


1.bec中级作文句子 篇一


l. We have pleasure in acknowledging receipt of your esteemed favour of the 3rd May

2. We are pleased to acknowledge receipt of your favour of the lst June

3. We have to acknowhedge receipt of your favour of the 5th July

4. Your letter of May 5 was very welcome

5. Your letter of April l0 gave me much pleasure

6. Your esteemed favour of 7th May was duly received by us

7. Your favour of the 5th June is duly to hand

8. Your favour of the l0th is to (at) hand

9. We are in due receipt of your favour dated the 7th June

10. We are in receipt of your letter of the 7th July

11. We are in possession of your letter of the 5th April

12. We have duly received your favour of the 5th March

13. Your letter of yesterday’s date is duly to (at) hand

14. Your esteemed communication of yesterday’s date is just to (at) hand

15. We thank you for your favour of the 5th May

16. We are obliged for your letter of the 5th May

17. Many thanks for your latter of the 5th June

18. Very many thanks for your letter of May 5

19. In acknowledging receipt of your letter of the 5th June, ...

20. Your favour of the 5th May has just reached me

21. Your favour of the 5th May is duly received

22. Your favour of the 5th May is now before me

23. Your promised letter under date (of) the 5th June has just reached us

2.bec中级作文句子 篇二

2.Full co-operation


Full co-operation among team members has a direct impact the organizational performance. When the culture of team cooperation is built up in the team members, they would render collective efforts to achieve the common objectivesand ensure a higher level of quality and workmanship.


Mutual trust is the first secret of successful teamwork. In the teamwork, the staff function better and cope with stress more easily when they are in a trusting relationship. They will tend to share their real thoughts and communicate with each other effectively. This helps to bring out the potentials and the reliable collective cohesion among employee.


Pre-building is a critical component to drive team success. Many view team-based, horizontal organization structures as the best design for involving all employees in creating business success. Especially nurturing team dynamics can stimulate employee to create the innovative product or idea.


On top of that, timely communication and decision making will also help to improve work efficiency.


(1) In my opinion, we should , first of all, focus on issues like how to form an effective team and how to improve communication within the team. These are the most important things we need to consider when holding a training programme.


(2)So we can include in our programme, the activities that help to promote team spirit, activities that help develop employee motivation and improve communication.


(3)We can organize outdoor adventures like rafting and rock climbing. These events serve to increase personal awareness of abilities and complementary skills in your teammates.

3.bec中级词汇 篇三

canteen n. 食堂

canvass v. 征求意见,劝说

capacity n. 生产额,(最大)产量

caption n. 照片或图片下的简短说明

capital n. 资本,资金

capture v. 赢得

cash n. 现金,现付款 v. 兑现

cash flow n. 现金流量

case study n. 案例分析

catalogue n. 目录,产品目录

catastrophe n. 大灾难,大祸

CEO n. Chief Executive Officer(美)总经理

chain n. 连锁店

challenger n. 挑战者

channel n. (商品流通的)渠道

charge n. 使承担,要(价),把......记入(账册等)

chart n. 图表

checkout n. 付款台

chief adj. 主要的,首席的,总的

CIF, c.i.f. 成本保险费加运费

circular n. 传阅的小册子(传单等)

circulate v. 传阅

claim n./v. 要求,索赔

client n. 委托人,顾客

cold adj. 没人找上门来的,生意清淡的

commercialize v. 使商品化

commission n. 佣金

4.BEC中级听力词汇 篇四


 Production line 生产线

Production line 生产线

Assembly line 装配线

Line director/ manager 线上负责人

Automated自动化的automatic machine

Manpower 人力,劳动力labor-intensive

Component 零件,组件

Overtime 加班



 Quality control 质量监管

Batch 一批

Random sampling 随机抽样 / sample survey 抽样调查

Basic testing 基本测试inspection检测员/ inspector 检测

Glitch 差错defect 瑕疵,错误,不足

Fix / correct the glitch 解决问题

Meet the requirement/ standard

QC history 质量控制记录

QC procedures 质量控制流程

Quality Standard 质量标准 QS

 Customer services 客户服务

Assemble / installation / put together

Assembly instruction


Defer payment / delay payment / layaway 先付定金,再分批交余款,交齐后交货 Installment plan 分期付款

Customer service hotline

Break down / fail / out of order /defective

Troubleshooter 修理工 / repairman /engineer

Apologize / refund 退款/ replacement /partial refund 折旧,部分退款

Warranty /guarantee

Warranty period 质保期限

Under warranty

Lifetimewarranty 终身质保

Manual / guidebook / handbook/ pamphlet/ brochure

Membership card 会员卡/ registered user 注册用户

Subscribe 订购 / order / renew 续订

Subscriber 用户

 Research and development 技术研发


Accounts management 账户管理

Appreciation and depreciation 货币升值/贬值Raising funds 融资活动

Stocks and securities exchange 股票及证券交易 3.Marketing(市场营销)

