


1.2017-2018学年度湘少版四年级上册英语教案 篇一

孩子们经过一年半的学习,基本了解了字母:26个字母及常见字母组合的发音规则,词汇的学习方法:单词音形意用的结合、音节、重音及不同词类(名、动、数、形、冠等)的用法特点,初步体会英语句子的语序与汉语的不同,但对于句子结构及变化还比较陌生。本课内容对于孩子们来说并不陌生,Book3 L16已学习过四种出行方式by bus, by car, by bike, by taxi和句子:How do you go to school? I go to school by ____? 另一种出行方式on foot /walk,dives me及选择此种出行方式的原因表述学生相对陌生。但我校学生学习英语较早,一二年级有了两年的口语学习,还有近1/3有课外学习经历或正在进行,这些内容对于他们可能都不陌生。




A. 学生能够运用所学句型Do you walk to school? How do you go to school? I go to ___ by___ / on foot...询问、表达适合自己的出行方式。

B. 学生知道句子的变化是和人称有关系的,并能尝试运用所学句子介绍和询问他人的出行方式:Does he/she walk to school? How dooes he/she go to school? He/she goes to school by___ / on foot...




学生知道句子的变化是有规律可循的,并引导尝试找出这些规律: A.和人称变化的关系; B.不同句式之间的关系等。



通过寻找句子规律及了解不同人们的出行方式,引导学生体会英语学习是有规律可循的,Englishi is easy! 及交流开阔自己的眼界English is fun!


1、教学重点:学生能够运用所学句型Do you walk to school? How do you go to school? I go to ___ by___ / on foot...询问、表达适合自己的出行方式。

2、教学难点:学生知道句子的变化是和人称有关系的,并能尝试运用所学句子介绍和询问他人的出行方式:Does he/she walk to school? How does he/she go to school? He/she goes to school by___ / on foot...


1. Read N1 and fill in the blanks.(☆☆☆☆)

How do they go to school?Why?(为什么)





me 2. Where do you live ? Is it far or near your school?Do you walk to school?(☆☆☆)

3. Where do you like to go on weekends? 3 sentences. (☆☆☆)


Class Opening

I. Revision:

a. Group to group.

What do you like to do on weekends?

Where do you like to go on weekends?

b. Free talk between the teacher and children

T: Where do you live ? Is it far or near your school?Do you walk to school? How do you go to school?

Ss: …

New Concepts

I. N1 and N2.

T:Do you know how Kim, Jenny, Steven and Danny go to school?


1. Read N1 in pairs and learn the words and sentences the students don’t know.

2. Role play between T and Ss.

(1) T-Kim, Ss-Danny.

T: Kim, do you walk to school? 板书: Do I /you walk to school.?

Ss: Yes, I walk to school. /I go to school on foot. 板书:Do I /you go to school on foot ?

T: Why?

Ss: I live near the school.

(2) Ss-Danny, T-Kim.

Ss: How do you go to school, Kim? 板书:How Do I /you walk to school.?

T: I live near the school. So I walk to school. So I go to school on foot(3) So: I live far from school. So I go to school by bus.

I ‘m hungry. So I want to eat. …

(4)Chant: How do you go to school. On foot, on foot. / Walk, walk.

3. Learn about P2-4.

II. How does he/she go to school?

1. Try to find.

T: How does Kim go to school? She goes to school on foot /walks to school.

How does Jenny go to school? She goes to school by bus. She lives far from school.

How does Steven go to school? He goes to school by car. Hia dad drives him.How does Danny go to school? He goes to school by bike. He rides his bike.

板书:Does he/she walk to school? He/she goes to school by___ / on foot...


Tip: 除了“你和我”,“一个”不放过,“动”就加s/es,“do”替不重复!

2. Practice in pairs.

How does he/she go to school?Why?(为什么)






3. How do they go to school?


Class Closing

I. Make a survey and share. (☆☆☆)

Where do you want to go…?How does he/she go to school?Why?



