


1.小学英语外研版练习题 篇一



()1.cake cat()2.chair there

()3.boat coat()4.juice house


()1.A.cheese B.water C.milk

()2.A.went B.watch C.met

()3.A.happy B.beautiful C.hour

()4.A.cheese B.meat C.eggs

()5.A.bottle B.football C.basketball

()6.A.pen B.bag C.Postcard


()1.come back A.快点

()2.give out B.回来

()3.in the play ground C.在操场上

()4.run fast D.跑得快

()5.hurry up E.分发


()1.We______back last Sunday.

A.come B.came

()2.______bananas do you want?

A.Howm any B.How much

()3.TheT-shirt isn’t_______,it’s mine.

A.his B.her

()4.---Can you run fast?


A.Yes,I can’t B.No,I can’t

()5.This man is blind.He can’t_______.

A.hear B.see

()6.---_______did Lingling go yesterday?

---She went to Sam and Amy’s school.

A.Where B.What

()7.There is a programme_______dogs.

A.about B.at

()8.I was hed them_____you.

A.of B.for

()9..----There are six children.

----There are six books._______.

A.There are enough books B.There aren’t enough books

()10.These chicks_______walk.Their mother helps them.

A.can’t B.can


It was Saturday yesterday. Sam, Amy and Lingling went to the park. There were lots of people. Some girls danced. Some boys rowed a boat on the lake. There were 4 old men sitting under the tree. They listened to the music. Amy and Lingling visited many beautifulf lowers. Where was Sam Oh, he met John. He was talking to him now. What a lovely day!

()1.Sam,Amy and Daming went to the park yesterday.

()2.It’s Sunday today.

()3.Some girls rowed a boat on the lake.

()4.Lingling visited many beautiful flowers.

()5.Sam was talking to his teacher.

2.小学英语外研版练习题 篇二

一、Teaching Objectives教学目标

词汇学习一直是整个高中阶段重要的教学任务, 但鉴于学生学习词汇的方式方法并不科学和系统, 本节课设立两个基本目标:1.创设各种语言环境进行词汇教学 (to create various situations for students to study three phenomena of vocabulary) ;2.掌握学习几种词汇现象的方法 (to master some useful ways of learning new words) 。基本原则是做到词不离句, 句不离篇。

二、Key points&Difficulties教学重点和难点

对于词汇, 学生没有形成科学的学习习惯, 习得的方式大多以机械背诵为主, 因而要转变学生的观念, 在一段时间内有一定的难度。本节课创设了三个教学重难点:1.在新的语言环境中猜测词义的能力 (enable students to guess the meanings of new words in a variety of situations) ;2.如何有效地扩大学生词汇量 (enlarge students’vocabulary in three ways) ;3.掌握基本的构词法并加以灵活运用 (master the affixes of words and make use of them) 。

三、Teaching Procedures教学过程

(一) Lead-in

对于一篇新的课文, 传统的处理方式是学生快速阅读, 理解文章的大意。这样往往忽略了英语朗读的功效, 因此, 笔者在课前设计了让学生大声朗读的环节, 旨在提高学生对语言的感觉和欣赏能力, 这对正课的讲授大有裨益。朗读的过程中, 给学生设置任务:完成每一段的主题句。这样就巧妙地将朗读、抓主旨以及单词填写自然地融合, 成功地为本节词汇课的讲授做了合理且有力的铺垫。

Read the passage Simon Wakefield’s Yunnan Diary and complete topic sentences

主题句词汇填写方案 (部分词汇与原文相较, 做了形式上的改动, 部分词则运用了视图效果) :

1.Simon has been in Yunnan for two months and to his astonishment (原文为astonished) , the landscape is fairly varied.

4.The Naxi language was used over 1, 000 years ago and is still in use as the only hieroglyphic language. (use)

5.Naxi culture is particularly famous for its music.At times, the instruments sound (原文为sounded) like women crying.

6.Simon has only one day left before leaving and he can not forget (原文为unforgettable) his stay here.

(二) Conclusion

根据以上任务练习, 引导学生合理总结出几个词汇所体现的不同现象, 并引导其中的典型特点, 如:一词多义现象;一词多性现象;一词多貌现象。

1.polysemy (多义词) :run

2.conversion (转化词) :use, sound

3.derivative (派生词) :astonish, forget

(三) Group tasks&practical activities

根据总结出的三种基本的词汇现象, 让学生以学习小组相互合作的形式, 运用教师给定的 (半开放式) 的不同合作探究任务, 分别展示每种词汇现象的学习方法和运用方式。目的在于让班级不同层次的学生都能在一定范围内学有所长, 可谓扬长教育、因材施教。在每一组展示成功后, 笔者还安排了该词汇现象的巩固练习, 以拓宽学生学习视野, 让学生真正做到在语境中学习词汇。

Task 1 polysemy:firm, bare (one more sentence)


多义词的强化训练 (同一单词应用于不同语境) :旨在教会学生猜测词义的能力, 举一反三。

学生要先从微观层面猜测出不同语境下的同一个词的意思, 然后在宏观层面加以运用与词义拓展。

Practice:situational word:cover

1.The wind blew in from the desert and covered everything with sand.

2.He laughed to cover his nervousness.

3.Your parents have to cover your fees to let you further your study.

4.This lecture covers plenty of aspects of English study.

5.Our school covers an area of some 12, 000square meters.

6.As a reporter, she is keen on covering the party’s meetings.


Task 2 conversion:loose, farm (twins)

一词多性的探究与展示:loose与farm两个词汇的至少两种词性。学生通过造句的方式将同一词汇的两种词性巧妙地展示在同一句话中, 成功完成转化词的整合, 从而在开放创设语境中完成学习同一词汇的多个词性。

转化词的强化训练 (同一单词分别运用两种词性完成规定与开放训练) :旨在教会学生灵活运用语言以及思维切换能力, 同时口语能力再次被强调。

学生要先从1和2两个语境例句中从同义异述的层面转化同一个词的两个词性, 然后在3和4两个翻译语境 (口译) 层面开放式地自由发挥, 达到独自创设语境的语言学习能力的目的。


1.Passed from father to son, the music has not changed for eight centuries, and knowledge of this music showed you were a real gentleman.


2.However different we may appear to be at first, we are all the same, all equal.


3.拥有大量名胜的云南值得游览。 (tour)


4.享受民族文化习俗是生活慢节奏的新途径。 (slow)


这样学生就有意识地、成功地完成了转化词change, equal, tour, slow四个词汇的学习与词性拓展。

Task 3 derivative:fold, adjust (rules)

一词多貌的探究与展示:fold与adjust两个词汇多个词缀 (前缀&后缀) 。笔者要求学生在5秒钟内快速地记下两个词汇的派生词语。学生要在有限的时间内找出速记的规律, 并完成速记要求, 总结派生词汇的法则并加以具体运用。在这个过程中, 笔者结合“树形图”帮助学生共同完成前缀和后缀的功能规律总结。

派生词的强化训练 (家族匹配) :旨在教会学生灵活运用词根和词缀的能力, 同时尽量掌握不同词汇的前缀、后缀与词根的搭配应用。

学生要先根据教师的示范例子, 来自由学习和体会词根、词缀的搭配与实际应用。并将前缀 (通常改变词语的词义) 以及后缀 (通常改变词语的词类) 两种常用规律真实地展现出来。从而培养自学语言词汇和拓展语言词汇的学习能力。教师示例:

—I’m“tradition” (root) .Who is my best friend?

—I’m“-al” (suffix) , I’m one of your best friends.

—I’m“non-” (prefix) , I’m the other best friend of yours.

We are a family, we are non-traditional.

Practice:make up new words


(四) Consolidation

Fill in the blanks of HAPPY’s diary by using correct forms of the three phenomena of vocabulary we learn on the blackboard.


本节课学习了三种基本的词汇现象, 在小组探究练习和强化巩固训练环节, 笔者尽力创设了不同的句子作为语境学习的资源。由词到句, 扩句成篇。高潮部分是教师将自己的游记写成与教材主题吻合的日记形式, 并将教授的11个词成功灵活地运用于日记中, 给学生一个新的语言学习高度, 课后, 给学生的任务也是模仿教师的范例, 将学习的三种词汇现象运用到自身的写作中。对学生来说, 可谓一箭双雕。

HAPPY’s Diary

Vocabulary constantly sounds hard for students to master.This useful lesson, however, is of great help for you, my new students, to run your English learning in a new way.I’m so astonished to see how brilliant you are that I firmly believe you can instantly adjust to the approaches to learning English.Apparently, you have been capable of farming the bare word mountain and of being loose on the road to studying English.You will eventually unfold your wings to fly high in the sky of enjoying charming English, which makes my short stay unforgettable.

(五) Feedback Challenge:Students Are My Teachers!

Offer students space and opportunities to raise questions, doubts, or even voice their disagreement.

作为教师, 笔者力争每一节课都让学生既完成学习任务又可以找到自我学习的价值。因此, 该环节主题设为:学生亦我师。让学生对教师的授课提出肯定、疑问甚至否定的意见和建议, 师生共同探究, 达到教学相长。学生在短时间内将内心的真实反应与教师进行了充分的交流, 并根据本节课所学内容, 提出了两个有关理解感悟的问题:

1.除了本节课学习的三种词汇现象外, 是否还有其他的基本语言词汇现象的存在?

2.派生词汇的常用规律是前缀通常改变词语的词义, 后缀通常改变词语的词类;有没有可能前缀改变词语的词类, 后缀改变词语的词义呢?

通过学生的问题, 笔者很高兴地看到学生本节课的收获:既学到了词汇知识又动脑发散思维, 可谓动眼、动脑、动手、动心, 不仅自己的学习有所收获和提高, 而且对教师的付出给予了极大的肯定, 令人欣慰。

笔者认为这是一堂成功的词汇课, 师生合作融洽, 既有教师的示范作用, 又有学生的自主、合作、探究:课堂整合过渡自然, 环环相扣, 激发了学生对教师授课方式和词汇学习的好奇心, 充分调动了学生探究学习解决问题的积极性。激发了学生的学习兴奋点、抓住了词汇的中心点、突破了以往词汇学习的疑难点、找准了学生学习词汇的切入点、理清了词汇学习的知识点、培养了学生学习词汇的思维发散点、明确了适合考试的词汇得分点、完成了词汇教学课堂的生成点。而且这是一堂气氛活跃、实实在在的语言词汇课:将词汇有意义地融合在多样的语境中、高效率地完成了三个词汇现象的学习、课堂的生成度较高、常态下不乏精彩、简约而不简单、同时又是一节有待再完善的课———个别环节的设计难度偏高, 略微超出了学生的学习理解能力范围, 应该适当调整。整体上发挥了学生学习的主动性, 提高了学生语言学习的综合能力, 更加拓宽了学生学习语言的视野, 让其会学、乐学、善学!

(六) After-class assignment

模仿教师的日记范例, 将学到的三种词汇现象运用到自身的写作中, 并与教师通过电子邮件加以研究、交流。

I’m looking forward to being informed of the fascinating scenery in Xi’an.After paying a visit to a certain place of interest, each student should keep a diary in which they ought to use three phenomena of vocabulary we learn, and email me.

四、Blackboard design板书设计



3.小学英语外研版练习题 篇三


教材所列的生词表中的部分词汇是以前学过的词汇,如:immense, impressed, label等很多单词曾在前8册的词汇表中出现过,在9、10册单词表中的重现更加深了学生的印象,毕竟新教材中的生词太多了。有的词汇是以前学过的,但赋予了不同含义。如:stand 一词,以前学习的是它的动词意义“站立、矗立”,在第10册教材中学习它的名词意义“架、座、台”。再如:以前学过question一词,在第10册教材中学习它的动词意义“(警方)审问,盘问,询问”。有些词汇是以前学过的词汇的同根词。如:前8册学过alphabet,第10册中学习了alphabetical。再如:argue—arguable, imagine—imaginary—imaginable—unimaginable, enthusiastic—enthusiasm等等,举不胜举。这有利于学生有效地复习和拓展词汇。教材中还配有阅读材料和词汇练习,只要教师在教学过程中稍微加以提示,学生们就能既复习了旧知识又掌握了新知识,可谓一石二鸟,一举两得。词汇练习的设计,侧重了同根词的考查和词义的猜测,这也在引导学生如何学习词汇,在渗透一种学习方法和理念并培养学生对词义进行猜测的能力。这体现了教材在编排时注重基础教育阶段语言知识的复现、综合练习和重新认识。 


