


1.词汇学词汇讲解 篇一

50.Well,we circle round and round the ships and get in the way when they try to dump the drums of nuclear waste in the sea.


circle此处作动词,意为环行,转圈。round and round意为一圈圈地。get in the way意为阻碍,妨碍。dump意为倾倒,丢弃。drum此处意为大桶。waste此处为名词,意为废料,废弃物。



get around意为传开,流传;四处走动。如:

It soon got around that he had resigned.


How can you get around with your broken arm?


get ac意为不断指责,一再数落。如:

His father always bets at him.


get together意为相聚。如:

We must get together sometime for a drink.












2.词汇学词汇讲解 篇二


英语词汇在英语的学习过程中占有举足轻重的地位。D.A.Wilkins在Linguistics in Language Teaching (1972) 一书中论述了词汇在英语交际中的重要性:“没有语法, 能表达的东西很少;没有词汇, 则什么都表达不了 (Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed) ” (转引自汪榕培, 2002) 。但是在词汇的学习过程中, 许多学生只知道用死记硬背的方式去记忆, 而缺少科学有效的记忆方式。殊不知人的记忆能力是有限的, 面对如此众多的英语词汇, 只有通过有效的记忆策略, 才能做到事半功倍。以下三种途径是来扩大英语词汇量的有效策略:1) 通过词根词缀法策略来记忆单词;2) 通过语义场策略来记忆单词;3) 通过纵聚合关系策略进行联想记忆。

1 词根词缀法记忆策略

词根词缀法是扩大词汇量最直接有效的方式。在词汇讲授中, 教师应该把基本的构词原则加以讲解, 然后再去分析单词的用法。为了检测学生对词根词缀的理解以及它们对单词记忆的帮助, 笔者针对工商管理专业100名大一新生做了一项单词记忆测试。然后让他们用5分钟记住这20个单词;单词表如下表所示:

测试发现, 只有8%的学生能写对15个单词以上;67%的学生能写对10个以上, 其余的25%的学生写对不到10个单词。笔者认为, 测试结果不理想的原因主要在于学生对词根词缀没有经过系统学习, 主要依靠死记硬背的方式去记忆单词。

图表中单词包含的前缀有:over+ (超过) overreact过激反应, overdose过量, overweight超重;in+ (否定) infamous臭名昭著的, inexpensive便宜的, irregular不规则的, illegal非法的, impossible不可能的, 都属于这个前缀的变形, independent这个词, 首先让学生知道depend是“依靠”, 然后加上后缀“-ent”变成形容词“依靠的, 依赖的”, 最后加上否定前缀“in-”就是“不依靠别人的”, “独立的”意思了;dis+ (否定) dislike不喜欢, disadvantageous不利的, disease不舒服, 疾病, discourage, 使……气馁;trans+ (跨越) transplant移植, transport中port是carry的意思, 从一个地方搬到另一个地方, 也就是交通, transform转变, transcribe转录;tele+ (远) telephone远处传来的声音, 就是电话, television电视, telegram电报, telescope望远镜, teleconference远程会议, telecommunications电子通信;inter+ (相互的) international国家间的, 国际的, Internet互联网, interpersonal人际间的, intercity城际的;en+ (使……) enjoy使……高兴, encourage使……有勇气, ensure使……确定。

图标单词中包含的后缀:+ (able) 能够的, enjoyable令人高兴的, reasonable有道理的, manageable能够管理的, changeable多变的;+ (ous) ...的, furious愤怒的, famous有名的, nervous紧张的, marvelous极好的, courageous有勇气的;+ (ful) 充满的, beautiful美丽的, wonderful极好的, useful有用的, helpful有帮助的, hopeful有希望的;+ (ent) ...的, urgent紧急的, dependent依靠的, existent存在的, persistent坚持的;+ (ion, ation) 名词后缀, inspection调查, expectation期待, inspiration激励, action行为, reaction反应;+ (ing) 名词后缀, writing写作, reading阅读, misunderstanding误解, lighting灯光;+ (ment) 名词后缀, repayment偿还, government政府, management管理, disappointment失望, arrangement安排。

词根相对来讲比词缀要难一些, 并且很多词根和历史宗教、希腊神话有直接或者间接的关系, 比如inspire这个单词的词根“spire”的意思是“呼吸”就来源于《圣经》, 上帝用一把泥土创造亚当以后, 对着他吹了一口气, 亚当就有了呼吸, 有了灵气, 此举和中国的女娲造人有异曲同工之妙, 掌握了这个词根, 以下的单词就可以迎刃而解了。

spiritn精神;情绪 (有呼吸→有精神)

spirited a精神饱满的

spiritual a精神的;宗教的

aspire v热望;立志 (a加强+spire→看到渴望的东西加强呼吸→热望)

aspirationn渴望, 热望 (aspire+ation)

aspiring a有抱负的 (aspire+ing)

conspire v同谋 (con共同+spire→同呼吸→同谋)

conspiracy n共谋;反叛 (conspire+acy)

expirev断气;期满 (ex出+spire→只出气不进气→断气)

expirationn断气;期满 (expire+ation)

inspire v吸气;鼓励 (in进+spire→吸气进去, 引申为鼓励)

inspirationn吸气;灵感 (有灵气)

perspire v出汗 (per全部+spire→全身呼吸→出汗)

perspiration n出汗

respire v呼吸;恢复精神 (re再+spire→再呼吸→恢复精神)

2 语义场策略

根据词汇意思进行语义分类, 这样在记忆单词时就能起到事半功倍的效果。例如我们学到单词color, 我们立刻就会想到以前学过的单词:yellow, white, black, grey, purple, red, pink, green, blue等。这样单词与单词之间就找到了某种联系, 更便于我们记忆单词。英语中语义场主要包含以下四个方面:

1) 同义义场

有些语言学家认为语言中不存在绝对同义词, 这不符合语言本身的经济性原则。绝对同义词主要体现在不同区域的人使用语言的不同, 如英式英语和美式英语。Fall和autumn, truck和lorry, trousers和pants等在语义上是没有差异的, 只是两个国家的人表达的方式不同。近义词则是单词记忆中一个十分有效的途径, 例如英语中表达“死亡”的词汇有die, decease, pass away, kick the bucket等表达方式, 但在使用时应该注意它们之间的区别, die使用范围最广泛;decease一般用于法律文件中;pass away比较口语话;而kick the bucket则带有戏谑的含义, 更像汉语中的“蹬腿了”, 因此要注意使用的场合。

2) 反义义场

反义义场主要包含互补反义义场、相对反义义场和逆反反义义场三种类型。互补反义义场是真正反映意义对立的反义词形式, 例如:dead—alive, present—absent, true—false, male—female, single—married;相对反义词好像标尺的两极, 标尺的中间则可以加入不同程度的词语, 例如:big—small, poor—rich, hot—cold, beautiful—ugly, old—young等, 在big—small之间可以加上如very big, quite big, medium, very small, quite small等词语;逆反反义词反映两个词之间的一种社会关系, 学到一方会立刻联系到另一方, 例如:father—mother, daughter—son, trainer—trainee等。

3) 上下义义场

上义词指的是那些意义较为概括的词, 下义词则是其中意义较为具体的词, 上义词的词义包括下义词的词义。学习flower这个词时, 可以联想它的下义词rose, tulip, peony, lily, daffodil, carnation, chrysanthemum等单词, 通过上义词的学习联系到下义词, 从而快速扩大了学生的词汇量。

