


1.写作黄金句 篇一

1. It is important for everyone to learn English well in our rapidly developing world.



同样句型包括:It is important/(necessary, difficult, convenient, possible) for sb. to do sth.

例句:It is necessary to shake hands when you first meet someone.


2. The harder you work at it, the more progress you will make.



①The+比较级..., the+比较级...

②比较级+and+比较级(The world is getting smaller and smaller.)

3. If everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful.



类似的句型还有:If necessary…, they can…

4. The best way to remember new words is to practice them everyday.


5. The atmosphere in my family is fantastic


6. The reason why people choose to live in the city is that the life is more convenient and colorful.


7. I had a great first impression of American people.


8. We have lots of confidence in our ability to solve any problem.


9. With the rapid development of modern technology, the Internet has become a necessary part of our daily life and work.


10. You should read as many books as you possibly can.




2.写作黄金句 篇二


1 主题句的界定及其特征

《兰登书屋韦氏美语学习词典》上将“thesis”解释为“a subject for a composition or essay”[1]。《朗文当代英语词典》上将“thesis”解释为“an idea or theory that tries to explain why something happens.”[6]。然而,在英语写作当中“The thesis of a composition is its main point or its central idea.It is the conclusion that should be drawn from the facts to be presented in the composition.”[2]。也就是说,主题句是包含文章中心思想或致力点的一个陈述句。它类似于中心句(topic sentence),但中心句涵盖一个自然段,而主题句控制的则是整篇文章的展开。



Thesis 1.I had been in the veterinary clinic only a total of four hours before I met a little animal who convinced me that the operation itself was probably the easiest part of treatment.



Thesis 2.English writing,as a very important part of students’general language competence and as a means of expressing oneself and of spreading knowledge and information,is necessary and essential for English majors.



Thesis 3.In choosing a major,a student has to consider various factors,such as personal interest,job opportunities and the availability of training.

2 主题句的判定



Thesis 4.Three passions,simple but overwhelmingly strong,have governed my life:the longing for love,the search for knowledge,and the unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.



Thesis 5.The main steps in the process of heating water by using the sun’s rays are(1)trapping the sun’s energy,(2)heating and storing the hot water,and(3)dispensing the water at points of use.[3]



Thesis 6.There are many movies about friendship.[4]


Thesis 7.Movies about friendship reflect a shift of the definition of friendship from buddies to intimates.[4]



Thesis 8.Living in an apartment for the first time can teach you many things about taking care of yourself.

这不是一个有效的主题句,因为句中的“things”—事情,和“taking care of yourself”—照顾自己,过于笼统,读者会疑惑作者想要谈及的究竟是什么?“你”又是那一类人呢?相比之下:

Thesis 9.By living in an apartment,freshman can learn valuable lessons in financial planning and time management.


主题句的有效与否不仅与句子表达有关,还与作者所掌握的材料有关。试想一个句子如果没有充足的材料支持,充其量也只是一个好句子,而不会是一个好的主题句。另外,在同一题目下往往会产生若干主题句,对某一主题句的选用必定与所掌握的材料相关。例如在题目“My Good Father”下可以提出以下若干主题句

Thesis 10.My father is the kindest man I have ever seen.

Thesis 11.My father is the bravest man I have ever seen.

Thesis 12.My father is the most important person in my life.

在以上的主题句当中,如果作者掌握了大量的材料如:父亲从不打孩子,总是跟他们讲道理;父亲常常帮助邻居摆脱困境;父亲从不拒绝帮助乞丐;父亲向灾区捐钱捐衣,等等。那么thesis 10.将会是个有效主题句。

3 主题句的书写

3.1 书写要求


3.2 书写位置


3.3 书写模式


3.4 书写建议


4 结语





[1]Gerard M.Dalgish.韦氏美语学习词典[Z].外语教学与研究出版社,1997:1345-1346.

[2]Gerald J.Schiffhorst,Jone F.Schell.The Short Handbook For Writers[M].McGraw Hill Inc,1991:337-338.

[3]Mitchell Ivers.Guide To Good Writing[M].Random House,1991:231-234.

[4]杨俊峰.英语写作[M].辽宁大学出版社,1999.215-216 262.


