


1.英语七上六单元示范课 篇一















刘维刚: 开头一首诗,导入新颖,今天的研修必定不同一般。旁征博引,足见任老师才华横溢。与以往的整体教学设计相比较,任老师此次的设计更重视了写作与名著导读,这一部分设置非常道详细,指导很到位,具有很强的可操作性。





刘光:长文默读,短文朗读。抓住了读,就有了钥匙。加副标题好,便于学生理解课文,时间可以稍微长一点。猜想情节发展,安排在第一课时初读时候是否更好,因为第二课时学生都读完课文了。拓展环节巩固了学生的想象能力。期待“牛郎织女新传”中的学生作品。我曾经在看过《安徒生童话 》后看到学生很多精彩的童话故事。

















1. 主讲组组员动员不充分,小组之间没有形成合力。

2.英语七上六单元示范课 篇二


2.本节课的话题是The first underground in the world(世界上第一条地铁),这是关于Public transport(公共交通)的问题, 更是全球都关注的话题,学生每天上学回家都有可能遭遇到交通堵塞,尤其上下班高峰期、节假日出行都非常困难,经常有学生就因为上学路途遇到交通堵塞而迟到。



本节课是阅读教学的第一课时,该部分是一篇介绍世界上第一条地铁——伦敦地铁发展历史的旅游宣传手册 (brochure)。通过对这部分的学习,要求学生对伦敦铁路建造的历史发展过程有深刻的理解,同时也要求学生掌握旅游宣传手册阅读策略的技巧。由于本课课文具有段落多、课文篇幅长、生词多、逻辑性较强等特点,本节课的教学难点就放在帮助学生理解和掌握课文内容,通过预测及归纳各段落中心思想来构建文本的整体框架;然后再运用skimming & scanning等技巧完成问答、填写表格、填词等练习,以加深对文本的理解, 并掌握旅游手册的阅读策略。最后,让学生通过巩固练习或讨论活动来运用所学内容、加深对该话题的理解。





Teaching aims:

1.Develop students’ skills of reading a tourist brochure.

2.Improve students’ reading ability.

3 . Get students to learn about the history of the firstunderground in the world.

4.Help students summarize the main idea with the help of some key words.

5.Use what they have learned to talk about the things around themselves.

Step Ⅰ: Brainstorming

(1) If you want to go to the park or the museum,or you want to pay a visit to your classmates,which means of transport will you choose?

(2)If you want to pay a visit to your relatives who live in a nearby city,which means of transport will you choose?


Step Ⅱ: Lead-in

Begin the class by asking students “If you want to get some information about the place where you want to go,what can you do?”

Show the picture of a tourist brochure and ask students what a brochure is used for.


Step Ⅲ: Scanning

1.Ask students to read the first paragraph,and help them to analyze the reasons for the development of the first underground in the world.

(Most railway tracks did not go to the London city centre, so buses,trams,cabs and carriages were required. The number of vehicles on the road caused unbelievable traffic jams. So the underground system was developed in London.)

2.Help students get the information of how the underground developed by filling in the diagram. This is a good chance for them to fi nish C2 on Page 52.


Step Ⅳ: Discussion

1.The World Conference on Transport Research has been held every three years since 1977. The 14th World Conference (交通研究世界大会)will be held on 10-15 July 2016 in Shanghai, China at Tongji University,which will host the Conference at its main campus.

What do you think of the World Conference on Transport Research Society?


Step V: Homework

1.Finish the exercise D on P52.

2.Finish the exercise E on P53.



3.英语七上六单元示范课 篇三

Part One 听力部分 (20分)

Ⅰ. 听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组。读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

()1. A. JuneB. JulyC. April

()2. A. four B. fourteenC. fourth

()3. A. date B. dayC. time

()4. A. November 8thB. December 8th C. December 18th

()5. A. Music FestivalB. Art Festival C. Sports Festival

Ⅱ. 听对话, 根据对话内容选择正确答案。读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

()6. When is Henrys sisters birthday?

A. Its June 6th. B. Its May 27th. C. Its June 1st.

()7. When is the English contest?

A. Its on this Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Fridays.

()8. Whats the date today?

A. Its October 9th. B. September 9th. C. September 10th.

()9. When does Ann have a Music Festival?

A. In April. B. In May. C. In October every year.

()10. How old is Jane now?

A. She is twelve. B. She is thirteen. C. She is fourteen.

Ⅲ. 听一段长对话,根据对话内容选出最佳选项。读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

()11. Why does the man want to buy a cake for his father?

