


1.ted观后感中文 篇一

The First ,3 kinds of bias that shape your worldview

The speaker is a meteorologist by degree J Marshall Shepherd having a bachelor’s ,master’s and PhD in physical meteorology.He took an example to express that science is not a belief and the great different perception of climate changing between scientists as well as public to pull what shapes perceptions about science out.After giving us the clear answers personally with pointing out belief systems and biases, he stress confirmation bias, Dunning-Kruger and cognitive dissonance shape biases and perceptions that people have about science, but then ,literacy and misinformation that keep us boxed in, as well.After taking some specific facts to show how we get boxed in by our perceptions he question another question that how we expand our radius, taking an inventory of your own biases ,evaluating sources and speaking out, following his own answer again.in order to tell us narrow radius happening on us and concrete way to expand our radius ,Doctor broadcast a clip from one of the top TV meteorologists in the us, Greg Fishel in he Raleigh Durham area.at this moment ,I feel strongly that I have similar situation with meteorologists revered in his region in the short video that I was only looking for information to support what I already thought and was not interested in listening to anything contrary.Certainly, I need to expand my radius by talking more with others and trying to conduct myself the way I’d been taught to conduct myself.to my great impression in the last ,the speaker said that when we expand our radius ,it’s not about making a better future but it’s about preserving life as we know it.so as we think about expanding our own radius in understanding science ,it’s critical for a Thens.Georgia.for Atlanta,Georgia ,for the state of Georgia and for the world, so expand your radius.The second,3 questions to ask yourself about everything you do Stacey Abrams

The orator is black woman.she came from a low-income community, and had grown up in Mississippi.She has great sense of humor, saying that even if their family was poor ,but their parents didn’t think they were poor enough ,so they were going for permanent poverty.one day they’d moved from Mississippi to Georgia.one thing happen on the place would change her entire life.Discriminate from mansion of governor of Georgia makes her to become the governor of this place after 20 years.Next, a question follow this story, that how does move forward, and then 3 answers and questions come out., that what do I want ,that why do I want it ,and that how do I get it.she is the black woman to ever become the nominee for governor in the history of the United States of America for a major party.Through her experience ,we can see today the inequality of sex and colors still exist in American., I appreciate this kind lady’s noble quality of speaking for women and colors ,hoping American women and colors people can be treat equally.The third Positive pessimist

“Good afternoon, everyone!”

“First let me share a piece of music with you.”

“I know its terrible.because I played it.”

“And I am sorry its not the worst one.”

“I still got something to show you.”

“I dont laugh, its an entire story.”

“If you really want to understand what is it talking about.”

“You can check my Weibo later.”

“This picture I painted last year.”

“I have another one to show you this is much better.”

“But this picture I painted 20 years ago.”

“I know you might have a question.How its getting worse?”

“And I also understand that most of your conclusions must be: out of imagination.”

“But how it happened? I think its because I became an adult.”

“Since we became adults.We start to fall into being afraid of making mistakes.”

“We choose to be the best or nothing.So we do not dare to try any mistakes.”

“It seems that we trapped ourselves in the overprotective world.”

“And since then we started to lose a lot of abilities like imagination and creativity.”

“What is the strategy? For me I have a special one.(it)is a positive pessimist.”

“Let me explain the concept first.”

“To be a pessimist means you get low expectation to yourself.”

“And you prepared to lose, and what about being positive.”

“It is easy to understand it means you make best effort on everything.”

“And you have a strong willing of winning the game.”

“But if you combine these concepts together it seems like a paradox.”

“Yes I think so but I also think It is the way the world is born to be.”

