1.外企面试一般问题 篇一
1.What extracurricular activities were you involved in? What made you choose those? Which of them did you most enjoy, and why?
2.What led you to select your major? You minor?
3.Which of your courses did you like the least?
4.Was there a course you found particularly challening?
5.If you Were to start college over again tomorrom, what are the courses you would take?why?
6.In college,how did you go about influencing someone to accept your ideas?
7.Based on what you know of the job market,which of your courses were the most useful?The least?
8.What advice would you give college student intending to go into your field?
9.What are your most memorable experiences from college?
10.What did you learn from your internships or work study experiences?
11.Why dont I see internships or work-study experiences on you resume?
12.In what courses did your worst grades? Why? How do you think that will affect your performance on the job?
13.Why did you decide to go to college?
14.How was your college education funded?
15.What percentage of your college did you college did you pay for and what sort of jobs did you have while you were in school?
16.Tell me a little about some of your extracurricular activities that would assist you in this job.17.Why are you working in a field other than the one in which you have a degree?
18.What have you done to stay current in your field?
19.Are you satisfied with the grades you received in school?
20.Do you think your grades accurately reflect your ability?(来源:中国教育在线)
2.外企面试一般问题 篇二
Q:How would you describe your management style?
参考回答:First of all, I don’t want to be an overly friendly and understanding manager because this may make it difficult for me to discipline my subordinates, nor do I want to be an unfriendly, unapproachable manager who may not be aware of ongoing problems. I think a certain distance between my subordinates and me is necessary. This will enable me to better manage them. In addition, my management style is flexible. That is to say, I can adapt my management style to different people and circumstances and am able to make changes and improvements whenever necessary. For instance, for certain of my employees, I have been trying not to give them the answers when they ask for help with a problem. They need to learn how to come up with the solutions themselves, and I need to guide and facilitate this process. In order to do this, I allocate however much time is needed to sit down with them and work through the problem. We discuss it, and I give my view of the situation and then ask them to go away and think about the best solution.
Q:How do you make your decisions in general?
参考回答:I usually follow several steps to make my decision. First, I work with my team members to brainstorm as many feasible alternatives or solutions as possible. Second, we evaluate each of these solutions by weighing advantages and disadvantages. Finally, we choose the most appropriate solution and carry it out. In addition, we also consider what goes right and wrong with any decision and learn for the future. Without feedback, we would never learn from experiences and may make the same mistake again.
Q:How do you delegate tasks?
参考回答:I don’t think it is effective to delegate tasks to different subordinates in the same way. It is necessary for a manager to adapt his delegating skills according to the individual he is dealing with and the situation. For example, for inexperienced employees I often use a way that involves a high level of task instruction and close supervision. I find this effective because the inexperienced employees need to be assured that they know exactly what to do and how to do it. They also require constant support to build their confidence. For more experienced employees who are comfortable with their work, I encourage independent thinking and expect them to come to me for help only when they need it. This demonstrates my trust in their ability to do the job on their own.
Q:How do you motivate your team members?
应答思路:提到对员工的激励方式,很多人马上会想到物质或金钱奖励。其实,职场中激励员工的方法有很多,例如“动机激励”法:根据员工的建议改善工作环境,让他们更加舒适地办公;让员工参与完成一项富有挑战性的任务,一起分享成功的喜悦等。现代管理理论认为,“动机激励”才是激励的切入点和根本点。应聘者在回答这类问题时可以参考美国研究员Alfie Kohn提出的有助于激励员工动机的3C原则:协作(collaboration)、满意(content)和抉择(choice)。“协作”是指员工在受到合作的鼓舞或有机会互相帮助而获得成功时,会受到激励而更加努力工作;“满意”是指员工在意识到他们的工作对组织的重要性时,会受到激励而更加努力工作;“抉择”是指员工在自己的工作中被授权进行决策时,会受到激励更加努力工作。
参考回答:I use a number of methods to motivate my team members. First, I make sure my team members have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities. The more they understand about their jobs and accountabilities, the more motivated they will be. I also discuss with them to help them set clear, specific and realistic targets that are agreed upon rather than dictated. In addition, I involve them in decision-making processes by asking for their suggestions, ideas and feedback. Above all, I establish appropriate reward and incentive structures and support and lead staff to success.