4) 整体与部分义场

前后形成衔接关系的词语在语义上具有整体与部分之间的关系, 通常是表整体的词语在前, 表部分的词语在后, 前后词语呈一种总述与分说的关系, 如:week中Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday等。

3 纵聚合关系策略

在记忆单词时, 不能孤立地去记忆一个单词, 而是应该为单词找到彼此之间的联系。教师可以指导学生从词汇的纵聚合关系方面展开联想, 找到新单词的认知支点, 从而促进单词与单词之间的联系, 这样能够促进学生对单词的记忆。纵聚合关系的联想主要包含以下四个方面:

1) 近义联想

我们教授一个单词时, 要有意识地引导学生联想这个单词的近义词。例如学习glance这个词时, 要引导学生把和“看”有关的单词罗列出来:look强调动作, 打量;see强调看到的结果, 看见, 理解;stare凝视;glimpse瞥一眼;watch观看 (精力集中) ;observe仔细观察;view观察观看;gaze:表示惊讶, 喜悦, 好奇, 感兴趣时目不转睛的看;glare羡慕, 恐惧而用的恐吓, 凶狠, 愤怒的眼光看;peek:这个也很好记, 是指偷看, 通过孔隙窥视的看;peep:窥看, 偷窥;gawk:发呆地看着;gaze凝视 (带有心旷神怡之意) ;gape目瞪口呆地看。通过近义联想, 单词与单词之间可以找到语义关联, 并可以帮助学生解决近义词辨析这个难题。

2) 反义联想

教师可以引导学生在学到一个新词的时候多考虑一下它的反义词形式。比如在学employ时, 可以引申出它的反义词fire, dismiss, lay off, make redundant, downsize等;学到full-time要联系到part-time;学到maximum要知道minimum, 并且可以和数学上最大值和最小值联系到一起, 很多学生对这两个词立刻就记忆犹新。反义对比可以让学生对所学词汇进行深层次加工, 平时在口语和写作中加以强化训练, 学生很快在表达中能够运用自如, 为英语语言的使用增加色彩。

3) 同音异义词联想

(1) 同音异义词






(2) 完全同音同形异义词

Bear熊, 忍耐

Pupil瞳孔, 小学生

Ear穗, 耳朵

Fast快的, 斋戒

Ball球, 舞会

(3) 同形异义词






4) 一词多义联想

一词多义是指一个词具有两个或者更多义项。其中一个是本义, 其余是引申义。本义是指词汇的原义, 一般来说是具体的, 人类最初认知的意义。引申义是从原义派生出的词义, 和原义有密切联系, 一般以隐喻的形式出现。例如英语单词“head”这个词的原义是“头”, 但它有以下多个引申义:

(1) top of anything:the head of a walking stick;

(2) the highest or uppermost part of a thing:~of a bed;

(3) a leader:a head of state; (4) the head of coin;

(5) the source of a stream, spring:the head of the river;

(6) the hydraulic sense:fifty meters head of waters;

(7) promontory: (海角) ;

(8) an army force, a troop;

(9) a unit of counting:ten head of cattle

(10) a person or individual:quick lunches at 5$a head;

(11) the main points (要点) :the heads of the discourse;

(12) mental power (才智) :use your head

在学习一词多义时, 教师要把单词的本义阐释清楚, 再加以引导, 让学生一步步推出单词的引申义。在讲授“bird flu”这个词组时, 很多同学很难理解为什么它的意思是“禽流感”。因为家禽是“poultry”。其实, 这主要是bird这个词在古英语中泛指张两条腿的禽类, 后来逐渐语义缩小, 在现代英语中只指鸟类。

英语词汇教学一直是困扰英语教育工作者的头等大事, 也是学生学习中的重点难点。英语词汇学作为一门新兴学科在教学中得到越来越多的英语教育者的青睐, 在英语词汇学理论的指导下, 词汇的学习会更加科学、更加系统, 也将为英语学习者打下坚实的语言基础。


[1]李金屏.大学英语词汇教学与研究[M].北京:知识产权出版社, 2014.

[2]何庆元.词义聚合关系在词汇教学中的应用[J].北京第二外国语学院学报, 2012 (10) .

[3]汪榕培.英语词汇学高级教程[M].上海外语教育出版社, 2002.

3.模块十重点词汇讲解 篇三

1. switch

【分析】switch v. & n. 转换,转变

常见搭配为:switch…to…把……转换为……;switch on 打开;switch off关掉

When you leave the classroom, switch off the lights. 离开教室时,把灯关掉。

The computer will be switched on at the time you want. 电脑将在你希望的时间开启。

The manager switched the location of the company to Shanghai. 经理把公司的位置转到了上海。

2. similarly

【分析】similarly adv. 同样地

Li Ming likes football very much. Similarly, his brother loves football as well.

【拓展】similar adj. 相似的;类似的

常用结构:①be similar to与……相似。如:

His views on examination are similar to mine. 他的考试观点与我的相似。

②be similar in 在……方面相似

Our houses are similar only in style. 我们的房子仅仅是风格类似。

similarity n. 相似;相似之处

3. submit


【分析】submit vi. 服从,顺从,听任 vt. 递交,主张,认为

We’ll submit ourselves to the government’s arrangement. 我们将服从政府的安排。

I submit that the plan will not work in this case. 我认为假如这样的话这个计划不起作用。

【拓展】submit to 服从,顺从,听任

Should a wife submit to her husband? 妻子应该顺从她的丈夫吗?

4. order

【分析】order n. 秩序

The students went into the hall in order. 学生们有秩序地进入大厅。

【拓展】out of order 出故障

His computer is always out of order. 他的电脑老是出故障。

keep order 维持秩序

Several policemen are keeping order in the street. 几个警察正在街上维持秩序。

give/place an order 订购

They placed an order for lots of modern equipment. 他们订购了许多现代化设备。

5. smoothly

【分析】smoothly adv. 平稳地;顺利地;平滑地

To their joy, all the things go on smoothly. 使他们高兴的是,所有的事情进展顺利。

To tell the truth, this meeting was held smoothly. 实话告诉你,这次会议是顺利进行的。

【拓展】①adj. 光滑的;平静的;平坦的

The cloth feels smooth. 这布摸起来很光滑。

Our path in life will not always be smooth. 我们的生活道路不会总是一帆风顺的。

②vt. 使光滑

The gardener smoothed the soil in a flower bed. 园丁平整了花坛的泥土。

③smooth sth. away 轻易地摆脱或消除(尤指问题、困难等)

We’ll smooth away any difficulties when we reach them. 我们碰到任何困难都能顺利克服。

④smooth sth. over使(问题等)缓解

It will be difficult for you to smooth over your differences after so many years. 经过了这么多年, 你想消除你们之间的分歧谈何容易。

6. claim



They claimed the reward. 他们要求得到奖赏。

②vt. 声称……,断言

He claimed to have seen the film Mona Lisa.

= He claimed he had seen the film Mona Lisa. 他声称看过《蒙娜丽莎》那部电影。


The earthquake claimed thousands of lives. 地震夺去了成千上万的人的生命。

【拓展】n. a claim for/on/to… 对……要求

The boss found a claim for damages. 老板发现了一个赔偿损害的要求。

7. accuracy

【分析】accuracy n. 意为:“精确, 准确”(尤指用心的结果) 如:

My brother never doubted the accuracy of the information that I gave him. 我哥哥从来没有怀疑过我给他信息的准确性。

It is impossible to say with any (degree of) accuracy how many are affected.