A. Its his fathers birthday. B. His father wants to eat.

C. They want to eat.

()12. How old is Jacks father?

A. Fifty-five. B. Sixty. C. Sixty-five.

()13. When is Jacks fathers birthday?

A. Its September 4th. B. Its September 14th. C. Its December 14th.

()14. Whats Jacks telephone number?

A. Its 235-7809. B. Its 235-7899. C. Its 235-7890.

()15. When will Jack take the cake?

A. At five in the afternoon. B. At four in the morning.

C. At four in the afternoon.

Ⅳ. 听短文,选出最佳答案。读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

()16. When is Tinas mothers birthday?

A. In the first month of the year. B. In the second month of the year.

C. In the third month of the year.

()17. There are three birthdays in Tinas family in ______.

A. JanuaryB. March C. August

()18. What date is Tinas birthday?

A. March 12th. B. March 15th. C. December 24th.

()19. There are ______ people in Tinas family.

A. fiveB. sixC. seven

()20. Tinas fathers birthday is in the ______ month of the year.

A. eleventhB. eighthC. twelfth

Part Two 笔试部分 (80分)

Ⅴ. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分)

()21. —______ is the school trip?—______ October.

A. When; InB. What; OnC. Where; In D. When; On

()22. My birthday is ______.

A. 1996 October, 5thB. October 5th, 1996

C. 1996 5th of OctoberD. 5th, 1996 October

()23. ______ comes before December, but after October.

A. NovemberB. SeptemberC. AugustD. January

()24. —Happy birthday to you!—______.

A. Not at allB. Youre welcomeC. Thank youD. See you

( )25. —______ is Robert?

—Hes eleven.

A. WhenB. How oldC. What timeD. Who

()26. Mrs Green is ______ mother.

A. Kate and JimB. Kates and JimsC. Kate and JimsD. Kates and Jim

()27. Childrens Day is ______ June 1st.

A. inB. atC. onD. to

()28. Vera was born (出生) in 1991. She is 17 ______ old.

A. daysB. monthsC. yearsD. year

()29. We often play computer games ______ Sunday.

A. toB. onC. inD. at

()30. There are ______ days in a week. ______ day is Sunday.

A. seven; The oneB. seven; The first C. seven; The seventhD. seventh; The second

Ⅵ. 翻译下列句子,每空一词。(15分)

31. —你父母多大了?


—How old ______ your ______?

—______ both (两者都) forty.

32. 你们过艺术节吗?

Do you ______ an ______ ______?

33. 英语演讲比赛是什么时候?

When is the ______ ______ ______?

34. 你妈妈的生日是什么时候?

______ is your ______ ______?

35. 杰夫的生日是十二月三日。

Jeffs ______ ______ ______ 3rd.

Ⅶ. 完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)

Today is____36____15. Its Leilas____37____. Theres a party for her. Her friends____38____here. Theyre Linda, Tom, Jack and Lily.____39____parents are here too. There is a big____40____in the middle(中间) of the table. There are fourteen candles(蜡烛)____41____the cake. There is____42____salad, hamburgers, fish, eggs and drinks on the table. They____43____the song “HappyBirthday” to Leila. Leila gets many gifts (礼物)____44____her friends. Leila is very ____45____.

()36. A. fineB. SundayC. sunnyD. October

()37. A. dayB. birthdayC. friendD. school

()38. A. amB. isC. areD. be

()39. A. HerB. HisC. ItsD. She

()40. A. cakeB. appleC. chairD. book

()41. A. atB. underC. onD. next

()42. A. orB. andC. tooD. also

()43. A. singsB. singingC. singD. to sing

()44. A. ofB. fromC. toD. at

()45. A. sadB. happyC. interestingD. difficult

Ⅷ. 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共20分)


Dear Tony,

How are you? Are you still(仍然) coming to my birthday party in July? My family, my friends and my classmates are all coming. The party is on Saturday, July 2nd, at around 6:30. Its at Uncle Bills restaurant in the city. First, we can eat and drink from 6:30 to 7:45. After that we can go to a concert at 8:00. I hope you can come. You can meet my friends and sisters, too.

Please write to me soon (不久).



()46. What does Emily talk about in her letter (信)?

A. Tonys birthday.B. Her birthday.

C. Uncle Bills birthday.D. Her mothers birthday.

()47. Where are they going to have the party?

