


1.charming英文诗 篇一

the arrow and the song 箭与歌

henry wadsworth longfellow


i shot an arrow into the air,


it fell to earth i knew not where;


for so swiftly it flew the sight,


could not follow it in its flight.


i breathed a song into the air,


it fell to earth i knew not where;


for who has the sight so keen and strong,


that can follow the flight of a song.


long,long afterwards in an oak,


i found the arrow still unbroke;


and the song, from beginning to end,


i found again in the heart of a friend.


2.charming英文诗 篇二

What fascinates me more is not the tangible magnificence and sophistication. Innovation is what makes the ancient architecture in the county capital outstanding and everlasting.

Take the Xu Guo Memorial Archway on the main street for instance. Architecturally, it is one of its kind and therefore unique in Chinese history. In Xingcheng, Liaoning, a province in northeastern China, I visited two stone memorial archways, which were erected in honor of two generals of the Ming Dynasty. Each has four pillars and is magnificent in many ways. But they pale in comparison with this one. The stone memorial archway in the Summer Palace in Beijing is great. But that one pales too if compared with the Xu Guo Memorial Archway. As for numerous other ancient stone archways scattered across the south, they are altogether in an inferior league. What makes the Xu Guo Memorial Archway stand out is that it has eight pillars.

Xu Guo (1527-1596) was a high-ranking official under three emperors of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). He visited Korea as an envoy of Emperor Longqing. During the reign of Emperor Wanli, he provided a winning strategy that successfully put out a rebellion in Yunnan. He was appointed a grand secretary of the Grand Secretariat, a key position in the government cabinet of the dynasty. The official History of the Ming Dynasty has a special chapter dedicated to the biography of Xu Guo. The emperor granted him to have a memorial archway built in his hometown in honor of his decisive part in the military victory in Yunnan.

History does not record who designed it, but his hometown has folklores about its origin. Xu Guo did not start the project for a long while. The emperor was so mystified by the vice prime minister’s delay and asked why it had taken him so long. The emperor commented that the delay was long enough to complete the construction of an eight-pillar archway. The story suggests it was as if the vice prime minister had somewhat known the emperor would come up with a suggestion that would make his memorial archway unique. Since the emperor had said eight pillars, Xu Guo expressed his gratitude and went home in a hurry and had the stone structure erected.

So the stone structure has eight pillars, each with a mythical creature as a guardian at its foot. The structure is decorated with patterns in honor of the emperor. It is actually a combination of four memorial archways, each flaunting an inscription written by famed calligraphers. This is the only existing eight-pillar memorial archway in China.

The 500-meter-long Doushan Street is another perfect example of innovative architecture in Xixian. The south-to-north street features ancient residences all facing the south. Stone-paved lanes radiate out from the street to the front gates of these residences. Most of these compounds used to be residences of business tycoons and court officials and other rich people. One of them was a private school. None of them looks alike inside. Architects sought to make a difference and their innovative endeavor shows in details.

I also see a unique tower in the city. The three-story structure looks stately, with 26 wood pillars standing in two rows. It is said that the tower was an imitation of the royal towers in the capital and that the only difference between this one and royal ones is that it has two pillars less. History records that the local governor who was behind the construction of the tower was brutally tortured to death for the audacious imitation.

Xixian has many ancient stone pagodas. The most spectacular one is a 7-story eight-facet structure that stands 66 meters in height. Inside the pagoda is a spiral staircase leading all the way to the top floor. Each floor has Buddha statue niches and gilded plaques.

Xixian has more to showcase its cultural innovation. Inkstands made in Xixian are famed all over China throughout history. There are still craftsmen today making them and selling them at home and abroad. I take a close look at these inkstands in a shop. I am deeply impressed by the innovative design, workmanship, and art that go into the hand-made beauties.

3.HYDE的英文诗 篇三














4.秋天的落叶英文诗 篇四




Every now and then fleecy clouds floated across the sky. The lake and the hills add radiance and beauty to each other. Butterflies fluttered about among the flowers.

The wind whiffed through the trees. The branches swayed about the wind. Leaves flaked down in the breeze.

No one knows where the leaf comes from and where it belongs. Only one thing will be sure that the leaf belongs anywhere because of the wind and the wind never feels lonely because of the leaf.

5.外国阳光的励志英文诗 篇五

in the world,

the only thing

that you can depend on.

Nothing stays the same.

Tomorrow will come,

bringing with it

new beginnings and sometimes

unexpected endings.

