


1.必备英语口语简单句 篇一

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[BEC] [转载]商务英语口语必备:介绍中国经济常用句


1.An all-directional opening-up pattern has, by and large, taken shape in China and its open economy has grown rapidly.中国全方位对外开放的格局已基本形成,开放型经济迅速发展。

2.It will more vigorously promote all-directional, multi-tiered and wide-range opening-up and take part in international economic cooperation and competition at a greater width and depth.将会更加积极地推进全方位、多层次、宽领域的对外开放,在更大范围内和更深程度上参与国际经济合作与竞争。

3.It will more effectively implement the strategy of diversifying market and expanding trade on the strength of quality and through science and technology.更好的实施以质取胜、市场多元化和科技兴贸战略。(注意:这句话在翻译时要注意“战略”一词所指的内容,构句要准确,不要产生歧义)

4.It will explore various ways to put foreign capital to better use, such as acquisition, merging, investment fund and equity investment.积极探索采用收购、兼并、投资基金和证券投资等多种方式利用外资,提高利用外资的质量。


5.China will work hard on e-commerce, accelerate the process of informatization, and support enterprises in carrying out international cooperation and exchanges by using modern information network technology.中国将大力发展电子商务,加快信息化进程,支持企业运用现代信息网络技术开展国际合作和交流。


6.China is making strategic readjustment to its economic structure and speeding up the readjustment of its industrial set up, regional structure, urban and rural structure and ownership composition.中国正在进行经济结构的战略性调整,加快产业结构、地区结构、城乡结构和所有制结构的调整。



2.必备英语口语简单句 篇二

1 学习简单句五种基本句型的重要性

在教学实践中, 我们发现许多学生未能抓到英语的语言规律, 学习起来事倍功半, 语言技能难以提高。阅读语篇时, 句子理解限制了学生的阅读质量。也就是说, 句子结构不清楚实际上已成为提高阅读能力的“瓶颈”。若能掌握好简单句的五种基本句型, 再复杂的句子也可以迅速分析清楚。可以说, 简单句基本句型对英语学习具有很重要的作用, 我们应予以重视, 在教学中洞察并帮助学生发现他们在这方面的困难。

2 简单句五种基本句型对英语学习的影响

(1) 对语法学习的影响

语法学习基本上是按照从词法到句法最后到语篇的过程开展。在这一过程中, 我们不难发现句法的学习起着承上启下的作用。而简单句五种基本句型的学习又是句法学习的基本。掌握好五种基本句型, 不仅有利于词法的巩固, 还为下一阶段复合句句法深度的延伸学习铺平道路。

(2) 阅读理解:语篇由句子构成, 遇到稍复杂的句子, 若不具备化繁为简的分析能力, 就难以看懂, 从而影响通篇理解。

(3) 写作:单词组成句子, 句子组成文章。对简单句基本句型不了解者, 通常都会有“懂得单词却串不成句子”的困惑, 因为句子就是由词汇通过一定的句法组织而成的。

(4) 口语:口语与写作不同, 口语好坏不在于积累了多少词汇, 句型有多复杂, 而在于短时间内恰当地表达说话者的意思, 并与对方交流信息。如何与对方有效地交流信息, 这就要求说话者简单明了地表达完整的意思。因此, 死记硬背词汇是无法表达完整的意思, 而太过于复杂的主从复合句又达不到简单明了的目的, 这就需要灵活运用简单句的五种基本句型来简单明了地表达完整的意思。

3 如何掌握简单句五种基本句型

(1) 简单句五种基本句型框架:

S+V (主语+谓语)

S+V+P (主语+系动词+表语)

S+V+O (主语+谓语+宾语)

S+V+O+O (主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语)

S+V+O+C (主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语)

1) S+V (不及物动词)

此句型的共同特点:即句子的谓语动词都能表达完整的意思。这类动词叫做不及物动词, 后面可以跟副词、介词短语、状语从句等。

(1) The moon│rose.月亮升起了.

(2) They│talked for half an hour.他们谈了半个小时.

(3) The pen│writes smoothly.这支笔书写流利.

2) S+V (系动词) +P

此句型的共同特点:句子谓语动词都不能表达一个完整的意思, 必须加上一个表明主语身份或状态的表语构成复合谓语, 才能表达完整的意思。这类动词叫做联系动词。而表语通常由名词、形容词、介词短语以及表示方位的副词充当。


(1) 状态系动词

用来表示主语状态, 只有be (am, is, are/was, were) 一词。

(2) 持续系动词

用来表示主语持续或保持一种状况或态度, 主要有keep, rest, remain, stay, lie, stand, hold。

(3) 表像系动词

用来表示“看起来像”这一概念, 主要有seem, appear, look。

(4) 感官系动词

感官系动词主要有feel, smell, sound, taste。

(5) 变化系动词

表示主语变成什么样, 这些动词主要有become, grow, turn, fall, get, go, come, turn。

(6) 终止性动词

表示主语已终止动作, 主要有prove (to be) , turn out (to be) , 表达“证实, 变成”之意。

a.This│is│an English-Chinese dictionary.这是本英汉辞典.

b.The room│is│quiet.房间静悄悄的。

c.The vase│is│on the shelf.那个花瓶在架子上。


3) S+V (及物动词) +O

此句型的共同特点:谓语动词都具有实义, 都是主语产生的动作, 但不能表达完整的意思, 必须跟有一个宾语, 即动作的承受者, 才能使意思完整。这类动词叫做及物动词。而宾语通常由名词、代词、数词等充当。

a.Who│knows│the answer?谁知道答案?


c.He│wants│another two.他想再要两个。

4) S+V (及物) +O (多指人) +O (多指物)

此句型的共同特点:谓语动词必须跟有两个宾语才能表达完整的意思。这两个宾语一个是动作的直接承受者, 另一个是动作的间接承受者。通常这一间接承受者用一个介词来连接, 当动作的间接承受者在动作的直接承受者之前时, 这一介词往往被省略。

(1) She│ordered│herself│a new dress.她给自己定了一套新衣裳。

(2) I│showed│him│my pictures.我给他看我的照片。

(3) He│bought│you│a dictionary.他给你买了一本字典。

a.主语+及物动词+sth for sb

常用此结构的动词有:make, buy, choose, cook, sing, paint, fetch, get, keep, draw, order (定购) , prepare, save等。如:

He draws a picture for me.

Please fetch some chalk for me.

Please choose a new tie for me.

*试比较I will write a letter to (给) you.

I will write a letter for (替) you.

b.主语+及物动词+sth to sb

常用此结构的动词有:give, send, show, take, sell, introduce, write, suggest, lend, announce, teach等。如:

The sun gives us light and heat.

I will introduce a new student to you.

He lent his car to me.

*但:He asked me a question=He asked a question of me.

5) S+V (及物) +O (宾语) +OC (宾补)

此句型的共同特点:动词虽然是及物动词, 但是只跟一个宾语还不能表达完整的意思, 必须加上一个补充成分来补足宾语, 才能使意思完整。而宾语补足语通常由名词、形容词、介词短语以及表示方位的副词等充当。

(1) They│call│me│Bob.他们叫我Bob。

(2) They│found│the house│empty.他们发现那房子是空的。

(3) We│saw│him│out.我们送他出去。

(4) He│noticed│some strange pictures│on the wall.他注意到墙上有些奇怪的图片。

常用的英语句子并不都像基本句型这样简短, 这些句子除了基本句型的成分不变外, 通常是在这些成分的前面或后面增加一些修饰语而加以扩大。这些修饰语可以是单词 (主要是形容词、副词和数词) , 也可以是各种类型的短语 (主要是介词短语、不定式短语和分词短语) 。


We fi nd the hall full.

We fi nd the great hall full of students and teachers.


I found the book easily.我很容易地找到了这本书。 (S V O)

I found the book easy.我觉得这本书很容易。 (S V O C)

I have to do something.我得做点事。 (S V O)

I have something to do.我有点事做。 (S V O)

(2) 简单句五种基本句型的训练

在了解了简单句五种基本句型的框架以后, 就要逐个对每一种句型开始从口头到笔头的训练。这里以S+V主语+谓语) 为例。在讲解完S+V (主语+谓语) 这个句型后, 教师给出部分不及物动词, 让学生口头造句, 造句时应该注意尽量不要使用同一时态结构, 而要带上适当的状语。先让学生一个接一个地用教师给出的动词进行口头造句, 其他学生听。遇见趣味性强的句子, 教师可重复朗读, 或全班同学齐声重复, 一直到学生完全掌握并且会使用。然后再让学生使用教师给的不及物动词以外的词造句。完成此句型的训练后, 使用同样的方法实施其余四种基本句型的训练。为了巩固上述训练, 课后还可以布置造句家庭作业。家庭作业最好是与日常生活密切相关的造句练习。这样, 老师便了解上课训练之后学生掌握情况, 便于及时发现不足。

4 结语

本文在前人的研究基础上, 针对自己的教学实践, 通过举例分析将英语简单句五种基本句型进行了归纳总结, 分析了简单句五种基本句型对英语学习的影响, 同时对学习简单句五种基本句型的重要性做了简要阐述。实施简单句五种基本句型训练的最终目的是让学生无论从笔头训练开始还是从口头训练开始, 其表达都要达到流利, 熟练的效果。当然, 影响英语学习的不只句型, 还有词汇、文化背景知识以及学习者的心理素质等因素。

摘要:很多学生学了多年英语, 书面表达不尽人意, 开口讲英语困难, 其根本原因是没有经过简单句五种基本句型训练。但是怎样实施五种基本句型的训练, 却是一个值得探讨的问题。该文主要结合笔者的教学实践, 以一些实例谈谈如何进行简单句五种基本句型的训练。



[1]薄冰.薄冰英语语法[M].北京:开明出版社, 1999 (2) .

[2]陈启贤, 陈明亮.活用图解英语语法[M].北京:知识出版社/建宏出版社, 1995 (1) .

[3]李聪田.简明英语语法[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版社, 2003 (1) .

3.简单句不简单 篇三

1. 将同位语嵌入简单句中


Li Ming is our monitor. He is helpful as well as responsible.

→ Li Ming, our monitor, is helpful as well as responsible.


The other day I met Tom, who is my former classmate.

→ The other day I met Tom, my former classmate.

2. 将介词短语巧置简单句句首

The boy is honest as well as modest.

→Apart from being honest, the boy is modest as well.

They chose to go out shopping rather than stay at home watching TV.

→ Rather than stay at home watching TV, they chose to go out shopping.

We have so much work to complete. We cant relax ourselves this weekend.

→With so much work to complete, we cant relax ourselves this weekend.

3. 将分词短语揉入简单句中

He was lost in thought. He nearly bumped into a wall in front of him.

→Lost in thought, he nearly bumped into a wall in front of him.

She buried herself in an amusing book. She was unaware of what was happening around her.

→Burying herself in an amusing book, she was unaware of what was happening around her.

→Buried in an amusing book, she was unaware of what was happening around her.

4. 将形容词(短语)插入简单句中


The speaker was nervous. He was unable to utter a word on the stage.

→Nervous, the speaker was unable to utter a word on the stage.


They arrived home late. They were tired and hungry.

→ They arrived home late, tired and hungry.

5. 将插入语融入简单句中


Without doubt, our team is bound to defeat theirs.

She, I suppose, is kind of shy.

Youre one of the most popular teachers in our school, to be honest with you.


6. 换成感叹句

The graduation ceremony is pretty memorable and unforgettable.

→How memorable and unforgettable the graduation ceremony is!

Mr. Wang is an extremely hard-working and easy-going teacher.

→What a hard-working and easy-going teacher Mr. Wang is!

7. 妙用倒装句

A small garden is in front of the house.

→In front of the house is a small garden.

I realized my mistake at that moment.

→ Only at that moment did I realize my mistake.

I will always keep your practical suggestions in mind.

→ Never shall I forget your practical suggestions!

8. 善用强调句

Our parents took great pains to bring us up.

→It is our parents who took great pains to bring us up.

The dirty water accounted for the illness of many people.

→ It was the dirty water that accounted for the illness of many people.

9. 巧用省略句

Are you free these days? Please pay me a visit.

→Please pay me a visit when / if free these days.

Mr. Chen is in his eighties. He is still in good health.

→Though in his eighties, Mr. Chen is in good health.