【拓展】accurate adj. 精确的

Can you give me an accurate answer to the question? 你能给我这个问题的精确的答案吗?

Smiling Lowers Your Blood Pressure

8. addictive

【分析】addictive adj. 使人上瘾的

As is known to all, alcohol and tobacco are both addictive substances. 众所周知,酒和烟都是容易上瘾的东西。

【拓展】addicted adj. 上瘾的

be addicted to 沉溺于,醉心于

At one time he becmae addicted to drugs. 过去他沉迷于毒品。

The man addicted himself to cigrarettes. 这个人曾对吸烟上瘾。

My son is hopelessly addicted to televison. 我儿子都成电视迷了,简直是无可救药了。

addiction n. 成瘾,入迷

Her addiction to alcohol ruined her life. 她的酒瘾毁了她的一生。

Some weight problems are caused by an addicition to sugar and fat. 有些肥胖问题是由于太爱吃糖和脂肪含量高的食物引起的。

Part Two 词组专讲

9. apply to

【分析】apply to 应用,适用

The form is for UK citizens—it doesn’t apply to you. 这份表格是为英国公民制订的,与你无关。

【拓展】apply for 申请

I’ve applied to the school for the position. 我已向学校申请这个职位了。

apply v. & n. 涂,敷

Apply some medicine to your wound. 在伤口上涂点药。

If you apply pressure to a cut, it’s meant to stop the bleeding. 按住伤口,可止血。

10. without doubt

【分析】without/beyond doubt毫无疑问

Without doubt Chinese athletes tried their best at the Games. 在运动会上中国队员毫无疑问尽了全力。

【拓展】no doubt 没有疑问

Please dismiss all doubts about it. 请去掉所有的怀疑。

doubt v. 怀疑

We don’t doubt that he can do a good job of it. 我们不怀疑他能做好那项工作。

I doubt whether/if it is true. 我怀疑是否是真的。

11. put pressure on

【分析】put pressure on 给……施加压力

The rising number of accidents will put pressure on the government. 事故数量的增加会给政府带来压力。

Passenger complaints put great pressure on the bus company to improve their services. 乘客投诉迫使公共汽车公司改进其服务。

【拓展】under the pressure of 在……的压力下

Tom used to live in the country so he is not used to the pressure of city life. 汤姆过去生活在乡下因此不习惯城市生活的压力。

The boy told us everything under the pressure of the teacher. 在老师的压力下,男孩告诉我们一切。

pressure v. 对……施加压力;迫使

The father pressured the son into carrying the books upstairs. 父亲强迫儿子往楼上搬书。

12. take advantage of

【分析】take advantage of 利用

If you know how to take advantage of life, one life time is long enough. 如果你懂得如何利用生命,那么一生的时间是够长的了。

Don’t lend them the car—they are taking advantage of you. 不要把汽车借给他们——他们在利用你。

【拓展】have the advantage of 有……的优势

He had the advantage of a good education. 他具有受过良好教育的有利条件。

have advantage over 比……有优势

Don’t worry. You have advantage over the others. 不要担心,你比他人有优势。

To one’s advantage 对某人有利

It would be to your advantage to attend this meeting. 参加这次会议对你有利。


13. in large numbers

【分析】in large numbers 大量地,相当于in large quantities.

They bought fruits and vegetables in large numbers. 他们大量地购买水果和蔬菜。

【拓展】a great/large number of许多;若干用来修饰可数名词。谓语用复数。

He has published a great number of short stories and poems in the newspapers. 他已经在报纸上发表了许多短篇故事和诗歌。

the number of +名词,的数目谓语用单数。

The number of the students in our school is larger than that in his. 我们学校的学生数比他的学校多。

14. account for

【分析】account for导致,做出解释

The heavy fog accounted for the delay of the first bus. 大雾导致了第一班车的延误。

How did the team account for their delay of the match? 这个队是怎么对比赛的延误做出解释的?

【拓展】account n.,账目,账户,叙述,说明 v. 认为,说明

She gave the police a full account of the incident. 她把事件向警察作了详细叙述。

Yesterday I opened an account in the Bank of China. 昨天我在中国银行开了账户。

Mr. Wang can be accounted a good teacher in our school. 王老师被认为是我校的一位好老师。

15. on top of

【分析】on top of除了

On top of money, they were provided other rewards. 除了钱,他们还得到了其他奖赏。

He gave me many books on top of the dictionary. 除了词典,他还给了我许多书。


 in addition另外;加之

 apart from, besides的意思也是“除了”。

Mary has two cars apart from a motorboat. 马丽有两辆汽车外加一艘机动船。

Grandmother gave us a lot of apples for our picnic and a bag of chocolates in addition. 奶奶给了我们许多苹果野炊还有一包巧克力。

Apart from/In addition to/On top of flowers, Lao Li also gave some food. 除了鲜花,老李还给了我们一些食物。

16. make use of

【分析】make use of 利用……

Our teachers often advise us students to make good/full use of our time. 我们的老师经常劝我们学生要很好/充分利用时间。

Your spare time must be made better use of to study your lessons. 你必须更好地利用宽余时间学习功课。

The teacher advised his students to make better use of their precious time. 老师劝告同学们要更好地利用他们的宝贵时间。

Farmers should make full use of good weather in the harvest time. 在收获季节,农民们要充分利用好天气。

17. be faced with

【分析】Be faced with 面对;面临

They are faced with many difficulties on the way to success. 在成功的道路上他们面临许多困难。

Faced with a difficult problem, I was very unhappy.

=Facing a difficult problem, I was very unhappy. 面临一个难题,我很不高兴。

【拓展】face to face (常与with连用) 面对面地

The manager interviewed me face to face. 经理面对面地对我进行了面试。

Our school and the hospital stand face to face across the street. 我们学校和医院隔街相望。

I have heard of him a lot but I have never met him face to face. 我听说过他不少但是从来没有面对面地见过。


1. This kind of disease is very serious, 75% of the people fell ill in this area.

A.accounted for

B.accounting with

C.accounting for

D.accounting of

2. He planned the government financial help in order to expand his chemical works.

A.to apply to; for

B.applying to; for

C.to apply for; to

D.applying for; to

3. Tom’s car is similar mine that they are both red.

A.to; to

B.in; in

C.in; to

D.to; in

4. As is known to all, smokers are likely to become to nicotine.





5. The young lady immediately doubted the of her husband’s statement.





6. After the earthquake, every thing on the island was not .

A.in the place

B.in order

C.in a mess

D.out of order

7. Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. , our minds are developed by learning.





8. The scientists are now trying to discover what use could be such material.

A.made out

B.made up

C.made of

D.made from

9. with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.

A.To face

B.Having faced



10. The president said the relation between the two countries had progressed with fruitful cooperation in some fields.






DCCAB 10—6 BBDAC 5—1

4.词汇学词汇讲解 篇四

call back召唤某人回来;再访;回电话

call for需要,要求,接(人或物)

call in邀请;请来

call on拜访(人)

call at拜访(某地)

1、distinguish vi&vt.显示……的差别;使……有所不同;辨别

I can distinguish them at a distance.从远处我就能认出他们。

She distinguished herself as a black lawyer.她成了一位杰出的黑人律师。


distinguish A fromB辨别A与B

distinguish between...and...辨别……和……

be distinguished by以……为特征

be distinguished for因……而著称

distinguish oneself显扬自己;使自己扬名

用法点拨: distinguish常用于否定句,且常与can或could连用。tell也可以表示“辨认,辨别”,常与can或could连用,主要用于否定句或疑问句中。



①Can you distinguish_______ those two objects?

