


1.人格魅力和正能量 篇一


With the remarkable improvement of the living standard,many people are no longer persisted in a simple and economical life style and they even feel ashamed of being thrifty.In their eyes, squandering the money on luxurious commodities is what they pursue.Thrift is already out of style.However, from my part of view,I still insist that thrift is a good virtue,which is beneficial for our society and individuals.First of all,our natural resources are limited and some of them even are on the decline.In fact,there is a serious shortage of resources in China for the coming years.Secondly,waste may lead to degradation of social atmosphere and environmental pollution as well.Every year,quantities of leftover resources are thrown into rivers,which makes our life dirty.Last but not the least,a thrifty life can cultivate a positive attitude towards life,which is a good example for our descendants.All in all,rich products don’t mean that we are supposed to live a luxurious life.As a saying goes,“Waste not,want not.”Thrift is a good virtue.In fact,economic growth depends enormously on saving.Moreover, there are still millions of Chinese living under poverty line.We can never afford reckless waste.Therefore, undoubtedly ,thrift is still a good virtue that we should not give up.二 关于正能量的英语作文

Recently,positive energy is a very fashionable word in our daily life,which cause a heated discussion among people.It’s only a concept of physics originally,but then referring to all hopeful things that give us motivation to pursue success constantly and make our life more harmonious.The reason why this phrase are so popular with individuals can be listed as follows.To begin with, since China’s reform and opening-up,our country has witnessed great progress but also absorbed much dregs,which exert bad influence on our society.Quantities of problems and scandals arise.such as corruption ,indifference,selfishness and so on.Moreover,they lead to people’s negative attitude to society.Complaints,depression and losing courage are full of people’heart,which in return affect our life negatively.There are too much complaints and adversities about our community,so It’s

high time for us to transfer positive energy.Now we are advocating encouraging.people want to hear good things and hope to be understood and encouraged, rather than irony, sarcasm, complaining, negative criticism.Furthermore,after listening to driving spirits,we may be willing to accept criticism!

In a word, transferring positive energy will bring us hope and courage,which leaves us a beneficial and active life style.Therefore,for our promising future and individual self-realization, We want to ignite dreams pass,and pass positive energy!