A. In Central Park. B. Near Bills restaurant.

C. At Uncle Bills restaurant.D. At Emilys home.

()48. They can ______ from 6:30 to 7:45.

A. go to a concertB. eat and drink

C. go to the museum (博物馆) D. sing and dance

()49. The party starts at about ______.

A. 6:30B. 7:45C. 8:30D. 9:00

()50. Is there a free (免费的) concert at 8:00 every Saturday night?

A. Yes, there is.B. No, there isnt.

C. No, there is a free concert at 6:00.D. We dont know.


Look at the three people in the picture. The Chinese boy is Lin Tao. Hes fourteen years old now and he was born in 1994. His birthday is May eleventh. The short boy is Lin Taos good friend. They are in the same(相同的) class. His name is Jack. Hes an American boy. He was born in 1990. Tina is their English teacher. She is from England. But they dont know how old she is. When they ask her age, she always (总是) says, “It is a secret (秘密)!”

()51. Lin Taos birthday is ______.

A. May 10thB. May 11th C. April 10thD. April 11th

()52. Lin Tao comes from ______.

A. AmericaB. JapanC. ChinaD. England

()53. Whats the age of Jack?

A. 14.B. 15.C. 17.D. 18.

()54. What does Tina teach?

A. English.B. Math. C. Chinese.D. We dont know.

()55. How old is Tina?

A. 40.B. 30.C. 35. D. We dont know.

Ⅸ. 短文填空。(每小题1分,共10分)

J____56____1st is New Years Day (新年). Womens Day (妇女节) is on March 8th. The f____57____day of May is May Day (劳动节). Chinas Youth (青年) Day comes after i____58____. Its on thet____59____day after May Day. Childrens Day(儿童节) is on____60____1st. July 1st is our Partys birthday. August 1st is the Army Day (建军节). T____61____Day is on the t____62____day of September and O____63____1st is our National Day(国庆节). Then we come to Christmas Day (圣诞节). Its D____64____25th. Then we have winter(冬天) holidays in February. We have a lot of f____65____on these days.

56. J______57. f______58. i______59. t______60. J______

61. T______ 62. t______63. O______64. D______65. f______

Ⅹ. 书面表达。(15分)

学校里新来了一名叫John的外籍老师,假设你叫Tim,请你给他写一封短信,简单介绍你自己的基本情况。(提示: Age:11 Hobbies(爱好): Listen to music and watch TV, eat fruits and vegetables)



4.英语七上六单元示范课 篇四


一、 询问某人做某事的时间

询问某人何时做某事时,常用 what time 或 when 提问。请看例句:

Mike usually gets up at six o’clock.(对划线部分提问)

What time/When does Mike usually get up?

注意: when 和 what time 都可用来询问时间,但询问具体时间点时,通常用 what time 提问。例如:

① —What time do you usually get up in the morning? 你通常早晨什么时候起床?

—I usually get up at 6:30. 我通常在6:30起床。(具体时间点)

② —When were you born? 你是什么时候出生的?

—I was born in 1988. 我生于1988年。(时间不具体)

二、 时刻表达法

本课我们要学习“小时+分钟”的时刻表达法。这种表达法中的小时和分钟之间可以加上连词符号“-”,也可以不加。例如:10∶50ten fifty/ten-fifty。逢整点的时刻可用“... o’clock”表示。例如:8∶00eight o’clock。询问时刻要用“What time is it, please?”或“What’s the time, please?”。

三、 感叹句

感叹句是用来表示喜、怒、哀、樂等强烈情感的句子,多用 what 或 how 开头,使用陈述句语序,句末用感叹号。在本册教材中,我们只学习以 what 引起的感叹句。

what 在感叹句中修饰名词,若被修饰的名词是可数名词单数, what 之后还要加上 a 或 an。在感叹句中,由 what 所修饰的名词词组后面的陈述部分往往可以省略。例如:

What bad weather it is!(=What bad weather!) 多么糟糕的天气啊!(What 修饰不可数名词 weather)

What good children they are!(=What good children!) 多好的孩子啊!(What 修饰可数名词复数 children)

What a nice present it is!(=What a nice present!) 多么漂亮的礼物啊!(What 修饰可数名词单数 present)


1. —What time do you usually get up, Rick?