Marketing strategy 营销决策

Allocation of budget and resources预算及资源分配

Advertising campaign 广告宣传4.Accounting(财会)

Balance sheet 资产负债表Income statement 损益表

Cash flow statement 现金流量表Annual financial report 财务年报


packing area 包装区contract 外包 delivery yard 交货区consultant 顾问 shop floor/workshop 车间investment 投资 recruitment 招聘assembly 装配

quality control 质量管理despatch 派遣,发送 diploma 文凭purchasing 采购部 certificate 证书postpone 推迟 asset 财产,优点bulk 大量 penalty clause 违约惩罚条款8.6


Exhibitions & fairs 会展/展销会Enquiries & quotations 询盘及报价Negotiation 谈判

Contracts & renewals 合同及续约合同

Breaches & penalty clauses违约及惩罚性条款Deliveries 发货Payments 付款

Complains & compensations 索赔及理赔 •Routine business(日常工作)

Memos & message notes 备忘录及留言条E-mail 电子邮件

Correspondence 商务函电

business document 商业单据(发货单、订单等)•Business management(企业管理)M&A 并购

Project management 项目管理

Manufacture structure 公司管理构架 •Human Resources(人力资源)Recruiting 招聘Training 培训

Performance appraisal 绩效考评Motivation 员工激励 •Public Relations(公共关系管理)

PART TWO  personnel

RecruitmentRecruitment Officer/Specialist Vacant PositionPosition VacancyHR DepartmentInterviewerIntervieweeCandidate TempResume Academic/ Education BackgroundGraduation School/ YearMajorFamily BackgroundWork ExperiencePrevious JobPrevious SalaryQualificationWell-QualifiedOverqualifiedSuitableProficient/ ProficiencyBe Proficient/ Skilled InStrong PointWeak PointSalaryPay/ PaydayIncome 个人收入 revenue 国家收入 CompensationCompensation PackageAnnual leaveBonusInsuranceUnpaid/ Paid Vacation Sick LeaveMaternity LeavePersonal LeaveProbationary Period 产假 Trial Period 试用期 Evaluate/ Evaluation 评价 Work PerformanceEvaluation PeriodHiring Criteria 雇用标准 Working HoursFlexible Working HoursWorking TimeCoffee Break 茶歇时间 Overtime加班 Business Travel 出差 Business Trip出差 Training On-The-Job Training 在职培训 Hands-On Training 实践培训 Employee Training 员工培训 Promotion 升职 Demotion降职 Rise Through The RanksRelocationResignation辞职 Retirement退休 Pension养老金

Suspension停职 Turnover Rate人员流动率 Lay Off  fire  get your sack dismiss

Job-Hopping跳槽 8.9

 company profile

affiliated company附属公司 parent company母公司 subsidiary子公司 branch office分公司 branch store分店

company structure公司架构 company history公司历史 core business核心业务 main business主营业务 diversification多样化 multinational corporation 跨国公司

enterprise企业 consortium联合财团 found/ founder创立

co-found/ co-founder 联合创办 headquarters总部 base

joint venture合资企业 partnershipoperation agreement

listed company上市公司 initial public offering stock exchange

merger收购 board meeting董事会 approve


dividend分红 CEO

president总裁 general manager

managing director常务董事 chief of staff人事部主管 chief financial officer 首席财务官 chief operating officer 首席运营官chief technology office首席技术官counselor顾问 adviser顾问 division部门 department部门 entrepreneur企业家 management

account executive客户专员 human resources personnel manpower staff

5.bec中级口语指导 篇五

Negotiating a contract with a customer

l Customer needs

l Available budget



可持续的 sustainable 共同愿望common desire

双赢win-win 建立贸易机会conclude business

互惠互利mutual benefit 一致coincides with

通力合作close cooperation 报价quotations

最新商品价格目录表latest catalogues 履行合同observe the contract

商业信誉commercial integrity 国际惯例international practices


I have some comment on…..

The products meet with great favor.

How to precede with 怎样来进行

How to put…. Into practice….


If I am negotiating a contract with a customer, I will firstly take the customers’ needs into consideration. The reason is very simple. It is the basis of the undergoing negotiation; we are sitting around the negotiation table because we need something from each other. It is our common desire to conclude the business.

