1.南京大学考博真题 篇一
2016年南开大学公共政策考博复试线考博真题考博参考书 考生类别院 系 所 码 院系所名 称 专业名称 外 语 业 务 课 1 业 务
课 2 总 分 复试权重
普通招考115周恩来政府 管理学院
政治学理论、中外 政治制度、国际关
系60606021540%社会学、人口学、社会心理学60606021540%行政管理、教育经 济与管理60606022040% 注:已获硕士学位者和应届硕士毕业生不再参加思想政治理论科目考试。专业代码、名称 及研究方向
指导教师人数考试科目备注 44 120401行政管理
1001英语、1002日语选 一③2704行政管理学④ 3724政策理论 考博常见问题
对待专业课的认识,有些考生以为自己学了这么多年本专业,甚至发表了不少文章,专业课应该没问题了,从而放松了对自己专业课复习的要求。其实现在博士录取时,各个环节都不能放松。即使及格了,如果成绩较低,总分排名靠居后,也会影响导师对自己的印象。提高专业课的复习效率,育明考博告诉大家可以分为以下两个阶段: 1.了解学术动态
考生在确定了报考的局势和研究方向以后,要立刻在招生简章或报考学校的网站上查到复习的参考资料。一定要翻翻近两年专业杂志,看看大家讨论的热点问题,浏览一下报考学校近三年的学报,了解本专业发表的论文。最好在考前就有关热点问题加以思考,提出自己的观点和看法。尤其需要强调一点,考生应查看导师近五年中发表的文章以及导师近年的专著,有些观点、数据、理论要掌握,特别是有关老师 的论文一定要熟记于心,遇到类似的题目可以搬上去,这对于提高你的成绩会大有裨益。特别要注意教师在一些有争议的问题上的观点和立场,围绕这种问题,时间允许的话最好再收集相关资料。往往导师会在这些问题上考察学生。导师招收博士,也是寻求合作者的过程,如果发现一个对自己近两年研究的领域知之甚多,甚至观点也和自己相容或相似,势必会给导师带来好的印象。可以提前和该导师的博士生取得联系,要求提供去年的专业课考试的考题(一般专业课试题有10%一30%的重复率,而各高校却不提供专业课考题,或者要求他提供第一学期的专业课笔记(老师近期关注的重点大多都在其中,也可以请他大致谈谈考试出题的倾向以及考试的感受和经验。自己做不到这一点的话,可以寻求辅导班的帮助,省时省力。
花半个月时间收集全资料后,应拟订一个大致的复习计划,内容包括时间和进度安排、复习方式、自查形式等等。这里需要注意的是: 在时间上,专业课的复习要留有充足的时间,越往后复习密度应逐渐力加强。
音译:人名、地名以及一些表示新概念而本族语里又找不到对成词来表示时,均可采用音译法介绍到译文语言中去,如:[汉译英]磕头(kowtow,荔枝(litchi;[英译汉]、engine(引擎,motor(马达,sofa(沙发,logic(逻辑直译:paper tiger(纸老虎,lose face(丢脸,Seeing is believing.(百闻不如一见。Out of mind,out of sight.(眼不见,心不烦
比如,汉语的“班门弄斧”这个成语,可译成This is like showing off one’s proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban the master carpenter其中,“鲁班”变成了“Lu Ban the mater carpenter"否则鲁班究竟是什么人,不知道典故的外国读者就会感到茫然。这类译法在英译中比较常见,如巧克力糖(chocolate,鸦片烟(opium,高尔夫球(golf,来福枪(rifle,尼龙布(nylon。
2.南京大学考博真题 篇二
近些年学术界出现了,学者们盲目追求发表文章的数量,而忽视文章质量的现象,请以“quantity and quality of works”为题目阐明个人观点,书写工整、字数不少于300字。考博.中国
The past years witnessed considerable improvement in scientific research in this country.One typical sign is the mounting number of papers published in SCI and SSCI periodicals.However, the quality of many such papers and works is doubtable.One proof is that the average citation frequency of these papers has remained unchanged for years.This phenomenon has given rise to heated debate.Personally, I believe that this phenomenon should be viewed from more than one perspective.On the one hand, it must be admitted that there has appeared an undesirable trend in Chinese academic circle in the past years, that is, too much emphasis has been put on the number of papers published rather than the quality of these papers, or substantial efforts and contribution in scientific research.Taking a look around, one can find examples too many to enumerate.The number of papers, especially the number of papers published in SCI or SSCI periodicals has been regarded as the most important or the single criteria in uating a scientific researcher.It is even directly related to his