②Speech distinguishes human beings ______ the animals.③The Chinese nation is distinguished ________ its diligence and courage.答案:①between②from③for


④It is not easy to________ cultured pearls from genuine pearls.A.distinguishB.separate



2.bear vt.(bore,borne)忍受;忍耐;负担

(1)bear doing/n./to do忍受……

bear sb./sb.’s doing sth.忍受某人做某事

(2)bear sb./sth.out证实;为……作证

bear with sb./sth.耐心对待;容忍

bear sth.in mind牢记

3.associate vt.联想,联系 n. 同伴,伙伴

(1)associate sb./sth.with sb./sth.把……和……联系在一起;由……联想到……

be associated with...和……有关

associate with sb.与某人交往或常打交道

associate oneself with sth.声称或表示自己赞同某事物

(2)association n.联合;联想;交往;协会;团体

in association with...与……合伙/合作

4.convenient adj.便利的;方便的;就近的Please come whenever it is convenient to you.方便的时候,请随时来。

Living in a big city is convenient.住在大城市是方便的。

Will it be convenient for you to come in the morning?



be convenient to/for sb.对某人方便

It is convenient to do sth.做某事方便

if it suits a person’s convenience如果对某人方便

at your convenience在你方便的时候

for the convenience of sb.为了某人方便




When is it ______ _______ you?


Our house is very ______ ______ the shops.答案:①convenient for/to②convenient for


③Our new house is very ______ for me as I can get to the office in five minutes.A.adaptableB.comfortable


解析:选C。由in five minutes可以看出此处为“便利的,方便的”。故选C。

5.bear vt.忍受;忍耐;负担

Mrs.Ann Bader bears all expenses.安妮·巴德太太承担一切费用。

He could not bear that his friends should laugh at him.他不能忍受朋友们竟然嘲笑他。


bear...in mind记住……

bear with sb./sth.耐心对待,容忍某人/某物

bear doing/sth./to do忍受……

bear sb.’s doing sth.忍受某人做的某事

温馨提示:bear表示“忍受”其后可跟doing sth.表示习惯性动作,也可跟to do sth.表示某一次具体动作,且多与 can, could及be able to连用,用于疑问句或否定句中。作“生产,生育”讲时,有两种过去分词形式:指“出生,出自”时用born,且仅用于被动形式;表示“生育”时用 borne。常见近义词:endure,tolerate,stand等。




______ _____ _____ that you’ll have to practice economy.②她受不了他的暴脾气。

She could not ______ _______ his violent temper.答案:①Bear in mind②bear with


③I don’t think our relationship could _______ the strain of her mother visiting for a month.A.bearB.tellC.put upD.hold

解析:选A。bear承受,符合句意。tell区别,告诉;put up 举起,张贴;hold持有。

4.call up给……打电话


call back召回;回电话;收回处理

call on/at拜访(on后跟人;at后跟地点名词)

call for要求,提倡,为……叫喊

call forth使产生;引起;使起作用

call out出动,唤起,大声叫唤

call in召集,召来,来访

call off取消或延期




I think we’d better ______ ______ the statement.②我很冒昧这么晚来拜访你。

I have made bold to ______ ______you at such a late hour.③这张旧照片让我想起了我的童年。

The old photo ______ _______memories of my childhood.④困境能使一个人产生最好的品格。

A difficult situation can ______ ______a person’s best qualities.答案:①call back②call on③calls up④call forth

5.get through设法联系上(尤指打通电话);(设法)做完;通过(考试);耗尽,用完;使理解明白


get(sth.)across(to sb.)(使某事)传播或为某人理解

get ahead(of sb.)领先(于某人)

get on/along with sb./sth.与某人和睦相处,某事取得进展

get away逃离或摆脱

get over sth.= overcome克服;战胜

get down to sth./doing sth.开始做某事;重视某事物,认真处理某事

get off动身;免于受罚



①她与她的同学们相处的很好。She______ ______ ______her classmates very well.②他们吃过午饭马上就动身了。They_______ _______ immediately after lunch.③他加快速度,想要超越其他人。He speeded up to ______ _______ ______ others.答案:①gets along with②got off③get ahead of

6.set about sth./doing sth.(不用于被动语态)开始(某工作); 着手做某事


set sth.aside将某事物放在一边;(为某目的)节省或保留(钱或时间)

set sth.down将某事物记下来

set out出发;开始做;安排;摆放

set off开始(旅行、赛跑等);动身;爆炸

set up建立,竖立




The new government must _____ ______ finding solutions to the country’s economic problems.②他开始着手粉刷整幢房子,可是只完成了前面的部分。

He _______ _______ to paint the whole house but finished only the front part.③他们出发寻找失踪的孩子。

They _______ _______in search of the lost child.答案:①set about②set out③set off

7.The first thing I did was to see if there were any products that might help me, but there only seemed to be powders designed to kill snakes.(P20)


在there be结构中,be的人称与数应遵循就近一致原则。

there be常见的形式有:there seems to be.../there happens to be.../there used to be.../there seems(to be)……

There was a bucket of water and two chairs in the corner of the house.在房子的角落里有一桶水和两把椅子。

There are two chairs and a bucket of water in the corner of the house.在房子的角落里有两把椅子和一桶水。




The child seems _____ ______healthy, but the doctor is concerned.②这件事在我看来很有趣。

It seems to me ______ there’s something funny about the case.③看起来他不会来了。

There doesn’t seem _____ ______ much hope that he’ll come.答案:①to be②that③to be



①sth./sb.seem(to be)+adj./n.好像②It seems that...似乎,好像……

③It seems to sb.that...在某人看来好像……

④It seems as if/as though...看起来好像(后可接虚拟语气,也可接表真实的表语从句。)⑤There seems(to be)…… 好象……

It seems as if it were going to rain.看起来好像要下雨了。(天气好得很,不会下雨。)

It seems as if it is going to rain.看起来好像要下雨了。(真的快要下雨了。)

8.Between the outside and the inside walls of the bowl there is some jelly, which freezes when cooled.(P20)


when cooled的构成:连词+过去分词,相当于when 引导的状语从句when it is cooled。如果when/while引导的时间状语从句中的主语与主句的主语相同,常可用when/while + 现在分词短语或者过去分词短语的结构来代替。

When offered help, you should say “thank you” or “it’s very kind of you”.=When you are offered help, you should say “thank you” or “it’s very kind of you”.You must be careful when crossing the street.=You must be careful when you cross the street.Seen from the hill, the city is beautiful.=If/When the city is seen from the hill, the city is beautiful.④Seeing from the hill, you call see that the whole city is beautiful.=If/When you see from the hill, you can see that the whole city is beautiful.【即学即练】


①Once _______(publish), this novel will be very popular!