苏霍姆林斯基说:“当知识与积极的活动紧密联系在一起的时候,学习才能成为孩子们精神生活的一部分。”9、10册教材的文章涉猎范围从国内到国外,从历史到人文,从小说到诗歌,从动物到人物到高科技等等,各种题材、各种话题的文章真实、地道、经典,美不胜收,既开阔了学生的视野,激发了学生的兴趣,又让学生增长了语言知识,提高了对事物的认识和分析能力。第10册Module 2 讲述的是澳大利亚的危险动物这一话题,同时又引入了野外生存、人与动物的和平共处等话题,使学生受益匪浅。在Pride and Prejudice 和 My Fair Lady 单元,不仅有对故事的概述,有对人物的点评,更让人兴奋的是还有节选的原著内容,让学生接触到了原汁原味的文章。

三、9、10册增加了Presentation Skills 部分

这一部分引进了不同话题及表达方法,有效地对学生的口头表达和书面表达作了指导。特别是对话题作文,以前学生面对一个话题,似乎有很多话要说但不知道从何说起。在学完Presentation Skills里的表达方法和表达策略后,学生们知道如何运用所学的语言知识来表达自己的看法了。如第10册Module 2 Presentation Skills,内容为Writing a set of instructions。编者先给出了Activity I : Read the instructions...又给出了Activity II: Tips for writing instructions...最后,总结了write a set of instructions 需要注意的事项。这样学生清楚地了解了如何写 a set of instructions,就能把所想到的东西清楚明白地运用所学的知识表达出来,提升了学生的语用能力,使学生形成了较强的内化语言的能力,促进了语言的输出。

四、9、10册还增加了Language in Use 部分





(责任编辑 周侯辰)

4.小学英语外研版练习题 篇四



once upon a time 从前

decide to do sth.决定做某事 decide not to do sth.go for a walk 去散步in the forest 在森林里

pick flowers 摘花pick up sth.捡起/拿起某物 pick it/ them up

be lost = lose one’s way 迷路eg: She is always lost in Beijing.look around+sb.(宾)看某人的四周look around her/me /him…

notice sth.注意到某物

hurry to + sw.= go to sw.in a hurry 急忙去某地

eg: He hurried to school without having breakfast.9.knock on / at the door 敲门

10.open 开着的adj.closed 关着的adj.eg: The door is closed, but the window

is open.open 打开; 经营 He opened the door and it’s open now.11.enter + sth 进入…… They entered/went into the building.12.finish sth.She finished the food soon.finish doing sth.She has to finish doing her homework now.13.rush out of + sw.冲出某地

He rushed out of the school and rode a bike home

14.be tired 累try(tried)to do sth.尽力做某事

try sth 试某物try it/ them on

15.destroyed sth.毁坏了某物walk into the bedroom 走进卧室

16.very soon 不久; 很快

17.be asleep(形容词)= be sleeping(动词)asleep:【形】一般作表语,表示“睡着了”,强调状态。

go to bed:【动词短】表“上床睡觉”,但不一定睡着,只强调“去睡觉”这


18.in pieces 成了碎片at first = at the beginning of

19.point at / to 指着……

20.There’s the naughty girl.倒装句,原句为:The naughty girl is there.有一个淘气的女孩。There is a naughty girl.21.open one’s eyes 睁开眼睛

22.be around sb.在某人周围The students are around the teacher.23.jump out of bed and hurry out of the house 跳下床匆忙冲出房子

24.without sth.没有某物He went to school without his bag.without doing sth.没有做某事She left without saying a word.without anything= with noting

25..return to sw.= come back to sw.返回某地return= give back

eg: They returned to China yesterday.他们昨天返回中国。

26.讲故事的顺序:First… Next… Then… Finally…

27.and 前后的时态要一致He entered the house and sat down.28.answer the door 开门I knocked on the door but nobody answered the around/over the world 全世界

30..again and again 一遍又一遍change into 变成二、语法。



Did you listen to the news in the morning?

