


1.潘基文2013年世界新闻自由日致辞 篇一


难度:容易 来源:网络

Secretary-General’s Message on World Literacy Day 秘书长国际扫盲日致辞 8 September 2013 2013年9月8日

More than 773 million young people and adults around the world cannot read this message.They are among the ranks of our fellow citizens who have not yet gained full literacy skills.They may not be able to fill out a job application, decipher a bus timetable or read a story aloud to their children.Two out of three are women who are denied this essential ingredient to full participation in society.全世界有7.73亿以上的年青人和成年人不会念这份致辞。他们是我们的同胞,但却还没有充分掌握识字技能。他们可能无法填写求职申请书、辨认汽车时刻表或大声朗读故事给子女听。其中三分之二是妇女,她们被剥夺了充分参与社会的这一基本要素。

In our knowledge-based era, literacy is a foundation for a more just, inclusive and sustainable world.It can advance all the Millennium Development Goals.Literacy enables people to gain access to information to improve their health and nutrition, widen their livelihood options, cope with environmental change and make informed choices.在我们这个立足于知识的时代,识字是实现一个更加公平、更具包容性和更可持续世界的基础。识字可以推动各项千年发展目标,可以使人们获取信息,改善自身的健康和营养,可以拓宽谋生手段,应对环境变化和作出明智的选择。

When we invest in learning and literacy, we invest in human dignity, development and peace.That is why I launched the Global Education First Initiative, which focuses on ensuring that every child can go to school.Worldwide at least 250 million primary-school–age children cannot read, write or count.Half of these girls and boys never make it to school or are pushed out before their fourth year.Another 200 million adolescents, including those who completed secondary school, do not have basic literacy skills--and so our initiative also focuses on improving the quality of education as well as fostering global citizenship.当我们为学习和识字进行投资时,我们是在投资于人的尊严、发展与和平。这就是我启动“教育第一全球倡议”,确保每名儿童都能上学的目的。全世界至少有2.5亿小学学龄儿童不会读写或计算。其中半数男孩和女孩根本没机会上学,或还没有上到四年级就辍学了。另有2亿青少年,包括上完中学的人没有掌握基本的识字技能-因此,我们的倡议还侧重于提高学习质量,以及培养全球公民。

I urge all countries to make education and literacy national priorities and to work with partners across society to advance these goals.By promoting literacy, we can help millions of people write their own chapter of opportunity in their lives and our common future.我敦促所有国家将教育和识字作为国家优先事项,与社会各界伙伴共同努力推动这些目标。通过促进识字,我们可以帮助数以百万计的人书写他们人生的机会篇章,并书写我们共同的未来。

2.潘基文2013年世界新闻自由日致辞 篇二

May, 2010



This year’s observance of World No Tobacco Day focuses on “Gender and tobacco, with an emphasis on marketing to women”.今年世界无烟日活动的主题是“两性与烟草——关注针对女性的促销行为”。

Although fewer than 1 out of 10 women are smokers, that still adds up to an estimated 200 million women around the world.Moreover, that number could grow, since the tobacco industry is spending heavily on advertisements that target women and associate tobacco use with beauty and liberation.虽然只有不到十分之一的女性吸烟,但这仍使全世界女烟民人数近达两亿。而且,由于烟草企业花巨资制作针对女性的广告,将烟草与美丽和妇女解 放挂钩,这一数字还有可能增长。

According to a recent study by the World Health Organization(WHO), the number of girls and boys who smoked was about equal in half the 151 countries surveyed.This finding is even more worrisome since young people who smoke are likely to continue in adulthood.世界卫生组织近期对151个国家的调查显示,有一半国家,男孩和女孩的吸烟人数不相上下。由于青少年在成年后很可能继续吸烟,这一结果越发 令人担忧。