This is the original words that Chinese beautiful and brilliant girl Hanxue had said in TED.Why do I repeat them precisely one word by one word here.cause repetition could stress the importance of something under the situation that every word is as shining as a diamond.i was so touched with remind me of thinking my own personal experience on the contrast of positive pessimist when she spoke.Maybe I am always a negative optimist under putting pressure on myself causing my life and study worse and worse.In the following time lady Han share her personal experience to us ,how to be a positive pessimist Its the first time she became a TV series producer.But as we know, she is an actress and singer, but work as a producer was totally unfamiliar for her.she had to imagine what will be the worst consequence.She thinks the worst result must be no one would buy it and she will lose both time and money, and the whole investment equal to the revenue I earned by acting for the past few years.what about the whole market.In China only 20% of TV series can finally sold and broadcast on TV.What about the rest 80%.In the past, they just change into a pipe of tapes.Now even worse, they just only data left, so she asked herself several times “Can you really accept the worst consequence”? she thinks yes, at least she could try so she started shooting.Next step, She has to be positive Because she is a huge digital fan so I decided to use some high techniques in her TV series.she focused on 4K resolution.What 4K is.Usually we see a film on the screen in a movie theatre the size is 2K.What 4K means is 4 times larger than 2K.And it also means 50mb per frame.we might still be a little bit confused.Its OK.Dont worry, we just have to remember it was a huge obstacle.In front of all the TV series group in China.Because before us, only a few groups tries to 4K resolution.They input 4K but no one really tired output 4K productions.Because it was really hard Director Zhang Yimou was trying in his film Coming Home for the first time and when they finished the shooting work when they entered The post production work the real nightmare came.she still remember they want to output a 5 minute trail for Beijing TV Festival.But after a whole days working.Until the computer crashed they just got 50 seconds trail.she was crazy.What can she do? This is a 30 episodes TV series.She just got 50 second, so she asked their counselor because at that time.their technical support was RED, which is the biggest digital camera company in America.Their feedback was they use HP base station in America.But they didnt have any HP base station in China.It was too expensive they can not even afford that ,so they decided to assemble out black Apple and tried.The outcome mode from dozens of combinations.After six months work we succeed.Her TV series ”The Ladies" became the first TV series Which output real 4K resolution production, and she succeeded in selling it and with a very good performance on TV, so after this experience she learnt dont be afraid to take huge challenges.we can prepared to lose but conquer is with grit.I want to say from this moment on, I’m a positive pessimist too.The forth ,3 tips to boost your confidence

Watching the hero speak at Ted about confidence.I dont think many people really have confidence, but more hope to use external objects to improve their confidence.Why are we all afraid to tell others loudly that we can live confidently? In todays life, children are often asked a lot by their parents.Confidence can be practiced.This shows that life is not bad, as long as you have self-confidence, everything is easy.Confidence is about practice.The hero is about a player who needs to keep catching the ball.But this guy is pretty bad, after eight months of practice.Finally went to Europe to play football.So does it take us 10,000 hours to get everything done? No, there are some things that dont take that long.Think of what they do, in the end of April will need to sign up for the test of four spoken English, think of four in the end is the thorn of the People.If you dont adjust the thorn, you wont have trouble.However, I signed up for the speaking test on May 20.I guess I just have to practice, practice, practice.This is a way to improve yourself, keep practicing you will have the confidence to speak other peoples language, if you can even speak blush, your voice shaking, this is to prove that our English lessons are false.Language is meant to be used.Is it any use without saying it? Confidence is about seeing your ability through your own affairs.Confidence is talking to yourself in your head.Only if you think you can do it, will you stop doing other peoples business.Now most people will be well-intentioned, you tell them your things, they dont support it, they will think you cant do it.No one thinks you are better than him, we can not accept others better than us.Why cant we accept our imperfections? Because Im not confident enough.Thats one reason, and the other reason is that you still think youre really worse than everyone else.In fact, everyone is unique, not necessarily the same.Confidence is staying away from people who are holding you back.Everyone has their own energy, what kind of taste you are, you will be looking for people with similar taste with you.Your confidence is about needing compliments from time to time, and who doesnt like genuine compliments? This is your life.Dont belittle your self-perception.Actually, youre great!Without your parents around, no one is going to keep telling you whats great about you.What you need is to have people around you all the time and give you credit for your abilities!You have to believe in yourself.You have to say no to failure.There are a lot of people who dont think we can do that.If you dont really fail.Dont set limits on your life.Dont put yourself down.Confidence is just three tips.1.Repeat.2.Beat yourself up.3.Avoid negative people.This is life.No one is responsible for your actions.You have to pay for your life.The fifth The secrets of learning a new language