Did you watch TV yesterday evening?


1.Mary__________ her homework, but Mike did.A.didn’t doB.doesn’t doC.will doD.is doing

2.-Did your father work in America in 2000?

-__________ He worked in France.A.No, he doesn’tB.Yes, he does

C.No, he didn’tD.Yes, he did

3.July is the__________ month of the year.A.fourthB.ninthC.eighthD.Seventh

4.Last year a new__________ opened in the city and many interesting movies were on in it.A.companyB.storeC.movie theater D.TV station

5.When I was ten years old, I started__________ English and now I learn it well.A.writingB.teachingC.knowingD.learning

6.-My brother is going to Sanya.-__________Two years ago I went there and had a great time.A.You’ll like itB.He’ll like it.C.He needed to go there.D.It’ll be a bad trip.7.-__________ did you stay in your hometown?

-For two weeks.A.How oftenB.How longC.How manyD.How many times 8.Peter was very__________.He finished all the food on the table quickly.A.angryB.happyC.unhappyD.hungry

9.It’s difficult__________ a house like that, so they wanted a best engineer.A.to buildB.buildingC.to haveD.having

10.Tony is__________.He says hello to everyone.A.strictB.naughtyC.unfriendlyD.friendly

11.-----Laura, we decided ________ on a trip this afternoon.Will you join us?

-----I’m afraid not.I have a composition.A.to go;to writeB.to go;writingC.going;to writeD.going;writing

12.Don’t point _____ others with your finger while you are talking.A.ofB.atC.onD.for

13.Why don’t you _____ your teacher for help when you can’t finish _____ it by yourself?

A.ask;writeB.ask;writingC.to ask;writingD.asking;write

14.The baby _______ in the bedroom.A.asleepB.sleepC.sleptD.sleeping

15.Grandma is ______ in her bedroom now.A.sleepB.asleepC.to sleepD.slept

MODULE9 1.listen to the radio听收音机

2.Teachers’ DayWomen’s DayChristmas

Labour DayChildren’s DayNew Year’s Day


4.ride a bike to sw.骑自行车去某地go to sw.by bike

walk to sw.走着去某地 go to sw.on foot

5.play computer games 玩电脑游戏

6.we had games like chess.like 像

7.watch movies/ films看电影

8.英语人称顺序:你(you),他/她(he/she),我(I)(I 放在最后)

9.visit sb.看望某人

10.near the sea 在海边on the beach 在海滩上

11.travel by car/ train/ …乘……旅行

12.play the piano弹钢琴go away 走开;离开

13.decide to be a(an)… 决定成为一名……decide to do sth.14.a writer of plays and poems 一位作家和诗人

15.some of his(the)most famous plays一些他的最著名的戏剧

17.like watching plays 喜欢看戏剧like doing sth./ like to do sth.喜欢做某事

18.finish school完成学业/ 毕业

19.at the age of …在……岁

20.move to sw.搬到某地

21.join a theatre company加入一家剧团

22.a successful actor 一名成功的演员(success, successful, successfully, succeed)be successful in doing sth.成功做某事

23.start writing plays开始写剧本start doing sth开始做某事

24.on of the most famous writers in the world世界上最著名的作家之一


()16.There was _____ hospital _____ cinema in my hometown in the past.A.not;orB.no;orC.not;andD.no;and

()17.Linda _____ go swimming yesterday;she went to the cinema.A.didn’tB.doesC.doesn’tD.did

()18.-How many brown boxes__________? -Two.A.do you have B.is there C.are you have D.does you have

()19.September 10th is ______.A.Teacher DayB.Teachers DayC.Teachers’ DayD.Teacher’s Day

()20.Why _____ you at school yesterday?


()21.---Where _____ you go last weekend?

---I ______ at home.A.do;stayB.did;stayedC.did;stayD.do;stay

()22.Annwill go to visit England _____ August.A.ofB.atC.inD.on

()23.---_____ Mary work in a hospital in the past?

---Yes, she did.A.DoesB.CanC.DidD.Was

()24.Tomorrow is Sunday.What about _________ to the park to fly kites?