3.连词成句写作教学浅探 篇三



1、词的组合能力。即让学生初步认识什么样词语能组合在一起。如:下册课本67页“读读说说”(《夏夜多美》)中:青青的假山 青青的  ;绿绿的草坪 绿绿的  ;弯弯的小路 弯弯的  。又如下册课本75页“读读说说”(《小壁虎借尾巴》)中:游来游去   来  去。



普通句式:如:下册课本26页“说说做做”(《胖乎乎的小手》)中:我替爸爸  。我给妈妈  。我帮老师    。我为大家     。













4.简历写作的黄金法则 篇四



——突出实习。 突出社团。 学习至上。 勤能补拙。



——突出外语能力。 突出辅修专业。 善于展示自己。



(1) 要疏密有致、主次分明

(2) 控制在一页的范围内

(3) 各种级别的字体要选择适当

(4) 不要使用框格

(5) 不要出现Resume字样

(6) 不要以学校的Logo和名称作为页眉

(7) 不要出现个人隐私资料如(性别、出生年月、出生地等)

(8) 不要贴照片(公司要求除外)

(9) 使用时间逆序


(1) 要使用80g左右的白色或者奶白色纸张

(2) 不要选择彩色打印

(3) 不要使用喷墨打印

(4) 不要使用复印的简历







——突出相关的、高分课程。 突出工作、实习、社团经历。




——你可以展示你参加过学校范围外的学术活动,或者参加过这样那样的培训计划; 如果你没有足够高的学历,但是却从事过通常意义上高学历者负责的工作;如果工作经验丰富,你的简历甚至可以根本不包括教育经历这一部分。


5.雅思写作黄金6法则 篇五

According to universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject.Therefore, this essay will show some reasons of argument for and argument againt.


Firstly, I will discuss about two reasons of argument for to begin with universities should accept equal numbrs of male and female students in every subject because it will be balance of idea while studying. In general, there usually are different ideas between man and woman. These lead to new ideas from different vision will happen. Another reason is it display that have equal of society not eccept in each side. In addition, nowadays, the most societies become to accept ability of both in any way.

Secondly, I will discuss about one reason of arguments against that is some subjects not suitable for each other. for example, some subjects of sports such as weight putting. It is not suitable for female because there are different of body between male and female.

In conclusion, I agree with universities should accept equal numbers of male an female students in every subject. Moreover, it depend on what the subjects that the students want to study, they can choose by themselves because I believe that if the students like to study their subjects, they will do it well so that I strongly agree with this topic.


首先,该同学在语法上的缺陷是致命的,多数句子都不符合英语句子结构的要求,如:These lead to new ideas from different vision will happen. Lead to已经是谓语动词了,后面再出现will happen就是错误的,要知道后一个动词需要采取去动词性质处理:This will lead to new ideas from different perspectives happening 其实这句话也很罗嗦,完全可以改成:This will lead to a wider variety of ideas.

另外一句: Another reason is it display that have equal of society not eccept in each side. 更是无法理解了, is, display, have 及accept 统统是动词形态在句子中出现,但又没有从句将这些动词分开,最终连成功解密过无数学生天书的我也不能理解他究竟想讲什么了。

在中国庞大的考鸭军团中,有1/2以上的考鸭们写出来的英语句子与这位考生写的同样晦涩难懂。如果你的英语句子也存在这样的基本语法错误的话,我的建议是赶紧花上3-4天的时间解决这个问题,然后再move on到雅思写作上。




第二段他想表达的是招同样数量的男女生的好处,第三段要写专业的不同会导致招收同样数量的男女生是不现实的,最后收尾段写道:最终我同意应该招收同样数量的男女生。从上面的两段看下来,最后一段要写的应该是partially agree with the topic 才对―如果专业有较强的性别取向性,那么该topic不成立;如果专业对于两性来说同样的,那么一半对一半的搭配是值得推荐的。


Have your conclusion based on what you have expressed rather than what you have conceived.你的结论来自你的文章内容,而不是你脑子中凭空构思出的。

Band 5

Some people think that universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace. Others think that the true function of a university should be to give access to knowledge for its own sake, regardless of whether the course is useful to an employer. What, in your opinion, should be the main function of a university?

What knowledge and skills should universities provide has been argued for many years. Some people think that the true function of universities provide knowledge for their own purpose, but nowadays, more and more people point out that universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills according to the workplace.

The first reason for universities should provide these knowledge and skill is the students’ needs. Obviously, the most of the students go to university purpose of is to get some knowledge and skills which could make them have the ability to get a job. If a university does not provide these knowledge and skills, the students might not get a job and they would be very disappointed. As a result, the university would lose its students.