Evidence indicates that the prevalence rate of tobacco use among women is on the rise in some countries.Governments everywhere must take action to protect women from tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship, as stipulated in the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.有证据表明,一些国家妇女烟草使用率在上升。各国政府必须采取行动,根据《世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约》的规定,保护妇女远离烟草广告、促销和赞助活动。

The Convention also calls on Governments to protect women from second-hand tobacco smoke — especially in countries where women feel powerless to protect themselves and their children.As WHO data show, of the 430,000 adults who die each year from second-hand smoke, nearly two thirds are women.这项公约还呼吁各国政府保护妇女远离二手烟雾,在妇女感觉无力保护自己和子女的国家尤应如此。世界卫生组织的数据显示,在每年因二手烟雾死 亡的60万人当中,近三分之二为妇女。

Around the world, more than 1.5 million women die each year from tobacco use.Most of these deaths occur in low-and middle-income countries.Without concerted action, that number could rise to 2.5 million women by the year 2030.在世界各地,每年有超过150万妇女死于烟草使用。其中大多数死亡发生在低收入和中等收入国家。如果不采取协调一致的行动,到2030年,这一数字将可能达到250万。

3.潘基文2013年世界新闻自由日致辞 篇三



4.世界新闻自由日致辞 篇四














5.潘基文伦敦奥林匹克休战致辞 篇五

2013-05-23 13:22 来源: 巨人网·英语作者: 佚名

 [标签:英文双语演讲致辞伦敦]


The tradition of an Olympic Trucebegan in ancient times to allow safe passage for athletes travelling to the Games.This resulted in an environment where the true spirit of the Olympic Games was on display: peaceful competition among nations, feats of individual excellence.奥林匹克休战传统始自远古时代,意在让运动员安全前往奥运会。这创造了显示出奥运会真正精神的环境:国与国之间和平竞争,个人的卓越表现。

Today, sports and events such as the Olympic and Paralympic Games break down barriers by bringing together people from all around the world and all walks of life.The participants may carry the flags of many nations, but they come together under the shared banner of equality and fair play, understanding and mutual respect.今天,体育赛事,如奥运会和残奥会,打破障碍,让世界各地和各行各业的人们聚会一堂。参赛者举着许多国家的国旗,但他们走到一起,高举平等和公平竞争、理解和相互尊重的大旗。

We give meaning to these values through the Olympic Truce, the call for warring parties everywhere to lay down their weapons during the Games.These pauses in fighting save lives.They help humanitarian workers reach people in need.And they open diplomaticspace to negotiate lasting solutions.通过奥林匹克休战,我们赋予这些价值以意义,呼吁各地交战各方在奥运会期间放下武器。战事暂停,能拯救生命,也有助于让人道主义工作人员帮助有需求的人,并为开展谈判,找到持久解决办法打开外交空间。

The Olympic Truce--and more broadly the Olympic ideal--carries a powerful message: that people and nations can set aside their differences and live and work together in harmony.And if they can do it for one day, or for one event, they can do it forever.This is the dream on which the United Nations is built, and the goal of our daily work.奥林匹克休战——以及更大的奥林匹克理想——有其强大的含义:各族人民和各个国家能抛开彼此分歧,和睦相处。如果一天可以做到,为一件赛事可以做到,那就能永远做到。这是联合国赖以建立的梦想,是我们日常工作的目标。

6.潘基文2013年世界新闻自由日致辞 篇六

Speech at the Expo 2010 Shanghai China Summit Forum

Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations

Shanghai, Oct.31, 2010


联合国秘书长 潘基文

2010年10月31日 上海


Your Excellency Premier Wen Jiabao,Distinguished heads of state and government,Distinguished ministers,Secretary-General of BIE Mr.Loscertales,Commissioners General Hua Junduo,Excellencies,Ladies and gentlemen,尊敬的温家宝总理阁下,尊敬的各位国家元首,尊敬的各位部长阁下,尊敬的国际展览局秘书长洛塞泰斯先生,上海世博会中国政府总代表华君铎大使,各位嘉宾,女士们、先生们:

The word has gone forth.Since May of this year, all around the world, people have been talking about a remarkable, even historic, event.They have heard about dazzling new technologies … rich cultural celebrations … star performances by dancers, singers, actors … all enacted on the stage-set of these beautiful and splendid pavilions.And so they have come … here to Shanghai … from all corners of the world.They came to see with their own eyes … more than 70 million people from dozens of countries.And they were not disappointed.To the contrary, they were awed … and inspired.自从5月份以来全世界的人们都在谈论着一件非常卓越的历史盛事,所有这些都在美丽灿烂的展馆里得到了展现,所以他们来了,来到了上海,他们从世界各地纷至沓来,他们亲眼目


The Government of China, the City of Shanghai and the International Bureau of Expositions deserve the highest praise.The Government and people of China have proven your capacity to organize such an important international event of extraordinary expositions.And I sincerely congratulate, on behalf of the United Nations--my most profound and sinciere congratulations on this most successful World Expo 2010 Shanghai!


Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,尊敬的各位阁下,女士们、先生们,At this great world plaza, China has brought nations together… Celebrated global diversity… Inspired the world with feats of architectural design … rich intellectual exhibitions … and a rich multi-cultural mosaic of visitors.在这样一个巨大的世界广场上,中国汇集了各国在一起,我们共同庆祝和展现了全球的多姿多彩,建筑设计的饕餮盛宴,丰富深刻的展览,以及浓郁的多元文化,如此的大融合让世界为之欢腾。

With this Expo, Shanghai has secured its reputation as one of the world’s most cosmopolitan cities.Along the way, it has completed a transformation many years in the making.Let us remember: this is the first World Expo organized by a city in a developing country.在这次世博会上,上海蜚声海内外,一路走来,上海已经完成了孕育多年的转型。让我们记住这是世界博览会首次在发展中国家举行。

And let us credit our hosts for their inventive, futurist theme--Better City, Better Life.This theme could hardly be more timely.After all, we live in an increasingly urban century.Today, more than half of the world’s people live in cities.That percentage will continue to grow.我们也要盛赞我们的东道主提出了独具创新且昭示未来的主题,即“城市,让生活更美好”。这个主题再合适不过了。毕竟我们现在生活在一个城市化不断发展的世界里,现在超过半数以上的世界人口生活在城市里,而这个比例将会继续的提高。

Thanks to this Expo, millions of people learned about possibilities for making our cities healthier and safer--cities that better integrate nature and technology… cities that offer their citizens cleaner air and water, and better lives all around.正是因为本届世博会,数以千万的人民知道,城市是有可能变得更加健康、更加安全的,城市能够更好地把自然和技术融合在一起。城市里的居民可以获得更加清洁的空气和水,享受更加美好的生活。

In other words, this Expo offers hope … hope for tackling the growing challenges of our age of urbanization.换句话说,这届世博会给我们带来了希望,我们有信心能应对城市化时代日益涌现的挑战。

Ladies and gentlemen,女士们、先生们,We all know that cities, today, are under enormous pressure.More and more people are moving into the world’s cities.As they grow ever larger, cities are less and less able to cope.Billions of people live in life-threatening conditions, trapped in slums from which they cannot hope to escape, lacking basic amenities from fresh water and sanitation to basic shelter.我们都知道如今的城市面临着巨大的压力,越来越多的人们现在移居到世界各地的城市里,随着他们的人数不断的增加,城市容纳他们的难度越来越高,数十亿的人们生活条件恶劣,危及生存。他们生活在贫民窟里,无法获得基本的生活条件,没有清洁的水,没有卫生设施,也没有基本的住所。

Cities are also a major source of greenhouse gas emissions.And those on the coasts face the risk of rising sea levels associated with climate change.城市也是温室气体排放的主要来源之一,而那些沿海的城市也在面临着气候变化所带来的海平面上升的风险。

