


1.常用旅行英语300句 篇一


What equipment are you interested in?


What raw material do you have?


What’s the required fineness in mesh or micron of the finished products?


Could you please leave your telephone and e-mail address?


Just a minute please.The sales reps will contact you soon.Please feel free to talk to them.不好意思,对于专业的问题我不能给您解答,一会我让技术人员和您交流一下吧。

I’m sorry but I’m not able to answer those technical questions.The technician will serve you soon.6.现在我们的业务人员不在,等他们在的时候我会让他们及时和您联系的,请稍等。

The sales reps are not available now.I will inform them to contact you as soon as possible.One moment please.7.我们的业务人员已经将详细的资料发到您的邮箱,您是否收到。

Did you get the e-mail with detailed information delivered by our sales reps?


Just a moment please, I will transfer you to the Sales department.9.业务人员正在休息,您看明天联系您可以吗?

The sales reps have gotten off work.How about them contacting you tomorrow?


We are the department of E-commence.The sales department will help you with the details.Wait a minute please.11.您要求的产量是多少?

What‘s your required output per hour?


Are there other requirements?


I will let the sales reps to contact you as soon as they get to work.14.很抱歉,您提的问题太专业了,我不能为您解答,我已经记录了您的问题,请等待技术人员


Sorry, your questions are too technical for me.I’m recording them and the technicians will reply you later.

2.商务英语的英语信函常用句 篇二

1. We can’t give you exclusive agency of the whole European market without having the slightest idea of your possible annual marketing turnover.


2. Before we know your sales volume, your plan for promotion and import license’s conditions, it is rather difficult for us to consider your proposal.


3.We have noted your quest to act as our agent in your district, but before going further into the matter, we should like to know more about your market.


4.To enable us to make further study of your proposal, would you please let us know as early as possible the sales prospects of the item in your market ,your program in detail, your business organizations in various districts and their activities.


5.Unless you increase the turnover we can hardly point you as our sole agent.


6.If you can push the sales successfully for the next 6 month we may appoint you as our agent.


7.We feel it would be better to consider the matter of agency after you done more business with us.


8.To be our agent you need to increase your annual turnover.


9.To be our agent you are requested to push your sales of our product effectively.


10.We hope you will do your best to push the sale of our products.

3.十句地道的英语常用句子 篇三

假设你在办公室想跟同事沟通下工作情况,又怕耽误对方的工作,就可以先问同事“In the middle of something?”(你在忙吗?)如果对方回答“Kind of.”(算是吧。)这时你就可以继续你的谈话了,比如可以做一下谈话前的“热身”,问对方:“What are you up to?”(你最近在忙什么啊?),然后再展开你想沟通的话题。

另外美国人见面时常用的问候语“What’s up?”就与“What are you up to?”在意思方面很接近,都是问“你最近在做什么啊?”但是需要注意一点:语气的不同所表达的意思也不相同,比如你发现在未经你允许的情况下,别人正在你的办公桌上乱翻,就可以过去责问他“What are you up to?”(你正在搞什鬼?)。除此以外“What are you up to?”还有其他意思,比如你的同事正在完成某个项目,你就可以说“What are you up to?”(目前进展如何?)当然“What are you up to?”与“What are you doing?”意思基本相同,可相互取代,但是多变的表达方式会令你在工作期间的交流中显得更加出彩。

2.In the middle of something? 你正在忙吗?

在上面已经提到了In the middle of something?(你正在忙吗?)这句话,惯用的说法是“Are you busy?”,但是死啃一种说法显然过于单一化,把眼界放广一点,对于同一个概念要有不同的变化。如果你经常用“Are you busy?”,不妨换成“In the middle of something?”,因为这句话的意思更为准确,比较接近于“Are you busy right now?”(现在是不是正在忙?)而“Are you busy?”的含意不仅可以解释为“现在是不是正在忙?”也可指“最近忙不忙?”。如果你除了“Are you busy?”之外,还懂得用“In the middle of something?”相信别人一定不会小看你的英文能力。

3.Maybe I’m going out on a limb, but I think we still have to invest it.或许这么作有点冒险,但我想我们还是要投资它。

