


1.奥巴马g20演讲 篇一














2.奥巴马g20演讲 篇二

1 文体学与圣经文体




2 奥巴马获胜演讲的文体特点

2.1 用词

2.1.1 该演讲稿较少使用大词

传统上我们把包含六个及以上字母或三个及以上音节的单词称为大词(big word),奥巴马在这篇演讲中用了约410个大词,占总数的21%,低于美国总统获胜演讲27.7%的平均量,可以看出奥巴马的这篇演讲用词具有较为大众化、平民化的特征,如“puppy”一词等(曾亚平等,2009)。这与奥巴马的支持者大多来自美国中下层有关。

2.1.2 该演讲稿多用名词,少用形容词


2.1.3 该演讲稿多用人称代词



We are,and always will be,the United States of America.

2.1.4 多用情态动词



2.2 格律平整,注重押韵


To put our people back to work and open doors of opportunityfor our kids;to restore prosperity and promote the cause of peace.

句中“put,back,work,open,opportunity,kids,restore prosperity,promote,peace”都是重读单词,而“to,people,our door,for,cause”都是非重读单词,这样重读与非重读单词交叉点缀,听起来韵味十足,流畅痛快。


2.3 句法特点


句子按语义核心在句子所处的位置,可分为圆周句(periodical sentence)和松散句(loose sentence)。其中,圆周句是一种较正式的书面句型。其特点是将句子的次要成分提前,主要成分置后,以增加悬念,吸引听众或读者注意力。奥巴马第一句就使用了圆周句。

If there is anyone out there who…;who…;who…;tonight is your answer.

“Tonight is your answer”是句子的核心,却放在句末,起到了制造悬念,吸引听众注意力的作用。



I promise you—we as a people will get there.The road ahead will be long.Our climb will be steep.

文中祈使句只用了五次,都采用了“let us”的形式,具有很强的气势。

3 修辞手段的广泛运用


3.1 排比(Parallelism)


There is new energy to harness and new jobs to be created;new schools to build and threats to meet and alliances to repair.


3.2 反复(Repetition)


It’s the answer…It is the answer…It’s the answer…

奥巴马在演讲中五次使用了“Let us”,六次使用了“change”一词,七次使用了“Yes,we can”,表明了奥巴马变革的信心和决心。

3.3 对照(Contrast)


It’s the answer spoken by young and old,rich and poor,Democrat and Republican…


3.4 对比(Antithesis)


To those who would tear this world down;we will defeat you.To those who seek peace and security;we support you.


3.5 借代(Metonymy)


Tonight is your answer.


3.6 暗喻(Metaphor)


The road ahead will be long.Our climb will be steep.

这里“the road”指“变革的道路”,而“our climb”指“变革的进程”。暗喻的使用,使变革变得更加显懂,更易为听众所接受。

3.7 引用(Allusion)


A man touched down on the moon,a wall came down in Berlin.


3.8 头韵(Alliteration)


A new spirit of service,a new spirit of sacrifice.


4 结束语





[1]Barack Obama’s Victory Speech[EB/OL].(2009-05-01).http://www.america.gov/st/elections08-english/2008/November/20081105101958abretnuh0.580044.html.








3.像奥巴马一样演讲 篇三















4.演讲与口才-奥巴马演讲艺术 篇四




(1).运用押韵手法,增强表现力。声音是词语的表达形式,因此,音律就成为了语言表达的一个重要组成部分。以音韵为手段传达的思想可以给人以形象感和立体感。英语的押韵可根据单词的内音素重复的部位不同而分成不同种类,最常见的有头韵。头韵指词首重复,如 great和 grew。在演讲中,能产生强烈的语言效果和韵律美。

例 :We didn’t start with much money or many endorsements.Our campaign was not hatched in the halls of Washington.(Obama,This Victory Belongs to You)奥巴马在同一句子中用头韵,重复了“m”、“h”,强调了政府崇尚节俭的政策,这符合广大普通群众的利益。这种特殊的情感涵义通过语音的表象化得到有效传递。巴马政府充满期待。


