


1.品质主管英文简历 篇一


姓名: 王XX

性e: 男

出生年月: 1980.2 籍贯: 湖南

学历: 本科 专业:电子信息工程


手机: 138******


1. 2005 /08---- 至今 上海****设计有限公司 资深中国区QA

公司简介: 公司系从事CMOS感光芯片设计,制造和销售的美资企业,上海办公室有近200人

主要职责: 负责中国区供应商管理和客户服务


(1). 外包厂商制程和质量体系稽核, 制订评估计划并对测试工厂进行现场稽核;

(2). 与公司产品部门,供应商进行三方沟通和主导会议处理质量问题;

(3). 收集和整理厂商的品质数据,督促厂商进行品质的持续改善;

(4). 配合总部其他部门人员对外包厂商具体项目进行质量审查和评估;


(1). 客户抱怨处理,RMA品处理,客户现场分析并反馈供应商进行品质改善活动;

(2). 收集和整理客户资料,定期在全球质量会议上进行相关讨论;

(3). 制定中国区质量活动的计划,并且按计划拜访客户进行质量沟通以增进客户满意;

(4). 与技术支持,市场等部门分享相应的质量信息并对其他部门进行质量相关培训;

2. 2002/07 ----2005/05 ****子有限公司 品管工程、副nL




(1). 应用各种QC手法分析制程不良原因并主导各部门切入对策;

(2). 运用统计控制方法如控制图,CPK等进行日常制程监控,处理生产品质事件;

(3). 基于制程数据制定相应的计划并带领团队进行相应的改善活动;

(4). 对检验员和作业员进行品质知识和意识方面的教育培训;


(1). 负责海外客户管理,提供相应的8D分析报告和质量报告并及时回馈制程进行相应改善;

(2). 应对各种客户稽核: 召开会议, 分配任务,提供资料, 现场参观和事后追踪;

稽核包括:新机种设计与试作确认, 工厂制程检查, ISO系统稽核, ROHS 环境稽核等.

(3). 进行客户满意度调查并根据客户回馈情况组织个部门进行品质改善活动;

(4). 负责团队工程师和检验员的日常工作安排和绩效考核,协调与其他部门间的冲突;


1998/09 ----2002/06 就读于****大学电子信息工程专业

2004/02 ----2004/05 ****改善培训

外语与技能 :

外语:英Z:CET-6, 阅读和书写精通, 听说流利;



1). 擅长运用各种品质工具处理各种质量问题如: SPC, FMEA, MSA, DOE;

2). 熟悉ISO9000、TS16949应用和导入;

3). 具有扎实的统计学知识,很强的实验设计和数据处理能力,信赖性测试的实际经验;


1). 熟悉部件机械加工和电子产品流水线作业, SMT和焊锡作业,CMOS芯片生产和最终测试;

2). 擅长工厂现场管理和洁净室作业管理;


1). 熟悉OEM工厂生产管理和供应链管理,具有跨国公司办事处管理经验;

2). 具有一定的项目管理经验,良好的人际关系处理和团队工作经验;

3). 具有较强的预算计划和管理才能,擅于组织和沟通协调;


1). 精通Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Minitab等软件,且具有丰富的文字处理,报告书写的实践经验;

2). 扎实的硬件电路设计和分析能力,具有硬件编程基础;





2.品质主管简历表格 篇二


姓名 岗位 品质主管人员类型 
性别 出生年月 籍贯 民族
政治面貌 健康状况 婚姻状况 
学历 本科是否958院校 是否海外留学 
毕业院校 专业
家庭住址 身份证号码
联系电话 E-mail
社会在职人员户籍所在地 应届毕业生生源地
您从何种渠道获得求职信息 您希望参加笔试的地点 

3.品质主管求职简历表格 篇三

户口所在: 湖北 国 籍: 中国

婚姻状况: 未婚 民 族: 土家族

诚信徽章: 未申请 身 高: 168 cm

人才测评: 未测评 体 重: 60 kg

◆ 求职意向

人才类型: 普通求职

应聘职位: 高分子化工/化纤/新材料,塑料工程师,项目工程师

工作年限: 3 职 称:

求职类型: 全职 可到职日期: 一个月

月薪要求: 5500~7999元 希望工作地区: 广州,江苏,山东

◆ 工作经历

4.财务主管英文简历 篇四


性别: 男

民族: 汉族

年龄: 34

婚姻状况: 未婚

专业名称: 会计学

主修专业: 财经类

政治面貌: 群众

毕业院校: 中国地质大学

毕业时间: 6月

最高学历: 大专

电脑水平: 精通

工作经验: 十年以上

身高: 160cm


现所在地: 新罗区

户籍: 新罗区


期望从事职业: 财务主管以上,会计兼职

期望薪水: 面议

期望工作地区: 福建厦门市

期望工作性质: 全职

最快到岗时间: 随时到岗

需提供住房: 不需要



学校名称: 中国地质大学(9月-12月)

专业名称: 会计学 学历: 大专

学校名称: 龙岩市财经学校(9月-7月)

专业名称: 会计学 学历: 中专

所在地: 证书: 会计证

学校名称: 龙岩市农业学校(9月-207月)

专业名称: 汽车应用与维修 学历: 中专



公司名称: 龙岩市财富酒店有限公司(3月-3月)

所属行业: 旅游·酒店·餐饮服务 公司性质: 私营.民营企业

公司规模: 200~500人 工作地点: 新罗区龙腾路体育公园内

职位名称: 主办会计

公司名称: 福清市顺华君悦大酒店(206月-年3月)

所属行业: 旅游·酒店·餐饮服务 公司性质: 私营.民营企业

公司规模: 200~500人 工作地点: 福清市元洪路

职位名称: 会计

公司名称: 泉州红地服装制作有限公司(6月-206月)

所属行业: 贸易·商务·进出口 公司性质: 私营.民营企业

公司规模: 200~500人 工作地点:

职位名称: 仓管,厂部会计


自我评价: 为人豪爽,对数字敏感,诚信,沟通能力较强。20出道,年开始从事财务工作至今,熟悉财务工作管理,内部事务,外部事务工作流程,注重个人职业发展。有丰富的社会阅历。会计是一项管理活动,不只是简单的记账、报税、出报表,需要扎实的会计基础,良好的职业道德,以及一个优秀的财务团队;本人从事过酒店业、广告业、生产制造业、娱乐业、快消品行业等行业的会计工作,积累了丰富的内外账工作经验和涉税工作流程;具备一定工作组织能力,管理能力和领导能力;做会计要拥有优秀的.大局观,为企业预测、决策提供可靠的财务信息,制订一套最适合自身企业发展的财务规范;善于分析企业的各种情况,一切以企业利益为中心。


语种名称 掌握程度

英语 良好

5.部门主管英文简历 篇五



personal information


Nationality:China (Mainland)

Current Place:Baiyun

Height/Weight:160 cm kg

Marital Status:married

Age:30 years

Career Objective

Application type:

Preferred job title:Foreign Trade / Import-Export Manager / Supervisor: ACCOUNTANT 、 Foreign Trade/Import-Export Specialist/Assistant: MERCHANDISER 、 :

Working life:7Title:

Job type:Full timeExpected Start date:In a week

Expected salary:¥5500~¥7999Preferred working place:Guangzhou

Work experience

Company“s name:****CO., Limited Begin and end date: -01--08

Enterprise nature:Industry:

Job Title:

Job description:2. Working in Dongguan Tango jewelry factory as a manager from 2009.1 to now

A. Dongguan Tango jewelry factory is a small manufacturing base of Zagros Trading CO., LTD, mainly manufactures gifts and decorations jewelry. I was responsible for administrating and developing the sales. www.geren-jianli.com/

B. Build up the sale department,lead the team to work on the B2B net platform ,develop the sales.

C. Organized successfully attending the Asia jewelry exhibition in Mar. and Sep. 2010.

D. Arrange and follow all the producing lines, good communicate with each departments leaders and check their working. inspection of the products to make sure the quality well and delivery on time.

E. Overly control the whole factory and administrated the sales departments/production department/administration department and financial department; Solved the problems between employees and created a happy, harmony working atmosphere.

Reasons for leaving:

Company”s name:****CO., Limited Begin and end date: -10-2008-12

Enterprise nature:Private enterprisesIndustry: Trade/Consumption/Manufacturing/Operation


Job description:1. Working in Guangzhou office as a merchandiser form 2008.10 to 2008.12

A. Took care of the inquiry / quotation / negotiation / place order and following, prepared the INVOICE, PACKING LIST and SHIPPING as well.

B. To satisfy the needs form customers, had to visit the markets of fashion decoration/advertisement gift / crystal gifts/bags / clothes, and visit different factories to arrange orders, followed and made inspections and arranged shipments.

C. Developed and maintain the business relationship with all customers, got along well with colleagues and earned good reputation from company.