II. What do you like to do onweekends? 3 sentences. (☆☆☆)

2.湘少版六年级上册英语复习教案 篇二

Unit 1-3 [Teaching aims:]


What did you do during the holidays?/I learnt writing/read books…;

b.语言技能目标:通过复习与操练,能够通过这些语句进行表达,运用句型来描 述假期生活,日常计划,电脑功能,中秋节文化与活动,天气预报和野营活动;


[Key points:] What did you do during the holidays?/I learnt writing/read books…;

Katiealways gets up early/often does homework/sometimes plays chess/never takes a walk… 在实际情景中运用。

[Difficult points:]

There will be/It will be sunny and warm/a light rain/a strong wind/a light snow;句型的操作和训练。

[Teaching Methods:] The Audio-lingual Method/TPR/The Direct Method

[Teaching procedure:] Ⅰ.Warm-up(热身活动)have a free talk Ⅱ.Words Review A.Read the words of Unit1-Unit6, read after the teacher.B.Make dialogues of these words.Ⅲ.Sentences Review A.Read the sentences and how to use the sentences.B.两人小组读课文。创设情景,鼓励学生在表演的过程中加上动作和表情。


Ⅳ.Production(任务完成)A.分组合作学习: 进一步学习如何描述个人假期和日常生活安排,电脑功能,中秋节文化习俗,并且进行练。并通过小组交流学习,对天气预报和野外露营进行猜测和计划表达。

B.让学生把所学的句子进行pk。把学生分成小组,每次每组学生说得又快 又正确的学生得分,有额外拓展的可获得加分,得分高的小组获胜。


Ⅴ.Summary and Home work(小结与作业)





Unit 4-6 [Teaching aims:]


We can email our friends/play games/search for a lot of things/send greetings on the computer.b.语言技能目标:通过复习与操练,能够通过这些语句进行表达,运用句型来描 述假期生活,日常计划,电脑功能,中秋节文化与活动,天气预报和野营活动;


[Key points:] We can email our friends/play games/search for a lot of things/send greetings on the computer;The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, we enjoy eating moon cakes/looking at the moon在实际情景中运用。

[Difficult points:]

I will bring a box of cakes/a few cans of Coke/some fruits…;句型的操作和训练。[Teaching Methods:] The Audio-lingual Method/TPR/The Direct Method

[Teaching procedure:] Ⅰ.Warm-up(热身活动)have a free talk Ⅱ.Words Review A.Read the words of Unit1-Unit6, read after the teacher.B.Make dialogues of these words.Ⅲ.Sentences Review A.Read the sentences and how to use the sentences.B.两人小组读课文。创设情景,鼓励学生在表演的过程中加上动作和表情。


Ⅳ.Production(任务完成)A.分组合作学习: 进一步学习如何描述个人假期和日常生活安排,电脑功能,并且进行练。并通过小组交流学习,对天气预报和野外露营进行猜测和计划表达。

B.让学生把所学的句子进行pk。把学生分成小组,每次每组学生说得又快 又正确的学生得分,有额外拓展的可获得加分,得分高的小组获胜。


Ⅴ.Summary and Home work(小结与作业)





Unit 7-9

[Teaching aims:]


What can I do for the old people?/I canmake tea for them/clean their houses/make them happy.We should plant more trees/keep the rivers clean/we shouldn’t waste water/litter.This bird is bigger than the first one.b.语言技能目标:通过复习与操练,运用句型来交流探讨怎样更好地保护环境资源,如何进行物体间比较的描述。


[ Key points: ]

What can I do for the old people?/I canmake tea for them/clean their houses/make them happy.We should plant more trees/keep the rivers clean/we shouldn’t waste water/litter.This bird is bigger than the first one.在实际情景中运用所学句型进行交流。

[ Difficult points: ]

This bird is bigger than the first one„/ What’s wrong with you?/ I don’t feel well/ I have a fever.物体大小的比较及形容词比较级的变化规则和运用,身体状况的描述。句型的操作和训练。

[Teaching Methods:] The Audio-lingual Method,TPR

The Direct Method [ Teaching procedure: ] Ⅰ.Warm-up(热身活动)Let’s talk about how to help old people