—I usually get up at five o’clock. (P65)

at, in, on 等介词都可以用来表示时间。表示“在……点钟”要用介词 at,例如: at six o’clock;表示“在星期……”或“在星期……的早晨/上午/下午/晚上”等要用介词on,例如: on Sunday, on Monday night;表示“在……月/季/年”要用介词 in,例如: in January, in 2004。

2. What a funny time to eat breakfast! (P67)

这是个感叹句,其结构为“What + 不定冠词 + 形容词 + 可数名词单数 + 主语 + 谓语 + !”,此句中的主语 it 和谓语 is 被省略了。另外,动词不定式短语 to eat breakfast 作 time 的定语。

3. Can you think what his job is? (P67)

从句作宾语时,不论这个从句是否用疑问词引导,都要用陈述语序。“Can you think what his job is?”中的“what his job is”作谓语动词 think 的宾语从句,因此要用陈述语序,而不能用其相应的疑问句形式“what is his job?芽”。

4. Thanks for your letter. (P69)

用英语表示“因某事感谢某人”要用 thanks for sth 或 thanks for doing sth。例如:“谢谢你的帮助。”可译为“Thanks for your help.”或“Thanks for helping me.”。



1. 含有 be 动词或情态动词的特殊疑问句只须将这些词放在从句的主语之后即可。例如:

① Where is Mr Liu? Do you know?Do you know where Mr Liu is?

② What can I do for you? I don’t know.I don’t know what I can do for you.

2. 含有助动词 does 的特殊疑问句,先去掉 does,再将从句的谓语动词改为第三人称单数形式。例如:

③ Why does she often get up late? Can you tell me?Can you tell me why she often gets up late?

3. 含有助动词 do 的特殊疑问句,只需去掉 do。例如:

④ What time do they go to school? I don’t know.I don’t know what time they go to school.



1. 列队: get up, listen, go to school, get to, start, go home, do homework, take a shower, go to bed, what time, usually, morning, afternoon, evening, night, am, bus

助记:这些单词和词组都表示一些日常活动,我们可以构思出某学生的一张作息时间表, 把这些词和词组串在一起识记。


1. —What time do you usually get up, Rick?

—I usually get up_________ five o’clock.

A. inB. atC. onD. for(2006年北京海淀区)

2._________ exciting game it is!

A. WhatB. What an

C. HowD. How much(2006年吉林省)

3. If you see a sign with “Business Hours: 9∶00-17∶00” near the door of a shop, you can buy nothing from the shop at_________.

A. 2∶00 p.m.B. 10∶00 a.m.

C. 7∶00 a.m.D. 4∶00 p.m.(2002年南宁市)

4. —Excuse me, could you tell me_________?

—Certainly. It’s over there along the street on the left.

A. where the People’s Park is

B. where is the People’s Park

C. the People’s Park is where

D. the People’s Park where is(2005年吉林省)

5. Thank you for_________my grandpa when I was away.

A. looking afterB. look over

C. looking atD. look for(2005年陕西省)

Key: 1-5 BBCAA

Unit 12My favorite subject is science.


一、 询问某人最喜爱的人或物及其答语

常用句式: What’s... favorite...? One’s faworite... is... 请看例句:

—What’s your favorite subject? 你最喜爱的学科是什么?

—My favorite subject is English. 我最喜爱的学科是英语。

二、 询问某人最喜爱某人/物的原因及其答语

常用句式: Why do/does... like...? Because... 请看例句:

① —Why do you like English? 你为什么喜欢英语?

—Because it is very interesting. 因为它很有趣。

② —Why does the boy like apples? 这个男孩为什么喜爱苹果?

—Because they are delicious. 因为它们味道很美。


1. —Why do you like science?

—Because it’s interesting. (P72)

why 是用来询问原因的疑问副词,由它提问的特殊疑问句一定要用 because 作答。要特别注意:如果要表达 “因为……,所以……”的意思, because 和 so 只能择一而用,不能两者同时用在一个句子中。例如: “Because he was ill yesterday, so he stayed in bed.”应改为“Because he was ill yesterday, he stayed in bed.”或“He was ill yesterday, so he stayed in bed.”。

2. ① I like my music teacher, Mr Cooper. (P75)

② “What is your favorite subject?” Miss Wang asks me. (P76)

英、美等西方国家的人的姓名和中国人的姓名一样,由姓和名两部分组成,但中文姓名是先排姓后排名,而英、美等西方国家的人的姓名是先排名后排姓。称呼某人通常是在其姓前加上Mr、Mrs、Miss或Ms(女士) 等。

