


1.人教版英语文化差异 篇一

Unit 5 I’m watching TV


ⅠTeaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

In this unit students talk about what people are doing.

What are you doing? I’m watching TV.

What are they doing? They’re cleaning the room.

What’s he doing? He’s doing his homework.

What are Dave and Mane doing? They’re reading.

2. Ability Object

Train students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

Train students’ communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

Students learn to talk about what people are doing. They love to learn English.

Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points

Key words

The target language.

Ⅲ. Teaching Difficulties

Train students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills..

Review how to talk about what people are doing.

Review how to write a letter in this unit.

Ⅳ. Teaching Methods


Practicing methods

Ⅴ. Teaching Aids

A computer,Cards

Ⅵ. Teaching Procedures


Review the target language.

A: What are you doing?

B: I’m watching TV.

A: What is he doing now?

B: He is doing his homework.

A: What are they doing?

B: They are reading and singing in the house now.

StepⅡ Pair work-talk about what people are doing

Use these target language to make a conversation with your partner.

What are you doing?

I’m reading an English book.

What is he doing now?

He is dancing in the room now.

What is your mother doing now?

She is cooking for us.

What are the students doing now?

They are talking with the teacher now.

StepⅢ Review the structures

1. Review the Yes/No questions. Write sentences on your exercise book. Write as many as you can.

2. Ask several students to read their sentences.

Talk with them.

StepⅣ Review the key vocabulary

1. Give students several minutes to memorize the key vocabulary.



2. Have a dictation.

StepⅤ Summary

In this class we’ve reviewed all the key words in this unit .

We also reviewed to write a letter.

StepⅥ Homework

Review all the key words and language points learned in this unit.

Blackboard Design

Unit5 I’m watching TV

What are you doing?

I’m watching TV

What is he doing now?

What is he doing now?

He is dancing in the room now.

What is your mother doing now?

She is cooking for us.

What are the students doing now?

They are talking with the teacher now.


2.人教版英语文化差异 篇二

当今世界各国都在倡导21世纪技能和关键能力, 2014年教育部文件提出要进一步深化课程改革, 培养学生的核心素养, 这意味着我国的英语教学, 尤其是基础教育学段的英语教学, 无论是在教学目标、教学内容, 还是在教学方法上都将面临重大变革。如何有效培养学生获取基础知识与基本技能、提升解决问题的能力, 并在此基础上塑造其价值观、世界观, 促进他们健康、快乐成长, 已经成为我国中小学英语教学的热点话题。


关于核心素养的研究, 可以追溯至20世纪中后期, 它是世界各国为进一步增强本国的竞争实力, 提升人才培养的素质的应然结果。各个国家通过不同的方式, 将其研究成熟的核心素养模型融入课程体系, 实现了从旧有的重学科知识体系完备性、重知识结构轻能力培养的教育模式向提升学生能力水平、促进其全面发展的新模式的转变 (辛涛、姜宇, 等2014) 。

当前, 我国新一轮高中英语课程标准修订工作正在进行, 随着基础教育课程改革的不断深入, 学生发展核心素养模型的构建不可避免地成为本轮课标修订中的重点工作之一, 把坚持育人为本, 德育为先, 能力为重, 全面发展作为未来教育发展的战略主题 (顾明远、石中英2010) 。

面对当前社会急切渴求卓越教育的大背景, 教育工作者必须立足于社会主义核心价值观, 充分发挥学科教学在培养学生发展核心素养方面的作用, 进一步改变课程教学重内容轻能力的现状, 明确学生需掌握的核心素养, 将社会主义核心价值观融入国民教育, 实现素质教育, 促进学生全面、可持续发展。


英语教科书中的文化内容是由教师传授给学生的, 是一个文化传播过程, 它改变了原先大部分人认为英语教育过程是一种“知识获得的过程”或者“语言技能传授的过程”的思维定势。文化人类学以及文化语言学的相关理论表明, 语言教学应以人为核心, 以人的全面发展为根本目的。一方面, 英语教育过程是一个文化传递的过程, 并非单一的语言训练过程;另一方面, 英语教育除了训练语言技能外, 还承担着构建人文性, 构建感情精神世界, 促进生命个体和谐发展的任务。从文化人类学的角度来说, 英语教科书承载着多元文化内容, 英语学科教学属于典型的跨学科教学。同时, 整个英语教学过程也是个体的人格、情感、心智全面发展的过程。如果从语言和文化的关系这一根本问题入手, 无论是教科书编撰者, 还是使用者, 都应该将英语教科书赋予文化的内涵, 实现语言教学的人文性。


在文化阐释的框架之下, 对英语教科书中的文化元素及人文性进行深入挖掘, 为英语教科书中文化内容的呈现研究提供了一定的借鉴。笔者从以下三个方面阐释文化内容在人教版《新目标英语》七年级上册教材中的呈现。

首先, 文化内容贯穿于教科书的始终, 在话题中培养学生的听、说、读、写等技能, 在文化的渗透中提升学习者的科学文化素养和思想道德素质, 在展示文化内容的同时达成教学目标。人教版《新目标英语》教材中的文化内容涉及方方面面, 因此, 它的呈现形式多种多样。我们应该认识到, 没有固定的哪种文化内容必须出现在阅读中或者听力中。正是由于话题的特殊性, 文化内容的展示才各有差异。因此, 教师按照不同的文化划分来看待文化内容的呈现方法更具科学性。

其次, 文化内容的呈现方式灵活多样。教师要用辩证的方法、善于思考的态度对待文化内容的呈现。教师可以在真实自然的情景设计 (故事、传记、游记等) 中呈现文化内容及价值观, 或者在新颖别致的写作风格 (悬念、对比、冲突等) 中呈现文化内容及价值观。此外, 教师可以借助文字、插图、表格等形式呈现文化内容及价值观。

最后, 文化内容, 特别是文化点的选择和呈现应多角度 (多元) , 可以采用中外对比、古今联系、不炫不贬等方式;另外, 文化内容的选择、表述和编排应便于教师课堂操作和增强文化教学的效果。编者在考虑教科书跨文化教学属性的同时, 还要注意到从学生年龄的视角来衡量内容取舍和表述方式。


笔者在前文主要对语言及文化的关系进行了理论上的阐述。接下来, 以人教版《新目标英语》七年级上册Unit 8 When is your birthday?为例, 从实践层面进一步探讨语言教学的文化特性。

(一) 教学目标

一般来讲, 遇到“When is your birthday?”这样的话题, 教师通常会将其教学目标确定为:


(1) 词汇方面:掌握1~12月份的表达;掌握序数词1~31。

(2) 日常交际用语:When is your birthday?/My birthday is...

