1.广元中考英语试题 篇一
广元市 2018 初中学业及高中阶段学校招生考试
物 理
说 明:1.全卷满分 90 分,考试时间 70 分钟。
2.本试题卷分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共四个大题、21 个小题。
3.考生必须在答题卡上答题,写在试卷上的答案无效。选择题必须使用 2B 铅笔
填涂答案,非选择题必须使用 0.5 毫米黑色墨迹签字笔或钢笔答题。4.考试结束,将答题卡和试卷一并交回。
第Ⅰ卷 选择题(共 30 分)
均不得分。每小题 3 分,共 30 分)1.关于声现象的描述,下列说法正确的是
A.图甲中超声波清洗眼镜,说明声可以传递信息 B.图乙中能从不同乐器中分辨出小提琴的声音主要是因为响度不同 C.图丙中敲击鼓面,鼓面上的泡沫颗粒跳动,说明声音是由物体的振动产生的 D.图丁中逐渐抽出玻璃罩内的空气,闹钟音量减弱,说明声音的传播不需要介质
2.在图 2 的各事例中,属于热传递改变物体内能的是
3.随着科技实力的不断提升,我国逐渐由一个航天大国向航天强 国迈进。2017 年 4 月,中国自主研制的首艘货运飞船“天舟一 号”在海南文昌航天发射场使用“长征七号”运载火箭发射,并与“天宫二号”空间站顺利完成自动交会对接,如图 3 所示。此时说“天宫二号”是静止的,选取的参照物是
4.图 4 是某人眼睛看物体时的成像示意图。则他的视力情况,及矫正需要选用的透镜分别是 A.远视眼 凸透镜 B.远视眼 凹透镜 C.近视眼 凸透镜 D.近视眼 凹透镜
A.有金属外壳的家用电器,金属外壳必须接地 B.雷雨时,不要在开阔地行走,可以躲在大树下 C.使用试电笔时,手不要接触笔尾金属体,以免触电 D.空气开关“跳闸”,一定是发生了短路,立即重新合上
6.习近平主席指出,要像爱护生命一样爱护我们的环境,所以低碳环保已经逐渐成为全 社会的共同理念。我市积极响应这一理念,在各区县投放了大量的共享单车。下列关于 共享单车的说法正确的是
A.车把是一个省力杠杆 B.车座的面积较大是为了增大压强 C.轮胎表面凹凸不平的花纹可以减小摩擦 D.停止用力蹬脚踏板,车也会继续前进一段距离是因为车受到惯性
7.用图 6 所示的工具提升相同重物 G,(不计摩擦,不计绳、滑轮和杠杆重)最省力的是
正确的是 8.下列关于热现象的描述中不...A.墙内开花墙外香,这是扩散现象
B.液体很难被压缩,因为分子间存在斥力 C.水和煤油升高相同的温度,水吸收的热量较多 D.湿衣服凉在通风的地方能够加快它的水分蒸发
9.在央视 2 套“是真的吗”栏目中,一位网友演示了一把如图 7 所示的“铜丝琴”:他将
一根张紧的铜丝两端与扬声器接通,铜丝旁边放置一块磁铁,用手指拨动铜丝,就能使 扬声器发声,演奏出优美的乐曲。这个声音是 A.振动的铜丝直接发出的 B.空气振动而发出的 C.通电铜丝在磁场中受力振动而发出的 D.振动的铜丝切割磁感线产生感应电流使扬声器发出的
了对酒驾的打击力度。图 8 甲是酒精浓度测试仪的原理图,R 为酒精气体传感器,其阻 值随酒精气体浓度的变化曲线如图 8 乙,R0 为定值电阻,电源电压不变,当被检测者 酒精浓度增加时 A.电流表的示数减小 B.电压表的示数增大 C.电路总电阻增加 D.电路总功率减小
第 II 卷 非选择题(共 60 分)
二、填空与作图题(每空 2 分,15—16 题每图 2 分,共 20 分)
11.改革开放 40 年来,人民的生活水平得到了很大的提高,很多家庭都用上了电冰箱。冰
箱冷藏室内壁常常会结冰,这是 现象,致冷剂在冰箱冷冻室的管子里面 吸 热,从而使冷冻室温度降低。(填物态变化名称)
如果每一罐内装有液化气 10kg,则这些液化气完全燃烧放出的热量为
7热值为 4.2×。液化石油气属于
13.张薇半期成绩考得好,爸爸奖励她一个新手机,张薇发现手机电池上标有“电压 3.7V,容量 3500mA·h”的字样,则它充满电后存储的电能为 电流为 20mA,则该手机最长待机时间为
14.如图 9 所示,将一薄木尺的 1/4 长度用多层报纸紧密地覆盖在
水平桌面上(桌面与报纸之间几乎没有空气),已知报纸的上 表面积为 0.21m2。则大气对报纸上表面的压力为 N;在 木尺右端快速施加竖直向下的力 F,要将报纸掀开,则力 F 至 少为 N(假设报纸不破损,报纸对木尺的压力全部作用
5在木尺最左端,大气压取 1.0×。10Pa,报纸和薄木尺的重力忽略不计)
15.根据图 10 中已给出的入射光线和射出光线,请在方框内画出一个合适的透镜。
16.如图 11,是静止悬挂在竖直墙上的小球,请画出小球所受重力的示意图。
三、实验探究题(每空 2 分,共 24 分)
17.图 12 是小薇同学“探究平面镜成像特点”的装置:用玻璃板 作平面镜,将其竖立在水平面上,在其下面垂直地放一把刻度 尺,两支完全相同的蜡烛 A、B 竖立于玻璃板两侧的刻度尺 上。点燃玻璃板前面的蜡烛 A,移动蜡烛 B 直到与蜡烛 A 的 像完全。从刻度尺上可以发现,此时蜡烛 A 到镜面的 距离与它的像到镜面的距离。
弹性势能的大小与什么因素有关”。他们猜 想:弹簧弹性势能可能与弹簧长度变化量、弹簧螺纹圈直径、弹簧的材料等因素有关。他们的实验装置如图 13,把弹簧放在水
平面上,其左端固定在墙上,AO 等于弹簧原长,水平面 O 点左侧光滑,右侧粗糙。将 物体 M 从 O 点压缩弹簧到 P 点,然后由静止释放,当物体 M 运动到 O 点与弹簧分开,最终运动到 Q 点静止。请补充完成他们的探究过程:(1)弹簧弹性势能的大小是通过
法和 两种物理思想方法。
19.如图 14 甲,是张勇实验小组在探究“电流与电阻的关系”时的电路图,电源电压恒为
6V。电压表、电流表无损坏,有阻值为 5Ω、10Ω、20Ω、30Ω、40Ω 定值电阻 5 个。
(选填“相同”或 “不
之间的距离,测出 OQ 的距离,重复(2)探究弹簧弹性势能与弹簧长度变化量的关系,应该选用
(1)(2 分)根据图 14 甲,用笔画线代替导线连接完成图 14 乙的实物图。
(2)实验过程中,需要改变定值电阻,观察电流的变化,为了科学地得出实验结论,当每 次更换电阻后,都要移动滑动变阻器的滑片,此时眼睛应注意观察
A.变阻器滑片 可能是。
0.5A 1A
C.电阻 B.50Ω D.200Ω
D.电功率(选填序号)。0.5A 1A。
B.电压表 C.电流表 D.电源
(3)某次实验,更换电阻 R,合上开关后,电压表示数为 0,电流表示数正常,其原因(4)在老师的引导下,他们将 5 次实验数据描绘在图 14 丙中。图中阴影部分“面积”
A.电流 A.10Ω C.50Ω(5)实验中,他们选择下列哪个滑动变阻器最合适
(6)(2 分)请你用平滑曲线将图 14 丙中 5 个点连接起来,观察图像你可以得出实验
四、解答题(解答应写出必要的文字说明、公式、演算步骤、数值和单位。每小题 8 分,共 分)
20.关于深海的探究,对一个国家的国防和经济建设都有很重要的意义,我国在这一领域 的研究也处于世界领先水平。如图 15 甲是我们自行研制的水下智能潜航器,其外形与 潜艇相似,相关参数为:体积 2m3、质量 1500kg,最大下潜深度 5000m,最大下潜速度 10km/h(不考虑海水密度变化,密度 ρ 取 1.0×103kg/m3,g 取 10N/kg)。求:
功率随时间变化的图象如图 15 乙所示,图中 P3=3P1。求 t1 时刻起重装置对潜航 器的拉力。(不考虑水的阻力)
21.张强妈妈买了一个新的电饭煲,张强从说明书中,得知下表中的信息,工作电路图如图 甲,S1 为温控开关,加热电阻 R1 和 R2 的阻值不随温度变化。求:(1)电饭煲在“保温”状态下正常工作时,通过电饭煲的电流;(2)电阻 R2 的阻值;
(3)某周末的晚饭时,张强想利用自家电能表(如图 16 乙)测量家庭电路的实际电压。
于是他关闭了家中其它所有用电器,只让电饭煲在“蒸煮”状态下工作,观察到 电能表的转盘在 1min 内转了 50 转。求家庭电路的实际电压。
2.广元中考英语试题 篇二
短语搭配是英语学习中常见的语言现象,是英语教学的一个难点,也是学生在中考中容易丢分的项目。恰当的短语搭配是成功习得语言的重要标志之一,也是英语教学的一个重要目标(范连义2004)。为了在中考中尽可能地检测学生语言知识和语言技能的发展程度,同时兼顾英语基础薄弱学生毕业和升学的需要,也为了答案批改时的评分标准统一,短语搭配通常采用一些限制程度高、搭配幅度小、不容易扩展的固定搭配(restricted collocation),但同时又有一定的开放性,使不同类型的学生都有所收获,例如:孩子们被告诫不要用太多的时间玩电脑游戏。The children were told not to spend too much time in playing computer games.(2008年),他认为这部小说值得再读一遍。He thinks this novel is worth reading again/once more.(2008年),这位作家很谦虚,从不炫耀他的学问。This writer is very modest and he never shows off his knowledge.(2009年),由于浓雾,昨天上午从无锡到北京的飞机比平常晚了两个小时起飞。Yesterday morning the plane from Wuxi to Beijing took off two hours later than usual because of the thick fog.(2009年),除了改掉自己的坏习惯,他别无选择。He has no choice but to break his own bad habit.(2010年),那个报告使每一个听到的人感到振奋。That report cheered up everybody who listened to it.(2011年),你认为今天报纸上的那幅卡通画与文章相配吗?Do you think that the cartoon picture goes well with the article in today’s newspaper?(2011年)。
1. 动词在短语搭配中错误较多
通过对中考考点的梳理分析,笔者发现“短语搭配”重点考查动词的搭配,动词是学生在短语搭配中最容易出错的词项,并且出错最多的是动词时态和形式的选择,例如:请你把书桌上的收音机关掉好吗?Would you mind turning off the radio on the desk?(2010年),关掉收音机(turn off the radio)写成close the radio,做手术(do/perform an operation)写成make an operation等。
2. 短语搭配书写错误