例 : Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real.They

are serious and they are many.They will not be met easily or in short span of time.But know this, America, they will be met.在这一段里,奥巴马用简单易懂的文字和简洁的语句,既肯定了美国正面临严重的危机,又表达了克服危机的坚定信心,因而博得了全场听众热烈的掌声。文中的“they”回指首句的“challenge”,” they”反复出现了四次,起到了强调的作用。奥巴马的就职演说辞中,几乎每个段落都能找到排比的影子,既有词组或短语的排比,又有句子和段落的排比,而且又往往结合反复一起使用,从而大大增强了演讲的表达力和感染力。


例: We are shaped by every language and culture, drawn from every end of this Earth;and because we have tasted the bitters will of civil war and segregation, and emerged from that dark chap estranger and more united, we cannot help but believe that the old ha2treds shall someday pass;that the lines of tribe shall soon dissolve;that as the world grows smaller, our common humanity shall reveal it2self;and that America must p lay its role in ushering in a new era of peace.这是一个较为复杂的长句,句中有句,辞格套辞格,复杂的句子结构既说明了美国多元文化的复杂性,又展现出奥巴马运用语言的娴熟和技巧。句中不但运用了隐喻的修辞手法,譬如把“civil war and segregation(内战和种族隔离)”比作“bitter swill(苦辣的泔水)”,又用“that dark chap tar(黑暗的篇章)”喻指内战和种族隔离;而且四个并列的宾语从句“(believe)that...;That...;that...;and that...”在语义上层层递进,节奏逐步加强,再一次把演讲推向了高潮。


例 : In reaffirming the greatness of our nation, we understand that greatness is never a given.It must be earned.Our journey has never been one of shortcuts or settling for less.It has not been the path for the fainttakers, the doers, the makers of things———some celebrated but more often men and women obscure in their labor, who have carried us up the long, rugged path towards p prosperity and freedom.在这一段落中,奥巴马在重申美国是个伟大的国家的同时,指出伟大不是天赐的,而是需要努力赢得的,用“that greatness is never a given”与“It must be earned”对照,目的是强调后者。接着,两个否定句“Our journey has never been...”和“Our journey has never been...”又与后面的肯定句“Rather, it has been the risk-takers, the doers, the makers of things...”形成对照, 使用了关联词语“Rather”来引起听众的注意,说明美国能走到今天并不容易,突出强调了广大美国民众的默默奉献对国家繁荣和自由的重要意义。这样,通过前后事物鲜明的对照,成功地激发了听众的思想感情,给听众留下了深刻的印象。


例 :Well, I say to them tonight, there’s not a liberal America and a conservative America — there’s the United States of America.There’s not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America;there’s the United States of America.这句话不但有矛盾修辞,还有反复和平行结构的综合运用,形成了烘云托月的效果,像警言一样敲打着听众的心,激发出民众的爱国热情。



5.奥巴马演讲 篇五

Through blood drawn by lash and blood drawn by sword, we learned that no union founded on the principles of liberty and equality could survive half-slave and half-free.We made ourselves anew, and vowed to move forward together.从奴役的血腥枷锁和刀剑的血光厮杀中我们懂得了,建立在自由与平等原则之上的联邦不能永远维持半奴隶和半自由的状态。我们赢得了新生,誓言共同前进。

Together, we determined that a modern economy requires railroads and highways to speed travel and commerce;schools and colleges to train our workers。

我们共同努力,建立起现代的经济体系。架设铁路与高速公路,加速了旅行和商业交流。建立学校与大学,培训我们的工人。Together, we discovered that a free market only thrives when there are rules to ensure competition and fair play.我们一起发现,自由市场的繁荣只能建立在保障竞争与公平竞争的原则之上。

Together, we resolved that a great nation must care for the vulnerable, and protect its people from life’s worst hazards and misfortune.我们共同决定让这个伟大的国家远离危险,保护她的人民不受生命威胁和不幸的侵扰。

6.奥巴马开学演讲 篇六


THE PRESIDENT: Thank you!Hello!(Applause.)Thank you.Thank you.Well, hello, Philadelphia!(Applause.)And hello, Masterman.It is wonderful to see all of you.What a terrific introduction by Kelly.Give Kelly a big round of applause.(Applause.)I was saying backstage that when I was in high school, I could not have done that.(Laughter.)I would have muffed it up somehow.So we are so proud of you and everything that you’ve done.And to all the students here, I’m thrilled to be here.We’ve got a couple introductions I want to make.First of all, you’ve got the outstanding governor of Pennsylvania, Ed Rendell, in the house.(Applause.)The mayor of Philadelphia, Michael Nutter, is here.(Applause.)Congressman Chaka Fattah is here.(Applause.)Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz is here.(Applause.)Your own principal, Marge Neff, is here.(Applause.)The school superintendent, Arlene Ackerman, is here and doing a great job.(Applause.)And the Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, is here.(Applause.)

