


1.妙语短篇中文翻译 篇一

13.A Generous Gift

A woman was collecting money for a church charity.The money she collected was going to be given to poor children who had no parents to take care of them.She went from apartment to apartment and from house to house.She knocked on doors and asked for money.She always said the same thing.“Good morning, I’m collecting for a church charity.Please give generously.Weneed$5,000.” Then she held out a collecting box.Most people put a few coins in the box.An artist lived in one of the apartments.He opened the door to her.“Good morning,” she said.“I’m collecting for a church charity.Please give generously.We need $5,000.”

The artist thought for a moment, then he said, “I’m sorry, but I don’t have any money.However, I’ll five you a painting.It’s worth $400.”

The woman thanked the artist and took the painting away.A week later she called on him again.“I’m sorry to trouble you again,”she said, “but we still need more money.I need another$100.Can you help?”

“Of course,” the artist said.“I’ll increase the value of my painting to $500.”


The children were having an English lesson.“This week,” the teacher said, “I want you to write a story about your family.I want you to tell me about your parents and your bothers and sisters.”

Lisa raised her hand.“What kind of thing shall I write about my father?” she asked.“Well,” the teacher said.“Write about his work.What is your father’s job?”

“He’s a magician,” Lisa said.“A magician!How interesting,” the teacher said.“Does he do magic tricks on the stage?”“Yes,” Lisa said.“He’s been on television, too.He’s a famous magician.”

The teacher was very interested in this.“Tell the class something about him,” she said.“What is his most difficult trick?”

Lisa thought for a moment, then she said, “He saws people in half.He puts them in a large box and then saws the box in half.”

“That’s a very clever trick,” the teacher said.“I’m sure he must practice it a lot.”

“Yes, he does,” Lisa said.Then the teacher asked her, “Who else is in your family?”

“There’s my mother,” Lisa said, “and I’ve got a half-brother and two half-sisters.”

15.Helping Hands

Jane Warner’s husband, Jack, was sent to prison for two years for stealing.While he was in prison, Jane had a very difficult time.She had two children, but no job.Her husband, of course, did not make any money either.The only money she had was a small amount from the government.“I don’t know how we will manage,” she wrote to her husband in prison.“I get only enough money to pay the rent.There isn’t enough money for food.I think I’ll have to plant vegetables in the garden.They’ll grow quickly.We can live on vegetables.”

The garden was quite large, and much of it was covered with grass.When Jack Warner received his wife’s letter, he replied to it immediately.“Don’t dig up the garden , ” he wrote.“That’s where the money I stole is hidden.”

All letters written by the prisoners were read by one of the guards before they were mailed.When the guard read Jack’s letter, he took it to the head guard.When the head guard read it, he telephoned the police.He told them what Jack had written to his wife.The police immediately went to Jack’s house.They took forks and shovels with them.They dug up the garden, looking for the money, but they did not find anything.When they had gone, Mrs Warner wrote to her husband.“The police came today,” she wrote.“They dug up all the grass.What should I do?”Her husband wrote back immediately, “Plant the vegetables.”