提到冒险,一般人会想到用 “It’s risky” 或 “It’s dangerous.” 但是囗语上美国人喜欢说 “I’m going out on alimb.” 来表示这件事需要冒险。“limb”原意是指树枝,想象当你爬树时爬到小树枝上去了,你是不是不知小树枝什么时候会断掉?这种不确定的危机感,就是为什么美国人要用 “Go out on a limb.” 来表示冒险的原因了。

4.“Please give us your comments.”请多提宝贵意见。

通常在会议或商务洽谈结束时,中方的人出于客套或者希望让对方提出自己的建议,总是爱把“请多提宝贵意见”挂在嘴边,但是如果只按词面意思进行翻译,麻烦很容易就会来了。比如直译为:“Please give us your valuable comments.”,那么很可能对方会认为你在暗示他:你的意见应该是valuable的,否则就请“免开尊口”。正确的译法应该是:“Please give us your comments.”或“We welcome your


5.Probably.It’s still up in the air。大概吧。不是太确定。

在工作中也许你会遇到这样的情况:自己已经很努力了,但是项目仍没有太大进展,或是上司迟迟不给予支持。这时或许有人会出于关心问你“项目有起色没?”但面对自己不能掌握的事情,显然没法回答这个问题,只能听天由命。这时你就可以回答“It’s still up in theair。”另一种情况就是与别人约会时被熟人撞上,私下里别人问起是否在谈恋爱时,你也可以小小地卖下关子说: “It’s up in the air.”(八字还没一撇呢!)其他的同义句还有: “I haven’t decided yet.”及“I haven’t made my mind yet.”等。

6.That’s OK。不用了。

不要小看这个简单句子的用途,因为很多人把“That’s OK.” 和 “OK.”误认为意思相同,但实际上这两个句子的意思完全不同。如果有人问你需不需要某物或做某事,你回答 “That’s

OK.” 就是“不要”的意思,而答 “OK.” 是“要”的意思。当别人说 “That’s OK.”时,就有“I’m fine.”(我很好,你不用操心)的意思,言下之意就是“你不用麻烦了,我会照顾我自己”。所以要记住,“That’s OK.” 其实有

“没关系,无所谓”的意思,所以如果你想很坚定地拒绝别人准备递过来的饮料,可以说 “That’s OK.I don’t need anything to drink.”

7.He’s out for lunch.他出去吃午餐了。

在同事出去吃饭的时候,他办公桌上的电话刚好响起,这时你该跟对方说什么?如果按照中文的词面意思翻译成“He went out for lunch.”是不符合美国人的沟通习惯的,通常他们都会说“be out for something”,套用一下就是“He is on lunch.” 如果别人要找的人不在工位上,但是你也不知道他去了哪里,还可以用try again/ call again或call back/ try back 的说法。还可以建议别人“Why don’t you call back in 10 minutes?“(你为什么10分钟后再打来呢?)或者请对方留言“May I take your message?(你可以留言吗?)

8.“You’re in the pink!”你的气色真好!

如果同事或上司近来工作格外顺利,往往人逢喜事精神爽,气色也会跟着变好,这时如果夸赞一下对方,会给人留下不错的印象。要想说人“气色好”。“you look fine!”当然不错,可如果你说”you’re in the pink!”就更妙了。在英语口语中,表示颜色的词用起来非常形象生动形象。

9.Just right place, right time。只不过是“天时地利”而已。

如果意外得到了一个令人羡慕的美差,大多数的人都会直接反应出lucky这个词.但其实关于幸运的表达方式还有很多,比如“Just right place, right time.” 里面就有中文中“天时地利人和”的意思。如果你没费什么力气就得到了某样东西,也可以很潇洒地说“Just right place, right time, no big deal.”(只不过时间地点刚好对了而已,没什么大不了的)

10.Same here。我也是。

4.考研英语写作 常用结尾句 篇四

1) Only in this way/Only when……/Only through……will/can we……或:It is only if/when……that we will……

(e.g.It is only if all sides of society take their roles fully that we will achieve the society we want.)