And I am here.(Applause.)And I am thrilled to be here.I am just so excited.I’ve heard such great things about what all of you are doing, both the students and the teachers and the staff here.Today is about welcoming all of you, and all of America’s students, back to school, even though I know you’ve been in school for a little bit now.And I can’t think of a better place to do it than at Masterman.(Applause.)Because you are one of the best schools in Philadelphia.You are a leader in helping students succeed in the classroom.Just last week, you were recognized by a National Blue Ribbon--as a National Blue Ribbon School because of your record of achievement.And that is a testament to everybody here –-to the students, to the parents, to the teachers, to the school leaders.It’s an example of excellence that I hope communities across America can embrace.Over the past few weeks, Michelle and I have been getting Sasha and Malia ready for school.And they’re excited about it.I’ll bet they had the same feelings that you do--you’re a little sad to see the summer go, but you’re also excited about the possibilities of a new year.The possibilities of building new friendships and strengthening old ones, of joining a school club, or trying out for a team.The possibilities of growing into a better student and a better person and making not just your family proud but making yourself proud.But I know some of you may also be a little nervous about starting a new school year.Maybe you’re making the jump from elementary to middle school, or from middle school to high school, and you’re worried about what that’s going to be like.Maybe you’re starting a new school.You’re not sure how you’ll like it, trying to figure out how you’re going to fit in.Or maybe you’re a senior, and you’re anxious about the whole college process;about where to apply and whether you can afford to go to college.And beyond all those concerns, I know a lot of you are also feeling the strain of some difficult times.You know what’s going on in the news and you also know what’s going on in some of your own families.You’ve read about the war in Afghanistan.You hear about the recession that we’ve been through.And sometimes maybe you’re seeing the worries in your parents’ faces or sense it in their voice.So a lot of you as a consequence, because we’re going through a tough time a country, are having to act a lot older than you are.You got to be strong for your family while your brother or sister is serving overseas, or you’ve got to look after younger siblings while your mom is working that second shift.Or maybe some of you who are little bit older, you’re taking on a part-time job while your dad’s out of work.And that’s a lot to handle.It’s more than you should have to handle.And it may make you wonder at times what your own future will look like, whether you’re going to be able to succeed in school, whether you should maybe set your sights a little lower, scale back your dreams.But I came to Masterman to tell all of you what I think you’re hearing from your principal and your superintendent, and from your parents and your teachers: Nobody gets to write your destiny but you.Your future is in your hands.Your life is what you make of it.And nothing--absolutely nothing--is beyond your reach, so long as you’re willing to dream big, so long as you’re willing to work hard.So long as you’re willing to stay focused on your education, there is not a single thing that any of you cannot accomplish, not a single thing.I believe that.And that last part is absolutely essential, that part about really working hard in school, because an education has never been more important than it is today.I’m sure there are going to be times in the months ahead when you’re staying up late doing your homework or cramming for a test, or you’re dragging yourself out of bed on a rainy morning and you’re thinking, oh, boy, I wish maybe it was a snow day.(Laughter.)

But let me tell you, what you’re doing is worth it.There is nothing more important than what you’re doing right now.Nothing is going to have as great an impact on your success in life as your education, how you’re doing in school.More and more, the kinds of opportunities that are open to you are going to be determined by how far you go in school.The farther you go in school, the farther you’re going to go in life.And at a time when other countries are competing with us like never before, when students around the world in Beijing, China, or Bangalore, India, are working harder than ever, and doing better than ever, your success in school is not just going to determine your success, it’s going to determine America’s success in the 21st century.So you’ve got an obligation to yourselves, and America has an obligation to you, to make sure you’re getting the best education possible.And making sure you get that kind of education is going to take all of us working hard and all of us working hand in hand.It takes all of us in government--from the governor to the mayor to the superintendent to the President--all of us doing our part to prepare our students, all of them, for success in the classroom and in college and in a career.It’s going to take an outstanding principal, like Principal Neff, and outstanding teachers like the ones you have here at Masterman--teachers who are going above and beyond the call of duty for their students.And it’s going to take parents who are committed to your education.Now, that’s what we have to do for you.That’s our responsibility.That’s our job.But you’ve got a job, too.You’ve got to show up to school on time.You’ve got to pay attention in your class.You’ve got to do your homework.You’ve got to study for exams.You’ve got to stay out of trouble.You’ve got to instill a sense of excellence in everything that you do.That kind of discipline, that kind of drive, that kind of hard work, is absolutely essential for success.And I can speak from experience here because unlike Kelly, I can’t say I always had this discipline.See, I can tell she was always disciplined.I wasn’t always disciplined.I wasn’t always the best student when I was younger.I made my share of mistakes.I still remember a conversation I had with my mother in high school.I was kind of a goof-off.And I was about the age of some of the folks here.And my grades were slipping.I hadn’t started my college applications.I was acting, as my mother put it, sort of casual about my future.I was doing good enough.I was smart enough that I could kind of get by.But I wasn’t really applying myself.And so I suspect this is a conversation that will sound familiar to some students and some parents here today.She decided to sit me down and said I had to change my attitude.My attitude was what I imagine every teenager’s attitude is when your parents have a conversation with you like that.I was like, you know, I don’t need to hear all this.I’m doing okay, I’m not flunking out.So I started to say that, and she just cut me right off.She said, you can’t just sit around waiting for luck to see you through.She said, you can get into any school you want in the country if you just put in a little bit of effort.She gave me a hard look and she said, you remember what that’s like? Effort?(Laughter.)Some of you have had that conversation.(Laughter.)And it was pretty jolting hearing my mother say that.But eventually her words had the intended effect, because I got serious about my studies.And I started to make an effort in everything that I did.And I began to see my grades and my prospects improve.And I know that if hard work could make the difference for me, then it can make a difference for all of you.And I know that there may be some people who are skeptical about that.Sometimes you may wonder if some people just aren’t better at certain things.You know, well, I’m not good at math or I’m just not really interested in my science classes.And it is true that we each have our own gifts, we each have our own talents that we have to discover and nurture.Not everybody is going to catch on in certain subjects as easily as others.But just because you’re not the best at something today doesn’t mean you can’t be tomorrow.Even if you don’t think of yourself as a math person or a science person, you can still excel in those subjects if you’re willing to make the effort.And you may find out you have talents you never dreamed of.Because one of the things I’ve discovered is excelling--whether it’s in school or in life--isn’t mainly about being smarter than everybody else.That’s not really the secret to success.It’s about working harder than everybody else.So don’t avoid new challenges--seek them out, step out of your comfort zone, don’t be afraid to ask for help.Your teachers and family are there to guide you.They want to know if you’re not catching on to something because they know that if you keep on working at it, you’re going to catch on.Don’t feel discouraged;don’t give up if you don’t succeed at something the first time.Try again, and learn from your mistakes.Don’t feel threatened if your friends are doing well;be proud of them, and see what lessons you can draw from what they’re doing right.Now, I’m sort of preaching to the choir here because I know that’s the kind of culture of excellence that you promote at Masterman.But I’m not just speaking to all of you, I’m speaking to kids all across the country.And I want them to all here that same message: That’s the kind of excellence we’ve got to promote in all of America’s schools.That’s one of the reasons why I’m announcing our second Commencement Challenge.Some of you may have heard of this.If your school is the winner, if you show us how teachers and students and parents are all working together to prepare your kids and your school for college and a career, if you show us how you’re giving back to your community and your country, then I will congratulate you in person by speaking at your commencement.Last year I was in Michigan at Kalamazoo and had just a wonderful time.Although I got to admit, their graduating class was about 700 kids and my hands were really sore at the end of it because I was shaking all of them.(Laughter.)

But the truth is, an education is about more than getting into a good college.It’s about more than getting a good job when you graduate.It’s about giving each and every one of us the chance to fulfill our promise, and to be the best version of ourselves we can be.And part of that means treating others the way we want to be treated--with kindness and respect.So that’s something else that I want to communicate to students not just here at Masterman but all across the country.Sometimes kids can be mean to other kids.Let’s face it.We don’t always treat each other with respect and kindness.That’s true for adults as well, by the way.And sometimes that’s especially true in middle school or high school, because being a teenager isn’t easy.It’s a time when you’re wrestling with a lot of things.When I was in my teens, I was wrestling with all sorts of questions about who I was.I had a white mother and a black father, and my father wasn’t around;he had left when I was two.And so there were all kinds of issues that I was dealing with.Some of you may be working through your own questions right now and coming to terms with what makes you different.And I know that figuring out all of that can be even more difficult when you’ve got bullies in a class who try to use those differences to pick on you or poke fun at you, to make you feel bad about yourself.And in some places, the problem is even more serious.There are neighborhoods in my hometown of Chicago, and there are neighborhoods right here in Philadelphia where kids are doing each other serious harm.So, what I want to say to every kid, every young person--what I want all of you--if you take away one thing from my speech, I want you to take away the notion that life is precious, and part of what makes it so wonderful is its diversity, that all of us are different.And we shouldn’t be embarrassed by the things that make us different.We should be proud of them, because it’s the thing that makes us different that makes us who we are, that makes us unique.And the strength and character of this country has always come from our ability to recognize--no matter who we are, no matter where we come from, no matter what we look like, no matter what abilities we have--to recognize ourselves in each other.I was reminded of that idea the other day when I read a letter from Tamerria Robinson.She’s a 12-year-old girl in Georgia.And she told me about how hard she works and about all the community service she does with her brother.And she wrote, “I try to achieve my dreams and help others do the same.” “That,” she said, “is how the world should work.” That’s a pretty good motto.I work hard to achieve my goals and then I try to help others to achieve their goals.And I agree with Tamerria.That’s how the world should work.But it’s only going to work that way if all of you get in good habits while you’re in school.So, yes, each of us need to work hard.We all have to take responsibilities for our own education.We need to take responsibility for our own lives.But what makes us who we are is that here, in this country, in the United States of America, we don’t just reach for our own dreams, we try to help others do the same.This is a country that gives all its daughters and all of its sons a fair chance, a chance to make the most of their lives and fulfill their God-given potential.And I’m absolutely confident that if all of our students--here at Masterman and across this country--keep doing their part, if you guys work hard and you’re focused on your education, you keep fighting for your dreams and then you help each other reach each other’s dreams, then you’re not only going to succeed this year, you’re going to succeed for the rest of your lives.And that means America will succeed in the 21st century.So my main message to all of you here today: I couldn’t be prouder of you.Keep it up.All of you I know are going to do great things in the future.And maybe some time in the 21st century, it’s going to be one of you that’s standing up here speaking to a group of kids as President of the United States.Thank you.God bless you, and God bless the United States of America.Thank you.(Applause.)

7.从人际元功能视角分析奥巴马演讲 篇七


本文主要从系统功能语言学人际元功能的角度系统对奥巴马有关政治、经济、外交、战争和教育等方面的系列演讲进行分析, 进一步挖掘其演讲语言艺术的内涵、特征, 希望对研究相关或相似的演讲有一定的鉴借作用。


目前国内有的学者对奥巴马演讲作了相关研究的要有:李国华从词源理论角度研究了奥巴马演讲的英译汉策略。迟梦筠以Leech的礼貌原则为依据, 研究了奥巴马演讲的翻译, 得出礼貌原则既能提升观众的认同感, 获得观众的信任实现其政治目的, 同时也为译者解读演讲辞提供了新的分析方法和思路等。


本文以奥巴马演讲中具有代表性的多篇演讲为语料研究对象, 是从系统功能语言学的人际功能角度情态、语气和人称代词等视角以定性和定量结合的方法来对奥巴马的政治演讲文稿整合分类进行分析研究。系统功能语言学家韩礼德的元功能思想认为语言的性质决定人们对语言的要求:即语言必须完成的功能。这就是“元功能”或者“纯理功能”。韩礼德的元功能包括三个方面:概念功能, 人际功能, 语篇功能。语言的人际功能是指语言具有表达讲话者的亲身经历和内心活动的功能外, 还具有表达讲话者的身份, 地位, 态度, 动机和他对事物的推断, 判断和评价等功能。语言的人际功能是语言的参与功能的, 通过这一功能, 讲话者使自己参与到某一情景语境中, 来表达他的态度和推断, 并试图影响别人的态度和行为, 还可以表示交际角色的关系, 即讲话者或者听话者在交际过程中扮演的角色之间的关系。如讲话者可以陈述自己的见解, 提问, 下命令, 作指示, 表达惊讶或恐惧的情感, 表示怀疑等。在交际中可以组成四种主要的言语功能:提供 (offer) , 命令 (command) , 陈述 (statement) , 提问 (question) 。人际功能中的情态系统是指讲话者对自己讲的命题的成功性和有效性所做的判断, 或者在命令中要求对方承担自己的义务, 或者在提议中表达的个人意愿。情态动词有高、中、低值之分, 其中高值有must、ought to、need、has to、is to;中值有will、would、shall、should、will;低值有may、might、can、could。


