


1.英语专业个人英文简历的 篇一


She was 23 years old

Education: junior college

Years of working: fresh graduates

Expected salary: 2000-3000 yuan

Work place: hangzhou - no limit

Job intention: manager assistant/secretary/clerk | CAD design/cartographic | electrical engineer | circuit engineer

Meticulous care

Education experience

In June , I graduated from taizhou vocational and technical college majoring in applied electronics

Certificate award

Certificate name: radio installation time: May 2015: taizhou vocational skill appraisal center

Name of the certificate: PLC principle and application time: January 2015 institute: China electric technology association

Name of certificate: third-class scholarship of taizhou vocational and technical college, issued in December : taizhou vocational and technical college

2.英语专业个人英文简历的 篇二

1.1 能创造全英文环境, 培养学生听力及语感, 弥补学生在英语语言环境上的不足。

在缺乏英语语言环境的情况下学习英语是我国英语学习者面临的一个困难, 也是造成我国英语学习者在长期英语学习后仍然处于“聋哑状态”的原因之一。所以, 在英语课堂上实行全英文教学可以给学生营造一个全英文环境, 让学生在这种环境中学会用英语思考和表达, 从而达到培养学生听力及语感的目的。

1.2 能增加英文输入量, 为学生英文输出打下基础。

有输入才有输出。英语学习者在英语输入缺乏的情况之下, 其英语输出必然贫乏。除了阅读

之外, 英语交流也是增加英文输入量的途径之一。所以, 在英语课堂上实行全英文教学, 可

以给学生增加英文输入量, 为他们的英文输出打下基础。

1.3 能培养学生用英语思考和表达思想。

在全英文的教学环境之下, 学生被迫用英语思考。在师生互动的环节中, 学生必须尽可

能的用英文表达。这样可以培养学生用英语思考和表达的习惯。同时, 培养学生英文输出可以巩固输入的内容, 使所学语言知识在反复的输出中在学生的脑海中加深印象。


2.1 教师全英文教学的水平有待提高。

首先, 教师在课堂上的英语表达是学生模仿的模版, 也会潜移默化影响学生的英文知识构成和英文表达方式。教师的英文发音是否标准, 英文表达是否地道, 用词组句是否准确直接影响到学生。而当前我国英语教师的整体师资水平并不高, 无法保证他们英文发音标准, 英文表达地道, 用词组句准确。如果教师用不标准, 不地道的英语实行全英文教学, 反而会给学生造成英语学习的负迁移。香港大学实行了全英文教学, 但是其师资水平却并非是国内所有院校都能企及的。香港大学的教师中, 99%有国外学习的经历, 外籍教师占了教师总数的40%~50%。戴曼纯, 张希春2004年的高校英语教师素质抽样调查显示, 我国52.4%的大学英语教师没有研究生学历。夏纪梅 (2002) 的调查显示, 我国84%的英语教师没有出国进修或参加国外外语教学研讨会的经历。可见, 我国当前英语师资水平不高, 要实行全英文教学, 首先要解决师资水平的问题。

其次, 有些专业水平高的教师, 虽发音标准, 口语地道, 用词组句准确, 但全英文教学的技巧也有待提高。不根据学生的英语水平现状, 高估学生的水平, 用偏难的词汇和语句教学, 也得不到好的教学效果。美国著名的应用语言学家Krashen提出的Comprehensible input理论告诉我们, 在学习当中, 可以理解的输入才是有效的输入。用偏难的全英文教学, 但学生并不理解, 会被认为是无效的输入。

2.2 课本的难度和当前非英语专业学生的英语水平差异, 使得讲授课文时用全英文教学存在难度。

当前, 许多非英语专业的学生英语水平还处于中学水平, 有的甚至低于中学水平。然而英语学习是一个循序渐进的过程, 大学英语应该在中学英语的水平上扩展加深, 不可能停留在中学英语的难度上徘徊不前。所以, 大学英语课本在难度上有所加深。这使得课本难度与当前非英语专业学生的英语水平之间存在差异。这个差异使得教师在讲授英语课文时用全英文的paraphrase存在困难。对于较复杂的句子, 教师用英语paraphrase之后, 学生依然是一头雾水。影响了学生对整篇课文的理解, 也让学生产生了学习英语的挫败感。

2.3 只注重目的语言, 忽视目的语言和母语的对比和转换。强调了学习第二语言的目的是自我表达和交流, 却忽视了学习第二语言为他人服务的目的。

全英文教学着重强调了英语学习, 但是忽略了非英语专业学习者将目的语和母语进行对比和转换的练习。这样就会导致这些英语学习者仅可以理解英语语言, 但是无法用母语准确的将英语语言翻译过来。《大学英语课程教学要求》中把英语翻译能力作为英语教学目标之一, 要求:能借助词典对题材熟悉的文章进行英汉互译, 英译汉的速度为每小时约300个英语单词, 汉译英的速度为每小时约250个汉字。译文基本准确, 无重大的理解和语言表达错误。

