


1.七年级下unit10测试 篇一

Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation?

Section A(1a-2c)教学反思




1、自学指导的英语表示法不够准确,我出示的是Learning guide, 在校长的指导下,才知道正确的表示法应该是Self-study instruction.2、检查课件不够细心。尽管课前已校正过课件,但还是有遗漏的错误,回答Where did you go on vacation? 课件展示的是She went to „,而正确的回答应该是I went to„.3.时间控制方面有待提高。留给学生当堂记忆的时间还是有点儿短,如果在前面将时间调控的更紧凑点儿,学生会有更多的时间记忆,记忆的效果会更扎实一些。






2.七年级下unit10测试 篇二


1. Here is my a____. Welcome to my home on Sunday.

2. Lisa comes from Japan and she can speak J____.

3. David can j____ the Chess Club and play it after school.

4. Joe has lived in China for five years. He can s____ a little Chinese.

5. “W____ don’t you go to school today?” “Because it’s Sunday today.”


6. Bill likes music and he ____ (have) a nice guitar.

7. Anna likes singing and dancing. She wants to be a ____ (music).

8. Mrs. Jones thinks that Beijing Opera is ____ (real) fun.

9. Nancy is good at ____ (swim).

10. Mary doesn’t want ____ (dance) in the classroom.

Ⅱ. 单项选择。(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)

1. Jennifer can speak ____ Chinese now.

A. a little B. manyC. a lotD. little

2. I don’t think you can ____ a musician in two years.

A. makeB. doC. beD. look

3. Miss Jones can play the violin ____ she can’t play the drum.

A. and B. soC. or D. but

4. “What can you do in our school art festival?” “I can ____ Chinese kung fu.”

A. take B. do C. getD. speak

5. “Where can we ____ you, Mr. Wang?” “Call me at 0538-7332289 and you can find me.”

A. seeB. look C. find D. watch

6. “What club do you want to join in our school?” “____.”

A. Yes, I doB. No, I don’tC. Sorry, I don’t knowD. No, I can’t

7. All the girls of our class want to join the ____ club.

A. swim B. swimmingC. to swimD. swimmer

8. Victor wants ____ the computer games after dinner.

A. playB. play withC. playingD. to play

9. Cindy can’t play the piano very ____.

A. wellB. good C. niceD. much

10. Can you help Zhang Heng ____ his English?

A. on B. in C. withD. for

11. She ____ dance very well.

A. do B. can C. doesD. cans

12. “Here is a card. Please ____.” “Thank you.”

A. fill B. fill out itC. fill it outD. fill out

13. The girl can’t sing ____ dance.

A. and B. but C. orD. too

14. “Where is Li Lei?” “He ____ in the library.”

A. may beB. maybe C. may isD. may are

15. Please talk to Lucy ____ more information.

A. in B. on C. for D. of

Ⅲ. 完形填空。(共10小題,每小题1分,共10分)

Dear Jackie,

I am happy to get your letter. Do you want __1__ about my school life this week?

This week I __2__ three English classes. I learn some new words. And we also __3__ an interesting movie in the class. Its name is Home Alone. I like __4__ very much. I like having P.E. __5__ Mr White is my P.E. teacher. He is my favourite teacher. He is a very__6__ man, but we all like to play __7__ him. In __8__ class, he teaches us to play basketball, soccer and ping-pong. This week, our class has a basketball game with Class 5. I like playing __9__ best and I want to be a great basketball player. What about you? Can you __10__ me something interesting in your school?

Write to me soon.



1. A. to sayB. learnC. to knowD. know

2. A. haveB. hasC. learnD. learns

3. A. lookB. look atC. seeD. sees

4. A. himB. it’sC. themD. it

5. A. becauseB. soC. ofD. but

6. A. boringB. sadC. interestingD. strict

7. A. withB. andC. ofD. for

8. A. herB. heC. hisD. him

9. A. soccerB. basketballC. ping-pongD. tennis

10. A. tellB. speakC. callD. ask

Ⅳ. 閱读理解。(共20小题,每小题2分,共40分)


There are fifty-four students in Class Four, Grade Seven. All the boys join clubs except (除……之外) Li Ming. Seven boys join the basketball club. Nine boys join the football club. Twelve boys join the computer club. Zhao Bing can play the guitar very well and he joins the music club. Sun Hong likes drawing and he joins the art club.