Still, cities remain powerful draws.They are centers for jobs and economic opportunity.They drive commerce and innovation.People flock to them in hopes of finding a better life.尽管如此,城市吸引力不减。城市是就业的中心,也是经济发展的中心,他们推动着商业活动和创新的发展,人们涌入城市,希望找到更加美好的生活。

The Shanghai Expo has given us invaluable ideas for tackling these challenges.We have seen innovations in construction and new uses of natural resources.We have been reminded of what architects and builders can do to cut energy and water use.We more fully appreciate the importance of mass transit systems.And we understand that special attention must be given to the unique problems of the world’s slums.中国2010年上海世博会向我们展示了宝贵的理念,帮助我们应对这些挑战。我们看到了建筑方面的创新设计,我们也看到了自然资源的创新使用。我们通过世博会了解到建筑的设计师和建造者能够为节能节水做些事情。我们也充分意识到公共轨道交通系统的重要性,我们充分理解必须要特别关注贫民窟这一特别的世界问题。

In all this, I hope that China will be an urban pioneer.Already, China is a frontrunner in addressing the urban slum challenge and in embracing green technologies, renewable energy sources and green business models.I look forward to working more closely with China across the sustainable development agenda.在这些方面上,我希望中国能够成为一个探索城市发展的先行者。事实上,在解决城市贫民窟的挑战的问题上,在利用推广绿色技术、可再生能源以及绿色业务模式发展方面,中国已经走在了最前沿。我们期待着更密切的、更广泛的在可持续发展方面和中国合作。

Let us work together towards wiser use of our planet’s finite natural resources.Let us introduce sustainable practices at all stages of production, consumption and trade, from policy-making to the daily operations of small and large businesses.Let us do more to develop renewable sources of energy, and make them affordable to all people.And let us work together to combat climate change, encouraging our cities and towns to vigorously implement mitigation and adaptation measures.These are the core tenets of the “green economy”.And all are essential for achieving

truly sustainable development – development that incorporates social, economic and environmental goals for cities and entire nations.我们要共同努力,更加有效地、明智地利用我们星球上的自然资源,我们要继续宣传可持续的发展方式,贯穿于消费、贸易的各个环节。从政策制定和中小、大型企业的运营方面全面践行。我们要更加努力开发可再生的能源,使得所有的人能用得起。我们要共同努力来应对气候变化,鼓励城镇大力推行减缓和适应的措施。而这些,是绿色经济的核心精髓。这些都是必不可少的,只有这样才能够真正的实现可持续性的发展。这样的发展也将全世界的城市和国家的社会、经济、环境的目标综合在了一起。

In 2012, world leaders will gather in Rio de Janeiro for the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development--Rio + 20.There, we will renew political commitments and seek to identify gaps and address new challenges that have emerged since the Earth Summit two decades ago.I have high hopes for this event, and I invite you to join us.Let us use the lessons of the Shanghai Expo to reinvigorate the spirit of Rio.到2012年,世界各国的领导人将会齐聚里约热内卢,参加联合国可持续发展会议,在那里我们将重新明确政治的承诺,寻找发展的差距,来应对20年以前地球峰会举办以来所涌现的新挑战。我对此会议寄予了厚望,我也在这里对各位发出邀请,我们要借鉴2010年上海世博会的经验,把里约精神再次发扬光大。

Ladies and Gentlemen,女士们、先生们,The Shanghai Expo will soon close … but it will not be forgotten.As you prepare to return home, I hope you will keep spreading the word.The Shanghai Expo – and our own United Nations pavilion – has sent a powerful message to the world.That message is this: by sharing our knowledge, our cultures, and our desire for a better world, we are all enriched … and we can all succeed.Let us keep the Shanghai vision alive in our discussions, our lifestyles and our work.中国上海世博会即将落幕,但是上海世博会的主题我们将会铭记在心,当你们准备收拾行程回国的时候,我希望你们能够继续把这个字眼传播到世界各地。上海世博会和联合国展馆已经向全世界呈现了坚定强烈的信息,那就是“分享知识、交流文化、秉承共同的愿望,建设更加美好的世界”。只有这样我们才能够更加的充实,我们能够团结在一起,我们也都能获得成功。我们要让上海愿景永存,融入到我们日后的讨论、生活和工作当中去,让我们共同努力,建立一个更加美好的世界。

Thank you.谢谢!

