


1.出口贸易合同中英对照 篇一

编号No. _____________




C.I.F. /C. &F.From

买受人: ______________ 出卖人:________________

Buyer: ______________ Seller:________________

地址: ______________ 地址: ________________

Adress: ______________ Adress:________________

电挂: ______________ 电挂: ________________

Cable: ______________ Cable: ________________

电传: ______________ 电传: ________________

Telex: ______________ Telex: ________________


The Seller and the Buyer above named have this ____day of ________ _________entered into this Contract on the following terms and conditions .



序 号

Item No.








Unit Price








Covering All Risks for ___% of the invoice value as per Insurance: Policy of People’s Insurance Company China (P.I.C.C).


To be affected by the Buyer.


SHIPPING MARKS:__________________







SHIPMENT PERIOD:_________________


TERMS OF PAYMENT:________________



Payment hereunder shall be made by confirmed ; irrevocable and transferable without recourse letter of credit in favour of the seller for the total contract value opened by a band acceptable to the Seller permitting part shipments and transshipments in one or more vessels ,and available by______sight draft(s) against presentation of the shipping documents mentioned in Clause 10.The letter of credit shall reach the Seller not less than______days prior to the start of the Shipment Period and remain valid for negotiation in China until the 15th day after the expiry of the Shipment Period.

Should the Buyer fail to fulfil its obligations mentioned above , the Seller shall ,at its discretion, terminate the Contract or accept whole or part of this contract ,or lodge a claim for losses thus sustained ,if any .

2.厂房租赁协议合同3中英对照合同 篇二

Article 12: Party B shall be responsible for the illegal conducts of his employees and other responsibilities of disputes with other parties. Party B shall undertake all the responsibilities and the loss in case any loss or accidents occur in party B’s industrial park.

第十三条 如因乙方使用不当造成房屋或设施损坏的,乙方应立即负责修复或予以经济赔偿。

Article 13: In case of damage of house and equipment caused by party B, he shall make repairs immediately or bear the compensation accordingly.


Party A shall inform party B in written notice seven days in advance in case he intends to maintain the leasing items or auxiliary facilities, party B should cooperate readily.

第十四条 乙方如需要对房屋进行改造或增扩设备时,应事先征得甲方的书面同意,并按规定向有关部门办理报批手续后,方可进行。

Article 14: If party B intends to carry on reformation of the houses or add equipments, he shall inform party A in advance to get written approval, and apply to the concerning departments before starting the procedure.

第十五条 租赁期内,甲方如需要转让或抵押该房屋,当产权发生变更时,甲方(或新业主)仍要继续执行原合同,具体手续由甲方负责。

3.业务委托合同样本中英对照 篇三






1. 原始凭证的合法性/合理性的确认

2. 记帐凭证的做成和输入财务软件

3. 总帐,明细账等各种账目表的确认

4. 财务报表的做成(资产负债表,利润表)

5. 各种纳税报表的做成(增值税、营业税、企业所得税、个人所得税等)

6. 发票及财务报表的整理和装订

7. 每月的报税(不含抄税)

8. 每月费用明细表的提供

9. 年度审计如委托其他公司,则乙方提供说明。

10. 相关财税咨询业务


1. 甲方根据乙方的要求,须及时提供处理本业务时乙方所认为必要的文件、证明等资料,并





2. 如甲方存捏造事实、隐匿真相或者提供虚假的资料等情况,乙方可以解除本合同,并对于


3. 如由于乙方未尽到善管义务以及忠诚义务而造成甲方受到损失的,乙方须负责赔偿。


1. 乙方在没有甲方书面同意的情况下,不得向第三方泄漏由甲方提供的任何情报、资料和文

件等信息,并且不得用于本合同所载的业务之外。但,已为公众所知的信息不在此限。2. 甲方在没有乙方书面同意的情况下,不得向第三方泄漏由乙方提供的任何情报、资料和文









1. 因本合同的履行所发生的、或者与本合同有关的甲乙双方间发生的所有纷争,甲乙双方须


2. 如果通过前款的协商依然不能解决的,甲乙任何一方均可以向中国上海市的管辖人民法院



本合同的有效期间为2008年月至200 年月计一年。合同有效期满之前一个月,甲乙各方如不提出异议,则本委托合同按照相同条件自动延续。






Business Entrustment Contract

Whereas, _______________________________(hereinafter referred to as “Party A”)and XXX, who have reached a negotiated consensus as to the relevant entrustment matters set forth in Article 1 hereof, hereby make and enter into this Contract as follows:

Article 1(Entrustment Matters)

Contents of businesses Party A entrusts to Party B are as follows.Party B shall fulfill its duty to complete the following businesses:

[Contents of Businesses]

11. Confirmation of legality/rationality of source documents;

12. Making of account title vouchers and inputting them into financial software;

13. Confirmation of all sorts of accounts such as general ledger, subsidiary ledger, etc.;

14. Making of financial statements(balance sheet, profit sheet);

15. Making of all sorts of taxpaying statements(value-added tax, business tax, enterprise income

tax, personal income tax, etc.);

16. Arrangement and bookbinding of invoices and financial statements;

17. Tax declaration for each month(not including tax copying);

18. Provision of the expenditure list for each month;

19. If entrusting other company to conduct annual audit, Party B shall make a statement;and

20. Relevant finance and tax consultancy.Article 2(Provision of Materials)

1.Party A shall, in accordance with Party B’s requirements, promptly provide materials Party B deems

necessary to deal with these businesses, such as documents, certificates, etc., and offer necessary assistance to Party B.Party A designates the following person(s)to act as the contact(hereinafter referred to as the

“Contact”)to communicate with Party B when the business herein is being dealt with.If Party A desires to communicate with Party B via other person(s), Party A shall give a prior notice to Party


2.In case Party A fabricates facts, hides the truth or provides false materials, Party B may terminate

this Contract and won’t return charges having been collected from Party A.In case Party B suffers any loss arising from any act set forth in this section, Party A shall be responsible for its

compensation.3.In case Party A suffers any loss due to Party B’s failing to fulfill its duty of care and fidelity, Party B

shall be responsible for its compensation.Article 3(Confidentiality)

1.Without Party A’s written consent, Party B shall not disclose to any third party any information,materials or documents provided by Party A, and shall not use them for the business other than that set forth herein.However, information having known to the public may not be subject to this section.2.Without Party B’s written consent, Party A shall not disclose to any third party any information,materials or documents provided by Party B, and shall not use them for the business other than that set forth herein.However, information having known to the public may not be subject to this section.Article 4(Charges)

Party A shall pay to Party B RMB 4,000.00 for the businesses set forth in the above Article 1 on a monthly basis.Each month Party A shall pay in advance for the same month’s business entrustment charge.In addition, all the government charges as well as actual expenses such as traffic charge, courier charge, etc., shall be borne by Party A.Party B will settle actual expenses on a monthly basis, and request Party A to make payment pursuant to bills and lists.Article 5(Applicable Law)

Laws of the People’s Republic of China shall be applied to the execution and effectiveness of this Contract.Article 6(Dispute Settlement)

1.As to all the disputes between Party A and Party B arising from the performance of or in connection

with this Contract, Party A and Party B shall, on a sincere basis, try hard to settle them through consultations.2.In case such dispute fails to be settled through consultations referred to in the above section, either

Party A or Party B may bring a lawsuit with the governing People’s Court located in Shanghai, P.R.China.Article 7(Contract Term)

The validity term of this Contract is one year, from ____(month)2008 to ____(month)200_.In case both Party A and Party B haven’t any objection one month prior to the expiry of the validity term of this Contract, this Entrustment Contract will be automatically continued pursuant to the same conditions.Where Party B deems it necessary to adjust the charge for entrusted matters set forth in the above Article 1 because of the growth of Party A’s business, such adjustment may be implemented during the next contract term on the basis of Party A’s consent.Article 8(Supplemental Rule)

This Contract is made in Chinese in two copies and Party A and Party B each hold one.Party A:Party B:


4.中英文对照房屋租赁合同 篇四

房屋租赁合同 tenanacy contract 1.出租方----(以下简称甲方)landlord----(hereinafter referred to as party a)地址----addree----电话----tel----2.承租方----(以下简称乙方)tenant----(hereinafter referred to as party b)地址------address----电话(tel)----3.租赁物业 premlses 甲方同意将__________单位及其设备在良好状态下租给乙方,租赁面积统计约_____平方米.party a hereby agrees to lease----in clean and tenantable condition to party b, the size of the leased dremises being approximate----squire meters.4.租赁期 tenancy: 租赁期为___年,自_____年__月__日至_____年__月__日,租赁期第一年内双方不能停止合同, 第二年双方如需退租,应提前二个月,以书面形式通知对方方能解约.5.租金 rent: a.租金每月为_____元正 the monthly rent is_____ b.租金以_____为单位, 租金应以现金或支票支付,当甲方或甲方委托人每月收到乙方租金后,当立即发回收据予乙方.租金必须于每月__号前支付.the rent is payable in----by cash or check.party a(or a’s representative)shall issue a receipt to party b upon receiving the rent.the rent must be paid before or on the----day of each month.6.押金 deposit: a.本合同签订后__天内, 乙方应向甲方缴付__个月租金额做为押金,合计为__party b must pay to party a----months rent as deposit for a total of----of----within----days upon the contract signed.b.在租赁期届满后,乙方付清该物业租赁期内的一切费用,并且将该物业交还于甲方后的十四天内,甲方应将押金无息返还给乙方.c.乙方如违反合同规定,致使甲方未能如期收取租金或对于出租物业造成损坏,甲方可扣留部分或全部押金抵付.7.费用 charges: a.租赁期内的管理费用由__方负责支付.the management fee shall be paid by_____.b,租赁期内之水,电,煤气费,电话费及有线电视费等.每月根据实际用量结算,由__方按单缴付.charges for water, electricity , gas , telephone and cable tv are payable by-monthly to the relative bureau according to bills received.8.甲方的责任:landlord’s responsibilities: a.租赁期内甲方不得无故收回房屋,甲方如有违约,应退还全部押金及补偿壹倍押金给乙方.party a is not permitted to take back the leased presises during the tenancy period.if party a breaches this contract.the deposit will be bouble returned to party b.9.乙方的责任: tenant’s responsbilities: a.乙方如在租赁期内中途退租,在末经得甲方同意下, 原押金不予退还.b.b.租赁期内末经甲方同意, 乙方不能将其所租物业全部或部分转租,私自转租无效.during the period of tenancy , unless with the agreement of party a, party b can not sub-let or let in part or if full the leased premises.c.乙方应爱护租赁物业及其设备,如因使用不当导致损坏,乙方应负责赔偿.party b shall take care of the premises and the facilities of the premisese and shall be responsible for any damages to the premises or the facilitics of the premises owning to the resons of party b.10.争议的解决 arbitration 凡执行本合同或与合同有关的争议,由双方友好协商解决,协商不成, 提请中国有关经济合同仲裁机构调解,调解不成, 提请中国有关经济合同仲裁机关仲裁.in the case of disputes arising over this agreement, the two parties shall negotiate in friendly marmer and in good faitb;in failed, shall submit to china related economic contract arbitrated bureau to mediate or arbitrate.11.其他 others: a.本合同如有末尽事宜, 由甲乙双方洽谈解决.if the contract remain some unperfercted parts, the two parties shall negotiate in peace.b.本合同自签署之日生效,甲乙双方各执一份参照.this contract is effective after both parties making their signatives, each party keeps one copy for reference.c.如有争议,以此合同中方为准.in case of dispute, the chinese version of the contract shall prevail.甲方: party a: 签署: signed by: 日期: date: 乙方: party b: 签署: signed by: 日期: date:

5.出口贸易合同中英对照 篇五

Contract No.: 20130016


甲 方:**(schoenhutllc)

地 址: Florida 电话:(** 电传:(** 法定代表人:__lne_ 职务: _总经理国籍:美国 Party A: schoenhutllc Registered Address: Florida Tel: ** Fax: ** Legal representative: _lne Position:General Manager Nationality: America 乙 方:** 地 址:**。电话**电传:** 法定代表人:**,职务:总经理、国籍:中国 Party B: **.Registered address:** Tel: ** Fax: ** Legal representative:** Position:General Manager

Nationality:China 甲、乙方代表通过友好协商2013 年3 月6 日签订。

The contract is hereby concluded by both parties through friendly negotiation on March 6th,2013.第一条 总 则

1.General Provisions 1.甲方负责负责提供项目(钢琴组装),乙方公司负责提供劳务。

(1)Party A shall offer the project(Piano assembly),Party B shall offer labor force(Employee).2.本合同自签字之日起生效,直至双方间全部遗留问题,包括财务问题处理完毕之日止。

(2)The contract shall be valid since the date of signature and will terminate until all remaining problems solved, including the financial problems.第二条 人 员 2.Employee 乙方公司 “提供人数、派遣日期和工作期限,为本项目派出其授权代表、各类技术人员、工人、管理和服务人员(以下简称“人员”)。

Party B shall offer number of the people,dispatch date and working term and shall





service representative,technicians,workers,management people(hereafter refer as employee)(1)人员离境之前如需变更时,甲方应将变更内容提前一个月书面通知乙方,如甲方变更计划未能及时通知乙方公司,而乙方公司已按计划集中人员和订购机票,甲方应负担因此造成的损失。

(1)Party A shall notify Party B one month earlier for the changes on employee before they leave china.If Party A fail to inform Party B and Party B book flight tickets according to plan for the employee.Party A shall compensate the lost for it.(2)人员工作期限期满之前,如需终止雇佣,甲方应在终止雇佣之日前__1__ 个月书面通知乙方。

(2)If Party A requires to terminate employment before labor contract expiration.They shall inform Party B one month earlier in written notice.第三条 签证和其他证件

3.Visa and other certificate 1.乙方应按中国政府的有关规定办理人员出入中国国境的一切必要手续,并承担其费用。

Party B shall handle all necessary procedures of Exit-Entry for employee in accordance with law and regulations of Chinese Government and bear the charges.2.甲方应按项目所在国政府的有关规定办理人员出入项目所在国及居留、工作许可证、等相关手续,并承担费用。

Party A shall handle residence permit,work permit and other relevant procedures for employee in accordance with Party A country’s regulations and bear the charges.3.如果甲方未能为人员获得在项目所在国的居留、工作许可证和相关手续,而使人员无法进行工作,应付给人员在此期间的合同工资。如人员因此被迫返国时,甲方应负担人员的回程旅费,并支付每人___1_个月合同工资的赔偿费。3.If party A did not obtain the residence permit,work permit and relevant procedures to result the employee can not work.Party A will pay employee salary during this period.If the employee was forced to return China for it.Party A will bear the returning expenses and pay each employee one month salary as compensation.第四条 乙方公司的义务 4.Party B’s obligations 1.符合双方商定的技术条件;

Employee is qualified for technical requirements agreed upon by two parties 2.遵守项目所在国的法律和法令,尊重当地风俗习惯;

Employee should abide by worksite country laws and regulations and respect local customs and habits.3.尊重甲方人员的技术指导;

Employee should respect technical guidance of Party A 4.不参与项目所在国的任何政治活动;

Employee shall not to take part in any political activities.5.遵守公司的规章制度;

Employee shall abide by company rules and regulations 6.与甲方为实施本项目而雇佣的其他国籍的人员合作共事。

6.Employee can work together with other foreigners employed by Party A for the mentioned project.第五条 甲方的义务 Party A’s obligations 1.对人员给予正确的技术指导;

Party A shall provide correct technical guidance to employee 2.尊重人员的人格、风俗和习惯;

Party A shall respect employee personality, customs and habits.3.不干涉人员在非工作时间的活动自由;

Party A shall not intervene employee activities during non working time.4.保障人员的安全;

Party A shall guarantee employee safety.5.对人员的解雇和更换,应由双方的授权代表商定。

Any dismissal and replacement on employee shall be consulted by both party’s representatives.第六条;每天工作时间安排可由甲、乙方公司授权代表商定

6.Daily working time can be decided after consultation by both party’s representative.2.凡由于待料、停电、气候恶劣等非人员的责任而造成的停工,应计为工作时间,合同工资照付。

Any shut-downs caused by no material, power cut, bad weather and other non artificial factors shall be count as working time and paid as usual.第七条 合同工资 Contract Salary 1.人员的月工资(包括伙食费)在本合同有效内按以下标准支付(美元):后付工资标准表。

Employee monthly salary(including food expenses)shall be paid by USD according to the following standards during the validity of the labor contract.Attachment hereto the wages schedule sheet.(1)服务人员 Service person(2)熟练技工,厨师

Skillful mechanic ,chef(3)技术员,翻译,Technician and interpreter(4)工程师,Engineer(5)授权代表

Authorized representative 第八条 夜班及加班

8.Night shift and overtime

1.根据项目的需要,甲方要求人员在夜间工作或加班,应取得乙方授权代表同意,(1)If necessary for work, Party A may, on the basis of negotiation with Party B representative, request employee work night shift or overtime.2.夜间时间系指从当日晚上9时至次日晨5时。人员夜间工作(指正常夜班工作)甲方应按合同工资150%支付工资;人员夜间加班,甲方应按合同工资200%支付加班费。

(2)Night shift times from 9:00PM to the second morning 5:00AM.Night shift(Social work hours at night).Party A shall pay wages 150% according to the contract salary.For overtime at night,Party A shall pay wages 200% according to the contract salary.第九条 工资支付 9.Remuneration 乙方公司的授权代表应按甲方提供的表格填写工作时间和加班时间,编制工资单,在每月工资结算日即28日提前2天内提交甲方的授权代表审核批准。

Party B representative shall fill in the form offered by Party A with employee’s working time and overtime and submit to Party A’s representative for approval within 2 days earlier the settlement date on each 28th.3.工资单审批后,甲方应在每月工资结算日即:28日、后3天内将工资和加班费以美元支付给乙方公司帐号;

After approval of the wages sheet,Party A shall pay salary by transferring the dollar to Party B company’s account through bank within 3 days since the settlement date on 28th.第十四条 保 险 14.Insurance 1.乙方为人员自其离开中国之日起至返抵中国之日止。在中国投保人身意外险,保险费由雇主承担。甲方应随同人员的月合同工资以美元一并向中国公司支付每人每月_保险费。

1.Party B shall participate in accident insurance for employee start from the date of leaving china and end to the date of the return.Party A shall pay insurance premiums together with employee salary to Party B China company in USD monthly.2.人员在中国投保人身意外险后,如经甲方要求,乙方可向甲方提供必要的证明文件,以避免甲方为人员在项目所在国重复投保。

After employee participate in personal accident insurance in China.Party B shall offer the relevant insurance certificates to Party A if they require, in order to avoid Party A buy multiple insurance 第十五条 医疗和病假

15.Medical treatment and sickness leaves 1.甲方应为人员在整个合同期间因病或因工伤提供免费医疗、药品和住院治疗。2.人员在合同期间如因病或因工伤死亡,甲方负责其遗体处理并承担死者遗物运回中国的费用。

1.Party A should provide employee free medical service,medicine and Hospital treatment among the contract period.2.If the employee is dead for illness and work injury.Party A is responsible to dispose body and bear all suspense to ship back the remains to china.第十七条 生活和膳食设施


17.Living and dining facilities Party A should supply employee living house,water,electricity,bed,air conditioner,shower, sanitation, washing machine and other ordinary facilities.Party A should supply employee the kithen,dining-room,cooker, tableware, ice machine, refrigerator etc.第十八条 劳保用品及小工具

Labor protection articles and tools 1.甲方应为人员免费提供一般劳保用品、以及办公用品。2.甲方应免费向人员提供各工作所需工具。

(1).Party A should provide employee ordinary Labor protection and office supplies in free(2).Party A should provide employee all required work tools in free 第十九条 保密

1.乙方及其人员在执行本合同期间对于本项目的一切资料及情况应对第三者保守秘密。19.Confidentiality During the validity period of the contract,Party B and the employee should keep the materials and information strictly confidential and shall not disclose to any third party.第二十一条 不可抗力

由于不可抗力事件,如天灾、战争、内乱、封锁、暴动、传染病、政变等,使本项目无法继续进行,经双方协商本合同可以暂停。在这种情况下,甲方应负担人员的回国旅费。21.Force Majeure Due to events of Force Majeure,such as natural disaters,war,civil strife,blockade,riots,infectious diseases,coup

which may prevent either party from performing any of its obligations under contract,the affected party shall notify the other party of under such circumstance,Party A shall bear the return charges of the employee 第二十二条 仲 裁

凡因执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争议,双方应通过友好协商解决;如果协商不能解决,可向中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会进行仲裁。22.Arbitration Any disputes in connection with this Contract or the execution thereof shall be amicably settled through negotiations In case no settlement can be reached between the two Parties, it shall be submitted to China

International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration.第二十三条 合同的补充和修改


23.Supplement and Amendments The contract may be supplemented and amended in written form and become valid upon signature of the authorized representative of both parties after agreements through negotiation.The valid supplements and revisions shall be an integral part of the contract, and shall have same legal force as the text of the contract.第二十四条 文 字


24.Language The Contract is made in two counterparts each in Chinese and English, each of which shall be equally authentic.This Contract is in duplicate, held by Party A and Party B respectively.甲方:** 乙方:**

代表:____________ 代表:____________

____年____月____日 ____年____月____日