所以, 全英文教学忽视翻译练习违背了《大学英语课程教学要求》。再者, 大学英语的教学目标是培养学生的英语综合应用能力, 使他们在今后学习、工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行交际, 以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要。教学目标中指的用英语有效的进行交际, 不仅指有效的自我表达, 也指能有效的作为国际交流的中介。如果只能自我表达, 却无法作为一个翻译中介, 就并没有适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要。北京大学外国语学院教授黄必康认为, 在教学的一些环节中也不应完全排除语法, 翻译法的一些合理成分, 例如, 教学中恰当的母语参与提示在语言学习活动中不仅可以产生语言习得的正迁移作用, 还可以为学生对有意义的语言输入提供积极的认知导向作用。可见, 在英语教学中, 将目的语言和母语进行对比和转换是有必要性的。


推行全英文教学有利有弊, 如何趋利避害应给予重视。在缺乏英语语言学习环境的情况下, 在课堂上营造英语环境是有必要的, 但是在营造这种英文气氛的时候, 需要注意以下几点:3.1.英语教师要注重自己专业水平的提高, 同时, 要充分做好课前准备。全英文教学给英语教师提出了挑战, 鉴于教师在课堂上的示范会给学生带来深刻的影响, 所以教师必须通过学习提高自己的专业水平。同时, 充分做好课前准备, 对于课堂上所用的英语语言进行课前充分准备, 做到语言准确地道。

3.2.要针对非英语专业学生的现状, 在英语教学中使用恰当的母语参与。教学的目的是给学生解惑, 在全英文教学不能达到给学生解惑的目的的时候, 适当的母语参与有积极的作用。如果完全拒绝母语的参与, 有时不但不能给学生解惑, 甚至还会增加学生的困惑。

3.3.要注重目的语和母语的对比和转换, 进行适当的翻译练习。一方面, 这种对比和转换, 可以加深非英语专业学生对目的语的认识。另一方面, 这种对比和转换练习, 让这些英语学习者在增强英语自我表达能力的同时还具备了作为翻译中介的能力, 使其能更好的适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要。


对非英语专业学生实行全英文教学有利有弊。教师在英语教学中, 不能忽视当前师资和学生

的英语水平, 盲目的进行全英文教学, 在教学中应使用恰当的母语参与。其次, 不能只强调

学习第二语言为自我表达和交流的目的性, 却忽视学习第二语言为他人服务的目的性, 也要



[1].原春琳, 香港大学:《全英文教学, 国际化环境》.中国青年报 (N) 2005.5.19, B07版。1.原春琳, 香港大学:《全英文教学, 国际化环境》.中国青年报 (N) 2005.5.19, B07版。

[2].黄必康, 《大学英语改革及教材建设启示录》, 中国图书商报 (N) 2005.11.4, 第A10版。2.黄必康, 《大学英语改革及教材建设启示录》, 中国图书商报 (N) 2005.11.4, 第A10版。

[3].Krashen, S.D.Second LanguageAcquisition and Second LanguageLearning.Oxford, Pergamon (J) .1981.3.Krashen, S.D.Second LanguageAcquisition and Second LanguageLearning.Oxford, Pergamon (J) .1981.

[4].张尧学《.关于大学本科公共英语教学改革的再思考》[J].中国高等教育, 2003 (12) :8-13.4.张尧学《.关于大学本科公共英语教学改革的再思考》[J].中国高等教育, 2003 (12) :8-13.

[5].戴曼纯, 张希春《.高校英语教师素质抽样调查》[J].解放军外国语学院学院, 2004 (3) :44.5.戴曼纯, 张希春《.高校英语教师素质抽样调查》[J].解放军外国语学院学院, 2004 (3) :44.

[6].夏纪梅《.大学英语教师的外语教育观念、知识、能力、科研现状与进修情况调查报告》[J].外语界, 2002 (5) :40.6.夏纪梅《.大学英语教师的外语教育观念、知识、能力、科研现状与进修情况调查报告》[J].外语界, 2002 (5) :40.