Reasons for leaving:

Company“s name:****CO., Limited Begin and end date: -12-2008-09

Enterprise nature:Private enterprisesIndustry: Professional Services (Consulting, Translation, Search)



1. GUANGZHOU YINSHEN is providing professional business service office.

2. Helping the foreigners or the foreign company to investsregisters company in China mainland, and handing all the matters with the government office.

3. Get the China visas for the foreigners or their friends, has good relationship with all of the customers.

4. agent the accounting for the customers’offices in Guangzhou. Dealing with the company tax affairs item, accounting account book.

Reasons for leaving:

Company”s name:****CO., Limited Begin and end date: -10-2007-11

Enterprise nature:Private enterprisesIndustry: Trading/Imports & Exports



A. Assist the boss, a foreigner from Franch, to handle day--to--day work, arrange the work schedule for the office when the manager is out of office.

B. Make the cargo account for the customer with office

C. Assist the foreign customers: looking for suppliers by internet or in the market, collect the products information and the samples, quotation、negotiation、traslation and inquirement; then place the P/O, quality control , inspection, delivery。

D. Looking for the customers by the internet or any other ways. Settel the problems for the customers and the suppliers and so on.

Reasons for leaving:

Company“s name:****CO., Limited Begin and end date: -08-2006-08

Enterprise nature:Governmental agencyIndustry: Accounting/Auditing



A. In charge of checking accounting books

B. Finishing the standard auditor”s report, capital verification report, tax winding up report .

C. Offer information to the company about establish, modify, write off, and so on.

D. As an accountant, i can workt dependently, including withholding tax. and offer the tax information

Reasons for leaving:

Educational Background

Name of School:Guangdong University of Foreign studies

Highest Degree:AssociateDate of Graduation:2006-07-01

Name of Major 1:accountantName of Major 2:

Education experience:Start dateEnd dateEducation organizationMajorsCertificateCertificate No

-092006-07Guangdong finance colleageaccountaccountant certificate44041234

Language Ability

Foreign Language:EnglishLevel:good

Chinese level:goodCantonese Level:perfect

Relevant skills and abilities

good command of English ,solid communications skills, accuracy in handing details, cheeful personality, strong leadership, and a sense of responsibility, work hard under pressure, good office computer skill

Self-recommendation letter

Educational background in economic with the first major in Finance and the second major in accounting, interested in International Trade and teach myself .

good command of English ,solid communications skills, accuracy in handing details, cheeful personality, strong leadership, and a sense of responsibility, work hard under pressure, good office computer skill.



6.采购主管英文简历 篇六

Position as an administrative services manager, or a comprable position, that will utilize my years of progressive, managerial experience.

Employment Experience

1/97 - Present Administrative Services Officer IV

Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD

Organized and directed through subordinate managers and supervisors the work of staff engaged in central administrative functions in a large department/agency including fiscal claiming, facilities management, quality control, purchasing, information system, decentralized personnel and recordkeeping and clerical support. Supervised, trained and evaluated subordinate management and supervisory staff; coordinated and directed budget preparation for the agency. Represented the agency in all dealings with Federal, State and local agencies and other County officials on fiscal and administrative matters; develops agency position statements and official reports, and drafts all official agency correspondence.

8/89 - 1/97 Cost Accounting Manager

Varian Equipment, Hagerstown, MD

Provided analysis, justification and tracking of product outsourcing. Provided financial analysis of cost reduction initiatives and other operational programs as required. Provided financial analysis of capital authorization requests. Developed and supported the analysis of factory cycle time. Provideed ad hoc reporting and analysis for manufacturing as required. Initiate and lead process improvement activities.

10/87 - 8/89 Manufacturing Accountant

JLG Industries, Baltimore, MD

Provided day-to-day financial support to the Converted Products manufacturing operations. Maintained the standard cost system monitor and made improvements to the work order system. Assisted in the development of improved cost reports. Assited with the installation of and conversion to a new financial system, which is still being used by the company.


B.S., Accounting, 20xx

7.通信工程、品质主管个人简历 篇七


婚姻状况: 未婚

参加工作时间: 2006-09

现居住地: 石家庄市

户口所在地: 石家庄市



期望工作性质: 全职

期望工作地点: 石家庄市

期望从事行业: 电子/微电子,通信(设备/运营/增值服务),交通/运输/物流,能源(电力/石油)/水利

期望从事职业: 供应商管理/采购设备与材料质量管理,新产品开发测试,质量控制(QC)/质量检验

到岗时间: 1周以内



毕业学校: 燕山大学 时间: 2002-09至 2006-07

专 业: 通信工程 学历: 本科

专业描述: 主攻无线通信及通信硬件设计。


公司名称: 新盛力科技股份有限公司

职位名称: SQE 工作时间 : 2007-03至2009-09

工作描述: 品质管控——新产品导入至量产计划的排定及监督,执行工程变更中的质量相关的措施。各种异常问题的处理及验证, 协调各部门的合作。监控关键绩效指标,通过数据收集,分析和报告来识别重点问题和推动制程提高。编篡及修改新产品导入相关文件, 如SOp, 流程等




公司名称: 秦皇岛鼎盛有限公司

职位名称: 生管助理 工作时间 : 2006-09至2007-0

3工作描述: 主要负责仓库管理和根据生产安排的产线物料调度安排工作。涉及过生产日程安排工作,可根据客户需求及原材料购入进度安排产线排程和产品出货的相关事宜。





8.外贸业务主管英文简历 篇八

Name:Mr. emalled

Nationality:China (Mainland)

Current Place:Guangzhou

Height/Weight:166 cm 60 kg

Marital Status:Single

Age:44 years

Career Objective

Application type:Jobseeker

Preferred job title:Foreign Trade / Import-Export Manager / Supervisor: Marketing Manager 、Foreign Trade/Import-Export Specialist/Assistant: Sales Supervisor 、English Translator: Sales Representive

Working life:18Title:Senior title

Job type:Full timeExpected Start date:In a day

Expected salary:

Preferred working place:Guangzhou Shenzhen Hainan

Work experience:

Companys name:Guangzhou Jia Yue Leather Goods Com., LtdBegin and end date: -03--11Enterprise nature:Private enterprisesIndustry: Garment/Textile/Leather/ShoesJob Title:Marketing Manager Job description:Our Company is a professional manufacturer of cases & handbags. I was a marketing manager. My duty is development & management, supervise & coordinate. My work is develop & maintain & follow up service our customers in USA / EU / Japan. I was in charge of our customers information searching & develop/ part drawing & email translation / quotation / purchase order / samples / bulk & mass products / delivery / payment / claim / Service after sale / all in a line. I was in charge of plan & organize & attend Canton Fair Show.I have experience at E-trade. such as: ebay, taobao,etc. Reasons for leaving:Development Companys name:Frameway Seiko Tooling FactoryBegin and end date: -03-2009-03Enterprise nature:Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Furniture/Home Appliances/Crafts/Toy/JewelryJob Title:Marketing Supervisor Job description:Our factory is a professional manufacturer of metal stamping moulds and products. We fabricated metal stamping mould and products for our customers all over the world. I was a Marketing Supervisor. My duty is development & management, supervise & coordinate. My work is develop / maintain / follow up service customers. I follow up our customers in USA & EU & Japan. I was in charge of our customers information Searching, email & products drawing translation / quotation / purchase order / samples / bulk & mass products / delivery / payment / claim / Service after sale / follow up / all in a line. Project Coordinator . Reasons for leaving:Development Companys name:BaoBang Handbag MillBegin and end date: -03-2006-03Enterprise nature:Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Furniture/Home Appliances/Crafts/Toy/JewelryJob Title:Sales Representative Job description:Our Mill is a professional manufacturer of cases & handbags. I was a Sales Representative. My duty is develop & maintain & follow up service our customers in USA / EU / Japan. I was in charge of our customers information searching & develop/ part drawing & email translation / quotation / purchase order / samples / bulk & mass products / delivery / payment / claim / Service after sale / all in a line. Reasons for leaving:Development Companys name:Juntingkang Metal Goods FactoryBegin and end date: -03-2004-03Enterprise nature:Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Furniture/Home Appliances/Crafts/Toy/JewelryJob Title:Merchandiser Job description:Our factory is a special manufacturer of belt buckle. We made belt buckle by zinc alloy / bronze / aluminum. I was a merchandiser. My work is develop / maintain / follow up service customers. I follow up our customers in Europe / India / Japan. My work description: Clients email & products drawing translation / quotation / purchase order / samples / bulk & mass products / payment / claim / service after sale. Reasons for leaving:Development Companys name:CITS Lijiang Sub-Branch in Yunnan provinceBegin and end date: -09-2003-03Enterprise nature:State-owned enterprisesIndustry: Hotel/TravelingJob Title:English Guide Job description:I was a speaking English tour guide for foreign tourists. I met more than 3000 tourists from European / American and Southeast Asia . I made them satisfied of their tour in lijiang. I guide tourists Explore in Lijiang ancient town, Jade dragon snow mountain, Tiger leaping gorge, Lugu lake women kingdom / etc. Reasons for leaving:Development Companys name:Haikou HuaFeng Tourism Development Company LimitedBegin and end date: 1994-07-1999-09Enterprise nature:Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Hotel/TravelingJob Title:Assistant Manager Job description:I was a assistant Manager and Cashier in Haikou HuaFeng Tourism Development Company Limited. Our company run video game in the major city in China and Myanmar. Reasons for leaving:Development Companys name:Haikou HuaFeng Tourism Company LimitedBegin and end date: 1993-07-1994-07Enterprise nature:Sino-foreign joint venturesIndustry: Finance/Investment/SecuritiesJob Title:Asistant Manager and Cashier Job description:I was a broker in Hainan Tongyi Financial Investment Consultant Com., Ltd. I sale futures trade contract to our customers. I promoted financial future trade to our customers. Reasons for leaving:Development

Educational Background

Name of School:Hainan Normal University

Highest Degree:BachelorDate of Graduation:1993-07-01

Name of Major 1:English EducationName of Major 2:

Education experience:Start dateEnd dateEducation organizationMajorsCertificateCertificate No19553-091993-07Hainan Normal UniversityEnglish EducationBachelor

Language Ability

Foreign Language:EnglishLevel:perfect

Language ability:I proficient in English, I good at Japanese.

9.品管主管英文简历 篇九

Basic Information:


Gender: Male

Scholar Degree:Bachelor

Birth Place: HuNan, China Birth Date: Feb.1980

Profession: Electronic Engineering

Email: **********@sohu.com

TEL: 138**********

Working Experience:

1.Aug. ---- Current **************Techenologies Inc.

Company Introduce: An American company that leads the global ***********Sensor Design

Responsibilities: Take charge of China supplier management and customer service;

i.Supplier management

(1).Audit of subcontract’s process and quality system, make evaluation scheme and audit onsite;

(2).Communicate with Product section and subcontracts and hold conferences for quality issues;

ii.Customer service

(1).Deal with customer complaint and RMA products, onsite analysis and feedback to supplier to take actions;

(2).Collect and analyze customer feedback information to discuss in the global conference periodically;

2. Jul.----May.2005 Quality Engineer、Vice-Supervisor in **********CO.LTD

Company Introduce: A Taiwan based manufacturer of Power supply,

Transformer etc.

with 8000 staffs in Wujiang, Suzhou


i. Process Quality management and Improvement

(1). Use QC methods to analyze line failures and hold meetings to implement actions;

(2). Daily process monitoring by statistical methodology such as Control chart, CPK etc.;

ii. Customer Service

(1). Manage quality issues of overseas’ customers and provide 8D reports as well as quality presentations;

(2). Undertake customer audits from conference holding to site visit including

New model design review, Line process check, ISO system audit and

Environment-related audit;

Education & Training:

Sept.—Jun.2002 XiangTan university majoring in Electronic Engineering

Feb. --- May 2004 Delta internal training courses of Mckinsey improvement.

Languages & Skills:

Languages: English: CET-6; Excellent in Writing and reading; Fluent in oral communication;

Japanese: Good at reading and writing, common in communication;

Quality Tools:

1).Excellent in quality problem solve by using quality tools as SPC, FMEA, MSA, DOE etc.

2).Familiar with application of ISO9000, TS16949;

3). Well knowledge of Statistic and strong capability of experiment design and data processing as well as the experience in Reliability test;


1). Familiar with Mechanic parts process, Electronic line manufacture, SMT, Soldering, CMOS fabrication & final Testing;

2). Talents of site management of factory and clean room;


1). Familiar with OEM operation, supplier chain management and multi-national office operation;

2). Experience in projects management with good interpersonal skills and teamwork experiences;

3). Talents in planning and organizing as well as cross functional communication;

Other abilities:

1).Proficient on Word、Excel、PowerPoint , Minitab and report writing;

2).Capable of circuit analysis and hardware program;

Projects Experience:

NoNamePeriodMy Duties & Activities

1Software change management2005/12 -- /021.Collecting information of history and documentations related to customer;

2.Planing and analyzing procedure of customer software distribution as well as change management;

3.Push FAE and Market department to unify encoding and distribution of software;