3. Zhao Jie doesn’t think he is a good student. (P76)

在“I think (+ that) + 從句 ”这种结构中,若要对 think 后面的从句进行否定,要用“I don’t think (+ that) + 从句”结构。这就是英语语法中的否定前移或叫作否定转移。把否定前移的句子译成汉语时,仍要否定 I think 之后的从句。所以上面的句子翻译成汉语就是:赵杰认为他自己不是个好学生。

4. It’s very exciting to have a Chinese friend! (P80)

本句中的 It 充当形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式 to have a Chinese friend。用 it 作形式主语的目的是为了保持句子结构的平衡,避免“头重脚轻”。



(1) 中国人和英、美等西方国家人的姓名都有姓(family name)和名(given name)组成,但姓名的排列顺序并不相同:西方人是先名后姓,而中国人是先姓后名。

(2) 称呼语Mr(先生)、Mrs(太太)、Miss(小姐)、Ms(女士) 只能加在姓前。

(3) 西方国家的女子在结婚前是随父姓,称呼她为 “……(父姓)小姐”。婚后就改随夫姓了,被称为 “……(夫姓)女士”。

(4) 在中国,人们常常把一些行政职务、职业等名词和姓氏连在一起作为称呼语。比如:陈老师、李主任、王会计等等。而在西方,职务、职业等名词一般不和姓氏连在一起作为称呼语,称呼别人只要在姓氏前加上Mr、Mrs、Miss或Ms就可以了。只有少数一些表示职业或头衔的名词,如医生、博士、教授等可以和姓连用。例如: Doctor Wang(王医生),Professor Smith(史密斯教授), Dr Brown(布朗博士)。



1. 星期名词

列队: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

助记:星期日为一个星期的第一天,星期六为一个星期的最后一天。表示星期几的名词都可用该词的前三个字母来缩写,但星期四也可缩写为Thurs.。星期一至星期五为工作日(weekdays), 星期六、星期天为周末(weekends)。表示在星期几时, 星期名词前要用介词on。

2. 称呼名词

列队: Mr, Mrs, teacher, mom, dad

助记: Mr 和Mrs用于人的姓前,分别是对男子(无论婚否)和已婚女子的尊称。

teacher, driver等职业名词不能和姓名连用,注意在这点上应避免受汉语的影响。

mom和dad 是mother和father的非正式用语,通常是小孩称呼父母时用。

3. 学科名词

列队: subject, science, P.E., biology

助记: subject 是各学科的总称,有复数形式,而 science, P.E., biology 等都是表示某一具体学科的名词,没有复数形式。

4. 描写人物感受的形容词

列队: busy, strict, tired

助记:这类形容词通常位于 be 等连系动词之后作表语。


1. —_________do you like koala bear?

—Because they are cute.

A. WhyB. WhereC. HowD. When(2006年北京市)

2. That girl is new in our class. Do you know_________ name?

A. herB. sheC. heD. his(2006年北京西城区)

3. —What do you usually do_________ Sundays?

—We enjoy ourselves at the guitar club.

A. inB. atC. onD. of(2004年北京市)

4. —Good morning, I’m Jim Green, your new manager.

—Good morning,_________.

A. Mr JimB. Mr Green

C. Mr Jim GreenD. Green manager(2005年深圳市)

5. It takes him twenty minutes_________ to school.

A. to walkB. walking

C. walksD. walk(2004年北京东城区)

6. 我们认为他明天不会来。(汉译英)


5.英语七上六单元示范课 篇五




()6. A. Its a watch.B. Yes, it is.C. W-A-T-C-H.

()7. A. Yes, it is.B. Yes, they are.C. Its a notebook.

()8. A. Its letter A. B. Im glad to be here.C. Im John.

()9. A. Thank you.B. How do you do?C. Glad to meet you.

()10. A. Its Jack. B. Hi, Im Barry. C. Goodbye.

Ⅲ.听对话, 根据对话内容选择正确答案。读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

()11. Is it a ring?

A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. We dont know.

()12. Is it a baseball?

A. Yes, it is.B. No, it isnt.C. We dont know.

()13. Whats this in English?

A. Its a notebook.B. Its a dictionary.C. Its a computer.

()14. Is that Janes pencil case?

A. Yes, it is.B. No, it isnt. C. Sorry, we dont know.

()15. What color is Davids pen?

A. Its green. B. Its red.C. Its blue.

Ⅳ. 听对话, 根据对话内容补全单词。读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

W: Im looking for my key.

M: Is (16) your key?

