


1.新概念英语第二册课后练习答案lesson30 篇一

新概念英语第二册第七课课后习题答案详解 Lesson 7 1.B 根据课文第3-4行someone had told the police that thieves would try to stealthe diamond 和第8-9行

While two detectives were keeping guard at thedoor„可以判断出b.to prevent a robbery 是正确答案,其他3个都不对。2.C 根据课文最后一句话

To their surprise, the precious parcel was full of stonesand sand!可以推测出c.didn’t prevent the robbery 是正确的答案。其他3个选择都不符合课文内容。

3.C 从回答中可以看出,此问句是对地点发问的,a.Why, b.When, d.What 都不能针对地点提问,只有c.Where是问地点的,可以用At the airport 来回答,所以选c.4.D 这一句是针对动词宾语提问的,回答是用名词短语A valuable parcel of diamonds.a.Why, b.When , C.where 这几个疑问词都不能针对动词宾语(名词)提问的,只有d.What 可以对名词提问。

5.A 前面句子是过去完成时(hadtold),表示在过去某一动作或情况发生之前完成的事情,“某人告诉警察。。”这一事件一定是在“飞机到达之前”发生的。所以正确答案选a.before(在„„之前)6.C a.in后面需要有一个表示地点的名词,意思才完整;b.into在意思上讲不通;d.for后面需要有一个名词做宾语,意思才完整;只有c.inside(在里面)意思最完整,而且与前半句的动作went into the building相符合,所以选c.7.D 4个选择中只有d.took it off 最符合题目意思和语法,所以选d.8.A b.waiting 是不及物动词,后面不能直接跟名词;c.expecting for 中的expect是及物动词,后面不能加for;d.expecting to 中expect后面不能加to;只有a.expecting最符合语法。

9.C 本句需要选一个与前句中的valuable(宝贵的,珍贵的)意思相同的形容词做表语。a.worth 可以做名词和形容词,意思是“价值”,“值得„„的”,不是valuable的同义词;b.worthy 是形容词,意思是“有价值的”“值得的”常于of 或不定式连用,不能单独做表语,也不是valuable的同义词;d.value 是名词,不符合词性;只有c.precious 是形容词,意思是“宝贵的”,“珍贵的”,是valuable的同义词,可以做表语,所以选c 10.B c.take from , d.take to 都不符合语法;a.rob 和b.steal都有“窃取”的意思,但steal强调“偷偷地或悄悄地趁人不注意时窃取”,而rob则强调“通过武力明目张胆地盗窃或抢劫”。Steal这一动作的执行者应该是thief(小偷),而rob的动作执行者却是robber(强盗)。因为本句的主语是thethieves,所以选b.11.A 本句是要解释前一句中的 the main building(主楼),b.smallest(最小的);c.first(第一);d.greatest(最伟大的)这3个选择都不符合词义,只有a.most important(最重要的)意思与themain意思最接近,所以应该选a.12.B 本句如果选a.full with, c.full by, d.full in 都有语法错误,full 只能同of连用,表示“充满„„的”,因此选b.full of.

2.新概念英语第二册课后练习答案lesson30 篇二

Multiple choice questions 多项选择

1...A He laughs best, who laughs last. Proverb n.格言, 谚语 Suit v.合适, 适合

Gist n.要点, 梗概, 要旨 Silver n.银, 银子

Leap v.跳, 跳越, 跳跃

Golden adj.贵重的, 金色的, 金黄色的 Hatch vt.孵, 孵出 vi.孵化

2...C end with... 以...结束 plight n.情况, 状态, 困境 imprisonment n.关押 audience n.听众, 观众 bore vt.令人厌烦


improvise v.临时准备 pretend vt.假装, 装扮

4.C 独立主格结构

with a letter to deliver to the prisoner. = with a letter for the prisoner.