(3) 语法方面:日期表达法。


教师通过设计连贯的听、说、读、写等活动, 训练学生的逻辑思维能力、应变能力以及语言运用能力, 最后使学生熟练应用“When is your birthday?”这一句型, 并进行回答。



(二) 教学过程

为了实现上述教学目标, 教师通常会采用以下教学设计:


由于学生在本册书的上一个单元, 即Unit 7中已经初步接触了数字的英语表达, 因此, 教师可以用提问的方式, 借助句型“What is your telephone (room) number”询问学生的电话号码, 以达到复习相关数字、激活原有知识的目的, 为学生学习新知识做铺垫。




教师可以借助幻灯片、实物 (如挂历) 或PPT, 以两人问答、小组问答、抢答等多种方式操练新知识。




基数词、序数词的转换练习, 翻译练习;让学生参照Page 47 1a中的英文日历自制英文日历, 设计家庭成员生日调查表等。

这样的教学设计在某种程度上摆脱了机械的读、写训练方式, 让学生在实际操作中复习已有知识, 品味、体验、运用新知识。这体现了培养学生用英语做事情的能力的思想主张, 促使学生能够积极主动地学习, 不断提高他们的语言运用能力和人文素养, 进而达到运用所学知识进行交际的目的。

其实, 可以大胆地尝试发散教师和学生的思维, 进一步关注并挖掘话题“When is your birthday?”的文化元素及人文性。不妨尝试增添如下情感目标以及教学内容:

情感目标:通过对birthday以及1~12月相关内容的认识, 教师引导学生理解中西方文化的差异, 提升语言的文化内涵。

教学内容:观看一段英文原版视频, 完成以下三个题目, 并说出为什么。

1.True or false?

For the child’s first birthday party, parents usually make one birthday cake in America.

2.In the USA, after the____birthday, children have the right to get the____driver’s license.

A.fourteenth B.sixteenth C.eighteenth

3.John is 20 years old.What can’t he do, playing computer games, having a date or drinking wine?

另外, Homework部分设计探究型作业———What’s the origin (由来) of the twelve English months?

众所周知, 多媒体与英语学科教学的有机整合可以避免教师单一的讲授方式, 以及学生枯燥的学习方式, 能够弥补学生的文化知识储备, 有效帮助学生获取文化信息。之所以将情感目标增添为对birthday相关内容的认识, 是因为一个国家的语言背后隐藏着这个国家的历史、风俗、习惯、信仰等文化信息。就算是一个句子、一个单词的构成形式, 也蕴含着文化意味。

在谈到birthday时, 人们不可避免地会触及cake这个单词, 而birthday cake又能够反映出中西饮食文化方面的差异。以美国家庭为例, 父母在为一岁的宝宝庆祝生日时会选择两个生日蛋糕。因为美国有这样的习俗:人们先在蛋糕上插蜡烛并将其点燃, 待过生日的人许愿之后将蜡烛吹灭。因为由于一岁的宝宝太小, 可能会将蛋糕弄得不成样子, 所以美国家庭通常会准备两个蛋糕, 一个给小宝宝食用, 另一个留给来庆生的其他人食用。而在中国家庭中, 父母在为一岁的宝宝庆祝生日时, 一般有抓周的习俗。大体来讲, 中西饮食文化方面的差异可以通过中西方人们的饮食观念、饮食内容、饮食方式、烹饪方式、餐桌礼仪这五个方面的异同对比, 引出中西方文化在宗教信仰、气候环境、生活方式上的本质区别。教师在引领学生了解中西饮食文化的区别后, 应尽可能地使学生减少跨文化交际中所产生的误解, 促进文化的互补和交流。

第二个小题非常富有生活性和文化性, 设计得较为巧妙。相对来讲, 美国是一个地广人稀的国家, 他们对青少年拥有驾照的法定年龄限制与我们国家存在着差异。这样的设计很好地落实了语言教学与文化教学的有机融合, 有效地提升了学生的人文素养。

第三个小题的正确答案是drinking wine。在美国, 按照法律的规定, 只有年满21岁的青年才可以饮酒, 否则将会受到法律的惩罚。而在我们国家, 对于饮酒的法定年龄并没有做出强制规定, 只是在未成年人保护法的第十一条中有所提及:父母或者其他监护人应当关注未成年人的生理、心理状况和行为习惯, 以健康的思想、良好的品行和适当的方法教育、影响未成年人, 引导未成年人进行有益身心健康的活动, 预防和制止未成年人吸烟、酗酒、流浪、沉迷网络以及赌博、吸毒、卖淫等行为 (全国人民代表大会常务委员会2012) 。通过这样一个中美文化的比较设计, 教师可以向学生渗透中西方的酒文化, 切实提升学生的跨文化交际意识。

英语月份名称的由来最具挑战性。这里涉及的文化背景知识颇多, 必然会占用很多的课堂时间, 若将其设计为探究形式的家庭作业, 既能发挥学生的团队作用, 又能提高学生的英语学习兴趣, 激发学生的学习欲望以及增强学生对12个月份的单词拼写的记忆效果。正如Byram (1994) 所认为的那样, 文化教学是造成语言学习动力的主要因素, 应该给学习者提供充足的知识和语言文化技能, 以便和外国一些具备同样背景和教育经历的人成功地进行交际。学习者需要有意无意、设身处地地理解外国当地人的文化, 并能够合适地接受其语言和非语言的行为。


