


1.酒店管理英语求职信 篇一


Today,I am writing to apply for the application engineer of your company,below i will give you some general information about myself.

I graduated from hhhh university in 20**, and got a MBA degree,

In my campus life, i have received the most excelent award three times,i have served in the colleague baskball team and as monitor for about two years.and in my spare time , i also love reading ,everyday even i am very busy,i will spare at least one hour to read my favoriate book.

Through search ,and i know that your is a famous company with excelent management ,so if i have the opportunity to work in the company ,i believe that i will be able to full develop my abilities and obtain strong knowledge ,and the same time i will make valueable contribution to your company.

so look forward your reply.

thank you,


2.酒店管理英语求职信 篇二

本模块以AJobWorthDoing为话题, 旨在通过模块教学使学生了解社会中的各种工作及其对社会的重要作用, 并让学生设想未来的工作类型, 培养学生对社会的责任感, 培养他们奉献社会、回报社会的精神, 使他们认识到只有通过自己的努力工作改造社会, 未来社会才会变得更美好。写作部分要求学生就某一项工作写一封求职信, 咨询有关此项工作的情况, 并介绍自己的简历。本模块由五课时完成, 本节课是其中的第五课时———写作课, 练习求职信写法。


我所教班级学生的英语写作水平参差不齐, 在学生的习作中经常存在语言知识性错误、篇章结构以及文章内容方面的问题。本节课的写作话题贴近学生的生活, 学生具备一定的相关间接经验, 加上前四课时内容的铺垫, 写起来不会太困难。


(一) 教学目标


(1) 重点词汇 和短语:post, qualification, referee, grateful, applyfor, inresponseto, agoodknowledge of. (2) 重点句式:Iamwritinginresponsetoyouradver- tisementforatemporarypositionasawaiter.Iwouldbe gratefulifyoucouldsendmemoreinformationaboutthe post (s) available.





(二) 教学重难点



3.高中英语“求职信写作”教学设计 篇三

本模块以A Job Worth Doing为话题,旨在通过模块教学使学生了解社会中的各种工作及其对社会的重要作用,并让学生设想未来的工作类型,培养学生对社会的责任感,培养他们奉献社会、回报社会的精神,使他们认识到只有通过自己的努力工作改造社会,未来社会才会变得更美好。写作部分要求学生就某一项工作写一封求职信,咨询有关此项工作的情况,并介绍自己的简历。本模块由五课时完成,本节课是其中的第五课时——写作课,练习求职信写法。





1. 语言目标。

(1)重点词汇和短语:post, qualification, referee, grateful, apply for, in response to, a good knowledge of.

(2)重点句式:I am writing in response to your advertisement for a temporary position as a waiter. I would be grateful if you could send me more information about the post(s) available.

2. 能力目标。

Enable the students to write a letter of application.

3. 学能目标。

Help the students learn how to write a job application.


How to write a good job application?


4.关于酒店求职的英语模拟面试问答 篇四


1. R:Tell me aboutyourself ?/Could you introduce yourself in English? 可以用英语介绍一下你自己吗?

E:Good morning sir/madam. It ishonor to meet you here and I reallyappreciate you offer me a chance of interview.

Now let meintroduce myself . My name is XXX , XXX is my hometown . I am a honest ,responsible and friendly person. I graduate from XXX Universityin 2012. My major is hotel management. I had a part-time job in IHG HotelBeijing as a bellboy . I learned much when I got along with customers. So Ilike this kind of field very much and take it as my career.

I am proud ofapplying for this job. If you give me aopportunity ,you will see my good performance at work. Finally ,I wish ourhotel becomes the best one among this industry . Thank you for your time.


现在请让我介绍一下我自己,我叫XXX,XXX 是我的故乡。我是一个诚实、负责和好相处的人。我在从XXX大学毕业。我的专业是酒店管理。在北京洲际饭店做过实习门童。我在与客人相处的过程中学到了很多。所以我喜欢并将它作为我的终身职业。


2.R:Tell me youryour birthday? / What is youe date of birth? 你是哪天的生日呢?

E:I was born in August 18th ,1987. 我出生于1987年8月18日

3.R:How tall areyou?/How much is your weight? 你的身高/体重多少?

