励志英语故事: The Dove And The Ant


励志英语故事: The Dove And The Ant(共10篇)

1.励志英语故事: The Dove And The Ant 篇一

Catching a Thief

Witty Hare can run very fast. One day when he gets home. He sees a rat. The rat is jumping down his window. “Oh. A thief!” Witty Hare shouted and catches the rat, “You can’t run faster then me.” Soon Witty Hare catches up with the rat, and the rat is left behind, “I must run away,’ the rat says and laughs, “He is so silly.”

Witty Hare goes on running. A sheep sees him and asks him, “What a re you doing?” “I’m catching the thief.” Witty Hare says. “ Thief? Where’s the thief?” the sheep fells surprised. “He’s behind me ,”Witty Hare says proudly.


机灵的肚子跑得很快。一天,她回到家的时候看见一只老鼠。这只老师正从它家的窗户跳下去。“啊! 贼!”机灵肚子喊着追过去。 “你跑不过我的!” 不一会它追上了老鼠,还把老鼠丢在后面。“我得赶紧逃。”老鼠窃笑着说:“这家伙真笨。”

机灵兔子继续跑着。一只绵羊看到了就问塔:“你在干什么?”“我在追贼。”机灵兔子说。“贼?贼在哪里啊?”绵羊感到奇怪。 “它在我后面呢。”机灵兔子自豪地说着。

2.英语励志小故事 篇二

One day, Mr. Lion holds a party. Many animals come and drink a lot of wine. At last there is a pot of wine. Who can drink it? They think out an idea and decide to have a match-Draw a snake. If you finish first, you can get it.

Soon Mr. Wolf finishes drawing. “Yeah, I’ve finished. I’m No.1,” he says. But he draws again and says, “Oh, let me add feet and my snake.” At the time, Mr. Gorilla also finishes. He takes away the pot of wine and drinks;then he says, “That isn’t a snake. Snakes have no feet. I get the wine.”



3.关于励志英语小故事 篇三

“I had to drive home from Las Vegas this morning. It’s a wonder I didn’t crash 50 times. Instead of seeing traffic in front of me, all I saw was you and her. I can’t take any more dreams like this. We’re going to have to break up. We can be friends, but just friends. That way, I won’t be jealous anymore, and I won’t have these bad dreams anymore.”

“Why didn’t you call me up and tell me about your dream?” he asked. “They say that the more you talk about bad dreams, the sooner you’ll stop having them.”

She disagreed. She thought that the only solution was to break up and be just friends. She loved him, but these dreams had become so frequent that she was actually afraid to go to sleep. She was losing weight and having stomachaches from the stress.

4.励志人物故事英语作文(定稿) 篇四

“I strove with none, for none was worth my strife;Nature I loved, and next to Nature, Art;I warm’d both hands before the fire of life;it sinks, and I am ready to depart.” This is the last word you left on stage of Super Brain.You always give me the feeling of “you see, but you don’t observe”.After watch the exclusive interview, it all fell into place.You came to the stage not to prove your versatility and cocksure, but to struggle with traditional educational mode and to help more and more child have a chance to release and restore their nature.Now more and more kids was sent to train variety of abilitiesat the time they should enjoy their colorful childhood.Word is hard to persuade the parent to return the limpid childhood to their children.At this time you stand out, use the success that they have the clear feeling their child can never touch to lead them to think.Most of us struggle for success is try to get a personal honor.You give us another reason to come to the top The purpose of help and save may give us more dynamic to achieve it and the success also affect others to have a change Enjoy more life and have fantastic memory

5.关于经典励志英语故事精选 篇五

“You’ve got so many freckles, there’s no place to paint!” a girl in the line said to the little fellow.

Embarrassed, the little boy dropped his head. His grandmother knelt down next to him. “I love your freckles. When I was a little girl I always wanted freckles,” she said, while tracing her finger across the child’s cheek. “Freckles are beautiful.”

The boy looked up, “Really?”

“Of course,” said the grandmother. “Why just name me one thing that’s prettier than freckles.”

The little boy thought for a moment, peered intensely into his grandma’s face, and softly whispered, “Wrinkles.”







6.小学生看的英语励志故事 篇六

Yi Qiu was known as the most famous expert at chess throughout the land. Once he gave lessons on chess to two men. One of them was completely absorbed in his teaching, listening attentively to Yi Qiu while the other, who seemed to be listening, had his mind on something else. In fact, he was having a fancy that a swan was flying towards him and he had in his hands a bow and an arrow, ready to shoot. As a result, though he was having the same lesson together with the first man, yet he turned out a much inferior pupil.

If one does not give single-hearted devotion to it, no skills will be learned.



7.励志英语故事: The Dove And The Ant 篇七




8.励志英语故事: The Dove And The Ant 篇八


他下定决心,要走一条与父母迥然不同的路,活出个人样来,但是做什么呢? 于是,他来到好莱坞,找明星,找导演,找制片……找一切可能使他成为演员的人,四处哀求: “给我一次机会吧,我要当演员,我一定能成功!”



他不断对自己说: “我一定要成功,也许下次就行,再下一次,再下一次……”


9.名人励志故事:王太利的励志故事 篇九

两个醉心于艺术的人终于赢得了缪斯女神的眷顾,短片《老男孩》上线后,第一天即得到了 30万的点击量,第二天上升到70万,此后每天保持着80万的增长速度,目前仅在优酷视频网的官方播放次数就已经超过了8898万次,他们的片子感动了 60、70、80、90四代人,几乎每个观众都会泪奔。他的表演真实、自然、不做作,他的唱功深厚,赢得了许多专业、非专业人士的肯定。在各个电影网站 上,这部片子无一例外都得到了国产电影罕见的高分,而他写的歌词则成为无数人的签名……

这一年,他已经42岁。的岁月没有侵蚀 他的容颜浸染他的灵魂,只是轻轻地把一个曾经莽撞的少年打磨成了一个灵秀俊逸而又雍容睿智的优雅男子。他的眼神依旧如18年前一样清澈明亮,他的笑容依旧 如18年前一样魅惑迷人——他,就是著名音乐人、深受观众喜爱的青年男演员王太利。


10.关于经典励志英语故事精选 篇十

马可·波罗 1254年出生于威尼斯。他是中世纪访问亚洲的第一个西方人。他的父亲——尼可罗·波罗和他的叔叔是很富有的商人,经常到东方的各地区旅行。他们访问了中国,而且和忽必烈可汗,大蒙古皇帝成为了朋友。而且只是在他们从中国回到意大利之后,15岁的马可才第一次见到他的父亲。

Marco decided to join them for their next trip. It took them more than three years to travel the 9,000 miles to Shangdu, capital of the Mongol Empire. The great Khan gave them a fine welcome and they stayed in a huge marble place. Soon the young Marco became a great favorite of the Emperor and was one of his most trusted friends. Marco quickly learned the language and customs of the Chinese because he traveled around and talked to many people.


After nearly 17 years in the East, Marco and his father prepared to return home. Not long after Marco came home, the Genoese caught him during a battle at sea. While he was a prisoner he met a writer called Rustichello who wrote down the long story that Marco told him about his travels.


He did not make any more journeys after the publication of his books, but he had a place in history-he was the first European ever to travel to the East and to return with a story to tell.