诚然, 上述添加的情感目标以及教学内容对英语教师的专业素质与专业发展提出了一定的要求与挑战。随着社会的发展以及对外交流的深入, 掌握英语以及英语文化不仅能顺应社会发展的需求, 而且能提升自身知识水平。在中国, 大多数学生虽然在小学就接触了英语, 但真正开始全面接触英语语法、单词以及文化等内容是从初中开始的。初中阶段的英语教学肩负着重要使命。学习英语的最终目的是灵活运用这门语言, 英语教学的最终目的是让学生有效地运用英语, 提升跨文化交际能力 (王秋艳2013) 。

然而, 由于主客观的原因, 当前的初中英语教学中普遍存在许多问题, 具体表现为以下四个方面:一是教师干预过多, 学生主体地位被忽略;二是教学形式单一, 教学内容单调;三是语言学习与文化分离, 教师教学素质、能力较低;四是过于倾向应试教学, 学生学习任务重。

初中英语教师专业发展面临的问题具体表现为以下四个方面:一是教师职业理想目标模糊, 责任心不强;二是教师职业态度消极, 纪律性差;三是英语教师专业技能不高, 使命感较差;四是教师职业作风不良, 荣誉感不强。

发现并解决初中英语课堂教学的问题, 提升初中英语教师专业发展水平, 既有利于改善初中英语教学质量, 提高初中英语教学水平, 又有利于学生在初中阶段更好地学习英语, 发展核心素养, 为未来的学习和发展打下坚实的基础。


随着传播媒介以及信息的快速发展, 全球一体化趋势趋于明朗。在当今世界, 不同文化的交流碰撞日益成为文明交流的主旋律, 其速度之快、范围之广、规模之大是以往任何时代都不可比拟的。我国初中英语教育越来越注重国际化发展, 以注重培养学生的国际意识为目标, 使学生具备理解不同文化的能力。任何科学研究都是以一定的社会背景和理论基础为依托的, 英语教科书的研究也是如此。随着传播媒介的发展, 社会人文学科研究视角的改变, 英语教育的关注视角也在不断变化。从文化视角加强“初中英语课程与教学建设, 促进学生核心素养发展”的研究必然会成为未来的趋势。

摘要:阐述核心素养的国际背景与现实意义以及语言教学的文化特性, 从英语教学的文化性出发, 深入挖掘英语教科书中的文化元素和人文性, 分析文化内容在英语教材中的三种呈现方式。以人教版《新目标英语》七年级上册Unit 8 When is your birthday?为例, 从实践层面进一步探讨语言教学的文化特性, 并结合具体的文化教学实例, 从知识目标、能力目标以及情感目标三个方面分析文化元素在教材中的体现, 指出文化在英语教学中的重要性。



顾明远, 石中英.2010.国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要 (2010—2020年) [M].北京:北京师范大学出版社, 58.

教育部.2011.全日制义务教育英语课程标准[S].北京:北京师范大学出版社, 27.


王秋艳.2013.初中英语教学存在的问题及应对策略[J].语数外学习 (初中版下旬) , (12) :93.

辛涛, 姜宇, 王烨晖.2014.基于学生核心素养的课程体系建构[J].北京师范大学学报 (社会科学版) , (1) .

3.人教版英语文化差异 篇三


中图分类号:G622 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1002-7661(2014)11-279-01









人教版教材小学英语其中包括了很多种教学方面的资源,比如教师专用课本、学生专用教材、一些活动系列手册等等,学生专用教材是这里面的中心教材。我们这次研究的主要内容就是对于教材中文化知识的教学。其中英语作为一种重要的语言文化,英语在学习过程中经常会掺杂一些文化方面的渗透,但是这种文化方面的学习是时隐时现的,我们为了让研究统计起来更加方便, 就统一了研究方向以及研究目的。我们从文化所在区域来分类将文化分成了三类:把英语当作母语学习的、把英语当作目的语言学习的、其他目的学习英语的。有一些学者把文化分成了“知识文化”以及“交际文化”两大类。我们根据这些分类分别对所谓的“知识文化”以及“交际文化”进行了同步的统计以及分析,仔细研究讨论,进行了大量的统计。







[1] 梁姗姗.小学英语教材文化教学知识的发展综述《现代中小学教育》,2012(06)

4.人教版英语文化差异 篇四

教学目标 1.Encourage the students to use their imagination to talk about life in the future.

2.Train the students’ listening ability.

教学重点 Talk about the life in the future

Dill Ss’ listening ability.

教学难点 Ss don’t know how to express the dreaming about the future.

教、学具 Multimedia, slides.

预习要求 Read new words in Unit 6.

教 师 活动 内 容、方 式 学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式 旁 注

Step 1.Warming up

Task 1.Talk about the problems in your life.

Are you happy now? Are you satisfied with your life (your study, your family, housing, transportation, communication, etc.) Why? Can you give me some reasons? Do you want a happy and beautiful future? What do you want the life to be?

Task 2.Watch pictures on the screen and have a discussion in groups of four.

There are four pictures. They are about life in the future. It concerns many fields, such as transportation, city construction, outer creature, people’s health.

Please imagine what life will be in the future?

Task 3.Fill in the forms

Talk about the problems in life.

Ss give some reasons

Watch and discuss what life will be like in the future.

Ss look at the diagram and try to fill in the blanks in groups.

Show the screen.

Step 2.Listening


1.What is your life like as a student?

Questions for reference:

①How do you go to school?

②What subjects do you have? What are they about?

③what are your hobbies? / How do you spend your spare time?

④What do you eat? …

2 .Imagine where people will live in the future. State your reasons.

While- listening:

Now you will have a letter from a girl living in the future, she describes her life and explains why she lives where she does. Let’s compare our life with hers.


Question: What does Mekanika want to know?

Step 3. Homework:

Write a letter to Mekanika and tell her about the things she wants to know.

Bb design:

Ss answer the questions.

Possible answer:

Maybe people live on another planet, because there are too many people on the earth. People will live in space because the earth has been polluted, and there is no room for people…

1.Listen for the first time, answer questions in Part 1.

2.Listen for the second time, do Part 2. Exercise1.

Ss have a discussion and guess, talking about what Mekanika wants to know.

课 题 SEFCB2Unit 6 课 时 5-2 备课人 万兴安 授课时间 2004.10

教学目标 1. Improve the students’ speaking ability by practising making predictions.