E:I am 180 centimeters and 70kilogram. 我身高180cm ,体重70千克。

4.R:What is yourpersonality?What are you great strength? 你的性格如何?你的优势是什么?

E:I am honest responsible andwarm-hearted. For example , In May 2010, I organized a travel group to Beijing for mystudents . I was responsible arranging roomsand contact with local guide . By myeffort ,the trip was quite successful. It make me become more confident.


5.R:What are your three great weakness? 你的三个缺点是什么?

E:First I am luck of enough work experiences. Second I need aall-around regular training . Last my skills of services need to improve.

But I will learn and adopt tothe new environment in short time.


6.R:What is yourphilosophy(人生观)?

E:(严肃状) I hope to dowhat I like best, enjoying it and benefit from it.


7.R:How would youfriends describe you? 你的朋友是这样描述你的?

E:(稍等几秒表慎重) They will say I am a always ready to help othersand concern about them when they in trouble. 他们会说我是一个随时帮助别人并在别人陷入困境时关心他人的人。

R:Do you think you are introverted or extroverted? 你是外向性格还是内向性格?

E:It depends . When I focus on soms projects. I am introverted .BecauseI have to pay attention to it. While when I communicate with my friends. Ialways outgoing.这个要看情况。当我关注与一件事时我是内向的。因为我必须关心与它。然而当我与朋友交流时,我总是外向的。

8.R:How do younormally handle criticism? 你是如何面对批评的?

E:If it is my mistake, I will accept constructive criticism. But if Iam right . I hope we can discuss it later when we cool off.


10.R:How do you handle your failure? 面对失败你会如何做?

E: None of us was born “prefect”. But I must find out why I make such amistake and I will learn lesson from it.我们没有人生来就是完美的。但是我必须从错误中学到为什么会犯错并吸取教训。

11.R:What amateuractive have you ever taken part in? 你平时有哪些业余活动?

E:My hobbies are reading, listing to music ,singing .And my favouritesports are riding bicycle and playing badminton.


12.R:Would you mindintroducing your family ?/ Please say something about your family? 你可以介绍一下你的家庭吗?

E:There are three people in my in my family . My parents both areworkers. My father is work hard everyday. He tell that a good staff should beresponsible for his work on.

My mother is a warm-hearted personso that all the people are willing to together with her.

I love them very much . I hope to take care ofthem by my own effort.




13.R:What courses did you studyat school/university? 你在学校学习了哪些课程?

E:I studied courses in University including the housekeeping management, food and beverage management . Health and recreation management and so on.


14.R:How do you likethe level of your English skills? 你的英语水平怎样?

E: I have got a CET4 certification . I am good at reading and writing .I can communicate with foreigners fluently . At school I have learned hotelenglish ,so I can handle the hotelaffairs in English.


15.R:Why do youthink english is very important?为什么你认为英语很重要?

E: English is spoken all around the world. If my English is good I cantravel around the world . Meanwhile it is a tool communication with others.


16:R:How do you like your senior leader who led you directly before? 以前领导你的主管怎么样?

E:My leader helped me a lot . He give me many good suggestions andcorrect my mistakes in time.


17.R:How do handleyour conflict with your colleagues in your work? 你如何处理与同事在工作中的矛盾?

E:I think we should cool off . Then I tell him what I think in a politeway . And I hope to listening to his or her idea.


18.R:What do findfrustrating in a work situation? 在工作中让你感到沮丧的情形时什么样的?

E:If my customers did not satisfy my service or I made a mistake inwork which make me frustrating.


19.R:Could you listsome difficulties during your work? And how did you conquer them? 在工作中你遇到过哪些困难?你是怎样克服的?

E:Customers often complain the speed of serving is too slow, they hopeus to urge. In such a situation I always apologize first and speed up as fastas I can.


20.R:What basicprinciple do you apply to your work ? 你选择应聘这份工作的因素是什么?

E:Firstly this job should be what I interested in and Secondly itshould have a huge space of development.


21.R:How do you knowthe message that we have this vacancy? 你是如何知道这个职位空缺的?

E: I know the information form your website.


22.R:Why do you wantto work on hotel ?为什么你想在酒店工作?

E:Firstly , the hotel industry has a huge space of development in ourcity.