一、单句填空 根据中文提示完成以下句子。

1. _____________________________ (很好奇发生了什么事情),she walked into the restaurant to have a good look.

2. ______________________________ (受到老师的表扬), Li Ping works even harder than before.

3. ________________________________________ (那位村民在前面带路), we got to the destination without difficulty.

4. A lecture on how to improve self-confidence will be held by Mr. Yan, __________________________________________ (一位来自北京大学的教授).

5. ________________________ (精确来讲), his success largely depends on luck rather than on his ability.

6. ____________________ (有必要的话), Ill do you a favor and help you out.

二、合并句子 用上述提到的手段将每组的两个句子合并成一个高级简单句。

1. Our school was built in 1916. It has a history of 100 years.

2. Toms father is a successful man. He is a manager of that company.

3. We saw a wonderful movie last night. The name of the movie is Gone with the Wind.

4. I wont attend her wedding. Instead, Ill do my work in the office tonight.

5. She was angry with her boyfriend. She ignored him on purpose.

6. My deskmate went home alone just now. He looked rather discouraged.

三、句子翻译 将下列句子译成英文。

1. 姚明,一位篮球运动员,是我见过的最高的人。

2. 时间允许的话,我会带你游览一下我的家乡。

3. 她面带微笑,心满意足地离开了图书馆。

4. 他的父亲在一间机构工作。那间机构附属于中山大学。(attach)

5. 我是在农村度过我难忘的童年的。

6. 我多么感激父母把我抚养大!

四、文段润色 请用各种手段将以下文段进行润色。

One day after school, we went home and felt relaxed. There was an old lady behind us, who is one of my neighbours. All of a sudden, a car was out of control and nearly bumped into us. We were lucky enough to avoid being hit. But unfortunately, the old lady was knocked down while she was crossing the street. As soon as we saw what had happened, we came up to her in a hurry and found that she was bleeding badly. We didnt hesitate to send for an ambulance and took her to the nearby hospital. The doctors started operating on the old lady in no time and we were waiting anxiously outside. To our joy, the old lady was out of danger with the help of the doctors and she was able to walk normally a week later. Though she was in great pain, she never moaned(呻吟). She was really brave and determined.

五、写作运用 用各种手段将以下的文段进行润色。

Dear schoolmates and teachers,

Im honored to give a brief speech at the graduation ceremony on behalf of all the senior three students.

In the past three years, we have devoted ourselves to studying to make our dreams come true. When we are faced with difficulties and challenges, we shall never give up. We help and learn from each other. We benefit a great deal from it. Meanwhile, our beloved teachers always spare no effort to help us. We are so grateful for their timely assistance and will never forget their kindness. If it is convenient and possible, we will pay them visits after we graduate from high school.

Thats all. Thanks for Listening.



1. Wondering what had happened / Curious about what had happened

2. Praised by the teacher

3. With the villager leading the way ahead / Led by the villager ahead

4. a professor from Peking University

5. Exactly speaking / To be exact

6. If / When necessary


1. Built in 1916, our school has a history of 100 years.

2. Toms father, a manager of that company, is a successful man.

3. We saw a wonderful movie with the name / entitled Gone with the Wind last night.

4. Instead of attending her wedding, Ill do my work in the office tonight. / Rather than attend her wedding, Ill do my work in the office tonight.

5. Angry with her boyfriend, she ignored him on purpose.

6. My deskmate went home alone just now, looking rather discouraged. / My deskmate went home alone just now, discouraged.


1. Yao Ming, a basketball player, is the tallest person I have ever seen.

2. Time permitting, Ill take you around my hometown.

3. She left the library with a smile on her face, contented.

4. His father works in an institute attached to Sun Yat-Sen University.

5. It is in the countryside that I spent my unforgettable childhood.

6. How grateful / thankful I am to my parents for bringing me up!


One day after school, we went home, relaxed. There was an old lady, one of my neighbours, behind us. All of a sudden, out of control, a car nearly bumped into us. Lucky enough, we managed to avoid being hit. But unfortunately, the old lady was knocked down while crossing the street. On seeing what had happened, we came up to her in a hurry and found her bleeding badly. Without any hesitation,we sent for an ambulance and took her to the nearby hospital. In no time the doctors started operating on the old lady,with us waiting anxiously outside. To our joy, with the help of the doctors, the old lady was out of danger and able to walk normally a week later. Though in great pain, she never moaned(呻吟). How brave and determined the lady was! / What a brave and determined lady she was!


