


1.英语自我介绍对话形式 篇一


I’ve been working in ABC company for the past two years as a computer engineer.


I’ve just graduated from ABC University.


I was an accounting trainee and eventually become a manager.


My major is computer. I went in for the development of software after graduation.


2.英语作文(对话形式) 篇二

A: Oh, my god!I’m nearly driven mad by my mother.B: What’s wrong with you? A: You know we will go on a field trip to a hotel this summer vocation and next term.But my mother insists that I should not go.Although try my best, I still can’t persuade her.C: Although my mother doesn’t prevent me from going on a field trip to a hotel, she was worried about me in fact.In her opinion it is not appropriate for a girl to work in a hotel.D: Nearly all the people as old as our parents have a prejudice against hotels.I think there must be a generation gap existing between us.A: I can’t agree with you any more.Now, what can I do to change my mother’s attitude? B: I think your mother doesn’t let you go to a hotel because she is worried about your safety.So, firstly, you should make a clearly description about the hotel’s work environment nowadays to change the opinion in her mind and relieve her of anxiety.D: When you talk with your mother, you should pay more attention to your attitude and tone.You should be calm and show respect to her, looking on her as your best friend.C: You can also tell your mother the opinions most people have to hotels nowadays.I’m sure your mother will understand finally.A: Thank you very much.I will have a heart-to-heart talk with my mother in the way as you told me.Just wait for my good news.

3.面试英语对话:如何介绍个人技能 篇三

2011-06-16 您是第319位阅读者

页面文字: [小] [中] [大]




(1)How do you think of your English?


(2)How do you think of your proficiency in written and spoken English?


(3)I think my English is good enough to communicate with English speaking people.我认为我能用英语和说英语国家的人很好的交流。

(4)What other foreign language do you speak?


(5)I have a good command of 厖


(6)Have you obtained any certificate of technical qualifications?


(7)What special skills do you have, can you tell me?


(8)Have you gotten any special training in...?



(A=Applicant I=Interviewer)


1I: Our advertisement says English competence is a key requirement of this position.Then how do you think of your proficiency in written and spoken English?

A: I have learned English for 10 years, and I have passed College English Test Band 4 and 6.My spoken English is fairly good enough to express myself fluently.I: What other foreign language do you speak?

A: I did self-study of Japanese in college, and I can carry on some simple conversations in Japanese.I: 我们的招聘广告要求这个职位的应聘者应当具有相当好的英语水平,那么,你认为你的书面英语和口语能力如何呢?

A: 我已经学英语10年了,而且我通过了大学英语四级和六级。我能用英语口语把自己的想法流利地表达出来。

I: 你还能说其他别的外语吗?

A: 我在大学时自学过日语,我能用日语进行一些简单的对话。


2I: Have you obtained any certificate of technical qualifications or license?

A: Yes, I have received an Engineer`s Qualification Certificate and a driver`s license.I: How many years have you had the driver`s license?

A: I have two years driving experience.I: That`s good.What special skills do you have, can you tell me?

A: I have experience in computer operation,proficiency in Microsoft Windows,Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel.I: What computer languages have you learned?

A: Visual C++, C and Delphi.I: Have you gotten any special training in programming?

A: No, but I have database programming experience and network knowledge.I: 你获得过技术资格证书或者执照吗?

A: 是,我有工程师资格证书和驾照。

I: 你获得驾照多长时间了?

A: 我已经有两年的驾龄了。

I: 好,那你能告诉我你有什么特殊技能吗?

A: 我有电脑操作经验,熟悉微软Windows,Word和Excel。

I: 你学过哪种计算机语言?

A: Visual C++, C 和Delphi。

I: 你在编程方面受到过特殊培训吗?