还有些学生会犯丢三落四的错误,例如:把相互学习(learn from each other)写成learn each other,到达上海(arrive in Shanghai)写成arrive Shanghai等。
3. 母语负迁移影响短语搭配的准确性
母语的负迁移会导致学生在英语短语运用的过程中产生Chinglish的错误,例如:吃药(take medicine)写成eat medicine,我的书忘在家中(leave my book at home)写成forget my book at home等,这些错误的组合都是受母语的影响而产生的。
因此,在教学过程中,教师应该让学生了解汉语和英语之间的异同,尽量用英语进行思维,避免母语的负迁移带来的不必要的失误;对短语搭配要进行整体教学,除了教会学生注意搭配中的主要词素外,还要注意与之搭配的虚词,如介词、副词等,例如:汽车产生的废气对环境有不良影响。Waste gases which are produced by cars have a bad effect/influence on the environment.(2009年),刚才小刘把她的答案与书后的答案作了比较,发现在她的练习中有几处差错。Just now Xiao Liu compared her answers with the ones at the back of the book and found that there were several mistakes in her exercises.(2010年);还有诸如pay attention to,come up with,look down on等短语,都应注意与之相匹配的介词。
英语常用句型是指具有代表性的、常用性的英语句子模式或模型。常用句型如同数学中的公式,具有相对稳定的结构和规则。掌握了常用句型不仅可以提高语言使用的准确性,还可以提高语言使用的流利程度。因此,“常用句型”重点考查一些常用的句法结构。例如:这个男孩还没有到独立处理这种难题的年龄。The boy isn’t old enough to deal with such a difficult problem by himself.(2008年),那位科学家宁愿尝试不成功,也不愿意放弃他的计划。The scientist would rather try and fail than give up his plan.(2009年)。
还有一些常用句型差别很小,但表达的含义却截然不同,2011年和2012年考的It is adj.for/of sb.to do sth.这个句型就很有代表性,不少学生在这两道题上出现了错误,在业余爱好上花些时间对我们来说是必要的。It is necessary for us to spend much time on our hobbies.(2011年),你在这个时候放弃是不明智的。It’s not wise of you to give up at this moment.(2012年)。句型中若形容词是描述动词不定式行为者的性格、品质的,如foolish,silly,careless,generous,selfish,polite,thoughtful等,就应该用It is adj.of sb.to do sth.这个句型,例如:It is selfish of Eddie to eat the whole birthday cake.It is generous of Sandy to give each of us two presents;若形容词是描述整个动词不定式的情况,而不是对动词不定式行为者的品格进行评价,如:important,necessary,impossible,possible,interesting,hard,difficult,easy等,就应该用It is adj.for sb.to do sth.这个句型,例如:It is important for us to learn English well.It’s very dangerous for children to cross the busy street。
英语动词的时态和语态是中学生学习英语的两大语法要点,在英语语法中非常重要。大部分句子会涉及动词的时态或语态。对动词时态和语态运用的正确与否,直接影响用英语进行交际的效果。对动词的时态、语态的考查历来是中考试卷的重点和难点,无锡中考试题中还专门有动词填空题,用来考查学生对时态、语态或非谓语动词的掌握情况。完成句子中“动词时态和语态”重点考查八种时态、三种被动语态和非谓语动词。动词的时态包括一般现在时、一般过去时、现在进行时、过去进行时、一般将来时、过去将来时、现在完成时、过去完成时。例如:校长正在伏案疾书,所以我们没有惊动他。The principal was busy writing at his desk,so we didn’t disturb him.(2011年)这个句子重点考查一般过去时。有些学生没有注意前后时态需保持一致,把didn’t写成don’t或won’t。
动词的被动语态包括一般现在时的被动语态、一般过去时的被动语态和情态动词的被动语态(2013年无锡中考按照《义务教育英语课程标准(2011版)》的要求改情态动词的被动语态为一般将来时的被动语态)。近几年中考的完成句子重点考查的是情态动词的被动语态,例如:许多对我们有危险的工作将来都能由机器人来做。A lot of work which is dangerous to us can be done by robots in the future/in future.(2008年),你的申请表务必准时上交。Your application form must be handed in on time.(2009年),随着现代医学的发展,许多常见病能够治愈或预防。With the development of modern medicine,a lot of common diseases can be cured or prevented.(2010年)。
还有些句子,既考查时态或语态,又考查短语搭配、常用句型或从句,例如:到目前为止,已有很多人在网上对她的言论作出反应。So far,a large number of people have replied to her speech/words/what she said on the Internet.(2008年),无锡的地铁将于2014年投入使用。The underground in Wuxi will be in use/service in 2014.(2012年),电视机已经开了几个小时了,请把它关掉,好吗?The TV set has been on for(several/a few)hours.Would you please turn it off?(2013年)。这几个句子既考查了时态,又考查了reply to,be in use/service和be on短语搭配的运用。
1. 关联词
不少学生在从句中关联词使用错误,例如:这些照片使我想起2005年在日本逗留期间所看到的情况。These photos remind me of what I saw during my stay in Japan in 2005.(2010年),刚才没有人注意他所说的话。Just now no one paid attention to what he said.(2011年),2010年和2011年中考中许多学生将what写成了that。另外,学生容易受到母语负迁移的影响,我真的不知道该怎么做。I really don’t know what I can do next.不少学生一不小心就把what写成了how。
2. 语序
宾语从句中的语序应该为陈述句语序,例如:你知道火星离地球有多远吗?Do you know how far it is from Mars to/how far Mars is away from Earth?(2008年),天气预报有没有报道如此潮湿的天气将持续多久?Does the weather report say how long such wet weather will last?(2009年),这项调查是要了解青少年目前承受着多少压力。The survey is made to find out how much stress teenagers are suffering/suffer at present.(2013年)。有些学生会忘记把疑问句语序变成陈述句语序。
3. 时态
主句是一般现在时,宾语从句的时态根据实际情况而定。例如:He wants to know if the workers finished the work all by themselves yesterday.主句是一般过去时态,宾语从句用相应的过去时态。例如:我想知道你是否对测试的结果感到满意。I wanted to know whether you were satisfied/happy/pleased with the result of the test or not.(2009年),汤姆告诉我们他已完成任务。Tom told us that he had completed the task.。如果从句描述的是客观事实、科学真理和格言,宾语从句始终用一般现在时,例如:老师昨天告诉我们地球围绕太阳转。The teacher told us yesterday that the earth travels around the sun.不少学生没有根据具体情况进行分析,导致时态误用。
4. 成分缺失或冗余
成分缺失或冗余主要集中在句子的关联词部分,例如:我更喜欢能使我放松的音乐。I prefer the music that makes me relaxed.中that的缺失,当她意识到她真正想要的是什么的时候,一切都太晚了。It was too late when she realized what she(had)really wanted.(2012年)我们必须注意老师昨天上课说的话。We must pay attention to what the teacher said in class.中what的缺失。很多学生出错是由于运用了汉语中的表达方式,其中although和but,because和so连用的错误最多,例如:尽管英语很难,但是我还是要尽力学好它。Although English is difficult,I will try my best to learn it well.不少学生习惯在句中加上but;因为路上车多,所以他今天迟到了。Because there was heavy traffic on the road,he was late for school today.学生习惯性地加上so。因此,在日常的英语教学中,教师要加强英语文化的渗透,让学生加深对英语国家文化的学习和理解,并能依据英语国家的文化习惯恰当地表达思想,实现跨文化交际。