Secondly, the hotel staff arerequired to have professional skills and awareness of cooperation . I want topractice myself in hotel industry.

Thirdly, my major is hotelmanagement ,I hope to make practical use of the knowledge that I learned inhotel services.


23.R:Why are youinterested in our hotel ?为什么你对我们酒店感兴趣?

E:Because we all ,know that our hotel is a International ChainFive-Star Hotel . So I believe that the hotel management level is veryprofessional and it has a bright future.


24.R:If you enterour hotel ,what section would you like to work in?如果你进入我们酒店,你会选择哪个部门?

E: I apply for the Concierge because I want to make face-to-facecommunications with guests so that I can give them my the best services. Inaddition , I hope by my effort I can become a Les chef d`or.


25.R:Working inhotel is really hard so can you accept that? 在酒店工作是很累的,你可以接收吗?

E:Yes. I am very health . This is a very good opportunity to practicemyself . I do hope I can get this job . I promise I will work hard and make yousatisfied.


26.R:If the guestcomplains to you, what do you do?如果客人向你投诉,你会怎么做?

E:I should patiently listen to reason that the guests complain about .If it is our problem I would contact the related departments to solve it , andtry my best to make guests feel at satisfied.


27.R:Do you thinksmiling is very important when you are working?你认为微笑在工作中重要吗?

E:Smile is a kind of language which can be understand by everyone ,especially in service industry, smile can make the guests feel at home.


28.R:How would youreceive a difficult customers? 你服务过挑剔的客人吗?

E:I will try all my best to meet the requirements of the guests. But ifhe or she demands exceeds, I have to politely to refuse him/her.


29.R:Can you work onshift?/Can you work overtime?你可以倒班吗?你可以加班吗?

E:No problem ,I obey the arrangement of the hotel.


30.R:If you areemploy by the hotel , what will you do firstly?如果你被酒店录取了,你首先会怎么做?

E:I will be the first to read the employee handbook and accept training.And at the same time I need to make a good relationship with my colleagues.Try all my best to adopt to the new environment and become a qualify staff in ashort time.


31.R:What kind oftreatment do you expected?你所希望的待遇是多少?

E:I hope my efforts can be the same as what I contribution to the hotel.


32.R:Beside thesalary , what welfare attract your mostly?除了薪酬以外,还有什么福利是最吸引你的?

E:I am really interested in the training courses that hotel offers.


33.R:What are thefive plans for yourself in the future?你在未来五年的计划是怎样的?

E:I hope to show my ability in this field and to become a qualifiedstaff . Perhaps I will have an opportunity to engage a management position.


34.R:How long willyou work in our hotel?/ How long would you stay with this hotel? 你将会在我们酒店工作多久呢?

E:I will stay as long as I can keep learning and growing in our hotel.


35.R:Do you have any question?你还有别的问题吗?

E: That is all .Thank you.

5.求职英语:英语求职信3 篇五

December 2,19——BT&K 2000

18th Street Suite 300 San Angelo,TX 76902


Senior Creative Director I am sending you my resume in response to your ad in the May issue of Advertising Age for a Production Artist. I believe I have the skills that your company is seeking,and would like to be considered for the position. I have extensive layout and design experience and enjoy working on precise,detailed projects. My background in 4-color production,camera work,and desktop publishing systems would also be an asset to your company. Working under tight deadlines is the standard of the advertising industry that I come from,and is not a problem for me.

I look forward to meeting with you personally,and reviewing the needs of BT&K in greater detail. I can be reached at the above telephone number.

6.英语 英语考试作文求职信 篇六


注意: 1. 词数120左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 短文中不能出现与本人相


Dear Miss Liu,

volunteers, I knew I should try my luck. I am always a strong advocate of environmental resouces but also is a popular tourist attraction.

In terms of my character, I’m an outgoing and committed person with a good team work spirit. I’ve learned a lot from participating in some volunteer programs in the past, such as cutting hair for empty nesters and collecting rubbish on the river Yours sincerely,

7.毕业生求职登记管理信息系统设计 篇七

本文设计信息系统主要采用了主流的B/S架构式进行设计, 可以节约大量的成本, 执行效率高于传统的C/S架构模式。系统采用Java、JSP, Oracle, 运用Weblogic、PL/SQL, 采取主流的框架结构, 参照目前国内主流的劳动保障部门的招聘流程, 让毕业生真正做到流程信息化, 招聘参考全面化, 自身权益保障化。


(1) 功能概要

针对具体情况, 当一个学生在求职的过程中, 当他对不同的单位寻求职位时, 他求职的个人信息是唯一的即所有单位查到他的个人信息都是一样的。这些单位在查询毕业生资料的同时, 也可以访问其他有求职意向的企业的相关信息, 但是企业只能对自己所需要招聘人员的需求信息做以修改, 而不能对非本单位的信息进行修改。

(2) 功能处理

(1) 对于基本信息中不存在的求职者, 需要先录入基本信息, 然后录入求职登记信息;


(2) 在确定基本信息后需要做一系列的检查, 通过后台过程来处理业务

(3) 求职登记信息的数据共享方式是完全共享:即各机构间的数据不区分机构, 任何机构优先查询、推荐使用使用本机构数据, 当本机构数据查询匹配不到时, 可以查询、推荐使用所有机构信息, 但是不允许修改别的机构的数据

如果P_CC20.LLE017不为空, 说明是本机构的数据, 那么查询出求职信息, 并查询出意愿信息, 允许修改

如果P_CC20.LLE017为空, 说明不是本机构的数据, 那么在查询出求职信息, 并查询出意愿信息, 但是只允许查看不允许修改本机构意愿信息, 但是可以新增意愿信息, 可以修改本机构的意愿信息;

(4) 历史求职:查出基本信息的同时, 需要查询出历史求职信息


(5) 历史推荐:查出基本信息的同时, 查询出历史求职信息;


历史未反馈推荐信息, 点击历史未反馈后面的反馈按钮, 查询出未反馈的信息, 这个页面引用后面推荐反馈的页面即可

(6) 高级人才:查出基本信息的同时, 需要查询出是否是高级人才:

如果P_CC20.LDD280不为空, 则将P_CC20.LDD280的付给新增业务的LDD280, 并且LDD20P=‘0’, 在后面的处理中, 点击高级人才后面的补充信息按钮, 弹出高级人才的维护页面, 点击保存后更新高级人次信息, 保存到CC28

如果P_CC20.LDD280为空, 则将新增业务的LDD280的值为空, 并且LDD20P=‘1’, 在后面的处理中, 点击高级人才后面的补充信息按钮, 弹出高级人才的维护页面, 点击保存后新增高级人次信息, 保存到CC28

(7) 再就业优惠证号码:

如果P_CC20.LDD101不为空, 则比较和客户录入的再就业优惠证号码是否相同, 如果相同, 则BCC010=’1’, 后面显示的字是检验通过;对号

如果P_CC20.LDD101为空, 则BCC010=’0’, 后面显示的字是检验未通过;错号

(8) 失业就业登录证号码:

如果P_CC20.LLD021不为空, 则比较和客户录入的失业就业登录证号码是否相同, 如果相同, 则BAC021=’1’, 后面显示的字是检验通过或对号;

如果P_CC20.LLD021为空, 则BAC021=’0’, 后面显示的字是检验未通过或错号;


(9) 每次求职登记时允许填写多条求职意愿, 即可以针对多个工种求职;

职业介绍是一肩挑的模式, 所以在求职登记结束后, 应该能够直接推荐岗位, 这里点击推荐按钮后, 进入人选空位的匹配空位的页面, 复用人选空位模块

求职信息新增保存的处理, 新增后调用触发器tr_cc21_update来处理一些未完成的操作 (前台不用处理) ;

选择工种时, 需要注意, 共享模式下, 在有效时间内, 同一求职者的同一工种或专业信息必须是唯一的;值串:


如果F.CHACA111 (‘CC21’, ’LDD200|LDD210|LGL111’) =1那么说明已经存在相同的择业工种信息, 提示用户, 并不允许保存;

如果=0, 既不存在相同的择业工种信息, 继续操作


提示用户如果删除求职信息, 该求职信息下的所有意愿信息也将被删除, 是否确认删除, 如果不删除, 停止操作, 如果删除, 检查是否有推荐信息

如果F.DOCHECK (‘CC22’, ’LDD200’, ’求职编号’) =1, 说明在推荐信息表 (CC22) 中存在本求职编号对应的推荐的信息, 提示用户不允许删除;