2) As/So long as……we will be able to……/the problem is bound to……

(e.g.As long as we persist in spreading scientific knowledge among the masses,all the superstitions are bound to go out of our life.)

3) For any place that……/For anyone who……there is every/no reason/chance to……

(e.g.For any government that devotes itself to nourishing honesty among its officials,there is every reason to bid an eternal farewell to corruption.)

4) In short/brief/one word/sum,once we are on the way to……,the chance of achieving/making it will increase/grow greater/come to our advantage.A

(e.g.In short,once our country is on the way to clearing corrupt dealings out of the Party,the chance of making it will come to the people's advantage.)

5) The quotations/remarks from sb.(或The popular saying/maxim/proverb)……may be a better/sure cure/remedy for……(或……sound/practical/sensible/well-weighted advice on how to……)

(e.g.The old saying Laziness in youth spells regret in old age may be sensible advice on how to cherish the years of youth.)

6) And worst of all/best of all,it has/will/would effect(ed) the most unfavorable/favorable change in……

(e.g.And worst of all,the official corruption has effected the most unfavorable change in the people's attitude towards the government.

7) As another severe shock (genuine comfort) to the people/society/As the most destructive/pushing effect on……(our life),it has permeated among the people/through our social soil/throughout the whole country(或has melted/penetrated into/been rooted in (the) Chinese soil (in the people's minds)。A

(e.g.As the destructive effect on our nation,his heretical ideas have been rooted in many people's minds.)

8) As a(n) sensational/unexpected result of……,more and more people have come/got/begun to……A

(e.g.As an unexpected result/consequence of the patriotic education,more and more people have come to regain/restore their sense of justice.)

9) To one's greatest astonishment/delight,sth.has affected……to the point of……

(e.g.To our greatest astonishment,the corruption has affected the society to the point of threatening its political stability.)

10) The most obvious/direct result/consequence it produces/brings about is……

(e.g.The most obvious result the economic reforms have produced is the way the people live and think.)

11) With a constant/steady improvement in……(或With the gradual worsening of……) sth.will……

(e.g.develop to one's advantage)A

(e.g.With a steady improvement in its administration,the new-born thing will flourish on Chinese soil.)

12) In (the) course of time/In a long run (the long term),sth.is more likely/believed/bound/sure to……

(e.g.In a long run,the practice of birth control is believed to do a great benefit to the future of China.)

13) In spite of the fact that……(或Although……),sth.will (not)……in our /one's assiduous/conscious/consistent efforts.A

(e.g.In spite of the fact that their is no hope of attaining the final goal at one go,this reform will be spreading far and wide in our consistent efforts .)

14) In a word,there is every/little chance/probability/possibility that.……in time to come.A

(e.g.In one word,there is every chance that this wise move in economic construction will acquire a broader significance in time to come.)

15) Anything (anyone) that (who)……will have to……

(e.g.Those who have a strong bias against the Chinese nation (will) have to treat her with increased respect.)

5.校园英语常用语500句 篇五

42. please keep quiet when some other students make mistakes.同学出错时,你要保持安静。

43. let’s take turns to read。让我们轮流来读。

44. who can read it aloud first ?哪位能先朗读?

45. hands up,please.请举手示意我。

46. don’t worry(calm down,slow down).不必紧张。

47. speak up,please.请大声说。

48. stand straight,please.站直些。

49. the blackboard is too high for me, i only can write so few words on it.黑板太高了,我只能写这么多。

50. you’re right(well done ).很不错。

51. let’s read the text aloud together.下面,全体齐读。

52. now let’s begin.开始!

53. it’ll take us two periods to grasp(master) these.这些需要我们两课时才能掌握。

54. we have three study tasks to do this class.本课时,我们有三个学习任务。

55. the first is the background and the writer .首先是本文的背景和作者情况。

56. next,the thought and the writing methods .然后是它的思想内容和写法。

57. then,the new words and the sentence strctures .最后是本文中的生词和一些句式。

58. what’s more(what else), the feelings and the lauguage style of the text.还有,本文的感情和语言风格。

59. we may analyse the title of the text together. 我们可以一起分析一下本文的题目。

6.校园英语常用语500句 篇六

182. take these chairs out of the room.把这些椅子拿出房间。

183. take these charts off the wall.把这些图画从墙上取下来。

184. why don’t we just straighten up a bit?我们最后再收拾一下吧?