A: 没有,但是我有数据库编程经验并具有网络知识。

proficiency 熟练程度;精通 fluently 流利地,通畅地

carry on 进行 qualification 资格

certificate 证书;证明书 license 许可证,执照

programming 编程 datebase 数据库

在叙述个人技能时,如果用揻amiliar with敚 抟庵懈 嗽斐杉际醪还 氐募傧蟆U饪赡苡攵 饺吮冉虾 钣泄兀 媸允币 苊庹庖磺榭觥V骺脊偃绻 誓闶欠袷煜 ++,如果是熟悉的话,还应该恰到好处地回答你用C++做过什么,这是他们最感兴趣的。在回答做过哪些


(1)I can speak English.French



我会讲 英语。




(2)I have received an Engineer`s Qualification Certificate.an Accountant`s Qualification Certificate

a Computer Operation`s Qualification Certificate

a Tourist Guide`s Qualification Certificate

我获得了 工程师资格证书。




(3)I am accomplished in programming.am well up in

am proficient in

have a good command of


4.用英语口语介绍中秋节的对话 篇四

Hello everyone. This is 豆子. Today is our traditional festival, Mid-Autumn Day. All my best whishes to you and your family! Today, I would like share some key words and phrases with you about how to introduce our Mid-Autumn Day in English.

John: Hey Kim. How are you doing?


Kim: Pretty good. I am going to have a reunion with my family today to celebrate our traditional festival. What about you?


John: I am good. I am invited to my friend’s apartment to celebrate your Mid-Autumn Day! Kind of Excited. Are we talking about the same festival?


Kim: Yes! They are the same. I am excited too.


John: Since I was invited, I am interested with buying some gifts. By the way, would you like to give me a brief introduction of this Mid-Autumn Day?


Kim: Sure! It is usually celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of our lunar calendar. It is a time for family members have a reunion and enjoy the full moon—which is the best full moon of the year. It stands for the people’s good expectations including happy family reunion, beautiful things, harmony and luck.


John: Oh, that’s awesome. Is there any legend or story about this festival?


Kim: Of course, a lot of versions. According to old saying, the earth once had 10 suns circling over it. People almost cannot bear the heat from ten suns. Hou Yi, who was a strong archer, shot down nine of the suns successfully to save people from terrible heat. He was given elixir, but his wife drank it and flew to the moon. From then on, to memorize his wife, Hou Yi asked people to prepare the fruit and the food his wife loved to express his love. General people prepare the moon cakes and pray to the moon for their family. So we have the moon cakes for Mid-autumn Day.


John: Oh, I see. I came up an idea. I should buy some moon cakes to share with my friends tonight.


You got it! Have a good time with your friend!


Thanks. Best wishes to your family!



5.英语专业英语自我介绍 篇五


Everyone,my name is ---.I come from ---and now I major in --- in our university.I Do well in--and I like playing basketball .I am very proud to come to this university and I am glad to meet you here.I hope we can enjoy our life in the university together.

Thank you!

6.专业英语 自我介绍 篇六

Good afternoon everyone, It is really a great honor for me to

introduce myself.Firstly, My name is pengcheng.As you know, I am from Shandong province whose capital is jinan.Two years ago, in order to become a good doctor, I came to the Capital Medical UniverCity and recognized most of the people here.In the past two years, I had spent a great time in the campus and learned a lot of knowledge.Two years later, we meet again in the fuxing hospital and recognize some new students.I am enthusiastic and responsible in my Life, but sometimes I will be a little childish.My favorite game is F1.its speed makes my blood boil.My favorite star is Fernando Alonso who is an F1 driver

7.求职英语—自我介绍 篇七



It’s the job interview of your life and you need to come up with something fast.Mental pictures of words are mixing in your head and your tongue tastes like alphabet soup.You mutter words like “deterministic” or “innovativity” and you realize you’re drenched in sweat.You wish you had thought about this.You wish you had read this post before.你现在在一场重要的面试上,要求你快速做出反应。各种单词在脑中搅成一团,舌头就跟打了结一样,你只能咕哝地说些“有决断力”或者“创新能力”这样的词,并且你意识到自己已经汗流浃背。这时你会想,要是之前准备过就好了。你想要是早一点读到这篇文章就好了。

Here are 10 sentences that you could use when you are asked to describe yourself.Choose the ones that describe you the best.以下10个句子可以帮助你更好地在面试中做自我介绍。选择最适合你的那些。

“I am someone who…”: “我是一个......”

1.“can adapt to any situation.I thrive in a fluctuating environment and I transform unexpected obstacles into stepping stones for achievements.”



2.“consistently innovates to create value.I find opportunities where other people see none: I turn ideas into projects, and projects into serial success.”