On the other hand, the success of the negotiation depends on the available budget. Without financial support, all the rounds of discussing and bargaining won’t make any sense. That is why it is an international practice to consider about the budget first and reasonable design of the contract comes after that.

6.bec中级口语指导 篇六

Working as a teacher

l Sharing expertise

l Deciding responsibilities



求助于 resort to 零碎的piecemeal

处理tackle with 前提premise

倾向于apt to 灵活的策略flexible policy

指派assign 唤起情绪invoke

有机的,整体的organic 同时simultaneously


The prime concern is… 首要考虑是..

Given this premise…. 基于这样的前提

Be expected to…


When working as a teacher, the prime concern is sharing expertise. The need of the students should receive careful consideration. Through systematic training and teaching, the students should be able to resort to the professional skill of the teacher for reasonable solution of whatever problem they may come across in working experience.

Secondly, the teacher is expected to decide the responsibility of his/her fellowman. In this case, it is better to tackle with the whole thing in an organic way rather than a piece meal basis. In other words, the person on the teaching position should be crystal clear of the strength and weakness of every student and assign them to the right positions based on this judgment. Given this premise, the whole team can work in an efficient way.

7.bec中级口语考试攻略 篇七



心态对于任何事情都是非常重要的。语言口语测试更是如此。千万不要在考前过度紧张导致失利。尽量把参加BEC口语面试当作拜访朋友,朋友有些问题不明白 需要向我请教。面试前一定要睡个好觉,进入面试房间前做几次深呼吸,然后告诉自己,英语说得不错。就算口语真的不好,倒不如彻底放松,奋力一搏,说不定也 能有柳暗花明的时候。

3. 让思想服从于语言


4. 善于运用你的常识

在中级bec口语考试中,一定要注意运用你的常识,不要因为缺乏常识或不会利用常识而轻易放弃机会,白白丢分。放弃一个问题,意味着分数降一个档次。有 些问题被考生放弃了,不是因为无法用英语表达,而是大家对这个问题没有想法。可以灵活运用一些常识进行自圆其说。任何时候都不要放弃任何问题。

8.BEC中级阅读材料精选 篇八


The US rose to top spot in a closely watched economic league table yesterday, as its economy was praised for its market efficiency and ability to innovate.

总部位于瑞士的智库世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)昨日发布了其一年一度的全球竞争力报告。该机构在报告中表示,美国经济失衡对其生产率和全球经济构成了威胁,但结论是,美国的经济成就超过了这些风险。 In its annual report on global competitiveness, the World Economic Forum, the Swiss-based think-tank, said US economic imbalances posed a threat to its productivity and the global economy but concluded that its achievements outweighed these risks.


Also appearing in the top 10 were seven European economies – Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Finland, the UK and the Netherlands – as well as Singapore and Japan.


The rankings, which have been produced by the WEF since 1979, are used by many countries either to shower praise on a government’s achievements or to criticise its failings. But this will prove harder than usual this year as the WEF has adjusted its model, with large effects on countries’ places in the league table.


The WEF also released a revised league table for last year, based on its new methodology. Finland, which topped the league for many years, has dropped to sixth. The WEF gave it the second spot in last year’s published report but yesterday’s revisions suggest it should always have been sixth.


The US has clearly benefited from the change in the WEF’s calculations. Last year, the report ranked the world’s largest economy sixth but the revised table puts it top.


China and India are often believed to be the most competitive economies in the world – a threat to advanced economies with low-cost manufacturing and services, but also an opportunity with huge markets and combined populations of more than 2bn.


For all the awe that their economies create, China and India rank 34th and 48th respectively in the World Economic Forum’s global competitiveness index. Their low ranking reflects the need for these economies to improve many aspects of their markets and average living standards before they can be compared with advanced economies.


China needs to improve its higher education, financial markets and training, while India, falling slightly down this year’s league, is plagued by macroeconomic instability, poor health and education systems and low labour market efficiency.


9.BEC中级写作技巧 篇九





















4.常用表达:要使用商务信函常用的表达,那样会显得很专业,给读者留下很好的印象。例如:further to your letter of……,Please do not hesitate to contact me.等比较常用的语句。在确保不出错的前提下,如能适当展示自己语言的丰富性那就更好了。







注意不要使用缩略式(如I’m 等)。










布局要清晰得体。Introduction,conclusion和 recommendation部分尽量用一句话表达,那样显得简洁。Finding 部分注意使用一些技巧,如分段,弹点等帮助读者理解你的意思,每段只表达一个中心意思。









总标题——Introduction——Findings(It was found)——Conclusion(s)(It was concluded that)商务建议书格式

总标题——Introduction(The aim of this report is to)——Findings(It was found)