A.goB.to goC.goesD.going

()25.Who writes__________, Jim, Kate or John?

A.more carefully B.the most carefully C.the most careful D.more careful

()26.--What are the students doing?--They are ___________ the test.A.get ready forB.get ready toC.getting ready forD.getting ready to

()27.He__________ in 1998.A.is bornB.is birthC.was born D.was birth

()28.Table tennis is _______ than football in China.A.popularB.popularerC.more popularD.the most popular

()29.There _________ a 3-day holiday next month.A.will haveB.are going to haveC.is going to haveD.will be

()30.I was born____ April 20, 1985_____ the north _____ China.A.in, in, ofB.in, on, ofC.on, in, ofD.on, on, in

()31.I’m glad to hear that he was successful ________ this job.A.in finishingB.to finishC.on finishingD.finishing

()32.He _______ in 1998.A.is bornB.is birthC.was born

B.the most carefully

D.more careful

B.No, it’s Lucy’s

D.It’s Lucy’s D.wasbirth()33.Who writes _______ , Jim , Kate or John ? A.more carefullyC.the most carefulA.Yes, it’s Lucy’sC.No, it’s mine()34.—Is this orange sweater Li Ying’s or Lucy’s? —________.()35.—How many brown boxes________ ?—Two.A.do you haveB.is thereC.are you haveD.does you have

()36.Bob will _____ Mary next year.A.marry andB.marry withC.marry onD.marry

()37.One of the most famous _____ in the world _____Shakespeare.A.writer;isB.writers;areC.writer;areD.writers;is

()38.— Who wrote the play?

5.小学英语外研版练习题 篇五


1、假设你应邀在明天的班会上作题为“How to study English well”的演讲。请根据以下信息写一篇80字的演讲稿。演讲稿开头已给出,不计入总词数。1.早晨起床后、晚上睡觉前大声朗读英语; 2.课余时间多听英语磁带,提高听力技能; 3.不要害怕课堂说英语,多做课堂笔记; 4.有时看一些英语电影或电视剧。

Good morning, everyone!I’m very glad to talk about how to study English well._______________________________________________________________________________ One possible version: Good morning, everyone!I’m very glad to talk about how to study English well.First of all, I think we must read English aloud in order to practice our spoken English after getting up in the morning and before going to bed in the evening.Secondly, we should do more listening practice to improve our listening skills.Thirdly, don’t be afraid to speak English in class.Sometimes we can watch some English-language TV plays or films.It helps a lot.We should also take lots of grammar notes in class and try to write our own sentences.I’m sure you’ll make great progress in learning English.That’s all.Thank you.2、请你介绍一下你游览北京的经历,内容如下: 1.北京在中国的北方,每年有很多人到北京来旅游。2.来过北京多次,跑遍了北京城。3.爬过长城,到过颐和园和故宫。

4.拍下了很多照片,与老外用英语交谈过。One possible version: Beijing is in the north of China and it’s the capital of China.There are many places of interest there.A lot of people come to visit Beijing every year.I have been to Beijing many times.I have traveled around Beijing.I have climbed the Great Wall.I have visited the Summer Palace and the Palace Museum.I have also had conversations with foreigners and I have taken lots of photos.3、假如你叫吴明,对航天英雄杨利伟非常羡慕和崇拜,于是给他写信。请按要求写一封60-70词左右的信。1. 10月15日我国发射“神舟”五号载人宇宙飞船。中国成为第三个能把人类送上太空的国家。2.对他表示祝贺。3.决心向他学习,长大后为祖国服务。One possible version: Dear Uncle yang, I’m sending you this letter to give you my congratulations.On October 15,2003, China sent up the first space craft.Shenzhou V into space successfully, you became the first spaceman in China.Now China has become the third country than can send a person into space.You are so great that I admire you.I muse learn from you and try to improve myself.When I grow up, I will serve our country.Yours truly, Wu Ming