3.英语专业个人英文简历的 篇三




首先,学生没有正确明晰的阅读目的。大部分学生阅读旨在备考大学英语四六级,少量的在教师要求下做专业文献阅读,这两种阅读的目的不是提高语言知识而是为了应试。其次,词汇量小阻碍了英文阅读兴趣。词汇是语言的基石,是正确理解语言的前提和基础。显然,没有足够的词汇量,学习者难以全面正确的理解文章。英语教育专家Richm'ds J C指出:“大量真实的英文阅读不仅使学习者熟悉英语国家的文化而且有助储存大量词汇,以及潜移默化地形成特殊的语言习惯”。再次,学习者阅读技能的缺乏。多数学生在阅读时陷入了词汇句法和语法的泥沼而不能理解文章整体逻辑结构和内容。“阅读,学习能力欠缺的学生面临更大的阅读挑战。他们的阅读熟练程度无法帮助其建构知识,获取信息,满足兴趣或是丰富生活”。












4.医学专业个人英文简历表格 篇四

姓名: 应届毕业生求职网 国籍: 中国 无照片
目前所在地: 广州 民族: 汉族
户口所在地: 湖北 身材: 172 cm?60 kg
婚姻状况: 未婚 年龄: 25 岁














人才类型: 应届毕业生?
应聘职位: 医院/医疗/护理/美容保健类:住院医师 外科医生 住院医师 内科医生 住院医师
工作年限: 0 职称: 无职称
求职类型: 全职 可到职- 随时
月薪要求: 1500-- 希望工作地区: 广州
个人工作经历: 公司名称:军区武汉总医院起止年月:-01 ~ 2007-10公司性质:其它所属行业:其他担任职务:实习生工作描述:离职原因:公司名称:恩施中心医院起止年月:-10 ~ 2005-11公司性质:事业单位所属行业:其他担任职务:实习生工作描述:离职原因:



毕业院校: 湖北民族学院
最高学历: 本科 毕业- -06-01
所学专业一: 临床医学 所学专业二:



受教育培训经历: 起始年月终止年月学校(机构)专 业获得证书证书编号-092008-06湖北民族学院临床医学本科毕业证



外语: 英语 优秀





国语水平: 优秀 粤语水平: 一般






1, during the practicum period in the strict demands on themselves, on the various sections of the common diseases, the incidence of multiple characteristics, clinical manifestations, treatment methods are more comprehensive grasp.


2, the writing of medical records, prescription writing has gained a better understanding of electronic medical records are also often used.

3, to assist the completion of the foreskin, armpit odor, hemorrhoids, such as surgery.

4, in the land and the total time to time during the internship with the Education Department on behalf of classes.






self-confidence, honesty, hard-working an accident when I felt calm and able to bear hardships and stand hard, be good at thinking, have a good team spirit


good communication, can be very easily with classmates, colleagues working with the Department

5.计算机专业个人英文简历 篇五






Birthdate:March 3, 1978


Marital Status:Single

Address:23 South Seaside Avenue, South China Computer Company, Haikou 57000



Position Sought

Computer Programmer with a foreign enterprise in Beihai City.


Four years’ work experience operating computers extensively, coupled with educational preparation.

Professional Experience

-Computer Programmer, South China Computer Company, Haikou, from 20xx to date.

-Coded well-defined systems logic flow charts into computer machine instructions using Java or C.

-Coded subroutines following specifications, file size parameters, block diagrams.

-Performed maintenance tasks and patching to established straightforward programs.

-Documented all programs as completed.

-Tested, debugged and assembled programs.

-Adept at operating IBM-PC and Legend computers.

Educational Background

Beijing University of Technology

B. S. in Computer Science, July 20xx

Courses included:

-Computer Science Systems Design and Analysis

-PASCAL Programming Operating Systems

-COBOL Programming Java Programming

-FORTRAN Programming D--BASE Programming

-Systems Management

Beihai No. 14 Middle School, 1992—

English Proficiency

A good command of English in science and technology.


Homepage building and on-line chitchatting.

References: Will be supplied upon request.

Personnal Data






Birthdate:March 3, 1978


Marital Status:Single

Address:23 South Seaside Avenue, South China Computer Company, Haikou 57000



Position Sought

Computer Programmer with a foreign enterprise in Beihai City.


Four years’ work experience operating computers extensively, coupled with educational preparation.

Professional Experience

-Computer Programmer, South China Computer Company, Haikou, from 20xx to date.

-Coded well-defined systems logic flow charts into computer machine instructions using Java or C.

-Coded subroutines following specifications, file size parameters, block diagrams.

-Performed maintenance tasks and patching to established straightforward programs.

-Documented all programs as completed.

-Tested, debugged and assembled programs.

-Adept at operating IBM-PC and Legend computers.

Educational Background

Beijing University of Technology

B. S. in Computer Science, July 20xx

Courses included:

-Computer Science Systems Design and Analysis

-PASCAL Programming Operating Systems

-COBOL Programming Java Programming

-FORTRAN Programming D--BASE Programming

-Systems Management

Beihai No. 14 Middle School, 1992—1998

English Proficiency

A good command of English in science and technology.