首先要通读全句,看清所给的英语以及汉语的提示意思,务必把句子读完整。根据汉英对照,确定句子所缺的成分,准确把握句子的基本结构,确定句子的考点。然后联系书本知识,仔细筛选,把握关键词汇,精心选用短语或句型,注意排除母语干扰,着力英语思维。并联想学过的句式,巧妙套用,达到事半功倍的效果。例如:别再犯如此愚蠢的错误了,否则你只能另谋高就了。Don’t____________,or you will have to find another job.(2012年)。先通过通读全句,判断这个句子是祈使句,需要用三个短语搭配组合完成,“犯错误”make a mistake,“如此愚蠢的错误”such a silly mistake,“别再”not...any more,然后把三个短语搭配起来组合在一起,Don’t make such a silly mistake any more,or you will have to find another job.就可以大功告成了。
依据所给的信息选择最佳词法和句法搭配,确定句子的人称,确保主谓一致。尤其主语是第三人称单数时,一般现在时谓语动词的变化;然后结合题干,确认所填内容的时态和语态,用准时态,把握语态,精心组织句子,使句意清楚、前后连贯、语言流畅。在做完成时态的句子时,经常会考短暂、延续动词的区别。例如:布朗先生已经离开无锡三个多月了,他将于一周后返回。Mr.Brown has been away from Wuxi for more than three months.He will come back in a week.(2011年)。在做有关宾语从句的句子时,学生还应注意时态的变化、语序的变化和人称的变化等。例如:老师问这本书谁写的。The teacher asked who the book was written by.在完成有关被动语态的句子时,则要注意省略动词不定式to的还原,例如:be made to do sth.,be often seen to do sth.等,以及动词短语中的介词不要丢掉,例如:对老人说话要有礼貌。The old should be spoken to politely.残疾人不应该受到歧视。The disabled shouldn’t be looked down on.应该关注更多的细节。More details should be paid attention to.等。
补全句子之后,学生应仔细审查,注意不要遗漏信息,也不要添加无关信息。例如:那个小男孩如此害怕以至于哭了起来。The little boy was so frightened that he cried loudly.许多学生会把he给遗漏掉;又如:这个问题太难了,我们解答不出来。This problem is too difficult for us to work out.不少学生写成work it out。所以,检查时要力求做到语法正确(包括形式和拼写),语用正确(包括搭配与结构),语义正确(句意逻辑),语境正确(在预设语言环境下的最佳语法形式、最佳词汇搭配和最佳语义逻辑)。真正做到句子条理清晰、合乎逻辑、成分完整、不添不漏。
3.2008中考英语模拟试题(二) 篇三
Ⅰ. 词汇(每小题1分,共10分)
(一) 根据句子意思,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。
1. That____ (sound) quite a good idea. I will join you in the work.
2. They were____ (amaze) at the little girl’s beautiful song.
3. I’m____ (think) about how to answer this question. It’s a little difficult.
4. There is a____ (fly) at 9:55 on the morning of November 14th.
5. Could you tell me____ (who) we are going to see?
(二) 选出与所给句子画线部分意义相同或相近的选项。
6. I haven’t heard from my sister since last year.
A. met with B. heard about
C. got news from D. received any letter from
7. The nurse looked after the sick people very well.
A. cared of B. took care
C. took care of D. took good care of
8. —The fridge in the middle is nice.
—I think so. But it costs too much.
A. is too expensive B. is very popular
C. is too heavy D. is quite cheap
9. The shop is closed at this time of day.
A. found B. not open C. shown D. broken
10. Stop talking. The teacher is coming.
A. Be quiet B. Go on talking
C. Please talk D. Let’s talk
Ⅱ. 选择填空(每小题1分,共15分)
11. My uncle is____ honest man. He works in____ university. He is good at playing____ violin.
A. a; an; the B. a; a; ×
C. an; a; theD. a; the; ×
12. Lucy has a pear in one hand and a knife in____ .
A. other B. the other C. another D. others
13. Jim’s parents are____ doctors. They are busy____ on a patient now.
A. all; operate B. both; operating
C. both; to operate D. all; operating
14. —May I____ your dictionary?
—Sorry,I’ve____ it to Mary.
A. lend; lent B. borrow; borrowed
C. borrow; lent D. lend; borrowed
15. I heard he____ before. He knows a lot about that city.
A. had gone to New YorkB. had been to New York
C. has gone to New YorkD. has been to New York
16. After____ ,they stopped to have a rest.
A. some time B. sometime
C. some times D. sometimes
17. Don’t get on or get off the bus until it____ .
A. stop B. has stopped
C. is stopping D. won’t stop
18. Do you know____ at this time yesterday?
A. who are they waiting B. who they are waiting for
C. who are they waiting for D. who they were waiting for
19. I saw him____ the train just now.
A. get into B. get off
C. get out of D. get down
20. How can you____ if you are not____ ?
A. hear; listening B. listen; heard
C. hear about; listening D. heard; listen
21. I met Li Ding on my way home yesterday. But I didn’t____ to her,because she____ to an old woman there.
A. say; was talking B. talk; was telling
C. speak; was talking D. speak; was saying
22. She____ a piano concert if she____ free next week.
A. will give; will be B. is going to give; was
C. will give; is D. gives; will be
23. I don’t know when she____ . But when she____ ,I____ you know.
A. comes; will come; let B. will come; comes; shall let
C. will come; comes; let D. comes; comes; let
24. There are____ students in our school.
A. two thousand three hundred fifty-five
B. two thousands three hundreds an fifty-five
C. two thousands and three hundred and fifty five
D. two thousand three hundred and fifty-five
25. Mr Smith said he____ to Beijing twice.
A. has been B. had been
C. has gone D. had gone
Ⅲ. 句型转换 按括号内的要求改写下列句子。(每小题1分,共5分)
26. Wei Fang does her homework after school. (改为否定句)
Wei Fang_____ _____her homework after school.
27. Mike has never been to Paris. (改为反意疑问句)
Mike has never been to Paris,____ ____ ?
28. The teacher asked Mike,“Does he like swimming?” (改为间接引语)
The teacher asked Mike____ he____ swimming.
29. Mr Brown has lived in London for ten years. (对画线部分提问)
_____ ____ _____Mr Brown____ in London?
30. He was too tired to work extra hours in the office. (改为复合句)
He was____ tired____ he____ work extra hours in the office.
Ⅳ. 口语应用(每小题1分,共20分)
(一) 从Ⅱ栏中选出能回答Ⅰ栏中问题的正确答句。
31. Has Lucy ever gone scuba diving?A. No,I haven’t.
32. Have you ever been to the USA?B. To visit their teacher.
33. What’s happened to you?C. No,but she’d like to go one day.
34. Is anybody hurt?D. Five weeks ago.
35. What have they gone there for?E. Yes,they are OK.
F. I’ve had an accident.
G. No. They are OK.
(二) 从方框中选出正确的句子填空,使对话意思完整。
B:We planted a lot of young trees.
A:Oh,I see.__37__
A:Is supper ready,Mum?__39__
B:__40__Then we can have supper.
A. Your clothes are dirty.
B. It is very hot there,isn’t it?
C. We planted trees along the West Lake.
D. What was the weather like there?
E. Wash your hands and take a rest.
F. Today is the Tree-planting Day.
G. I’m hungry.
(三) 在下列对话的每个空白处填上一个词,使对话完整、正确。
A:Hello! Can I__41__to the manager,please?
B:__42__a moment,please. I’m sorry he isn’t here just now. May I help you?
A:That’s very kind__43__you,but I want to speak to him about our business plan. I would like__44__see him as__45__as possible,please.
B:Are you free later today?
A:Sorry. I’m very__46__today.
B:Will you come tomorrow?
A:I think so.__47__ 48__?
B:Between 9:00__49__10:00.
A:Yes,that would be fine.
B:I’ll__50__a message on his desk.
A:Thank you very much. Goodbye!
Ⅴ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)
Someone says,“ Time is money. ” But I think time is__51__important than money. Why?Because when money is spent,we can get it back. But,when time is gone,it’ll never__52__. This is__53__we mustn’t waste time.
It goes without saying that__54__is usually limited.__55__a second is very important. We should make full use of our time to do__56__.
But it is a pity that there are a lot of people who do not know the importance of time. They spent their limited time smoking,drinking and
57__. They do not know that wasting time means wasting part of their own__58__. In a word,we should save time,we shouldn’t__59__today’s work for tomorrow. Remember we have no time to__60__.
51. A. much B. less
C. much less D. much more
52. A. return B. carry C. get D. bring
53. A. what B. because C. why D. so
54. A. money B. time C. day D. food
55. A. Every B. Even C. In D. Since
56. A. nothing useful B. useful anything
C. something useful D. useful everything
70. What do you think of Tom’s letter of thanks?
A. It was too soon. B. It was too early.
C. It was too slow. D. It was too late.
A man in a very famous restaurant started to take off his jacket. As soon as he saw this,the head waiter rushed over to his table and said,“I’m afraid I must ask you to keep your jacket on,sir,because it is not good manners to do it in such a nice restaurant.”
“Now,listen,” said the man. “ I will let you know that the Queen of England gave me permission(许可) to take off my jacket here.”
“The Queen of England?” said the waiter in great surprise.
“Sure,” replied the man. “ When I was in England last month,a friend of mine took me to see the Queen. It was quite hot,so I started to take my coat off. The Queen looked over and said,‘You may do that in the United States,but you may not do it here.’ So I got the Queen’s permission,right?”
71. It is certain that the story happened____ .
A. in England B. in the Queen’s place
C. in the USA D. in an ordinary restaurant
72. When the head waiter asked the man not to take off his jacket,the man____ .
A. took his advice immediately
B. obeyed him without saying anything
C. apologized for his bad manners
D. refused to listen to him
73. The man told the waiter that he could take off his jacket because
A. the Queen of England let him do so in the USA
B. the weather was so hot that no one could wear a thick jacket
C. he was free to take off his clothes anywhere
D. he was in such an unknown restaurant
74. What the Queen really meant was that____ .
A. people in the USA were less polite
B. he shouldn’t take off his coat on such a formal occasion(正式场合) in England
C. she let him take off his jacket in America
D. the English and the American enjoyed different ways of life
75. From the story we can know that____ .
A. the Queen invited the man to have dinner with her in a famous restaurant
B. the man went to see the Queen of England with his friend last month
C. the man’s friend made an apology to the head waiter
D. the head waiter was always ready to do what the Queen told him to
Ⅶ. 书面表达(20分)
Miss Zhou了解到卫华发生车祸的过程后,在班上组织了一次有关交通安全注意事项的讨论。你联系生活实际参与了讨论。请把你的意见整理一下,写成一篇80个词左右的短文。
1. 内容要求:(1) 步行时的安全事项; (2) 骑自行车时的安全事项; (3) 乘公交汽车时的安全事项。
2. 参考词汇:pavement人行道; handle bar自行车把手; watch ahead向前看
1. sounds 2. amazed 3. thinking 4. flight 5. whom 6-10 DDABA
11-15 CBBCB 16-20 ABDBA 21-25 CCBDB 26. doesn’t do
27. has he 28. if,liked 29. How long has,lived 30. so,that,couldn’t
31-35 CAFGB 36-40 AFCGE 41. speak 42. Wait/Just 43. of 44. to
45. soon 46. busy 47. What 48. time 49. and 50. leave
51-55 DACBB 56-60 CCBDA 61-65 TFFTT 66-70 BACAD
71-75 CDABB
Ⅶ. 书面表达(One possible version):
4.广元市中考满分作文-在乎 篇四
5.广元中考英语试题 篇五
A. where you buy it B. where do you buy it
C. where you bought it D. where did you buy it
(201X江苏省盐城市8. 1)-Excuse me .Could you tell me_____I can get to the Space Museum?
-Of course.You can take bus No.1.
A.where B.how C.if D.why
(201X四川省自贡市29. 1)-Do you know ________the new mobile phone last week?
-Maybe 900 yuan.Im not quite sure.
A.how much she paid for B.how much will she pay for
C.how much did she pay for
(201X山东省潍坊市17. 1)Michael Jordan has failed over and over again in his life.And thats ____ he succeeds .
A.what B.when C.why D.where
(201X山东省潍坊市26. 1)Alice in Wonderland is a fantastic movie.Its about ______.
A.how did Alice end the Red Queens reign of terror(恐怖统治)
B.what did Alice end the Red Queens reign of terror
C.how Alice ended the Red Queens reign of terror
D.what Alice ended the Red Queens reign of terror
(201X江苏省南京市12. 1)-Do you know ________the girl in red is ?
-Im not sure.Maybe a teacher.
A.when B.how C.where D.what
(201X江苏省无锡市3. 1)-What did your parents thank about your decision?
