


1.英语背诵比赛主持稿 篇一















Y:下面有请我院领导 讲话








1、比赛正式开始,下面有请1号选手上场,1号选手,来自,演讲的题目是《 》。



Y:我们请评委为1号选手亮分 报分完毕。

下面有请 2号选手上场,2号选手,来自,演讲的题目是《 》。(选手上)



下面公布 1号选手得分,去掉一个最高分,去掉一个最低分,1号选手最后得分!

我们请评委为2号选手亮分 报分完毕。

有请3号选手上场,3号选手,来自,演讲的题目是《 》。(选手上)



我们请评委为3号选手亮分 报分完毕。

有请4号选手上场,4号选手,来自,演讲的题目是《 》。(选手上)



我们请评委为4号选手亮分 报分完毕。

有请 5号选手上场,5号选手,来自,演讲的题目是《 》。(选手上)



我们请评委为5号选手亮分 报分完毕。

有请 6号选手上场,6号选手,来自,演讲的题目是《 》。(选手上)


下面公布 5 号选手得分,去掉一个最高分,去掉一个最低分,5号选手最后得分!

我们请评委为 6号选手亮分 报分完毕。

有请 7 号选手上场,7号选手,来自,演讲的题目是《 》。(选手上)



我们请评委为7号选手亮分 报分完毕。

有请 8 号选手上场,8号选手,来自,演讲的题目是《 》。(选手上)



我们请评委为8号选手亮分 报分完毕。

有请 9号选手上场,9号选手,来自,演讲的题目是《 》。(选手上)



我们请评委为9号选手亮分 报分完毕。

有请 10号选手上场,10号选手,来自,演讲的题目是《 》。(选手上)


下面公布 9号选手得分,去掉一个最高分,去掉一个最低分,9 号选手最后得分!

我们请评委为 10号选手亮分 报分完毕。

下面我们将要进行的是专业组的比赛,他们是来自外国语的3名同学,首先上场的是 同学,他演讲的题目是《 》。


下面公布非专业组10号选手得分,去掉一个最高分,去掉一个最低分,非专业组10号同学最后得分!我们请评委为专业组1号选手亮分 报分完毕。

有请 2选手上场,演讲的题目是《 》。


下面公布 专业组1号选手得分,去掉一个最高分,去掉一个最低分,专业组1号选手最后得分!我们请评委为2选手亮分 报分完毕。

有请 专业组3号选手上场,演讲的题目是《 》。


X: 下面公布 专业组2号选手得分,去掉一个最高分,去掉一个最低分,专业组2号选手最后得分!我们请评委为3选手亮分 报分完毕。

最后一名选手的比赛已经结束,我们有请 进行点评。

Y:感谢 精彩的点评。

在最后的结果出来前,让我们共同欣赏一段精彩的表演。首先请欣赏由 为我们带来的下面公布 专业组3号选手得分,去掉一个最高分,去掉一个最低分,专业组3号选手最后得分!(宣布比赛结果并进行颁奖,单项选手领奖不退场,站于舞台后侧)

本次英语竞赛两个级别均设特等奖、一等奖、二等奖、三等奖和优秀奖。另设优秀组织奖。根据初赛、复赛成绩,有以下系获得优秀组织奖。获得枣庄学院首届英语竞赛优秀组织奖三等奖的单位是:(音乐)系、系、系 请获奖单位上台领奖。

我们有请 为他们颁奖


系、系 请获奖单位上台领奖。

我们有请 为他们颁奖



我们有请 为他们颁奖

根据大赛比赛规则,学院还有 名同学获得了二、三等奖。请获得英语竞赛二、三等及优秀奖的同学比赛后到大赛组委会领取奖金及证书。



我们有请 为他们颁发证书及奖金 元。


我们有请 为他们颁奖。



我们有请 为他们颁发证书及奖金 500 元。





2.英语才艺比赛主持稿 篇二


Good evening, Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Hainan English Talent Show Competition.Today _______ contestants or teams will take part in this competition.They are from _______ classes.They will show off their skills in singing, English small Chorus, speeches and English plays.Well, it’s great honor for us to have 6 judges.They are_________.We are very glad to have the distinguished guests from Shaoxin.Let’s give them a warm welcome.And welcome all of you!