Homepage building and on-line chitchatting.

6.法律专业个人英文简历制作 篇六

Basic CV

Name: xxx Nationality: China is now the location: Guangzhou National: Han

Exit and Entry: Qingyuan size: 167 cm 58 kg

Marital Status: Single Age: 29-year-old

Training Certification: integrity badge:

Job search intention and work experience

Personnel types: ordinary job ?

Position: sales / marketing categories: Marketing Department / Sales Manager, business / marketing and management / operation of a chain planning manager / director of management operations

Work Experience: 8 Title: No Title

Job type: full-time can be reported for duty - a week

Monthly requirements: 3500 - 5000 the hope that the Working Area: Guangzhou

Personal experience: Company Name: South Korea (strains) of natural cosmetics company Jeju beginning and ending date :20xx-11 20xx-06

Company nature: wholly foreign-owned-owned industries: daily life of service

Positions: director of branches in China

Job Description:

1, is responsible for the construction of the Chinese market channels, face cream, facial mask, soap and other products analysis, promotion planning, market positioning, cosmetics consumption habits and consumer groups, analysis, writing product introductions;

2, responsible for the maintenance of the company focus on customers, to offer promotional programs, the overall operation of the companys marketing strategy to write “the implementation of the system of promotions”;

3, to develop the provincial agents, exhibition planning implementation;

4, the development of Jeju, Korea in 20xx the Chinese market planning and sales promotion planning, dealer-depth interviews, drawing up a “charter agents”;

5, distributors planning the implementation of data collection projects, the establishment of marketing databases;

6, to help solve health permits import of cosmetics.

7, the successful expansion of 600 professional cosmetics traders to conduct business negotiations. The establishment of distribution channels.

8, to sell into Jusco, Watson, to achieve depth of understanding of counters and shelves.

Causes of separation: the reasons for enterprise development

Company Name: Hong Kong hairdressing chain IOU beginning and ending date :20xx-02 ~ 20xx-10

Company nature: Sino-foreign joint ventures in their respective professions: daily life of service

Positions: Chief Operating Officer

Job Description: Duties:

1, is responsible for the development of the Headquarters Group of the overall chain of operations, including investment planning, investment implementation, management, and other stores to join the planning and implementation of monitoring operation;

2, leading the development of the Department of 4 people, 2 Marketing, Finance Department 2, Human Resources 2 operating program of activities to complete the formulation, implementation and monitoring; complete joining of the district to develop the analysis (site), decoration, staff recruitment, shop materials preparation, monitoring of suppliers;

3, market information collection, collation, analysis, statistics;

4, the logistics and inventory, goods traffic is expected to be reasonable, monitoring, adjustment; the financial situation of the monitoring, operating cost control and data analysis;

5, the coordination of operations manager of the dealer management controls, internal and external training programs and the effect of the formulation and implementation of assessment; (external means stores)

6, to write and organize the implementation of “high-performance communication training”, “career planning”, “List Total operating (including investment manuals, recruitment manual, training manuals, site selection manual decoration, logistics management manuals, shop management handbook, etc.)” , “negotiation skills training investment,” “beauty salons financing system,” “beauty salons culture system.”


1, a successful chain of 11 stores to expand, and began operating.

2, lead the Operations Center to create a profit from zero income.

Causes of separation: the abolition of the development direction of

Company Name: Unicom Yellow Pages Information Co., Ltd. beginning and ending date :20xx-02 ~ 20xx-02

Company nature: wholly foreign-owned-owned industries: advertising, planning, marketing

Positions: Director of Marketing Promotion

Job Description: Duties:

1, the planning and implementation of marketing activities, brand promotion projects, research projects, the association of public relations activities;

2, responsible for ad exchange program, the program ad project planning, implementation;

3, is responsible for planning and implementation of market development activities;

4, storage management, document management, data processing and so on, the promotion of economic contracts related to the project of writing.


1, 389 to open up the whole office in Guangzhou and 865 commercial and residential, the implementation of a comprehensive 4-year issue.

2, the performance of the average annual increase of more than 50%.