-They always let me do_______I think I should.
A.when B.that C.how D.what
(201X江苏省无锡市6. 1)The girl sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous,for she_______before.
A.didnt fly B.hasnt flown
C.hadnt flown D.wasnt flying
(201X江苏省宿迁市18. 1) -I dont know _______ now.
-She is much better today.
A. how is she B. where is she C. how she is D. where she is
(201X年上海市48. 1)I want to know ________.
A.when we should arrive at the airport
B.when should we arrive at the airport
C.when the airport we should arrive at
D.when the airport should we arrive at
(201X福建省晋江市40,1) -Would you please tell me __________?
-At 10:00 this evening.
A. when will the train leave
B. when the train will leave
C. when does the train leave
(201X江苏省扬州市10,1)-Do you know _______?
- Im not sure.Maybe an artist.
A.what the man with long hair is B.what is the man with long hair
C.who the man with long hair is D.who is the man with long hair
(201X四川省成都市44. 1)-Could you tell me________?
-Fill in this form and I will give you a card.
A.how I can meet Cathy B.where I can meet Cathy C.when I can meet Cathy
(201X浙江省湖州市24,1)-Could you tell me_______?
-Just go straight.Its on your right.
A.where the police station is B.what your name is
C.which country you come from D.why you like koalas
(201X山西省30,1)-I hear youve got a new pen pal. I wonder ______.
A. where does she live B. where she is studying C. where will she work
(201X湖北省武汉市38,1)-Do you know the man under the tree?
-Sorry, I dont know _______.
A. how is he B. what is he C. who he is D. bother
(201X河南省34,1)-Its such a long way! What shall I do?
-You _______take my car if you want
A will B must C may D shall
(201X吉林省通化市47,1)-Do you know ______the new mobile phone last week?
-Maybe 900 yuan.Im not quite sure.
A.how much she paid for B.how much will she pay for
C.how much did she pay for D.how much she will pay for
(201X湖北省十堰市40,1)Could you tell me________the bike without any help this morning?
A.how did he repair B.how be repaired
C.how does he repair D.how he repairs
(201X广西省梧州市45,1)-Do you know_______last night?
-Some school things.
A.what does she buy B.what she buys
C.what did she buy D.what she bought
6.中考英语试题 (554) 篇六
(2010?四川省巴中市,32,1)My cousin gave up the chance of working abroad and returned to his hometown.A.opportunity
C.experience 【答案】A(2010?四川省巴中市,37,1)What a pity!Liu Xiang didn’t win the_____hurdles(跨栏).A.110-meter
C.110 meter 【答案】A(2010?四川省卷,22,1)()22.When I was a student, I liked to sit in the front of the classroom so that I could see the words more clearly on the _______.A.blackboard
D.postcard 【答案】A(2010?浙江省东阳市,17,1)()17.I saw many ____________ eating grass on the hill.A.horse
D.sheep 【答案】D
演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案
(2010?山东省滨州市,34,1)34.Beijing, the capital of China, is one of __________ cities in the world.A.the biggest
C.much bigger
D.big 【答案】A(2010?四川省巴中市,33,1)He finds watching English movies frustrating because the people speak too quickly.A.boring
C.disappointing 【答案】C(2010?江苏省苏州市,15,1)Julia is very clever.In fact,I doubt whether anyone in the class has_______ IQ.
A.a high
B.a higher
C.the higher
D.the highest 【答案】B
(2010?吉林省通化市,39,1)Mr Black is strongly _______keeping animals in the zoo,because he thinks amimals should also have the right to enjoy freedom.A.up B.for
【答案】C(2010?山西省,19,1)My uncle has gone to Singapore.He will be______in a week.A.out
演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案
back 【答案】C(2010?山西省,21,1)This kind of dress is______this year, and I reaiiy want to get one A.in danger
B.in trouble C.in style 【答案】C
EuroDisney was opened in 1992 in Paris.It is one fifth the size of the
56(城市),It is the world’s 57(最好的)theme park.About 50 million visitors come 58(来自)abroad to see Mickey and Donald catch 59(年).So it makes a lot of money and many friends!But EuroDisney had a 60(艰难的)time at its beginning.Some people in Paris 61(相信)that the park would influence their culture in a bad way.And a bout 3.000 French 62(工人)stopped their jobs at the park bccause they felt it 63(错的)to speak English while working.Later people began to 64(喜欢)it.Many people who have been to the park 65(返回)with their friends.Now it is even more popular
演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案
than the Eiffel Tower.【答案】56 city
year 60 hard
61believed 62 workers 63 wrong 64 like 65 return
One day before my final exam,my dad gave me a gift.It completely changed my life.On that day I had a _31_with my friends and it was a difficult time with my studies.I was unhappy.Then I noticed the gift.I _32_it and saw a DVD inside.Its name was “THE SECRET”.However ,I was in no mood(心情)to watch it.I sat down to study ,but the _33_in my life-the fight,the sleepless nights and my poor health…Everything came to my mind.I wanted an answer but I wondered _34_there was any.Just then,I saw the DVD again.May be it would be helpful.I _35_my DVD player.I had no words to describe the feelings I experienced while watching it.The moving(动人的)stories of human beings made me so moved that I wouldn’t _36_any of them.Thanks to my father’s gift “THE SECRET”,I discovered _37_.Everyboday has difficulties in their lives.The important thing is that you should be _38_enough to face them.Now I have started _39_my studies and my
演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案
friends.And I’m in good health,too.I often hear people say, “Wow!_40_perfect life you have!’ 31.A.trip
B.party B.kept
D.broke 32.A.opened 33.A.chances D.mistakes
B.problems C.suggestions 34.A.why
D.how D.paid for D.remember D.myself D.weak 35.A.turned on 36.A.report
B.looked for B.forget B.itself B.brave
C.put away C.think
37.A.yourself 38.A.mad
39.A.being busy with
B.worrying about D.being afraid of
C.How a
D.How C.getting on well with 40.A.What a B.What
(1)The Weather
In winter the weather in England is often very cold.In spring and autumn there are sometimes cold days, but there are also days when the weather is warm.The weather is usually warm in summer.It is sometimes hot in summer, but it is not often very hot.There are often
演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案
cool days in summer.When the temperature is over 27℃, English people say it is hot.When the temperature is about 21℃, they say it is warm.In the north of Europe it is very cold in winter.In the south of Europe the summer is often very hot.In the south of Spain(1)and in North Africa(2)the summer is always hot.Water freezes(3)at 0℃.When water freezes, it changes from a liquid(4)into ice.Water boils(5)at 100℃.When water boils, it changes from a liquid into steam(6).Notes:(1)Spain/speIn/n.西班牙(2)Africa/`frIk/n.非洲(3)freeze/fri:z/v.结冰(4)liquid/`lIkwId/n.液体(5)boil/bIl/v.沸腾;(水)开(6)steam/sti:m/ n.蒸汽
1.What is the weather like in summer in England? A.Very hot.B.Warm.C.Cool.D.Both A and C.2.What do you think “the north of Europe“ means?
A.A part of a country.B.The capital of Europe.C.A country in the north of Europe.D.A part of Europe.3.When water freezes, it changes from
.A.water, ice
B.water, steam
演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案
C.steam, ice
D.ice, water 4.The writer wants to tell us something about
.A.the weather in Europe B.the weather in England C.some knowledge of the temperature
D.three states of water
答案:1—4 DDAC
(2)The Artist and the Beggar(1)
An artist was coming home by train one day.He hadn’t much money but was very kind.He gave his last few coins(2)to a beggar, but he saw another one, and forgot that he didn’t have any money in his pockets.He asked the man if he liked to have lunch with him, and the beggar, of course, agreed.So they went into a small restaurant and had a good meal.In the end, the artist could not pay the bill(3), and the beggar had to do so.The artist felt very sorry for it, so he said to the beggar, “Come home with me in a taxi, my friend.And I’ll give you the money for our lunch.”