Ⅱ.Words Review A.Read the words of Unit7-Unit9, read after the teacher.B.Make dialogues of these words.Ⅲ.Sentences Review

A.Read the sentences and how to use the sentences.B.两人小组读课文。创设情景,鼓励学生在表演的过程中加上动作和表情。这一环节是一个机械操练的阶段,目的让学生更好、更准确的学习语言,掌握语言。通过学生对课文的感知―理解,小梯度,多台阶地强化了学生对语言知识的理解与掌握。

Ⅳ.Production(任务完成)C.分组合作学习: 进一步学习如何帮助老人,保护地球母亲,安排业余生活,组织圣诞节活动,比较不同物体,描述身体状况。


Ⅴ.Summary and Home work(小结与作业)





Unit 10-12

[Teaching aims:]


What’s wrong with you?/ I don’t feel well/ I have a fever.Shall we go to the cinema?/ Let’s see a play.It’s Christmas again, here is a present for you.b.语言技能目标:通过复习与操练,运用句型来交流探讨怎样更好地保护环境资源,庆祝圣诞节,如何进行物体间比较的描述,怎样表达自身身体状况和玩乐建议。

c.情感态度目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣,积极参与各项活动,热爱地球,保 持身体健康,安排休闲生活。

[ Key points: ] What’s wrong with you?/ I don’t feel well/ I have a fever.Shall we go to the cinema?/ Let’s see a play.It’s Christmas again, here is a present for you.在实际情景中运用所学句型进行交流。

[ Difficult points: ]

This bird is bigger than the first one./ What’s wrong with you?/ I don’t feel well/ I have a fever.物体大小的比较及形容词比较级的变化规则和运用,身体状况的描述。句型的操作和训练。

[Teaching Methods:] The Audio-lingual Method,TPR

The Direct Method [ Teaching procedure: ] Ⅰ.Warm-up(热身活动)Let’s talk about how to help old people Ⅱ.Words Review A.Read the words of Unit7-Unit12, read after the teacher.B.Make dialogues of these words.Ⅲ.Sentences Review

A.Read the sentences and how to use the sentences.B.两人小组读课文。创设情景,鼓励学生在表演的过程中加上动作和表情。这一环节是一个机械操练的阶段,目的让学生更好、更准确的学习语言,掌握语言。通过学生对课文的感知―理解,小梯度,多台阶地强化了学生对语言知识的理解与掌握。

Ⅳ.Production(任务完成)C.分组合作学习: 进一步学习如何帮助老人,保护地球母亲,安排业余生活,组织圣诞节活动,比较不同物体,描述身体状况。


Ⅴ.Summary and Home work(小结与作业)