This TED is to tell people that the secrets of learning a new language.to be frank, I’m student that has language learning trouble for years.I have been looking the reason ,but I never get the clear answer until watching the TED.That could be sure I study language is not for the reason I feel the interest of it , but it’s only useful for me.I care about achieving some goals by using it when I feel it boring.The speaker shares the secrets that finding a interesting way that can make joy to you is basic, and second way is to revise what you’ve learned regularly.There is no doubt that they will make great sense on me in the future and right now what way I m going to employee.

2.TED演讲观后感 篇二














3.ted观后感中文 篇三

“Be Crazy about sneakers.”————Feedback Almost every basketball fan is dreaming about getting one pair of sneakers of famous brands, like Air Jordan series.Many of them are constantly dedicated to their collections of various sneakers.But through the speaker’s ideas, a clear marketing network emerged, which was seemingly invisible before.All of us who are fond of collecting limited-edition shoes may not realize that we are part of the market itself, although it isn’t a market at all.This is incredible, but it really exists.Basketball fans are enthusiastic about their beloved stars, and the sneakers endorsed by stars are to support their craze, which means a brilliant commercial opportunity to shoes’ industry.And the brand Nike was one of the biggest owners of profits from its sneakers, it is still earning money from us, and it will be as long as the devotion to basketball stars don’t fade away.In short, the intangible beneficial network is a successful example for sports industry.But what if they improve their commercial system? There will be more profits.Anyway, we can learn a lot from this and utilize what we got.

4.ted观后感中文 篇四

“Zoetic Surfer”————Feedback Key words: endeavor joy value Most people are often seeking for enjoyment, which needs a lot of work that they always neglect.From the speaker, I got a message that in life, there are no shortcuts to joy.Accordingly, we are expected to put our endeavor into whatever we want.Just as the speaker said: “After being tired of this routine among places of tourists, I began craving wild, open spaces.The extremely cold water attracts my fascination.” And it’s necessary to constantly chasing for new things, preventing us from being monotonous.Also, part of the joy can be found during the process of our efforts, such as the challenge and the creativity it took.Because anything that is worth pursuing is going to require us to suffer, whatever it takes.Any bit of our suffering added a value to my work that was so much meaningful to me.Finally, we will be filled with a sense of fulfillment we have always been searching for.

5.ted观后感中文 篇五

Final solutions to traffic congestion —— Feedback Streets, highways, subways and so on structure the whole city.The city’s vascular system performs its vital function right before your eyes.But to our surprise, more advanced transportation incurs more crowded and unsatisfied traffic instead of clear and convenient traffic.City congestion is a huge waste of time, energy and human potential.And we can hardly do anything about it.For decades, our solutions to traffic congestion in cities were simple: build new roads or enlarge existing ones.But it worked less than we expected.In more established metropolises, significant network expansions are almost impossible.However, the speaker got inspirations when he talked to one of his clients with biological background.All blood veins and arteries can be regarded as complicated transportation of heavy traffic in our body.He realized that biology has been in the transportation business for billions of years which could have put countless methods to transform elements in our body.So, the question is why there are so much traffic jam while our blood keeps flowing all the time? In fact, they are two obviously different from each other.All veins and arteries of each person could be 60,000 miles in length, but they are based in three dimensions as opposed to our traffic system in two dimensions.Maybe most people argue that we have planes, subways and some other ways, but it is clear that the majority of traffic is land transportation at present, which just occupies the ground.Thus, we need to elevate our traffic to a little higher level.Imagine about the convenience that some newly-invented vehicles like flying taxis or magnetic tramcars with suspended tracks.Another method we can take is to create a mass-transit system to replace the contemporary traffic system.The speaker introduced a kind of concept bus, one of the shared, modular, driverless vehicles of tomorrow.Building this 3D transportation network and the creation of technologic city bus are the ways we can mitigate and solve traffic jams.We now have the attempts, the concepts, and enough scientific technology.Let’s do it from now on!