1.语气。通过对奥巴马发表的有关经济, 外交, 战争, 移民和教育这五个方面的演讲语料的统计分析, 我们得出其中陈述语气有684句, 祈使语气有31句, 疑问语气有8句。

2.情态动词。通过这几篇文章的情态动词的使用频率统计, 我们可以得出五篇演讲文稿中高值情态动词must使用了14次, 中值情态动词should (32次) 、can (96次) 、will (70次) ;低值情态动词may (17次) 其中有关外交政策篇里面must使用最多为11次, 其次是战争篇must使用次数为3词, 其余三篇must使用次数均为0次。

3.人称代词。通过统计得出奥巴马这五篇演讲中I (me) 265次、we (our, us) 194次685次、you (your) 257次、he (him, his) 46次、they (them, their) 176次。


从人称代词使用的频率中我们可以看出其中第一人称复数 (we、our、us) 使用最多, 这样的称呼使得演讲者和听众联系在一起, 有利于拉近二者之间的心理距离从而引起听众对演讲者所传达的观点和决定的共鸣;也说明演讲主要是一个以说话者和听着的互动的过程。I (me) 使用频率位居第二, 说明演讲也是陈述演讲者的立场和观点的过程, 使用第一人称单数可以更加清晰明确的表达演讲者个人的政治观点和立场。使用you (your) 的频率位于第三位, 其所要表达的人际意义是演讲者在陈述听众的权利义务和职责, 那么使用第二人称可以更加明晰的使得听众意识到自己的责任和义务。位居最后的是第三人称they (them、their) 176次he (him、his) 46次, 这种第三人称的使用有时候是为了引用第三者的观点, 有时候是为了划清界限:如当提起自己的竞争对手共和党、或讲述对别的国家的政策、或表述恐怖分子敌人的时候, 奥巴马使用的都是第三人称。

在情态动词的使用频率统计的数据中我们可以发现, 在表示对外立场及有关战争的演讲中的态度很强时才使用语气很强的情态词如must。而表示经济, 移民和教育类的演讲则可以不需要使用那么强的语气, 使用的是中低值情态动词。另外, 我们可以发现中低值情态动词should、can和will是使用最普遍也频率最高的情态动词, 这样的用词可以树立一位亲和不至于太强势的执政者形象, 在外交方面演讲使用大量中低值情态动词也与奥巴马一直所倡导的“巧实力”外交政策有关。而低值情态动词may使用频率相对是最少的, 因为may表示了不确定因素, 奥巴马只有在表达含有不确定因素的情况下才会使用, 这样也使得其言论或结论不至于太绝对。

综上所述, 从系统功能语言学的人际功能视角对奥巴马演讲中的语气、情态动词和人称代词的使用的频率的分析, 可以得出这样的用词方式是和其要表达的人际交往功能或隐含的政治主张是紧密相连的。如此巧妙的用词也使得奥巴马演讲极富言语特色和充满感染力, 奥巴马能够取得连任也是和他的极富魅力的演讲技巧有一定关系的。分析其演讲不仅可以充分了解其语言艺术, 同时希望对类似演讲的研究有一定的借鉴作用。


8.奥巴马开学演讲广受争议等 篇八






(美国之音网站 2009年9月8日)

















(英国广播公司 2009年9月2日)



申请一流大学的学生,GPA达4.0或SAT考到2 000分以上的学生大有人在。校方很难单就成绩作取舍时,课外活动表现就成为重要依据。因此越好的学校,对课外活动表现的要求就越高。






调研人员于2005-2006年度进行了首次调查,重点调查了2万名辅导老师和8 000名被辅导的学生,调查结果让他们大吃一惊。为了再次求证,调研人员在2007-2008年度进行的第二次调查结果与上次相同。