Today our teacher told us something about Project Hope.We heard that…

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ One possible version: Today our teacher told us something about Project Hope.We heard that many children in the countryside still had no chance to go to school.“They are too poor to go to school,” the teacher said.After the class, I went back home and saw the little box in which I saved my pocket money.I wanted to buy myself a new school bag.But now I thought of the country children who were eager to go to school.So I decided to send my money to them.I started to write a letter to them right away.After finishing it, I went to the post office and mailed the letter together with all my pocket money.I hope it could help the children in poor area.5、以My Musical Habits为题写一篇70词左右的短文,介绍一下你的音乐爱好,可适当扩写。内容要点包括: 1.介绍你爱好的音乐;


3.你喜欢流行音乐,在上学和放学的路上你经常听MP3,也能唱很多流行歌曲; 4.有时去听音乐会。

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ One possible version: My Musical Habits I love music and I have some good music habits.I enjoy playing musical instruments, listening to music and singing songs as well.I practice playing the guitar for half an hour after supper every day.Pop music is my favourite.I often listen to MP3 on my way to school and after school.In this way, I’ve learned many popular songs.So I can sing lots of them now.And sometimes my parents take to concerts.Music makes me happy and relaxed.Music makes my life rich and colourful.Music is really important to me.6、根据中文提示和英文提示词语,写一篇意思连贯、符合逻辑的短文。所给英文提示词语必须用上。字数60~70左右。



3、他向我询问去温泉饭店(the Hot Spring Hotel)的路。


5、他非常感谢我,我也为能帮他而感到高兴。提示词语:go out for a walk, on the road, the way to, walk along, on the left, thank for, be happy that One possible version: Yesterday evening, I went out for a walk with my mother.On the road, we met a foreigner.He asked me the way to the Hot Spring Hotel.I told him to walk along the road and take the third turning on the left, then he could see the hotel.He thanked me very much for my help.I was happy that I could help him.7、动物是人类的朋友。而许多动物却濒临灭绝。你想拯救哪种动物?为什么?为此我们该做些什么? One possible version: Today many animals are in danger.They’re always killed.They have no place to live in.The panda is one of the animals most in danger.They mainly live on bamboo.The area of bamboo is becoming smaller,so pandas have less and less land to live on.Baby pandas often die.The situation is becoming very serious.So we need to protect and save them.We can build enough nature reserves.The nature reserves will be bigger and the bamboo will be better.Let’s try our best to save animals in danger!


One possible version: My favourite play is Hi,Ke’ai.It takes place in Beijing.It’s the story of a boy called Ke’ai.His parents would like him to become a painter or musician or scientist one day.They teach him to paint and to play the piano,but Ke’ai doesn’t enjoy these activities.He only wants to be himself.The play shows us that it is good for parents to learn to understand their children.It helps parents to think about what kids want to do.9、Betty 要来你所在的地方旅游,请你提出相关的天气信息,内容包括全年中这个时候的天气状况、近几天的天气预报、备用衣服等。One possible version: Dear Betty, I’m happy to know that you’re coming to Shandong.The best time to visit Shandong is in autumn.In spring, it’s quite windy and there can be sand storms.It’s very hot in summer but may get cooler after showers.Winter is freezing and dry, but the city is beautiful after snow.These days the weather is getting colder.Sometimes it’ll rain a little.If you come at this time, please wear more clothes and bring an umbrella.Yours, Daming.10、假如你是Mike, 下面是你们学校的一些规章制度,请写一封电子邮件向你的笔友Lucy做一下介绍。词数80左右。1.上课不能迟到; 2.课堂上保持安静; 3.见到老师要问好;

4.不许在教室里吃东西; 5.不许在课堂上听音乐、玩游戏。One possible version: Dear Lucy, Thank you for your last letter.You want to know the rules in our school.Now let me tell you.We can’t be late for class.We can’t talk loudly in class.We should be quiet.When we meet teachers on our way, we should greet them.We can’t eat or drink in class.And we can’t listen to music or play games in class.Good luck to you!Yours,Mike.11请以“Welcome to My Hometown” 为题,写一篇介绍自己家乡,宣传家乡特色的短文。不少于70词。内容包括:





6.小学英语外研版练习题 篇六

高唐县第一实验中学 孙海秀


1、掌握下列单词:parent, factory, hotel, university, hospital, office, doctor, worker, manager, secretary.