“Oh, no!“ the beggar answered quickly.“I had to pay for your lunch, but I’m not going to pay for your taxi home!”
Notes:(1)beggar/`beg/ n.乞丐(2)coin/kIn/n.硬币(3)bill
演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案
1.What kind of man was the artist?
2.What did he do to the first beggar?
3.What did the artist forget when he invited another beggar to have lunch with him?
4.Who paid for the meal?
5.What did the artist want to do at last?
6.Why didn’t the beggar go home with the artist?
1.The artist is a kind man.2.He gave his last few coins to the first beggar.3.He forgot that he had no money then.4.The beggar paid for the bill.5.He wanted to return the beggar the money when he got home.6.Because he wouldn’t pay for the taxi.(3)A Common Language
There is a common(1)language popular in every country in the world.All the people, old and young, men and women, must use it.It’s everybody’s second language.It’s easy to learn, though(2)you don’t hear it.It’s sign language(3).精心收集
演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案
When you wave to a friend, you are using sign language.When you smile at someone, you mean to be friendly.When you put up your hand in class, you are saying, “Please ask me.I know the correct answer.“ When you put your finger in front of your mouth, you mean “Be quiet.” The deaf use sign language to talk to each other.There is even a university for the deaf in the United States.There are also TV programmes for the deaf people.They use sign language to tell everybody.Notes:(1)common/`kmn/adj.共同的(2)though/u/ conj.尽管(3)sign language 手势语(4)wave/weIv/ v.挥手
uses sign language.2.Sign language is not d
, so we can learn it.3.Most people who can s
use sign language, too.4.If someone smiles at you, it means he/she is friendly t
you.5.If you can a
a question, you should put up your hand first.6.You put your finger in front of your mouth if you want someone not to s
anything.7.The deaf can talk to each other w
sign language.8.Some A
deaf people can learn sign language in the university.精心收集
演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案
答案:1.Everyone 2.difficult 3.speak 4.to 5.answer 6.say 7.with 8.American
Everybody loves oranges.They are sweet and juicy.They’re in sections(分瓣),so it is 61_________to eat them.Some oranges do not have any seeds.Some have a 62________skin(果皮),and some have a thin skin.The orange tree is beautiful.It has a lot of shiny green 63________.The small white flowers smell very sweet.An orange tree has 64______and fruit at the same time.There were orange trees twenty millions years ago.The oranges were very small,not like the 65_______today.The orange trees probably came from China.Many different kinds of wild oranges 66_________in China today.The Chinese started to raise orange trees about 4,400 years ago.精心收集
演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案
Farmers in other parts of Asia and the Middle East 67 ________to raise oranges from the Chinese 68_________they taught Europeans.The Spanish planted orange trees in the New World(North and South America).They 69__________them to Florida first.Oranges are a very important crop to Florida today.In English ,orange 70._________both a fruit and a color.We use the name of the fruit for the color.【答案】KGAHE
David is in his school curling(冰壶运动)team in Scotland.He also plays for two clubs.Let’s listen to his story and learn more about curling.“I first started playing four years ago when I was 10 years old.My father,my brother and sister all curl and I would go and watch them play.I enjoy curling because I like the feeling of playing on real ice.I also like it because it is mentally challengint(智力挑战).In the play,you have to think about how to achieve your goal and how to beat the other team.”
“Sweeping(清扫冰道)is probably the most difficult part of the game.It is vey important because this decides the speed of the stone and keeps it straight.”
“Games can go on for three or four hours and I play about three times a week.Some of my friends thought it was funny when I started
演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案
curling.Then they tried it and now they play it,too.’
“Curling has been a Winter Olympic game since 1998.I would like to play at the Winter Olympics in the future.I would surely recommend(推荐)curling to everyone,because it’s different from other sports.” 1.David plays for __________and ____________in Scotland.2.He enjoys curling because he likes ________________on real ice and it’s also _____________.3.The most difficult part of the game must be______________.4.A curling game can go on for __________________.5.The reason for recommending curling to others is that it’s ________________.【答案】1.school team and two clubs 2.the feeling of playing
3.sweeping 4.three or four hours
5.different from other sports.六、书面表达
为参与我市当前开展的“与祖国共成长,争当四好少年”活动,你校英语报 “School Times ”举办 “How to be a good student?”英语征文比赛,请你用英语写一篇小短文。要求:
演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案
3、词数80左右(开关部分已给出,不计入总词数)How to be a good student? Everyone wants to be a good student,but how to be a good student ?_________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 答案:略
7.广元中考英语试题 篇七
听力部分 (第一节)
I.听句子, 选出句子中所包含的信息。 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)
() 1.A.present B.parent C.pleasant
() 2.A.6:10 B.6:20 C.6:30
() 3.A.hand out B.hang out C.hand up
() 4.A.Yesterday was Sunday.B.Today is Monday.C.Today is Sunday.
() 5.A.The museum is free for people to visit.
B.There are many people in the museum every day.
C.A lot of visitors go to the museum on vacations.
II.听句子, 选出该句的最佳答语。 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)
() 6.A.Thank you.B.You are kidding.C.No, not at all.
() 7.A.Yes, I did.B.Not yet.C.No, I didn’t.
() 8.A.I want to buy one.B.I like it very much.C.I don’t think so.
() 9.A.Yes, please.B.Here it is.Thank you.C.You’re welcome.
() 10.A.I really like them.B.I hate eating them.C.I’ve just eaten them up.
III.听对话和问题, 选择适当的选项。 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)
() 11.Which subject does Helen learn best?
() 12.Who ran fastest at the sports meeting?
() 13.What does the man want the woman to do?
A.He wants the woman to see a fi lm with him.
B.He wants the woman to go to a concert with him.
C.He wants the woman to visit a museum with him.
() 14.What do Cathy’s parents want her to be when she grows up?
() 15.What does Leo do on weekends?
IV.听语段、对话和问题, 选择正确答案。 (共10小题, 每小题1分, 计10分)
() 16.Where does John eat breakfast?
A.In his factory.B.At home.C.At the bus station.
() 17.How does he get to his factory at last?
A.By bus.B.By boat.C.On foot.
() 18.How old was Ann’s mother?
A.About 70.B.About 27.C.About 37.
() 19.Why did Ann buy her mother the electric machine for her birthday?
A.Because her mother was old.
B.Because her mother liked drinking tea.
C.Because her mother couldn’t make tea herself.
() 20.When did Jet Li begin to learn martial arts?
A.At the age of 8.B.At the age of 11.C.At the age of 17.
() 21.How many movies are mentioned in the passage?
() 22.When did Anna win the Oscar for the fi lm Fear?
A.Last year.B.This year.C.The year before last.
() 23.Was Anna surprised when she won an Oscar?
A.A little bit.B.No, she wasn’t.C.Yes, she was.
() 24.Who helped Anna to solve her problem?
A.The director.B.Her teachers.C.Her parents.
() 25.What’s Anna’s advice for young actors?
A.They should not learn from others.
B.They should be themselves all the time.
C.They must believe in their own talents.
V.单项选择 (共20小题, 每小题1分, 计20分)
() 26.Jenny often goes to______school without______breakfast.
A.a, a B.the, the C.the, /D./, /
() 27.Miss Smith is a friend of______.
A.Mary’s mother’s B.Mary’s mother
C.Mother’s of Mary D.Mary mother’s
() 28.—What did you get?
—I got a______bill.
A.fi ve-dollarsB.fi ve-dollarC.fi ve dollarsD.fi fth dollars
() 29.—Do you know______of them?
—No, I know Mr.Johnson and Mrs.Johnson.
() 30.Jack has studied in this school______the year of 2006.
() 31.Tom does his homework______Jenny.
A.as carefully as B.so carefully as
C.as careful as D.so careful as
() 32.Danny has______collection of coins than anyone else I have ever met.
A.largerB.a largerC.the largerD.a large
() 33.—Have you heard that Tom, along with his parents, ______to Japan?
—Really?No wonder I haven’t seen him these days.
A.has beenB.has goneC.have beenD.have gone
() 34.Danny fell asleep______he was watching TV.
A.afterB.beforeC.whileD.as soon as
() 35.______boring soap opera!I’ll never see it again.
A.HowB.WhatC.How aD.What a
() 36.Johnson hardly had time for movies, ______?
A.was heB.wasn’t heC.did heD.didn’t he
() 37.Mr.Liu’s voice______sweet.We all like his songs.
() 38.Ads sometimes help people learn more about new products, but at other times they______
tell lies.
() 39.Mary likes singing.She is often heard______in her room.
A.to singB.singC.sangD.sung
() 40.Most people______when the big fi re broke out.
A.is sleepingB.was sleepingC.are sleepingD.were sleeping
() 41.We’ll have a picnic in the park if it______rain tomorrow.
() 42.A new library______in our town last year.
A.was builtB.is buildingC.was buildingD.is built
() 43.Don’t______too late, or you will feel tired in class.
A.come upB.stay upC.wake upD.get up () 44.The factory______we’ll visit next week is not far from here.
() 45.Could you tell me______?
A.what size room is it C.what the size of the room is
C.how the room big is D.how big the size room is
VI.完形填空 (共10小题, 每小题1分, 计10分)
阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。
People often complain they have no time to do the things they want to do.They feel they are very 46______from day to night.In fact they have wasted much time.
Many old men said that their bodies were weaker 47______weaker.They didn’t have any time to take exercise.But they could play mahjong (麻将) all day.If they have a 48______, run slowly or do some other sports every day, they will have 49______bodies and have a long life They don’t know that saving is getting.
Adults usually complain they have 50______time to do the things they really like.But mos of them like having dinner in a restaurant with friends 51______work.When they get home, it is very late.They are 52______in the evening, but they don’t have energy the next morning.They don’t understand that time fl ies.
Young men believe that they should increase 53______.But they have no time to read or write.They enjoy 54______TV after they come back from work.They 55______much time on the boring soap operas every evening.They know about the stars very well, but their science knowledge is very poor.They don’t know how to“make hay while the sun shines”.
() 46.A.free B.busy C.sleepy D.lazy
() 47.A.and B.but C.or D.to
() 48.A.shower B.look C.walk D.dinner
() 49.A.unhealthy B.weak C.thin D.strong
() 50.A.a little B.little C.a few D.few
() 51.A.during B.between C.after D.before
() 52.A.exciting B.excited C.interesting D.interested
() 53.A.health B.knowledge C.habits D.manners
() 54.A.looking B.seeing C.reading D.watching
() 55.A.spend B.cost C.pay D.take
VII.阅读理解 (共15小题, 每小题2分, 计30分)
阅读A、B、C三篇材料, 然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。
People in the United States like fast food very much.They always buy it from fast food restaurants, such as McDonald’s, the KFC and so on.
Hamburgers are not the only food that fast food restaurants serve.They also serve fish chicken and sandwiches.Also some of them serve coffee and other drinks.
Fast food restaurants are very popular in the United States.Service in fast food restaurants is fast, and it is not too expensive.In America, about half women still work outside home after they get married.They are too busy to do the cooking for the family.The fast food restaurants help them to solve this problem.
Now McDonald’s has come to China.Did you go to those restaurants?Do you like the food?But when we enjoy it, we should remember it is bad for our health if we eat too much.
() 56.From the passage we know that fast food restaurants in the United States______.
A.are not popular B.don’t serve drinks
C.are very popular D.are not easily found
() 57.Fast food restaurants serve______.
A.fast food and some drinksB.eggs and drinks
C.only fast foodD.fruit and vegetables
() 58.In the United States, ______work outside home after they get married.
A.all the women B.about half of the women
C.no women D.few women
() 59.Many women in the USA are too busy to cook for their family, so______help them tosolve the problem.
A.their parentsB.their husbands
C.their childrenD.the fast food restaurants
() 60.The passage mainly tells us about______.
A.McDonald’sB.the KFC
C.American womenD.fast food restaurants
Dolphins are not fi sh.They are mammals (哺乳动物) .They live in groups and speak to each other in their own language.But they are quite different from almost all land animals.Their brain is as big as men’s, and they live a long life—at least 20 or 30 years.
Like some animals, dolphins use sounds to help them fi nd their way around.They also use these sounds to talk to each other and help them fi nd food.They do not use their ears to receive sounds, but use the jaw—the lower part of the mouth.
It is strange that dolphins are friendly to men, and for thousands of years, there are many stories about dolphins and men.In the 19th century, in a dangerous part of the sea near New Zealand, there was a dolphin.The seamen liked him very much and gave him a very good name Jack.From 1871 to 1903, Jack met every boat in the area and showed it the way.In 1903 a passenger on a boat with the name of The Penguin shot and hurt Jack.Luckily the dolphin didn’die, and after a long time he got well again.He guided the ships through the area for nine more years.But he refused to help the boat The Penguin.
Today, some people still kill dolphins, but many countries in the world now protect them.In these places, people are not allowed to kill them.
() 61.The underlined word“jaw”means“______”in Chinese.
() 62.How do dolphins fi nd their way?
A.They use their noses to smell the way.B.They use their ears to hear the way.
C.They use their eyes to see the way.D.They use sounds to fi nd their way.
() 63.Who was Jack in the passage?
A.The writer.B.A dolphin.C.A seaman.D.A boat.
() 64.The dolphin guided the ships for about______.
A.32 yearsB.9 yearsC.41 yearsD.23 years
() 65.According to the passage which of the following is NOT true?
A.Dolphins are not fi sh.
B.Dolphins live alone.
C.Dolphins are kind and friendly to people.
D.Dolphins can live a long life.
() 66.If an Australian student wants to learn Chinese, he or she can______.
A.call 021-58609228B.fax 02l-58609728
C.e-mail cherrylf@hotmail.comD.telephone 010-69191617
() 67.How many square meters (平方米) is the garden of the house for sale?
A.509 sqm.B.428.8 sqm.C.312.9 sqm.D.80.2 sqm.
() 68.Where is Cherry working now?
() 69.If Nick goes skiing on______in Beijing Snow World Ski Park, he has to pay more money
than on Tuesday.
A.Sunday B.Friday C.Wednesday D.Monday
() 70.If you want to ski for four hours on weekdays, how much money will you pay at least?
A.138 yuan.B.200 yuan.C.208 yuan.D.280 yuan.
卷II (非选择题共35分)
听力部分 (第二节)
VIII.听短文, 填空。 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)
IX.任务型阅读 (共5小题, 每小题2分, 计10分)
阅读短文, 并按要求完成下列试题。
Chinese basketball player Wang Zhizhi returned home from the United States on the morning of April 10th after he had been expelled (除名) from the National Team for four years.
“It has been a long time.I am so glad to be coming back home, ”Wang told a CCTV reporter.
Wang, the fi rst Chinese to play in the NBA (National Basketball Association) when he joined the Dallas in 2001, was welcomed by the Chinese basketball offi cials at the Beijing Internationa Airport that morning.
“I realized I had made a big mistake (for refusing to return when he was needed) .I want to say sorry to my fans and to the Bayi Team which trained me and gave me the chance to play in this time and win back my place in the National Team, ”Wang went on.
“Wang Zhizhi won’t play in the fi nal competition of the CBA (Chinese Basketball Association) because he didn’t register (注册) , ”said Zhang Bing, who works with the Bayi Team.
根据短文内容回答第76、77、78题, 并把信息填入第79、80题的横线上。
76.How many years hasn’t Wang Zhizhi been a member of the National Team?_______________________________________________________________________________
77.Why did Wang Zhizhi say sorry to his fans and Bayi Team?_______________________________________________________________________________
78.Which team did Wang Zhizhi play on after 2001?_______________________________________________________________________________
79.Wang Zhizhi couldn’t play in the fi nal competition of the CBA because he didn’t____________________.