Moreover, providing knowledge and skills needed in the workplace makes a university progress. The new skills and information always are initiated in the workplace, so focusing on the needs of the workplace the university could get sound strategies to do research and make it more modernization.

Lastly, providing these knowledge and skills could benefit our country which usually gives a financial support to universities. Having these knowledge and skills, students are more easy to get a job, and this can make our countries’ economy strong.

In conclusion, it can be said that providing the knowledge and skills which the workplace needs is every university’s basic function.


这个题目中有两方的观点:some 及others的,很明显这位考生在后面的论证过程中完全忽视了others的观点,都在一味地论证some 的观点的正确性,于是考官给出的评语是:it does not address all parts of the question.


Do not neglect any part, or you will regret your mark.


二、这位考生在连接词和复杂句型上都表现得不错,可是他太偷懒了,knowledge and skill这个词组一共用了9次,这种高频率的repetition让这位考生付出了比较惨重的代价,所以看者希望你们能够汲取这样的教训,多注意Paraphrase的练习。

尤其是常考的考试主题所可能涉及到的高频单词更是要做好homework. knowledge and skill就属于top 3 的高频考题的教育类,所以这类的词汇一定是多多准备才对,如 expertise, conversance, instruction, competence, aptitude, technique, prowess, dexterity 都可以拿来替换这两个词。


Paraphrase helps you parachute into a higher band.


Band 6

Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe that children who are taught to co-operate rather than compete become more useful adults. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Nowadays, purpose of education being changed in Korea. There are some people who think that competition in children should be made, also others believe that children who are taught to co-operate as well as become more useful adults. There are advantages and disadvantages for both of the arguments.

To begin with, what is good if a sense of competition in children is made? They could develop themselves more and more as they learn and study a lot to win from the competition. To prove this, in Korea, it is popular- even common now- to have a tutor who come to student’s house to teach extra pieces of study with paying a lot of money. They learn faster than what they learn at school. Furthermore, during the vocations, students study abroad to learn English for a month instead of revise school work. If they have experiments such as study abroad, it is one of the greatest plus point to go to the famous well-known high school. Moreover, there are four big school exam and two national examinations to test students’ level of studies. Generally, only the highest 40% can go to the good quality highschools and colleges children learn as much as they can, to win the competition to obtain good quality schools.

On the other hand, as they are busy to enter the schools and study individually with their own tutors, there are problems. They become selfish. They become careless and don’t help others a lot if it is about studies. There will be no co-operations for them. Then, why are there companies for many people to work in? each of them are clever, however, there are weak parts and strong parts for each person. To co-operate is to improve this part. People talk and listen to what others thinking of and learn. That could also be a great opportunity to learn instead of learning alone with one teacher.

In conclusion, I strongly agree with that children should be taught to co-operate rather than compete. Nobody is perfect. People learn together, work together to develop each other. therefore, I want parents and teachers to educate children concentrating on co-operation, not compete and ranking them.


从论证大主题的角度来说,这一篇的最后的收尾是co-operation 更重要的成立的,但是这位考生在文字数量分配上缺乏规划,分配给competition的文字明显多于给co-operation的,这样就给了考官一个非常合情合理的借口扣分,实在是遗憾啊!


If it is your preference, give it more reference.



A quantitative change causes a qualitative change.


Band 7.5

Some people believe that there should be fixed punishment for each type of crime. Others, however, argue that the circumstances of an individual crime, and the motivation for committing it, should always be taken into account when deciding on the punishment. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Fixing punishments for each type of crime has been a debatable issue. There are many arguments supporting both views, those for and those against fixed punishments.

On the one hand, fixed punishments will have a deterring effect on society. Individuals knowing that they will be subject to a certain punishment if they are convicted with a given crime, will reconsider committing this act in the first place. This deterring effect also leads to social stability and security, through minimizing the number of crime committed. If people knew they would be able to convince the court or the jury of a reason for having committed the crime they are accused of, penal decisions would be largely arbitrary. This would result into criminals getting away with their crimes and into a high level of injustice caused by the subjective approach of different courts.

On the other hand, taking the circumstances of a crime and its motivation into consideration is a prerequisite for establishing and ensuring justice and equity. A person killing in self-defense cannot be compared to a serial killer, moving from one victim to the next.