Dear teachers and schoolmates,

On behalf of all the senior three students, I am honored to give a brief speech at the graduation ceremony.

To make our dreams come true, in the past three years, we have devoted ourselves to studying. Faced with difficulties and challenges, never shall we give up. By helping and learning from each other, we benefit a great deal. Meanwhile, it is our beloved teachers who always spare no effort to help us out. How grateful we are for their timely assistance!Never shall we forget their kindness. If convenient and possible, we will pay them visits after graduating from high school.

Thats all. Thanks for listening.

4.初中英语简单句课件 篇四

1. Those children are students.(否定句, 一般疑问句)

2. We can see a lot of girls in the picture. (否定句, 一般疑问句)

3. They will go to England for a visit. (否定句, 一般疑问句)

4. The young men aren’t having a party. (肯定句, 一般疑问句)

5. She has been to Shanghai already. (否定句, 一般疑问句)

6. Don’t be noisy, please. (用quiet改为肯定句,)

7. Stand in front of the class. (否定句, 反意疑问句)

8. Both Mary and Tony are good students. (否定句, 一般疑问句)

9. All the students in our class are going to visit the Science Museum. (否定句, 一般疑问句)

10. There is an English test on Friday. (反意疑问句)

11. There will be a report on Chinese history tomorrow. (否定句, 一般疑问句)

12. Tom has his lunch in the school. (否定句, 一般疑问句, 反意疑问句)

13. John does his homework at home. (否定句, 一般疑问句, 反意疑问句)

14. He saw the TV news yesterday evening. (否定句, 一般疑问句, 反意疑问句)

15. I think you are right. (否定句, 一般疑问句)

16. This kind of car is made in Japan. (否定句, 一般疑问句)

17. Arthur runs fastest in his class.(就划线部分提问)

________ runs fastest in his class?

18. Bob”s painting was put up on the wall of our school.(同上)

________ painting was put up on the wall of our school?

19. Chapter One is very difficult to learn. (同上)

________ chapter is very difficult to learn?

20. Mary does her homework after supper in the evening. (同上)

________ ______ Mary ______ after supper in the evening?

21. He has borrowed four books from the school library. (同上)

_______ _______ he borrowed from the school library?

22. It took him 30 minutes to get there. (同上)

______ ______ ______ it take him to get there?

23. My father is a teacher in the school. (同上)

_______ ________ your father ______ in the school?

24. It will be Wednesday the day after tomorrow. (同上)

________ ______ will it be the day after tomorrow?

25. There are Three thousand people in the factory. (同上)

_______ _______ people _______ _______ in the factory?

26. Linda’s mother works in a big hotel. (同上)

_______ _______ Linda’s mother work?

27. They usually go to school by bus. (同上)

_______ _______ they usually go to school?

28. They couldn’t pass the exam because they didn’t work hard. (同上)

_______ _______ they pass the exam?

29. He said something important at the meeting.(改为否定句,一般疑问句)

He _____ ______ ______ important at the meeting.

______ he ______ ______ important at the meeting?

30. I have to wash all the plates and things after meals.(划线提问)

_____ _____ you have to wash all the plates and things?

31. The woman in the red coat is her mother.(划线提问)

______ ______ is her mother?

32. Li Ping spent twenty yuan on the dictionary.(划线提问)

_____ ____ ____ Li Ping _____ on the dictionary?

33. Both of his parents are workers.(改成否定句)

___ of his parents ______ a worker.

34. He went to the park with his sister.(划线提问)

_____ ____ ____ he go to the park?

35. We really enjoyed working on the farm.(划线提问)

What _____ you really enjoy ______?