You can hold on to the past

and get left in the dust;

or, you can choose to

jump on the ride of life

and live a new adventure

with perseverance

6.charming英文诗 篇六

Yushan, a tableland surrounded by mountains on all sides in Pan’an, is famed for tea production since ancient times. In fact, the tea produced in Yushan used to be a tribute to imperial houses. The tea cultivation in Pan’an dates back to more than 1,500 years. By the Song Dynasty (960-1279), Yushan was one of the four major official tea production bases in the country. The tea compound where tea was processed and warehoused still remains today. As a matter of fact, the compound is a large square structure with a front hall and a back hall, two courtyards, wing rooms, and two two-storied houses where accommodation was offered to visiting buyers. The tea compound testifies to the flourishing tea trade in ancient times. Tea trade in China started in the Western Han Dynasty (206BC-8AD). It became a staple trade item in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) and reached a peak in the Song. The Yushan Tea Compound was situated in close neighborhood of a post station on a transport route that connected Wuzhou with Xinchang, Tiantai and Ningbo, all important places in Zhejiang. The tea produced in Pan’an was shipped to the outside market by this route.

Beside the compound stands an office where government officials used to supervise the market and levy tax on tea transactions in ancient times. Adjacent to the office and to the east stands the Tea Temple built in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). The tea god worshiped there by local tea farmers is named Xu Xun. As legend goes, Xu Xun, a Taoist, came to Pan’an and taught local farmers how to process tea and how to include tea as an ingredient into traditional Chinese medicines. On October 16th on the lunar calendar every year, people from neighboring villages conduct a memorial ceremony in honor of the tea god in the temple. On the day, tea farmers join a contest to see whose tea is the best by terms of color, flavor and aroma. The champion will lead a procession parading through villages.

The biggest event on this day is to raise the Dragon and Tiger Flag. The big flag is so huge that it measures 350 to 400 square meters in size and the flagpole stands at 35 meters in height. It takes 120 men to raise the flag. The flag-raising is a complicated ritual. After the firecrackers are set off and amid the weighty beating of gongs and drums and the loud noise of trumpets, the flag is slowly set up onto a flagpole supported by a complicated structure of bamboo and wood poles manipulated by arrays of men. When the flag is finally raised and the flagpole stands straight pointing to the heaven, spectators from all over the county burst into loud cheers.

The Confucius Temple and Residence in Juxi, Pan’an are a history worth telling. In 1120, the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127) collapsed as the northern nomads invaded. Descendents of Confucius fled southward in the step of the Emperor Gaozong of the Southern Song Dynasty. The 48th-generation descendent Kong Duanyou settled down in Quzhou. His brother Kong Duangong stopped in Juxi which is now part of Pan’an County when his father took ill and died there. After the burial, Kong Duangong found that a young cypress they had carried all the way from Shandong had put its roots down and had some new leaves. Kong Duangong thought it was his destiny to settle down in Juxi. So he put his roots down there and had Confucius Temple and Residence built. He and his descendents engaged themselves in education for centuries. The cypress is now more than 800 years old and still towers in the village. The descendents of Kong Duangong now number more than 10,000 in 13 sub groups scattered in Juxi and neighboring regions. Today, the blood of Confucius runs in more than 1,000 residents in Juxi alone.

Fire-walking Festival is an event that goes back to ancient times in Pan’an. The festival is usually held in evening. A ceremony was once documented by a television crew. The altar is set up in a village opening. Flowers, wine, big heads and a sheep are presented at the altar. After the ceremony in honor of the heaven and the earth, the charcoal that covers half a basketball playground is ignited. The charcoal heap burns fiercely and the temperature rises to more than 700 hundred degree. After three rounds of firecrackers, about 20 villagers dressed like ancient warriors blow trumpets. 18 men, each wearing something like a red turban on the head and holding a halberd, set out from the north gate and stepped onto the burning charcoal. They walk fast and left the flaming charcoal through the south gate. Then they come back to the flames through the north gate. They repeatedly come back and forth. Pretty soon, more villagers join them to walk on the burning charcoals. The whole ceremony lasts about an hour.

7.幼儿园大班毕业诗英文 篇七

by annabelle

within my book of memories,

are special thoughts of you.

and all the many nice things

you often say and do -

as i turn the pages,

and recall each single thought,

i realize the happiness

that knowing you has brought.

there are memories of the times weve shared

both bright and sunny days.

there are memories of your kindness

and your friendly thoughtful ways.

there are memories of all those notes,

we would write back and forth,

when we would just get together,

and talk of this or that.

and when i recall these memories

as i go along lifes way,

i find they grow more precious still

8.泰戈尔的诗英文总结 篇八

There little thoughts are the rustle of leaves; they have their whisper ofjoy in my mind.