In my opinion and intermediary position between both solutions is the perfect way to establish and ensure justice and equity. There have to be fixed punishments for all crimes. however, criminal laws have to provide for a minimum and a maximum for the punishment and the laws also have to foresee certain cases of exemptions. An example for setting minimum and maximum penalties is Completion Law where a person being held liable of a crime under this law will be convicted to pay a fine, according to the harm caused by the violation and the profit gained by the violator through committing the crime.As for the exemptions, in some countries the law exempts thiefs stealing food during a period of famine taking into consideration the distress and hunger. Also a person killing in self-defense will be exempted from punishment.

这篇7.5分的例文几乎全部遵守了以上6条建议,但是在paraphrase这一点仍有失误,作者应该把penalty早早提到文章的前面替换掉一些频繁出现的punishment, 同时应该多收集点其它的词,如:castigation, penalization, discipline等。


jury 陪审团; penal 刑事的; arbitrary 武断的;injustice 不公正; subjective approach 主观的方法; prerequisite 前提; self-defense 正当防卫; serial killer 连环杀手; exemption 豁免; liable 应负法律责任的; convict 定…罪; violation 违背。

从语法上来看,这篇essay 除使用了定语从句外,还有大量的分词短语作定语,如:

Individuals knowing that they will be subject to a certain punishment if they are convicted with a given crime, will reconsider committing this act in the first place. (现在分词)

A person killing in self-defense cannot be compared to a serial killer, moving from one victim to the next. (现在分词)

according to the harm caused by the violation and the profit gained by the violator through committing the crime. (过去分词)


a person being held liable of a crime under this law will be convicted to pay a fine.


6.写作黄金句 篇六



1.I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for the continuous assistance you offered to me these years.

2.I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to you for your unselfish love shown to me during my preparation of College Entrance Examination.

3. I am writing to express my appreciation for the generous help you rendered to me since I entered this university.


1.On the one hand, your generous help made it possible that I can gain a splendid academic achievement in my study career. It is because of your encouragement that now I can study in one of the leading universities of our country, and serve as chairman of Student Union.

2.On the other hand, with your help, I could get along well with my friends and have good cooperation with other members during work.

3.I will always remember your kindness and painstaking labor. Besides, It is really an honor for me to be your sister and I will cherish the goodwill you showed to me wherever I go.

4.You give me emotional security, care and love and support my study, which is part and parcel for my school days.

5.Without your assistance and care, I can not make good performance definitely. I take this opportunity to express our deep appreciation for the kind assistance you rendered me.

6. Your generous help made it possible that I pass my college entrance examination and obtain the good result. I will cherish the good will and family affection you showed me.

7. Your encouragement is my best drving force. Please accept my most cordial thanks for your best love, which I will always remember.

8. On the one hand, it is because of your encouragement and continuous assistance that now I have obtained a splendid academic achievement in my study career, and serve as chairman of Student Union.

9. On the other hand, with your help, I could get along well with classmates and have good cooperation with other members during work.

10. I will always remember your kindness and painstaking labor. It is really an honor to be your student, and I will cherish the goodwill you showed to me wherever I go.


1.In a word, my appreciation to you is beyond words.

2.In the years to come, I will make more effort to repay your kindness and refresh our family affection.

3.Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind assistance.

4.In a word, my heartfelt gratitude to you is beyond words. In the years to come, I will study harder to repay your kindness and make more progress.


Lovely yours, Sincerely yours, Yours sincerely等

7.写作黄金句 篇七

(一) 《英语课程标准》呼唤三部曲写作活动的开展

新《英语课程标准》对高中学生“写”的要求可归纳如下:能独立起草简单的报告;能根据图片编写简短的故事;能将课文改编为短剧;能用恰当的语言写便条和简单的信函、问候卡;能描述人物或事件并表达自己的见解;能填写有关个人情况的表格;能写出语意连贯且结构完整的短文, 来叙述事情或表达观点和态度。显然, 要达到新课程标准对高中学生“写”的要求:一方面教师要认真用好英语教材中用于训练学生写作能力而设计的各类练习;另一方面, 在高中阶段必须定期开设英语写作课, 教师在平时教学中有意识地系统地加强学生的英语写作训练, 努力提高学生的写作能力。

“词、句、篇”三部曲写作教学方法能够吸收认知法和功能法的优势, 形成适合中学英语写作教学的模式, 并且注重交际性和组织性, 体现大纲规定的教学模式, 通过采用科学的、行之有效的操作, 能够充分发挥学生的潜能。开展“词、句、篇”三部曲写作方法能够很好迎合《英语课程标准》对写的要求。