36. She writes to her parents once a week.(划线提问)

_______ ______ ______ she write to her parents?

37. Our P.E teacher has been at this school since he came.(划线提问)

______ ______ ______ our P.E teacher been at this school

38. It’s ten minutes’ walk from my home to the school.(对划线部分提问)

______ _______is it from your home to the school?

39. She is going to be a nurse in the future.( 对划线部分提问)

__________is she going to ______in the future?

40. Allan will go back to England by plane next month. .( 对划线部分提问)

______ _______ Allan go back to England next month.

41. John went to see his grandmother once a week. .( 对划线部分提问)

__________ ________ _________ John go to see his grandmother?

42. I have been to Beijing twice. .( 对划线部分提问)

___________ _____________ ___________ have you been to Beijing.

43. The old man can hardly dress himself.(改为反意疑问句)

The old man can hardly dress himself,__________ _________?

44.Jim is ill. Let’s go and see him after school. (改为反意疑问句)

Jim is ill. Let’s go and see him after school,___________ ____________?

45. I don’t think his father knows English. (改为反意疑问句)

His father hardly knows English,_______ ___________?

46. He thinks his aunt is right. (改为反意疑问句)

He thinks his aunt is right,___________ ___________?

47. Linda’s just come back from America . (改为反意疑问句)

Linda’s just come back from America, ___________ ___________?

48. It is cold today. (改写成感叹句)

How __________ it is today!

49. She sings very well. (改写成感叹句)

__________ well she sings!

50. He speaks English fluently! (改写成感叹句)

5.中考英语简单句的五种句型 篇五


1.主语 + 不及物动词(主、谓结构)

eg. He is working.

2.主语+ 及物动词 + 宾语(主、谓、宾结构)

eg. We study English every day.

3.主语+ 连系动词 + 表语(主、系、表结构)

eg. Trees turn green.

常见的连系动词有:be ; become ; get ; turn ; feel ; look(看起来);smell(闻起来); sound(听起来);taste(尝起来);seem(似乎).


4.主语 + 及物动词 + 间宾(人)+ 直宾(物)

=主语+ 及物动词 + 直宾(物)+ to / for + 间宾(人)

常用的此类动词有:give ; pass ; show ; lend ; buy. 但buy与for连用

eg.1)I gave him a book.

= I gave a book to him.

2)My mother bought me a pen yesterday.

= My mother bought a pen for me.

5.主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语 + 宾补

注意作宾补的词:1)名词(指宾语是谁/什么);2)形容词;3)不定式;4)动词的ing 形式。

eg.1)We call him Jim.

2)We must keep the window open.

3)He told me to wash the plates.

4)I saw a thief going into your room.

6.英汉简单句语序差异对比探究 篇六

关键词:简单句 语序 语言结构 差异





例:Have you finished your homework?——Yes, I have.



例:I have had my breakfast. 早饭我已经吃好了。(英语句型中的宾语“breakfast”成为了汉语翻译句子中的主题。)


例:那个村庄我们已经拜访了。We have visited the village.


例:Can you repair the bike? 你会修自行车吗?/Long live our motherland!祖国万岁!/How pretty she is!她真漂亮!/Dont be absent.别缺席!/Here comes our English teacher.我们英语老师来了。




例:She knows neither Chinese nor Japanese.她中文不懂,日语也不懂。

He is drinking coffee today, but tea he drank yesterday. 他打算今天喝咖啡,可是他昨天刚喝过茶。


例:这部电影她没看过。 She hasnt seen this film before.


例:他把玻璃打破了。He broke the window.




例:他是一个诚实的孩子。He is an honest boy.

2.在使用多个单词作定语时,英语和汉语中的定语使用规则有非常大的不同。英语中,多个定语的排序口诀是:“限定描绘大长高,形状年龄和新老;颜色国籍出材料,作用类别往后靠。”例:a big round black wooden table.



例:something rare 罕见的东西/a woman singing in the room 一个在房间里唱歌的女人/the suggestions below 下面的建议/The birds in the tree are cute. 树上的鸟儿们可爱极了。




例:I go to school on foot every day. 或 Every day I go to school on foot.我每天走路去上学。


例:They went home quickly. 他们很快回家了。

We all warmly welcome the mayor. 我们大家热烈欢迎市长。


例:He seldom comes to see us. 他很少来看我们。/She is very kind. 她很和善。


例:You work very hard in the company this year.





例:They found him smoking in the library.他们发现他图书馆抽烟。

We dont allow the books to be taken out.我们不允许把书带出去。


例:I was called Monitor. 我被叫作班长。/The bag was left at home. 包被落在家里了。