7.潘基文2013年世界新闻自由日致辞 篇七


Let us also remember that volunteering can embrace all people, from the activist who works full-time for a cause to the occasional citizen who reaches out when he or she can. Each sets an example of the spirit of compassion we need. Each makes a valuable contribution to reaching our common goals.


The timeless act of volunteering in the service of others has taken on new dimensions in today’s digital age. Anyone with an Internet connection or a mobile phone can make a difference.


I applaud all people who volunteer each year for the benefit of their communities. I am especially grateful to the 7,700 United Nations Volunteers who support efforts to prevent conflicts, help societies recover from fighting, promote sustainable development, assist in crisis situations and carry out numerous other projects for the greater good. Their work has advanced the Millennium Development Goals, and I am confident they will also contribute to the progress on the post- development agenda.

我赞扬所有每年为社区服务的志愿者。我特别感谢7 700名联合国志愿者,他们促进冲突预防,帮助社会摆脱战争,他们推动可持续发展,在危机局势中提供援助,并开展各种项目实现更大的利益。他们的工作推动了千年发展目标,我同样相信他们的工作有助于加快后发展议程的进展。

Founded on the values of solidarity and mutual trust, volunteerism transcends all cultural, linguistic and geographic boundaries. By giving their time and skills without expectation of material reward, volunteers themselves are uplifted by a singular sense of purpose.


On this Day, let us renew our determination to offer strength and inspiration to others through volunteerism.

8.潘基文国际合作社日致辞 篇八

Message on the International Day for Biological Diversity


New York, 22 May


This year’s International Day for Biological Diversity falls in the International Year of Small Island Developing States and is being observed under the theme of “Island Diversity”.


For some 600 million island-dwellers—nearly one-tenth of the world’s population and representing one in three United Nations Member States—biodiversity is integral to their subsistence, income, well-being and cultural identity.


Half the world’s marine resources lie in island waters. Biodiversity-based industries such as tourism and fisheries account for more than half the gross domestic product of small island developing states. Coral reefs alone provide an estimated $375 billion annual return in goods and services. Many island species on land and sea are found nowhere else on Earth. Legacies of a unique evolutionary heritage, they hold the promise of future discoveries—from medicines and foods to biofuels.


Yet, reflecting a global pattern, island biodiversity is being lost at an unprecedented rate in the face of growing risks. Rising sea levels caused by climate change, ocean acidification, invasive alien species, overfishing, pollution and ill-considered development are taking a heavy toll. Many species face the prospect of extinction. People’s livelihoods and national economies are suffering.


The process to define a post- development agenda and the Third Conference on Small Island Developing States in Samoa in September of this year both offer opportunities to attend to the unique needs of small island developing states and reverse the global decline in biodiversity. Because of their vulnerability, small island developing states are demonstrating a growing understanding of the links between healthy ecosystems and human well-being. Many have made local, national and regional commitments to conserve and sustainably use biodiversity, including through ratifying important instruments such as the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization. I call on all countries around the world to follow suit and ratify the Protocol without delay.


Around the world, many innovative partnerships are being forged to preserve marine and coastal resources, enhance resilience to climate change and develop sustainable tourism, fisheries and other industries. On this International Day, let us commit to adopting, adapting and scaling up best practices so we can protect fragile ecosystems for the benefit of all the islanders—and indeed people everywhere—who depend on them.
