wall, audiotape, slide projector

Type : dialogue

Teaching procedure

1. Opening class

1) Greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly.

2) Duty report: they can say whatever they like to say

3) Sing the song learnt last lesson

4) Check the homework

2. New lesson

Step 1 lead in

Discuss the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”

Have you ever climbed a mountain or walked a long way? Where?

What do you know about the Great Wall? How long is it? How old is it?

Encourage them to discuss the questions and give some words to help them if necessary.

Step 2 Listen to the tape with the following questions:

Why is Jenny unhappy with Danny?

Which bus do they take to the Great Wall?

How long does it take them to get to the Great Wall?

After listening, answer the questions together with the students. Learn the text and make sure they understand the meaning of the text. Deal with the language points at the same time. Pay attention to find and look for; in an hour, stop doing sth.

Step 3 listen to the audiotape again and let them read after it.

Step 4 Give them a few minutes to read the text and then have them act out the dialogue in roles.

Step 5 A test


1) Look! Who ______ in the pool?

A. swims B. swimming C. is swimming

2) The cup of coffee is _______ you.

A. for B. of C. with

3) The little girl _____ a new bike.

A. is B. has C. have

4) Does he ______ a computer?

A. have B. has C. there is

Step 6 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”

Work in a small group. Write a song or a poem about the Great Wall. Make a poster for it with the words and some pictures. Practice your song or poem and teach it to your classmates.

Step 7 Activity book

In Number 1, the students can review the direction words.

In Number 2, the students match the correct words and pictures.

Number 3 is a listening exercise on the audiotape as follows:

Listen. Fill in the blanks.

a. Danny: This is a computer. You can send your friend an e-mail.

b. Jenny: This is a piece of paper. You can send your friend a letter.

Step 8 Summary

Today we know Li Ming and his friends go to the Great Wall. They take a no.919 bus to go there. When they get there they talk about sth. about the Great Wall. After class read the text fluently and remember the useful words.

3. Homework

1) understand the meaning of the text

2) remember the mastery words

3) finish the activity book

the next reading in student book

Lesson 23 Shopping in Beijing

Teaching content: 1. mastery words: gift, chopsticks

2. a dialogue about shopping in Beijing

3. some useful phrases

Teaching goals: 1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember the mastery words

3. learn to ask about time

Key points:some sentences about shopping

ask about time

Do things slowly or quickly.

Difficult points: the usage of slowly and quickly

How to ask about time?

Teaching aids: some real things as gifts, some pictures, audiotape, slide projector


Teaching procedure

1. Class opening

1) Greet the students in everyday English and make sure they can response correctly.

2) Duty report: They can talk about weather, friends, family, classmates and so on.

3) Check the homework. Explain if necessary.

2. New lesson

Step 1 lead in

Talk about the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”

Do you like to shop quickly or slowly? Why?

Where do you like to go shopping? Why?

Today Li Ming and his friends go to shop at Wangfujing. They buy many things as gift. What do they buy? Let’s go look?

Step 2 Listen to the tape with the following questions:

In the story, who shops quickly and who shops slowly? What do they buy/

Who will go to the hotel with the panda?

After listening, answer the questions and deal with the language points at the same time. Pay attention to the usage of go doing, with, gift and so on.

Step 3 listen to the audiotape again and let the students follow it.

Step 4 Give them a few minutes to practice the dialogue and then have them act out it in roles.

Step 5 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”

Write a paragraph. You go on a trip to Beijing and buy some gifts for your friends. For whom do you buy gifts? What do you buy? Read your paragraph to your classmates.

Step 6 A test


1) They have a _____ meal. They eat their meal ______ . (quick, quickly)

2) The old man walks _____ . He is a ______ man. (slow, slowly)

3) The family are watching TV _____ . They are all very _____ .( quiet, quietly)

4) The students make a _______ noise. They are talking ______ .(loud, loudly)

5) It’s an ______ question . I can answer it _____ . (easy, easily)

6) Lucy is a _____ girl. She does everything _____ . (careful, carefully)

Step 7 If time permits, do some exercises in activity book.

3. Homework

1) understand the meaning of the text

2) remember the mastery words

3) finish the remaining exercises in activity book

6.冀教版hello教学设计 篇六

1. Mastery words: find, their, woman, point

2. a dialogue about what they see through the train window

3. There is/are…

Teaching goals: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember the mastery words

3. find and use the list of mastery vocabulary in lesson 16

Teaching key points: 1. There is/are….

2. Difference of some words: see, look, watch, find

Difficult points: the usage of some words

Teaching aids: tape recorder, slide projector, word cards

Type: dialogue

Teaching procedure

1. Class opening

1) greetings in English

2) duty report (say anything he/she likes to say)

3) check the homework of last lesson

2. New lesson

Step 1 Lead in

Discuss the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT” with the students:

Look out of the window of your classroom. What can you see?

What can you see out of your bedroom window?

In this part they will have many things to say. Their answers may be different. Gather their answers.

Step 2 Play the audiotape with the following questions:

What do Danny and Jenny see outside?

Can they see a village?

Is there a school outside the train?

Answer the questions and discuss the whole text with the students. Make sure they understand the meaning of the text. Deal with the language points at the same time. The teacher can write the important points on the blackboard or use the slide projector.

Step 3 Listen to the audiotape again and let them read after it.

Step 4 Have them read the text aloud for a few minutes and then let them act out the text in roles.

Step 5 Practice

Divide the class into small groups. Ask them to make up a dialogue that uses loud and quiet. Please read about making up dialogues in “Teaching Techniques.” To make up a dialogue, the students need to think and be creative! Encourage them to use the dialogue in the student book as an example, not as something to memorize.

Step 6 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”

Work with two partners. Write and practice a dialogue. What else do you think Jenny, Danny and Li Ming see? Present your dialogue to your classmates.

Step 7 A test


1)quiet (反义词)__________ 2) read (现在分词) _______

3) bottle (复数) _____________ 4) drawing (原形) __________

5) sing (现在分词) ___________ 6) tree (复数) _________

7) photo (近义词) ___________ 8) woman (复数)________

9) baby (复数) _____________ 10) be (第三人称单数) ________

Step 8 Activity book

If time permits, do exercise 1

3. Homework

1) understand the meaning of the text in lesson 10

2) finish the exercises in activity book

7.冀教版英语新旧教材之我见 篇七

2003冀教版英语教材 ,给人耳目一新的感觉,简洁文字搭配生动鲜活的图片,不仅让学生们,也让教师有了一个新鲜的体验, 同一教材包括教科书、活动手册、教师用书、录音带。2003版教材以话题为主线,每一单元都有一个明确的话题,例如,Know Our World(八年级第二学期), Biggest, Longest, Widest(九年级第一学期),每单元围绕基本的、常用的英语词汇、句型、交际会话等,逐步展开教学内容和实践活动。教材注意对学生综合语言能力的培养和训练,强调以学生为主体的有意义的语言实践活动,为教学营造了轻松愉快、积极向上的学习氛围。此外教材还在教学中安排了大量生动有趣的活动内容,使英语学习变得有趣又容易。这套教材语言信息量大、话题广泛、内容鲜活,富有时代感,例如,The Olympics单元,及时更新了奥运会的内容,既贴近生活,又展现了中西方的文化差异。尤其是活动手册的设计,丰富了练习的形式,也兼顾了不同层次学生的需求,其中教材中大篇的阅读篇目内容精炼,文化背景知识丰富,为许多师生所喜爱。教师用书则为教学提供了详实具体的教学建议。教材 在七、八年级中每学期八单元,每单元七篇课文,一篇复习总结科目,九年级每学期六单元, 每单元也是七篇课文, 一篇复习总结科目。至八年级起,课文内容明显加长,难度加深,活动手册的练习题对学生也是一个巨大的考验,对学生的认知度产生巨大的挑战,差距也由此拉开。七、八年级课时紧张,一天一篇新课文,几轮上下来,总感到课堂很紧张,几乎没有喘息的机会,加之词汇量大,课时进度要求与学生实际掌握的速度很难达成正比,导致在八年级时两极分化加大,阅读材料的增长,导致听力、口语训练薄弱。到九年级,许多学生英语成绩基本定型,基础较弱的同学明显跟不上。