Zhou Tong asks Li Ming, “Why don’t you join the basketball club? We can play it after school and go home together.”

“I’m sorry, Zhou Tong,” says Li Ming. “I don’t want to join any club of our school.”

“What club do you want to join, Li Ming?” asks Mr. Wang. “I like writing, as you know, Mr. Wang. I want to set up(成立) a writing club.”

“That’s great!” says Mr. Wang. “And I want to be your coacher(辅导员).”

1. There are ____ boys in Class Four, Grade Seven.

A. 54 B. 12C. 28 D. 31

2. Zhao Bing joins the music club because he ____.

A. has a violinB. can play the guitar

C. likes dancingD. helps kids with English

3. Zhou Tong likes playing ____.

A. basketballB. footballC. volleyballD. table tennis

4. There are ____ clubs in the school.

A. four B. six C. fiveD. seven

5. Mr. Wang teaches ____ in the school.

A. math B. ChineseC. artD. P.E.


Hello, everyone! Today I want to introduce my best friend to you. Her name is Rose.

Rose is an outgoing(外向型) girl. She is not tall. She is very thin. She has a round face and two big eyes.

Her hair is short. She often wears a pink dress, because pink is her favourite colour. She always has a smiling face. Everyone likes her very much. So she has many friends.

Rose is a clever girl. She’s our monitor. She works hard at school every day. She is good at English and maths. She always does her best to help others with their study. She likes asking teachers questions. Her homework is always clean and tidy. Her handwriting is very beautiful. She is a top student in our class.

Rose is a versatile(多才多艺的) girl. She can play the piano. She can draw pictures well. She can play table tennis. She can swim. She can do many things very well.

Rose has a pet. It is a small dog. Its name is Xiao Xiong. They are good friends. I like it, too.

Do you like my best friend, Rose? Can you tell me about your best friend?

1. What colour does Rose like best? ____.

A. YellowB. PinkC. BlackD. Red

2. What subject is Rose good at? ____.

A. Chinese B. Maths C. HistoryD. Science

3. What does Rose look like? ____.

A. She is tallB. She is strongC. She is thinD. She is fat

4. What animal does Rose keep as a pet? ____.

A. A dog B. A catC. A duckD. A pig

5. Which of the following sentences is NOT true? ____.

A. Rose’s hair is longB. Rose’s homework is always clean and tidy

C. Rose works hard at schoolD. Rose is an outgoing girl


Xie Qiang is a student in Grade 7. Mother’s Day is coming. The teacher wants to hold a party in the classroom and asks him to organize the party. Now he is making the plan.

First, he will write some invitations to students’ mothers. He will ask the mothers to come to the classroom. The students are going to join the party with their mothers together.

Second, he will ask his classmates to perform(表演) at the party. Zhang Yanling will sing English songs. Liu Yanhua will play the piano. Li Bingpeng will tell stories at the party. Wang Xiaolong will play games.

Third, Xie Qiang will buy some Coke, juice and some milk for the mothers. He will also ask the students to prepare some presents for their mothers. They will let their mothers have a good time.

Fourth, he will ask some mothers to tell some stories and play games with the students. He will also ask some mothers to tell something interesting to children.

He hopes mothers will have a lot of fun at the party. The students can’t wait for Mother’s Day.

1. What is Liu Yanhua going to do at the party? ____.

A. Sing English songsB. Play the piano

C. Tell storiesD. Play games

2. What can’t mothers drink at the party? ____.

A. CokeB. JuiceC. CoffeeD. Milk

3. Which grade is Wang Xionglong in? ____.

A. Grade 5B. Grade 6C. Grade 7 D. Grade 8

4. Who is going to organize the party? ____.

A. Xie Qiang’s motherB. Zhang Yanling

C. Xie Qiang’s teacherD. Xie Qiang

5. Where does the teacher want to hold the party? ____.

A. At Xie Qiang’s homeB. In the classroom

C. In the parkD. On the playground


An Old Cat

An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite(咬). One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it, the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away.

The old woman became very angry because the cat can’t kill the mouse. She began to hit(打) the cat. The cat said, “Do not hit your old friend. I have worked for you for many years, and I would work for you still, but I am too old. Please be kind to me, and remember I did good work when I was young.”