Leaving reasons: personal development

Educational background

Graduate institutions: Guangdong Institute of Public Administration

Highest level of education: college graduates - 20xx-07-01

Studies by one: the law of the Second Science: Business Administration

By education and training experience: the termination of the start date school years (institutions) to obtain a certificate of professional certificate number

20xx-09 20xx-07 Qingyuan City in the first high school graduation certificate

Guangdong Institute of Public Administration 20xx-09 20xx-07 Diploma Law

20xx-05 20xx-05 Dasheng integrated marketing agency market research skills in technical courses

20xx-06 20xx-06 Colgate - Palmolive Company distribution depth technical courses

20xx-09 20xx-09 School of Management, Hong Kong white-collar world sales techniques Course

20xx-09 20xx-09 School of Management, Hong Kong white-collar world of technical management skills courses

South China University of Technology 20xx-06 20xx-08 marketing courses permit dynamic

20xx-09 -07 control South China University of Technology Institute of the Public Reading MBA in Marketing

Language ability

Foreign Languages: English well

Mandarin level: the level of proficiency in Cantonese: proficient

The ability to work and other expertise

1, familiar with the planning and implementation of marketing, sales team training, the shop in charge of training, planning and implementation of exhibitions, print media planning and implementation issues;

2, the brand planning, the operation of franchise systems, market research, legal process, official familiar with the writing;

3, familiar with the brand promotion, market planning, channel development;

4, a pioneering and creativity, can be carried out assessment and analysis of customer, there is the experience of joining the regional investment;

Detailed personal autobiography

7.英语专业个人英文简历的 篇七

The introduction part signifies the time-honored history and the importance of cognitive analysis on metaphor briefly.The literature review at home and abroad provides a framework for our further study on metaphor.

1.1 Previous Study on Metaphor Abroad

The study on metaphor abroad can be traced back to more than two thousand years ago, ranging from rhetoric study, semantic study to a multi-disciplinary study.Among those brilliant studies, some representative theories are as follows, Aristotle’s comparison theory, Quintillion’s substitution theory, Richards and Black’s interaction theory and Lakoff and Johnson’s conceptual metaphor theory.

The study on metaphor reaches a climax in the end of 1970s, a metaphor-mania age.Metaphors We Live by collaborated by Lakoff and Johnson has always been considered as a monumental masterpiece on metaphor study in cognitive field.After all, “our ordinary conceptual system in terms of which we both think and act, is fundamentally metaphorical in nature” (Lakoff&Johnson, 1980:4) .

Foreign scholars have exerted themselves in metaphor study by broadening their horizons and updating their abundant researches.

1.2 Previous Study on Metaphor at Home

More often than not, people take it for granted that metaphor is a novel term in China.As a matter of fact, study on metaphor is also time-honored in China.The reason why this confusion exists is an irrational classification of metaphor.The ancient scholars engaged in metaphor study maintain that metaphor is subordinate to simile.

It is not until the 1990s that Chinese scholars set out to study metaphor from the cognitive perspective.Compared with the cognitive analysis on metaphor abroad, Chinese scholars still have a long way to go.Fortunately, the abundant Chinese literary works are teeming with the metaphorical phenomena, which provides an enormous corpus of metaphor for their further study.

2 Analysis of Metaphor in English Major’s Intensive Reading Textbooks

“According to The Teaching Syllabus of English Major in Higher Education Institute published in 2000, we are required to recognize and handle the abundant figures of speech” (Ma Yan, 2008:76) .

Metaphor, as a frequently-used figure of speech in textbooks should be given a top priority.“Metaphor should be regarded as the ultimate goal of the second language acquisition.Besides, this goal should vary in both quantity and quality according to the types of metaphor and the learning stages” (Cai Longquan, 2003:43) .

The author selects one hundred metaphors or so used in textbooks.After digesting some references, the author classifies those metaphors into three categories as follows, the conceptual metaphor and linguistic metaphor, the similarity-based metaphor and the similarity-created metaphor, the conventional metaphor and the novel metaphor.

2.1 Conceptual metaphor and linguistic metaphor

Metaphors We Live by is a monumental masterpiece composed by Lakoff and Johnson collaboratively in the cognitive study on metaphor.According to Lakoff and Johnson (1980) , conceptual metaphor can be classified into three sub-types, ontological metaphor, structural metaphor and orientational metaphor.

First of all, the author elaborates the ontological metaphor.Ontological metaphor can be further classified into entity metaphor and container metaphor.

Firstly, the entity metaphor provides the basic ways of viewing the abstract as entities and substances.That’s to say, people regard abstract ideas, emotions, psychological activities, events and states etc as some concrete and tangible entities.There exist abundant entity metaphors in English major’s intensive reading textbooks as follows,

“The charm of conversation...it will go as it meanders or leaps and sparkles or just flows” (Lesson 3 in Advanced English Book 2) .This sentence is a mixed metaphor, conversation is firstly compared to a stream which meanders and leaps and then compared to a fire which glows and sparkles.The author views the abstract conversation to concrete stream and fire, so conversation is an entity.

“The glow of conversation burst into flames” (Lesson 3 in Advanced English Book 2) .This sentence also compares conversation to a fire.With the use of metaphor, the author describes the spirited and exciting conversation vividly.

Secondly, the container metaphor is a typical ontological metaphor.As human beings are independent of the outside nature, so there exist both the insides and the outsides.Similarly, people map this concept to other entities, such as houses, fields, even some intangible and abstract events, and activities.Therefore, there exist some expressions as follows, “the station is coming into view”which considers visual fields as containers and“he is in trouble now”which regards troubles as containers.

The container metaphors in the English major’s intensive reading textbooks are as follows,

“They had outgrown town and families and had developed a sudden bewildering world-weariness” (Lesson 10 in Advanced English Book 2) .In this sentence, the writer regards the town as a container metaphorically and states the fact that those young people could no longer adapt themselves in their hometowns and their families.

“Out of the melting pot emerges a race which hates beauty as it hates truth” (Lesson 7 in Advanced English Book 2) .Here, the writer compares America as a container like a melting pot.

Then, it’s the turn of the orientational metaphor.Orientational metaphor is a series of metaphorical concept based on spatial directions which originate from the interaction between human beings and the nature.Those fundamental spatial directions which include up/down, front/back, deep/shallow, center/peripheral are mapped onto some abstract concepts like emotions, physical conditions, quantities and social status.

Moreover, the references of the orientational metaphor are not arbitrary.On the contrary, they are based on the material, social and cultural experiences.The typical references are as follows, “more is up while less is down”, “rational is up while emotional is down”, “high status is up while low status is down”etc.

At last, the author elaborates the structural metaphor.The structural metaphor means to construct one concept on the basis of another concept.For instance, it’s often the case that people refer to time in terms of money in our daily life and take according actions.People consider time as something as valuable as money, so we have many phrases like“spend one’s time”“waste one’s time”and“save one’s time”which derive from some related phrases of money.

“With God’s help, we have rid the earth of his shadows and liberated its people from his yoke” (Lesson 5 in Advanced English Book 1) .Here, two concepts are constructed as follows, “influence is shadow”and“control is yoke”.

“The oratorical storm...swept like a fresh wind through the schools” (Lesson 10 in Advanced English Book 1) .Here, the oration is constructed as a storm.

“No signposts in the sea” (Lesson 15 in Advanced English Book 1) .The concept that“life is a journey”is formed.

Then what’s the linguistic metaphor?Linguistic metaphor refers to the linguistic expressions underlying the conceptual metaphor.In other words, all linguistic metaphors are the realizations of the conceptual metaphors.Take the conceptual metaphor“conversation is a fire”appearing in the Advanced English for example,

“The charm of conversation...it will go as it meanders or leaps and sparkles or just flows” (Lesson 3 in Advanced English Book 2) .In this sentence, the writer compares conversation to a fire which glows and sparkles.

Generally speaking, the conceptual system is the basis of communications.Besides, the value of the conceptual metaphor has something in common with that in the culture.However, chances are that some conceptual systems vary from culture to culture.On this occasion, the linguistic metaphors in one culture will hardly resemble that in another culture.The little resemblance between two cultures’conceptual system is a formidable challenge for foreign language learners.

2.2 Similarity-Based metaphor and similarity-created meta-phor

In the similarity-based metaphor, there is a preexisting resemblance between the tenor and the vehicle.Take computer in Chinese for example, the function of computer is almost equivalent to that of human mind.Therefore, people use human mind in Chinese which is familiar to the readers to refer to the newly-born entity“computer”metaphorically.Not only in the scientific field but also in our daily life, there exist abundant similarity-based metaphors.When one feels depressed, he may say that“I am really low today!”.Here, we use the adverb“down”in physical sense to refer to the disappointment in psychological sense.

“And the doctor’s eyes rolled up in their fat hammocks” (Lesson 9 in Basic English Book 4) .Here, the writer catches the similarity between eyelids and hammocks.

“The town lay in the midst of a checkerboard of prosperous farms..., white clouds of bloom drifted...” (Lesson 15 in Basic English Book 3) .The writer grasps the similarity between neatly-displayed farms and the checkerboard and that between flowers blooming in large quantities and floating clouds.

Other similarity-based metaphors are as follows,

“the maze of vaulted streets” (Lesson 1 in Advanced English Book 1) .

“I see the Russian soldiers standing on the threshold of their native land” (Lesson 5 in Advanced English Book 1) .

“who saw clearly ahead a black wall of night” (Lesson 9 in Advanced English Book 1:150) .

“when it has taken on the patina of the mills, it is the color of an egg” (Lesson 7 in Advanced English Book 2) .

“our rather rambling garden...had become a spotless white canopy” (Lesson 12 in Basic English Book 3) .

In the similarity-created metaphor, there is no preexisting resemblance between“tenor”and“vehicle”before this kind of metaphor has come into use.Take“gentleman is water while cad is oil”for example, more often than not, people are not clear about the resemblance between gentleman and water and that between cad and oil until the appearance of this metaphor.

The similarity-created metaphor is also pervasive in English major’s intensive reading textbooks.Some impressive and representative metaphors of this kind are as follows,

“a fairyland of dancing flashes” (Lesson 1 in Advanced English Book 1) .Here, the writer creates the similarity between the copper market with unsteady lights and the fairyland.

“when the flood of migrants was pouring through in spring and autumn...” (Lesson 15 in Basic English Book 3) .The writer imagines the birds migrating in large quantities like a flood.

“suddenly the whole room broke into a sea of shouting...” (Lesson 3 in Basic English Book 4) .The writer compares the riotous shouting as the stormy sea.

“waves of rejoicing swept the places” (Lesson 3 in Basic English Book 4) .Here, the writer compares the great rejoicing to waves.

“to strengthen its shield of the new...” (Lesson 4 in Advanced English Book 2) .Here, the writer compares the powers of United States to a shield.

However, there is one point that shall never be neglected.Similarity is such a complex concept that it is related with many factors, such as cultural tradition and religious system etc.Moreover, anything resembles everything only in some way and the resemblance can either be objective or subjective.

2.3 Conventional metaphor and novel metaphor

The standard of metaphorical degree varies from scholars to scholars.“Black is strongly against the classification of live metaphor and dead metaphor, he regards naming a metaphor as a dead metaphor as ridiculous as to name the corpse as human being” (Shu Dingfang, 2000) .According to Black, “metaphor can be classified into extinct metaphor, dormant metaphor and active metaphor” (Shu Dingfang, 2000) .Based on this criterion, Shu Dingfang gives his classification of metaphor as follows, “novel metaphor, conventional metaphor and dead metaphor”.In a word, novel metaphor leaves a sense of freshness on readers while conventional metaphor seems to be a little cliched in our daily routine.

The conventional metaphor appearing in the English major’s intensive reading textbooks are as follows,

“I have a lump in my throat” (Lesson 2 in Advanced English Book 1) .It means a feeling of pressure in one’s throat caused by repressed emotion.

“She thinks her sister had held life always in the palm” (Lesson 4 in Advanced English Book 1) .The writer compares life to something tangible held in hands.

“I was again crushed by the thought” (Lesson 2 in Advanced English Book 1) .

“More Americans remember Mark Twain as the father of Huck Finn’s idyllic cruise” (Lesson 9 in Advanced English Book1) .Here, the writer considers Mark Twain as the author who created these unforgettable characters.

“Otherwise one will bind the conversation” (Lesson 3 in Advanced English Book 2) .

“the King’s English slips and slides in conversation” (Lesson3 in Advanced English Book 2) .

“Here was the very heart of industrial America” (Lesson 7 in Advanced English Book 2) .

The novel metaphors existing in the English major’s intensive reading textbooks are as follows,

“The conversation was on wings” (Lesson 3 in Advanced English Book 2) .Here, the writer compares the conversation as a bird flying and soaring.

“the sinister corridor of our age” (Lesson 3 in Advanced English Book 2) .The writer compares the things we do and the road we travel in this age as a corridor.

“...and succumbed to the epidemic of gold and silver fever” (Lesson 9 in Advanced English Book 1) .Firstly, the writer regards the gold and silver rush as a fever, then the fever turns out to be an epidemic.

“the nerves of both Duke and Duchess were excessively frayed” (Lesson 6 in Advanced English Book 1) .Here, the writer imagines people’s nerves as something tangible that can be frayed.

In brief, novel metaphor is a pragmatic phenomenon while conventional metaphor belongs to semantic dimension.On one hand, with the gradual circulation and acceptance of the novel metaphor, the metaphorical degree declines.On the other hand, the conventional metaphor, as a dormant volcano, is likely to revive.

3 Conclusion

Metaphor is omnipresent in our daily life.It is not only a figure of speech but also a cognitive phenomenon.Moreover, metaphor is more pervasive than any other figures of speech in English major’s intensive reading textbooks.Therefore, this thesis makes a thorough analysis on metaphor in textbooks from cognitive perspective.

The cognitive analysis on metaphor makes great sense.In terms of students, they can have a deeper insight into the implied meaning of metaphor and the charming language, which in turn contributes to their second language acquisition.Meanwhile, the perception of foreign countries’history, culture and religion will motivate teachers to adopt the metaphorical teaching method in order to deliver more vivid lectures than ever before.Therefore, more attention shall be attached to the cognitive analysis on metaphor in English major’s intensive reading textbooks.