3.“leads people.I can unite people around a vision and motivate a team to excellence.I expect no more from the others than what I expect from myself.” 3.“有领导能力的人。我可以让人们为了一个共同的目标而奋斗,并且激励一个团队取得成功。我对自己的要求比对别人更严格。”

4.“always has an eye on my target.I endeavour to deliver high-quality work on time, every time.Hiring me is the only real guarantee for results.”


5.“knows this job inside and out.With many years of relevant experience, there is no question whether I will be efficient on the job.I can bring the best practices to the company.”


6.“has a high level of motivation to work here.I have studied the entire company history and observed its business strategies.Since I am also a long-time customer, I took the opportunity to write this report with some suggestions for how to improve your services.”


7.“has a pragmatic approach to things.I don’t waste time talking about theory or the latest buzz words of the bullshit bingo.Only one question matters to me: ‘Does it work or not?’”


8.“takes work ethics very seriously.I do what I am paid for, and I do it well.” 8.“非常注重职业操守的人。我做雇主付钱让我做的事,并且做到最好。”

9.“can make decisions rapidly if needed.Everybody can make good decisions with sufficient time and information.The reality of our domain is different.Even with time pressure and high stakes, we need to move forward by taking charge and being decisive.I can do that.”


10.“is considered to be ‘fun.’ I believe that we are way more productive when we are working with people with which we enjoy spending time.When the situation gets tough with a customer, a touch of humour can save the day.”

10.“一个有趣的人。我相信和喜欢的人一起工作,我们会更有效率。当我们跟顾客有摩擦的时候,幽默感或许能够起到作用,挽救可能会变糟糕的一天。” 两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平

8.英语老师自我介绍 篇八

Hello everyone.Nice to meet you.I’m very happy to stand here to teach you.You know, this is the first time we meet each other, so let me introduce myself to you.My family name is Cheng, and my English name is Mark.So you can call me Mr.Cheng or Mark.This year is my animal year.I graduated from Hubei University of technology.Business English is my major.In my spare time I like listening to music and play ping-pong.In my class, I hope all of you study hard and cooperate with my teaching.I think you will have a happy time in my class.Otherwise you will encounter(meet)a lot of trouble.In my opinion, it’s easy to study English well, but you must do it well in the following aspects.For example, Listen carefully and make notes in my class.Finish your homework on time.You should read, listen, speak and write English everyday.As we all know Practice make perfect

9.英语专业自我介绍 篇九


我毕业于xx大学英语专业.对英语比较偏爱,具备较强的英语听、说、读、写、译等能力;擅长撰写和回复英文商业信函,熟练运用网络查阅相关英文资料并能及时予以翻译。对国贸易事务有所了解,并熟悉国贸单证的制作。通过学校日常培训和寒暑假的社会实践活动,熟悉办公室软件的操纵;精通办公自动化,熟练操作windows xp能独立操作并及时高效的完成日常办公文档的编辑。


10.英语自我介绍介绍词范文 篇十



00年可以说是非常投入的工作,没有什么太多的想法。但是到了01年的时候,不知是那根神经被触动了,突然想到要学点东西来提高自己,也不至于只局限于学校做一辈子老师。于是我下定决心学习英文,作为人生的突破口,但是两次下决心,两次放弃,因为口音太烂受不了同事的冷嘲热讽。本以为人生从此无望,整天闷闷不乐、在无奈中虚度光阴。也许我天生就是一个幸运儿,在我彷徨而又无奈的时候,我的一个女同事来到了我的身边,在她的鼓励下参加了由李阳的学生在常州举办的一个培训班而且是唯一的一期,因为由于没有多少人参加,也就没有再办下去。在那期间我只听了十四节课,大概学了四五十句话。虽然时间非常短暂,但从此激发了我的热情,从那个时候起,我成了校园里的名人,因为我到处都在喊英文,见到任何人都是英文,也不管别人能否听得懂。所以很多同事不再叫我海军,而是叫我crazy man。也有的老师在议论是不是海军受到了什么刺激,而发疯的。有的老师说,要是我们的学生都像海军这样学习,那我们的英语还得了。也的老师在校长面前说难道张海军没有工作?