如果=0, 则删除求职信息, 其余的处理调用触发器tr_cc20_delete来处理 (前台不用处理) 。

(10) 只能对“未冻结”的求职意愿进行修改操作:

如果冻结标记如果LDD208=‘0’, 即求职意愿未冻结允许修改, 允许删除。

如果LDD208<>‘0’, 求职意愿已冻结, 提示用户不可修改已冻结信息, 只能查看, 允许删除;

该系统是基于国家“金保”规划背景设计的, 在很多数据方面提供了共享接口设计, 例如公民的基本信息数据系统可以和“金盾”方面的警务数据系统实现全国数据共享, 甚至可以提供海外数据快速传递, 为国家的信息化共享方面有着积极意义。

8.一封辞职信隐含的管理问题 篇八























辞职人:冯主任 20**年**月**日

9.英语求职信 篇九

Dear Sir/Madam,My name is Huang Wenhe, and I have graduated from jiangxi Nanchang University in the year of 2003.My major is secretary in English department.It’s my great pleasure to have this opportunity to improve our mutual understanding.During the three –year college study,I tried my best to learn all kinds of knowledge,and weigh the hard work of my teachers and myself;I have mastered English listening,speaking,writing and reading skills.Moreover,I have a good command of Business English and the basic theory,public relationship of secretary.Meanwhile, in order to enlarge my knowledge, I always read some newspapers and magazines about business and trade,and I used to do some representative of business in my spare time.At the same time, I learnt computer skills during my summer vacation,and now I’m familiar with Office 2000.It is my three –year college life that makes me form my life attitude.Also my three-year college life that makes me rich in knowledge.Honesty, Trust, Diligence is principle of how to be a man.As a college graduate,I believe “where there is a will, there is a way”, and I will try my best to do a good job in my business.So I sincerely hope that I can make a position in your company so that I can serve for the company in the future.Yours faithfully,Liu Ying







June 17,19-

Crown Laundry Co.Bristol,Ohio

Gentlemen/Dear Sir:

In reply to your advertisement in the Bristol News of June 2,I wish to say that I am seeking the kind of position your offer.I am nineteen years old,and expect to graduate from the Bristol Technical High School this month.During three years of the course, I have been working with many kinds of machinery and have helped to set up and repair the machinery in one of the school shops.My father is a chauffeur,and I helped him in repairing automobiles.Last summer I took a party of excursionists on a three weeks‘tour.While we were in West Epping,away from repair shops,my machine was badly damaged.I had to repair two cylinders and rig up a temporary steering wheel.Inclosed you will find a copy of my resume-and my photo.I believe they may be found satisfactory.Concerning my character I am permitted to refer to Mr.H.L.Sled,Head of the Mechanical section of the Bristol Technical High School.Yours truly,signature






Applying for the Position of Assistant for Marketing Project Manager Directions:

You are a senior of English for Business.A German company in China is recruiting an assistant to marketing project manager, which requires a good command of English and knowledge in German especially.Write a letter of about 100 words applying for the position, introducing yourself and asking for an interview.You needn’t write the address.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter, using “Wang Lin” instead.Dear Sirs,I am graduating from the Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade this summer.As a student of English for Business, I hope to work for a foreign company after graduation.In the past three academic years, I have proved myself to be a straight student, awarded a succession of scholarships.My English is particularly good and German happens to be my second foreign language, which will live up to the requirements set by a wholly foreign-owned enterprise like yours.I apply for the position of assistant to your marketing project manager.You will find me a good team player, self-motivated and eager to learn.I believe I can be of value to your company.Enclosed please find my resume.I should be very happy if you would arrange an interview with me.Yours sincerely,Wang Lin








Dear Sir or Madam,I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in(报纸名称)of(广告发布时间).Not only do I have the qualifications(资格证书)for this job, but I also have the right personality(品格)for a(工作名称).In the one hand,(第一个原因).On the other hand,(另一个原因).Should you grant me a personal interview, I would be most grateful.If you need to know more about me, please feel free to contact me at any time at(电话号码).Thank you for considering my application, and I am looking forward to meeting you.Yours sincerely,Li Ming

