Unit 15 The necklace备课资料 (新课标版高一英语下册备课资料)


Unit 15 The necklace备课资料 (新课标版高一英语下册备课资料)(精选4篇)

1.Unit 15 The necklace备课资料 (新课标版高一英语下册备课资料) 篇一

Teaching aims and demands:

a. Achieve language skills and related knowledge about the topic of sports and the Olympics;

b. Learn to express likes and interests and hobbies:

c. Vocabulary in this unit:

the words and expressions listed on the teacher’s book

d. Grammar:

the passive voice

Period 1

Main points


stand for; well-known; host; shooting; interest; test; examine✓ match; sport; congratulation; fill in; information; while; beat&win

2.Sentence patterns

would rather…

be worth…


3.Functional item

talk about interests&hobbies

Difficult points

would rather…


Teaching procedures

Step 1 lead-in

Ss : talk about sports

T : Do you like sports?What sports do you know?

How much do you know about the Olympic Games?

Many of you are sports fans.And we all know China will host the Olympics in .Next I will give you a quiz to see which of you knows most about the Olympics.

Step 2 Warming up

1.Ss finish the multiple choices in given time.

2.Check the answers

Step 3 Listening

T : Most sports fans like to listen to sports news.How about you?Next you’ll listen to three sports reports.

1.Go through each task and understand what to do.

2.Play the tape two or three times as necessary.Pause at important points and give the students help as necessary.

3.Let the Ss discuss in pairs and then check the answers.

Steps 4 Speaking

1.Go over the useful expressions listed.T asks and Ss answers.

2.Ss practice asking and answering in pairs.

3.Set an example of an interview.

4.Ss practice in groups of 4.Using the expressions.

Step 5 Language points

1.would rather

(1)+do (d’rather do)

EP:He said he would rather play football.

I’d rather stay here with you.

(2)+not do sth

EP:He would rather not listen to jazz.

2.Prefer to do rather than do

EP:I prefer to write to her rather than telephone her.

I prefer to stay at home rather than go out.

Homework :Review useful expressions and practice.

Period 2

Main points


take part in; competitor; rank; prtpare; every 4 years; in modern times; further&farther; event; history-making; make change; whole&all; honour.

2.Sentence patterns

…the same as…


Difficult points

…the same as…

every 4 years

Teaching procedures

Step 1 Recision

Ask students to talk about interests and hobbies.

Step 2 Pre-reading

1.T:Which sport event do you like to watch most?Why?

2.T:Are the Olympic Games important to our society?Why or why not?

Possible answer:Yes,they are important.It is an opportunity to show how strong you country is and how much the people in your coutry love sports.

Step 3 Reading

Today we are going to learn more about the Olympic.Ask students to read quickly in silence and find the answer to the following question.

Q :Which would be another title for the text?

A .The Summer Olympic Games

B .The Winter Olympic Games

C. The World’s Greatest Sports Games

D. A Great Victory for China (c)

Step 4 Post-reading

Ask students to read the text again and answer the following questions.

1.How have the Olympic Games changed since the old Olympic Games were held in ancient Greece?

A :The Olympics have changed in many ways.Many sports are the same,but new sports have been added.Women are now allowed to take part in the Games.In ,over 10,000 athletes form 227 countries participated in the Olympics.

2. What will be done in preparation for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing?

A :New buildings and sports venues will be built,more trees will be planted and new roads will be built.

Step 5 Language points

1.take part in; join in; attend

(1) John takes part in many school activities. He takes an active part in politics.

(2) Join in sth./join sb in sth.

All the family join me in wishing you a happy future.

(3) attend a meeting;

attend the concert ;

attend a class

2 .in modern times time pl.

Times have changed,and we shouldn’t fall behind them.It is the fastest computer of modern times.

3. the same as…

The jacket is the same as mine.

She goes to the same university as her father did.

Step 6 Listening to the tape

Homework:Review words and language points in the text.

Period 3


Ask several students to say something about what he will do for the 2008 Olympics.

Grammar : The Future Passive Voice

1. Structure:will+be+v.-ed

2. Model-making

T:The classroom is very dirty.I will clean it.So it will be cleaned.