Your attention, please.The judges will give scores on the spot.After 2 contestants finish the show, the score will be announced together.过程中:

Let’s welcome Contestant NO.1.Contestant NO.2, please get ready.加一些串词:(A beautiful voice, a meaningful show, a moving story)Thank the last contestant’s wonderful performance.You really did a good job.Next Let’s welcome the judges to give us some comments on our contestants’ performance.Thank you for your wonderful comments.颁奖部分:

A:Let me announce the list of third prize_________________(三等奖名单).Each recipient will be presented with a certificate.Congratulations.B:Let’s welcome Mr.Chen to present the awards to therecipients.Thank you Mr.Chen.A:Allow me to announce the list of second prize _________________(二等奖名单)Congratulations.B:Let’s welcome Mrs Yin.to award prize for these winners.Thank you Mrs.Yin.A: Ladies and gentlemen, who will gain the first prize? Let’s hold our breath, the most lucky persons are________.Congratulations!

3.英语演讲比赛决赛主持稿 篇三


邢:Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Fourth English

Speaking Contest of English Department of Economics and Trade.I’m your hostess Xing Shengnan.孔:I am your host Kong Fanbo.As we all know, the English Speaking

Contest has become an annual traditional event and it brings good atmosphere to us.邢:Through a fierce competition, 13 contestants come to today’s finals.I

wish everyone here will have an enjoyable time tonight.孔:First of all, it is my honor to introduce our guests today.They are


邢:Now, let’s welcome our contestants to get onto the stage.(选手上台)

Please show the VCR of them.(播放VCR)

孔:Thanks for your pose, and please get ready for the competition.(选手


邢:Now, let’s go over the rules of the contest.There are two rounds of

the final competition.In the first round, each of the 13 contestants will have 4 minutes to present a prepared speech and 1 minute to answer the question raised by the foreign judges.Principles of judging are mainly based on pronunciation, intonation, gestures, contents and their performance in answering question.孔:I’d like you to pay attention that during the prepared speech, an

indicative sound will be given to the contestant by the time 30 seconds before the speech reaches its required time.Failure to meet the requirement will result in the deduction of points.邢:The second round speakers are all the top 3 finalists.They will

present an impromptu speech within 4 minutes.孔:I think all of us are looking forward to watching the most exciting

performance, so let’s get started.邢:First, let’s put our hands together to welcome contestant No.1庞璐頔

from economics and trade, class 15 grade 2, and contestant No.2, please get ready.第一位选手演讲

孔:Thanks for your speech, now let’s welcome contestant No.2郑惠文

give us her speech.第二位选手演讲

邢:Thank you.Now, let’s take a look at the score of contestant No.1.is….Congratulations.Let’s welcome Contestant No.3周而立 from economics and trade, class 2 grade 2, and contestant No.4, please get ready.第三位选手演讲



邢:Thanks for your wonderful speech, we really enjoy it.Now, I’d like to

declare that the score of contestant No.3 is ….Congratulations.Next, is the turn of contestant No.5谢丰任 from economics and trade, class 8 grade 2, and contestant No.6, please get ready.第五位选手演讲



邢:Thank you for your speech.Now, the score of contestant No.5 is ….Congratulations.Then, let’s welcome contestant No.7林书辰 from economics and trade, class 5 grade 1, and contestant No.8, please get ready.第七位选手演讲



邢:Thank you.Thanks for Chen qu.Now, let’s take a look at the score of

contestant No.7 is ….Congratulations.Let’s welcome contestant No.9李雪洋 from economics and trade, class 15 grade 2.Contestant No.10, please get ready.第九位选手演讲



邢:Thank you for your excellent performance, we indeed have a

wonderful time.Now, I’d like to declare that the score of contestant

No.9 is ….Congratulations.Next, welcome contestant No.11黄治铭 from logistics, class 2 grade 1, and contestant No.12, please get ready.第十一位选手演讲