Q:How do you usually develop your team members?
参考回答:I develop my team members by mentoring, coaching and providing performance feedback on a daily basis. Specifically, I assess the needs of my team members and establish a plan for improvement considering available resources and the individuals’ requirements. Additionally I manage their learning by continually focusing my attention on their learning agenda and providing necessary resources to facilitate it. I also monitor their learning by getting regular feedback on their learning process.
Q:How would you describe your communication skills?
参考回答:First of all, I am good at expressing myself and presenting ideas to others. Even when the idea I’m presenting is rather complex and hard for some people to understand, I know instinctively how to communicate it with ease and clarity. Secondly, I can convince others to do what needs to be done by winning their hearts and minds. I find a sense of humor is really helpful in achieving this. Finally, I would say I work well with all types of people, including those who are not hardworking, competent and confident about their abilities. When working with this type of people, I set myself the challenge of developing them and helping them use their skills to their fullest potential. My goal is to support them towards increased competence and confidence through guidance, direction and mentoring.
☆ Describe a time when one of your team members didn’t like your management style.
☆ Describe a time when you had to make changes to your management style.
☆ Tell me about a tough decision you had to make at work. How did you go about making the decision?
☆ Describe a problem you recently experienced with an employee who reported to you. How did you solve it?
☆ Tell me about an important assignment or task that you delegated. How did you ensure that it would be completed successfully?
☆ When delegating a recent assignment, how did you show confidence in the person’s ability to do the job?
☆ Give me an example of when you successfully motivated your staff by using incentives or rewards.
☆ Describe a time you had to motivate a staff member who was reluctant to undertake an assignment.
☆ Give me an example of when you had to provide feedback to a staff member who was performing poorly. How did you go about this and what was the outcome?
☆ Tell me about a time you had to coach an employee to perform a task.
☆ Give me a specific example of when you had to clearly communicate your expectations to a subordinate.
☆ Describe a time when your communication and interpersonal skills helped in dealing with difficult clients or team members.
3.外企电话面试问题 篇三
例:Can you se11 yourself in two minutes ? Go for it .
应届生回答:With my qualifications and experience, I feel I am hardworking , responsible and diligent in any project I undertake . Your organization could benefit from my analytical and interpersonal skills .
(二)考察为公司着想(All for Company)
例:What do you think you are worth to us ?
应届生回答:I feel I can make some positive contributions to your company in the future .
(三)考察个性展示(Personality Display)
例:What is your strongest trait(s) ?
应届生回答:Helpfulness and caring . Adaptability and of humor . Cheerfulness and friendliness .
(四)考察与同事相处(Going with Colleagues)
例:How do you handle your conflict with your colleagues in your work?
应届生回答:I will try to present my ideas in a more clear and civilized manner in order to get my points across .
(五)考察对待成功与失败态度(Success and Failure)
例:How do you handle your failure ?
应届生回答:None of us was born “perfect” . I am sure I will be give a second chance to correct my mistake .
(六)考察今后设想与打算(Future Plans and Management)
例:How long would you like to stay with this company?
应届生回答:I will stay as long as I can continue to learn and to grow in my field .
4.外企面试问题与回答 篇四
5.英语面试,外企常见问题 篇五
常见外企面试问题包括:Are you a multi-tasked individual?(你是一位可以同时承担数项工作的人吗?)What is your strongest trait(s)?(你个性上最大的特点是什么?) How would your friends or colleagues describe you?(你的朋友或同事怎样形容你?)等等。 一般面试官会一开始就让应聘者做个简短的自我介绍,以便有一个初步的了解,然后会对1.家庭,成长环境。2.教育背景,专业优势,人格魅力。3 参加或组织过的活动。4 你对这份工作的认识以及工作态度。这几个环节进行提问。
6.外企面试一般问题 篇六
Tell me how you went about setting the goals for your team members and gaining commitment from them.