W: No, it isnt. Oh, (17) my key.

M: Here you are.

W: And that is my blue (18).

M: (19). Here you are.

W: Thank you.

M: Thats all right. Oh, whats your name, (20)?

W: Emma.

M: How do you spell it?

W: E-M-M-A, Emma.

Part Two 笔试部分 (80分)


()21. This isapple.

A. aB. anC. my aD. my an

()22. —Is it a map?


A. Yes, it isB. Yes, it isntC. No, it isD. Yes, its

()23. —Whats thisEnglish?

— a pen.

A. in; ItsB. in; ItsC. on; ThatsD. in; This is

()24. —Excuse . Is this your pencil?

—Yes, .

A. I; thisB. me; itsC. me; it isD. my; is it

()25. I found a setkeys.

A. forB. ofC. inD. with

()26.is David. Thats bike.

A. This; hisB. This; herC. That; sheD. That; his

()27. My phone number is 656-5632. Pleaseme.

A. seeB. listenC. callD. look

()28. — your sister in Class 3?

—No,in Class 2.

A. Are; hesB. Is; hesC. Is; shesD. Are; shes

()29. —How do you spell watch?


A. Its a watchB. W-A-T-C-HC. WatchD. Watches

()30. You can find itthe lost and found case.

A. atB. ofC. onD. in


31. 这是一本书。

______ is ______ ______.

32. —这是你的电脑吗?


—Is this your ______?

—Yes, ______ ______.

33. —这是什么?


—______ this?

—______ an ______.

34. 请打电话353-4599给珍妮。

______ ______ Jane ______ 353-4599.

35. 它在失物招领处吗?

Is it ______ the ______ and found ______?


Teacher: Nancy, whats this36English?

Nancy: Is it a pen?

Teacher: No, it37 . Its a pencil.

Teacher: Mike,38that in English?

Mike: Is it39eraser?

Teacher:40 , it is. And whats this, Jenny?

Jenny: Is it a41 ?

Teacher: No, it isnt a book. Its a42 . Is it your notebook?

Jenny: No, it isnt. Its43 .

Mike: Oh, yes. Its44notebook.

Teacher: Here you are.

Mike: Thank you.

Teacher:45all right.

()36. A. atB. inC. toD. on

()37. A. areB. is C. isntD. arent

()38. A. whatsB. what C. howD. hows

()39. A. aB. anC. theD. /

()40. A. OKB. OhC. YesD. No

()41. A. bookB. notebookC. mapD. clock

()42. A. bookB. clockC. rulerD. notebook

()43. A. MikesB. NancysC. JennysD. Reads

()44. A. hisB. herC. myD. your

()45. A. ThatB. ThatsC. ThisD. Thiss




( )46. The watch is Tims.

( )47. The ID card is Daves.

( )48. Susans computer game is in the lost and found case.

( )49. Tims telephone number is 675-5926.

( )50. Susan leaves a message (留下一个便条) to Alice.


A: Good afternoon. A: Is it an English book?

B: Good afternoon.B: No. Its a Chinese book. Its my book.

A: Are you Sonia? A: Whats that?

B: Yes, I am. Whats your name?B: Its a new baseball. Its Tims.

A: Im Kelsey. Nice to meet you!A: Baseball? How do you spell it?

B: Nice to meet you, too.B: B-A-S-E-B-A-L-L.

A: Look, whats this in English?A: Thank you.

B: Its a clock.


()51. Whose (谁的) book is that?

A. Its Kelseys.B. Its Tims.C. Its Sonias.D. We dont know.

()52. Is it an English book?

A. No, its a map.B. Yes, it is.C. No, it isnt.D. No, it is a notebook.

()53. Who can spell the word “baseball”?

A. Kelsey.B. Sonia.C. Tim.D. Nobody (没有人).

()54. When (什么时候) do they meet?

A. In the morning.B. In the afternoon.C. At night.D. In the evening.

()55. The baseball is .

A. newB. SoniasC. oldD. Kelseys


A: Hi, Alan. Is this your story book (故事书)?

B: No, it i 56 . My story book is in m 57schoolbag.

A: Is it h 58story book?

B: Yes, it is.

A: W 59is that boy?

B: His n 60is Jim.

A: Is this key Jims, t 61 ?

B: No, its Marys k62 .

A: H63 do you know (知道) this?

B: I a64 Marys good f65 .

56. i 57. m 58. h59. W60. n

61. t 62. k 63. H64. a 65. f