185. who’s the student (with)wearing glasses ?戴眼镜的那位同学叫什么名字?

186. her name is on the tip of my tongue.我一时记不起她的名字了。

187. i knocked at the office door many times just now.我刚才敲了多次办公室的门。

188. what’s the emergency? 什么急事?

189. xiao zhany is badly ill now, we must send for a doctor at once.小张正病得厉害,我们要赶紧送他到医院。

190. is there a doctor in the school?学校里有医生吗?

191. somebody call an ambulence.911. 快打救急电话号码911。

192. what’s eating you(what’s wrong with you)?你到底怎么不舒服?

193. the doctor told me to take the cold medicine three times a day.医生告诉我服用感冒药一天三次。

194. my classmate zhangming got into a fight yesterday.同学张明昨天打架了

195. you are injured.你受伤了。

196. freeze, don’t make him to lose too much blood.别乱来,不要让他失血太多,

197. tell him not to worry about it 告诉他,别为这事着急。.

198. out of the way(get out).离开这里。

199. i’m just playing around with you(joking around with you,no fooling).我给你开玩笑。

200. your cause is still unclear.你的事还不很明白。

★ 校园防火提示语标语

★ 校园门口广告提示语

★ 绿色校园提示语口号精选

★ 学校校园楼梯温馨提示语

★ 校园运动会英语口号

★ 绿色校园英语作文

★ 语文书怎么写用英语怎么写

★ 英语阅读教学与语篇分析

★ 英语励志的心语名句

7.最常用的10句地道英语口语 篇七

1.Are you free tomorrow? 你明天有空吗?


—Are you free tomorrow?

—Yeah, we can go to see the movies.2.Better late than never.迟总比不做强。

中年朋友经常说,哎呀,岁数大了,记性不好了,以前学的忘的差不多了,现在学赶趟吗?这时候我们就可以鼓励他们“Better late than never.” —Do you think it is late that I want to learn English?

—Better late than never.3.Keep it between you and me.不要跟别人说。

这是一个很好的gossip sentence.一般喜欢说闲话的人经常把它挂在嘴边,“和你说件事,你可别跟别人说„„”

—How do you think John?

—Keep it between you and me.He is a human trash!

4.I don’t know how to thank you enough.真不知该如何感谢你。

有时只会说:“Thanks”或“Thank you”是远远不够的。比如你在危难之际,别人向你伸出了援手,你就要诚恳的对他说出这句话。

—You saved my life.I really don’t know how to thank you enough.—It’s my pleasure.5.I’m glad to hear that.听到这个消息我太高兴了。


—Teacher Li will come to Changchun!

— I’m glad to hear that.It is really a good news!

6.Business is business.公事公办。


—Can you let me go without exam?

—No way!Business is business.7.Do you live near here? 你住在这附近吗?


—Hello, do you live near here?

—Man, is this your way of asking me out?

8.Welcome to our Crazy English Training Camp!



9.I can’t stand my poor English any more!



—I can’t stand my poor English any more!

—So you’d better work hard, and use every minute to practice.10.It’s a pleasure to see you here and we will work together.真高兴在这见到你,我们要一起工作了。


8.常用旅行英语300句 篇八

a bad beginning makes a bad ending.


a bad thing never dies.


包括竞学网的英文歌曲 英语电影 英语阅读 英语游戏星座英语 英语听力 英语翻译 托福作文 剑桥少儿英语 韩语歌曲 法语歌曲德语歌曲日语歌曲 俄语歌曲 四六级 考研英语等丰富资料(点击查看)

a bad workman always blames his tools.


a bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush.


a boaster and a liar are cousins-german.


a bully is always a coward.


a burden of one’s choice is not felt.


a candle lights others and consumes itself.


a cat has 9 lives.


a cat may look at a king.


a close mouth catches no flies.


a constant guest is never welcome.


actions speak louder than words.


adversity leads to prosperity.


adversity makes a man wise, not rich.


a fair death honors the whole life.


a faithful friend is hard to find.


a fall into a pit, a gain in your wit.


a fox may grow gray, but never good.


a friend in need is a friend indeed.


a friend is easier lost than found.


a friend is never known till a man has need.


a friend without faults will never be found.