[具体任务] I needed to set the sales team objectives for the next year. [执行步骤] I referred to the sales department goals for the next year to decide which activities and tasks our team should concentrate on. I clearly communicated the relationship between our team goals and the department goals to my team members and explained which activities would best result in achieving these goals. [完成结果] The members really benefited from having a clear idea of the team goals and how we could contribute to achieving them. Having clear goals meant they were able to see how each of them was an essential part of the team’s success, and this motivated them towards achieving the goals.
Tell me about an important decision you made in your previous job.
[具体任务] I was in charge of the purchase of raw materials for our company. [执行步骤] We always ordered a month’s supply at a time to keep inventory costs low. I had to decide whether to keep doing this or buy six months’ supply and get a discount for ordering such a big volume and escape possible future price increases. I did some research and figured out that we could reduce our costs by buying for six months, especially since the amount we used remained practically unchanged month on month. [完成结果] It turned out that I was right, and the prices increased quite a lot during those six months.
Describe a thorny problem you had to solve in your last job.
[具体问题] Last July, we were receiving a lot of complaints about the poor quality of our products. [解决措施] I met with the staff concerned in the Quality Control Department and discovered that the problem seemed to be with the poor raw materials from our vendors. I investigated and found that the system for checking the quality of raw materials was outdated. Then, an up-to-date system for checking the quality of raw materials was quickly introduced. [处理结果] This sorted out the problem and we had fewer complaints from our clients.
Tell me about a suggestion that you have recently made to your manager.
[具体问题] I worked in the Purchasing Department and the company was launching a new product. The Sales Department had in-depth training on it, but we had none. [解决建议] I suggested that the Purchasing Department should also receive the training so that we would better understand what components should be purchased and be able to ask our vendors some wise questions. It was agreed that we would all undergo a short version of the training. [处理结果] This meant that we could deal professionally with our vendors and it also motivated us, feeling part of the launch excitement.
Describe a situation where you negotiated with your manager to reach an agreement.
[具体问题] My supervisor gave me an unreasonable deadline to complete a project. [解决方案] I asked him how he had come up with the deadline. He said that it was based on his deadline to present the project to his line manager. Then, I detailed every step that needed to be taken to complete the project and how long each step would realistically take. After that, we discussed possible ways of reducing these time frames, and I suggested allocating more resources to the project. Finally, I was asked to put together a project proposal that covered what we had discussed and he would use this to negotiate with his line manager for a more realistic time line. [处理结果] The result was that we were able to settle on a plan that worked for both of us.
7.外企公司常见英文面试问题 篇七
So practice, practice, PRACTICE your answers to the following questions:
Please tell me about yourself...
Why should we hire you?
What are your plans for the next year? Two years? Five years?
What do expect to get from this job?
What are your biggest weaknesses?
What are your biggest strengths?
Why did you leave your last job?
What would your former employer say about you if I called them today?
Why did you get into this line of work?
What make you want to apply to this company?
The interview is a two way street.
Remember you are also interviewing the employer to see if you want to work for that company.
You should have a list of questions in mind to ask the interviewer. Here are some suggestions.
What would you expect of me? What would my main responsibilities be?
How would my performance be evaluated?
Is there room for promotion?
Would there be any travel involved with this position?
Where do you see this company in two years?
How would you describe your management style?
How do you see me fitting into this company?
Most hiring decisions are made at the first interview.
How you come across in that interview could be as important as your experience and job skills.
8.外企面试一般问题 篇八
“What would you like to be doing five years from now?”
“Why should I hire you?”
“What is your greatest weakness?”
9.外企面试一般问题 篇九
1. 面试环境
2. 主考官的身体语言
3. 主考官的提问形式
(1) 态度要得体。应聘者应保持冷静、自信,切勿因主考官的态度而变得不知所措,乱了方寸。
(2) 思路要清晰。应聘者在回答问题时逻辑要清晰,语言要简练;若是主考官对某个问题一直追问,应聘者也要耐心回答,直至主考官满意为止。
以压力面试中一个常见的质疑性问题“Aren’t you overqualified for this position?”为例,应聘者在回答这一问题时,可以参考如下的回答方式:“No, I don’t think so. My experience can only make me do my job better. In my opinion, my good design skills can help me design better books. My business experience will enable me to run the Art Department in a cost-efficient manner, thus saving the company’s money. Besides, I think I’ll be able to attract better freelance (自由职业者的) talents because of all my industry contacts. Finally, I’m interested in establishing a long-term relationship with my employer, and if I did well, I would expect expanded responsibilities that could make use of my other skills.”
☆Don’t you feel you are a little too old (young) for this job?
☆You haven’t had sufficient experience in this field, don’t you agree?
☆You have been working for this company for several years. Why do you want to quit?
☆Why were you out of work for so long?
☆How would you evaluate me as an interviewer?
☆Would you like to have your boss’s job?
☆What causes you to lose your temper?
☆How do you handle rejection?
☆How do you feel this interview is going?
☆Why did you do so poorly on this test?
2. 负面性问题
(1) 简要说明自己的失败之处。
(2) 简述自己失败的原因并说明自己是如何改正或提高的。
(3) 强调自己在失败中汲取的教训或学到的东西。
以问题“Describe a time when you were not satisfied or pleased with your performance.”为例,应聘者可参考如下的回答方式:“I failed my first math test, which made me very unhappy. I wasn’t going to let this incident set the trend for the rest of the semester. I went to my counselor and arranged to meet with a tutor once a week. My tutor helped me out incredibly. My grades soon improved, and I went on to redeem myself from slip-up on the first test.”
☆Describe a situation where others you were working with on a project disagreed with your ideas.
☆Describe a situation where you found yourself dealing with someone who didn’t like you.
☆Describe a time when you failed to resolve a conflict.
☆Whom do you dislike working with?
☆What interests you least about this job?
☆What did you like least about your previous job?
☆What’s your biggest weakness?
☆What is the biggest mistake you’ve made?
☆What was your biggest failure in your previous job?
☆Why weren’t your grades better?
在压力面试中,主考官有时还会问一些极为刁钻、令人匪夷所思的问题,如:“Why are manhole covers round?”“How many piano tuners are there in China?”等。其实,主考官提问这些问题的目的并非是想获得精确的答案,而是主要想了解应聘者是如何思考、分析和解决这类问题的,从而考察应聘者是否具有良好的逻辑思维能力和创造性思维能力。因此,面对这类问题,应聘者无法也无须提供精确的答案,而是应该着重解释自己思考问题和获得答案的具体过程。
以问题“Why are manhole covers round?”为例,应聘者可参考如下回答方式:“First, a round manhole cover cannot fall through its circular opening, whereas a square manhole cover may fall in if inserted into the hole diagonally (对角地). Second, a round manhole cover can be easily moved by being rolled. Third, it’s easier to dig a circular hole and thus the cover is also circular. Finally, most manhole covers are made by a few large companies that only produce round manhole covers. A different shape would have to be customized (定做).”
☆How many minutes would it take to reach the top of the Empire State Building?
☆How many times do a clock’s hands overlap in a day?
☆How would you weigh a plane without scales?
☆How would you move Mount Fuji (富士山)?
☆How many telephone booths are there in New York City?
☆How many golf balls were lost in England this year?
☆How many new houses were built in Montreal (蒙特利尔,加拿大城市) last year?
☆How many copies of Windows NT did Microsoft sell last year?
☆What color is your brain?
情景性问题是指主考官根据具体的应聘岗位提出的相关问题,例如:“You’re working late one evening and are the last person in the office. You answer an urgent telephone call to your manager from a sales representative who’s currently meeting with a potential client. The sales rep needs an answer to a question to close the sale. Tomorrow will be too late. You have the expertise to answer the question, but it’s beyond your normal level of authority. How would you respond?”
针对这个问题,应聘者可以参考如下的应答方式:“I’d take notes in detail and get all the related information. I’d then answer the question based on my knowledge and the information provided. I’d leave my manager a note and fill him or her in on the details. Next morning, I’d be sure to explain my decision as well as the thought process behind it.”
1. 自我放松、保持镇定
2. 耐心回答