孔:Thanks for your speech.Now, the score of contestant No.11 is ….Congratulations.Till now, we’ve got the rank of the previous 11 contestants.The highest score holder is ensure to participate in the impromptu speech and I’m honored to announce that the lucky person in Contestant No.… XXX.Please get onto the stage and draw your topic in the impromptu speech.(选手抽签)

邢:The topic for you is … and you will be given 10 minutes for

preparation.Please get ready.Now let’s welcome the last contestant, contestant No.13任秦湘 from logistics, class 1 grade 2.第十三位选手演讲

邢:Thank you.Then, let’s take a look at the score of contestant No.12

is ….Now, we’ve worked out that contestant No.… XXX is able to get to the next round.Please get onto the stage and draw your topic for the impromptu speech.(选手抽签)

孔:The topic for you is … and you will have 10 minutes to prepare.Please get ready.Ladies and gentlemen, since all the 13 contestants

have finished their prepared speech, now let’s have a short breath and wait for the last contestant who will be able to enter the next round.邢:During this period, let’s welcome our guest Guo Dingxin, Hua Yuting

and Guo chao to give us a performance.(嘉宾节目)


孔:Thanks for the brilliant performance.Now, please allow me to

announce the last number of entering the impromptu speech.It’s contestant No.… XXX.Please get on the stage and cast your topic.(选手抽签)

邢:The topic for you is ….Please get well prepared.Now let’s welcome

contestant No.… to give us her/his impromptu speech.第一位选手进行即席演讲



邢:Thank you.Now, the score of contestant No.XX ’s impromptu speech

is …and his/her total score of the two rounds is….Congratulations.Next, let’s welcome contestant No.… to give the impromptu speech.第三位选手进行即席演讲

邢:Ok, now the two-round competitions have ended.Please wait for the final scores patiently.During this time, let’s invite our foreign teacher

XXX to give some comments.(外教评论)

孔:Also, let’s welcome XXX to make some comments.(中文教师点评)邢:Thank you for your excellent comments.Now, the final results have come out, let me invite my partner Kong fanbo to announce the final results.孔:Ok, ladies and gentlemen, after our judges discussion, the most exciting moment is coming.Right now, what I am going to announce is the winner of moderate excellent rewards.They are XXX.Now, let’s welcome XXX to confer excellent awards to our contestants.(为优胜奖颁奖)

邢:The third prize winners of the competition are XXX.Let’s welcome XXX to confer the third prize for the contestants.(为三等奖颁奖)

孔:The winners of the second prize are XXX.Let’s welcome XXX to confer the second prize for the contestants.(为二等奖颁奖)

邢:The first prize comes to XXX, let’s welcome XXX to confer the first prize for our champion.Congratulations!(为一等奖颁奖)

孔:Also, we have some single awards ……

4.英语演讲比赛决赛主持稿+2 篇四


温:Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Sixth English Speaking

Contest of the School of Applied foreign languages.I’m your host_______

王:I am your hostess________.As we all know, the English Speaking Contest has

become an annual traditional event and it brings good atmosphere to us.温:Through a fierce competition, 10 contestants come to today’s finals.I wish

everyone here will have an enjoyable time tonight.王:First of all, And this competition will be mediated by a panel of six judges.I have

the great privilege of presenting today’s judges for today’s speaking competition.应用外语学院商务英语系教师*********

温:Now, let’s make acquaintance with the top ten contestants through a VCR.(播放


温:Now, let’s go over the rules of the contest.There are two rounds of

the final competition.In the first round, each of the 10 contestants will have 5 minutes to present a prepared speech with PPT.Principles of judging are mainly based on pronunciation, intonation, gestures and contents.王:I’d like you to pay attention that during the prepared speech, an indicative sound

will be given to the contestant by the time 30 seconds before the speech reaches its required time.Failure to meet the requirement will result in the deduction of points.温:The second round speakers are all the top 6 finalists.They will present an

impromptu(即兴的)speech within 2 minutes.After the speech , it is the question and answer part and each contestant has 30 second to think over and 1 minute to answer the question from the judge.王:I think all of us are looking forward to watching the most exciting performance, so

let’s get started.温:First, let’s put our hands together to welcome contestant No.1____ from class __grade __, and contestant No.__, please get ready.十位选手依次上台