3.新湘少版五年级英语上册教案 篇三

Teaching aims and demands: 1. Learn the words & phrase: wake up/ make the bed/ wave/ I’m late. 2. Canuse the words always/ often/ usually/ never to describe the activities. Teaching methods: games, reading, action, etc. Period I Content of courses: textbook P6 Part B Teaching aims and demands: 1. Be able to master the words & phrase: wake up/ make the bed/ wave/ I’m late. Educational affiliations: textbook, tape, tape-recorder, and word cards. Teaching-learning process: Step 1 Warm-up activity 1. Greeting.. 2. Let’s play: Look and guess: What is it? Step 2 Presentation & drill 1. Learn to say: swing T draws a swing on Bb and help Ss understand the meaning. Read the sentence after T 2. Learn to say: wave T waves the arm and help Ss understand the meaning. Read the word after T. Learn to say: wake up/ make the bed/ I’m late. in the same way. 3. Drill.⑴T shows the pictures and Ss say the words. ⑵T shows the pictures quickly and Ss say the words. ⑶A guessing game. 4. Open the books at Page 6, listen to the tape and read after it. Step 3.Practice 1. Practice in four. Ss play the cards. 2. Listen & act. Step 4.Consolidation Period II Content of courses: textbook Part A Part C Teaching aims and demands: 1.Be able to understand and tell the story. Educational affiliations: textbook, tape, tape-recorder, word cards. Teaching-learning process: Step 1 Warm-up activity 1.Exchange greetings. 2.Sing a song we’ve learned last term together. Step 2 Presentation & drill 1. Lead-in. T shows the picture of Part A. T says, ”This is Katie’s Day. Listen to the tape. What dose she do?” T writes the sentence on Bb and help Ss understand the meaning. Read the sentence after T. 2. Ss talk about the picture. 3. Drill. ⑴T shows the pictures and Ss rearrange them. ⑵T shows the pictures and Ss tell the story. ⑶A guessing game. 4. Open the books at Page 5, listen to the tape and read after it. Step 3.Practice 1. Put a tick if the sentences are correct or a cross if they are wrong. ( ) Katie always gets up at six o’clock.. ( ) Katie always watches her face at 6:15 am. ( ) Katie’s family often has breakfast at 6:45 am. ( )Sally always goes to the breakfast table on time. ( ) Katie’s father usually waves them goodbye. 2.Ss practice in four. 3.A game——A competition among groups. Step 4.Consolidation 1.Draw your favorite things and talk about them. Period III Content of courses: textbook P3 Part D&E Teaching aims and demands: 1. read and write the sentence with correct words: always/ often/ usually/ never. Educational affiliations: textbook, tape, tape-recorder, word cards. Teaching-learning process: Step 1 Warm-up activity 1.Exchange greetings. 2.Sing a song we’ve learned last term together. Step 2 Practice 1. Lead-in. T shows the chart of Part D. T says, “Look at the chart. Take turns to tell each other about Peter’s activities.” 2. Pair work. Look at chart. Describe Peter’s activities. 3. Make sentences about own activities.. 4. T writes the sentence on Bb and help Ss understand the meaning. Read the sentence after T. 5. Open the books at Page 3, Ss write the sentences on the book 6. Look and write. Mrs LI is a busy housewife. Look at the chart of her activities below. Then write suitable answers in the blanks. Step 4.Consolidation

4.2017-2018学年度湘少版四年级上册英语教案 篇四

一、Unit 1 It’s on your head!

一、教材分析(Teaching Material)本单元话题为方位。本单元所出现的服饰类单词,紧密结合句型。在教学中可创设多种情境,如捉迷藏、最佳侦探等,让学生运用本单元的词汇和句型来询问并判断事物的方位。

二、教学目标(Teaching Aims)




三、教学重难点(Important & Difficult Points)


2、Where的发音;where’s.../ where’re句型的缩写形式和完全形式的转换及发音。

3、where’s/ where’re...?和it’s in/ on...They are under/ in/ on...的 正确使用。

四、课时安排(Periods Arrangement)


五、教具(Teaching Aids)录音机、图片、卡片、CD、课件等等。

Unit 1 It’s on your head!Period 1

一、教学目标(Teaching Aims)

1、知识目标(Knowledge Aims):

1)能听懂、会说、会读新单词where, behind, beside, between, cap, watch, glasses, new;

2)能用 “Where’s/ Where’re...?”和 “It’s.../ They are...”向他人询问、回答事物的位置。

2、能力目标(Ability Aims):




3、情感目标(Emotion Aims)学会团队合作,重视合作精神。

二、教学重难点(Teaching Focus & Difficulties)1)重点:能听懂、会说、会读新单词where, behind, beside, between, cap, watch, glasses, new;能用 “Where’s/ Where’re...?”和 “It’s.../ They are...”向他人询问、回答事物的位置;

2)难点:Where的发音;where’s.../ where’re句型的缩写形式和完全形式的转换及发音;where’s/ where’re...?和it’s in/ on...They are under/ in/ on...的 正确使用;cap和hat的区别,behind,beside, between的联系与区别。