[1]Lakoff G, Johnson M.Metaphors We Live by[M].Chicago:The University of Chicago Press, 1980.

[2]蔡龙权.隐喻在二语习得中的应用[J].上海外国语大学学报, 2003 (6) .

[3]胡壮麟.语言学教程[M].北京:北京大学出版社, 2006.

[4]马琰.高级英语修辞及其多维度教学模式[J].商洛学院学报, 2008 (3) .

[5]束定芳.隐喻学研究[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2000.

[6]束定芳.论隐喻产生的认知、心理和语言原因[J].外语学刊, 2000 (2) .

8.英语专业个人英文简历的 篇八




[文章编号]1006-2831(2013)02-0136-6 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-2831.2013.01.033

1. 引言

摘要是对正文简洁而完整的描述,同时又是独立于正文的语篇(Tippet, 2004)。早在20世纪70年代,国际上就已公布并不断更新了关于学术论文摘要写作规范的统一标准,从最初的国际标准(ISO)214-1976到之后的国际标准(ISO)5966等。随后我国也在80年代发布了国家标准GB7713-87等以规范学术论文摘要的格式与内容。摘要作为导读性语篇很大程度上左右了读者对整篇论文的第一印象,因此,对于学术论文来说摘要是至关重要的一部分。随着学术论文摘要得到越来越多的关注,国内外学者对学术论文摘要的研究角度也日趋多样(如:语用学,文体学角度等),形式愈加丰富,包括各类语篇的摘要研究,不同语种的摘要对比研究等,如:Day(1995)和Patrick(2003)分别探讨了科技论文摘要和会议摘要的特点;张春芳(2009)等中国学者对英汉学术论文摘要的异同进行了深入研究。


本文选择中国英语专业本科毕业论文的英文摘要作为研究对象,运用韩礼德的衔接理论(Halliday & Hasan, 1976)及Fries(1983)的主位推进理论,对其中存在的衔接与连贯问题及特点进行分析,并探索其原因,以期为提高中国学生的英文摘要写作水平尽一份绵薄之力。

2. 理论框架与研究方法

韩礼德与哈桑的《英语的衔接》(Cohesion in English, 1976)中将英语中的衔接手段分为两类:词汇衔接(Lexical cohesion)与语法衔接(Grammatical cohesion),其中语法衔接包括照应(Reference),省略(Ellipsis),替代(Substitution)和连接(Conjunction)。每一种衔接又可继续细分为不同类型。



3. 结果与讨论

3.1 衔接手段



3.1.1 词汇衔接



(1) <1>Eating is something very daily routine, and it also contains a profound influence. <2>Eating etiquette as a cultural category is effected by religion, history, and economics from different countries. <3>Therefore, different countries are also having different eating etiquette, and it is shows on the style of eating a meal, seating arrangements, the order of serving dishes, drinking wine, and the rite of having a meal. <4>In this essay, Chapter two and Chapter three distinguish the difference between dining and drinking etiquette for the formal occasions in United Kingdom and China. <5>As China is a country with 5000 years history and abundant cultural heritage, in Chapter two, the essay introduce a special word “Face” which belongs to the Chinese culture. <6>Face is an essential component of the Chinese national psyche. <7>“Face” is a sensitive word which uses frequently during the Chinese dinner. <8>The reasons why causes all these difference is also one of the aspects this easy (essay, typing mistake) focus on. <9>A variety of food and different society atmosphere are the leading reasons in all. <10>Chapter four gives a deep analysis to these two issues. <11>Cultural difference, traditions and the environment make all the difference in eating etiquette. <12>All in all, knowing other countries eating etiquette could help us form a point on our countrys dignity than respect others custom.

该例共有22处重复衔接(斜体标出),其中有些重复是多余且能够避免的,如第<6>,<7>句中的两个face,可以通过合并两个句子来避免不必要的重复。又如这篇摘要中共使用4个different 和4个difference来表达“不同、差异”,这样的重复衔接死板而累赘,此时不妨使用其他表达不同的同义词,即使用相似衔接手段。


3.1.2 照应

照应,又称指称,是回指某个上文提到过的单位或意义的语言学单位(胡壮麟,1994),包括内指指称和外指指称。摘要虽然是独立的语篇,但它作为正文的缩写,与正文有着密切的关系,通常由外指指称来实现,例如:the essay; the thesis; the paper等,其中的定冠词the就是外指指称,然而,这种外指指称与摘要本身的衔接连贯无关。因此,本研究分析的照应仅包括内指指称,即对摘要内部的衔接连贯有所贡献的照应,结果如表3所示:
