


1.高一上册英语教学课件 篇一










2.高一上册英语教学课件 篇二

一、激发兴趣, 培养学生良好的学习习惯

学生刚入高中, 对高中的一切充满着渴望, 其中包括对英语学习的渴望。一些学生在初中时英语成绩很优秀, 因此想在高中扩大一下战果, 提高自己的知识水平;还有些学生上初中时没有学好英语, 于是就决心在高中阶段把英语学会;即使是程度较差的学生, 他们也很渴望能在高中老师的引导帮助下, 攻克英语难关。这一切说明学生对英语充满了兴趣, 我们做老师的就要及时把握住这个机会, 给学生以正确引导, 充分调动学生的积极性, 进一步激发学生学英语的兴趣。

听课是学习的中心环节。教师除了要注重课堂教学的策略外, 还要有针对性地指导学生听什么、怎样听、思考什么。要求学生不要局限于听懂某个问题的解决方法, 更应以听审题方法以及探索思路的过程为主;要注意教师语言的弦外之音, 去体会教师对某个问题的理解, 做到心领神会, 潜移默化。

笔记是听课的辅助手段。教师应及时对学生提出笔记的要求并进行指导, 更好地领会教师的方法和策略, 以便学习教师的示范项目并注意模仿;要求学生课后全面系统地整理笔记, 将自己对所学知识的理解、感受作笔录、圈注, 以提高悟性;要求学生将作业中的疑问、反思、心得进行记录, 以便于总结与提高。同时, 教师要坚持检查与督促, 使学生养成做笔记的习惯。


1.做好每节课的前奏工作。一节课的开头如同给一首歌定调一样, 它可以决定课堂节奏的快慢及教学效果。我利用每节课前三分钟时间, 让学生轮流做值日报告, 保证每一位同学都有机会展示自己的风采, 内容是关于自己熟悉的日常生活, 由自己任意选定。学生都有争强好胜的心理, 他们都会认真构思、别出心裁, 课前反复练习, 这样可以调动学生学习英语的积极性, 创造一种学英语的氛围, 学生可以在心情愉快的气氛中开始学习。

2.读透教材, 精心设计教法。每一单元的教学方法应根据各单元的特点, 勤于思考, 用心设计, 尽力使各课的教学方法各异, 以增强学生的新鲜感, 调动他们学英语的积极性, 如每一单元的Warming up这一环节的话题, 大多比较贴近学生的日常生活, 如friendship, music等, 可以让学生先谈他们各自的观点与看法, 积极参与到课堂活动中来, 最后老师来小结。

坚持阅读课的整体教学, 阅读材料是语言的载体, 集语音、词汇、语法与文化内容于一体。可采用关键词、提纲、问答题、图表、听录音等多种方法。在学阅读材料之前, 进行限时阅读, 老师设置一些问题, 要求学生在限定的时间内完成, 培养学生快速浏览课文, 准确把握课文大意的能力, 这样可以训练学生的阅读理解能力。串讲课文时, 通常挑选出能表示课文主体的关键词和短语, 巧妙地设计板书, 使板书能勾画出课文概要。在学生熟悉了阅读材料内容的基础上, 讲解语言要点并进行必要的语法归纳, 使学生进一步理解、巩固课文。高一学生在初三复习阶段, 老师侧重英语讲题, 大量用汉语讲课, 高一开始用英语授课, 学生很难适应, 所以, 要用简单、切合学生实际水平的英语讲课, 逐渐使学生适应。

三、有目地, 有计划地为学生补缺漏

一般来说, 只要通过几节课的教学或摸底测试, 教师就可以判断出哪些是学困生。确定后, 我们再深入观察和分析他们, 就可以因势利导, 做到因材施教。

1.持久耐心地辅导学困生。作为教师, 我们一定要在辅导方面下功夫。他们学不好, 许多是由于基础太差造成的。许多学困生, 连音标也不会, 单词没记住多少, 语法知识寥寥无几。一入高一专门为他们制定一个复习计划, 从初中最基础的语音、基本词汇、简单时态入手, 利用休息时间帮他们逐步复习, 采取集体辅导和个别辅导相结合的原则, 根据不同学生的个性, 在不同的时间地点采取相应的方式方法。只要我们发扬奉献精神, 持之以恒, 日积月累, 他们肯定会取得令人欣慰的成绩。

2.生活上多关心学困生。可以说, 造成学困生的原因, 在很大程度上与其家庭情况有关。在物欲横流的今天, 单亲家庭逐渐增多, 留守小孩急剧骤增, 各种思潮相互冲撞, 这样的环境下, 问题学生的产生就成了必然, 这无疑增加了我们教育的难度。面对这种情况, 我们就更应伸出温暖的手, 去抚平他们创伤的心灵, 帮助他们树立正确的人生观和世界观, 引导他们往良性方向发展。

总之, 高一阶段的英语学习有着承上启下的作用, 为以后顺利完成高二、高三的英语教学奠定了基础。所以, 教师要钻研教材, 精心设计, 努力创新教法。要保护学生学习英语的积极性, 注重培养学生学习英语的兴趣, 正确的学习方法及良好的学习习惯。建立融洽的师生关系, 帮助他们树立学习英语的自信心, 使他们适应高一英语学习, 顺利完成初高中英语教学的衔接。

摘要:初中与高中英语教学的衔接已成为当下英语教学中很值得研究的课题, 它将在学生的顺利发展中起着重要的作用。文章从教师与学生两发面出发, 激发兴趣, 培养学生良好的学习习惯;提高教师的课堂教学艺术;并且有目的, 有计划地为学生补缺漏, 才能使学生顺利完成从初中向高中英语的过渡, 使学生在各自原有的基础上获得较好的发展。



[1]刘涛.中学英语园地:教学指导.2012 (1) :34-35.