1. What’s the cat like?


2. Why did the old woman become very angry?



3. The cat could run very quickly.

4. The old woman liked the cat much.

5. The cat did good work when she was young.

Ⅴ. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)

1. “米歇尔会跳舞吗?” “是的,她会。”

“____ Michele dance?” “Yes, she ____.”

2. 杰克逊先生,我可以问你一个问题吗?

____ I ____ you a question, Mr. Jackson?

3. 杰克经常帮我学弹吉他。

Jackie often helps ____ ____ playing the guitar.

4. 玛丽亚非常喜欢孩子们,孩子们也非常喜欢她。

Maria ____ ____ very much and they love her, too.

5. 爱德华想加入俱乐部,任何俱乐部都行。

Edward wants ____ ____ a club, any kind of club.

Ⅵ. 对下列句子的划线部分提问,每空一词(含缩写)。(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)

1. June can draw very well.

____ can June ____ very well?

2. Rick wants to join the chess club.

____ club ____ Rick want to join?

3. Jet’s sister can play the piano.

____ can Jet’s sister ____?

4. My E-mail address is XTW08@.sina.com.

____ ____ your E-mail address?

5. Ben’s family name is Clark.

____ is Ben’s ____ name?

Ⅶ. 从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话(有两项是多余的)。(共5空,每空2分,共10分)

A: Hello!May I speak to John?

B: Hello!__1__

A: What are you doing, John?

B: __2__

A: Do you like drawing at home?

B: Yes, I do. __3__

A: Why do you think so?

A: __4__

B: I think you must draw more pictures.

A: __5__ I’ll work hard at it.

A. But I’m not good at it.

B. I am drawing a picture for my brother.

C. Yes, you are right.

D. What club do you want to join?

E. This is John speaking.

F. Because my pictures aren’t nice.

G. Can you speak English?

Ⅷ. 书面表达。(15分)



3.七年级下unit10测试 篇三



(检测时间:45分钟 满分100分)



















































































4.七年级下unit10测试 篇四

Unit 10

Section A

I. 1. summer2. center3. exam4. expensive5. decide


III. 1. go to the mountains2. stay at home3. visit my uncle4. go to summer camp5. visit museums6. go on vacation7. study for exams8. pretty good9. did; go on vacation; went; was; was pretty good10. were; were11. was; was hot; rainy12. How were; were unfriendly

Section B

I. A) 1. awful2. walk3. classmate4. water

B) 5. cry6. exams7. rainy8. were



Self Check 1

I. 1. didn’t make2. Did; go3. What did; do4. Where did; go5. went shopping

II.1. did; go; summer camp2. How; were; unfriendly3. Did; No4. makes me clean5. had fun talking


Self Check 2

I. 1-5 CBABC6-10 ABCBA

II. One possible version:

Sunday, April 9th

The weather was fine. All my classmates went to the park.

We climbed the hills, boated on the lake, and flew kites all morning.

At noon, we had a picnic near a big tree. In the afternoon, some girls

sang and danced, some boys talked in English, and some students

played games there. When we went home, it was late. I was tired, but

5.七年级下unit10测试 篇五


语言目标: 使用情态动词can 的肯定句和否定句,一般疑问句及肯定回答和否




语言结构:Can you do…? Yes ,I can./No, I can’t.I can do …I can’t do…

What can you do?


重点词汇: guitarpianoviolinsingdanceswimspeak Engl

ishplay the guitarplay the chess



Step 1 Lead-inTalk about Christmas, play a Christmas song and sing together.T: Good morning, everyone!I am very glad to give you an English lesson here.Today I have something to show you.Look at this, what’sthis in English?

Ss: It’s a calendar.T: Right.And what’s the date today? Do you know? Ss: It’s December 25rd.T: Yes.And during these days, when you walk in the streets, you can see something different, what are they?

There is something special on the day after tomorrow.Do you know what is it?

T: Just now we heard a Christmas song.Can you sing the song?.....If you can sing, let’s sing a song to all of our teachers here, Ok? 2 Sing a song together: ‘Merry Christmas’.T: You are very clever, you can sing songs.But can you dance? Can you play the guitar? This is what we are going to learn today.Step 2Guessing game

Please guess what kind of instrument it is according to my bodylanguage.Guitar Can you play the guitar?Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.Piano Can she play the piano? Yes, she can./ No, she can’t.Violin Can he play the violin? Yes, he can./ No, he can’t.Cello My uncle can play the cello.DrumPlaying the drum is interesting/ difficult.Trumpet Can they play the trumpet?