(二) 英语写作教学现状促使三部曲写作方法的应用

1. 写作训练不受重视。

大多数教师为了追求教学进度, 只对阅读、语法和词汇进行重点讲解, 而忽视了写作教学这一重要内容。学校一般也没有开设专门的英语写作课, 最多只是在每次考试后, 要求学生背诵或默写范文。

2. 缺乏灵活多变的写作方法指导。

一方面, 学生学习英语只是以模仿和背诵为主;另一方面, 教师只是简单提供写作的内容和材料, 很少指导写作方法。

3. 评价方式单一。

大多数教师只注重写作结果, 却忽略写作过程。一般只采用单一的批改方式, 很少采用学生互相批改、相互纠错等其他综合性的批改方式。

(三) 学困生英语写作现状催促三部曲写作方法的实施

长期以来, 学困生对英语写作充满了抵触和畏惧, 感觉是一种无情的考验。历年来学困生的高考英语写作成绩显示了学困生因为没有良好英语基础, 对于传统英语教学方式是不适应的。因为他们的英语基础薄弱, 在单词意思都模糊的前提下, 根本无法正确表达句子, 更不用说篇章结构了。比如, 2013届高三一模考试, 英语题目为“Honesty is the best policy”, 即诚信是最佳准则。有位学困生因为把policy误认为policeman, honesty误认为hero, 结果该生写了一篇文章名为“英雄是最好的警察”, 可想而知这篇文章会是多么的荒唐可笑啊。因此对于学困生的英语写作教学应该从基础的单词开始, 然后过渡到句子, 最后再讲求篇章结构。


(一) 学困生

所谓“学困生”是指智力水平正常且没有感官障碍, 但其学习成绩明显低于同年级学生, 不能达到预期学习目标的学生。他们在知识、本领、品格、方法、体质等方面偏离常规, 智力得不到正常开发, 不可以达到教学大纲规定的基本要求, 必须经过有对准性的教育对策或医疗对策补救或矫治。这些学生往往思考不积极, 注意力不集中, 不善于机械记忆, 不善于语言思维, 不愿或不善于开动脑筋, 常常回避那些较难的习题, 思想上存有惰性。他们的学习要花更多时间和精力, 才能达到掌握知识技能的及格水平。

(二) “三部曲”概念的界定

所谓“三部曲”就是以教师为主导, 学生为主体, 遵循循序渐进的原则, 以“词、句、篇”三部曲 (Triology) ”为形式对学生进行有目的、有系统的指导和训练, 从而达到全面提高学生写作能力的目的。词:英语单词主要分为动词 (v:vi/vt) 、名词 (n) 、形容词 (adj) 、副词 (adv) 、代词 (pron) 、连词 (conj) 和数词 (num) , 每一类词有其相应的用法和搭配规则。常用的词的用法及搭配规则是英语写作的基本, 没有这些规则和用法, 英文句子将会“千姿百态, 漏洞百出”。句:英语句子主要分为三种:简单句、并列句和复杂句。简单句主要有五种形式:主+谓;主+谓+宾;主+谓+表;主+谓+宾+宾补;主+谓+宾+宾。这些句法结构使句子变得有棱有角, 有依托, 能够让我们正确书写句子。英语作文文体主要有:议论文、记叙文、说明文、图表分析作文、现象分析文, 每一种文体有相应的格式要求和相应的句子表达。文体在作文评分中也起到了很大的作用, 不少学生因为审题不清, 导致文章偏题, 往往是因为没有掌握文体引起的。

(三) 对比实验

对比实验研究是一种受控的研究方法, 通过一个或多个变量的变化来评估它对一个或多个变量产生的效应。实验的主要目的是建立变量间的因果关系, 一般的做法是研究者预先提出一种因果关系的尝试性假设, 然后设置对照组和实验组, 通过控制一个变量, 其他条件保持不变, 从而观察变量所产生的效果, 得出相应的结论。


(一) 实验的内容



(二) 实验的对象

在整个年级中, 通过前期测试, 发现14班和15班英语水平相当, 作文平均分数也几乎无明显差距, 故选为实验对象。同时通过测试, 在各班中选取10位英语基础薄弱的学困生, 5名男生, 5名女生。在实验中将14班设置为实验班, 15班为对照班。每周对两个班级进行一次作文训练, 实验为期4个月。