王:Thanks for your speech, now let’s welcome contestant No.2_____ give us her

speech.温:Thank you.Let’s welcome Contestant No.3______ from e class 2__grade 2__

and contestant No.4, please get ready.王:Thanks for your wonderful speech, we really enjoy it.Next, is the turn of

contestant No.5_______ from class__ grade __, and contestant No.__, please get ready.第五位选手演讲



温:Thank you for your speech.Next, Welcome contestant No.7 and contestant No.8,please get ready.第七位选手演讲



王:Thank you.Thanks for Chen qu.Let’s welcome contestant No.9_______ from

class __ grade__.Contestant No.10, please get ready.第九位选手演讲


温:Thank you.Thanks for______, Now let’s welcome the last contestant, contestant

No.10______ from class 1 grade 2.第十位选手演讲

王::Thank you, Thank you all for your excellent performance.I almost can’t believe

my eyes!Everyone is versatile.All of you must have worked hard all the time.After seeing so fierce contest, you may feel a little serious, so, let’s have a short breath and wait for the last contestant who will be able to enter the next round.Now you’ll hear …………..let’s welcome……to ….温:What a nice sound!Thank you again for the brilliant performance.Now, let’s

take a look at the score of contestants No.1 to No.10.Contestant No.1 is ___, Contestant No.2 contestant is___, contestant No.3 is___, contestant No.4 is ___, contestant No.5 is___.Contestant No.6 is ___, Contestant No.7 contestant is___, contestant No.8 is___, contestant No.9 is ___, contestant No.10 is___.Congratulations


王:Now, please allow me to announce the last number of entering the impromptu

speech.They are contestants No.______ , No.______, No._______,No._______,No._______,No._______are the top six contestants.You are able to get to the second round.Congratulations again.Now, let’s start the second round competence.温:Please welcome contestant No.1 gets onto the stage and draw your topic for the impromptu speech.(选手抽签)

温:The topic for you is … And you will have 30 seconds to prepare.Please get ready.Now, Let’s begin, Welcome.前六选手依次抽签演讲

王:Thank you.Thanks for ______.Let’s welcome contestant No.2______ from class

__ grade__.Please get on the stage and cast your topic.(选手抽签).Contestant No.10, please get ready.王:The topic for you is ….Please get well prepared.Now let’s welcome contestant

No.2___to give us her/his impromptu speech.Contestant No.3, please get ready.温:Thank you.Thank you for_____Next, let’s welcome contestant No.3 …from

class __ grade__.Please get on the stage and cast your topic.(选手抽签).温: The topic for you is ….Please get well prepared.Now let’s welcome contestant

No._3__to give us her/his impromptu speech.Contestant No.4, please get ready.王:Thank you.Thank you for_____Next, let’s welcome contestant No.4…from

class __ grade__.Please get on the stage and cast your topic.(选手抽签).王:The topic for you is ….Please get well prepared.Now let’s welcome contestant

No.4___to give us her/his impromptu speech.Contestant No.5, please get ready.温:Thank you.Thank you for_____Next, let’s welcome contestant No.5…from

class __ grade__.Please get on the stage and cast your topic.(选手抽签).温:The topic for you is ….Please get well prepared.Now let’s welcome

Contestant No.5___to give us her/his impromptu speech.Contestant No.6, please get ready.王:Thank you.Thank you for_____Next, let’s welcome contestant No.6…from

class __ grade__.Please get on the stage and cast your topic.(选手抽签).王:The topic for you is ….Please get well prepared.Now let’s welcome contestant

No.6___to give us her/his impromptu speech.王:The topic for you is ….Please get well prepared.Now let’s welcome contestant

No.6___to give us her/his impromptu speech.温:Thank you.Thank you for_____Ok, now the two-round competitions have ended.Please wait for the final scores patiently.During this time, , let’s welcome our guest ________and________ to give us a performance.俩节目

温:Thanks for the brilliant performance.Now, Now, the final results have come out,please allow us to announce the final scores The score of contestant No.1’s impromptu speech is …and his/her total score of the two rounds is….Congratulations.The score of contestant No.2’s impromptu speech is …and his/her total score of the two rounds is….Congratulations.The score of contestant No.3’s impromptu speech is …and his/her total score of the two rounds is….Congratulations.王: The score of contestant No.4’s impromptu speech is …and his/her total score of

the two rounds is….Congratulations.The score of contestant No.5’s impromptu speech is …and his/her total score of the two rounds is….Congratulations.The score of contestant No.6’s impromptu speech is … and his/her total score of the two rounds is….Congratulations.温 :Ok, now the two-round competitions have ended.let’s invite our foreign teacher

XXX to give some comments.(外教评论)

王:Also, let’s welcome XXX to make some comments.(中文教师点评)温:Thank you for your excellent comments.Thank you.王:Ok, ladies and gentlemen, after our judges discussion, the most exciting moment

is coming.Right now, what I am going to announce is the winner of moderate excellent rewards.They are XXX.Now, let’s welcome XXX to confer excellent awards to our contestants.(为优秀奖和单项奖颁奖)最佳语音语貌奖 ,最佳文稿奖最佳人气奖

温:The third prize winners of the competition are XXX.Let’s welcome XXX to

confer the third prize for the contestants.(为三等奖颁奖)

王:The winners of the second prize are XXX.Let’s welcome XXX to confer the

second prize for the contestants.(为二等奖颁奖)

温:The first prize comes to XXX, let’s welcome XXX to confer the first prize for our


温:That is the end of the Sixth English Speaking Contest of the School of Applied foreign languages.Thanks for your attention.王:Wish you have a good memory and see you.Bye bye.1.第一轮是十个人都演讲完,演完节目,一起宣布比赛成绩




5.小学生英语口语比赛主持稿 篇五

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.,boys and girls.Today we are very happy and excite, because we are here, holding the First Primary School English speaking competition.今天我们相聚在这里,快乐又激动。因为今天我们在这里举行小学首届英语口语大赛。English is such a beautiful language.We can use it to

travel around the world.英语是一门美丽的语言,用英语我们可以周游世界。今天共有43名选手参赛,他们来自不同学校,但是大家都有一个共同的目标,那就是学好英语。接下来,让我来介评委老师,他们是张庄小学的吴老师,桑庄小学的周老师,王沟小学的高老师,松石小学的汪老师,大律小学的魏老师,东营小学的潘老师.让我们用最热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来。







下面进行第二轮比赛,朗读一段英文短文,请 1号选手上台,2号选手准备。这里有五篇,请你任选一篇。接下来有请2号选手.请3号选手准备。下面有请3号选手,请4号选手准备。下面有请4号选手,请5号选手准备。下面有请5号选手,请6号选手准备。下面有请6号选手,请7号选手准备。下面有请7号选手,请8号选手准备。下面有请8号选手,请9号选手准备。下面有请9号选手,请10号选手准备。下面有请10号选手,请11号选手准备。下面有请11号选手,请12号选手准备。下面有请12号选手,请13号选手准备。下面有请13号选手,请14号选手准备。最后请14号选手上台。



下面进行第二轮比赛,朗读一段英文短文,请 1号选手上台,2号选手准备。这里有五篇,请你任选一篇。接下来有请2号选手.请3号选手准备。下面有请3号选手,请4号选手准备。下面有请4号选手,请5号选手准备。下面有请5号选手,请6号选手准备。下面有请6号选手,请7号选手准备。下面有请7号选手,请8号选手准备。下面有请8号选手,请9号选手准备。下面有请9号选手,请10号选手准备。下面有请10号选手,请11号选手准备。下面有请11号选手,请12号选手准备。下面有请12号选手,请13号选手准备。下面有请13号选手,请14号选手准备。最后请14号选手上台。