’after you’ is good manners.


a good beginning is half done.


a good beginning makes a good ending.


a good book is a good friend.


a good book is the best of friends, the same todayandforever.


a good conscience is a soft pillow.


a good fame is better than a good face.


a good husband makes a good wife.


a good medicine tastes bitter.


a good wife health is a man’s best wealth.


a great talker is a great liar.


a hedge between keeps friendship green.


a joke never gains an enemy but loses a friend.


a leopard cannot change its spots.


a liar is not believed when he speaks the truth.


a light heart lives long.


a little body often harbors a great soul.


a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.


a little pot is soon hot.


all are brave when the enemy flies.


all good things come to an end.


all rivers run into sea.


all roads lead to rome.


all that ends well is well.


all that glitters is not gold.


all things are difficult before they are easy.


all work and no play makes jack a dull boy.


a man becomes learned by asking questions.


a man can do no more than he can.


a man cannot spin and reel at the same time.


a man is known by his friends.


a man of words and not of deeds is like a garden fullofweeds.


a man without money is no man at all.


a merry heart goes all the way.


a miss is as good as a mile.


a mother’s love never changes.


an a day keeps the doctor away.


a new broom sweeps clean.


an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.


an hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.


an old dog cannot learn new tricks.


an ounce of luck is better than a pound of wisdom.


an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.


a rolling stone gathers no moss.


as a man sows, so he shall reap.


a single flower does not make a spring.


a snow year, a rich year.


a sound mind in a sound body.


a still tongue makes a wise head.

9.常用旅行英语300句 篇九


2.we would like to have another discussion of these conditions in the afternoon before there are finally included in the contract.


3. before signing the contract this afternoon, i think we better go over few final details.


4.we’d better draw up a rough draft to the contract then talk it over in detail at our next meeting.


5.this is a copy of our specimen contract in which the general sales terms and conditions are contained.


6.we hope that you won’t object to our inserting such a clause in the agreement.


7.if any other clause in this contract is in conflict with the supplementary conditions the supplementary conditions should be taken as final and binding.


8.we think it is necessary to include a force majeure clause in this contract.


9. after studying your draft contract we found it necessary to make a few changes.


10.since both of us are in agreement on all the terms shall we sign the contract now?


11.we think your draw contract needs some modification.


12.any modification alteration to the contract shall be made with the consent of both parties.


13.no changes can be made on this contract without mutual consent.


14.we must make it clear in the contract that you are obliged to complete the delivery of the good within the contractual time of



15.if the shipment can not be made within three month as stipulated, the contract will become void.

10.小升初英语作文常用过渡句 篇十


now , then , afterwards , five minutes later , soon , before long , after that , meanwhile , to this day , just now , just then

2. 表示顺序:

first/firstly , first of all , second / secondly . next , third / thirdly , at first , at last , in the end , finally , next


besides, also , what’s more , in addition , even , once more , more over

4. 表示因果关系:

because , so , therefore , as a result , thanks to , because of , due to

5. 表示转折关系:

but , yet , however , while , on the contrary

6. 表示条件关系:

if , unless , as long as , so long as , on condition that

7. 表示结果:

thus , therefore , as a result , luckily , unfortunately

8. 表示强调关系:

above all , indeed , surely , certainly , of course , after all , at least , at most

9. 过渡性插入语:

generally speaking , I think , in other words , in a word , in short

10. 表示解释和说明:

that’s to say , for example , actually , and so on , such as , believe it or not , to tell the truth , according to , for this reason , in fact , in other words

11. 表示比较:

just like , just as , in the same way , more or less , sooner or later , on the hand , instead

12. 表示总结:
