


1.哈利波特观后感英文 篇一

Harry Potter

J――K.Rowling, who is a famous writer in the world, is famous with the novel--Harry Potter.It is a series novel that attracts numbers of people in the world. As an author, J.K.Rowling has written fiction since she was a child. Born in 1965, she grows up in Chepstow and wrote her first “book” at the age of six--a story about a ribbit called Rabbit. She studied French and Classical at Exeter University, then moved to Londonto work at Amnesty International, and then to Portugal to teach Engliash as a foteign language, before settling in Edinburg. The idea for Harry Potter occured to hei on the train from Manchester to London, where she says Harry Potter “just strolled into my head fully formed”,and by the time she had arrived at Kings Cross, many of the characters had taken shape. During the next five years she outlined the plots for each book and began writing the first in the series, Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stoe, which was first published by Bloomsbury in . The other Harry Potter titles: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix the Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, followed J.K.Rowling has also written two companion books, Quidditch Through the Ages and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, in aid of Comic Relief.

In the last book--Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, it is the final fighting between Harry and Voldemort. Because of the thing that Voldemort dont understand and was not spare a glance for it, he finally died. Even though it was not his mistakes not to get love, he chose to destroyed by himself. Yes, love is the most important thing. Only it can exceed magic. In Rowlings books, we can see it everywhere. Because of love, Harry survived when he was one years old; because of love, many people sacrifice their lives to rescue their families and friends, such as Lupin said about his son,“Im sorry too. Sorry I will never know him… but he will know why I died and I hope he will understand. I was trying to make a world in which he could live a happier life.” The novel shows us about the seven years since Harry knew he was a wizard, and he began fighting against the strongest black wizard in the history with love.

In the novel, there are many characters lefting deep impression on me, such as the clever Hermione, unfortunate Remus Lupin, handsome Sirus Black and so on. Form them, I want to introduce three--Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and Severus Snape.

First, Dumbledore, who is thought the greatest wizard in the world, has much merit. He was the Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.He is the chief administrator of a School of Magic. he make all major decisions regarding the safety and the day-to-day functioning of the school, and have the power to override any decision made by any other authoritative facilitator at the school From some respects, he is braver than other people. I respect him not only because of his greatness, wisdom, experience, achievement and humanity, but also because he has a comprehesive mind. He knows everything. He is able to accept, understand even including his mistakes and weakness. He is great because he sees everything brightly and leisurely went to death. He leads Harry to go to the front. Old as he is, he also dont lose the sense and became the only person that Voldemort is afraid of. But none of men are all-powerful, he is not an exception either. The difference is he accept them, understand how to correct them, never free from his fault, and even after dying, he still in struggle for justice--like those people, use their lives as bedding of another person on the way of this justice. I think he is a successful teacher and headmaster,he taught Harry understand what love means,how to insist his belief and how to use his ways to become stronger and stronger.He is an old man ,but he has unbelievable power and strong belief.I like him,even if sometimes he may feel scared,but he still believe in Harry and never have the thought of giving up fighting with devil.

Then, Harry Potter, as the dramatis personas in the novel, I think he is the most perfect one.He is a much-loved figure. He is strong, brave, kind, sincere, responsible, friendly. He and his friends Hermione Jane Granger, Ron Weasley companions, embarked on a dramatic chase battle with Voldemort. he has good talent to retrieval the world. Different from other person in the school, he has much weakness hardness. Lord Voldemort killed his parents , he lived at the home of his aunt and he must bear with the bad treatment the bad boy did.As young, he often gets impetuous, sometimes feel confused, and he also feels afraid of someting. He grows up bit by bit,and becomes stronger and stronger, and finally becomes the hero in peoples mind. On the other hand, he is only a child, who wants to have a peaceful life, to have an intact family that he can live with his father and mother, and get love from them. For that reason, when he knew the story about the Deathly Hallows, he wanted to find them, especially the Resurrection Stone,but later he realized that it is bad to own them and may course big problems, so he gave up and put them in somewhere that nobody can get them. He is so brave that he came to terms with death for others happiness. In some places, his behave really stands for Gryffindors spirit.Even when he was scared, he was also brave to go on. So maybe he is the brvest person in the novel. I also admire the friendship between Harry Potter and his partners, no matter what the difficulties they face are, They never gave up the belief. They always had a conviction: “We must overcome all the difficulties to defeat evil, and we learn to get much strong power, understand and know how to defeat our enemies, as long as we work together, we can overcome evil, justice will never defeat evil.“ With this belief, they will win, because evil can not defeat justice.”

The other role, Severus Snape, the Slytherin who loved a Gryfindor. His image changes in my heart after I read the Deathly Hallows.when I read the first six books of the series, I hate him very much because he always looked for the bad things of Harry Potter whether Harry potter was really wrong or not. Although before the actual state of affairs has been clear, I have already guessed the Snape was not Voldemorts servant. I admire him after I finished reading the last book. the last book, I have found all my answers: Snape never betrayed Dumbledore, he helped Dumbledore and in the end he gave up his own life to fulfill Dumbledore’s plan, to assist Harry and to tell Harry the truth, all for the love of Lilly Potter. | Before that I hated him for his prejudice against Harry, and his haughtiness. But when I read the last book, I suddenly realize that Severus is as Harry told his son--Ablus,”He was probably the bravest man I ever knew.“ He loves Lily Evans almost all his life. He met her when they was only nine years old. It seemed that Snape had a family that treated him badly and he was quite ashamed of himself, so he dared not approach his angel, Lilly, for fear that she’ll dislike him, so he always hid in the shadows and watched her while she play and laughed. They went to Hougwarts together. He came close to her, made friends with her and loved her at the rest of his life. Snape was sorted into Slytherin while Lilly to Gryffindor; they were move and more apart. And in the end Lilly fell in love with James Potter, Harry’s father, maybe that’s the biggest reason for Snape’s hatred for the Potters. Lily got married to James Potter who Severus hated very much, but he still put the love in his heart.Thanks to his love for Lily, he bears everything, dumbly protected her son for seven years. Finally, he broke his life down. His love for Lily hid so well that I knew nothing of it until I saw the part in which Harry read the memories of his. And now I understood his last words for Harry when he died:” Look into my eyes.” His last request for Harry was to look into his eyes so he could die looking at the eyes of Harry, the eyes same as Lilly’s, the eyes of the woman he loved. His love is so great that he can sacrifice himself to protect Harry even if he hates him as he does to James.I still remember his words“I love lily,I protect him,but I do not want him know.”No mtter how Harry potter hate him,no matter how much press he must have to bear,no matter how cruel Voldemort is ,he still love Lily ,he still insist his belief,he still protect Harry Potter.As a reader said that you can not do the evaluation about Severus Snape before you have read the Deathly Hallows.

Hermione is a Muggle-born Gryffindor student, and the best friend of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Rowling states that she was born on 19 September and she was nearly twelve when she first attended Hogwarts.She is an overachiever who excels academically, and is described by Rowling as a ”very logical, upright and good“ character.Rowling adds that Hermiones parents, two Muggle dentists, are a bit bemused by their odd daughter but very proud of her all the same.”They are well aware of the wizarding world and have visited Diagon Alley with her. Though Rowling has described the character of Luna Lovegood as the “anti-Hermione” because they are so different, Hermiones foil at Hogwarts is Pansy Parkinson, a female bully based on real-life girls who teased the author during her school days.

Rowling claims the character of Hermione carries several autobiographical influences. “I did not set out to make Hermione like me but she is…she is an exaggeration of how I was when I was younger.” She recalled being called a “little know-it-all” in her youth. Moreover, she states that not unlike herself, “there is a lot of insecurity and a great fear of failure” beneath Hermiones swottiness. Finally, according to Rowling, next to Albus Dumbledore, Hermione is the perfect expository character; because of her encyclopaedic knowledge, she can always be used as a plot dump to explain the Harry Potter universe. Rowling also claims that her feminist conscience is saved by Hermione, “whos the brightest character” and is a “very strong female character”.

Hermiones name is derived from William Shakespeares The Winters Tale; Rowling claimed that she wanted it to be unusual since if fewer girls shared her name, fewer girls would get teased for it and it seemed that “a pair of professional dentists, who liked to prove how clever they are…gave [her] an unusual name that no-one could pronounce.” Her original last name was “Puckle”, but Rowling felt the name “did not suit her at all”, and so the less frivolous Granger made it into the books. Rowling confirmed in a interview that Hermione is an only child. Hermione later uses Polyjuice Potion to impersonate Bellatrix when the trio attempt to steal Hufflepuffs cup from Gringotts. She, Harry, and Ron join Dumbledores Army in the Battle of Hogwarts, during which Hermione destroys Hufflepuffs cup in the Chamber of Secrets with a basilisk fang, eliminating another Horcrux. Hermione and Ron also share their first kiss in the midst of the battle. In the final battle in the Great Hall, Hermione fights Bellatrix with the help of Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood. However, the three of them are unable to defeat Bellatrix and stop fighting her once MollyWeasley orders them to disengage.

After reading all the novel, I find it has a consummate ending--they finally have a peaceful life, such as after the fighting, Harry said“Ive had enough trouble for a life time.” Yes, after experiencing all of that. Peace is happiness. Story as it is, I want to believe it is true in my mind. Those men, women and other things are real. Lke Dumbledore told Harry,“Of course it is happening inside your head, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?”

In the novel, I learn that love, guardianship, friendship and family are the actual meaning for life. They are far more important than power, money, longevity and anything else. I am moving by the characters in the novel and the story itself. Ive just fininshed reading the Harry Potter books for about the 5th time through, and theyre just as magical and affecting as they have ever been. Everything is in here: suspense, adventure, mystery, humour, danger. Theres even some pretty satisfying paybacks. The characters are fantastic and fantastically realistic. There are bad people who turn out to be good guys and good people who turn out to be bad guys, just like life.

I think the thing I like best about these books is the message that its okay to be different - to be not “normal.” I would love for everyone in school to have hear that message. It would probably reduce the bullying around the school.

These books value real thoughts. Much has been made of Harrys rule breaking, but only once in the series so far does he break a rule for arbitrary personal gain. Most of the time he makes a decision that whats right is more important than whats written. And you know what? Lifes like that sometimes. I think its great that kids are getting an example of how to do whats right even when it involves breaking rules. The Potter books also show that there are consequences for rule breaking. If not getting caught and getting a detention, then a spell going wrong and someone getting turned into a cat. This shows that when you make a decision to go against the rules that things may not go as you expected and you have to take responsibility for the outcome.

2.《哈利波特与魔法石》英文读后感 篇二

Harry Potter series aremy most favorite books. There are seven books in total. Last year, my father bought them for me as the new year gift. When I first read them, I liked them inmediately. The stories about Harry Potter are so exciting and adventurous. Harry Potter is a kind, brave and strong kid that he is never afraid of any difficulties. Besides, I admire him having two good friends. They always help him andnever leave him, no matter how bad the conditions are. I am happy to see Harry Potter overcome all difficulties and live a happy life in theend.

3.哈利波特与魔法石中英文台词 篇三

I should’ve known that you would be here.我早该想到会在这里遇到你 Professor McGonagall.麦格教授

Good evening.Professor Dumbledore.晚上好,邓布利多教授 Are the rumors true, Albus? 传闻是真的吗?阿不思? I’m afraid so, professor.我想是真的,教授 The good 有个好消息 And the bad 也有坏消息 And the boy? 那个孩子呢?

Hagrid is bringing him.海格会把他带到这儿来 Is it wise 你觉得这么做明智吗?

To trust Hagrid with something so important? 把这种大事交给海格去办?

Professor.I would trust Hagrid with my life.教授,我可以把自己的命交到海格手中 Professor Dumbledore, sir.邓布利多教授 Professor McGonagall 麦格教授

No problems, I trust, Hagrid? 没遇到什么麻烦吧,海格? No, sir.没有,先生

Little tyke fell asleep as we were flying over Bristol.小家伙一飞到布里斯托尔就睡了

TRY not to wake him.小心别吵醒他 There you go.你看

Do you really think it’s safe, leaving him with these people? 你觉得把他交给这些人好吗?

They’re the worst sort of Muggles imaginable.真是一群无可救药的麻瓜 They really are… 他们真的是„

The only family he has.他在世上唯一的亲人 He’ll be famous.这孩子将来会非常有名 Every child in our world.我们世界中的每个孩子 Will know his name.都会知道他的名字 Exactly.完全正确

He’s far better off growing up away from all of that.最好是让他成长时远离这一切 Until he’s ready.等他能够接受的时候再告诉他 There, there, Hagrid.好了,好了,海格

It’s not really goodbye, after all.又不是再也见不到面 Good luck… 祝你好运 …Harry Potter.哈利·波特

Up.Get up!起床!快起床!Now!快点!

Wake up, cousin!We’re going to the zoo!快醒来,表弟!要去动物园啰!Here he comes, the birthday boy.我们的小寿星来了 Happy birthday, son.生日快乐,儿子

Cook breakfast.And try not to burn anything.快去煮早餐,不准烧焦东西 Yes.Aunt Petunia.是,佩妮姨妈

I want everything to be perfect…我希望今天一切顺心 …for my Dudley’s special day!这可是我们达力的大日子 Hurry up!快点!

Bring my coffee, boy.给我咖啡,小子 Yes.Uncle Vernon.是,弗农姨父

Aren’t they wonderful, darling? 是不是很棒呀,亲爱的? How many are there? 一共有几个?

36.counted them myself.三十六个,我自己数的 36?!But last year I had 37!三十六个?但去年有三十七个 But some are bigger than last year’s.但有些礼物比去年的大一点呀 I don’t care!我管它有多大

This is what we’re going to do.好,好,待会儿我们一出去

We’re going to buy you two new presents.How’s that, pumpkin? 就再去帮你买两个新礼物,好不好呀,小乖乖?

It should be a lovely day at the zoo.要去动物园了

I’m really looking forward to it.一定可以玩得很开心,真期待 I’m warning you now, boy.我警告你,小子

Any funny business, and at all… 要是有任何怪事发生,只要有一点点的怪事 …and you won’t have any meals for a week.你就一个礼拜不准吃饭 Get in.上车

Make it move.叫它动嘛 Move!动呀!

-Move!– He’s asleep!– 快动呀!-它睡着了 He’s boring.真没劲!

Sorry about him.He doesn’t understand what it’s like.对不起,他不了解你的感受,像这样

Lying there day after day… 一天又一天地躺在这儿

…watching people press their ugly faces in on you.看人们硬把丑脸贴到你面前 Can you hear me? 你听得懂我的话? It’s just.只是„

I’ve never talked to a snake before.我以前从没跟蛇讲过话 Do you? 你„

I means.Do you talk to people often? 我是说,你常跟人说话吗? You’re from Burma, aren’t you? 你是从缅甸来的,对吧?

Was it nice there? Do you miss your family? 那儿是不是很美?你想家吗? I see.我懂了

That’s me as well.I never knew my parents either.我也一样,我没见过我的父母 Moving.Mummy, Dad.动了!妈妈!爸爸!

You won’t believe what this snake is doing!你绝对想不到这只蛇在干嘛 Thanks.谢谢 Anytime.别客气 Snake!蛇!

Mum!Mummy!Help me!妈妈,妈咪,救救我,救命呀

My darling boy!How did you get in there? 宝贝儿子,你是怎么进去的? Who did this? How did you get in there? 我的天哪,你是怎么进去的? Is there a snake? 那是一条蛇吗? It’s all right, sweetheart.没事的,小甜心

We’ll get you out of these cold clothes.我们会帮你把这湿冷的衣服脱掉 What happened? 这是怎么回事?

I swear.I don’t know!我发誓我真的不知道

The glass was there and then it was gone, 玻璃忽然消失 Like magic.就像魔法一样

There’s no such thing as magic.世上根本就没有魔法 Marge is ill.Ate a funny whelk.玛姬病了,吃了个怪油螺 Dad, look!Harry’s got a letter!爸爸,你看!哈利有一封信 Give back.It’s mine!还我,那是我的

Yours? Who’d be writing to you? 你的?谁会写信给你啊? No more mail through this letterbox.这样就不能再往信箱里投信了 Have a lovely day at the office, dear.祝你上班愉快,亲爱的 Go on.快滚

Fine day.Sunday.星期天真是个好日子

In my opinion, best day of the week.我认为是一星期中最棒的一天 Why is that, Dudley? 这是什么原因,达力?

Because there’s no post on Sundays? 因为星期天不送信? Right you are, Harry!答对了,哈利 No post on Sunday.星期天不送信

No blasted letters today!No, sir.今天没有讨厌的信!没有!

Not one single bloody letter.Not one!没有一封该死的信,完全没有 No, sir, not one blasted, miserable… 没有,没有一封讨厌,可恶„ Oh, no!喔,不!

Make it stop, please!叫它停下来,拜托,妈咪!Make it stop, please!拜托,妈咪,叫它们停下来 Stop!Stop it!停!快停!

Mummy, what’s happening? 妈妈,告诉我,这是怎么一回事? What’s this? 这是什么? Give me that!把它给我 Give me that letter!把信给我 Get off!放手!

They’re my letters!Let go of me!这是我的信,放开我!That’s it!We’re going away!够了,我们走吧

Far away, where they can’t find us!走得远远的,让他们找不到 Daddy’s gone mad, hasn’t he? 爸爸发疯了,是不是? Make a wish, Harry.许个愿吧,哈利 Who’s there? 什么人?

Sorry about that.抱歉,不好意思

I demand that you leave at once.我要你立刻离开,先生 You are breaking and entering.你这是非法侵入民宅

Dry up, Dursley, you great prune.少罗嗦,德思礼,你这大笨蛋 I haven’t seen you 上回我看到你的时候

Since you was a baby, Harry.But… 你还是个婴儿,哈利,可是„ You’re a bit more along than I expected.你块头比我想的大多了 Particularly in the middle.而且肚子还这么凸 I’m not Harry.我又不是哈利 I am.我才是

Well, of course you are.恩,这才符合嘛 Got something for you.我这儿有个东西要送你 Afraid I sat on it.好像不小心被我压到了

But I imagine it’ll taste fine just the same.不过味道是不会变的 Baked it myself, words and all.全都是我自己烤自己做的唷 Thank you.谢谢你

It’s not every day your young man turns 11, is it? 一年里就只有这么一次,你现在满十一岁啰

Excuse me, but… 对不起,可是„ Who are you? 你到底是谁呀?

Rubeus Hagrid.鲁伯·海格担任„

Keeper of keys and Grounds at Hogwarts.霍格沃茨的钥匙管理员与猎场看守人 Of course, you know about Hogwarts.你总该知道霍格沃茨吧? Sorry, no.抱歉,不知道

No? Blot me, Harry.不知道?我的天哪,哈利

Didn’t you ever wonder where your mum and dad learned it all? 没想过你爸妈是怎么学会的?

Learned what? 学会什么?

You’re a wizard, Harry.你是一个巫师,哈利 I’m a what? 我是一个什么? A wizard.一个巫师

A good one, I’d wager, once you’re trained up.只要再受点训练,你一定会变成非常厉害的巫师

No, you’ve made a mistake.不,我想你弄错了 I mean… 我是说„

…I can’t be a wizard.我不可能是巫师啊 I mean, I’m just… 我是说,我只是„ Harry.Just Harry.哈利,我只是哈利 Well.Just Harry.好吧,哈利

Did you ever make anything happen? 你从来没发生过任何怪事吗?

Anything you couldn’t explain, when you were angry or scared? 在你生气害怕的时候,没出现什么搞不懂的怪事吗? Dear Mr.Potter.亲爱的波特先生

We are pleased to inform you… 我们很荣幸能在此通知你

…that you have accepted at Hogwarts School of witchcraft and Wizardry.你已获准进入霍格沃茨魔法学校就读

He will not be going!I told you.我告诉你,我不准他去

We swore we’d put a stop to all this rubbish.我们发誓要禁止这类的荒唐怪事 You knew? 你早就知道了?

You knew all along and you never told me? 你们知道却不告诉我? Of course we knew.当然知道

How could you not be? 想也知道你会是什么德行

My perfect sister being who she was.看看我那完美的好妹妹

My mother and father were so proud the day she got her letter.她收到信时,爸妈简直乐歪了

We have a witch in the family.Isn’t it wonderful? 家里出了个女巫好棒啊 I was the only one to see her for what she was.就只有我能看清她的真面目

A freak!她是一个怪胎

Then she met that Potter, and then she had you… 然后她嫁给那个波特,生了你 …and I knew you would be the same.我就知道你会和他们„ Just as strange, just as abnormal.一样奇怪,一样不正常 And then she got herself blown up.然后呢,她就让自己给炸死了 And we got landed with you 所以我们就只好收留你

Blown up? You told me my parents died in a car crash.炸死?你说他们是出车祸死的

A car crash? 车祸?

A car crash killed Lily and James Potter? 车祸哪伤得了莉莉和詹姆·波特? We had to say something.我们总得说个理由 It’s an outrage!A scandal!这是一种侮辱,一种毁谤 He’ll not be going.他不能去

A great Muggle like you is going to stop him? 你以为像你这种超级大麻瓜阻止得了他吗?

Muggle? 麻瓜?

Non-magic folk.就是不会魔法的家伙

This boy’s had his name down since he were born.他一出生就列入学生名册了 He’s going to the finest school of witchcraft and wizardry.他是去世上最棒的魔法学校

He’ll under the finest headmaster Hogwarts has seen.而且还有有史以来最棒的校长 Albus Dumbledore.阿不思·邓布利多

I will not pay to have a crackpot old fool teach him magic tricks.休想要我花一分钱,让个疯老头子来教他变戏法 Never… 不准„

Insult Albus Dumbledore in front of me.在我面前侮辱邓布利多

I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell anyone at Hogwarts about that.你可千万别告诉霍格沃茨的人,我会感激你的

I’m not allowed to do magic.照规定我是不能使用魔法的 Okay.好

We’re a bit behind schedule.Best be off.进度有点落后了,我们该走啰 Unless you’d rather stay, of course.难不成你还想待在这儿 All students must be equipped with… 所有学生都必须准备„

…one standard size 2 pewter cauldron… 一个标准尺寸的2号蜡制大锅 …and may bring.If they desire, 可自由携带„

Either an owl, a cat or a toad.一只猫头鹰,猫,或是蟾蜍 Can we find all this in London? 在伦敦能把东西都买到吗?

If you know where to go.只要你知道门径就可以

Ah, Hagrid!The usual, I presume? 啊,海格,要不要来一杯? No, thanks, Tom.不,谢了,汤姆

I’m on official Hogwarts business.我正在替霍格沃茨办事呢

Just helping young Harry buy his school supplies.带小哈利去买学校要用的东西 Bless my soul.上帝保佑

It’s Harry Potter!他就是哈利·波特!Welcome back, Mr.Potter.欢迎回来,波特先生 Welcome back.欢迎回来

Doris Crockford.Mr.Potter.我是科多利,波特先生

I can’t believe I’m meeting you at last.真不敢相信,总算见到您了 Harry Potter.哈利·波特

Can’t tell you how pleased I am to meet you.见到你真说不出有多高兴 Hello, professor.I didn’t see you.哈啰,教授,刚才没看到你 Harry, this’s Professor Quirrell 哈利,这位是奇洛教授

Will be your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.霍格沃茨的黑魔法防御术老师 Oh, nice to meet you.喔,真高兴见到你 Fearfully fascinating subject.这门课迷人得很

Not that you need it, eh, Potter? 但你已经不用学了,波特?

Yes, well, must be going now.Lots to buy.现在得上路了,好多东西要买 Goodbye.再见

See, Harry? You’re famous.瞧,哈利,你多有名啊!But why am I famous, Hagrid? 但我为什么会出名呢,海格?

All those people, how is it they know who I am.那些人为什么全都认识我? I’m not sure I’m the right person to tell you that, Harry.我不知道这是由我来告诉你究竟合不合适,哈利

Welcome, Harry, to Diagon Alley.欢迎来到对角巷,哈利 Here, you get your quills and ink.这儿可以买到羽毛笔和墨水

Over there, all your bits and bobs for doing wizardry.那边是卖各式各样的魔法玩意儿

It’s a world-class racing broom.世界级的比赛用的飞天扫帚 Look at it!The new Nimbus 2000!哇,快看!最新型的光轮2000型 It’s the fastest model yet.目前最快的型号

But how an I to pay for all this? 但是,我哪买的起这些东西? I haven’t any money.我连一分钱也没有 There’s your money, Harry.你的钱在那里,哈利 Gringotts, the wizard bank.古灵阁,巫师银行

Ain’t no safer place, not one.那可算是世上最安全的地方 Except perhaps Hogwarts.除了霍格沃茨以外 Hagrid, 海格„

What exactly are these things? 那是什么怪物呀? They’re goblins, Harry.那就是妖精,哈利

Clever as they come, but not the most friendly of beasts.妖精聪明得很,但不太友善 Best stay close.最好是紧跟在我身边

Mr.Harry Potter wisher to make a withdrawal.哈利·波特先生想要提钱 And does Mr.Harry Potter have his key? 哈利·波特先生有带钥匙吗? Wait a minute.Got it here somewhere.等等,就在身上 Ha!There’s the little devil.小鬼难缠

And there’s something else as well.还有另一件事

Professor Dumbledore gave me this.这是邓布利多教授交给我的

It’s about You-know-What in vault you-know-which.就是那个金库里的那个东西 Very well.好的

Vault 687.687号地下金库 Lamp, please.请把灯给我 Key, please.钥匙

Did you think your parents would leave you with nothing? 你以为你父母什么也没留给你?

Vault 713.713号地下金库

What’s in there, Hagrid? 里面放了什么东西,海格? Can’t tell you, Harry.这我可不能告诉你,哈利

Hogwarts business.Very secret.那是霍格沃茨的最高机密 Stand back.退后

Best not to mention this to anyone.最好别跟任何人提起这回事 I still need… 我还需要„ A wand.一根魔杖

A wand? You want Ollivanders.魔杖?好,去奥利凡德吧 There ain’t no place better.那是最棒的地方 Run along there and wait.你先自己进去看看好吗?

I got one more thing to do.Won’t be long.我还有件事要办,去去就来 Hello? 你好? Hello? 你好?

I wondered when I’d be seeing you.我才在想什么时候会见到你 Mr.Potter.波特先生

It seems only yesterday… 那好像是昨天才发生的事

…that your mother and father were in here buying their first wands.你父母上这儿来买第一根魔杖

Here we are.我们试试这个 Give it a wave.挥挥看吧 Apparently not.显然不行 Perhaps… 也许„ …this.这个可以

No, no, definitely not.不行,不行,绝对不行 No matter.没关系 I wonder… 我想应该是它 Curious.真稀奇

Very curious.真的是非常稀奇

Sorry, but what’s curious? 打扰一下,你为什么觉得稀奇? I remember every wand I’ve ever sold.我记得我卖出的每一根魔杖 Mr.Potter.波特先生

It so happens that… 凑巧的是„

The phoenix whose tail feather resides in your wand.那只凤凰的一根尾羽给了这魔杖

Gave another feather… 另外还有一根尾羽给了„ Just one other.另外一根魔杖 It is curious 而稀奇的是„

That you should be destined for this wand… 你注定就要使用这根魔杖 …when its brother gave you 因为另一根魔杖的主人给你„ That scar.留下了那道疤痕

And who owned that wand? 那根魔杖的主人是谁? We do not speak his name.他的名字我们不能说

The wand chooses the wizard, Mr.Potter.是魔杖选择巫师,波特先生 It’s not always clear why.原因向来无法理解 But I think it is clear… 但我想这次很清楚„

…that we can expect great things from you.你将来会有了不起的成就 After all.不管怎么说

He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named… 那个不能说出名字的人 …did great things.做了些很了不起的事 Terrible…yes.虽然可怕„ But great.但还是很了不起 Harry!Harry!哈利,哈利 Happy birthday.生日快乐

You all right, Harry? You seem very quiet.你没事吧?怎么都不吭声呢? He killed my parents, didn’t he? 是他杀了我的父母,对不对? The one who gave me this.就是那个害我留下这道疤的人 You know, Hagrid.你知道的,海格 I know you do.你一定知道

First, and understand this, Harry.你得先了解一件事,哈利 Because it’s very important 因为这非常重要 Not all wizards are good.巫师并不一定都是好人 Some of them go bad.有些巫师会变坏 A few years ago… 几年前

…there was a wizard who went as bad as you can go.有个巫师简直坏到骨子里去了 His name was V… 他的名字叫伏„ His name was V… 他的名字叫伏„

Maybe if you wrote it down? 还是你用写的好了? No, I can’t spell it.All right.不行,这字我不会拼,好吧„ Voldemort.伏地魔 Voldemort? 伏地魔?

It was dark times, Harry.那真是一段可怕的日子,哈利

Voldemort started to gather some followers.伏地魔那时聚集了一批爪牙 Brought them over to the Dark Side.说服他人投靠黑暗势力 Anyone that stood up to him ended up dead.反抗他的人全都被杀光 Your parents fought against him.你父母虽然勇敢跟他对抗

But nobody lived once he decide to kill them.但只要是他决定要杀的人,没一个能逃过他的毒手

Nobody, not one.没有,一个也没有 Except you.只有你例外

Me? Voldemort tried to kill me? 我?伏地魔想杀我?

Yes.That ain’t no ordinary cut on your forehead, Harry.没错,你额头上的疤痕不寻常,哈利

A mark like that only comes from being touched by a curse.只有诅咒才会留下那样的疤痕

An evil curse.而且是个邪恶的诅咒

What happened to V…? To You-know-Who? 那佛„那个人后来怎么样? Well, some say he died.这个嘛,有人说他死了 Codswallop, in my opinion.但依我看是胡说八道

Nope, I reckon he’s out there still… 不,我想他还躲在某个地方 …too tired to carry on.虚弱得无法采取行动

But one thing’s certain.但有件事倒是可以确定

Something about you stumped him that night.你那晚让他栽了个大跟斗 That’s why you’re famous.所以你才会这么有名

That’s why everybody knows your name.大家才会全都认识你 You’re the boy who lived.你可是大难不死的男孩 What are you looking at? 你们在看什么? Blimey, is that the time? 哎呀,现在几点啦?

Sorry Harry.I’m gonna have to leave you.对不起,哈利,我得走了 Dumbledore will be wanting his… 邓布利多等着要拿他的„ Well, he’ll be wanting to see me.好了,他等着要见我 Your train leaves in 10 minutes.你的火车再十分钟就要开了 Here’s your ticket.这是你的车票

Stick to your ticket, that’s very important.把车票收好,这很重要 Platform 93/4? 九又四分之三站台?

But, Hagrid.There must be a mistake.但是,海格,这一定弄错了 This says platform 93/4.上面写九又四分之三站台 There’s no such thing, is there? 哪有这种站台呀? Keep off the doors.别挡在门口 Sorry.抱歉

Excuse me.Excuse me.打扰一下!打扰一下!On your left, Madam.从左边通道穿过去,夫人 Excuse me, sir.打扰一下,先生

Can you tell me where I might find platform 93/4.九又四分之三站台在哪儿? Platform 93/4? 九又四分之三站台?

Think you’re being funny, do you? 你故意装傻整我开心吗?

It’s the same every year, packed with Muggles.Come on.每年都一样,挤满了麻瓜,走吧

Muggles? 麻瓜?

Platform 93/4.this way.九又四分之三站台,在这边 All right, Percy, you first.好,珀西,你先走 Fred, you next.弗雷德,你下一个 He’s not Fred, I am.他不是弗雷德,我才是 You call yourself our mother? 你还好意思自称母亲嘛 I’m sorry, George.对不起,乔治

I’m only joking.I am Fred.开玩笑的啦,我是弗雷德 Excuse me.打扰一下

Could you tell me 能„不能请你告诉我„

How to? 要怎样„

How to get onto the platform? 怎样去站台吗? Not to worry, dear.放心,没问题的,亲爱的

It’s Ron’s first time to Hogwarts as well.罗恩也是第一次去霍格沃茨 All you do is 现在你只要„

Walk straight at the wall between platforms 9 and 10.往第九和第十站台中间的那道墙直接走过去就行了

Best to run if you’re nervous.要是紧张的话,最好用小跑步 Good luck.祝你好运 Excuse me.打扰一下

Do you mind? Everywhere else is full.我可以坐吗?其他车厢都满了 Not at all.坐啊

I’m Ron, by the way.对了,我叫罗恩 Ron Weasley.罗恩·韦斯莱

I’m Harry.Harry Potter.我叫哈利,哈利·波特 So… so it’s true!所以„所以那是真的啰

I mean, do you really have the? 我是说,你真的有„ The what? 有什么? The scar? 那道疤? Oh.Yeah.喔,对啊 Wicked!真炫!

Anything off the trolley, dears? 要不要买点儿东西吃呀? No, thanks.I’m all set.不,谢了,我自己有带吃的 We’ll take the lot.我全部都要了!

Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans? 比比多味豆? They mean every flavor.这表示所有口味都有

There’s chocolate and peppermint and also… 有巧克力和薄荷口味,也有„ …spinach, liver and tripe.菠菜,肝脏,还有牛肚

George sweared he got a booger-flavored one once.乔治有次还吃到鼻涕口味Are they real frogs? 这该不会是真的青蛙吧 It’s a spell.只是施了个符咒而已

Beside the cards you want.而且这还可以让你搜集卡片

Each pack’s got a famous witch or wizard.每包附一张名巫师或女巫卡片 I’ve got about 500 myself.我已经手机大约五百张了 Watch it!小心

That’s rotten luck.运气真背

They’ve only got one good jump in them.它们只有一开始那下跳得最好

I’ve got Dumbledore!我拿到一张邓布利多

I got about six of him.我已经有了足足有六张他的了 Hey, he’s gone!嘿,他不见了

You can’t expect him to hang around all day, can you? 你总不能要他整天都待在那儿吧

This is Scabbers.By the way.对了,这是斑斑 Pathetic, isn’t he? 他很可怜,对不对? A little.还好啦

Fred gave me a spell to turn him yellow.弗雷德教了我一个咒语,可以把它的毛变成黄色

Want to see? 要看吗? Yeah.好啊 Sun… 阳„

Has anyone seen a toad? 有没有人看到一只蟾蜍? A boy named Neville’s lost one.纳威的蟾蜍不见了 No.没有

Oh, are you doing magic? 喔,你在施魔法吗? Let’s see, then.让我们瞧一瞧吧

Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow 阳光,雏菊,甜奶油

Turn this stupid, fat rat yellow 将这只又胖又笨的老鼠变成黄色 Are you sure that’s a real spell? 你确定这是真的咒语吗? Well, it’s not very good, is it? 显然不是很有用,对不对? Of course.当然啦

I’ve only tried a few simple ones myself… 我也只试过几个简单的咒语 …but they’ve all worked for me.但每次都非常成功 For example, 比方说„ Oculus Reparo.欧卡拉斯雷培洛 That’s better, isn’t it? 是不是清晰多了?

Holy cricket, you’re Harry Potter!我的天哪,你是哈利·波特!I’m Hermione Granger.我叫赫敏·格兰杰 And you are? 那你是„?

I’m Ron Weasley.我叫罗恩·韦斯莱 Pleasure.幸会

You two better change into robes.你们两个最好赶快换上长袍 I expect we’ll be arriving soon.我们大概快要到了

You’ve got dirt on your nose.Did you know? 你鼻子上黑黑的,知不知道? Just there.就在这

Right, then.First years.好,一年级新生 This way, please!请跟我来

Come on, first years, don’t be shy.快呀,一年级新生,别害羞 Come on now, hurry up.走呀,快点走呀 Hello, Harry.哈啰,哈利 Hi, Hagrid.嘿,海格

Right, then.This way to the boats.好,走这儿上船 Come on now, follow me.快,跟我来 Wicked.真炫

Welcome to Hogwarts.欢迎来到霍格沃茨

Shortly, you’ll pass through these doors 待会儿你们就要走进这扇门 And join your classmates.和其他同学齐聚一堂

But before you take your seats, 但在你们到餐厅入席之前 You must be sorted into your houses.必须先替你们分派学院 They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff… 学院有格兰芬多,赫奇帕奇 …Ravenclaw and Slytherin.拉文克劳,还有斯莱特林 While you’re here.在你们就学期间

Your house will be like your family.学院就像是你们的家一样 Your triumphs will earn you points.你们表现出色会替学院加分 Any rule-breaking and you will lose points.而违规则会使学院被扣分

At the end of the year, the house with the most points 学年结束时,积分最高的学院„

Wins the house cup.将会获得学院杯冠军 Trevor!特雷弗 Sorry.对不起

The Sorting Ceremony will begin momentarily.分院仪式马上就要开始了 It’s true then, 那是真的啰

What they’re saying on the train.火车上的传闻果真没错 Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts.哈利·波特到霍格沃茨来啰 Harry Potter? 哈利·波特

This is Crabbe and Goyle.And I’m Malfoy.这是克拉克和高尔,我叫马福尔 Draco Malfoy.德雷克·马福尔

Think my name’s funny, do you? 觉得我名字很好笑是不是? I’ve no need to ask yours.我不用问就知道你是谁 Red hair and a hand-me-down robe? 红头发,旧长袍 You must be a Weasley.你想必是韦斯莱家的人

You’ll find out some wizarding families 你马上就会发现某些巫师家庭„

Are better than others.比别人高级些

You don’t want to go making friends with wrong sort.没人会想跟差劲家伙交朋友 I can help you there.这方面我可以帮你

I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks.我可以看得出是谁比较差劲些 We’re ready for you now.Follow me.一切准备就绪,请跟我来吧 The ceiling isn’t real.It’s bewitched 他们对天花板施了魔法 To look like the night sky.让它看起来像是夜晚的天空

I read about it in Hogwarts, A History.我在“霍格沃茨,一段校史”这本书上读到过

Will you wait along here, please? 请在这儿等一下 Now, before we begin… 听着,在我们开始之前

…professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words.邓布利多教授要先说几句话 I have a few start-of-term notices I wish to announce.我想向大家宣布新学期一些必须注意事项

The first years, please note… 一年级新生注意了

…that the Dark Forest is strictly forbidden to all students.黑森林绝对禁止学生进入 Also, our caretaker, Mr.Filch, 另外,管理员费奇先生„ Has asked me to remind you… 要我提醒各位

…that the third-floor corridor is out of bounds… 不可踏进三楼右手边走廊 …to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death.除非你想求窍流血,痛苦惨死

Thank you.谢谢大家

When I call your name,当我叫到你的名字 You will come forth.你就走到前面来

I shall place the Sorting Hat on your head… 我会把分类帽戴到你的头上 …and you will be sorted into your houses.替你分派学院 Hermione Granger.赫敏·格兰杰 Oh, no.喔,不!Okay, relax.好,放轻松

Mental, that one, I’m telling you.我告诉你,那家伙头脑有问题 Right.很好

Then, right.嗯,好!Okay.决定了 Gryffindor!格兰芬多

Draco Malfoy.德雷克·马福尔 Slytherin!斯莱特林

Every wizard who went bad 所有变坏的巫师和女巫

Was in Slytherin.全都是从斯莱特林出来的 Susan Bones.苏珊·波恩 Harry, what is it? 哈利,怎么了?

Nothing.Nothing, I’m fine.没什么,没什么,我没事!I know!我知道了 Hufflepuff!赫奇帕奇

Ronald Weasley.罗恩·韦斯莱 Another Weasley!又来一个韦斯莱

I know just what to do with you.不用想也知道该把你分到哪 Gryffindor!格兰芬多 Harry Potter.哈利·波特

Difficult, very difficult.很困难,非常困难

Plenty of courage, I see.Not a bad mind, either.勇气很足够,心地也不坏 There’s talent, oh, yes.也很有才华,没错

And a thirst to prove yourself.有一股急着想证明自己的欲望 But where to put you? 我该把你分到哪呢?

Not Slytherin, not Slytherin!不要斯莱特林!不要斯莱特林!Not Slytherin, en? 不要斯莱特林? Are you sure? You could be great, you know.你确定?你会有了不起的成就 It’s all here, in your head.你脑袋里该有的样样不缺

And Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness.而斯莱特林可以帮助你登上巅峰

No doubt about that.这一点是毫无疑问的

No? Well, if you’re sure.不要?好吧,既然你这么确定 Better be… 那就最好是去„ …Gryffindor!格兰芬多 Welcome Potter.欢迎波特 Welcome Potter.欢迎波特 Your attention, please.请大家注意 Let the feast begin.宴会开始 I’m half and half.我是一半一半

Me dad’s a Muggle.Mum’s a witch.我爸是麻瓜,我妈是女巫 Bit of a nasty shock for him when he found out.他发现时可真是吓坏了 Percy.珀西

Who’s that teacher talking to Professor Quirrell? 那个在跟奇洛说话的人是谁? Professor Snape.那是斯内普教授

Head of Slytherin house.斯莱特林的学院导师

What’s he teach? 他教什么科目? Potions.魔药学

But he fancies the Dark Arts.但他最感兴趣的是黑魔法防御术 He’s been after Quirrell’s job for years.他早就想接下奇洛的工作了 Hello!How are you? Welcome to Gryffindor.你好,欢迎加入格兰芬多 It’s the Bloody Baron!看,那是血人巴罗 Hello, Sir Nicholas.你好,尼古拉斯爵士 Have a nice summer? 暑假过得还愉快吗? Dismal.惨哪

Once again, my request to join the Headless Hunt has been denied.我想参加无头骑士狩猎,但是又再度遭到拒绝 I know you.我知道你是谁

You’re Nearly Headless Nick.你是差点没头的尼克

I prefer Sir Nicholas, if you don’t mind.我希望你能叫我尼古拉斯爵士 Nearly headless? 差点没头?

How can you be nearly headless? 你是怎么个差点没头法? Like this.就像这样

Gryffindors, follow me, please.格兰芬多学生请跟我走 I keep up.Thank you.快跟上啊,谢谢 Ravenclaw, follow me.拉文克劳学生跟我走 This way.往这边走

This is the most direct path to the dormitories.这是去寝室最快的一条路

I keep an eye on the staircases.They like to change.小心楼梯,它们喜欢变来变去 Keep up, please, and follow me.请大家跟好,跟我来 Quickly now, come on.Come on.现在走快点,快啊 That picture’s moving.西莫,那幅画在动

-look at that one.–I think she fancies you.–你看那幅画-我想她是看上你啰 Look!Look!看,快看!Who’s that girl? 那女的是谁?

Welcome to Hogwarts.欢迎来到霍格沃茨 Who’s that? 那是谁啊? Password? 通关密语? Caput Draconis.龙渣

Follow me, everyone.Keep up.大家跟我走,跟上!Quickly, come on.快跟上,快!Gather around here.大家先在这儿集合

Welcome to the Gryffindor common room.欢迎来到格兰芬多休息室

Boys’ dormitory is upstairs to the left.男生寝室在楼上左边 Girls, the same on your right 女生寝室在右边

Your belongings have already been brought up.行李都已经替你们送上去了 Made it!及时赶上

Can you imagine the look on old McGonagall’s face if we were late? 要是迟到的话,麦格教授的脸不知道会有多难看

That was bloody brilliant!这招真是太厉害了

Thank you for that assessment.谢谢你的评价,韦斯莱先生 It’d be better if I transfigured 说不定我变些别的还比较有用 Mr.Potter and you into a watch.把你或波特先生变成一只表 Then one of you might be on time.这样你们至少有一个人不会迟到 We got lost.我们迷路了

Then perhaps a map? 所以该变张地图啰?

I trust you don’t need one to find your seats.找位子坐总不必用到地图吧? There will be no foolish wand-waving 这门课不需要你傻乎乎挥魔杖 Or silly incantations in this class.或是叽里咕噜瞎念咒 As such, 所以呢„

I don’t expect many of you to appreciate… 我并不期待大多数人能理解„

…the subtle science and exact art that is potion-making.制魔药的精密科学与正确技术

However, for those select few… 不过呢,那些出类拔萃„ …who possess the predisposition… 拥有特殊天赋的少数人

…I can teach you how to bewitch the mind… 我可以教你们如何扰乱心智 …and ensnare the senses.和迷惑感官

I can tell you how to bottle fame brew glory 我可以教你们如何赢取名声,熬煮荣耀 And even put a stopper in death.甚至阻止死亡 Then again, 另外„

Maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts 也许你们有些人在入学时 In possession of abilities… 就已具有非凡的能力

…so formidable that you feel confident enough… 让你目空一切 …to not pay attention.懒得注意听讲 Mr.Potter.波特先生

Our new celebrity.我们这儿的新名人

What would I get if I added root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood? 若把水仙根加入艾草液里会产生什么样的效果? You don’t know? 你不知道? Let’s try again.好,我们再试一次

Where would you look if asked you to find a bezoar? 若是我要你拿一块牛黄给我,你要到哪找?

I don’t know, sir.我不知道,先生

What is the difference between monkshood and wolfsvane? 舟形乌头和狼形乌头有什么不同?

I don’t know, sir.我不知道,先生 Pity.可怜哪

Clearly, fame isn’t everything… 显然名气并不能代表一切 …is it, Mr.Potter? 是不是啊,波特先生? Eye of rabbit, harp string hum 兔子眼,琴弦幽幽 Turn this water into rum 快将清水变甜酒 Eye of rabbit, harp string hum 兔子眼,琴弦幽幽

What’s Seamus trying to do to the water? 西莫干嘛对那杯水念个不停? Turn it to rum.想把它变成甜酒

Actually managed a weak tea yesterday, before… 他昨天把水变成了淡茶,在他„ Mail’s here.信来了

Can I borrow this? 这可不可以借我看看? Thaks.谢了

Look, Neville’s got a Remembrall.你看,纳威收到了一个记忆球 I’ve read about those.这我在书上看过 The smoke turns red 烟要是变红的话

When you’ve forgotten something.就表示你忘了某件事 The problem is, 问题是„

I can’t remember what I’ve forgotten.我根本就不记得我忘了什么啊 Hey, Ron.嘿,罗恩

Somebody broke into Gringotts.有人非法闯入古灵阁 Listen.你看

Believed to be the work of Dark wizards or witches… 据说是某位不知名巫师或女巫所策划的行动

…Gringotts goblins acknowledge the breach 古灵阁妖精虽承认被侵入 But insist nothing was taken.但却否认损失任何物品 The vault in question, number 713, 出事的713号地下金库

Had been emptied earlier that same day.事实上早在当日早些时候被提领一空 That’s odd.奇怪了

That’s the vault Hagrid and I went to.那就是海格带我去的金库 Good afternoon, class.下午好,同学们

Good afternoon, Madam Hooch.下午好,霍奇夫人

Good afternoon, Amanda.Good afternoon.下午好,阿曼达,下午好 Welcome to your first flying lesson.欢迎大家来上第一堂飞行课 What are you waiting for? 好了,你们还等什么? Step up to your broomstick.每个人都站到自己扫帚左边 Come on now, hurry up.快呀!快点!

Stick your hand over the broom 把右手伸到扫帚上方„ And say, "Up." 说“上来” Up!上来 Up.上来

Up.Up!上来!上来!With feeling.要带点感情 Up.Up.上来!上来!Up!上来

Shut up, Harry.别笑话我了,哈利

Now, once you’ve got hold of your broom, 挺好,抓住扫帚以后„ I want you to mount it.Grip it tight.就请你们骑上去,抓紧一点 You don’t wanna be sliding off the end.免得从后面滑下来 When I blow my whistle, I want you 我一吹口哨,你们大家„ To kick off from the ground, hard.就用力往上跳 Keep your broom steady, 尽量让扫帚保持稳定 Hover for a moment… 在空中飞一会儿 …then lean forward slightly 然后身子微往前倾 And touch back down.轻轻飞回地面

On my whistle.Three, two… 听我的口哨,三,二„ Mr.Longbottom.隆巴顿先生 Neville!纳威!

-Mr.Longbottom!–Down, down!-隆巴顿先生-下去!下去!Neville!纳威!

Come back down this instant!Like给我下来 Oh, no!喔,不!Help!救命啊!Mr.Longbo… 隆巴„ Help!救命啊!

Everyone out of the way!大家全都让开 Is he all right? 他没事吧?

Oh, dear, it’s a broken wrist.喔,喔,亲爱的,手腕扭到了 Poor boy.Come on now, up you get.可怜的孩子,好了,站起来吧

Keep your feet on the ground 全都给我乖乖呆着不准乱飞 While I take him to the hospital wing.在我带着孩子去医护室时 Understand? 听到没有?

If I see a single broom in the air… 要是让我看到有人飞上天空

The one riding it will be expelled before they can say Quidditch.那在他还来不及见识到魁地奇,就得给我滚出学校

Did you see his face? 你们看到他那张蠢脸了吗? If he had squeezed this, 那个大胖子要是记得捏一捏记忆球

He’d have remembered to fall on his arse.就会知道摔下来时该屁股先着地 Give it here.Malfoy.把它交出来,马福尔

No.I’ll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find.不,我要把它藏在某个地方,让隆巴顿玩玩寻宝游戏

How about on the roof? 放在屋顶上怎么样啊?

What’s the matter, Potter? Bit beyond your reach? 怎么了,波特?拿不到是吧? Harry, no way!哈利,不行!

You heard what Madam Hooch said.你刚才地听到霍奇夫人说的话 Besides, you don’t know how to fly.何况你根本就不会飞嘛 What an idiot.真是个大白痴 Give it here, Malfoy.给我,马福尔

Or I’ll knock you off your broom!不然我就把你踢下扫帚 Is that so? 是吗?

Have it your way, then.那你就来拿吧 Nice going, Harry.太棒了,哈利 That was wicked, Harry!干得好,哈利 Wicked, Harry!真炫,哈利 Harry Potter!哈利·波特 Follow me.跟我来 You wait here.在这儿等着

Professor Quirrell, excuse me.对不起,奇洛教授

Could I borrow Wood for a moment? 能不能让伍德出来一下? Yes, of course.嗯,当然可以

Potter, this is Oliver Wood.波特,这位是奥利佛·伍德 Wood, I have found you a Seeker.伍德,我替你找到了捕球手 Have you heard? 听说了吗?

Harry Potter’s the new Gryffindor Seeker.格兰芬多的新捕球手是哈利·波特 I always knew he’d do well.我早就看出他会有出色的表现 Seeker? 捕球手?

But first yearsnever make the house teams.但学院代表队从不收一年级新生 You must be the youngest player in… 你肯定是魁地奇球队最年轻的队员„ A century, 一百年来最年轻的队员 McGonagall says.这是麦格教授告诉我的

Well done, Harry.Wood’s just told us.干得好,哈利,伍德刚才告诉我们了 Fred and George are on the team.弗雷德和乔治也是队员 Beaters.他们是击球手 Our job is 我们的任务是„

To make sure you don’t get bloodied up too bad.尽量别让你被打得太惨 Can’t make any promises.但我们自然不敢担保 Rough game, Quidditch.魁地奇比赛粗暴得很 But no one’s died in years.野蛮得很,但很久没死人了 Someone vanishes occasionally.偶尔会有人消失

But they’ll turn up in a month or two.不过一两个月就会再出现 Go on, Harry.走啊,哈利 Quidditch is great.魁地奇很刺激 Best game there is, 它是世上最棒的比赛 And you’ll be great too.你也会表现得很棒的 I’ve never played.可是我从来就没打过魁地奇 What if I make a fool of myself? 要是出丑怎么办? You won’t make a fool of yourself.你不会出丑的啦 It’s in your blood.你可是家学渊源

You never told me your father was a Seeker too.你没告诉我,你父亲也是捕球手 I didn’t know.我也不知道

I’m telling you, it’s spooky.我告诉你,我觉得这很恐怖

She knows more about you than you do.她知道的事居然比你还多 Who doesn’t? 谁知道的都会比我多 What’s happening? 怎么呢?

The staircases change, remember? 楼梯会变来变去,记得吗? Let’s go this way.走这边

Before the staircase moves again.免得楼梯又开始乱动

Does anybody feel I like we shouldn’t be here? 这儿好像不是我们该来的地方 We’re not supposed to be here.我们不能到这里来呀 This is the third floor.It’s forbidden.这是三楼,这是禁区 Let’s go.我们走吧 It’s Filch’s cat!是费奇的猫 Run!快跑!

Quick, let’s hide through that door!快!躲到那扇门后面 It’s locked!门锁上了

We’re done for!这下我们真的完了 Move over!让开 Alohomora.阿拉霍洞开 Get in.快进去

Alohomora? 阿拉霍洞开?

Standard Book of Spells, chapter seven.“标准咒语”第七章 Anyone here, my sweet? 这儿有人吗,小甜心? Come on.走吧 Filch is gone.费奇走了

He thinks this door’s locked.他大概以为这扇门是锁上的 It was locked.本来就是锁上的 And for good reason.门锁上是有原因的

What are they doing, 他们这些人到底是什么意思?

Keeping a thing like that locked up in a school? 竟然把那种东西关在学校? Didn’t you see 你们不会用眼睛看吗?

What it was standing on? 没看到它站在什么东西上面? I wasn’t looking at its feet!我没注意到它的脚 I was preoccupied with its heads.它的头就够我看得了

Or maybe you didn’t notice.There were three!也许你没注意到,有三个头!It wasn’t there by accident, 说不定你没注意到 It was standing on a trap door.它站在活板门上 It’s guarding something.也就是说它在看守某个东西 Guarding something? 看守某个东西? That’s right.没错

Now, if you two don’t mind, I’m going to bed… 你们不介意的话,我要去睡了…before you come up with another idea 免得你们又想出什么鬼主意 To get us killed.来害我们送命

Or worse, expelled.或是更糟,被学校开除

She needs to sort out her priorities.她还真分不清事情的轻重 Quidditch is easy to understand.魁地奇的规则还蛮好懂的 Each team has seven players.每队有七名球员

Three Chasers, tow Beaters, 三个追球手,两个击球手„ One keeper and a Seeker.还有守门员和捕球手 That’s you.你就是捕球手

There are three kinds of balls.总共有三种球

This one’s called the Quaffle.这叫做鬼飞球

The Chasers handle the Quaffle 追球手把鬼飞球传来传去

And try to put it through one of those hoops.设法把它射进那三个球框 The keeper, that’s me, defends the hoops.守门员就是我,负责看守球框 With me so far? 还跟得上吗? I think so.可以

What are those? 那些是什么? You better take this.你最好握住这个

Careful now, it’s coming back.小心,它飞回来了 Not bad, Potter.不错嘛,波特

You’d make a fair Beater.你也可成为优秀的击球手 What was that? 那是什么东西? Bludger.游走球

Nasty little buggers.难缠的小东西 But you… 但你„

Are a Seeker.是一名捕球手

The only thing I want you to worry about is this.你只要担心这个就行了 The Golden Snitch.金色飞贼 I like this ball.我喜欢这个球

You like it now.Just wait.你喜欢它啰,等着瞧吧

It’s wicked fast and damn near impossible to see.它速度奇快而且神出鬼没 What do I do with it? 那我要做什么?

You catch it before the other team’s Seeker.赶在别队捕球手之前抓住它 You catch this, the game’s over.你一抓到它,比赛就会结束 You catch this, Potter, 你一抓到它,波特„ And we win.我们就赢了

One of a wizard’s most rudimentary skills is levitation… 漂浮是巫师最基本的技巧之一

…or the ability to make objects… 这种魔法可以让物体„ …fly.飞起来

Do you have your feathers? 大家都拿到羽毛了吗? Good.很好 Now, 现在„

Don’t forget the nice wrist movement we’ve been practicing.别忘了我们练习过的手腕动作

The swish and flick.挥一下,弹一下 Everyone.大家一起

The swish and flick.挥一下,弹一下 Good.很好

And enunciate.还有发音也很重要 Wingardium Leviosa.羽加迪姆,勒维奥萨 Off you go, then.大家开始练习吧 Wingardium Leviosa.羽加迪姆,勒维奥萨 Wingardium Leviosa.羽加迪姆,勒维奥萨 Wingardium Leviosa.羽加迪姆,勒维奥萨 No, stop, stop, stop!停下来„

You’re going to take some one’s eye out.你会把别人眼睛给戳瞎的 Besides, you’re saying it wrong.而且你的发音不正确 It’s Leviosa, 应该要强调“奥” Not Leviosar.而不是“萨”

You do it then, if you’re so clever.Go on, go on.既然你这么聪明,干脆你自己来试试看

Wingardium Leviosa.羽加迪姆,勒维奥萨 Well done!表现得很好

See here, everyone, Miss Granger’s done it!大家快看,格兰杰小姐成功了 Splendid!好极了

Wingardium Leviosa.羽加迪姆,勒维奥萨 Well done, dear.表现得很好

I think we’re going to need another feather over here.麻烦再给我们一根羽毛,教授 It’s Leviosa, 应该要强调“奥” Not Leviosar.而不是“萨”

She’s a nightmare, honestly!她实在是太讨人厌了

No wonder she hasn’t got any friends.难怪连一个朋友也没有 I think she heard you.好像被她听见了 Where’s Hermione? 赫敏呢?

Parvati said she wouldn’t come out of the bathroom.芭蒂说她把自己关在女生厕所里

She said that she’d been in there all afternoon, crying.躲在那里哭了一整个下午 Troll 巨魔!

In the dungeon!在地牢里

Troll in the dungeon!地牢里有巨魔

Thought you ought to know.我想应该通报你一声 Silence!安静!

Everyone will please not panic!请大家不要慌张

Now… 现在

…prefects 各位级长„

Will lead their house back to the dormitories.把自己学院的学生带回寝室 Teachers will follow me to the dungeons.老师们跟我一起去地牢 Gryffindors, keep up, please, 格兰芬多的学生,请跟上来 And stay alert.保持警戒

How could a troll get in? 巨魔是怎么进来的? Not on its own.他不是自己进来的

Trolls are really stupid.Probably people playing jokes.巨魔很笨,可能是有人在恶作剧

What? 怎么啦?

Hermione!She doesn’t know.赫敏还不知道巨魔的事 I think the troll’s left the dungeon.巨魔好像离开地牢了 It’s going into the girls’ bathroom.他朝女生厕所走过去了 Hermione, move!赫敏,快跑啊!Help!救命啊!Help!救命啊!

Hey, pea brain!嘿,笨瓜!Help!救命啊!Do something!快想办法 What? 什么办法? Anything!什么办法都行 Hurry up!快点!

Swish and flick.挥一下,弹一下

Wingardium Leviosa.羽加迪姆,勒维奥萨 Cool.酷毙了 Is it… 他是不是„ …dead? 死掉了?

I don’t think so.Just knocked out.好像还没死,只是昏倒而已 Troll boogers.巨魔的鼻涕 Oh, my goodness!我的天啊

Explain yourselves, both of you!请你们两位解释一下 Well, what it is… 呃,那是„

It’s my fault, Professor McGonagall.都是我不好,麦格教授 What? 什么?

Miss Granger? 格兰杰小姐?

I went looking for the troll.我跑去找巨魔了

I thought I could handle it.自以为对付得了他 But I was wrong.但我错了

If Harry and Ron hadn’t come and found me, 要不是哈利和罗恩及时救了我 I’d probably be dead.我搞不好就没命了 Be that as it may, 既然如此„

It was an extremely foolish thing to do.你这种行为实在是太愚蠢了 I expected more rational behavior 我本来以为你会理智一点 And am very disappointed in you.我对你很失望,格兰杰小姐 Five points will be taken from Gryffindor… 格兰芬多要被扣掉五分 …for your serious lack of judgment.因为你严重缺乏判断力 As for you two gentlemen… 至于你们两位„

…I just hope you realize how fortunate you are.你们的运气实在是太好了 Not many first-year students could take on a troll… 很少有新生可以制服成年巨魔 …and live to tell the tale.而且还能活着回来 Five points… 五分„

…will be awarded to each of you… 你们两位各加五分 …for sheer dumb luck.只因为你们歪打正着 Perhaps you ought to go.你们还是快走吧 It might wake up.巨魔可能会醒过来 Take a bit of toast, mate.Go on.吃点土司吧 Ron’s right, Harry.罗恩说得对,哈利

You’ll need your strength today.你今天需要足够的体力 I’m not hungry.我不饿

Good luck today, Potter.祝你好运,波特

But another you’ve proven yourself against a troll.话又说回来,既然你制服了巨魔 A game of Quidditch should be easy work.魁地奇比赛应该难不倒你 Even if it is against Slytherin.就算对手是斯莱特林也无妨 That explains the blood.难怪会有血 Blood? 血?

Last night, I’m guessing Snape… 我猜昨晚是斯内普„ …let the troll in a diversion… 把巨魔放进来声东击西 …so he could get past that dog.好趁机通过三头巨犬那一关 But he got bit, 结果却被咬了

That’s why he’s limping.所以走路才会一跛一跛的

But why would anyone go near that dog? 他干嘛要接近那只巨犬? At Gringotts, 我去古灵阁那天

Hagrid took something out of the vault.海格从金库里拿了一样东西

Said it was Hogwarts business, very secret.他说那是霍格沃茨的最高机密 You’re saying… 你的意思是„

That’s what the dog’s guarding.那是三头巨犬在看守的东西 That’s what Snape wants.斯内普想把它偷到手 Bit early for mail, isn’t it? 这么早就收到邮包啊 But I never get mail.从来没人寄邮包给我 Let’s open it.拆开来看看 It’s a broomstick.是一把扫帚

That’s not just a broomstick, 那不是普通的扫帚 It’s a Nimbus 2000!那是光轮2000型 But who…? 到底是谁„

Scared, Harry? 你会怕吗,哈利? A little.有一点 It’s all right.没关系

I felt the same way before my first game.我第一次上场之前也有点怕 What happened? 结果呢?

I don’t really remember.我不太记得了

I took a Bludger to the head two minutes in.没两分钟就被游走球打到头 Woke up in hospital a week later.在医院昏迷一个星期才醒来 Welcome to Hogwarts’ 欢迎各位观赏霍格沃茨„

First Quidditch game of the season.本季的第一场魁地奇比赛

Today’s game, Slytherin versus Gryffindor!今天是斯莱特林对格兰芬多 Gryffindor!格兰芬多!

The players take their positions… 选手们各就各位

…as Madam Hooch steps onto the field to begin the game!霍奇夫人上场准备开球 Now, I want a nice, clean game… 希望这会是场光明正大的比赛 …from all of you!大家都要遵守规则

The Bludgers are up, followed by the Golden Snitch.游走球都飞起来了,接着是金色飞贼

Remember, the Snitch is worth 150 points.记住,抢到金色飞贼可以得到150分 The Seeker who catches the Snitch ends the game.捕球手一抢到金色飞贼,比赛就宣布结束

The Quaffle is released 放出鬼飞球 And the game begins!比赛开始 Angelina Johnson scores!莉娜得分了 Ten points for Gryffindor!格兰芬多得了十分 Yes!好!

Well done!干得好!

Slytherin takes the Quaffle.鬼飞球落入斯莱特林手中

Bletchley passes to Captain Marcus Flint.赖里把游走球传给队长马科福林 Yes!好!

Another 10 points to Gryffindor!格兰芬多又得十分 Give me that.给我 Take that side!守住那边

What’s going on with Harry’s roomstick? 哈利的扫帚怎么啦? It’s Snape.He’s jinxing the broom!是斯内普, 他在对扫帚下咒 Jinxing the broom? What do we do? 对扫帚下咒?我们该怎么办? Leave it to me.交给我吧

Come on, Hermione!快点啊,赫敏 Lacarnum Inflamarae.拉卡隆,依佛摩瑞 Fire!着火了

You’re on fire!你身上着火了 Go, go, go, go!加油„

Looks like he’s gonna be sick.他好像快要吐了 He’s got the Snitch!他抢到金色飞贼了

Harry Potter receives 150 points for catching the Snitch!哈利·波特抢到金色飞贼了,得到了150分

Gryffindor wins!格兰芬多获胜!No 不会吧 Yeah!好!Nonsense!胡说八道

Why would Snape put a curse on Harry’s broom? 斯内普干嘛诅咒哈利的扫帚? Who knows? 谁知道?

Why was he trying to get past that three-headed dog in Hallowmas? 他在万圣节为何想通过三头巨犬?

Who told you about Fluffy? 谁告诉你毛毛的事? Fluffy? 毛毛?

That thing has a name? 那怪物还有名字啊?

Of course he has a name.he’s mine.当然有名字,他是我的狗

I bought him off an Irishman in pub last year.我去年在酒吧向一个爱尔兰人买的-I lent him to Dumbledore to guard…-Yes? –后来借给邓布利多看守„-什么? Shouldn’t have said that.No more questions!不能说,别再问了 No more questions!That’s top-secret.别问了,这是最高机密 But Hagrid… 但是,海格„

Whatever Fluffy’s guarding, Snape’s trying to steal it.斯内普想偷毛毛看守的东西 Codswallop.胡说八道

Professor Snape is a Hogwarts teacher.斯内普是霍格沃茨的老师 Hogwarts teacher or not, 不管他是不是老师

I know a spell when I see one.我一看就知道他在下咒 I’ve read all about them.咒语的书我都看过 You’ve got to keep eye contact, 眼睛要紧盯着目标 Snape wasn’t blinking 斯内普完全没眨过眼 Exactly.就是这样

Now, you listen to me, all three of you.你们三个都给我听好

You’re meddling in things that ought not to be meddled in.这件事轮不到你们来管 It’s dangerous.太危险了

What that dog is guarding is 那只狗看守的东西是„

Between Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel.邓布利多和尼古拉斯·勒梅尔的秘密 Nicholas Flamel? 尼古拉斯·勒梅尔? I shouldn’t have said that.我不小心说溜了嘴 I should not have said that.我不小心说溜了嘴 Nicholas Flamel.尼古拉斯·勒梅尔

Who’s Nicholas Flamel? 尼古拉斯·勒梅尔是谁? I don’t know.我不知道

Knight to E-5.骑士移动到E5方格 Queen to E-5.皇后移动到E5方格 That’s totally barbaric!真野蛮 That’s wizard’s chess.那是巫师棋 I see you’ve packed.你打包好了 I see you haven’t.你没打包吗?

Change of plans.My parents… 计划改变了,我父母„

Went to Romania to visit my brother Charlie.要去罗马尼亚找我哥哥查理 He’s studying dragons there.他在那里研究龙 Good.You can help Harry.好吧,那你可以帮帮哈利

He’s going to the library to look up Nicholas Flamel.他要去图书馆查尼古拉斯·勒梅尔的资料

We’ve looked a hundred times!我们查过不下百次 Not in the restricted section.禁书区还没查 Happy Christmas.圣诞快乐

I think we’ve had a bad influence on her.她好像被我们带坏了 Harry, wake up!哈利,醒一醒!

Come on, Harry, wake up!哈利,快醒一醒!Happy Christmas, Harry.圣诞快乐,哈利 Happy Christmas, Ron.圣诞快乐,罗恩 What are you wearing? 你穿的是什么? My mum made it.我妈妈织的毛衣

Looks like you’ve got one too.你好像也有一件 I’ve got presents? 我有礼物? Yeah.对啊

There they are.在那边

Your father left this in my possession before he died.这是你父亲临死前留下的It is time it was returned to you.现在该交还给你了 Use it well.好好使用吧 What is it? 那是什么? Some kind of cloak.好像是斗篷 Well, let’s see, then.Put it on.试穿看看 My body’s gone!我的身体不见了

I know what that is.That’s an invisibility cloak!我知道了,那是隐形斗篷 I’m invisible? 我隐形了吗? They’re really rare.这种斗篷很罕见 I wonder who gave it to you.是谁送给你的? There was no name.没有署名 It just said, 只说„ Use it well.好好使用

Famous Fire-Eaters.“知名吞火人” Fifteenth-Century Fiends.“十五世纪恶魔” Flamel.勒梅„

Nicholas Flamel.尼古拉斯·勒梅尔 Where are you? 到底在哪里? Who’s there? 是谁?

I know you’re in there.我知道你在里面 You can’t hide.你躲不了的 Who is it? 是谁? Show yourself.快出来 Severus, I… 西弗勒斯,我„

You don’t want me as your enemy, Quirrell.你不想和我为敌吧,奇洛 I don’t know what you mean.我不懂你的意思 You know perfectly well what I mean.你心知肚明

We’ll have another little chat soon.有空再聊

When you’ve had time to decide where your loyalties lie.先等你决定究竟要对谁效忠


I found this in the restricted section.这是我在禁书区捡到的 It’s still hot.还是热呼呼的

That means there’s a student out of bed.有学生偷溜下床了 Mum? 妈妈? Dad? 爸爸?

Ron, you’ve really gotta see this!罗恩,你快来看啊 Ron, come on, get out of bed!罗恩,快起床 Why? 干嘛?

There’s something you’ve got to see!你快来看,快点啊 Come on!Come!快点

Come look, it’s my parents!你过来看,是我爸妈 I only see us.我只看见我们俩

Look in properly.Go on, stand there.这样不对,站过去那边 There.You see then, don’t you? 好了,有没有看见他们? That’s me!Only I’m head boy.那是我,我变成级长了 And I’m holding the Quidditch Cup.手里拿着魁地奇奖杯 And bloody hell!娘的帅呆了

I’m Quidditch captain too!我也当上了魁地奇队长 I look good.我好威风

Harry, do you think this mirror shows the future? 哈利,这面镜子是显示未来吗? How can it? 怎么可能?

Both my parents are dead.我父母都死了 Back again, Harry? 又来了吗,哈利?

I see that you, like many before you… 你和以前那些人一样

…have discovered the delights of the Mirror of Erised.都发现了厄里斯镜的乐趣 I trust by now you realize what it does.相信你已经知道这镜子的作用了 Let me give you a clue.我给你一点暗示 The happiest man on earth… 世上最快乐的人

…would look in the mirror and see only himself exactly as he is.才能在镜中看到自己的真实面貌

So then, it shows us what we want.镜子反映出的是我们的欲望吗? Whatever we want.所有的欲望吗? Yes.对

And no.也不对

It shows us nothing more or less… 镜子反映出的其实是„

…than the deepest and most desperate desires of our hearts.我们内心深处最渴望的事

Now you, Harry, who have never known your family… 哈利,你没见过家人 …you see them standing beside you.现在看到他们站在你身边 But remember this, Harry.但记住,哈利 This mirror 这面镜子„

Gives us neither knowledge or truth.不能提供给我们知识或真相 Men have wasted away in front of it.人会在镜子前虚度光阴 Even gone mad.甚至因此而发疯

That is why tomorrow, it will be moved to a new home.所以明天要把镜子搬去别的地方

And I must ask you… 请你千万„

…not to go looking for it again.别再来找这面镜子了 It does not do to dwell on dreams… 人不能活在梦里,哈利 …and forget to live.不要依赖梦想而忘记生活

I had you looking in the wrong section.我害你们找错地方了 How could I be so stupid? 我怎么这么笨?

I checked this out weeks ago for a bit of light reading.这是我几周前借来消遣的书 This is light? 这算是消遣?

Of course!Here it is!当然啰,你们看

Nicholas Flamel is the only known maker of the Sorcerer’s Stone.尼古拉斯·勒梅尔是世上„唯一能制造出魔法石的人 The what? 制造出什么?

Honestly, don’t you two read? 真是的,你们平常不看书吗? The Sorcerer’s Stone is a legendarysubstance 魔法石是一种传说中 With astonishing powers.具有惊人魔力的石头

It’ll transform any metal into pure gold… 能把金属变成纯金 …and produces the Elixir of Life which 还能制造长生不死药 Will make the drinker immortal.喝了就能长生不死 Immortal? 长生不死?

It means you’ll never die.就是死不了明白吧 I know what it means!这我当然知道

The only Stone currently in existence 现存唯一的魔法石

Belongs to Mr.Nicholas Flamel… 是由尼古拉斯·勒梅尔先生所有 …the noted alchemist 他是著名的炼金术士

Who last year celebrated his 655th birthday.去年刚满665岁 That’s what Fluffy’s guarding.这就是毛毛在三楼看守的宝物

That’s what’s under the trap door.The Sorcerer’s Stone.活板门底下藏得就是魔法石 Hagrid, hello.海格,哈啰

Don’t wish to be rude, 抱歉,不好意思 But I’m in no state to entertain.今天没心情玩

We know about the Sorcerer’s Stone.我们知道魔法石的事了 We think Snape’s trying to steal it.斯内普想偷魔法石 Snape? 斯内普?

Are you still on about him? 天哪,你们居然还在谈他? We know he’s after it.海格,他想偷魔法石 We don’t know why.只是不知他为何要偷 Snape is… 斯内普可是„

One of the teachers protecting the Stone.保护魔法石的其中一位老师-He won’t steal it.–What? –他才不会偷魔法石 –什么? You heard.你听清楚了

Come on, I’m a bit preoccupied today.好了,我今天有点忙 Wait a minute.One of the teachers? 等一下,你刚说其中一位老师?

Of course.There are other things defending the Stone, aren’t there? 没错,一定还有用别的方法在保护魔法石对不对? Spells, enchatments.像是咒语啦,魔法啦

Right.Waste of bloody time, if you ask me.对,但我觉得这是浪费时间 Ain’t no one gonna get past Fluffy.没人过得了毛毛那一关

Ain’t a soul knows how, except for me and Dumbledore.只有我和邓布利多对付得了它

I shouldn’t have told you that.我又不小心说溜了嘴 Hagrid, what exactly is that? 海格,那是什么? That? It’s… 这个啊?这是„ It’s… 这是„

I know what that is!我知道那是什么

But, Hagrid, how did you get one? 海格,你怎么弄到的?

I won it.Off a stranger I met down at the pub.我在酒吧里,从陌生人手中赢来的 Seemed quite glad to be rid of it, as a matter of fact.看来好像是个烫手山芋 Is that… 那是„ …a dragon? 一条龙吗?

That’s not just a dragon.That’s a Norwegian Ridgeback.不只是龙,还是挪威脊背龙呢

My brother works with these in Romania.我哥哥查理在罗马尼亚研究龙 Isn’t he beautiful? 很漂亮吧?

Oh, bless him.Look, he knows his mummy.了不起,它人是妈妈呢 Hello, Norbert.哈啰,诺伯 Norbert? 诺伯?

He’s gotta have a name, don’t he? 总得替它取个名字 Don’t you, Norbert? 对吧,诺伯?

He’ll have to be trained up a bit, of course.它当然还需要训练 Who’s that? 那是谁? Malfoy.马福尔 Oh, dear.哦,天哪

Hagrid always wanted a dragon.海格早就想养龙了 Told me so the first time I met him.第一次见面时他就说了 It’s crazy.真糟糕

And worse, Malfoy knows.更糟的是被马福尔知道了 I don’t understand.Is that bad? 我不懂,有那么糟吗? It’s bad.糟透了 Good evening.晚安

Nothing, I repeat, nothing… 无论如何„我重复一遍,无论如何„

…gives a student the right to walk about at night.学生都不能在半夜四处乱跑 Therefore, as punishment for your actions, 我要惩罚你们的行为 50 points will be taken.扣五十分 50?!五十分? Each.每个人

To ensure it doesn’t happen again… 为了保证你们不会再犯 …all four of you will receive detention.罚你们四个人关禁闭 Excuse me, professor, 对不起,教授 Perhaps I heard you wrong.可能是我听错了

I thought you said the four of us.你说的是“四个人”吗? No, you heard me correctly.你听得没错,马福尔先生 Honorable as your intentions were, 虽然你是出于善意

You too were out of bed after hours.可是你也在熄灯后偷溜下来 You will join your classmates in detention.你必须和他们一起接受处罚 A pity they let the old punishments die.可惜现在的处罚没以前严苛了

Was a time detention found you hanging by your thumbs in the dungeons.以前在受罚的时候会把你用拇指吊在地牢里

God, I miss the screaming.天哪,真怀念那时候的惨叫声

You’ll be serving detention with Hagrid tonight.你们今晚要和海格一起进行劳动服务

He’s got a little job to do 他有点事要办 Inside the Dark Forest.要去黑森林 A sorry lot, this, Hagrid.你真倒霉,海格 Good god, 天哪

You’re not still on about that bloody dragon, are you? 你还在为那只龙的事生气吗? Norbert’s gone.诺伯走了

Dumbledore sent him off to Romania 邓布利多把它送去罗马尼亚 To live in a colony.和其他同类一起住 That’s good, isn’t it? 这不是很好吗? He’s with his own kind.它和自己的同类一起

What if he don’t like Romania? 但它若不喜欢罗马尼亚怎么办? What if the other dragons are mean to him? 如果别的龙对它不好呢? He’s only a baby.它终归还是个婴儿

For God’s sake, pull yourself together.拜托,请你克制一下情绪 You’re going into the Forest.你还要进森林办事呢 Got to have your wits about you.到时候得全神贯注才行 The Forest? I thought that was a joke.森林?我还以为是在开玩笑 We can’t go in there.那里是禁区 Students aren’t allowed.学生不能进去 And there are… 那里有 …werewolves.狼人

There’s more than werewolves in those trees.森林里有的可不只是狼人You can be sure of that.这点倒是可以确定 Nighty-night.晚安 Right.好了 Let’s go.我们走吧

Hagrid, what is that? 海格,那是什么? What we’re here for.这就是我们来的目的 See that? 看见没?

That’s unicorn blood, that is.那是独角兽的血

I found one dead a few weeks ago.我几个礼拜前发现一具尸体 Now, 现在„

This one’s been hurt bad by something.这只独角兽伤得很严重 So, 所以„

It’s our job… 我们的任务就是„

To go and find the poor beast.找到那只可怜的独角兽 Ron, Hermione, come with me.罗恩、赫敏,跟我来吧 And, Harry, you’ll go with Malfoy.哈利,你和马福尔一组 Okay.Then I get Fang.那我带牙牙一起去 Fine.好吧

Just so you know, he’s a bloody coward.不过你要小心,它是个胆小鬼 Wait till my father hears about this.要是被我爸听到你就惨了 This is servant’s stuff.那是仆人的工作 If I didn’t know better, 要是我没猜错的话 I’d say you were scared.你显然是在害怕 I’m not scared, Potter.我才不怕,波特 Do you hear that? 你听见没? Come on, Fang.走吧,牙牙 Scared!害怕!

What is it, Fang? 怎么了,牙牙? Help!救命啊!

Harry Potter, you must leave.哈利·波特,你必须离开这里 You are known to many creatures here.这里很多动物都认识你 The Forest is not safe at this time.这时候的森林不太安全 Especially for you.你来这里尤其危险

What was that thing you saved me from? 刚才要攻击我的是什么? A monstrous creature.一只怪物

It is a terrible crime to slay a unicorn.杀死独角兽是滔天大罪 Drinking its blood will keep you alive 喝独角兽的血可以保住性命 Even if you are an inch from death.就算垂死的人也救得回来 But at a terrible price.但必须付出惨痛的代价

For you have slain something so pure… 因为你杀死的是纯洁的生命

…that the moment the blood touches your lips, 从它的血碰触你的嘴唇那一刻起 You will have a half-life.你就会变得半死不活 A cursed life.拥有受诅咒的生命

Who would choose such a life? 谁会想过这种生活呢? Can you think of no one? 你想不到是谁吗? Do you mean to say that 你的意思是„

That thing that killed the unicorn… 杀死那只独角兽 …that was drinking its blood, 又喝了它的血的怪物 That was Voldemort? 就是伏地魔吗?

Do you know what is hidden in the school at this very moment? 你知不知道此刻在学

校里藏了什么秘密? The Sorcerer’s Stone.魔法石 Harry!哈利!

Hello there, Firenze.你好啊,费伦泽

See you’ve met our young Mr.Potter.看来你已经见过小波特了 You all right there, Harry? 你没事吧,哈利? Harry Potter, 哈利·波特„

This is where I leave you.我们就在这里告别吧 You’re safe now.你现在安全了 Good luck.祝你好运

You mean, You-know-Who is out there right now 你是说那个人就在那里? In the forest? 就在森林里? But he’s weak.可是他很虚弱

He’s living off the unicorns.只能靠独角兽的血维生 Don’t you see? 你们还不懂吗? We had it wrong.我们猜错了

Snape doesn’t want the Stone for himself.斯内普不是要把魔法石占为己有 He wants it for Voldemort.他是要偷来献给伏地魔 With the Elixir of Life, 有了长生不死药

Voldemort will be strong again.伏地魔又可以恢复力量了 He’ll come back.他还会再回来报仇 But if he comes back… 他要是回来的话„

…you don’t think he’ll try to kill you, do you? 他该不会是想杀死你吧?

If he’d had the chance, he might have tried tonight.如果被他逮到机会,他说不定今晚就会来杀我

And to think I’ve been worrying about my Potions final.亏我还在担心魔药学的期末考呢

Hang on a minute.We’re forgetting one thing.等一下,我们忘了一件事 Who’s the one wizard Voldemort always feared? 谁是伏地魔最怕的巫师? Dumbledore.邓布利多

As long as Dumbledore is around, Harry, you’re safe.只要有邓布利多在,哈利,你就不会有危险

As long as Dumbledore is around, 只要有邓布利多在 You can’t be touched.就没人伤得了你 I’d heard 我以前就常听人说

Hogwarts’ final exams were frightful, 霍格沃茨的期末考很难 But I found that enjoyable.可是我倒觉得很轻松

Speak for yourself.只有你才这么觉得 All right there, Harry? 你还好吧,哈利? My scar.我的疤痕

It keeps burning.一直痛得像火烧似的 It’s happened before.以前也发生过这种情况 Not like this.没这么痛过啊

You should see the nurse.还是带你去找护士吧 I think it’s a warning.我觉得这是一种警告 It means danger’s coming.表示会有危险-Of course!–What is it? –没错 –怎么呢? Isn’t it odd 你们不觉得奇怪吗?

That what Hagrid wants more than anything is a dragon… 海格一直想养龙 …and a stranger just happens to have one? 突然就出现带着龙蛋的陌生人

How many people wander around with dragon eggs? 有多少人会带着龙蛋到处走动?

Why didn’t I see it before? 我怎么没早点想到呢?

Hagrid.Who gave you the dragon egg? 海格,那个龙蛋是谁给你的? What did he look like? 他长什么样子?

I don’t know.I never saw his face.我不知道,没看清楚他的脸 He kept his hood up.他一直用斗篷遮着

You and this stranger must have talked.你有和这个陌生人交谈过吧? He wanted to know what sort of creatures I looked after.他问我饲养过哪些动物 I told him," I feed after Fluffy, 我告诉他,养了毛毛以后 A dragon’s gonna be no problem."就算养龙也绝对不成问题 Was he interested in Fluffy? 他对毛毛很感兴趣吗? Of course he was interested in Fluffy.他当然对毛毛很感兴趣

How often do you come across a three-headed dog? 又不是到处都看得到三头巨犬 Even the rare creatures trade 就连稀有动物贩子也不常看到 But I told him, 然而我告诉了他„ The trick with any beast 驯服野兽的秘诀

Is to know how to calm him.就是想法子让它镇定下来 Take Fluffy, for example.就拿毛毛来说吧 Play him music 演奏音乐给它听

And he falls straight to sleep.它就会睡着了 I shouldn’t have told you that.我又说溜了嘴

Where are you going? Where are you going? 你们要去哪里?你们去哪里? We have to see Dumbledore.我们要找邓布利多教授


I’m afraid he’s not here.邓布利多教授不在这里

He received an urgent owl from the Ministry of Magic and left.魔法部派猫头鹰送急件给他,他就立刻启程前往伦敦 He’s gone? 他真的走了吗?

But this is important!可是我们有要紧的事 This is about the Sorcere’s Stone!是关于魔法石 How do you know…? 你们怎么会知道„

Someone’s going to try and steal it.有人想偷走魔法石

I don’t know how you know, 我不知道你们三个人怎么知道魔法石的事 But I assure you it is well protected.这件事一直是保密到家 Now would you go back to your dormitories? 快回去寝室吧 Quietly.尽量别出声

That was no stranger Hagrid met.海格在村子里遇到的不是陌生人 It was Snape.那个人是斯内普

Which means he knows how to get past Fluffy.他知道怎样通过毛毛那一关了And with Dumbledore gone… 邓布利多又不„ Good afternoon.下午好

What would three young Gryffindors… 你们三个格兰芬多学院的小朋友 …be doing inside on a day like this? 天气这么好,怎么没出去玩? We were just… 我们只是在„

You ought to be careful.你们要小心一点 People will think you’re… 别人可能会认为„ …up to something.你们在打什么坏主意 Now what do we do? 现在该怎么办? We go down the trap door.我们从活板门下去 Tonight.今天晚上就去 Trevor.特雷弗 Trevor, 特雷弗!

Go!You shouldn’t be here!快走吧,你不应该来这里 Neither should you.你们也不应该来

You’re sneaking out again, aren’t you? 你们又想偷溜出去了,对吧? Neville, listen.We were… 纳威,听我说,我们„ No, I won’t let you!不行,我不准你们去

You’ll get Gryffindor into trouble again.格兰芬多学院会被你们害惨的 I’ll fight you.我会反抗你们

Neville, I’m really sorry about this.纳威,真的很对不起

Petrificus Totalus.统统石化

You’re a little scary sometimes, 你有时候蛮可怕的 You know that? 你知道吗?

Brilliant, but scary.很厉害,不过很可怕 Let’s go.我们走吧 Sorry.对不起

It’s for your own good, you know.这样做是为了你好 You stood on my foot!你踩到我的脚了 Sorry.对不起


Wait a minute.He’s… 等一下,它„ …snoring.有鼾声

Snape’s already been here.斯内普已经来了 He’s put a spell on the harp.他对竖琴下了咒 It’s got horrible breath.好臭啊

We have to move its paw.必须把它的脚掌移开 What? 什么? Come on!快来!Okay.Push.好了,用力推 I’ll go first.我先走

Don’t follow until I give you a sign.等我发信号再跟过来 If something bad happens, 要是情况不妙 Get yourselves out.你们就自己逃命吧

Does it seem a bit quiet to you? 你们有没有觉得好安静? The harp.竖琴

It’s stopped playing.竖琴停止演奏了 Jump!跳啊!

Lucky this plant thing’s here, really.幸好有这株植物挡住 Stop moving, both of you.你俩别再乱动了 This is Devils Snare.这是魔鬼网 You have to relax.你们别太紧张

If you don’t, it will only kill you faster.要不然就会死得更快Kill us faster? 死得更快?

Oh, now I can relax!这下子我就不紧张了 Hermione!赫敏!

Now what are we gonna do? 现在该怎么办? Just relax!只管放轻松

Hermione, where are you? 赫敏,你在哪里? Do what I say!照着我的话做 Trust me.相信我 Harry!哈利!Harry!哈利!

Are you okay? 你没事吧? Yeah, I’m fine.没事,我很好

He’s not relaxing, is he? 他没放轻松,对吧? Apparently not.显然没有

-We’ve gotta do something.–What? –一定要想个办法 –什么办法? I remember reading something in Herbology.还记得我在药草学的书上看过 Devil’s Snare, Devil’s Snare, 魔鬼网,魔鬼网„ It’s deadly fun… 它会致人于死

…but will sulk in the sun!可是晒到阳光就完蛋了 That’s it!It hates sunlight.对了,恶魔网讨厌阳光 Lumus Solem.灿烂光

Ron, you okay? 罗恩,你没事吧? Yeah.没事

Lucky we didn’t panic.幸好我们没惊慌失措

Lucky Hermione pays attention in Herbology.幸好赫敏上药草学课时很认真What is that? 那是什么声音? I don’t know.我不知道

Sounds like wings.好像是翅膀挥动的声音 Curious.真奇怪

I’ve never seen birds like these.我没见过这种鸟 They’re not birds.They’re keys.那不是鸟,是钥匙

And I’ll bet one of them fits that door.一定有把钥匙可以打开那扇门 What’s this all about? 这是怎么回事? I don’t know.我不知道 Strange.真奇怪 Alohomora!阿拉霍洞开

Well, it was worth a try.试试看也无妨 What will we do? 现在怎么办?

There must be a thousand keys.那里有上千把钥匙

We want a big, old-fashioned one.我们要找的是一把老式大钥匙 Probably rusty.好能像门把一样生锈了 I see it!在那里,我看到了

The one with the broken wing.翅膀受伤的那把钥匙 What’s wrong? 怎么呢,哈利? It’s too simple.这并不简单 Go on!去吧,哈利

If Snape could catch it on that old broomstick, 如果斯内普用就扫帚追得上它 You can.那你也办得到

You’re the youngest Seeker in a century.你可是百年来最年轻的捕球手 This complicates things a bit.事情变得有点复杂了 Catch the key!抓住那把钥匙 Hurry up!快点!

I don’t like this.我觉得不太对劲 I don’t like this at all.实在是太不对劲了 Where are we? 这是哪里? A graveyard? 墓地?

This is no graveyard.这才不是墓地 It’s a chessboard.这是棋盘 There’s the door.门在那里 Now what do we do? 现在怎么办? It’s obvious, isn’t it? 不是很明显吗?

We’ve got to play our way across the room.要下棋才能通过这个房间 All right.好了

Harry, you take zhe empty bishop’s square.哈利,你站在主教那个空格里 Hermione, you’ll be the queen-side castle.赫敏,你就当皇后旁边的城堡吧 As for me, 至于我„ I’ll be a knight.我来当骑士 What happens now? 现在呢?

Well, white moves first.嗯,白棋先移动 And then… 然后„ …we play.换我们出招了 Ron, 罗恩

You don’t suppose this is going to be like… 你该不会以为„ …real wizard’s chess, do you? 真的是在玩巫师西洋棋吧? You there, D-5.你移动到D5 Yes, Hermione.对,赫敏

I think this is gonna be 我觉得这和巫师西洋棋„ Exactly like wizard’s chess.完全一摸一样 Castle to E-4!城堡移到E4

Pawn to C-3!卒子移到C3 Wait a minute.等一下

You understand right, Harry.你明白了吧,哈利 Once I make my move, 只要我一移动 The queen will take me.皇后就会把我吃掉

Then you’re free to check the king.这样你就可以趁机进攻国王 No.Ron, no!罗恩!不行啊 What is it? 怎么了?

He’s going to sacrifice himself.他要牺牲自己

No, there must be another way!不行,一定还有别的方法

Do you wanna stop Snape from getting that Stone or not? 你到底想不想阻止斯内普偷走魔法石?

Harry, it’s you that has to go on.哈利,你必须继续前进 I know it.我觉得该去的人

Not me.Not Hermione.You.不是我,不是赫敏,而是你 Knight to H-3.骑士移到H3 Check.将军 Ron!罗恩!

No, don’t move!不!别乱动

Don’t forget, we’re still playing.别忘了我们还在下棋 Checkmate.将军!

Take care of Ron.好好照顾罗恩 Then go to the owlery.然后去找猫头鹰

Send a message to Dumbledore.寄封信给邓布利多 Ron’s right.罗恩说得对 I have to go on.我必须继续前进 You’ll be okay, Harry.你要小心点,哈利 You’re a great wizard.你是了不起的巫师 You really are.我真的这么觉得 Not as good as you.我才比不上你呢

Me? Books and cleverness.我?只是靠书本和小聪明 There are more important things.但还有些更重要的条件 Friendship and bravery.有爱和勇气

And, Harry, just be careful.哈利,你要小心一点 You? 是你?

No, it can’t be.不,不可能

Snape, he was the… 斯内普„他才是„

Yes, he does seem the type, doesn’t he? 对,他看起来一脸坏相对吧? Next to him, 所以呢,有他在身边„

Who would suspect poor, stuttering Professor Quirrell? 谁还会怀疑口吃的奇洛教授?

But that day, during the Quidditch match, 可是魁地奇比赛那天 Snape tried to kill me.斯内普还想害死我 No, dear boy.你错了,亲爱的孩子 I tried to kill you!想杀你的人是我 And trust me.相信我

If Snape’s cloak hadn’t caught fire 要不是斯内普的斗篷着了火 And broken my eye contact… 害我没办法死盯着你 …I would have succeeded.我早就成功了

Even with Snape muttering his countercurse.斯内普念再多解咒也没用 Snape was trying to save me? 斯内普想救我?

I knew you were a danger to me.我已开始就看出你会威胁到我 Especially after Halloween.尤其是在万圣节过后 Then you let the troll in!所以你就把巨魔放进来 Very good, Potter, yes.好极了,波特,答对了

Snape, unfortunately, wasn’t fooled.可惜斯内普没上我的当 While everyone ran about, 当其他人都在地牢里四处乱窜的时候 He went to the third floor to head me off.他却跑去三楼想拦住我 He, of course, never trusted me again.当然他再也不会相信我了 He rarely left me alone.他几乎不让我一个人独处 But he doesn’t understand.只是他从没搞清楚过 I’m never alone.Never.我从来都不是一个人 Now, 现在„

What does this mirror do? 这面镜子是干吗用的? I see what I desire.我能看到自己想要的东西

I see myself holding the Stone.我看到自己手里拿着魔法石 But how do I get it? 但是我怎么拿到呢? Use the boy.利用那个男孩

Come here, Potter!给我过来,波特!Now!快点!Tell me, 告诉我„

What do you see? 你看见了什么?

What is it? What do you see? 你看见了什么?

I’m shaking hands with Dumbledore.我在和邓布利多握手

I’ve won the house cup.我赢得了学院杯冠军 He lies.他说谎

Tell the truth!跟我说实话 What do you see? 你看见了什么? Let me speak to him.让我和他谈谈

Master, you are not strong enough.主人,你还没回复力量 I have strength enough for this.我的力量足以应付得了 Harry Potter… 哈利·波特„ …we meet again.我们又见面了 Voldemort.伏地魔 Yes.没错

You see what I’ve become? 看到我现在的模样了吧? See what I must do to survive? 你知道我要怎样求生了吧? Live off another.靠别人活下去 A mere parasite.活像是个寄生虫

Unicorn blood can sustain me… 独角兽的血可以让我延续生命

…but it cannot give me a body of my own.但却无法让我得到自己的身体 But there is something that can.不过还有别的办法 Something that, conveniently enough, 那件唾手可得的东西 Lies in your pocket.就在你的口袋里 Stop him!阻止他!Don’t be a fool.别傻了

Why suffer an horrific death when you can join me and live? 你可以和我一起活下去,又何必冒险去死呢? Never!休想 Bravery.真勇敢

Your parents had it too.你爸妈也很勇敢 Tell me, 告诉我 Harry… 哈利„

…would you like to see your mother and father again? 想不想再见到你爸妈? Together...只要我们合作„

…we can bring them back.就能让他们起死回生

All I ask is for something in return.我只要求一样东西作为回报 That’s it, Harry.面对现实吧,哈利

There is no good and evil.世上并没有绝对的善与恶 There is only power… 差别只是在于强者„

…and those too weak to seek it.和无法认清事实的弱者之分

Together, 只要我们合作„

We’ll do extraordinary things.一定能有非凡的成就 Just give me the Stone!把魔法石交给我 You liar!你这个骗子 Kill him!杀了他

What is this magic? 这是什么魔法? Fool, get the Stone!白痴!快去拿魔法石 Good afternoon, Harry.下午好,哈利

Tokens from your admirers? 这是崇拜者送你的礼物吗? Admirers? 崇拜者?

What happened in the dungeons between you and Professor Quirrell 可能你和奇洛教授在地牢里的事

Is a uncompleted secret.没有百分之百完全保密

So, naturally, the whole school knows.所以全校师生全都知道了

I see that your friend Ronald has saved you the trouble… 看来你那位朋友罗恩„ …of opening your Chocolate Frogs.替你省了拆开巧克力蛙的麻烦 Ron was here? Is he all right? 罗恩也在?他没事吧? What about Hermione? 赫敏呢? Fine.没事

They’re both just fine.他们俩都安然无恙 What happened to the Stone? 可那魔法石呢? Relax, dear boy.别紧张,我亲爱的孩子

The Stone has been destroyed.魔法石已经被摧毁了

My friend Nicholas and I have had a little chat… 我和好友尼可聊了一会儿 …and agreed it was best all around.我们认为这是最妥善的做法 But then, Flamel, he’ll die, won’t he? 不过尼古拉斯·勒梅尔就会死吗? He has enough Elixir 他还存了些长生不死药 To set his affairs in order.够他们把事情安排妥当 But yes, 不过„没错 He will die.他终究还是会死

How is it I got the Stone, sir? 魔法石怎么会出现在我手上? One minute I was staring in the mirror 原本我还在看着镜子 And… 突然就„

You see, only a person… 你还不明白吗?任何人„

…who wanted to find the Stone, find it… 只有真心想找到魔法石 …but not use it, 而不是存心要拿来用的人 Would be able to get it.才能得到魔法石

That is one of my more brilliant ideas.这是我想出来的好方法 And between you and me.咱们俩合作无间 That is saying something.才能顺水推舟达到目的

Does that mean, with the Stone gone, 这表示魔法石消失以后„ That Voldemort can never come back? 伏地魔就再也不会回来了吗? I’m afraid… 我恐怕„

…there are ways in which he can return.他还是有办法再回来 Harry,哈利„

Do you know why… 你知道为什么„

…Professor Quirrell couldn’t bear to have you touch him? 奇洛教授受不了你碰触他吗?

It was because of your mother.那是因为你母亲的缘故 She sacrificed herself for you.她为了你牺牲了自己

And that kind of act leaves a mark.这类举动会留下了一个印记 No, this kind of mark cannot be seen.不过,这种印记是看不见的 It lives in your very skin.它存留在你的皮肤上 What is it? 什么印记?

Love, Harry.Love.就是爱啊,哈利,爱 Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans.比比多味豆

I was most unfortunate in my youth 我小时候不幸吃到„ To come across a vomit-flavored one.一颗味道很恶心的豆子 And since then, I’ve lost my liking for them.然后就再也不敢吃了 But I think I could be safe… 可是我想应该可以选颗„ …with a nice toffee.太妃糖口味的 Alas!天哪 Earwax.是耳屎

All right there, Ron? 你还好吧,罗恩? All right, you? 我很好,你呢? All right.我很好 Hermione? 赫敏呢? Never better.好得不得了 Another year gone.又一年过去了

And now, as I understand it, 现在就我所知„

The house cup needs awarding.我们该来颁发学院冠军杯了 And the points stand thus: 各学院的分数如下„ In fourth place, 第四名„

Gryffindor with 312 points.格兰芬多,312分

Third place, 第三名„

Hufflepuff with 352 points.赫奇帕奇,352分 In second place… 第二名„

…Ravenclaw with 426 points.拉文克劳,426分 And in first place… 第一名„ …with 472 points, 得分是472分 Slytherin house.Nice one, mate.干得好,同学

Yes, well done, Slytherin.Well done.表现得很好,斯莱特林 However, 不过„

Recent events must be taken into account.最近有几件事也必须列入考量 And I have a few last-minute points to award.最后还要再加几分 To Miss Hermione Granger, 赫敏·格兰杰小姐

For the cool use of intellect while others were in grave peril… 在其他人陷入重大危难时,冷静地运用智慧脱困 …50 points.加五十分 Good job.干得好

Second, to Mr.Ronald Weasley, 其次是罗恩·韦斯莱先生 For the best-played game of chess… 最优秀的西洋棋手

…that Hogwarts has seen these many years, 霍格沃茨无人能出其右 50 points.加五十分 And third… 再者是„

…to Mr.Harry Potter… 哈利·波特先生

…for pure nerve and outstanding courage… 胆识过人,勇气可嘉 …I award Gryffindor house 我再加给格兰芬多学院„ 60 points.六十分

We’re tied with Slytherin!我们和斯莱特林同分了 Finally, 最后„

It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies… 要挺身而出对抗敌人的确需要很大的勇气

…but a great deal more to stand up to your friends.但若是要挺身反抗朋友却需要更大的勇气

I award 10 points… 我再加十分„ …to Neville Longbottom.给纳威·隆巴顿

Assuming that my calculations are correct I believe… 如果我计算的没错 …that a change of decoration is in order.这里的装饰要改变一下了 Gryffindor wins the house cup.格兰芬多赢得学院杯冠军

Come on, now.Hurry up, you’ll be late.动作快,你们快来不及了 Train’s leaving.Go on.Go on.火车要开走了,快走吧,走吧!Come on, hurry up.动作快一点 Come on, Harry.快点啊,哈利 One minute.再等一下

Thought you were leaving without saying goodbye, did you? 连声再见也不说就想走啊?

This is for you.这是送给你的 Thanks, Hagrid.谢谢你,海格

Go on.On with you.On with you now.走吧,快走吧 Oh, listen, Harry.听我说,哈利„

If that dolt of a cousin of yours, 如果你那个„

Dudley, gives you any grief… 笨蛋表哥达力敢再欺负你 …you could always threaten him… 你就吓唬他„

…with a nice pair of ears to go with his tail.说要送他一对猪耳朵,好搭配他那条猪尾巴

But we’re not allowed to do magic away from Hogwarts.可是我们一离开霍格沃茨就不能用魔法了

You know that.这你也知道 I do.我是知道

But your cousin don’t, do he? 但你表哥可不知道

4.《哈利波特》观后感 篇四



漫长的一学期就这样过去了,自从分院帽的事情被传开后?阿不思变的和以前不一样了,哈利和阿不思的关系也在中间隔了一扇窗,关系也这样僵持了2年。2年后哈利和阿莫斯(塞德里克的父亲,塞德里克在3强争霸赛中为了哈利死了。)的谈话被阿不思听见了,阿不思和斯科皮决定一起用偷出来的时间转换器救出25年前死去的塞德里克。同时阿不思还认识了戴尔菲(戴尔菲是伏地魔的女儿,她装作是阿莫斯的侄女骗了阿不思等人) 当戴尔菲得知阿不思要救塞德里克时,假装要帮助阿不思,却计划让父亲重生,让世界变成黑魔法的世界。还好哈利一行人及时赶到阻止了戴尔菲。由于阿不思的固执和太相信戴尔菲差点毁了世界。














































