2. Train the students listening ability.

教学重点 Finish Wb listening and speaking exercises.

Train Ss’ listening and speaking ability.

教学难点 Wb listening exercises.

教、学具 A recorder, some slides, some pictures.

预习要求 Finish some of the Wb exercises.

教 师 活动 内 容、方 式 学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式 旁 注

Step 1.Listening (WB)

Do the listening practice in the workbook step by step. If the material is too difficult, give students some difficult sentences first or even give the listening material to students after they listen to the tape twice.

Pre-listening task

(Look at the screen: a man landed on the moon for the first time.) When did man first land on the moon? Do you want to visit the moon?

What speed does a train reach on average now?

What conditions do lemon trees need to grow well?

While-listening question:

Now we’re going to listen to a news broadcast for the year 2035.

1.Listen for the first time, do exercise 1. Tick the subjects mentioned in the news stories.

2.Listen for the second time, do exercise 2. Answer the questions.

Step 2.Speaking


Brief discription about Dolly (pictures of Dolly on the screen). Then talk about human clones.

Ask: have the scientists discovered how to make doubles? What would happen if there were human clones?


What’s your opinions of making doubles?

See the picture.

Answer or discuss the problems.

Check answers.

Listen and tick the subjects mentioned.

Listen and finish Ex 2.


Advantages Disadvantages

Useful expressions:

It would be wonderful if …

It’s possilbe / impossible to predret …

Just imagine if …

It would be bad for … if …

No one can predict what / when …

We can only guess.


Have a free discussion

What would happen if there were two Hitlers ?

Step 3.Homework

If you have the chance to make “doubles”, whom would you like to have doubled ? Why? Write a short passage.

Bb design:

Get Ss to tell the advantages and disadvantages.

Get them to use the phrases as much as possible.

Discuss the problems after class.

课 题 SEFCB2Unit 6 课 时 5-3 备课人 万兴安 授课时间 2004.10

教学目标 1.To enable the Ss to know more about history and nature of architecture.

2.To enable the Ss to learn to introduce an architect and his work.

教学重点 To develop Ss’ abilities of reading passages about architecture

教学难点 Special words about Architecture.

教、学具 Some slides and a recorder

预习要求 Read new words in the text first

Look up more words about architecture.

教 师 活动 内 容、方 式 学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式 旁 注

Step1 Revision

Show the Ss some sentences and ask them to fill in the blanks with right words

Steps 2 Pre-reading

1. Show the Ss some pictures about nature and architecture.

2.Let the Ss tell what the buildings look like.

3.Go through the instructions and the three sentences above the text

Step3 Reading

1)Give the Ss four minutes to read this passage and find the answers to the exercises in it.

2)Play the tape for the students to listen and read the passage once again. Then choose the best answers to the exercises on the slides according to the passage.

Show a slide:

1. Why did architects in the 1920’s want their buildings unnatural?

A.they didn’t like traditional architecture style.

B. They wanted to change people’s feelings of beauty.

C. They didn’t like building materials such as earth, stone, brick and wood.

D. They like buildings materials such as steel, glass and concrete.

2. In what ways in ancient architecture different from modern architecture?

Fill in the blanks with right words

Check answers.

Go through the instructions and the three sentences .

Read this passage and find the answers.

Listen and choose the best answers to the exercises on the slides according to the passage.

A. materials, shapes B. roofs, corners

C. size, height D. balconies, windows

3. Which of the following belongs to modern architecture?

A. Taihe Dian. B.The Temple of Heaven.

C.The Opera House in Sydney.

D.The great European Cathedrals.

4.Which of the following best expresses the main idea of this passage?

A. Ancient architecture is popular.

B.Modern architecture is popular.

C.Ancient buildings look more beautiful than modern ones.

D.Different times, different styles of architecture.

5. From this passage we can infer that ____

A. the writer prefers ancient buildings to modern ones. B. the writer prefers traditional materials to modern ones

C. the writer doesn’t like modern architects at all D. the writer prefers buildings which look natural to ones that look unnatural

3)Let the Ss read the passage again and fill in the blanks to complete this short passage.

Step 4 Language focus

Deal with some language points while checking the answers to Ex3 of Step 3

Step 5 Post reading.

Read a passage about architecture and choose right words to fill in the blanks.

Step 6 Exercises

Time permitting, do some exercises about language points.


Finish the rest of the exercises on the worksheets

Bb design:

Get Ss finish the exercises:

1.Impress: have a favorable effect on sb.; make sb. feel admiration and respect.

Your efficiency impressed us most== We were most I________ _________ your efficiency

2. despite (prep): without being affected by

Despite_____ (want) to see him again, she refused to reply to his letters.

Despite_________ __________ _____________(其它人说什么), I think he is a good boy.

3. inspire v: ①fill sb. with thoughts, feelings or aims.


结构:be inspired by

His best music ________ _________ __________(灵感来自)the memory of his mother.

His speech inspired me _______again.

A.try B.to try C.trying

Deal with some language points

Read a passage about architecture and choose right words to fill in the blanks.

5. Summary: In order to have a bright future,we should love our life, love the earth. We have to learn as much as possible and we must try to accept changes and appreciate what is new and different.

课 题 SEFCB2Unit 6

Language study and Grammar 课 时 5-4 备课人 万兴安 授课时间 2004.10

教学目标 1.Revise the words

2.Do some exercises to consolidate the Noun Clause

教学重点 Ss finish the exercises.

教学难点 Nothing too difficult.

教、学具 Workbooks, Exercise books, slides.

预习要求 Finish some of the exercises.

教 师 活动 内 容、方 式 学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式 旁 注

Step 1.Revision

Activity: Teacher: What’s your future plan?


Step 2.Word study:

Activity 1: 根据释义说出或写出本单元所学词汇。例如:

①a statement of what is judged likely to happen in the future, esp in connection with a particular situation, or of the expected weather conditions ______

②existing or happening now; modern _____

③a general development or change in a situation or in the way that people are behaving ________

④of or in a city or town _________

⑤a person who buys goods or services for their own use____________

⑥extremely small __________

⑦money in the form of notes and coins, rather than cheques or credit cards ______

⑧a medical doctor, esp one who has general skill and is not a surgeon ______

Activity 2:

Do Exercise 1 . Fill in the blanks with words in the text.

2.You should pay attention to the word order in the Noun Clause. Normal word order is used in it.

3.In order to keep the sentence balanced. We often use “it” as the formal subject, which replaces the real subject.

4.The subordinate conjunction “whether” can introduce all the Noun Clauses, while the subordinate conjunction “if” can only introduce an object clause used as the object of a verb.

Go to university, find a good job. have a beautiful house, own private cars…

Check answers with the whole class.

Suggested answers:

1. forecast 2. trends 3. urban 4. consumers / customers

5. ensure 6. tiny 7. cash 8. regularly 9. physician 10.purchase / purchases

Step 3. Exercise:

1. Find out the function of the Noun Clause in each sentence.

2. Look at the questions about the future in the box on the left. Then use the expressions in the box on the right to change your questions into Noun Clause.

Example: How we should use modern technology is an important question. Activity: Look at the pictures on the screen, and complete the sentences using Noun Clauses.①We cannot be sur________

②The problem is__________.

③I can’t imagine ________.

④_________ is an important question.

⑤Scientists have (not) found answers to th e question ___________.

⑥They are worried about _______.

Exercise 3.Identify the type of clause in each of the sentences.

Instruction: The difference between a Noun Clause and an Attributive Clause. A Noun Clause is used as a Subject, Object, Predicative or Appositive in the main clause. An Attributive Clause serves as an attribute to some nouns or pronouns in the main clause, and it is often placed after this noun or pronoun. The Attributive clause is introduced by the relative pronouns and the relative adverbs.

Step 4.Homework

Exercise 4.Rewrite the following sentences so that they contain a Noun Clause of the type in brackets.

Bb design:

Suggested answers:

in general in store keep in touch with lead to pay attention to

Ss listen and write.

Check answers with Ss.

Ss tell the types in turn.

课 题 SEFCB2Unit 6 Integrating skills Greeting From The Future. 课 时 5-5 备课人 万兴安 授课时间 2004.10

教学目标 Get to know more about the life in the future.

Learn the following words and phrases:

Lots of fun, be programmed to, virtual reality, after all, change into ones and zeroes, clean up, travel back in time.

Drill Ss’ reading ability

Train Ss’ writing ability.

教学重点 Learn the following words and phrases:

Lots of fun, be programmed to, virtual reality, after all, change into ones and zeroes, clean up, travel back in time.

Drill Ss’ reading ability and writing ability.

教学难点 Writing exercise.

教、学具 Slides, pictures, Ex books.

预习要求 Read the new words in this unit.

教 师 活动 内 容、方 式 学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式 旁 注

Step 1.Reading


Task: If you have an e-friend, what would you use it for?

As we know, people’s life has been changing. It’s getting better and better. What do you think life in the 31st century will be like? Will it be the same as that today?

Today we’re going to read a letter about the way people will live more than one thousand years later and we can know what the life in the 31st century will be like.


1.Skim and find out the main idea.

(Ss: help me with what I couldn’t do, keep me company, talk with me, help me with my homework …)

Ss: No, we think life in the 31st century will be very different from that in this century. We’ll live more easily than today. We’ll have a machine so what we want them to. The only thing we need to do is to press the buttons on the computer.


①Find out how Mekanika describe her e-friend.

Mekanika’s e-friend

②What is virtual reality?


Exercise 2.Why is it sometimes difficult for Mekanika to know what is real and what is an image?

Exercise 3.How is our life different from the way people live one thousand years ago?

Step 2.Writing: write about an object

We have known what the life will be in the year 3044. Imagine that you have come back from a trip to the future. You visited the year 4367 and you saw a wonderful invention called a Mogray.

Now work with your partner and decide what a Mogray is, what it looks like and what it is used for. Before writing, you have to complete the outline on the screen.

Instruction: A description of an object should include a physical description (what the object looks like, how big it is etc.) as well as a “practical / functional” description (what it can be used for / how you use it).

Step 3.Homework

1.Write the passage in your Exercise book.

2.Surf the Internet to find more information about life in the future.

Ss read and find out the answers.

Explain it in English or in Chinese.

Read the requires.

Listen to the instruction.

Write an article according to the request.

5.人教版英语初一教案 篇五






















































































6.人教版英语文化差异 篇六

Target language: a. Where’s my backpack/baseball/bookcase?

It’s on/in/under/behind/near/beside the dresser.

b. Where are your keys/video tape/ruler/notebook?

They’re on/in/under/behind the chair/bed/I don’t know.

c. Is it on/in/under the table/dresser/chair/bed?----Yes, it is/No, it isn’t.

Are my keys/books/pens/ on the desk? Yes, they are. /No, they aren’t.

介词:under, in, at, behind, on, near, beside

2. 在英语中,用来询问人或物品的位置可用句型:___+is/are+主语(人或物),当主语为单数时用is, 主语为复数时用______.回答时不用Yes 或No, 而要根据实际情况回答出所在的地点,其句型机构为:主语(人称代词he,she,it,they等)+is/are + 地点。

3.Take与bring都有“拿”的意思,但“拿法”却不一样,它们是一对方向相反的动词。_____ 的意思是“拿走,拿到”,指把某人某物从说话人所在地带往别处。_____ 的意思是“带来;拿来”,指把某人或某物从别处带到说话人这来。



take….to ________ her book _________ ID card __________ in the drawer____________

under the bed________on the bookcase__________bring…..to ___________ take….to________

录像带__________________ 在梳妆台上______________ 在抽屉里________________ 一些东西________________ 需要一些英语书_______________________

( )1、Where’s my book? ___under the bed. A: It B:Is C: It’s D: Its

( )2、Where are_____ pencils?They’re on_____table. A:the,a B:a, a C:the, the D:/ the

( )3、_____you bring the pencil to school? A.bring / B: take / C:bring to D:/ the

( )4、Here_____my room. A:is B:are C:am D:be

( )5、_____alarm clock and_____pen are on the computer desk.

A: An ,a B:A, an C: A, a D: An, an

( )6、Can you_____a key _____me? A:take to B:bring to C:need to D:bring/

( )7、Please look_____the photo_____page19. A:in B:to C:on D:with

( )8、Where’s Nanjing? It’s_____China.A:in B:in the C:on D: at the

( )9、This is a picture_____Ann’s room. A:of B: in C:on D:under

1. 那些植物需要一些水。Those_____ ______ ____________ water.

2. 请把这些照片带给李平。Please _______ these__________ ____________Li Ping.

3. His baseball is under the table.(变一般疑问句) _____ _____ _______ under the table?

4. Where are the chairs?(变单数句)Where______ the ______?

5. Can you bring your books here?(作肯定回答) _____,______ ______。

6. His jacket is on his bed.(变否定句) His jacket _____ _______ on his bed.

7. My keys are on the table(对划线部分提问) _____ ______ _____- keys?

8. 这是我的房间。______ _____ my _______.

9. 书在哪儿?我不知道。Where _____ the books? Sorry, I _____ _____.

10. 你能带些东西到学校来吗?Can you _____ some things_____ school?

11. 我的书包和碟片在地板上。My_____ and_____are_____ the ______.


Dear Lucy,

Please take these things to your sister: her hat, watch, notebook, keys and ID card. The hat is on the dresser. The watch is under the bed. The notebook is under the table. The keys are in the drawer. The ID card is on the bed. The English book is in the drawer.



( )1、Where is the watch?

A: in the drawer B: It’s on the bed C: Under the bed.

2、Where is the notebook? ____________________________________

3、Where is the ID card? ________________________________

( )4、Is the hat on the dresser?

A: Yes, it is B: No, it isn’t C: I don’t know.


Dear Lily,

Can you bring something to school? I need these things: an alarm clock, ID card, math book, viedo tape, my hat, my notebook and a pen. My hat is on the chair. The notebook is under the bed, and my ID card is in the drawer. My pencil is in the desk. My alarm clock is on the table. My math book is in the desk. My video tape is in the drawer. My hat is on the bed .



( )1、Where is the ID card?

A: It’s on the desk. B: It’s in the drawer C: On the bed D: Under the table

( )2、Where are the pencil and math book?

A: It’s in the desk. B: They are in the desk C: They on the table D: They in the drawer

( )3、How many things are there in the letter? A: two B: six c: seven D: five

( )4、Where is the video tape?

A: It’s in the drawer B: It’s on the desk C: It’s on the bed D: It’s on the table

( )5、Is the notebook on the bed? A: No, it isn’t B: Yes, it is C: Yes, it isn’t D: No, it is

6、根据提示写作文:题目:我的房间 1、有2个黄色的书包在桌子上面;2、有1件夹克在床上面;3、有2双鞋子在床下;3、桌子上有3本历史书、两本英语书;4、墙上有我的全家照。

My room

7.人教版七年级英语(上)总复习 篇七

人教版七年级英语上册一共包含了十二个单元, 其中前三个单元为预备单元, 在中考中本册书主要涉及考点包含以下几个方面。

1.your, his, her等形容词性物主代词和yours, his, hers等名词性物主代词的简单用法。形容词性物主代词具有形容词的特点, 常做定语, 修饰名词, 位于名词之前;名词性物主代词相当于“形容词性物主代词+ 名词”, 可单独使用, 后面不必再接名词。

2. 掌握指示代词this, these, that, those和人称代词I, he, she等的用法。this指代较近的一个人或物, these是this的复数形式, 指代较近的几个人或物;而that常用来指代较远的一个人或物, those是that的复数形式, 指代较远的几个人或物。

3. 掌握Yes/No questions and short answers以及可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词的变化规则: (1) 一般情况下词尾加-s。如:book—books; (2) 以s, x, ch, sh结尾的词加-es。如:bus—buses, watch—watches; (3) 部分以o结尾的词加-s或-es。如:photo—photos, tomato—tomatoes。 (4) 以辅音字母加y结尾的词, 变y为i再加-es。如:family—families。 (5) 部分以f或fe结尾的词, 把f或fe变为v, 再加-es。如:leaf—leaves, knife—knives。 (6) 不规则变化。如:child—children。不可数名词无法用数目计算, 无复数形式;做主语时, 谓语动词要用单数形式。

4. 掌握并运用特殊疑问句Where is/are…? 及其答语:It’s/They’re …和方位介词in, on, under谈论物品所在的位置。Where is/are …? 意为“…在哪里?”, 常用于询问人或物的位置。表达人或物所在位置时, 通常要借助介词。on意为“在…上”, 强调物体在表面上;in意为“在…里面”;under意为“在…下面”。

5. 掌握do和does引导的一般疑问句及其肯定和否定回答, 以及实义动词三单变化形式。 (1) 一般情况, 直接在词尾加-s。如:play—plays; (2) 以s, x, ch, sh, 或o结尾的词要在词尾加-es。 如:go—goes, watch—watches; (3) 以“辅音字母+y”结尾的词要变y为i, 再加-es。如:study—studies; (4) 特殊变化, 如:have—has, do—does.

6. 掌握由What, When, How old, How much… 引导的特殊疑问句, 注意其中主谓一致的原则。

7. 名词所有格的构成。名词所有格是指在某一名词后的右上角写上“’”再加上-s等, 表示“…的”这一结构形式。其构成规则为: (1) 一般单数名词, 或不以“s”或“es”结尾的复数名词, 在单词后写“’s”构成。 (2) 如果是以“s”或“es”结尾的复数名词构成所有格时, 在后面写上“’”即可。 (3) 表示各自所有时, 每个名词都要变成所有格;表示共同所有时, 只将最后一个名词变成所有格。

8. 掌握一些有用的短语和句型:first name, last name, phone number, watch … on TV, think about, play basketball, after school…


1. My friend _____ a Chinese map.

A. has B. have C. is

解析:friend是单数形式, 根据句意“我朋友有一张中国地图”, 故谓语动词用has.


2.Tom likes basketball, _____he doesn’t like volleyball.

A.so B.and C.but

解析:so”因此”, 表因果关系;and”和;又”, 表顺承关系;but”但是”, 表转折关系。由句意“汤姆喜欢篮球, 但是他不喜欢排球”可知前后两个分句之间是转折关系。


3. I am hungry. I want to have some _____.

A. bread B. hamburger C. noodle

解析: bread ( 面包) 是不可数名词, noodle ( 面条) 是可数名词, hamburger ( 汉堡包) 是可数名词, some修饰不可数名词或可数名词复数形式。


4. - _____________?

- My birthday is December 12th.

A.When is his birthday?B.When is her birthday?

C.When is your birthday?

解析:根据答语“我的生日是12 月12 日”可知问句是询问什么时候生日, 根据答语中形容词性物主代词my可推测问句中的形容词性物主代词为your。


5. - _____do you like English?

- Because I think it’s very interesting.

A. Why B. When C. Who

解析: why”为什么”;when”什么时候”;who”谁”。由答语“因为我认为它很有趣”知问句问的是“原因”, 故应用why来引导特殊疑问句。



一、单项选择填空 ( 共15 小题, 每小题1 分, 计15 分)

( ) 1. Harry Potter is _____ interesting story and we all like it.

A.a B.an C.the

( ) 2. -_____ is the jacket?

-It’s blue.

A.What B.How C.What color

( ) 3. - Hello! My name is Gina.


A.Hello!I’m Han Mei.

B.Fine, thanks.

C. Good morning!

( ) 4. He is John Smith. John is his _____ name.

A.first B.last C.middle

() 5.It’s not____baseball.It’s____baseball.

A.you;he B.his;her C.your;him

() 6.-Is Kate your sister?

- No, ____.

A.she is B.Kate is C.she isn’t

() 7._____my friends.

A.This is B.He’s C.These are

() 8.Linda likes tomatoes, ____she doesn’t like potatoes.

A.and B.but C.then

() 9.-____is my bag?

- It’s on the sofa.

A.Where B.How C.What

() 10.She wants____her new model plane to school.

A.take B.to take C.takes

() 11.Let’s____TV now.

A.see B.watch C.to watch

() 12.They____like French fries.

A.don’t B.aren’t C.doesn’t

() 13.-____do you like P.E.?

-Because it’s relaxing.

A.When B.Why C.How

() 14.Sonia has____vegetables every day.

A.lot of B.a lot C.lots of

() 15.-____is the skirt?


A.How B.How much C.When

二、完形填空 ( 共10 小题, 每小题1.5 分, 计15 分)

Dear Tony,

Thank you very much16your letter. Zunyi17beautiful! I like Zunyi18I like China. Now I’m fine and I’m busy19my lessons. I have seven classes every day. There are20in the morning and three in the afternoon. I have nine subjects this term. I like math, biology and history. My21subject is science, because it is very interesting. Yes, my English is very22and I like it, but I23like Chinese, because it is too difficult24me, and I can’t learn it well. I can play soccer and I often play it with my friends after school.Do you play soccer? Can you25Chinese? I hope you can come to China one day.

() 16.A.to B.of C.for

() 17.A.sound B.sounds C.likes

() 18.A.because B.so C.and

() 19.A.at B.about C.with

() 20.A.four B.three C.two

() 21.A.best B.favorite C.like

() 22.A.good B.well C.fine

() 23.A.isn’t B.don’t C.do

() 24.A.for B.to C.with

() 25.A.tell B.say C.speak

三、口语交际 (共5小题, 每小题2分, 计10分)


B:Yes, a hamburger, please.


B:Oh, yes.I’m thirsty now.


B:Oh, no.I want a glass of vegetable juice.Er…tomato juice, please.


B:I think it’s wrong.It can’t be$2.7!It’s$2.17.


A.How about some fruit juice?

B.Can I help you?

C.Here you are.That’s$2.70.

D.Here you are.That’s$2.17.

E.Anything to drink?

F.What else to eat?

G.Oh, you are right.I can’t do math.

26. ____ 27. ____ 28. _____ 29._____ 30. _____

四、阅读理解 ( 共20 小题, 每小题2 分, 计40 分)


Dale is from Zunyi. He is nine years old and his birthday is on November 30th. He likes eating apples and bananas. He likes blue very much. He has lots of blue clothes at home.

Dale’s family is big. Five people are in his family. They are his parents, his brother, his sister and Dale. Dale’s brother is Nick. He is six years old.His birthday is on May 15th. His sister is Rose. She is only three years old.Her birthday is on February 7th. Dale’s father is thirty-six years old and Dale’s mother is thirty-four years old. They are teachers. Dale has a good friend in Guiyang. His name is Mike.

( ) 31. Dale likes eating ______.

A.pears and carrots B.bananas and apples

C.pears and bananas

( ) 32. Mike is Dale’s ______.

A.cousin B.brother C.friend

( ) 33. Rose’s birthday is on ______.

A.February7th B.November 30th C.May 15th

( ) 34. _______ is 34 years old.

A.Dale B.Dale’s mother C.Dale’s father

() 35.Which is right?

A.Dale likes black very much.

B.Dale’s parents are teachers.

C.Dale is ten years old.


() 36.Who are 12 years old?

A.Sally and Bob B.Sally and Jane C.John and Jane

() 37.What’s Bob’s favorite sport?

A.Ping-pong B.Basketball C.Soccer

() 38.When is Jane’s birthday?

A.On November 1st B.On January 22nd C.On October 5th

() 39.What’s John’s favorite food?

A.Chicken B.Rice C.Hamburgers

() 40.From the table, we know______.

A.Sally’s birthday is on January 22nd.

B.Bob likes eating rice.

C.Jane can play tennis.


One morning Mr.and Mrs.Green get up early.After breakfast, they go shopping at 7:30.They get to the shop at 7:50.In the shop they see a lot of clothes.Mrs.Green likes them.So she buys a shirt for their son, a skirt for their daughter, and a sweater for Mr.Green.She buys a dress for hersely, too.

Mr.Green is very tired.He looks at his watch.Then he says, ”Oh, it’s12 o’clock.I think we must go home now.It’s late.”So they go out of the shop and begin to go home, but theylose their way.

Mr.Green goes along the street.He can’t find the way.He asks an old man, “Excuse me, sir.Where am I?”

The old man looks at him and their car.“You are in your car, sir, ”he says.

() 41.Mr.and Mrs.Green get to the shop at_____.

A.ten past seven B.seven fifteen C.ten to eight

() 42.They buy some_____in the shop.

A.food B.drink C.clothes

() 43.They buy their son_____.

A.a sweater B.a shirt C.a shirt

() 44.“Lose their way”means_____.


() 45.Does the old man help them?

A.Yes, he does.B.No, he doesn’t.C.He doesn’t know.


Tom, Jim and Sam are good friends.They go to school together andplay together.

At school, Tom likes math best.John’s favorite subject is Chinese.Sam likes P.E., (1) 体育对他来说很有趣。They often help each other.

After school, they play sports.They all like soccer very much.They play it for more than one hour every day.They like to watch soccer games, too. (2) They often watch them on TV.

Saturday and Sunday are their favorite days.Sometimes they play soccer all day on weekends.

46.What’s Sam’s favorite subject?


47.Who can help Jim with his math?


48.Does Tom like soccer?


49.将划线句子 (1) 翻译成英语。


50.将划线句子 (2) 翻译成汉语。


五、词汇部分 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

51.Tom and Jack______ (be) good friends.

52.Today is Lily’s______ (twelve) birthday.

53.David______ (not do) his homework at school.

54.His father______ (go) to work every day.

55.This is my pen and that is______ (Linda) pen.

六、语篇阅读 (共10小题, 每题1分, 计10分)

be, work, its, near, photo, family, don’t, at, but, big

Hello, everyone!My name is Gina Green.I’m American.I have two56here.Look57this picture.It’s a photo of my58.I have a very59family, my grandparents, my parents, my brother and me.My grandfather and my grandmother are in England.They are old and they60work.My father, my mother and I61in China.My brother, Frank, is a doctor.He62in the USA.

This is a photo of my house in America.My grandparents live in the house.The house is small, 63there is a big garden behind it.There are many green trees and nice flowers.You can see a white dog64the house.65name is Mimi.I love it very much..




七、句子改错 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

66.I canI can’t play it () _____________

67.Sciencedifficult () _____________

68.Theonher desk.. () _____________

69.favorite () _____________

70.the breadontable. () _____________

八、书面表达 (共1小题, 每小题20分, 计20分)

假如你是Nacy, 下面是你的个人信息, 请根据这些信息, 写一篇60词左右的英语短文。



一、单项选择题 ( 共15 小题, 每题1 分, 计15 分)

1—5 BCAAB 6—10 CCBAB 11—15 BABCB

二、完型填空 ( 共10 小题, 每题1.5 分, 计15 分)

15 —20 CBCCA 21—25 BABAC

三、口语交际 ( 共5 小题, 每题2 分, 计10 分)

26—30 BEACG

四、阅读理解 ( 共20 小题, 每题2 分, 计40 分)

31—35 BCABB 36—40 BCCAC 41—45 CCBAB



48. Yes, he does.

49. P.E. is interesting for him.

50. 他们经常在电视上看足球比赛。

五、词汇部分 ( 共5 小题, 每题1 分, 计5 分)

51. are 52. twelfth 53.doesn’t do 54. goes 55. Linda’s

六、语篇阅读 ( 共10 小题, 每题1 分, 计10 分)

56. photos 57. at 58. family59. big 60. don’t 61. are 62.works

63. but 64. near 65. Its

七、句子改错 ( 共5 小题, 每题1 分, 计5 分)

66. B—but 67. B—for 68.C— 去掉the 69. B—Tom’s 70.B—is

八、书面表达 (共1小题, 每小题20分, 计20分)

8.人教版英语文化差异 篇八

【关键词】人教版 高中语文 教学本质 多元文化




多元文化是一个样式繁多、层次复杂的文化体,加上各国文化的相互影响,人们对多元文化的了解也趋向多元角度。多元文化概念可以从不同的层面进行分析。从不同的角度理解多元文化能得到不同的结论,正因如此,才有近代文化与现代文化之分,同时由于宗教、政治等不同因素的影响,使得文化多元的构成越来越庞大。 概括的说,多元文化 可以理解成是一个国家同多个国家的共存,也可以理解成一个国家内的不同文化的关联。 不仅如此,人类长期以来的文化积累与 生活方式的形成也是多元文化的组成[1]。



另一方面,语文教材 是一个文化传播器,教材的内容深深影响着学生对社会文化的认识。语文教材是对文化的选择,正是由于多元文化存在,语文教材才会如此丰富,无所不及,影响着人们的生活与思想。同时,语文教材又是先进文化未来走向的表现,因此,教材作为教书育人的工具不能随意,要有所取舍[3]。






仔细研究不难发现,人教版的高中语文教材中关于中华少数民族文化的课题较少,并且大多为汉族文化,其它五十五个少数民族文化比如回族、满族等有关的教材较少 。我国作为一个多民族并存的国家,其在长期的生存与发展中沉淀了许多优秀的文化,其文化是我们中华民族的瑰宝,然而人教版的高中语文教材中少数民族文化较少,这样会使得少数民族学生逐渐远离自身民族知识,甚至在长期的文化影响下,其本民族文化被汉族文化所同化。





人教版高中语文教材的选择能够反映许多优秀的多元文化,其亦有不足之处需要完善。比如教材内容选择上,忽视城乡差别、不同阶层人群生活相关文化。语文教材是一个国家文化教育之本,与国家的未来文化发展、一个民族的文化形象和学生的文化价值观的确定等都有密切联系,为了让我国的文化能在这个多元文化的世界丛林中生存,语文教材的选择就应该考虑各方面因素,同时在集合中国优秀传统文化与现代优秀文化的同时, 还需要接受世界各地的多种优秀文化的参与 。只有融合多元文化的语文教材,才能让学生以全球化的眼光看待世界文化,并学会尊重不同的文化,提高自身文化素质,实现高中语文教学的主要目的。


[1]朱于国. 中学语文教材建设的思考与建议——从第六套全国通用中学语文教材(试用本)的编写谈起 [J].课程·教材·教法,2011(05):37-42.

[2]何文胜. 语文教科书编选体系的构建——兼论《新世纪语文教科书编排方式的探索》一文 [J].课程.教材.教法,2009(11):46-50+60.

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