ErhuCan you play Erhu?

Step 3MatchT: Ok, you can do so many things, do you want to join some clubs? Let’s see, what clubs do we have.I want to join ______ club.Music ClubSwimming ClubArt ClubChess ClubEnglish Club 2 Look the picture and the words, match the letters with the new words.Step 4Listening and speakingListen to three conversations and number them, write 1,2,and 3 in the boxes.Repeat after T

Step 5 Group Workchoose the tasks : there are four tasks for students to do ingroups, divide them to four groups.Each group choose an envelope which including one task in it.They will do the task as what they are told to do.declare the tasks:

Task 1The best partners

Task 2Do you know him/ her well?

Task 3Response quickly

Task 4Set up clubs

3Students get prepare for their tasks.4Do the tasks one by one.Step 6 Summarize and homeworkReview the new words and sentences.Make a survey:

Ask your classmates what can he/she do and what club dose he want to join.Use the following sentences:

Can you do---What club do you want to join?

Then write report about it.教学后记:

6.七年级下unit10测试 篇六

A) 根据句意和首字母提示完成句子中的单词。

1. The girl with long h____ is Cathy.

2. Welcome to join our basketball t____.

3. My eyes are not good. I have to wear g____.

4. Peter is good at singing. Maybe he can be a s____.

5. Johnny takes much exercise and is of strong b____.

B) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

6. David ____ (have) short curly hair.

7. Ruth ____ (look) like her sister Gloria.

8. Paul is of medium ____ (high).

9. She likes reading and ____ (play) computer games.

10. Mike wears ____ (short) when he goes out.


1. Stop ____ and listen to the teacher.

A. to talkB. talkC. talkingD. talks

2. My friend Mary is ____ tall.

A. good B. realC. bitD. really

3. Look!That fat boy must be very ____.

A. heavyB. shortC. lightD. tall

4. Her sister ____ a new friend at school.

A. there isB. hasC. haveD. make

5. Li Jun always ____ school uniform to school.

A. wearsB. is wearingC. wearD. to wear

6. ____ does Tom look like?

A. HowB. WhatC. What’sD. How’s

7. Yu Jie is ____ and she wants to be an actress.

A. sweet voiceB. blonde hairC. good-lookingD. medium build

8. Good news for Chinese middle school students. They don’t have to pay for school ____.

A. any moreB. no moreC. some moreD. not more

9. Lily likes playing the guitar and ____ TV.

A. watchingB. watchC. watchesD. to watch

10. Tina is a good student and she is ____ late for school.

A. oftenB. neverC. alwaysD. sometimes

11. ——What does Mary look like?


A. She is fineB. She has brown hair

C. She is looking at a pictureD. She likes action movies

12. Do you know the girl ____ red hat?

A. onB. ofC. inD. with

13. Look at the people! Do you know ____?

A. what are they talking aboutB. what they talk about

C. what they are talking aboutD. what do they talk about

14. My uncle is funny. He loves to ____ jokes.

A. talkB. tellC. speakD. say

15. He likes ____ T-shirts. Look! He ____ one with a tiger on it.

A. to wear; wearsB. wearing; wearsC. wearing; is wearingD. wears; is wearing


Everyone wants to be good-looking especially young people. Everybody wants __1__ a tall build.

If a girl has a __2__ face, maybe she can be an actress after she grows up. If a girl has a __3__ build, she can be a model. Of course a handsome boy can be an actor. And a tall boy can __4__ a sportsman.

If you have an ordinary face, don’t worry about it. Most people have ordinary faces. They still work __5__ and live a rich, happy life.

Judge is not from appearance. A beautiful face is very __6__. But it isn’t all in all. We can find jobs and make __7__ for our families according as we have knowledge(知识) or not in the future. So we must study hard and do __8__ in our subjects. We should get high education after we __9__ middle school. Remember: Knowledge is the __10__ of success.