3.高一上册英语教学课件 篇三

1.When the park is hit by a storm, things start going wrong.

2. If you think highly of the film you may encourage other people to go and see it.

Come和go都可以后接形容词,表示状态的变化,此时,其主语一般是物。“go +形容词”多表示“(从好的状态)变为坏的状态”,而“come +形容词”则多表示“(从坏的状态) 变为好的状态”,如:

In hot weather, meat goes bad easily. 热天,肉容易变质。


Due to an accident, he went lame last year. 去年由于一次车祸,他腿瘸了。

【真题】The traffic lights ______ green and I pulled away. (2006广东)

A. cameB. grew

C. gotD. went


“Think highly/well of”的意思是“高度评价,赞扬”,如:

His teachers all thought highly of him. 他的老师们都对他评价很高。


think little/poorly of 看轻,看不起

think nothing of 轻视,认为无所谓,认为没什么了不起

【真题】He said, "She _______, and she'd do anything for anybody." (2006模考)

A. is well thought of

B. is thought well

C. thinks well of

D. is thought good

【解析】A。“Well thought of”现多用连字符连接作形容词使用,是由短语“think well of”的被动式变来的。

▲Unit 6

Table manners change overtime. They follow the fashion of the day. Besides, table manners are only important at formal dinner parties.

Besides既可作介词也可作副词。作介词时,意为“除……外(还有)”,后常接名词、代词或动名词短语;作副词时,意为“而且,再者”,相当于“what's more”,常用逗号与后面的句子隔开,如:

He has no other choices besides this one. 除此之外,他没有其他的选择。

I don't like that hat. Besides, it is too expensive. 我不太喜欢那顶帽子,而且它也太贵了。

【真题】I don't mind picking up your things from the store. _____, the walk will do me good. (2004全国)

A. Sooner or laterB. Still

C. In timeD. Besides


▲Unit 7

Where there is a river, there is a city.

注意区分where 引导的定语从句和状语从句。Where 引导定语从句时,从句修饰的是where前表地点的先行词;而where 引导状语从句时,从句修饰的是整个句子,作整个句子的地点状语,如:

This is the house where my father was born. (定语从句) 这所房子是我父亲出生的地方。

Our teacher advises us to make a mark where we have any questions during reading. (状语从句)老师建议我们阅读时哪儿有问题,就在哪儿作个记号。

【真题】—Mom, what did your doctor say?

—He advised me to live ________ the air is fresher. (2006四川)

A. in whereB. in which

C. the place where

D. where


▲Unit 8

To make it the best ever Games,the capital city will make several big changes.

不定式和不定式短语作目的状语,主要用来修饰动词,表示某一动作或状态的目的。为了使目的意义更加清楚或表示强调意义时,还可用“in order to”或“so as to”。由 in order to 引导的目的状语,既可以置于句中,也可以置于句首;而由 so as to 引导的目的状语,只能置于句中,如:

He worked very hard in order to earn enough money for his family. 为了给家人挣足够的钱,他十分努力地工作。

In order to get there before dark, we started early this morning. 为了在天黑前到达那里,我们今早很早就出发了。

She went into the room quietly so as not to wake the baby. 她轻轻进了房间,怕吵醒孩子。

【真题】______ this cake, you'll need 2 eggs, 175g sugar and 175g flour. (2006广东)

A. Having made

B. Make

C. To makeD. Making


▲Unit 9

Well, it depends.

“It depends”相当于“That depends”,常用于口语中,意思是“这很难说;那得看情况(而定)”。“It depends”常与all 连用,形成“It all depends”,以加强语气,如:

—Will you go skiing with me this winter vacation?

—It all depends.

【真题】— How often do you eat out?

— _____, but usually once a week. (2004天津)

A. Have no idea

B. It depends

C. As usual

D. Generally speaking

【解析】B。注意四个选项各自的含义:Have no idea不知道;It depends 要看情况而定;As usual 和往常一样;Generally speaking 一般来说。根据对话的情景,选B。

▲Unit 10

Use the questions below to get started.

Get started 意为“开始”,是由“get+done”构成的一种特殊的被动结构,也可视为系表结构,其主语一般是动作的承受者。常用的搭配还有:get dressed、get killed、get burned、get hurt、get caught、get lost、get paid、get drunk、get married等。

【真题】Sarah, hurry up. I'm afraid you can't have time to ______ before the party. (2004全国)

A. get changed

B. get change

C. get changing

D. get to change


Get changed是“换衣服”的意思。Change这个动作是主语发出并施加到自己身上的。

▲Unit 11

Hip-hop music often have much in common with blues and rock, but they also have their own characteristics.

In common 有“共同,共用,共有”的意思,常和have、share等动词连用,如:

Though they are twins, they don't have anything in common. 尽管他们是孪生兄弟,但却没有什么相似之处。

Come和go都可以后接形容词,表示状态的变化,此时,其主语一般是物。“go +形容词”多表示“(从好的状态)变为坏的状态”,而“come +形容词”则多表示“(从坏的状态) 变为好的状态”,如:

In hot weather, meat goes bad easily. 热天,肉容易变质。


Due to an accident, he went lame last year. 去年由于一次车祸,他腿瘸了。

【真题】The traffic lights ______ green and I pulled away. (2006广东)

A. cameB. grew

C. gotD. went


“Think highly/well of”的意思是“高度评价,赞扬”,如:

His teachers all thought highly of him. 他的老师们都对他评价很高。


think little/poorly of 看轻,看不起

think nothing of 轻视,认为无所谓,认为没什么了不起

【真题】He said, "She _______, and she'd do anything for anybody." (2006模考)

A. is well thought of

B. is thought well

C. thinks well of

D. is thought good

【解析】A。“Well thought of”现多用连字符连接作形容词使用,是由短语“think well of”的被动式变来的。

▲Unit 12

If only they could find a way to get to the room.

If only....表示愿望,意为“要是……就好了”,常用虚拟语气形式,用一般过去时表示对现在的愿望;用过去完成时或could have done表示对过去的愿望;用过去将来时表示对将来的愿望,如:

If only I were as clever as you!要是我像你一样聪明该多好啊!

If only you had not told Tom what I said, everything would have been all right. 要是你没把我说的告诉汤姆就好了,一切就不会出什么问题了。

【真题】Look at the trouble I am in! If only I _________ your advice. (2003上海春)

A. followedB. would followC. had followedD. should follow

4.高一上册英语教学课件 篇四

(1) consider (2) means (3) experience (4) seize

(5) struggle (6) strike (7) separate (8) watch out ( for )

(9) protect sb/sth from (10) go through

Step II : Language points

(1) consider : n.


① consider + wh- to do

that clause

② consider sth/sb to be… / to have done sth

③ consider sb as …

(2) ① a means of communication / transportation.

② the difference of means , way , method.

③ phrases : by no means , by any means ,

by means of , …….

(3) seize = grasp

seize sb by the arm

(4) struggle for

with / against

(5)strike : while the iron is hot

the tree/wall

a match

strike The clock has struck eight

be struck by

…. for


(6) watch out (for)

= take care

= keep on looking for

Step III : Exercises:

(1) Offices cannot work properly_____ certain important_____.

A. without ; equipments

B. without ; pieces of equipment

C. unless ; equipment

D. unless ; pieces of equipment

(2) Do not start a book unless you can see from the first few pages that it is ______you can easily read and understand.

A. that B. one C. the one D. a one

(3) Flowers are a lovely ______ in spring.

A. sight B. look C. thing D. sign

(4) Her grandfather looks much ______after a good night’s rest

A. live B. lively C. alive D. living

(5) I had not driven many miles when I was ______ by a policeman. He asked to see my license.

A. pulled up B. picked up C. brought up D. taken up

(6) We thought of selling this old furniture , but we’ve decided to______ it . It might be valuable.

A. hold on to B. keep up with C. turn to D. look after

(7) It was raining heavily, little Mary felt cold , so she stood ____ to her mother.

A. close B. closely C. closed D. closing

(8) It’s getting warmer and warmer, so the students of Class One are considering____ the hill next weekend.

A. to climb B. climbing C. climb D. climbed

(9) Your brother _____ you is very kind to me.

A. and B. or C. as well as D. as well

(10) When the woman saw the tiger , she was_____ she couldn’t move.

A. such frightened that B. too frightened to

C. so frightened that D. frightened enough to

(11) Miss Brown often hears Bruce, a boy of her neighbor’s ____ with his father.

A. to quarrel B. quarrel C. quarreling D. quarreled

(12) Have you found out ___ the two people are talking about in this tape.

A. that B. which C. what D. whether

(13) The lady began crying when she heard the bad ___ from her husband.

A. information B. message C. news D. situation

(14) You ___ ask me for advice before you do something if you think it is right.

A. haven’t to B. needn’t to

C. won’t need D. won’t have to

(15) Martin Cooper , a US researcher , was considered____ the first call phone.

A. inventing B. to invent

C. having invented D. to have invented


1-5: BBACA 6-10: AABCC 11-15: BCCDD

Step VI: Important drills

(1) … nothing but / except…

… have no choice but to do…

I have nothing to do this afternoon but/except to sleep.

We had no choice but to stay here.

(2) The fact that …

The fact that we lost the match made the class very sad.

The news that we ---------

The information that -----

(3) must / might / need have done

He must have gone out last night.

You need have told me about it earlier.

Step VII Grammar

1. The present continuous Tense for Future Actions

We are going to separate holiday in a few days’ time

When are you going off to Shanghai?

How are getting to the airport?

The train leaves at seven.

My brother is going with me to the airport.

2. The Attributive → who , whom, that or whose

关系代词 That which Who whom whose

指带对象 人/物 物 人 人 人/物

成分 主、宾 主、宾 主、宾 宾 定语

The thief (that/who/whom) the police are looking for a tall man.

The girl whose father is a teacher is in Class Three.

This is the factory that/which we visited last year.

Our village isn’t the small quite place that it used to be.

5.高一上册英语教学课件 篇五

Title of lesson: Unit 2 English around the world

Type of lesson: New lesson

Teaching aims: Ss will be able to use the functional sentences to express their

language difficulties and be able to have a good understanding of the

differences between Br E and Am E through the practice of the four

basic skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Teaching contents: 1. Vocabulary: 40 (大纲), 8 (课标)

2. Functional sentences

3. Grammar---Direct Speech & Indirect Speech (2)

4. Topic: Language learning (1)

Teaching focus: 1. Differences between Br E & Am E

2. Language difficulties

Teaching aids: Tape recorder, computer, projector, worksheet

Period One: Warming up & Listening

Aim: Ss will be able to practise their listening skills by doing the exercises and to

know that Br E & Am E are sometimes different.

Step 1: Listening

Ask the Ss to listen to the dialogue twice and then do the multiple choice.

1) Joe came to Britain _____.

A. by train B. by air C. by ship

2) He came from the city _____.

A. Seattle B. London C. New York

3) Joe felt _____ after he got to Nancy’s home.

A. surprised B. excited C. tired

4) Joe wants to use Nancy’s _____.

A. telephone B. computer C. bathroom

5) The bathroom is _____.

A. the second door on the right downstairs

B. the second door on the left upstairs

C. the first door on the left upstairs

Step 2: Reading and discussing

1. Ask the Ss to read the dialogue and try to find out what Joe was looking for with the help of the picture.

2. Ask the Ss to have a discussion in groups of four about the reason why Joe can’t find it.

3. Help the Ss to understand Br E and Am E are sometimes different.

Step 3: Listening

1. A brief introduction of the dialogue.

2. Ask the Ss to listen to the dialogue and finish the exercise

( question answers or multiple choices ).

3. Ask the Ss to listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks or write down a

whole sentence.

4. Check their answers, hand out the listening material and ask them to read it.

Step 4: Homework (A task )

Ask the Ss to think about more examples to show the differences between Br E & Am E and complete the form given below

British English American English




Period Two: Speaking

Aim: Help the Ss learn to use the functional sentences to express their language

difficulties through the practice of reading and speaking.

Step 1: Dialogue One

1. Ask the Ss to read the dialogue after the tape

2. Ask the Ss to practise reading individually

3. Ask the Ss to practise reading in groups of three

4. Ask the Ss to act it out in class

5. Ask the Ss to finish the exercise (Page 9)

Step 2: Dialogue Two (the same step as Dialogue 1)

Step 3: Dialogue Three (补充旧教材S1U3中的对话, the same step as Dialogue 1)

Yang Mei is now studying in the States. She meets her new teacher, Sara for the first time. Sara is an American. They are talking before the term starts.

Sara: So you are Yang Mei. Nice to meet you.

Yang Mei: How do you do? I’m sorry. I know only a little English. I have some

difficulty in pronouncing some of the words in English.

Sara: No, you’re doing fine.

Yang Mei: Thank you.

Sara: And when do you take your next exams?

Yang Mei: In June.

Sara: I see. What do you want to do next fall?

Yang Mei: Pardon? Would you please say that again more slowly?

Sara: What do you want to do next fall?

Yang Mei: Next what? I’m sorry I don’t quite follow you.

Sara: What do you want to do next September? Do you have any plans?

Yang Mei: I’d like to study medicine and become a doctor.

Sara: Right. Nice meeting you, Yang Mei. Bye.

Yang Mei: Goodbye.

Step 4: Functional sentences

1. Ask the Ss to pick out from the three dialogues the functional sentences about language learning

2. Help the Ss summarize the functional sentences ( Textbook Page 10)

Step 5: Practice & Communication

Ask the Ss to make up new dialogues with the functional sentences in pairs. Some situations are given to help them. They may think of other proper situations in which they use the functional sentences.

Situation 1: You ask your friend if he/she knows how to say “网站” in English and how to spell it.

Situation 2: You are not sure about the spelling of the word “favourite” and your classmate tells you the different spellings in Br E and Am E.

Situation 3: You telephone the flower shop and ask the florist the deliver some flowers to your girl friend. You tell the florist your friend’s name and address.

Period Three: Reading

Aim: Help the Ss have a good understanding of the text and solve their

difficulties with the passage by reading, discussing and doing the exercise.

Step 1: Pre-reading

Some questions for discussion:

1. How many languages do you speak?

2. Which is your native language?

3. Do you speak English as well as your native language?

4. Do you think it necessary to learn English well besides your native language? Why?

5. In what situations do you use English?

Step 2: Reading

1. Ask the Ss to read the text fast and try to find out the answers to the following two questions.

Questions: 1) How many people in the world are speaking English as their

native language?

2) What is English in most international organisations?

2. Ask the Ss to read the text again and then try to judge the following statements (或参见目标练习册Page 16). They may do the exercise individually first and then discuss their answers in groups.

( ) 1)We can find native speakers of English in Britain, America,

Canada, New Zealand, India and so on.

( ) 2) The number of people learning English as a second language is

far less than that of people speaking English as native language.

( ) 3) In some countries such as Philippines and Pakistan people speak

their own languages at home while English in public.

( ) 4) English is widely used in tourism as well as international

organisations and trade.

( ) 5) Those who come to China on business and vacation can speak

Chinese very well.

( ) 6) English is not only the working language but the one of global


Key: F F T T F T

3. Ask the Ss to read the text aloud following the tape and pick out the difficult words and sentences.

4. Help the Ss to solve their difficulties.

Step 3: Post-reading

1. Give the Ss several questions and ask them to have a discussion in groups of four and then give a report in class.

Questions: 1) In which countries do we find most native speakers of English?

Give the names of them.

2) How many people speak English as their native language?

3) How many people speak English as a second language?

4) What is the number of people learning English as a foreign


5) In which part of China people speak English as a first or second


6) Why is it becoming more and more important to have a good

knowledge of English?

7) Living in China you can use English every day in different

situations. Give two examples.

8) What about the present situation of English learning in Beijing?

What do you think of that?

2. A task activity: Suppose it is now and the Olympic Games are being held in Beijing. Many foreign guests have come to Beijing and they want to have a good understanding of the city. You are a college student and also act as a volunteer of the Games. Think about and tell us what you can do for the foreign guests.

Period Four: Language study

I. Word study

Aim: Help the Ss learn to use some useful and important words and phrases.

Step 1: Ask the Ss to finish the exercise on the textbook (Page11)

Step 2: Help the Ss learn some words in detail

1. find

--Ask the Ss to repeat the following sentences and summarize how to use the word “find”.

1) I found the bathroom, but I didn’t find what I was looking for. (find+sth.)

2) The situation is found in countries such as India, Pakistan, Nigeria and the Philippines. (find+sth.)

3) In which countries do we find most native speakers of English?(find+sb.)

4) I’m sure that you’ll find the book interesting. (find+n.+adj.)

5) When he woke up, he found himself in hospital. (find+oneself)

6) You’ll find it difficult to get along with him. (find+it+adj.+to do)

7) We found that he was a good-natured man. (find+that-)

8) They finally found out the truth of the matter. (find out )

2. the number of / a number of

--Give the Ss the following examples and ask them to tell the difference between “the number of” and “a number of”.

1) The number of the students in our school is over .

2) A number of students in my class are fond of rock music.

3) The number of traffic accidents recently is increasing.

4) A large number of doctors and nurses have contracted SARS.

--Ask the Ss to complete the following sentences according to the Chinese translation.

1) The number of the students standing outside of the office is about ten.


2) A number of my friends are going abroad for a holiday this National Day. (我的一些朋友准备在这个国庆节出国渡假。)

3) The number of days in February is either 28 or 29. (二月的总天数不是二十八天就是二十九天。)

4) A number of traffic accidents recently have been / are caused by new drivers. (近来相当多的交通事故是由新司机引起的。)

3. except / except for

--Show the Ss several examples and help them explain the sentences in English and tell the difference between “except” and “except for”.

1) All of us went there except him. (He didn’t go there.)

2) We go to school every day except Sunday. (We don’t go to school on Sunday.)

3) Your composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes. (You made a few spelling mistakes in your composition.)

4) In China students learn English at school as a foreign language, except for those in Hong Kong, where many people speak English as a first or second language. (The students in Hong Kong speak English as a first or second language.)

--Ask the Ss to fill in the blanks with “except” or “except for”

1) All the students began to write down the numbers except one boy. He seemed to be thinking about something.

2) The movie was good except for the ending. The ending was not wonderful at all.

3) I enjoyed the party except for the music because the music was too loud.

4) Everybody except John was able to answer the question. He needed help.

5) We had a pleasant time there except for the weather. It rained nearly the whole day.

6) There was a broken chair in the room. Except for the broken chair, the room is empty.

4. trade (见学习丛书第11页)

5. stand(见学习丛书第12页)

Step 3: Ask the Ss to fill in the blanks with the proper phrases given below.

make oneself at home in total come about

more than at all more or less

1. Tell me how the accident _______________.

2. What is the number of the visitors to the exhibition _______________ ?

3. The repairs to the car will cost _______________ 200 yuan. I’m not very sure.

4. During the dinner party, the host asked us to _________________ and to help ourselves to whatever food we liked.

5. It was early March, but the weather was not _______________ cold.

6. People _______________ 18 years of age have the right to vote in China.

Step 4: Translation (Workbook P93)

Ss are asked to finish the exercise individually and then have a group


Period Five Grammar

Aim: Help the Ss distinguish a request and a command and learn to report

requests or commands.