3. Drill&practice

Do exercise on P54-55 in book.Grammar Ex 1.

Homework :Ex 2 on P55.

Period 4

Main points


height; point; skill; facial; live; live his dream; speed

2.Sentence patterns

more than

Difficult points

more than

Theaching procedures

Step 1 Recision

Review the structure of the future passive voice.

Step 2 Lead-in

Ss talk about their favorite sports stars.

You have your favorite sports stars.Would you like to know something about Yao Ming.

In this period,we’ll read the profile of Yao Ming.

Step 3 Ask students to read the profile and make a summary.

Step 4 Teach students how to read and write a profile.

Step 5 Language points

1. height n.

What is its height?(What height is it?)

It has a height of 5cm,a length of 10cm and a width of 4cm.

2. more than

We were more than happy to hear of your success.

He is more than our teacher.He is also our best friend.

Step 6 Listening

Homework : Revise all the words and expressions in this unit.

2.Unit 15 The necklace备课资料 (新课标版高一英语下册备课资料) 篇二


或者…或者 ,不是…就是…

on board 在船(车,飞机)上

get through 通过,度过,接通

belong to 属于

hear of听说

be interested in… 对…感兴趣

be interested to do…有兴趣做某事

take/have/feel an interest in对…感兴趣

know about了解

more than胜过,不仅仅

play with玩弄,灵活运用

call back 回电话;召回,叫回

call in召来,召集,把…叫来 (如警察,医生)

call off取消

call on + sb

call at + sp 拜访

call for 需要;去拿某物,去接某人

call for help呼救

call on sb. to do sth. 请求/要求某人做某事

stand out突出,显著,引人注目

have a long history 有悠久的历史

have a history of 有…的历史

in history 在历史上

in the history of the cinema在电影史上

the number of …的数量

share in… 分享

share with sb.和某人分享

share happiness and sorrow with sb.和某人同甘共苦

share sth.( out ) between sb. 给两人平均分配某物

share sth.( out ) among sb. 在某些人当中平均分配某物

follow the customs 遵循习俗

follow the rules 遵守规则

follow Chinese table manners遵循中国人的餐桌礼仪

follow sb’s advice/ suggestions/ instructions听从某人的劝告/建议/指示

follow sb’s example 学习某人的榜样

follow sb. 跟着某人;跟某人学

as follows如下

be famous for以而出名

remind sb. of…提醒某人某事

remind sb .to do提醒某人做某事

admire sb for钦佩/羡慕某人的…; 因为…而钦佩/羡慕某人

be admired for 因为…被人钦佩/羡慕

be admired as作为…样的人被人钦佩/羡慕

be admired by被…钦佩/羡慕

in/ during sb’s absence from在某人不在/没来…期间

be absent from school/ class/ the meeting没来上学/上课/开会

absence of mind心不在焉


be absent from缺席

at the age of在…岁时

by the age of到…岁为止

die at a very young age年纪轻轻死去

live to the age of…活到…岁

lead to引起,导致

compare… with…把和相比

compare… to…把比作

in comparision with和相比

a letter of introduction介绍信

make an introduction作介绍

the introduction to a book书的导言

the introduction of corn into China玉米的引入中国

translate/ put/ change…into把翻译成/变成

no matter how/wh-无论,不管

open the door to sth./ doing“为…创造条件” “向… 开门”