1. A. haveB. to haveC. hasD. having

2. A. beautifulB. ugly C. bigD. long

3. A. short B. strongC. smallD. tall

4. A. get B. bringC. be D. take

5. A. hardB. outC. offD. away

6. A. exciting B. boringC. important D. interesting

7. A. friendsB. moneyC. cars D. tea

8. A. wellB. goodC. fine D. nice

9. A. talk B. teach C. wait D. finish

10. A. build B. bridgeC. centerD. beach



I have a good friend at school. He is from the United States. His name is Peter Dean. He has been in China since six years ago. He is a tall boy with short, curly brown hair. His eyes aren’t big but his nose is big. His hands and feet are large. He is the strongest in our class.

Peter can read and write Chinese. He came to China with his parents at the age of eight in 2005. He likes history and geography. He is good at singing and dancing. And he can play the guitar very well. He dislikes physics and chemistry. He says math is the most difficult subject.

Peter tells us language is easy. He talks to us in Chinese. He talks to his father in English and his mother in French at home.

On weekends we always have a trip by bike. Peter wants to visit every Hutong in our city in three years. He says he likes our city. He wishes he could live here for life.


1. Peter is an ____ boy.

A. EnglishB. AustralianC. AmericanD. Canada

2. Peter is ____ years old now.

A. fourteenB. twelveC. eightD. ten

3. Peter doesn’t like math because it is ____.

A. interestingB. boringC. excitingD. difficult

4. Peter can talk to people in ____.

A. ChineseB. three languagesC. EnglishD. French

5. Peter likes ____ with his friends on weekends.

A. having a tripB. watching TV

C. playing ballsD. playing computer games


My father is tall and has short curly gray hair. He wears glasses with heavy, black frames(镜框). Today I find a picture of him in 1968. What a surprise! In the picture, he’s 15 years old and he’s short. He wears glasses with small, round frames. He has long, yellow hair and it’s really straight. He’s wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt with a word “love” on it.

I’m 15 years old now. I’m medium height and I have short hair. My hair isn’t yellow. It’s red. My dad thinks it’s strange, but my friends think it’s great. I wear glasses, and my glasses have square red frames. They’re so cool! I never wear blue jeans. I like big pants and long T-shirts. Most of my T-shirts have pictures of my favorites rock bands on them.


1. What does the writer’s father look like? ____.

A. He’s tall and has short curly gray hairB. He’s tall and has long straight yellow hair

7.七年级下unit10测试 篇七




2.掌握can 的用法及意义。






(1).Can you play the piano, the trumpet, the drums,or the guitar?


(2).Then you can be in our school music festival.Please call zhang heng at 622—6033。___________________________________________________

(3).We want two good musicians for our rock band.________________________________________________






e.g.I am a _________.I like ___________ very much.(music)




Musicians wanted for the school show

Your attention, please(请注意).We will _________ a show at 6:00pm __________ Sunday.We __________two good musicians for the show.If you _________dance or sing, please_________ us.If you can play the piano, the ________ or the guitar, please send an ___________ to GiGi182@ 163.com.Also, we want three people to _________us paint some pictures.So if you can __________, please ___________ to the school office(办公室)before Thursday.句型转换:

1.Please show me your new pen.(改为同意句)

Please_______your new pen________me.2.Let me show you my new backpack.(改为同意句)

Let me show _______ ______ _______ ________ _____


8.七年级下unit10测试 篇八

1.The farmers ____________(grow)many flowers in the fields three months ago.2.—Where ____________ the children ____________(swim)yesterday morning?

—They ____________(swim)in the river.参考答案:


9.七年级下unit10测试 篇九


We like climbing the hill in the morning. 我们喜欢在早晨爬山。

They are living in a mountain village. 他们住在一个山村里。

拓展链接:mount n. 山,通常放在山名之前。eg: Mount Tai 泰山

2. something与anything



The boy has something to tell you. 这个男孩有事要告诉你。

Would you like something to eat now? 你现在想要些吃的东西吗?


I didn’t find anything. 我什么都没找到。

Have you got anything to do? 你有事要做吗?


I don’t have anything to say at the meeting.