80.Wang Zhizhi was____________________by the Chinese basketball offi cials at the airport.
X.词语运用 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)
根据下面句子的意思及所给的汉语提示, 写出空缺处单词、固定短语或固定搭配的正确形式。
81.The new school year begins in__________________ (九月) .
82.We should plant more trees__________________ (保护) our environment.
83.Paris is one of the__________________ (最有活力的) cities in Europe.
84.Dick’s hobby is__________________ (拍照) .
85.I__________________ (吵醒) by a loud noise last night.
XI.基础写作 (包括A、B两部分, A部分5分, B部分10分, 共计15分)
A) 连词成句 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)
将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。 (单词不得重复使用, 标点已给出)
86.you, your, school, work, busy, are, with______________________________________________________________________________?
87.you, movie, how, do, go, often, to, a______________________________________________________________________________?
88.he, good, comes, always, ideas, up, with______________________________________________________________________________.
89.yesterday, bike, he, his, me, new, lent, afternoon______________________________________________________________________________.
90.I, you, me, paper, have, gave, run, out, of, the______________________________________________________________________________.
B) 书面表达 (计10分)
请以If I Became a Famous Basketball Player为题, 写一篇英语短文。
提示:1.很多人会知道我的名字并喜欢我, 我会拥有很多“粉丝”。
2.我会很富有, 将会捐钱给慈善机构去帮助更多的人。
3.我也会有烦恼, 没有时间做自己喜欢做的事。
要求:1.必须包含以上内容, 可适当发挥。
2009年中考英语模拟试题 (八)
Section I
I.1.Dancing with so many friends is pleasant.2.He said he got up at six twenty yesterday morning.
3.Did the monitor hand out the exercise books to his classmates?4.The day after tomorrow will be Tuesday.
5.There are too many visitors in the museum during the holidays.
II.6.You really did a good job.7.Have you fi nished reading that interesting book?
8.How do you like the book Harry Potter?9.Anything else?No?OK, 68 yuan in all.
10.What have you done with the bananas?
III.11.M:How about your mid-term exams, Helen?W:I got an A for math, a C for physics and a D for biology.
Q:Which subject does Helen learn best?
12.M:Hi, Mei.Did Gary run fastest at the sports meeting?W:No, he got the second place.Dan won at last.
Q:Who ran fastest at the sports meeting?
13.M:Will you be free this afternoon?W:Sorry, I’m afraid not.What’s the matter?
M:I’ve got two tickets for Hai Mingwei’s concert.Q:What does the man want the woman to do?
14.M:What do you hope to be when you grow up, Cathy?
W:I hope to be a teacher but my parents would like me to be a doctor.M:What about your sister Kate?
W:She likes singing and hopes to be a singer.Q:What do Cathy’s parents want her to be when she grows up?
15.M:What do you do on weekends, Lucy?
W:I often do some reading at home, and sometimes I help do the washing.What about you, Leo?
M:I usually play basketball.You know, I’m playing for the school team.Q:What does Leo do on weekends?
IV.Passage I
John works in a factory in a new town.But he lives far from his factory.Every day he gets up very early.He eats breakfast at home.Then he goes to a bus station by bike.There he takes a bus to get to the River Stop from the bus station.There is no bridge over the river.He takes a boat to get across the river.He gets off the boat and then walks to his factory.He does the same thing every weekday.
Questions:16.Where does John eat breakfast?17.How does he get to his factory at last?
Passage II
Ann’s mother was about seventy, so Ann wanted to give the old lady a nice present for her birthday.She liked drinking tea, so Ann bought a small electric machine that could make tea.She brought it to her mother on her birthday and showed her how to use it.“Before you go to bed, put tea and water in it, ”she said, “and don’t forget to turn on the machine.When you wake up in the morning, your tea will be ready.”The old lady was very happy.
Questions:18.How old was Ann’s mother?19.Why did Ann buy her mother the electric machine for her birthday?
Passage III
Jet Li is a famous Chinese martial arts star.He was born on April 26, 1963.He began to learn martial arts at the age of 8.At the age of 11, he won his fi rst national championship.For the next fi ve years, he remained the All-Around National Wushu Champion of China.When he was 17, he retired from the sport and began his fi lm career.He acted in the fi lm Shaolin Temple which made him a well-known martial arts star.Later, he acted in many other excellent fi lms such as Hero and The Warlords.
Questions:20.When did Jet Li begin to learn martial arts?21.How many movies are mentioned in the passage?
M:Anna, you won an Oscar last year for the fi lm Fear.How did you feel about that?
W:It was very exciting, but I don’t think the Oscar is only for me.It should go to everyone who worked on the fi lm.
M:Scary fi lms don’t usually win Oscars.Were you surprised?W:No, not really.I think it’s a very good fi lm.
M:I agree.And how did you become an actress?
W:Well, I loved acting at school, but I had trouble reading, so I couldn’t read very well.Everyone thought I was silly.
M:That was terrible.How did you solve it?
W:My parents helped me a lot.Then I went to a theater school, but I waited a long time before I got a good part.
M:How did you get the part in Fear?
W:The director saw me in Shakespeare’s Macbeth and he liked my scary character!
M:Have you got any advice for young actors?
W:Well, they should learn from other actors, but they must believe in their own talents.M:Anna, thank you.
Questions:22.When did Anna win the Oscar for the fi lm Fear?23.Was Anna surprised when she won an Oscar?
24.Who helped Anna to solve her problem?25.What’s Anna’s advice for young actors?
Section II
VIII.Before 1750, the idea of skating hadn’t appeared.That changed because of a man named Joseph Merlin.
Merlin was a man full of ideas and dreams.One day Merlin got an invitation to a party.He was excited.As the day of the party came near, Merlin began to think how to make a special entrance at the party.He thought he could skate into the room.Merlin tried different ways.Finally, he decided to put two wheels under each shoe.These were the fi rst roller skates.
On the night of the party Merlin rolled into the room playing his violin.Everyone was surprised to see him.But Merlin had no way to stop his roller skates.He rolled on and on.Suddenly, he ran into a huge mirror.Then the mirror broke into pieces.No one ever forgot Merlin’s special entrance!
2009年中考英语模拟试题 (八)
I.1~5 CBACC II.6~10 ABBBC III.11~15 ABBCA IV.16~20 BCABA 20~25 BABCC
V.26~30 DABAB 31~35 ABBCD 36~40 CDBAD 41~45 BABCC VI.46~50 BACDB 51~55 CBBDA
VII.56~60 CABDD 61~65 ADBCB 66~70 CCBAA
VIII.71.1750 72.ideas and dreams 73.invitation 74.violin 75.stop
IX.76.For 4 years.77.Because he refused to return when he was needed.78.The Dallas.79.register 80.welcomed
X.81.September 82.to protect 83.liveliest 84.taking photos 85.was woken up
XI.A) 86.Are you busy with your school work?87.How often do you go to a movie?
88.He always comes up with good ideas.89.He lent me his new bike yesterday afternoon.
90.I have run out of the paper you gave me.
B) One possible version:
If I Became a Famous Basketball Player
8.广元中考英语试题 篇八
例如:31.—How long have you pre-paredfor the art festjval?
ASince April
BIn April
例如:35,Could you tel/me——?
Awhatare youlookingfor
Bwhatyou areIookingfor
Cwhat were you looking for
Dwhat you were looking for
10小题依次考查了交际用语、现在进行时、介词短语、不定代词、动词短语辨析、现在完成时、There be句型、一般现在时的被动语态形式、if引导的条件状语从句、宾语从句。作为主干知识的动词时态、语态以及动词短语辨析为4小题、各种从句为3小题,共计占该题70%的权重。孰重孰轻可见一斑。