original work原著

light up点燃,点亮

come into being形成

fall into陷入某种状态; 养成(坏习惯),开始……起来,掉进

have long/many years’ experience of…

have many years of experience in…在有很多年的经验

start/ begin with 以/用…开始

end (up) with 以/用…结束/告终

end (up) in 有某种结局

to start with作为开始;首先;第一点

by the light of a candle 借助烛光

by the moonlight借助月光

day after day日复一日

right now现在

look up words in a dictionary在字典中查阅单词

look up information/ telephone numbers查找电话号码/查找信息

look up to sb. as把某人尊称为

look up at the stars抬头看星星

be worth doing值得做某事

recommend A to B 把A推荐给/介绍给B

recommend sb. as 推荐某人当……

recommend doing sth.建议做某事

recommend that sb. (should) do sth. 建议做某事

recommend sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事

regard… as…把…当作

devote…to sth./doing奉献…做…

fail the exam考试不及格

be influence by 受…影响

have a hand at参与

reach/come to a conclusion得出结论

contribute to

make contribution to sth / doing sth 为…作贡献

make great contributions to sth / doing sth为…作出巨大贡献

Unit 5

worth (worthy of) the name名副其实的

in the name of以……的名义;凭……的权威


name sb. for 提名某人担任

know sb. by name仅知道某人名字

call sb. names辱骂某人

confuse sb./sth. with sb./sth把……和……弄混

be in agreement on/upon/about /come to/arrive at/reach/make an agreement on/upon/about在关于…… 达成协议

come to/arrive at/reach/make an agreementon/upon/about… with sb. 在关于…… 达成协议

consists of/be made up of由…组成

consist in 在于

have/get/gain/win advantages/an advantage/the advantage over…胜过,优过

take advantage of利用……,趁……之不备

be sure about/of确定

hold together团结,把…联合在一起

separate… from…与…分离

the upper classes上层阶级

a matter of… ……的问题

do research into关于…作研究

ancient times古代

in return作为回报

give rise to 引起,产生

stand for 代表象征

on doing一……就

make the most of =make the best/full use of充分利用

at one point 在某处,一度

on the point of doing sth正要做…

be surrounded by with…被围绕 包围

lie in /on /to/ off 位于

lie in在于

in general一般说来

on the whole 总的说来

as a rule通常

in most cases 多数情况下

in many cases 在许多情况下

broadly speaking广义的讲

generally speaking一般说来

as much as/ as many as与……差不多, 多达……

as far as … 远到

as long as…长达,只要就

the difference between …in... ……之间在……方面的区别

make a/some/ any/much/ little/ no difference有影响/有很大影响/毫无影响

form the basis for构成…的主要成分;为…形成/打下基础

consider doing考虑做某事

consider +… +(as)

consider +… + (to be)认为…是

be of great help很有帮助.

be of no use 毫无用处

develop an interest产生兴趣

spread out伸展出去

have a population of拥有……的人口

make a plan for a four-week trip为一个四周的旅行制定计划

have a clear idea of…对……有清晰的认识

on the basis of…在……基础上

take off起飞,脱下

come up出现

be on a diet节食

be/get engaged to sb.和某人订婚

be/get engaged in sth.忙于某事

as well as和……一样

3.Unit 15 The necklace备课资料 (新课标版高一英语下册备课资料) 篇三

类别 课程标准要求掌握的项目

话题 1. Talk about sports

2. Talk about interests and hobbies

3. Talk about the Olympics

4. Write a sports star’s profile

功能 Interests and hobbies

Which do you like…or …?

What’s your favorite sport?

Which sport do you like best?

Which do you prefer…or…?

What about…?

Are you interested in…?

词汇 continent well-known athlete gold medal torch badminton tie final dive shooting

Greece competitor motto further rank gymnastics prepare preparation effect flame

compete flag weight position superstar point skill weigh title gesture facial

stand for because of speed skating track and field take part

in preparation for

语法 Future Passive Voice

The people of Beijing will plant more trees and build new roads.(陈述句)

More trees will be planted and new roads will be built by the people of Beijing.

Beijing will hold the 29th Olympic Games in the year .(疑问句)

When will the 29th Olympic Games be held in Beijing.

Period Arrangements:

warming up reading materials

Period 1 listening Period 2,3

speaking language focus

listening (WB) complementary listening material


Period 4 speaking Period 5 complementary reading material


integrating skill(writing) assessment

Teaching Procedures of Period 1:

Step1.Warming up (15 mins)

Ss know a lot about sports from everyday life and media, so I arrange such a task -discussion(group of 4):

Q: What do you know about sports?

During this process, if Ss can’t express themselves in English, Chinese is also all right. Besides, it is a

good chance to present new words. If necessary, I will make some complements. At the same time, I will present them as many pictures about sports as possible.