1.实验对比法:对两个班级进行为期四个月的实验授课, 在实验班14班中将“词、句、篇”三部曲写作方法融入英语写作训练中, 而对照班15班则采用传统英语写作教学模式。根据前期、中期、后期三次测试结果显示, “词、句、篇”三部曲英语写作方法对于英语学困生提高英语写作成绩有着明显的效果。对照班15班在经过4个月学习后, 在中期测试中学困生的英语作文平均分进步1分, 在后期测试中再进步0.3分;实验班14班在经过4个月学习后, 在中期测试中该班学困生英语作文平均分进步1.6分, 在后期测试中再进步1.9分。从进步程度上可知:“词、句、篇”三部曲英语写作方法能够在一定程度上促进学困生的英语写作能力的提升, 并且这个学习的过程是良性的, 增长幅度逐步加大, 对于长期学习是有效果的。

2.课堂观察法:在实验的基础上, 笔者通过教学观摩进一步确认实验结果。结果如下:实验班14班的10位学困生在课堂开始时听课比较认真, 在课堂中途愿意动口翻译, 动手书写句子, 在课堂结束时能够基本形成段落。若他们能在考场中写出相应的句子和段落, 那么作文便可以拿到及格分数。然而对照班15班的10位学困生则从一开始的略懂一点, 到课堂中途的似懂非懂, 到课堂结束时的无从下手, 因而他们采取“中式硬翻写作”, 使得文章可笑可气。因此从课堂效果中可以看出:若教师所教授的内容是学生所能理解和掌握的, 是学生认知范围内的, 则学生对学习的内容很有兴趣, 从而能够激发学生去不断练习, 探索, 进步;相反, 若学生对知识点知之甚少, 则学生会逐渐厌恶甚至拒绝学习。因此对于学困生的英语写作教学应该从基础的单词开始, 然后过渡到句子, 最后再讲求篇章结构。

3.个别谈话法:为了进一步确认“词、句、篇”三部曲英语写作方法能够帮助提升学困生英语写作的兴趣和信心, 笔者对实验和对照班级的学困生以及班上其他同学进行了个别谈话, 结果如下:实验班14班在实验前后, 学困生对英语写作的兴趣发生了变化, 不感兴趣的人数明显减少, 逐步转变为略感兴趣和感兴趣;而对照班级15班在实验前后, 学困生对英语写作的兴趣没有发生多大的变化。笔者从与14班的学困生交谈中得知, “词、句、篇”三部曲英语写作方法在很大程度上降低了英语写作的难度, 减少了他们对于英语写作的畏惧感, 使他们敢于尝试着去写句子, 去表达自己的观点, 不再像以前考试中那样茫然与不知所措。在不断练习过程中, 他们对英语写作逐渐感兴趣, 有自信。


根据课堂观察, 个别谈话, 以及前、中、后三次测试的对比实验数据分析, “词、句、篇”三部曲英语写作方法对于提高学困生英语写作是有效果的。“词、句、篇”三部曲英语写作方法不仅使学困生找到适合自己的写作方法和基本写作步骤, 还逐步增强对英语写作的兴趣和信心, 进而提高英语写作能力和水平。这个实验结果给我们一个启示:教师可以在分层教学学校中的后进班级的英语写作教学中, 在前期的基础教学中多采用“词、句、篇”三部曲英语写作方法, 提高学生的写作能力和写作积极性, 为学困生英语学习奠定一定的基础。相信再通过他们自身的努力, 学困生对英语的学习会更加自信和有兴趣, 在长期英语学习过程中, 英语写作能力会慢慢提升。

摘要:根据调查问卷显示, 在英语考试中, 学生最头疼的往往是写作, 并且在此失分较多。对于学困生, 写出一篇通顺的文章更是难上加难。有的学困生甚至直接放弃作文, 致使英语成绩更加不乐观, 久而久之也便失去英语学习的乐趣。因此加强学困生英语写作能力对于提升学困生的英语学习有着重要意义和作用。在此笔者开展“词、句、篇”三部曲写作方法的训练, 即英语写作教学应该从基础的单词开始, 然后过渡到句子, 最后再讲求篇章结构。采用对比实验的研究方法探究“词、句、篇”三部曲写作方法能否促进学困生英语写作能力和水平, 同时采用课堂观察法及个别谈话法验证了“词、句、篇”三部曲写作方法能够增强学困生英语写作的兴趣和信心。



[1]教育部.英语课程标准 (实验稿) [S].北京:人民教育出版社, 2003.

[2]魏恒健.新课程理念下的高中英语词汇教学[J].中小学外语教学, 2007, (2) .