(1) He can ________ __________.(讲英语)

(2) She can _______ ___________.(弹钢琴)

(3) I can’t _________ ___________.(骑马)

(4) Yao Ming _________ _________ very well. (打篮球)

(5) Beckham __________ _________very well. (踢足球)


They are from Beijing International School.→ Where are they from?


factory/′fktri/__________ hotel/h′tel/__________ hospital/′hspitl/ ____________

doctor/′dkt /__________ worker/′w: k/_________ manager /′mnid /________

secretary/′sekrtri/___________ university/ju:ni′v: sti/___________



1、 总结询问职业的句型。

(1)-What’s your brother’s job?

-He is a doctor.

(2)-What’s your sister?

-She is a nurse.

(3)-What’s your mother do?

-She is a housewife.


2、 总结部分动词变名词的规律。

①work(工作) → worker(工人) ② teach(教)→ teacher (教师)

③ write(写)→writer(作家) ④ farm(耕种)→________ (农民)

⑤ sing(唱)→________(歌手) ⑥ drive(驾驶) →________

⑦ read(读) → _________( ) ⑧ jump (跳) → _________()



1. I work in a f________.

2. There is a h________ near our school.

3. Li Lei’s p________ are workers.

4. Don’t worry! That d______ can help you!

5. How many f_________ are there in Gaotang?

6. There isn’t a u__________ in Gaotang now.

7. My teacher’s o________ is over there.

8. - What’s your sister’s j______?-She is a secretary.


1. This is a book. (变成复数)

________ _______ books.

2. Wang Li’s father is a farmer. (对划线部分提问)

_________ ________ Wang Li’s father’s ________?

4.-What’s your mother’s name?

- My mother’s name is _______ _______.

5. worker, are, factory, they. (连词组句)

________ _______ __________ ___________.

3. What do you do? (同义句)

_______ ______ your ______? 或 _______ ______ _________?


7.小学英语外研版练习题 篇七



1. 教材的处理




2. 教学目标





3. 教学的重点和难点




1. 总体设计


2. 教学过程

Stepl.Lead-in (1分钟)

Task:Free talk

How many kinds of animals are there in the world?

How to classify them?

Step2.Vocabulary (7分钟)




Step3.Pre-listening (3分钟)



(1)Listen for the first time(Global listening).(4分钟)



(2) Listen for the second time (Selective listening).(5分钟)


(3) Listen for the third time (Intensive listening).(5分钟)


①Elephants are still being killed by______in other parts of Africa.It’s really______.

②My job was to________the lions.We had to study their behaviour and_____their movements in the reserve.

③Perhaps it was seeing two female lions_______a wildpig.It’s a_______I didn’t have my camera with me.

④And it made me realise that,if we really want to,we can do a lot to help animals in their____to_____.

Step 5.Post-listening (15分钟)


①I’m concerned about the future of wildlife in Africa.

②I’m very worried about the elephants.

Task 2:让学生谈论一种濒危动物。

Step 6.Homework

8.小学英语外研版练习题 篇八

本模块以My New Teachers为话题,介绍了几位具有不同教学风格和个性特征的老师,是一个非常贴近学生生活的话题。通过此模块的学习,学生能够运用所学词汇、句型描述自己喜欢的老师,加深对老师的理解和热爱,使师生关系更加融洽。


1.将教材中的Introduction和Cultural corner整合在一起,以读为主,让学生获取关于“我喜爱的教师”和“师生关系”的话题信息。




1.语言知识:能够识别该课新学词汇、短语(amusing,energetic, intelligent,nervous,organized,patient,serious,shy,strict等),并能推断出意义。







整个教学过程分为六个环节:Lead-in,Vocabulary learning, Listening,Reading,Sharing time,Homework。

Step 1:Lead-in(3分钟)



Step 2:Vocabulary learning(12分钟)







Step 3:Listening(7分钟)





Step 4:Reading(8分钟)

1.引导学生利用题目Different Countries,Different Schools找出关键词“different”,然后让学生预测文章将要谈到的“different”会是什么。



Step 5:Sharing time(8分钟)

Discussion:What kind of relationship do you want to have with your teachers?


Step 6:Homework(2分钟)

Write a short introduction of yourself and what you want to say to me,using as many adjectives that you have learned as possible.