Possible response:

school sports meet

Sports meet the National Games

the Asian Games

the Olympic Games

the World Cup


ball games: volleyball, basket ball, football, table tennis, tennis, ,golf

badminton, bowling, baseball, American football, ice hockey etc

Events of sports track and field: relay race, long jump, high jump, pole jump, discus, shot, javelin etc

gymnastic: rings, double bars, high and low bars, horse , free exercise

swimming/shooting/skiing/ ice sports/diving/aquatic sports etc

Sport stars : Beckham, Mike Owen, Michael Jordan etc

Purpose: This activity is designed to encourage students to think about sports and activate

relevant vocabulary.

Step 2. Speaking(15 mins)

Task1(pair work): Talk about their favourite sports, favourite sports stars, and the reason why they like them, with the following expressions as a guide.(See SB p52)

Task2(pair work): A survey about physical fitness (See postscript 1)

Task3(group work): Add up their total scores and divide by the number of people. Then get their group’s average scores. Discuss their survey answers.

1). Do you think your group is doing well or not? Why ?

2). How can you become fitter?

Purpose: The students will use the information from the above step to talk about their interests and hobbies and to practise giving reasons for their opinions.

Step 3. Listening (15 mins)

Task 1: Brainstorming(encourage Ss to tell me as many words about that as possible)

Purpose: to work as a guide of listening part.

Task 2: Listen to three sports reports and fill in the missing information

Purpose: In this activity, the students will hear three sports reports about basketball, football table tennis. It is what they are interested in and to learn to understand sports news report.

Step 4. Homework Assignment

Task: Find out some background information about the Olympics. T will offer them some websites as well:

www.olympic.org www.specialolympics.org/

www.athens.olympics.org/ www.beijing-2008.org

Purpose: This activity is related to the reading material of next period. To encourage Ss to find out the information by themselves.

Teaching procedures of period 2

Step1. Lead-in(10 mins)

Task 1. Collect the information Ss have found, and this is a good chance to present new words. If necessary, warming up Ex can work as a guide. At the same time T will display some relevant pictures.

Five rings Aisa Europe Africa America Oceania

IOC International Olympic committee

Headquater Lausanne Switzerland

Motto swifter higher stronger

Present President Jac ques Rogge

Official language English French Spanish Russian German

Host city of Olympics Sydney Australia

Host city of Olympics Athens Greece

Host city of 2008 Olympics Beijing China

Host city of the first Olympics Athens Greece

Sort Winter Olympics Summer Olympics

Purpose: to help Ss get as much background knowledge about the Olympics as possible

Task 2.Group work to discuss any of following questions:

1).Why do so many athletes want to take part in the Olympic Games?

2).Are the Olympic Games important to our society? Why or why not?

Purpose: the activity is designed to get Ss to think about the Olympics as a preliminary activity related to the reading material.

Step2. Reading(10 mins)

Task1.Skimming to find out what is the reading material going to talk about.

Possible answer: the Olympics

Task2. Scanning to find the topic words

Possible answer: the Winter Olympics , the Summer Olympics, the ancient Olympics,

the modern Olympics, the Olympic motto, the 2008 Olympics

Purpose: to train Ss to glance through the passage quickly to get a general idea.

Task3. Careful reading to find out the main idea of each paragraph.

Purpose: to train Ss how to find out the main idea of a paragraph.

Step3.Consolidation(10 mins)

Task1. Play the passage through once and ask Ss to underline some words and phrases they think useful.

Task2.Match the new words and their meanings(See WB Ex)

Task3.Fill in a form about the passage

Olympics Year Location China’s gold medals competitors

old Greece

no female competitors

1st in modern times



2008 ? ?

Purpose: to have a better understanding of the passage and note some useful words and phrases.

Step4.Discussion(15 mins)

Task1: Group work (group of 4) to discuss the following topics and they can choose whichever they are interested in talking about.

Topic1. What is the spirit of the Olympic Games? What can you learn from it?

Topic2. Do you agree that” faster, higher, stronger” is a good motto not only for sports but also for life in general? Why?

Topic3.Is it important to win in a sports match? Why or why not?