三、课前准备(Preparation for Class)课件、图片、卡片、CAI等等。

四、教学过程(Teaching Process)Step one: warming up 1.Greetings and free talk.How are you? Nice to meet you!What’s your name?...2.Game: guess.Step two: presentation 1.Find some objects.T: There are some caps in our classroom.Please help me find them and tell me where they are.Where is the red cap? S1: It’s in the desk.T: Where are the red caps? S2: They’re in the desk.Write down the sentences.Where’s my cap? It’s in the desk.Where’re my caps? They are in the desk.2.New words: beside, behind, between.Use chant to remember new words: Be be be beside, one, two;Be be be behind, on two three;Be be be between, one, two, three, four;We’re friends, we’re friends.Cap, watch, glasses.Show the pictures and read.3.The dialogue.Listen and count.Listen, ask and answer.Listen and repeat.Read and act.Step three: practice 1.Listen and do.2.Have a competition of looking for treasure.Step four: homework 1.Listen and act.2.Draw a map and introduce it to friends with on, in, under etc.五、板书设计(Blackboard Design)

Unit 1 It’s on your head

Where is my cat? beside


between cap



new 4

Period 2

一、教学目标(Teaching Aims)

1、知识目标(Knowledge Aims):

1)能听懂、会说、会读新单词where, behind, beside, between, cap, watch, glasses, new, clever, put;

2)能熟练运用 “Where’s/ Where’re...?”和 “It’s.../ They are...”向他人询问、回答事物的位置。

2、能力目标(Ability Aims):

1)能在情境中向他人询问和判断事物的方位; 2)能借助插图阅读和理解课文D部分的小故事。3)能借助头饰,给VCD中课文D部分的角色配音。

3、情感目标(Emotion Aims)学会团队合作,重视合作精神。

二、教学重难点(Teaching Focus & Difficulties)1)重点:能熟练运用 “Where’s/ Where’re...?”和 “It’s.../ They are...”向他人询问、回答事物的位置;

2)难点:能理解I put it on my desk.Here it is.You’re clever。

三、课前准备(Preparation for Class)课件、图片、卡片、CAI等等。

四、教学过程(Teaching Process)Step one: warming up 1.Free talk.2.Revision.3.Ask and answer.Step two: Let’s read.1.Watch and understand.2.Look and guess.3.Listen and repeat.4.Read the dialogue and aloud.5.Act the dialogue.Step three: games 1.The best spy.2.Listen and draw.Step four: homework 1.Listen and try to recite Part A and copy the words in Part B and the title.2.Paint your drawing at class.五、板书设计(Blackboard Design)

Unit 1 It’s on your head!

You’re clever.put

Period 3

一、教学目标(Teaching Aims)

1、知识目标(Knowledge Aims):


2)巩固Part B部分的单词,能理解、会说新单词blow, balloon, come。

3)熟练运用where is/ are...?询问和辨别物体的方位。

2、能力目标(Ability Aims):

1)能利用空间记忆法记忆本单元所学习的关于方位的单词; 2)能在情境中运用所学的单词和句型询问和辨别事物的方位。3)能综合运用本单元的单词和在红点句型阅读短文并理解短文,完成练习。

3、情感目标(Emotion Aims)学会团队合作,重视合作精神。

二、教学重难点(Teaching Focus & Difficulties)1)重点:能在情境中运用所学的单词和句型询问和辨别事物的方位;


三、课前准备(Preparation for Class)课件、图片、卡片、CAI等等。

四、教学过程(Teaching Process)

Step one: warming up 1.Greetings.2.Game: golden fingers.Step two: Let’s read and write 1.Look at the pictures and answer: What can you see in the picture? How many birds are there in the room? Where is the blue/ red/ brown/...bird? 2.Read and answer: Whose room is it? How is the room? What is on/ under the chair? What is beside the books? What are between the caps? 3.Guess the meaning of words: fly, into, clean 4.Group discussion: where are the birds? 5.Draw the birds on your own.Step three: Let’s chant 1.Review the letters b and l.2.Listen and read.Step 4: Let’s have fun 1.Look at the pictures and find the objects.2.Group work.Step five: homework 1.Listen and chant.2.Finish the exercises of Unit 1.五、板书设计(Blackboard Design)

Unit 1 It’s on you head

