


1.build的过去式和过去分词? 篇一

The first thing I noticed about the room was the smell.


The smell of the sea took him back to his childhood.


He took one smell of the liquid and his eyes began to water.


The smell of the sea carried her back to her childhood.


The smell made me want to throw up.


2.build的过去式和过去分词? 篇二


1) 找出从句中谓语部分的主要动词。如:

When he finished his homework, he went out to play football.该从句中的finish是主要动词。

Although he has been told many times, he still couldn’t understand.该从句中tell是主要动词。

Because she didn’t know his telephone number, she had some difficulty getting in touch with John.该从句中know是主要动词。

The secretary worked into the late night, as he prepared a long speech for the boss.该从句中的prepare是主要动词。

2) 判断从句中的主要动词与主句主语的关系。若主句主语为从句主要动词的执行者, 考虑使用现在分词短语做状语;若主句主语为从句主要动作的承受者, 则考虑使用过去分词短语做状语。

在第一个句子中, 主句主语he是从句主要动词finish动作的执行者, 则finish考虑使用现在分词短语做状语。

在第二个句子中, 主句主语he是从句主要动词tell动作的承受着, 则tell考虑使用过去分词短语做状语。

在第三个句子中, 主句主语she是从句主要动词know动作的执行者, 则know考虑使用现在分词短语做状语。

在第四个句子中, 主句主语the secretary是从句主要动词prepare动作的执行者, 则prepare考虑使用现在分词短语做状语。

3) 去掉引导从句的连接词、主语以及谓语部分中的助动词, 主要动词变分词短语。上述四个句子可以变为:

Having finished his homework, he went out to play football. (因finish动作发生在主句动作go out动作之前, 所以用现在分词的完成式)

Told many times, he still couldn’t understand.

Not knowing his telephone number, she had some difficulty getting in touch with John. (因not know动作与主句动作have动作同时发生, 所以用现在分词的一般式)

The secretary worked into the late night, preparing a long speech for the boss. (因prepare动作与主句动作work同时发生, 所以用现在分词的一般式)

注意:过去分词短语实质上相当于现在分词的完成被动式。如上第二个句子也可以写成:Having been told many times, he still couldn’t understand.

当从句部分为否定意义时, not仍然要保留, 放在分词的前面即可, 如上述第三个句子。

若不能构成分词短语时, 则保留引导状语从句的连接词。如:

If it is heated, water can be changed into vapor.→If heated, water can be changed into vapor.

Though we are beaten, we are not discouraged.→Though beaten, we are not discouraged.

4) 若从句中的主动词跟句子主语构不成逻辑上的主谓关系或动宾关系, 则用分词独立主格结构来表达 (名词+分词) 。如:

As Miss Gao fell ill, Mr.Wang took her class instead.→

Miss Gao falling ill, Mr.Wang took her class instead.因为句子主语Mr.Wang即不是fell ill动作的执行者, 也不是fell ill动作的承受者。也就是从句中的主动词跟句子主语构不成逻辑上的主谓关系或动宾关系。选择现在分词还是过去分词, 看主动词跟从句主语的关系, 若从句主语是该动作的执行者, 选现在分词;若从句主语是该动作的承受着选过去分词。如:

If weather permits, we’ll go sightseeing.该从句中weather是permit动作的执行者, 所以要用现在分词。改写成:Weather permitting, we’ll go sightseeing.

When bread is cooked, you can enjoy it.该从句中bread是cook动作的承受着, 所以要用过去分词。改写成:Bread cooked, you can enjoy it.


1) a reply, he decided to write again.

A.Not receiving B.Receiving not C.Not having received D.Having not received (提示:主句主语he是receive动作的执行者, 且receive动作发生在decide to write动作之前, 所以要用现在分词的完成式, 否定词not放在—ing之前。选C)

2) The teacher stood there__ by the students. surround B.surrounding C.surrounds D.surrounded (提示:主句主语the teacher是surround动作的承受者, 所以要用过去分词。选D)

3) __from a plane, the park can be see n clearly.

A.Seeing B.Seen C.To see D.See (提示:主句主语The park是see动作的承受者, 所以要用过去分词。选B)

4) He had a wonderful childhood, __with his mother to all corners of the world. travel C.traveled D.traveling (提示:主句主语He是travel动作的执行者, 用现在分词。选D)

5) __the teacher’s suggestion, Tom finally found a way to settle the problem.

A.Following B.To follow C.Follow D.He followed (提示:主句主语Tom是follow动作的执行者用现在分词, 选A)

摘要:在非谓语动词的学习中, 很多学生对现在分词和过去分词的用法感到迷惑不解, 在应用的时候很容易混淆。本文就现在分词和过去分词做状语帮助学生理清学习思路, 找出状语从句和分词短语做状语的转换方法, 帮助学生快速有效地掌握其用法。

3.build的过去式和过去分词? 篇三

get on 上车,上马;进展,使前进

get out of 逃避;避免

get married 结婚

get off v.动身;免于受罚;从…下来;脱下(衣服等)

get better 变得更好;康复

get to know 了解;认识

get through 通过;到达;做完;接通电话

get hold of 把握;抓住;得到

get away 离开;逃脱;出发

get from 从…处得到…

get used to习惯于…

get rid 摆脱;排除;处理掉

get back回来 | 返回 | 取回 | 回家

get…back 退还…,送回去;取回/找回;要回

4.hide的过去式和过去分词 篇四


He hid his face in his hands.


He hid behind a false identity.


She felt sure the letter had some hidden meaning.


There are fears of a hidden agenda behind this new proposal.