What you are you do not see, what you see is your shadow.神呀,我的那些愿望真是愚傻呀,它们杂在你的歌声中喧叫着呢。让我只是静听着吧。 My wishes arefools, they shout across thy song, my Master. Let me but listen.


9.charming英文诗 篇九

Not long ago, the 7th Top Model of the World, which was hosted by China Fashion Association and Guangxi Television Station, jointly sponsored by China Bentley Culture Development Co. Ltd, Guangxi TV City Channel, China Fashion Association Professional Fashion Model Committee, and named by Shanghai Gold Partner Biological Technology Co., Ltd. (“Gold Partner”) was held during the famous domestic fashion event, “China International Fashion Week”.

This contest broke the traditional mode, and made innovation in the evaluation procedure and the content. And for the first time the contest adopted a promotion method, instead of traditional selection approach. Usually, juries grade players according to their performance and then elect winners. For this contest, 30 players were promoted through knockout match, and they competed for top three super models and individual awards by several shows including opening suit, swimsuit, fashion dress, evening dress, etc.

Besides, the contest introduced the popular micro movies to present the different beauty of models through outdoor scenes. Action T, a micro movie of “Spy War of Beauty”, displayed a story of “women gang”, which featured the contest and integrated stage lighting and fashion shows. At the same time, the movie brought back bold innovation to the transition and rhythm of different parts of the contest. The mysterious code case, the target of spy pretties, was taken to the stage and opened, answering audiences’ puzzle.

The juries of the contest were selected from fashion, movie and television, media and other sectors, and they can assess the performance of players in different aspects, which had a higher requirement on the comprehensive abilities of the players. Finally, No. 28 player, Zhang Jing from Inner Mongolia competition area won the champion. Song Kexin, No. 8 player from Beijing, ranked the second, and No. 16 player Li Jiayi the third. In addition, the competition had two other awards: namely “Wonderful ok Star” by No. 28 player Zhang Jing, and “Gold Partner Charity Ambassador”by No. 15 player Wang Yibo from Tianjin.

The five winners of the competition will participate in the year’s Asian super model final contest on behalf of China, and compete for Asian Top Models with 36 professional models from other ten Asian countries and regions.

10.charming英文诗 篇十

She smiled in silence

She came from night, Slowly, silently, creeping into my heart.Sitting in the silence, deep in thought, Just smiled, smiled as an angel.I was such alone, but unwilling to break the silence.Wind had told me all her stories, Rain had shared me with her dreams.She was the daughter of wind and rain, Silent as the soft wind and mild rain, Moistened the soil of my heart, Healed my broken heart.She was such beauteous, mysterious, With many secrets that no one knows.She came from dark night, Then left in the silent dawn, Disappeared without no words, Gone with the wind.I still remember her smile, her silent smile, Was deeply carved in my mind.She was the angel of night, Stole my heart in silence.Silence was the endless darkness, Silence was her unforgettable smile, As if, I made a dream in silent summer night.英译

2班 13号 周伟文

11.有关四季的英文诗4首 篇十一

Spring is life 春天是生命 Spring is hope 春天是希望

So is love and happiness.是爱与幸福 Spring renews.春天是新生 Without spring, 没有春天 life is forlorn.生命是凄凉的 Spring is dreaming 春天是怀想 after bitter storm.在风雨过后

Put spring in your heart 请把春天放进你心里


One little snowflake falls on my nose, 一片雪花落在我鼻子上 It makes me shiver from my head to my toes.它让我全身颤抖 Two little snowflakes get in my eyes,两片雪花落到我眼睛里 Blink!Blink!What a surprise!一眨、一眨,真惊喜 three little snowflakes tickle my chin, 四片雪花挠我的下巴 I laugh, I jump, I run, I spin.我又笑又跳又跑又转 four little snowflakes softly land.五片雪花轻轻着陆 Snow on the house, snow on the tree,雪落在屋子上、树上 Snow on the ground, snow on me.雪落在地上、我身上

Here It Comes 夏天来了

Here comes summer 夏天来了 Here comes summer夏天来了

Chirping Robins, budding roses 罗宾鸟鸣叫,玫瑰花盛开 Here comes summer 夏天来了 Here comes summer夏天来了

Gentle showers, summer clothes 夏雨阵阵,夏衣上身 Here comes summer夏天来了 Here comes summer夏天来了

Whoosh shiver there it goes 很快地,它又走了

Autumn is coming The wind kisses my face, Slowly and slowly Like the hand of my mother, The crops become golden, Beautiful and beautiful, Like the honors for me, The air is cool, fresh and fresh , How magic it is!How exciting it is!