Step 1: Ask the Ss to look at the sentences and decide which is a request and which is a command. (Textbook Page 12-1)

Step 2: Ask the Ss to do the exercise in pairs (Textbook Page 12-3)

Step 3: More exercise (Workbook Page 93-1)

Step 4: Ask the Ss to finish the checkpoint and make a summary

Period Six: Integrating skills

Step 1: Discussing

Ask the Ss to have a discussion on the homework about the differences between Br E & Am E.

Step 2: Reading

1. Ask the Ss to read the first passage and finish the reading comprehension

2. Help the Ss to solve their problems about the passage

3. Ask the Ss to read the second passage and finish the exercise

4. Help the Ss to solve their problems about the passage

Step 3: Discussion

Ask the Ss to have a discussion about the different dialects in Chinese. Ss are given the task before class and they are expected to collect some information. Ss are encouraged to report what they have learned about the different dialects in Chinese.

Step 4: Writing

Ask the Ss to write a short passage in which they compare American and British English or dialects in Chinese. They should be given some language help.

For example: There be…,

the differences in …between…,

spelling and pronunciation,

be spelt…,

pronounce the word…,




almost the same…,

have some/no difficulty in …,

6.高一上册英语教学课件 篇六


e.g.When did she get married?



e.g.She married very early.


(3)“和某人结婚”不能说“marry with sb.”,应该说“marry to sb.”也可以不与介词搭配,将marry用作及物动词。

e.g.She married a doctor.

or:She was married to a doctor.


(4)marry和get married都是非延续性动词,因此不能与表示一段时间的状语连用,表示结婚已有一段时间应该用be married。

e.g.They have been married for ten years.


(5)问现在的婚姻状态时,可以说“Is she married (or single)?”但不能说“Has she married?”





e.g.We’d better keep a seat for him.


He kept all the money in the bank.



e.g.One should keep one’s promise.


Everyone must keep the law.



e.g.He has a large family to keep.


The old man kept many animals like dogs,pigs and cats.



e.g.He kept a hotel in this city.


She is good at keeping house.



e.g.Can you keep a secret?


The boy keeps a diary every day.




e.g.He kept me waiting for half an hour.


Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open.


The doctor kept me in for a week.


He always keeps his books in good order.




e.g.Please keep quiet.


We’re keeping in very good health.



e.g.Will this fish keep till tomorrow?



keep(sb.)away(from sth.)(使)离开(某物)

keep sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事

keep sth.in mind记住某事

keep sb./sth. out(of sth.)不让……入内

keep back忍住(眼泪),扣下,隐瞒

keep in touch with 与……保持联系

keep(on)doing sth.继续做某事

keep off远离,避开

keep up 保持(不低落),继续

keep up with 跟上,不落在后面



(1)“担负得起(……的费用、时间)”,常与can,could,be able to连用,表示“有足够的(时间、金钱等)条件(做某事)”。

afford +n./pron.

e.g.Now many people can’t afford the medical treatment in the country.


I can’t afford the time for it.


afford to do sth.

e.g.Before liberation many people couldn’t afford to go to school.


We can’t afford to buy this new house.



afford sth.

e.g.The trees afford a pleasant shake.


afford sb.sth./afford sth.to sb.

e.g.Reading affords us pleasure.


History affords lessons to us.




e.g.Tell me the time when/at which the train leaves.


You’ll have some spare time when/during which you can learn English at home.


This is the school where/at which I used to study.


Think of a place where/to which we can go for dinner.




e.g.I met Jack in 1980,since which I have never seen him.


He came back at ten,until which we worked.


He went to school at 8,before which he read English.


(2)当on,behind,in front of,through,from,beside,around+which时,不能被where代替。

e.g.I saw a desk on which was a book.


The house,in front of which there is a tree,is my home.


This is the window through which the thief came in.

7.高一英语衔接教学之我见 篇七


高中一年级的学习是从初中进入高中的学习过渡阶段, 学生成绩很容易两极分化。英语这一科尤其如此。那么高一英语教师如何才能使学生顺利度过从初中进入高中英语学习的过渡期呢?笔者认为高一英语老师应注意以下几点:

一、建立良好的师生关系, 增强学生的学习信心

高一新生来自不同的中学, 他们的家庭背景不同, 性格特点不同, 而学习成绩也是参差不齐。刚来到一所新的学校时, 他们往往对一切都充满新鲜感, 对什么都跃跃欲试, 尤其是在自己的老师面前。这时候我们老师要保护好他们的这种好奇心, 争取在开学之初尽可能短的时间内认识他们并叫出他们的名字。教师要放下“师道尊严”的架子, 平等地尊重每一位学生, 尊重他们的人格, 从高高的讲台上走下来, 走出指挥者的角色, “蹲”下来和他们一起聊天, 一起做游戏, 做他们的知心好朋友, 使他们从心理上真正接受自己。同时, 教师还要允许他们发表不同的见解, 乐于接受他们的批评。这样, 在情感相融的基础上, 融洽、和谐、平等的师生交流氛围形成了, 学生对老师的信任建立了, 学生对学好英语的信心自然而然也就增强了。

二、优化英语学习方法, 提高学生的自主学习能力

高一新生刚入学时, 对于英语学习, 往往是翻开课本就是记单词, 却不知道记单词的目的是什么。这时候, 我们老师就要及时地去引导他们把单词放到课文里去记, 这样这些单词就有了活生生的语境, 而不再是一个个枯燥乏味的字母组合, 记起来也就容易、有趣了。其实, 这种方法一旦经过强化, 无意中就培养了学生预习新课的习惯。在预习新课过程中, 我们还要积极引导他们学会借助字典预习单词和课文, 同时调动口、耳、眼、脑、手等多种器官, 来增强记忆效果, 提高阅读能力。每节课临近结束时, 我们教师要给他们布置适量的课后作业, 让他们学会:利用笔记复习巩固当天所学的知识, 一边看笔记, 一边回忆, 一边补充笔记, 必要时与同学交换笔记, 进行比较、讨论所讲内容, 探索改进自己记笔记的方法。教师要帮助他们逐渐建好错题集, 以便于以后复习。学生一旦养成这些良好的学习习惯, 他们将受益终生, 从而我们的英语教学成绩又何愁不会提高呢?

三、寓教于乐, 让每个学生积极地参与课堂教学

心理学家孟昭兰指出:当一个人处于快乐-兴趣情绪状态中时, 最能发挥其智能操作水平, 因而快乐-兴趣是个体进行智能活动的最佳情绪背景。所以我们教师要寓教于乐, 让学生带着一种快乐的情绪去学习。

1. 寓词汇教学于快乐导入教学课堂中

我们要根据学生的特点在课前努力创设语言情境, 营造学习氛围, 自然引入课堂话题。譬如, 坚持每节英语课前的五分钟“Daily Report”, 形式不拘, 内容不限, 鼓励学生自己写稿, 可以一个人写, 也可以几个人合写, 同时教师帮助修改;再让学生登台表演, 要求他们尽量脱稿并能设计出几个问题, 请台下的同学回答, 以此来集中其他同学的注意力, 力求使每个学生积极参与到课堂活动中来。在准备过程中, 学生肯定会积极主动地去收集许多有关友谊、旅游、音乐、体育、文化、卫生、幽默、娱乐、节日及对未来的幻想等各方面他们比较感兴趣的话题的词汇, 这样比单纯讲解词汇效果要强百倍。因为学生都不想让自己的“Daily Report”做得比别人逊色, 都想得到别人热烈的掌声。课前短短的五分钟, 却犹如一石激起千层浪, 寓词汇教学于快乐之中, 我们英语教师又何乐而不为呢?

2. 寓课文教学于快乐阅读教学课堂中

进行阅读教学时, 教师应该把阅读课文作为整体来处理, 联系上下文来教学词汇和语法, 通过扫除新的语言障碍理解课文。首先, 阅读材料是语言的载体, 集语音、词汇、语法与文化内容于一体, 教师可采用关键词、提纲、问答题、图表、录音等多种教学方法。在学习阅读材料之前, 进行限时阅读, 老师设置一些问题, 要求学生在限定的时间内完成, 培养学生快速浏览课文和准确把握课文大意的能力, 这样可以训练学生快速略读的能力;其次, 疏理课文时, 教师通常要讲解课文中的难句和新的句子结构, 进一步扫除理解的障碍, 挑选出能表示课文主体的关键词和短语, 巧妙地设计板书, 使板书能体现出课文概要, 使学生可以利用这些关键词和句子结构来复述课文, 以此来提高他们的语言组织能力;再次, 在学生熟悉了阅读材料内容的基础上, 讲解语言要点并进行必要的语法归纳, 然后让学生就课文内容提出更多的问题, 使其进一步理解、巩固课文, 把我们的阅读课堂教学进一步推向高潮;最后, 教师要通过阅读引起学生的兴趣, 使他们不满足于教科书中的信息, 引导他们对书中的话题进一步探究, 对有关的英文资料在课后注意收集并阅读。

四、培养学生良好的心理素质, 促使学生积极乐观、勇于面对挫折


1. 教师在英语教学过程中要努力为学生营造一个健康良好的心理环境

教师要在学生英语学习过程中尊重热爱他们、相信鼓励他们, 使他们克服胆怯自卑的心理, 形成积极自信、乐观向上的生活态度, 树立正确的人生观、世界观和价值观。对于阶段性训练和测试, 尤其是平时的考试, 教师要帮助学生掌握知识要点和复习功课的方法, 对其在学习过程中的表现, 所取得的成绩及所反映出的情感、态度、策略等方面的发展做出评价, 以激发学生的积极性和自信心。

2. 教师要积极、及时地引导学生进行心理素质的自我锤炼

要引导学生:正确判断是非, 勇于战胜困难曲折, 同时又要能自我认识和克制, 激励自己不断前进, 消除一切心理上的阴影, 学会享受成功带来的喜悦。针对这一点, 教师可在考试或生活中精心设计一些挫折, 提供能使学生在知识上和思维上暴露缺陷、暴露弱点的机会, 借此教育他们发现自己的问题。因为这样能使学生从中找到努力的方向, 发现问题并及时努力去解决。那么学生出现的问题越多, 经历的挫折越多, 提高和进步的速度就越快。通过这样的心理素质训练, 教师不仅培养了学生在学习上吃苦耐劳的优秀品质, 还使学生在实际生活中无论遇到什么样的问题, 都能镇定自若, 信心十足。

总之, 高一阶段的英语学习有着承上启下的过渡作用, 它是以后顺利完成高二、高三英语学习的铺垫。所以, 我们教师要深入钻研教材, 不断创新, 精心设计课堂教学;要注重培养学生学习英语的兴趣, 保护他们学习英语的积极性;优化他们的学习方法, 培养他们良好的学习习惯;建立融洽和谐的师生关系, 帮助学生树立学习英语的信心, 使他们尽快完成初高中英语教学的衔接, 适应高一的英语学习并生动活泼、快乐健康地向前发展。


[1]张晓霞.高一英语衔接教学探究[J].神州, 2012 (9) .

[2]王波.如何做好高一英语衔接教学[J].成才之路, 2011 (32) .

8.高一英语教学反思 篇八

关键词:高中 英语 教学

中图分类号:G420 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-9795(2012)11(c)-0174-01



其次,建立和谐、民主的师生关系。美国心理学家罗杰斯认为:“成功的教学依赖于一种真诚的理解和信任的师生关系,依赖于一种和谐安全的课堂气氛。”高一学生,对教师过于敬畏会产生压抑感,有碍于上课的活跃气氛和积极思维。上课不敢回答老师问题,害怕答错被责备。高一上学期,我鼓励学生回答问题,只要敢于站起来回答问题无论对错都给予表扬,并鼓励学生积极参与教学活动。在课堂上,放手让学生“演”,有的学生能即兴自编自演对话,有的能用英语讲简易的故事,有的把教室当作了采访场所,以答记者问形式采访新同学,有的会唱英语歌。高一下册第15单元,在本单元结束后,由几个学生自发组织,学生分工,扮演不同的角色,重现原文。当学生勇于站起来回答问题时,我都会说:“Good.Well down”之类的表扬话语。这种课堂转变了学生的观念,他们觉得高中英语课很有趣,对今后的学习充满了信心。

1 培养学生课前预习习惯

在每个单元开始之前,让学生对所要学的单元进行预习。每个单元开头都会有本单元的goals通过目标,学生可以大概了解本单元要学些什么。哪些是重点,哪些是次重点,哪些是难点。接下来看阅读部分。如Healthy eating这个单元里的阅读讲的是WE ARE WHAT WE EAT.通过题目,给学生留下问题,带着问题,对文章进行预习,并且把不懂的地方用笔做下标记,上课的时候仔细听讲。

2 培养学生课后复习习惯

子曰:“温故而知新”“学而时习之”。学生应合理安排复习时间。在单词上,让学生每天都背,高中的单词量不断扩大,学生记忆的单词也越来越多,头天背的单词到第二天如果不加以巩固,很容易忘记。所以让学生每天都要巩固所学的单词,早上起床时间和晚上临睡前30min记忆最佳。在每节课上课之前,由一个学生到讲台上口述头天所上的内容,下面的同学就可以在大脑里重现知识点,也起到巩固作用。每节课上的语法点学生不仅要记牢,而且还要会运用于实际中,课后作业不仅要求学生用语法造句,还让学生用所学过的语法编一段小对话。下面是学生用语法写的一段小文章。用used to,spend on,have a good time 写一篇短文。Pierre Loisel used to work in a government office.One day he and his wife Mathilde received an invitation to a ball at the palace.Mathilde spent 400 francs on a new dress but had no more money for jewellery.She borrowed a beautiful necklace from her friend Jeanne.The couple had a very good time.



(2)在作文方面,《高中英语教学大纲》中对写的要求是:能根据提示,在30min内写出80~100个词的短文。意思表达正确,基本语法和常用句型无严重错误。能写简单的书信、便条和通知,填写简单的个人履历表等。写作训练对提高学生的综合能起着举足轻重的作用,大部分英语教师重视培养学生的写作能力,并具有丰富的教学经验,然而批改学生作文却成了沉重的负担,费时多,收效低,而有些学生拿到批改后的作文,对老师的批语又不太关注,写作能力提高不快。比如高一下册第15单元warming up讲了一个故事,先把故事的关键词给学生,要求学生用关键词写一篇文章。写完后,以小组为单位,把评分标准给各个小组:




灵活:对于难以回避的内容,又想不起确切的习惯用语、句型时,是否能想法 “绕弯子”表达,是否会灵活使用同义词,避免重复使用同一词组。