salary and opportunity for promotion.This trend has led Chinese academy to an unhealthy road of development.As we can see, many scholars have become more of writers than researchers.Some even plagiarize in order to publish more papers.On the other hand, however, we should not hastily say no to the quantitative uation of scientific researchers.In fact, the number of papers is a critical index in measuring the achievement of a scholar or an academic institution.As we can see, nations with developed sciences rank among the top in SCI and SSCI publications.Quantitative uation is especially necessary in some disciplines in China where there are not sufficient experts to give an objective assessment.To sum up, we should not go to extremes in this matter.While we should continue to adopt the quantity of works as an index in uating scientific researchers, we should not lay as much emphasis on it as we did.Instead, more freedom and a looser environment should be provided for researchers so that they can give full play to their talent.Only in this way can we expect a boom of science in this country.考博英语怎么复习?http://kaobo.b2cedu.com/yingyu_fuxi.html 考博英语真题汇总专题http://kaobo.b2cedu.com/kaobo_zhenti.html 2012考博英语词汇http://kaobo.b2cedu.com/kaobo_yingyu_cihui.html 2012考博英语作文模板http://kaobo.b2cedu.com/kaobo_yingyu_zuowen.html
3.南京大学考博真题 篇三
2.水电解质酸碱平衡失调的治疗原则(8分)3.若病人体液急性丧失达体重的5%,有何临床表现? 4.等渗性缺水5%的临床表现? 5.等渗性缺水的机体代偿机制? 6.低渗性缺水的原因。(4分)
7.急性等渗性失水的主要临床症状是什么? 8.代谢性酸中毒的病因、表现及诊断。9.代谢性酸中毒的病因、临床表现及诊断 10.低钙血症常见于那些疾病?临床表现? 11.高钾血症的概念,原因,治疗? 12.多器官衰竭诊断标准 13.MODS的中英文名称及定义 14.MODS的常见外科病因 15.引起MODS的常见外科病因。16.SIRS的中英文全名及诊断的临床指标?
17.急性肾功能衰竭少尿期或无尿期的水电解质酸碱平衡有哪些? 18.休克引起心功能障碍的原因有那些? 19.休克指数是什么及临床意义 20.感染性休克的治疗原则(6分)21.感染性休克的治疗原则。22.感染性休克的治疗原则
23.感染性休克治疗中皮质类固醇激素的作用(5分)24.什么是脓毒症和菌血症? 25.什么是脓毒症、菌血症(3.5分)26.引起脓毒血症的常见病因? 27.手部无人区
30.简述手臂洗手消毒后为何还需戴消毒手套? 31.在手术切口铺无菌巾或者贴无菌敷料的目的? 32.临床诊疗过程中如何预防潜在的HIV感染?
33.伤口按表现不同如何分类?手术切口愈合如何分级?试举例说明。34.晚期癌症三阶梯治疗方案,列举每阶段两种以上代表药物 35.心肺复苏术中初期复苏治疗措施
38.简述输血的并发症或不良反应(5分)39.与成分输血相比,输全血有何缺点(3分 40.简述肠外营养的并发症(10 41.输血的常见并发症。42.肠外营养的适应症及禁忌症。43.输血的并发症 44.肠外营养的指征及禁忌症 45.简述外科营养代谢并发症有哪些?
46.什么是 BMI ?如何测算及对营养状态诊断的标准? 47.简述外科感染联合抗炎的适应症。48.简述破伤风的处理原则。
50.破伤风的病原体特点,为预防破伤风,早期治疗有哪些? 51.心脏疾病可增加病人术后死亡的风险,Goldman指数哪两项得分最高?
63.新鲜冰冻血浆和普通冰冻血浆的区别及临床适应症? 脑外:
2.颞区硬膜外血肿表现(脑外)3.小脑幕切迹疝的临床表现 4.听神经瘤的临床表现和治疗?
5.颅内高压时改善脑血流的措施和降低颅内压的措施。6.颅高压诊治 7.小脑肿瘤分类诊治 8.何为血管源性脑水肿(4)9.丘脑下部损伤的症状及体征
11.颅咽管瘤的术后并发症 12.脑水肿的分类和发病机理
13.垂体源性 Cushing‘s disease 内分泌学检查的临床意义。
14.(Glasgow Liege Coma Scale,GLCS)格拉斯哥-莱吉昏迷计分方法和临床意义。
15.都是以病例的形式,有个儿童颅后窝占位,还有个肿瘤S i p什么分期,问你手术过程中怎么判断是否切干净(太专科了,我只记得这么多)颈外:
1.结节性甲状腺肿诊断要点,治疗原则 2.甲亢手术较药物及放射性I治疗的优点(4)3.分化型甲状腺癌的初次手术治疗方法。
4.甲状腺手术并发症的喉上神经、喉返神经损伤的表现及处理 5.单纯性甲状腺肿的手术指针和手术方法? 6.如何评价目前外科治疗甲状腺功能亢进症? 7.单纯性甲状腺肿在什么情况下手术治疗 8.浸润性甲状腺癌淋巴结清扫原则?