5.GRE词汇2种记忆方法思路讲解 篇五




英语单词的书写与读音之间虽然存在着一些差距,但它毕竟属于拼音文字,所以说也是有一定规律可循的。如果掌握好读音规则,就会减少记忆单词的困难,提高记忆效果。例如:book,look,cook中都有 “oo”,并且都读[U],剩下的辅音字母与读音也差别不大,通过分析许多类似的单词,就会很容易地被记住。再如: hight,light,right,fight,might,sight,tight等,其规则和规律也是很明显的,在学习过程中一定要善于发现和总结。





(3)词缀法在英语构词法中是最常用的,不同的词缀有不同的含义。前缀是可以改变词义的,如in-,im-,un-,dis-等表示否定含义。如impolite(没有礼貌),unable(不能),discourage(泄气),inability(无能,无力),inconvenient(不方便的)等;re-表示重复含义,如 rewrite(重写),retell(复述),recreate(重建)等。后缀是可以改变词性的,如 careful,valuable,friendly等词中,-ful,-able,-ly可把名词或动词转变为形容词,而基本意思不变,-ly加在形容词后可将此形容词转变成副词,如careful-carefully,slow-slowly,quick-quickly等,这都是有规律可循的。掌握了规律,记忆单词也就不难了。



react/ ri5Akt,ri:5Akt / vi.1.反应,作出反应 2.(against)反对,反动,反其道而行 3.(with)起化学反应4.(on,upon)影响,起作用

reactant / ri:5AktEnt/ n.反应物

reaction/ ri5AkfEn / n.1.反应,反作用2.(against)反动,对抗

reactionary / ri(:)5AkFEnEri /a.反作用的, 反动的


reactivate / ri5Aktiveit / v.(使)恢复活动

reactor / ri(:)5AktE / n.反应堆

reap/ ri:p / vt.1.收割,收获2.获得,得到

reaper / ri:pE/ n.收割者, 收割机

reassure/ 7ri:E5FuE / vt.使放心

rebel/ 5rebEl / n.反叛分子,反对者

/ ri5bEl / vi.1.反叛,造反 2.反对,不服从

rebellion/ ri5beljEn / n.反叛,反抗

rebellious / ri5beljEs / a.造反的, 反叛的, 反抗的, 难于对付的

belligerent / bi5lidVErEnt /a. 1.好战的,交战的2.参战的,交战的


bel来自拉丁文bellum =war 。

bellicose/ 5belE7kEus /a.好战的, 好斗的,好争辩的

belligerent / bi5lidVErEnt /a.好战的, 交战国的, 交战的

recall/ ri5kR:l / vt.1.回忆起,回想起2.召回,叫回3.收回,撤消


recede/ ri5si:d / vi.1.退,退去,渐渐远去2.向后倾斜,缩进

recess/ ri5ses / n.1.(工作等)暂停,休息,休庭 2.课间休息 3.凹处,凹室,壁龛 4.[常pl.]深处,幽深处,隐秘处


recession/ ri5seFEn / n.1.(经济的)衰退,衰退期 2.撤回,退回

recessive / ri5sesiv/ a.退行的, 逆行的, [遗]隐性遗传的


cede,ceed,cess来自拉丁文cedere =to go,walk,to yield 及其过去分词cessus。

access/ Ak5ses/n.1.通道,途径,入口 2.接近,进入 3.接近(或进入、享用)的机会


accessible / Ek5sesEbl /a.易接近的, 可到达的, 易受影响的, 可理解的

antecede / 7Anti5si:d /v.先行,居前,居先

antecedent / 7Anti5si:dEnt /n.1.前事,前情 2.祖先,先人 3.先行词,先行语


antecedence / AntI5si:dEns / n.先行, 先前, 居先, 优先

anterior / An5tiEriE /a.前面的, 在前的, 较早的, 以前的

cede / si:d /v.割让,让给,转让

cession / 5seFEn / n.(尤指战争结束后领土或权利的)割让

accede / Ak5si:d /v.1.同意(请求、建议等) 2.就任,就职,(尤指君主)登基

concede/ kEn5si:d / vt.1.(不情愿地)承认,承认…为真(或正确)(在结果确定前)承认失败3.允许,让予


concession/ kEn5seFEn /n.1.让步,妥协2.特许,特许权3.承认,认可

exceed/ ik5si:d / vt.超过,越出

exceeding / ik5si:diN /a.非常的, 极度的, 胜过的, 过度的

exceedingly / Ik5si:dINlI /ad.非常地, 极度地

excess/ ik5ses, 5ekses /n.1.过量,过度,无节制 2.超越,超过

a. 过量的,额外的,附加的

excessive/ ik5sesiv /a.过多的,过分的,过度的


intercede / 7intE(:)5si:d /v.(为某人)说情,(向某人)求情

intercession / 7intE5seFEn /n.代为求情, 代祷, 调解

intercessor / 7intE5sesE /n.仲裁者, 调解人

precede / pri(:)si:d /vt.在…之前,先于

preceding / pri(:)5si:diN / a.在先的,在前的,前面的

precedence / 5presIdEns /n.优先, 优先权

precedent / 5presidEnt /n.1.先例,范例,判例2.惯例

unprecedented / Qn5presidEntid / a.空前的,前所未有的,没有先例的

procedure / prE5si:dVE /n.程序,手续,步骤

proceedings / prE5si:diNz /n.1.进程,过程,议程 2.诉讼,诉讼过程 3,会议录,公报

proceed / prE5si:d / vi.1.进行,继续下去2.(沿特定路线)行进,(朝特定方向)前进

proceeds / prEJsi:dz / n.收益,收入

process / 5prRses,5prEuses / n.1.过程,进程2.工序,制作法3.(法律)程序,(诉讼)手续


procession / prE5seFEn /n.队伍,行列

processor / 5prEusesE /n. 1.处理机,处理器2.加工者,制造者

secede / si5si:d/ vi.正式脱离或退出, 分离

succeed/ sEk5si:d / vi.1.成功2.接着发生3.继承


success/ sEk5ses / n.1.成就,成功2.成功的事物,取得成就的人

succession/ sEk5sekFEn /n.1.连续,接续2.一连串,一系列 3.接替,继任

successive/ sEk5sesiv /a.接连的,连续的

successful/ sEk5seksful / a.成功的,有成就的

successor/ sEk5sesE /n.接替的人或事物,继任者


recite/ ri5sait / vt.1.背诵,朗诵 2.列举,一一说出


recital /ri5saitl / n.朗诵, 背诵, 叙述, 独奏会, 独唱会

cite来自拉丁文citare=to call。

cite/ sait / vt.1.引用,引证2.传唤,传讯3.表彰,嘉奖

excite/ ik5sait /vt.1.使激动,使兴奋 2.引起,激起

excited / ik5saitid / a.兴奋的

excitable / ik5saitEbl /a.易激动的

excitability / ik7saitE5biliti / n.[物]可激发性, [医]兴奋性

excitement / Ik5saItmEnt /n.刺激, 兴奋, 激动

exciting / ik5saitiN /a.令人兴奋的, 使人激动的

excitant / 5eksitEnt / a.刺激性的, 使兴奋的

n.兴奋剂, 刺激物

incite/ in5sait / vt.煽动,鼓动

solicit/ sE5lisit / vi.勾引,勾搭 2.请求,恳求,企求

vt.1.请求,恳求,企求 2.招揽(生意)

solicitor/ sE5lisitE / n.1.初级律师,事务律师 2.招揽生意者,恳求者

solicitous / sE5lisitEs / a.渴望的,焦虑的,热切期望的

solicitude / sE5lisitju:d / n. 关怀, 牵挂, 热望

resuscitate / ri5sQsiteit / v.(使)复苏, (使)复兴

reclaim/ ri5klem / vt.1.要回,要求归还 2.开垦(荒地),改造 3.回收再利用改造(某人),使(某人)悔过自新

claim,clam来自拉丁文clamare=to cry out。

claim/ kleim / vt.1.声称,断言2.对…提出要求,索取3.(灾难等)使失踪或死亡4.需要,值得


acclaim/ E5kleim / vt.向…欢呼,为…喝彩



declaim / di5kleim / v.演讲, 高声朗读, 慷慨激昂地发表言辞,慷慨陈词

declamation / 7deklE5meiFEn / n.雄辨,高调,慷慨激昂的演讲

disclaim / dis5klem / vt.拒绝承认,否认,声称放弃,弃权

exclaim/ iks5kleim / v.呼喊,惊叫,大声说

exclamation / 7eksklE5meiFEn / n.感叹,感叹语,感叹词

proclaim / prE5kleim / vt.1.宣告,宣布,表明 2.显示

proclamation/ prRklE5meIF(E)n / n.宣言,公告,声明

recognize/ 5rekEgnaiz / vt.1.认出,识别 2.承认,确认,认可 3.赏识,表彰,报偿

recognise/ 5rekEgnaiz /见recognize

recognition/ 7rekEg5niFEn / n.1.认出,识别 2.承认,确认,认可 3.赏识,表彰,报偿

cognis,gnos来自拉丁文cognoscere,gnoscere=to know。

agnostic / A^5nCstik / n.[哲]不可知论者


cognition / kC^5niFEn / n.认识,认知,感知

cognitive/ 5kC^nitiv / a.认识的,认识能力的

cognizable / `kC^nIzEbl / a.可辨识的, 可以审理的

cognizant/ 5kC^nizEnt / a. 1.认识的,已认知的 2.审理的,有审判权的,有管辖权的

cognoscenti/ 7kCnjE5Fenti / (美术品)鉴定家,专家,行家

incognito / in5kC^nitEu / ad.隐名埋姓地,化名地

a.1.隐名埋姓的,化名的 2.化妆出游的,用假名的

diagnose/ 7daiE^5nEuz,5daiE^nEuz / vt.诊断,判断

diagnosis/ 7daiE^5nEusis / n.诊断

ignore/ ig5nR: / vt.不顾,不理,忽视

ignoramus / ignE5reimEs / n.不学无术的人,无知识的人

ignorant / 5i^nErEnt /a.1.(对某事物)不了解的,无知的,愚昧的,无学识的很无礼的,十分不懂规矩的

ignorance/ 5i^nErEns / n.无知,愚昧

prognosis / prC^5nEusis / n.预后,对疾病的发作及结果的预言

6.职称英语考试5个词汇的语法讲解 篇六

2.festival、holiday、vacation的区别:festival“节日”,指喜庆的日子或持续一段时间的文娱活动;holiday(假日、休息日),指法定假日或风俗习惯,复数可以表示一个较长的假期;vacation“假期”,指学习或工作中一段长时间的休息。如:The Shanghai Television Festival will be held next month.(上海电视节将在下个月举行) / Sunday is a holiday and most people do not work.(星期天是个假日,多数人不工作) / What are you going to do during the summer vacation/holidays?(在暑期你打算做什么事情?)

3.journey、tour、trip、travel的区别:journey指在陆地上(或海上或空中)进行的长途旅行,不知终点,含有辛苦的意思;tour指途中作短期逗留的巡回旅行,强调游览多处,常用来指观光等;trip通常指往返定时的短途旅行,如出差度假等;travel多指长期或长途的观光旅行,尤其指到国外,没有明确目的地,也作不可数名词,指旅行这一行为。如:He made up his mind to make the journey to Dunhuang.(他拿定主意要去敦煌旅行)/ He has gone on a walking tour.(他步行观光去了) / He took several trips to Shanghai last yeaar.(去年他去了上海好几次) / Did you go to Santiago(圣地亚哥) during your travels?(旅行期间你去圣地亚哥了吗?) / Travelling through thick forests is dangerous.(在密林里边穿行是很危险的)

4.sound、noise、voice的区别:sound指各种声音;noise主要指“噪音”;voice指人的“嗓音”。如:The noise of the street kept me awake in the night.(街上的喧嚣声让我彻夜难眠) / All of a sudden there was the sound of shots and a cry.(突然间传来几声枪响和一声尖叫) / The singer has lost her ringing voice as a result of a bad cold.(因为感冒的缘故,这个歌唱家失去了她银铃般的嗓音)

5.fish的问题:指许多条鱼且不管种类时,用fish,单复数相同;fishes 指许多种类的鱼;fish指“鱼肉”时是不可数名词。如:There are many kinds of fishes in the pool. (池子里有很多种类的鱼)/ I prefer fish to meat.(与肉相比我更喜欢鱼)










7.词汇学词汇讲解 篇七

首先我们来看看字典Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary的解释:Word:a speech sound or seriesofspeechsoundsthatsymbolizesand communicates a meaning without being divisible into smaller units capable of independent use;———a written or printed character or combination of characters representing a spoken word。

从解释中我们可以得出, 词是最小的能够独立运用的表意单位。词义可以通过发音和拼写两种形式来表达。词汇是所有单词的总称, 词汇是语言的基本材料, 没有词汇就没有语言, 但词汇“不仅仅指传统意义上的单个的词与习语, 还包括可借助语言规则自由组合的单词, 不能用规则解释的固定短语和各种类型的多词结构”。另外, 英语与汉语属于截然不同的两个语系, 发音、拼写方面的多变性及词汇的不同文化内涵等都是学习英语词汇不能忽视的。因此正确理解词汇概念, 加强对词汇教学的认识是提高词汇教学效果的重要保证。本文拟从以下三个方面来探讨词汇教学。


英语的发音规则比较复杂。第一, 单词中拼写相同的部分发音可能不同, 如:coughplough中的“ough”。第二, 不同的拼写组合发音却可能相同, 如:monitorrecorderscholar中的“or”, “er”和“ar”, 单词roleroll。第三, 拼写相同的单词重音位置不同意义也不同, 如:present (a.) present (v.) 。第四, 英语的音变现象很多, 如连读、吞音、同化、弱读、缩读等。因此, 不少学生常常会遇到这样或那样的发音困难。

不正确的发音一方面可能会导致听者的误解。另一方面, 不正确的发音常常会打击学生说英语的勇气, 这也许是造成“哑巴英语”的一个不可忽视的原因。要使一个词能在口语中正确地使用和理解, 发音是词汇教学时不可忽视的一部分。值得指出的是教发音不只是教给学生如何读某个单词, 更重要的是教给学生认识发音的基本规则, 了解必要的语音语调知识。


这里所说的“词形”不仅指词的拼写, 还包括词的构成方法及短语的结构。英语单词的构成方法主要有词缀法、合成法、缩略法、拼缀法等。如果学生熟悉词的构成法, 就能比较准确地猜测词义, 从而扩大词汇量。教师应该教给学生如何认识构词规则, 如:当推测modernize/centralize/symbolize, 这组词的意义时学生应该认识到相同的后缀-ize的意思是“cause to be;make like”。合成法是指两个或两个以上的词连在一起构成新的单词。教师应鼓励学生自己解决像fireplace, up-to-date等词的意义。缩略法是将现有的单词缩短的方法, 如memo←memorandum, zoo←zoological garden, IOC←International Olympic Committee。学生应该了解不同的缩略方法及文体色彩。拼缀词则由两个词各取一部分拼成, 如:smog←smoke+fog, comsat←communications+satellite.另外, 对短语的结构也应该适时加以分析和比较, 如一些动词短语、短语动词、成对词 (如safe and sound) 等。总之, 词的构成表面上展示词的形态结构, 同时又传达了词的意义。所以, 有关词的构成知识对理解和记忆单词有很大的帮助。


1. 字面意义和隐含意义

词义有字面意义和隐含意义。前者指词的指示意义, 即词的所指;后者包括词的感情意义 (词义中的态度和情感因素) 、搭配意义 (可以常常在一起使用的词) 、文体意义 (词的不同语言形式, 如俚语、口语等) 和不同的风格 (如幽默、讽刺等) 。词义教学既要注重表面意义又要重视隐含意义, 这样有利于帮助学生加深对词义的理解并正确地使用这个词, 但是讲解一个词时并非每一种意义都要涉及到。如单词“hand”在词典中有几种意义:

(1) Give me a good hand. (applause by clapping, )

(2) The hour hand of watch. (pointer or indicator on the dial of a watch, 指针)

(3) On the one hand———on the other hand——— (position or direction, 方面)

(4) Set one's hand to a document (signature, 签名)

上面的例子中名词“hand”一词有几个不同的意义, 其词义可由具有相似或相同指示意义的词解释, 但它们的搭配意义却不相同。如 (2) 、 (3) 、 (4) 中的hand就不能分别替换为pointer, position, signature。另外1) 和4) 中hand的文体意义不同, 前者是口语, 后者是正式语体。这就意味着讲解英语词汇不能只告诉学生它的汉语意义, 也不能只简单说说它的英文解释, 应把它放在上下文里, 分析和了解词与词之间的关系, 从而获得准确的词义, 加强语言使用的得体性。根据词的多层面意义我们不难意识到在上下文中意义完全相同的词并不多, 因此我们平常所谈的同义词实际上是相对而言。如:lift和elevator, 虽然都可作“电梯”, 但前者美语常用, 而后者常用于英语;又如, 描述体重不同的两个人可能使用不同的词slim和skinny, 如.I wish I was as slim as Jim.和God, I'm glad I'm not skinny like that。因为他们的感觉不同, 前者持肯定态度, 后者持否定态度。处理这类词时上下文是最好的依据。

2. 中心意义和次要意义

一个词常常有多种意义, 这些意义可分为中心意义和次要意义。中心意义和次要意义就像轴心和辐条, 是紧密相连的。再以“hand”一词为例, 其中心意义是“part of the human arm beyond the wrist”, 其他意义即次要意义:

(1) power, possession, responsibility:e.g.change hands

(2) person from whom news, etc., comes:e.g.at second hand

(3) person who does what is indicated by the context;performer:e.g.a new hand.

(4) pointer or indicator on the dial of watch, clock or other instruments:e.g.the hour/minute hand.

(5) signature:e.g.set one's hand to a document

次要意义常常通过不同方式从中心意义发展而来, 如概括、比喻、替代、提喻、抽象、具体等。上面的例子中 (1) 是抽象而得; (2) (3) 中的hand用作提喻; (4) 中hand用来比喻两件事物的相同特征, (5) 是个替代的例子, 替代‘signature’。如果教师能适时将这些关系展示给学生, 将会激发学生的想象力。讲词汇时并非所有的次要意义都要与主要意义一起展示给学生, 要依具体情况而定。上面的例子中 (2) (3) 便可以同时讲解, 因为它们都用来指人, 并且和汉语中“手”的用法有相同之处, 如“第二手材料”、“养猪能手”、“缺少人手”等。而 (1) (4) (5) 如果同时给出可能就会影响学生的记忆, 虽然它们都是从“hand”演变而来但它们与中心意义的关系不太紧密。

总之, 掌握词汇的语音、词形及意义应该是一个统一的过程。词汇教学要三者结合进行, 同时要把词汇教学融入各项教学中, 把词汇知识和实际应用结合起来, 积极发挥教师在学生学习词汇过程中的重要指导作用, 帮助学生更准确更灵活地理解和使用词汇。


[1]何芳.由英语谚语浅析西方文化.文史博览, 2005 (20) .

[2]章沁.浅谈英语教学中的文化导入.浙江师范大学学报, 1997 (4) .

8.模块八重点词汇复习讲解 篇八

1. received


His invention was well received by the scientists. 他的发明得到了科学家的认可。

【拓展】receive 用作动词,意思是“收到;接收/受;接待”。

His sister received a good education in Japan. 他姐姐在日本受到了良好的教育。

be warmly received 受到热情接待

We were warmly received by the mayor of the city. 我们受到了市长的热情接待。

2. wisdom


As I looked back upon those years, I am struck by Annie’s wisdom. 当我回顾这些年的时候,我被安妮的才智所吸引。

These books are full of the wisdom of the ancients. 这些书中满是古人的名言。

The professor is said to be one of the best wisdoms of our nation. 据说这位教授是我国最好的贤人之一。

【拓展】wise 用作形容词,意思是“明智的;聪明的;有见识的”。

Lincoln was a wise and warmhearted leader. 林肯是个英明的热心的领导。

He made a wise decision not to attack the enemy at that time. 他作出了明智的决定那时不攻打敌人。

It is wise to do such a thing at the moment. 此刻做这样的事是明智的。

3. bargain

【分析】bargain 作名词,意为“便宜货,划算的买卖,讨价还价”。

Today we have got a real bargain. 我们今天真正买到了一个便宜货。

Finally they made a bargain on six dollars a pound over the beef. 最终他们以六美圆一磅的牛肉做成了一个划算的买卖。

【拓展】bargain vt. 经过讨价还价促使vi. 讨价还价

At last they bargained the price of the radio down. 最终他们讨价还价使得收音机价格降下来了。

Jim is used to bargaining with the seller for the vegetables. Jim习惯于跟卖菜人讨价还价.

4. dip


He went on writing after dipping his pen into the ink. 他把钢笔在墨水中蘸以后继续写。

【拓展】dip vt. 伸进

The boy dipped his hand into the pocket to take something to eat. 小男孩把手伸进口袋里去拿吃的东西。

It is too cold, so you should not dip your hand into the water. 天太冷,你不应该把手伸进水里.

dip vi.浸泡

Jeff dipped a few minutes in the water to cool himself off. 杰夫在水里浸泡了几分钟来使自己凉爽。

dip into浏览

I’d like to dip into some the detective stories whenever I am tired. 我疲劳的时候喜欢浏览侦破故事。

5. terrify

【分析】terrify v. 意思是“恐吓;使感到恐怖”。

What he did at the meeting terrified everyone. 他在会上的举动吓了大家一跳。

The ghost story terrified the children. 这个鬼故事使得孩子们恐怖。


terrified 用作形容词,意思是“感到恐怖的,感到害怕的”。

The little girl was terrified of snakes. 这个女孩怕蛇。

She tried to hold back her tears, terrified of crying out. 害怕哭出声来,她拼命忍住眼泪。

terrifying 用作形容词,意思是“令人恐怖的,可怕的”。

His travel in Africa is a terrifying experience. 他的非洲之行是一次可怕的经历。

6. direct

【分析】direct v. 指挥,导演

Do you know who directed the play? 你知道这出戏是谁导演的?

Can you direct me to the station? 你能告诉我去车站怎么走吗?


There’s a direct train to Shanghai tonight. 今晚有一列直达上海的火车。

Would you please give me a direct answer? 请给我一个直截了当的回答好吗?