Topic4.Discuss the causes and effects of some serious problems of the Olympics and think of the possible solutions.

Task2: Debate

Hosting the Olympic games is a great honour and a great responsibility. Since china has won the bidding

of hosting the 2008 Olympics, what will the Olympics bring to China, good effects or bad effects.

good effects bad effects

promote the economy costing a large amount of money

make china better known to the world cause disorder to our society

… …

Purpose: to have a further understanding about the Olympics.

Step5.Homework assignment

Write a report based on the debate carried out in class about the good effects and bad effects of the Olympics. And encourage Ss to express their own idea in the report.

Purpose: to cultivate them how to write discussed topics

Teaching procedures of period 3

Step1. Extensive reading (WB) (15 mins)

Task 1. Read the passage and have a discussion about some related questions.

1).What are some problems that unknown athletes have to deal with?

2).Why are the Olympic Games so important to many athletes?

3).Why do stars like Michael Jordan make more money than other athletes?

Task 2.Pair work Compare the sports listed. Are they popular in china? Why or why not?

Sports Popular /not very popular Reasons



Table tennis


Purpose: to know more about sports and the Olympics.

Step2.Speaking(5 mins)

Task 1. China is going to host the 2008 Olympic Games. To make it the most wonderful and successful one, what will be done ? If necessary, T can display two pictures for contrast.

Task 2. As for Ss, Chinese, what will they do for the 2008 Olympics?

Purpose: to make Ss note the use of Future Passive Voice and Future Active Voice.

Step3. Language focus (25 mins)

Task1. Group work to get a conclusion of the Future Passive Voice and give T more examples.

Structure: Subject+ will be done

Task2. Show Ss a passage about the Olympics, and ask them to change it into passive voice.(See postscript 2)

Task3. Pair work to ask questions about the passage with what , when, where, how etc.

Task4. T has left a note to you ,asking you to write a notice for the students in Future Passive Voice. Work with their partners and write down the notice. Then report it to class orally.

Next week we are going to clear the school as follows:

Monday--- Classroom Building No.1

Tuesday--- Classroom Building No.2

Wednesday--- the computer center and language lab

Thursday--- the science labs

Friday--- the library

Purpose: to consolidate their understanding about the Future Passive Voice.

Step4.Homework assignment

Task1. Finish some consolidation Ex of the Future Passive Voice

Task2. Find out as much information as possible about their favourite sports stars

Purpose: to encourage Ss to do what they are interested in

Teaching procedures of period 4

Step1.Listening(5 mins)

Ss will hear something about some sports stars and make their own decision according to what they have heard.

Step2.Speaking (10 mins)

Guessing Game. Check what Ss have got about their favourite sports star.. Ask some Ss to come up to the front to tell what they have found while others guess the names of the sports stars.

Purpose: to work as a preliminary step of writing.

Step3.Writing (30 mins)

Task 1.Brainstorming. Ask Ss to think out information about Yao ming as much as possible.

Task 2. Read the profile about Yao ming and find out what are the useful information for writing a profile.

Purpose: This activity is to let Ss find out how to write a profile by themselves.

Task 3. Write similar profiles about their favourite sports stars and check some typical ones in class.

Step4.Homework assigment

Suppose the Chinese Olympic Committee is inviting applications for volunteer jobs for the 2008 Olympic Games and Ss want to apply for the job.Try to write a profile to introduce themselves.

Teaching procedures of period 5

Step1.Listening(10 mins)

Complementary listening material: It is important to be able to recognize and understand numbers quickly when listening to spoken English.Many sports listening tasks involve numbers.Listen to the speakers and extract the numbers which are needed to complete these tables.(See postscript 3)

Purpose: to make Ss get used to listening to English sports news in daily life.

Step2.Speaking(10 mins)

Imagine the world in the year 5,000. What will our life be like then? Make a list of the things that you think will be done differently. Try to use the Passive Voice as much as possible.

Example sentences:

Eating food I think all food will be turned into juice and chopsticks won’t be used.

Drinking water

Wearing clothes

Building houses

Driving cars

Reading books

Purpose: to revise the language focus in this unit.