衔接版的教材,也还包括教科书、活动手册、教师用书、录音带。这套教材的语言信息量大, 尤其在Culture Tip, Dig In, Learning Tip等板块中 , 对中西方所涉及的文化、背景、策略、知识等方面做出了大量的扩展,设计话题广泛,内容鲜活,既贴近学生生活,又展现了中西方国家的不同文化背景。2011年教材的改版,在许多方面都有所改进,更加突出了衔接小学为起点的初中英语教材, 这就要求学生在小学的英语学习要扎实。改版之后的教材仍然是以任务为中心的语言学习,采用完成课题式的教学方法, 把探究性学习引入外语学习中, 使学生主动融入创造性的、有意义的整体语言学习中。教材在培养学生语言能力的同时,注重学科知识交叉,适当引入了其它学科的内容。衔接版教材加大了听力训练,在每课时的课堂教学中都有明确的听力训练要求(旧版只在《活动手册》中有明确的听力练习要求), 《活动手册》中配套的听力也安排得很合理。 新版教材缩小了词汇量,就七年级上册来讲,词汇将近缩小了四分之一。课文内容有所删减,七、八年级每学期八单元内容,每单元六篇课文加一篇综合复习, 在篇目上缩减了进度的压力。但课文内容有所合并,有所调整,比如, 在七年级上的第六单元“Let's go”中,把要去的地方与讲话的环境巧妙地结合起来,积极为同学们创设情境,力求把生活带进课堂, 把课堂延伸至生活中去,这样极大地激发了学生讲英语的热情,调动了学生学英语的积极性。新教材在活动手册的编排上也有很大的改进, 七年级上册的练习题趣味性较浓, 符合小升初这些孩子们的特点,在每章节教学授课后,大部分同学都能轻松完成练习, 作业不会是学生们的负担,这样学生学起来也很有劲头。改版后的教材虽然篇幅有所删减,但所学内容没有减少,难度有所增加,对学生的学习基础要求提高了,合理的编排及难度的调整有助于学生循序渐进地掌握所学知识,加之活动手册练习的协助,更增添了学生学习英语的动力。改版教材的高效性、趣味性、实用性也增添了我们教 育工作者对工作的好奇心、创造性以及发挥自我发挥的主体性。

在此,还有一点个人建议。如此好的教材,如果配以更为先进的影像资料和同步的更加丰富的材料,是不是会更好? 毕竟老师个人的能力是有限的。一个知识再丰富的人,也会存在知识上的误区和不解。要解决这一问题,我认为上级教育主管部门最好能给基层教师配全与教材配套的相关资料,最好能以与之相匹配的教学手段相配套。比如, 教材中涉及文化方面的知识,有了这些素材,老师就可以结合资料来用事实说话;若谈到人物,教师可以用有相关的资料直观地展示给学生;若遇到地理问题,就可以用相关的地理知识来拓展学生的视野和思维,等等,这样既可以拓宽学生的知识面,又可以增加课堂的趣味性,肯定会取得超乎寻常的效果。

8.冀教版hello教学设计 篇八

摘 要:冀教版小语教材的整体设计、内容选择都体现着新课程标准的思想、理念。阅读教学要创造性地使用教材,把握单元教学的整体性,加强单元教学的整合;以读为本,实现教师、学生、文本的对话互动;尊重学生对文本的独特理解与感受;阅读要抓住感受点开掘、品味、感悟。


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