Deliver vt.递送, 陈述, 释放, 发表


insist that + should

insist on + 名词/动名词


7.C give him a copy (a 表示任意的一份, the表示特指)

8.A neither, nor用于句首, 句子倒装

9.D trick n.恶作剧, 诡计, 骗局,窍门, 诀窍 play a joke on 开玩笑 = play a trick on 捉弄(单方面取乐)

have a joke with sb 和某人开玩笑(强调两人共同取乐)

-- I’ve just had a joke with my classmate.


finally adv.最后

lastly adv.顺序上的最后

in the end 强调最终失败的结果(用于句尾或句首)

-- He worked harder and harder, but in the end he failed.

Conclusive adj.结论性的, 决定性的, 最后的


peer vt.凝视或眯眼看专心地、探求地或较为费劲地看

peer about 眯着眼睛看

-- When you enter a cinema, you often have to

peer about...

search vt.搜寻, 寻找(-- search for sth) blink vt.眨眼睛, 闪亮

stare vt.盯着看(-- stare at)



3.新概念英语第二册课后练习答案lesson30 篇三


Multiple choice questions 多项选择

1...D grasp vt.抓住, 掌握, 领会 n.抓住, 掌握, 领会

establish vt.建立, 设立, 确定, 证实

2...D in favor of adv.赞同, 有利于

3...C apart from 除什么之外还有 supplement vt.补足, 补充




7...B owe people money = owe money to people


vivid adj.生动的, 鲜明的, 鲜艳的, 活泼的, 逼真的

personality n.个性, 人格, 人物, 名人 character n.特性, 性质, 特征, 人物 image n.图象, 肖像, 偶像

imaginative adj.想象的, 虚构的 adj.富于想象的, 有想象力的


exceptionally(adj.例外的, 异常的) à unusually(adv.显著地, 不同寻常的) -- An exceptionally beautiful girl.

marvelously(adj.不可思议的, 非凡的) = wonderfully(adv.奇妙的, 奇异的) singly adv.单独的

unequally adv.不相等地, 不公平地, 独一无二的

10...A rise vi.n.


jealous adj.妒忌的, 猜疑的, 警惕的, 嫉妒的 disinterested adj.无私心的, 廉洁的, 公正的 adj.[美口]不关心的, 不感兴趣的 revolt v.反抗, 起义, 反叛

revolted adj.起来反抗的, 起义的, 厌恶的


beat = defeat

conquer vt.征服, 战胜, 占领, 克服

4.新概念英语第二册课后练习答案lesson30 篇四


Time: Sun.4:00-6:00 Teaching type&title:new lesson

lesson 66 Sweet as honey.Teaching contents&aims: bomber remote damage wreck rediscover aerial survey rescue package enthusiast restore image packing case colony bee hive preserve beeswax Key points: words have sth done

Difficulties: 集合名词用法,Have sth done表示被动

Procedure: Step one

read and revision Step two

have a dictation Step three

new lesson

1.Lead in: Have you ever had some honey? It is very sweet.In your opinion, what is sweet as honey? 2.Listen and answer: What was sweet as honey and why?

【New words and expressions】 生词和短语s ★bomber n 轰炸机, 炸弹手 bomb 炸弹

bomber n.轰炸机, 轰炸员, 投弹手 ★remote adj 偏僻的 lonely偏僻的(孤零零的)remote village遥远的村庄 lonely island孤岛 remote偏远

★Pacific n 太平洋

Atlantic大西洋 / Indian ocean印度洋 / Arctic ocean 北冰洋 ★damage v 毁坏 ★wreck n 残骸

wreck强调坏了没用的东西 : broken thing(一个坏了的整体,完整的)wrekage强调坏的东西成碎片 : piece of ★rediscover v 重新发现 re-表示再, 又的意思

review复习/ reread再读 / rewrite改写 / retell复述 ★aerial adj 航空的 ★survey n 调查

investigation n.调查, 研究

survey调查(一定要跟数据有关系)aerial survey航空调查(跟数据有关系)★rescue v 营救 rescue=save ★package v 把...打包

pack n.小包, v.把...打成小包 package n 大包

package v 把...打成大包 parcel包裹(邮局邮寄)pack it for me wrap it up for me package deal : 一揽子交易,一揽子交易中的条款 ★enthusiast n 热心人

enthusiast n.热心家, 狂热者 ★restore v 修复

修并且复原,如对艺术品的修复 ★imagine v 想像 imagine doing imagine it想象一下吧!(口语)imagine that + 从句 ★packing case 包装箱 ★colony n 群, 殖民地

colony n.殖民地, 侨民,(聚居的)一群同业, 一批同行,(生物)群体 colony 一群聚居在一起的生物 a colony of ants一群蚂蚁 a colony of bees一群蜜蜂 a colony of artists一群艺术家 a flock of a flock of goats 羊群 a herd of cows 一群奶牛 a crowd of(用于人)★bee n 蜂 ★hive n 蜂房 ★preserve v 保护 protect保护

preserve保存(经过特殊手段而保存下来)bean curd豆腐

preserved bean curd豆腐乳 preserved fruit果脯 preserved meat腊肉 preserved fish腊鱼 smoked fish熏鱼

Can I keep your photo? 我能保存你的照片吗? How long can I keep it? Can I return it to you? Can I keep it for you? store the cabbage store储存, 保存(以便日后使用)★beeswax n 蜂蜡

本课重点词: 1 remote 2 wreck 3 re-4 package / package deal 5 restore 6 imagine it 7 preserve 【课文讲解】


crash从上往下掉(不及物, on)crash in the mountain掉到山里

a remote place in the South Pacific 作island 的同位语 a long way to go 有很长的路要走 west of / east of / south of / north of 在英文中跟方位感相连的介词有三个in, on, to Haerbin„s in the north of China on是指跟一个地方有接触面 Korea is on the north of China to是相离的概念

★前面又没the, 又没介词, west of=to the west of west of前面没有任何词修饰的时候, 我们认为处于相离的概念 was too badly damaged损坏得太厉害

over在此之间, 相当于during(over后如有数字则译为 “超过”)over the years 这些年来

over the new year在新年期间 / over the Christmas在圣诞期间 over Spring Festival在春节期间 festival [节日] n., 喜庆日, 音乐节, 戏剧节, 喜庆, 欢宴, 欢乐 adj.节日的, 快乐的


the room remained warm房间还是那么暖和, 注意与 “the room was warm.” 的区别, “remain” 有保持的意思

Christmas is coming few days after the beginning of the winter by this time到这时 in condition处于...状态

in reasonable condition=in good condition in perfect condition处于完美状态 in poor condition状态不好

in reasonable condition做后置定语 keep the house in good condition was rare and was worth rescuing.be worth doing表达了被动含义, 用主动ing表达被动含义 The cake is worth eating The books are worth reading have something done 让别人做某事

in parts:little by little,bit by bit一部分一部分 the group : the group of enthusiasts imagine后面可以直接加宾语

Imagine my excitement when I found my mother outside Imagine their excitement and delight when the People‟s Republic of China was founded the door opened(open是动词)the door is open(open是形容词)break sth open打开...cut open切开

cut it open剪开(信封)tear it open撕开(信封)busy as a bee忙得象个蜜蜂

sweet as honey甜得象蜜(在文中是双关语, 注意体会)sticky as glue胶水一样粘 strong as horse马一样强壮 turn...into把...变成


as busy as a bee中第一个as省略: I am busy as a bee.【Key structures】 关键句型 have sth done


2、遭遇不幸 I have my leg broken我摔断了腿

I have my wallet lost/stolen我丢了钱包 【Special difficulties】 难点

A group of enthusiasts are going to have the plane repaired.Collective noun+ singular or plural verb.集合名词与连用动词的单数或复数形式.当我们把这个名词当作一种非人格的东西看待时, 即当作一个整体, 连用的动词应为单数.当我们把这个名词人格化时, 即看作组成整体的若干人时, 连用的动词应为复数.Study these Sentences: 细读以下句子 :

The national team is travelling to London tomorrow.国家代表队将于明天去伦敦.The team are all highly talented young people.全队人员都是天赋极高的年轻人.The audience is made up of school children.观众是由学校的学生组成的.The audience were spellbound by the magic of the performance.观众们被表演的魅力迷住了.my family are watching TV./ my family is happy 集合名词做人看 : 复数;不作人看, 单数


5.新概念英语第二册课后练习答案lesson30 篇五

1.b 根据课文第3-4行 The pictures it sent us were very disappointing because its main mirror was faulty!可以判断出只有b.there was a problem with its main mirror 与课文实际内容相符,其他3个选择都与课文事实不符。2.a 根据课文第10-11行 the Hubble will tell us a great deal about the age and size of the universe 可以判断只有a.will tell us a great deal about the universe 是课文所提及的内容,其他3个选择都不是课文所涉及的内容。3.c 只有c.will be repairing(将要修理)与前一句中的is going to put...right(准备修正)的时态和意义相符合,所以应该选c.其他3个选择都不够准确。

a.is repairing, b.has already repaired 都与前一句时态不符合;

d.to repair 是动词不定式,不能做谓语,不符合语法.4.c 只有c.will be taken(将被送上)这个句子才能意思通顺。因为该句需要被动语态:four astronauts will be taken to the Hubble(宇航员将被送上哈勃)。其他3个选择都不是被动语态,所以选c.5.a 只有a.for 可以引导表示目的的短语,在句子中做目的状语,而其他3个选择b.so that, c.so long as 和 d.which 都只能引导从句而不能跟名词短语,因此选a.6.d a.when, 和 c.while 这两个词意思相同,都可以引导时间状语从句,表示当....时,因此这两个选择都应该排除.b.and可以连接两个句子,使其成为并列句,但该句用and 连接不太合乎逻辑.只有d.because 最合乎题的意思,引导原因状语从句.全句的意思:

因为它位于地球的大气层之外,所以哈勃会给我们传送清晰照片.所以我们选择d.7.c a.As soon as , 和b.The moment都可以引导时间状语从句,表示“一……就……”;

d.When 可以引导时间状语从句,表示“当……时”,这3个选择都没有明显地表示时间的先后顺序,只有c.Before 表示“在……之前”,使该句更接近课文中第11-12行的原句,所以选c.8.a 该句需要选出同前一句中的launched(发射)含义相同的词组。a.sent into space(送入太空)、b.carried away(带走)、c.put up(举起,挂上)和d.taken up(从事于)这4个选择中只有a.同launched 的含义相同,所以选a.9.b a.then(那时), b.from the beginning(从一开始), c.a few years ago(几年前)和d.before(以前)4个选择中a.c.d.都表示过去的时间,含义相同, 只有b.与这3个选择意义不同, 它强调某一事件开始时的情况,比较符合题目意思,所以应该选b.整个句子的意思是:从一开始哈勃望远镜就有问题.10.b 该句的主语是pictures(图像),需要选一个合适的词来说明图像的质量.a.wonderful(极好的),含有最高级的意思.b.unsatisfactory(不令人满意的), c.the clearest(最清晰的),d.disappointed(感到失望的,扫兴的).4个选项中,a.和c 含义相同.但与课文内容不符合.d.词意思不符,因为主语是物(图像)而不是人,故不能是“感到失望的”,应该是disappointing(令人失望的).只有b.最合适.所以选它.11.d a.had problems(有问题)不合乎习惯用法,当主语是物时,应该是there were problems with …;b.was distant(远离的,遥远的)词意思不对;该指镜子,而应该指图像;只有d.requires repairs(需要修理为:哈勃望远镜的主要镜片需要修理。12.d a.below(在……下面),b.over(在……正上方,盖住,遍及outside(在……外面)4个词中只有d.最符合题目意思,全句意思为:哈勃位于大气层之外。所以d是正确答案。

6.新概念英语第二册课后练习答案lesson30 篇六

















Your success today may be significant to your whole future.October 1, 1949 is a significant day in modern Chinese history.The city is waging a campaign against drunk driving.multinational corporation

Microsoft Corporation

British Broadcasting Corporation

I put a portion of my salary in a savings account each month.Seat belts are now standard on all new cars.The events that led to the war were complex and numerous.The program reviewed the most important events of the year.Teachers find gratification in the success of their students.a nursing school

She’s going to take three nursing courses next semester.The hotel has a staff of about 100.The teaching staff of the school is excellent.Some rights have been restricted by the new law.You must restrict your smoking.I can’t find my wallet anywhere.You can go anywhere you want.The company had to fire half of its personnel to save money.express a view on political issues

What issue are Linda and her husband arguing about?

The office has been transferred to Room 1618.She’s been transferred to our Paris branch.The students were asked to print out their essays.Fix a hook on the wall.Hook the rope to the boat and pull hard.medical examination

medical college

medical equipment

There is a grave risk of flooding.Once he played a trick on his teacher, something none of the other students dared to do.A feeling of despair ran through him.An idea ran through my mind.I suggest we should go to see a movie.grant a favor / request

The minister granted the journalist an interview.a logical conclusion

I demand a logical explanation for your behavior.1.waging2.standard3.community4.issues5.project


1.hooked up2.right now3.torn apart4.ran through

5.along with6.stepped back7.walked into8.stayed with

1.I love Yao Ming for his modesty and so does my girlfriend.2.Frank quickened his steps and so did Henry.3.Jane bought a copy of Love Story and so did all the other girls.4.I am confident that the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will be a great success.So am I.5.If your brother Adam can do it, so can I.6.I’d love to go to Shanghai to see the World Expo in the year 2010.So would I.8

1.Instead of ordering an advance, the general commanded that the soldiers retreat immediately.2.We propose that Louis be appointed chairman and chief executive of IBM Corp.3.The patient has requested that the doctor discontinue treatment, but the doctor has ignored his request.4.The police chief ordered that parking be prohibited on Main Street during rush hours.5.David demanded that he be told the truth about what had happened to his beloved son.9

1.Xiao Zhang was knocked off his bicycle by a taxi on his way home from school.2.Katharine is very proud of her husband’s achievements in medical research.3.When I asked Billy if there was anything else I could do for him, he again asked me to hold him.4.I fully understood why they had these two restrictions placed on me, but I really didn’t like them.5.I am sorry I can not grant your request right now.I have to talk it over with our manager.6.Since she lost her job a number of years ago, Helen has been looking forward to being employed again by the MacDonald’s Corporation.10

1.The criminal was punished.2.Special attention must be paid to this important issue.3.She was made fun of at the party.4.Is the house cleaned regularly?

5.Lost time must be made up for.6.He was found innocent of all charges.7.You have been told the truth.8.My report will be sent to you by Tom.9.English is spoken almost all over the world.10.A fine has to be paid if the books are not returned to the library on time or renewed before they are due.比利(续)

















1.to be honest with you2.shortly after3.searching for4.pick up

5.come up with6.find out7.regardless of8.Given the circumstances

7.新概念英语第二册课后练习答案lesson30 篇七

★ 新概念英语第四册选择题:Thesculptorspeaks

★ 新概念英语经典美文第《创造机会》

★ 新概念英语第三册第21课:Daniel Mendoza

★ 新概念英语第二册第1课:A private conversation

★ 新概念英语第三册第21课:Daniel Mendoza

★ 新概念英语第一册第53-54课:An interesting climate

★ 新概念英语第一册第133-134课:Sensational news

★ 新概念英语第一册第33-34课:A fine day

8.新概念英语第二册课后练习答案lesson30 篇八

★ 新概念英语第四册第6课:The sporting spirit

★ 新概念英语第四册第9课:Royal espionage

★ 新概念英语第四册第31课:The sculptor speaks

★ 新概念英语第四册第28课:Patients and doctors

★ 八年级上教案(第4课)

★ 第4课 “布衣总统”孙中山(节选)

★ 新概念英语第四册Lesson37~41课文注释

★ 新概念英语第四册Lesson10~14原文及翻译

9.新概念英语第二册课后练习答案lesson30 篇九


课前一首英文歌曲,不仅调动了学生的兴趣,同时使学在愉快的气氛下投入新的学习中,接下来的数字练习为后边Howmany 这部分做了个铺垫。拿出手偶来导入What’sthis?这部分单词的复习中,然后通过课件继续演示新概念,通过简单的交际练习,使学生掌握新知识,最后运用游戏加以巩固。对教材内容顺序作了调整,把第三部分的单词tea提前渗透,放在了Howmay?这一环节中,将两部分的内容有机结合起来,前后衔接自然。最后简单小结本课重点,同时出示课题Let’seat!Let’sdrink!让学生拿出自己的东西,边吃边喝,渲染气氛,同进加深对语言的巩固。在对本课单词和句型进行复习。

10.新概念英语第二册课后练习答案lesson30 篇十

1.当 every-, some-, any-, no- 等构成的不定代词及 each, either, neither 作主语时,谓语动词为单数。 Someone has told me about it.

Neither of us likes the film.

2.当 every 或 each 位于两个由连接词连接的单数主语前,谓语动词用单数。(必记之要点!)

Each girl and boy has a nickname.

Every man and woman is welcome.

3.位于主谓之间的介词短语不影响谓语动词的数,谓语动词须和主语一致。常见介词短语有:in addition to, together with, as well as, along with, but, except, etc.


The teacher along with his students is going to the party.

His parents as well as his elder sister have come to see him.


1.当主语由 and 或 both ... and 连接,通常采用复数谓语动词。

● Both thegirl and the boyare his friends.

2.如主语是both, few或主语前有both, few, several, many 等限定词时,谓语动词须用复数。

● Several novels have been written by her.

● Both got the news at the same time.


trousers, pants(裤子),jeans, glasses, scissors(剪刀),tweezers(镊子),plier(钳子),

scales (天平),compasses(圆规),etc.

● The trousers hereare mine.

别忘了:如果以上名词受 “a pair of” “the pair of”修饰时,谓语动词用单数。

The pair of pants is too dirty.


1.当主语由 neither... nor, either... or, not only ... but also 或 or 连接时,谓语动词与nor, or, but also后面的词一致,在英语语法中,这被称之为“就近原则”。

● Neither he nor I am going to the airport.

● Not only Mary but also her parents have gone abroad.

2.当主语前面有 none, all, some, any, most, half, majority等词时,谓语动词则根据主语的具体情况而采用相应的单、复数。

All of the money has been in the bank. (money 是不可数名词)

All of us have been here.

3.“a number of”是复数,修饰可数名词,谓语动词为复数,“the number


● A number of students have passed the exam.

● The number of students in this class is 50.

IV. 用作单数的复数形式主语:

1.如主语是指:time, money, weight, volume, etc. 虽为复数形式,但谓语用单数形式。

Two years is a short time.

One hundred dollars is needed by me.

2.下列单词如:physics,economics,mathematics,statistics,etc;measles,mumps,herpes,etc,news,ethics,politics,etc. 为复数形式,但谓语动词用单数。

Statistics is a dull subject.

Politics is important.


The New York Times is a good newspaper.



The family is big.(总体)

His family like to watch TV.(家庭所有成员)


The species is rare.

These species are common.


The sheep are eating grass.

The sheep is big.

VI. Chinese, English, French, etc 指语言时,谓动是单数,如与 “the” 搭配,指人民时,谓语动词用复数。

English is used widely.

The English love peace.

VII. 注意下列外来语的单复数形:




























1. Students today are writing ________ of poetry.

A. a great many lines B. quantities of lines C. lots lines D. a large number

2. Thebookstore had not ordered ________ texts for all the students in the course.

A. plenty of B. enough

C. as many D. enough of

3. — What did you see? — We saw ________ police there.

A. many B. much C. little D. the

4. — Do you want to wait? — Two weeks ________ too long for me to wait.

A. is B. are C. were D. was

5. There they were greeted by a woman called Zenobia, ________.

A. being a beautiful woman of wealth and position

B. who is beautiful woman of wealth and position

C. a beautiful woman of wealth and position

D. and a beautiful woman of wealth and position

答案:1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C