Step3.Reading(10 mins)

Read a complementary reading material about sports and finish the relevant Ex.(See postscript 4)

Purpose: to offer Ss further information about sports so that they will have better understanding.

Step4.Writing(15 mins)

Task 1: Group work to talk about the sports as the sample. One member of the group write down what they have got during their discussion and another report what they have written down.

Sport: Soccer


Shoot the ball into the other

Team’s goal

Number of players:

Two teams of eleven players:ten outfielders and a goalkeepers

Sports field:

Grass playing field


Football,two goals

Basic rules:

1. Players are not allowed to use their hands.

2. … Sport: Table tennis


Number of players:

Sports field:


Basic rules: Sport:


Number of players:

Sports field:


Basic rules:



Number of players:

Sports field:


Basic rules:

Task 2: Write a short essay in which you compare two sports

Step5.Homework Assignment

Task1: Since Ss have learned the whole unit, they must know more about sports. After class, ask Ss to find some scenes which have make them moved and tell us the reasons.

Purpose: This activity is designed to check what Ss have learned from this unit.

Task2: Assessment

Purpose: to help Ss to reflect on how and what they have learned from this unit.

Through the whole unit a good many different kinds of assessment have been presented in the form of listening,speaking,reading and writing.But as a whole unit, I design such two forms to let Ss clearly know their own performances.

Form 1: (total score 5)

listening speaking reading writing

Self assessment

Peer assessment

Teacher assessment

Form 2: set improvement goal

Your name Date

a. What were your goals for this unit?

b. Did you reach your goal?

c. What different ways of learning did you use?

d. Which did you like best?

e. What your goals for the next unit?

f. How do you plan to reach them?

g. Will you ask some of your classmates for ideas and try new ways of learning?

The Olympic Games

4.Unit 15 The necklace备课资料 (新课标版高一英语下册备课资料) 篇四

Teaching aims:

Ⅰ. Knowledge:

1. Get some information about St Petersburg and how people recover the destroyed city and cultural relics.

2. Words and useful expressions. restore, replace, recreate, in ruins, under attack, give in, in pieces, bring…back to life, come true, under attack

3. Some grammar points. Word formation: re-; Present perfect passive voice.

Ⅱ. Feelings and attitudes:

1. Get the students to know that the cultural relics are rare. It is hard to recover if they are destroyed.

2. Get the students to realize that the power of the people is so great. They can overcome the difficulties and make something impossible possible.

3. We should do something in our daily life to stop the damage. Some damages are caused by human beings.

Ⅲ. Ability:

1. Enable the students to get key information after reading.

2. Develop students’ cooperation spirit.

3. Improve their reading and analyzing abilities.


1. The understanding of the whole text

2. How to get the right answers in skimming.

Teaching procedures:

Step1 Greeting

Step2 Pre-reading. (7 minutes)

Review the topic: culture relics and sites students have learned in the previous lessons. Then raise some questions discussed by students of group four. Give them 3 minutes to prepare. Present some pictures of some famous cities, so the students’ attention is attracted on the topic

Questions: 1. As we all know, there are many great cities in the world, such as Beijing, Pairs, New York etc. in your opinion, what makes these cities great?

2. What’s your favorite city? Why?

3. What cultural relics are there in your hometown? How important are they?

Choose 3 or 4 students to answer each question. (4 minutes)

Hints: 1. The capital of a country/ centre of transportation/ with large population/ some important events happened in that city./ some great people have been there,etc.

2.The reason: nice weather/ beautiful scenery/ special custom/ hometown,etc.

3.Yue Temple, Bai Causeway, Su Causeway, Li Ying Temple, etc. They are important parts of Hangzhou’s history.

Goals: These questions are aimed at cultivating student’s speaking ability and the way of thinking and also spirit of teamwork.

Step3 Skimming (5 minutes)

Give students 3 minutes to go through the passage as fast as possible while the tape should be played in order to limit the time of reading. Students can underline or circle important words and sentences. After that, give them some simple questions to answer.