=I have nothing to say at the meeting. 在那个会上我没什么可说的。

3. vacation与holiday


We spent a pleasant vacation in the country. 我们在乡下度过了一个愉快的假期。

(2)holiday也指“假期”,多用于英式英语中,中小学的假期叫holiday,大学的假期叫vacation。a holiday可以表示“一天假期”,也可以表示“一次假期”,指寒暑假时常用复数。eg:

winter holidays 寒假

4. in the corner与at the corner


(1)in the corner通常指建筑物内部的某一个角落。eg:

There are many old books in the corner of the room. 在房子的角落有许多旧书。

(2)at the corner表示“墙外面的角”,常指街头的某一个拐角处。eg:

You can stand at the corner of the street to wait for the bus.


5. make与do


They make cars in that factory. 他们在那家工厂制造汽车。

What are you doing? 你在做什么呢?

10.七年级下 Unit2练习 篇十


( )1. Daniel wants to be _______teacher, and I want to work as _____engineer.

A. a; a B. an; a C. a; an D. /; /

( )2. I am afraid they don’t like friends ________you.

A. as B. like C. of D. with

( )3. There ______ some social workers and a computer engineer in their community centre.

A. is B. are C. be D. have

( )4. In my free time, I often _______my brother _______maths.

A. help ; in B. will help, with C. help ; with D. will help ; in

( )5. There is ________wrong with you. You are just too fat.

A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing

( )6. At weekends, some college students ____________help people with all kinds of problems.

A. is ready to B. get ready for C. are ready for D. are ready to

( )7. Next week, the students in Class 1, Grade 7__________some shopping for old people.

A. are going to do B. will do C. do D. are doing

( )8. ---_________will you finish reading these books?

---In about two weeks.

A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. When

( )9. ----_______you ready ________help people in need?


A. Do; to B. Are; to C. Are ; for D. Do; for

( )10. ----______you find ________to help me with my computer.?

---No problem.

A. Can; someone B. May; someone C.Can; anyone D. May; anyone

( )11. ----Simon, you really do well in computers.


A. No, I am not good at it B. Thank you C. Yes, I do D. Are you joking?

( )12.In the library, the librarian always asks us ____________.

A. to shout B. not to shout C. shouting D. not shouting

( )13.There __________ a sports meeting this month in our school.

A.will be going to B.will going to be C. is going to be D.will go to be

( )14.Jackson __________ here next month.

A.isn’t working B. doesn’t working

C.isn’t going to working D. won’t work

( )15.He ________ very busy this week; he ________ free next week.

A. will be; is B. is; is C. will be; will be D.is; will be

( )16. I don’t like this house _________.

A.all B.for C.at all D. all at

( )17- ____________ you __________ free tomorrow?

- Sorry, I __________ free the day after tomorrow.

A.Are; going to; will B.Are ;going to be; will

C.Are; going to; will be D.Are going to be; will be

( )18.My grandma ___________ me a nice present on my next birthday.

A. will gives B.will give C. gives D. give

( )19.- Shall I buy a cup of coffee for you?

- ___________.I’m not thirsty

A. No, you won’t B. No, you aren’t

C. No. thanks D. No, please

( )20. It’s hard for Daniel and _______to work without a car.

A. I to go B. me to go C. I going D. me going

二. 选词填空(每题1分,共5分)

are going to; in the future; kind and helpful; is always ready to; interested; interesting

1. Most boys and girls are __________in playing computer games now.

2. What does your brother want to be ________________?

3. The students from Class 1, Grade 7 ______________have a barbecue(篝火) next Sunday.

4. My new neighbours are all __________________. I like them very much.

5. Our monitor ______________answer our teacher’s questions in class.

II. 用括号中所给词的正确形式填空(每题1分,共10分)

1. At Hallow, children may knock on their _________(neighbour) doors and play a game.

2. Tony, my friend, is ________(luck) to win the first prize.

3. Some social workers will come to our community centre and help _________(work) out our problems.

4. It’s interesting for _________(they) to play the game called ‘Hide and seek”.

5. In two weeks, my parents ____________(come) back form England.

6. How about _________(help) them with the homework?

7. Everyone should listen ____________(careful) in class.

8. In her free time, Mr. Wang would like to do some ____________(shop).

9. There are more and more tall __________(build) in our city.

10. Please _______(not tell) her about the game, or she will be sad.

III.. 完成句子 (每题3分,共15分)


She _______________a teacher__________________because she loves children.


________________can help us with ___________________about computers.


______________________________________________________people in need.


I ________________they don’t welcome _________________________.