She drove directly to school. 她立即开车去学校。

A new manager has been appointed to direct the project. 一个新经理已经被任命来管理这个项目。

The accident was a direct result of carelessness. 事故是由于疏忽造成的直接后果。

7. interrupt


Don’t interrupt him while he is doing homework. 他在做作业时,不要打扰他。

To their disappointment, the traffic was interrupted by the floods. 使得他们失望的是,大雾阻断了交通。

【拓展】辨析:disturb, bother, interrupt

Disturb指人心、睡眠、安静等被“打扰,扰乱”。Bother 指为一些小事所“烦扰、打扰”,还有稍微抱怨及经常打扰的意味。Interrupt多指由于外界因素而停下来,中断。

I’m sorry to bother you, but can you tell me how to do it? 对不起打扰你了,我可以告诉你怎么做吗?


Heavy traffic disturbs the neighborhood. 繁忙的交通打扰了邻里。

You’d better not interrupt him; he is reading. 你最好不要打断他,他在看书。


8. satisfaction


I expressed my satisfaction by nodding my head. 我用点头的方式表达我的满意.

Reading and collecting stamps in his free time is his greatest satisfaction. 空余时间阅读和集邮是他最大的满足.

【拓展】satisfy vt.

1) 使满足,使满意; 满足(要求、欲望、需要等)

The new dress satisfied her. 那件新衣服使她满意。

Just to satisfy my curiosity, how much did it cost? 我只是出于好奇心,这花了多少钱。

be satisfied with对……感到满意

辨析satisfactory, satisfied和satisfying

satisfactory,修饰物,有主动的意味,“令人满意的”,表示某物“足够的好或充裕的; satisfied 与satisfying前者是“感到满意的”,后者的是“令人满意的”。

9. sensitive

【分析】sensitive作形容词,意为“敏感的;易受伤害的;敏锐的”。常用于:be sensitive to 对……敏感; be sensitive about 介意,在乎。

He is very sensitive about his weight. 他很忌讳别人说他胖。

I am very sensitive to cold. 我对冷非常敏感。

His mother is very sensitive to the mistakes I made. 他母亲对他出的错误很敏感。

【拓展】sense n. 感觉;意义;观念;判断力。

His younger brother has a sense of humor. 他弟弟有幽默感。

sense vt. 意识到,感觉到

He sensed that he was wrong when I pointed out what he did. 当我指出他所做的时, 他意识到他错了。

Part Two 词组专讲

10. be admitted to

【分析】be admitted to/into 获准进入,被……录取, 主动结构为admit sb to/into…


My brother was admitted to a university last year. 我哥哥去年被一所大学录取了。

Sorry, only the grownups are admitted to the cinema. 对不起,只有成年人才允许进入电影院。

【拓展】admit (doing) sth/ that…承认admit +n. +to be/that…


The man admitted stealing a computer at last. =The man admitted that he had stolen a computer at last.


The suggestion that Li Ming put forward was admitted to be useless. 李名提出的建议被认为是没有用的。

11. cut out

【分析】cut out意为“裁剪出,切掉”。

She showed me the pictures she had cut out of the magazine. 她给我看了他从杂志上剪下来的图片。

My mother carefully examined the cloth before starting to cut out a garment. 在裁剪出衣服之前我母亲仔细看了布。

Be careful. The picture should not be cut out of the magazine. 当心,图片不应该从杂志上剪掉。

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

【拓展】cut away一般用来表示“砍去”。

They have cut away all the dead branches from the tree. 他们砍去了树上的所有的死枝。

cut down表示“把……砍倒;降低”。

We should try our best to cut down accident rate. 我们应该尽力去降低事故率。

cut off表示“切断;割掉”。

Our electricity supply has been cut off because of our failure to pay the bill in time. 由于没有能够及时付帐我们的电力供应被切断了。

12. be drunk with

【分析】be drunk with意思是“沉溺于……;醉心于”。

He is a workaholic and is always drunk with his work. 他是个工作狂,总是沉浸于工作中。

My whole family are drunk with my success. 我们全家陶醉于我的成功中。



He was dead drunk last night and sent home. 他昨天喝得烂醉,被送回了家。

drink 可作动词,意思是“喝,干杯”。

Let’s drink to your health and success. 咱们为你的健康和成功干杯。

In recent years, more and more students are drunk with computer games. 近年来,越来越多的学生醉迷于电脑游戏。

13. In defence of

【分析】in defence of意思是“为……辩护;保卫”。

The man gave his life in defence of his country. 那人为保卫祖国而献身。

She is to make some reply in defence of her friend. 她将作出回答为自己的朋友辩护。

【拓展】defence n. 意思是“辩护;保卫;防卫”。

The Chinese people built the Great Wall as a defence against the foreign invaders. 中国人民建造长城作为反对外国侵略者的防卫。


defend v. 意思是“辩护;保卫;防卫”。

I am going to make a long speech to defend my ideas. 我要做个长的演讲来为我的想法答辩。

【即时训练】选词填空:defence/ defend

①Three policemen died in _______ of the people’s interests.

②Later more walls were put up to _______ the borders of the different kingdoms.


①defence ②defend

14. as long as

【分析】as long as,意思是“如果,只要”。也可以用so long as.

As long as you are going to the post office, you can do something for us. 如果你去邮局,你就能为我们做点什么.

You may use the classroom so long as you clean it afterwards. 只要你后来打扫你就可以用教室.

【拓展】as long as 还可表示“长达,长到”。

as much as多达;达到……程度 as soon as一……就……;尽早as far as远到……;据……;就……as well as和……一样好;和。

The bridge over the river is as long as 2,000 meters. 河上的那座桥长达2 000米。

15. on the contrary

【分析】on the contrary正相反

The ocean floor is not flat like a plain. On the contrary, it is more mountainous than the land. 海洋底部并非像平原般平坦,恰恰相反,它比陆地还要起伏不平。

to the contrary 相反的(地)

Since he did not express opinions to the contrary, the decision was made. 既然他没有表达观点,相反地,决定做下来了。

Although sometimes they have contrary opinions, the two girls are still close friends. 尽管有时她们的观点相对,两个女孩还是亲密的朋友。

Why do you think we can’t solve the problem? On the contrary, we can. 你为什么认为我们不能解决这个问题?相反,我们能。


1. The book of popular science are _______ by the middleschool students.

A.good received

B.well receiving

C.good receiving

D.well received

2. The shoes were sold at 100 yuan, but he had only 80 yuan, so he _______ the shopkeeper for a discount.


B.argued with

C.bargained with


3. My father used to _______ some of the novels when he was tired.

A.look into

B.take into

C.dip into

D.make into

4. On his way to the mountain for some herbs, he was _______ at a tiger’s sudden appearance. Fortunately, he escaped from it later.

A.to terrify




5. He lived far away, but he said he would come  .





6. The elderly need special care in winter, as they are _______ to the sudden changes of weather.





7. Wang Hong’s elder sister was _______ to Nanjing University last summer.


B.to admit

C.being admitted


8. My deskmate showed me the pictures she had  of the magazine.

A.cut in

B.cut up

C.cut out

D.cut down

9. After two years of hard work, he got his novel published and he was _______ his success.

A.drunk onB.drunk in

C.drunk atD.drunk with

10. The more I think about him, the more reasons I find for loving him _______ I did.

A.as much as

B.as long as

C.as soon as

D.as far as

11. The Internet seems like a jungle, which contains wonders _______ dangers.

A.as long as

B.as far as

C.as soon as

D.as well as

12. _______ all our expectations, he has found a wellpaid job and a nice girlfriend.

A.Similar with

B.In terms of

C.In common with

D.Contrary to


1-5DCCDB 6-10ADCDA 11-12DD