1. When was St Petersburg built and who built it?(300 years ago, Russian Czar Peter the Great.)

2. In 1941, who tried to destroy the city? ( Germans.)

3.When the Nazis had gone, what did the people of St Petersburg do? ( Rebuild the city.)

4.How can we describe the people of St Petersburg do? (Strong, proud and united.)

Then do the Exercise Two in post reading: True or False questions.

Goals: Train students’ reading speed and develop their ability of getting key information.

Teach some new words: the Neva River, the Russian Czar, Peter the Great, St Petersburg.

These words should be explained in accordance with certain background. That is to say, let student know something about Russian history.

Step4 Scanning (19 minutes)

Ⅰ Deal with the important words, expressions and some grammar points.(3 minutes)

Word: restore, replace, recreate, in ruins, under attack, give in, in pieces, bring…back to life, come true, under attack.

Sentences: where is a river, there is a city. It is true that…. Do everything we can to do something, be located in, be an important part of one’s history.

Grammar: the present perfect passive voice.

Goals: Grasp the useful expressions, language points, important sentence structures and grammar points. This can help students understand the text more easily.

ⅡAsk students to read the text carefully paragraph by paragraph in 5 minutes and find out topic sentence of each paragraph. Finally, encourage them to summarize the general idea of each paragraph. As for each question, give student 5 minutes to discuss in groups.


1. Why do people think St Petersburg is a great city?

2. Why was it so difficult for people to rebuild the old palaces?

3. What did people use to help them rebuild the city?

4. Why are the people of St Petersburg heroes?

Choose several students to answer. (6 minutes)

Possible answers:

1. People think that St Petersburg is a great city because it was built by a great Russian Czar and has been the center of many important historic events. More importantly, it survived the Germans attack in 1941 and its people did everything they could to make it as beautiful as it once was.

2. The palaces were so badly damaged in the war that people thought it was almost impossible to rebuild them. Few modern Russian artists knew exactly what the palaces looked like and there were many missing parts and pieces. The project, restoring the former glory of the city, required hard work, patience and devotion.

3. The Russian artists used old paintings and photographs to rebuild St Petersburg.

4. The people of St Petersburg are heroes because they have made something impossible possible. They have successfully rebuilt the palaces without destroying their old beauty. With hard work, patience, devotion and love for their cultural relics, they have shown that dreams can come true.

Goals: These questions are raised to train students’ ability of summarizing, organizing and cooperation as well as to achieve the ethic aims

Step 5 free asking (3 minutes)

Give students 3 minutes to ask whatever they don’t understand after reading the text. Ask other students to give the answer if they can. If they can’t work out these problems, teacher helps them.

Goals: this step shows the students-centred principle. Students find out the problems and solve it actively.

Step6 Consolidation(3 minutes)

Fill in the blanks.

300 years ago, the Russian Czar Peter the Great built a new ________---St Petersburg. It has been the center of many important _________ in history. In 1941, it was under ______ for 900 days, but the people never ________ ________. After the Germans left, the city was almost in ________. People decided to ________ the city. It was ________ to save the palaces and buildings without _________ their old beauty. With the ______ of old paintings and photographs, people were able to _______ ________ the beauty of their culture and history. Strong, proud and _______, the people of St Petersburg are modern ________ of Russia.

Goals: Help students review the content of the text as well as some important words and expression.

Step7 Further discussion. (7 minutes)

Now, many cultural relics are destroyed by human beings. We know the power of people is great. So is their power of damaging. We should do our best to prevent this situation from going worse. For high school students, we should protect everything nearby, for example, at school or in the public place where we go. Think about what we can do to stop the damage. (4 minutes). Ask several students to express their ideas. (3 minutes).

Goals: Achieve the third aim of feelings and attitudes. At the same time, the ability of speaking, words organization and cooperation is trained.

Step 8 Conclusion. (2 minutes)

Through the discussion, we can see the importance of protection. We must do our best to stop damaging in our daily life. If everyone makes efforts, the world will be better and better.

Goals: Get the students to understand what our duties are. Achieve the ethic aims.

Step9 homework (1 minute)

1. Do exercise 2 and 4 in scanning part on the exercise book.

2. Say something about St Petersburg using your own words.