9.甲状旁腺亢进根据临床症状分型及如何治疗 胸外:
3.二尖瓣狭窄并左心衰的临床表现及治疗 4.外伤性气胸的病理生理改变与剖胸探查指征? 5.法乐氏四联症的病理改变,治疗原则。6.急诊冠脉搭桥术原理,适应症 7.二尖瓣狭窄诊治 8.典型食管癌的临床表现
9.什么是体外循环?体外循环后的生理学变化有哪些? 10.详述三尖瓣锁闭的解剖分型。11.胸部肿瘤的转移途径及手术治疗 12.F4的发病机制及临床表现、手术治疗
13.常见的可行外科手术根治的先天性心脏病(不少于 7 种)及法洛 14.四联症的四种畸形。
16.主动脉缩窄的分型和手术方式 17.开放性气胸的抢救要点? 18.张力性气胸的治疗(4分)19.急症开胸探查指证是什么 乳腺:
手外: 手急性化脓性腱鞘炎和深部间隙感染与解剖的关系? 烧伤整形:
3.什么是冷伤?冻结性冷伤的病例生理学和三度伤的局部临床表现 4.重度烧伤病人入院的处理 5.电烧伤的损伤机制和急救方式 6.烧伤的分级、分度 7.削痂植皮
1.下肢血栓闭塞性脉管炎的临床分期 2.原发性下肢静脉瓣膜关闭不全的诊断和治疗 3.腹主动脉瘤的手术方式及注意事项 4.简述下肢动脉硬化闭塞症的治疗。5.下肢静脉曲张的手术方法有哪些?(手术治疗单纯性下肢浅静脉曲张的目的和方法)6.下肢深静脉血栓非手术治疗方法?
7.下肢深静脉血栓的保守治疗,及注意的事项? 8.外周动脉瘤的治疗 9.周围动脉瘤的临床表现?
10.下肢静脉病变体格检查中、英文名称及各自临床意义(6分)11.颈动脉内膜切除术(CEA)治疗颈动脉严重狭窄手术有哪些绝对的和相对的适应证?有哪些禁忌证?(10分)12.深静脉血栓的非手术治疗 普外:
1.肝癌门静脉转移的临床病理生理 2.胃近端癌R2根治手术方法
3.腹股沟疝定义,里脱疝、瑞契疝定义及临床特点 4.肝门部胆管癌病理、临床表现、诊断 5.胆道出血病因及临床表现治疗(普外)6.吻合口溃疡病因及诊断
9.胆管癌的病因,姑息治疗方法中你认为那种最好? 10.应激性溃疡的治疗原则
11.肝功能分级及其临床意义 12.试述胎粪性腹膜炎的临床分型 13.结肠癌合并急性肠梗阻的处理原则 14.肝功能的Child分级。
15.嗜铬细胞瘤手术治疗的术前准备、术中术后注意事项。16.消化性溃疡穿孔修补术和根治术选择原则? 17.胃癌BORRMANN分型
18.简述肝内胆管结石的治疗原则,如何治疗残留结石 19.肝功能分级 20.肝门肿瘤分类治疗
21.十二指肠损伤的特点是什么?伤后常见的死亡原因是什么 22.CHILD分级A级标准(5)23.上消化道出血的常见原因及治疗原则(12)
28.胆囊结石,胆囊息肉在什么情况下行胆囊切除术? 29.急性结石性胆囊炎在什么情况下急诊手术治疗?
32.胆道大出血的临床表现及特点,非手术治疗方法及手术指征 33.肝移植的基本适应症及基本手术方式 34.腹部损伤在什么情况下应考虑腹内脏器损伤 35.简述急性胆源性胰腺炎的治疗(10分)
38.何为皮脂腺囊肿,临床特点。39.胃癌的PTNM分期(1987年)。40.结肠癌高危人群指标。41.胆管炎性狭窄的治疗原则。42.皮脂囊肿是属于什么囊肿及临床特点 43.原发性肝癌的治疗方式 44.结直肠癌的高危人群有有哪些? 45.试述胃癌的pTNM分期(1987)(8分)
48.简述腹部切口裂开的主要原因。有何表现? 49.简述 Fast track surgery 及目的与主要措施。50.胆囊癌的 Nevin 分期以及手术方法。51.PPH 的概念、原理、手术适应症及优点。52.简述直肠癌根治手术的原则。53.急性梗阻性化脓性胆管炎的非手术治疗的措施有哪些? 54.妊娠期急性阑尾炎的外科治疗措施? 55.胆囊切除术后综合症的原因?
56.良性十二指肠瘀滞症定义,原因,及钡餐表现? 57.肝内胆管结石的分型,治疗
58.胃癌根治术,根治术的分级方法,D2手术的范围 59.儿茶酚胺症的原因及临床表现?
60.Crohn disease 外科治疗适应症及手术原则? 61.PEG中英文全称及适应症?
69.GIST的中、英文名称?诊断要点? 70.腹腔镜治疗腹股沟疝的方式,及优点? 71.急性化脓性梗阻性胆管炎的治疗? 72.胃肠间质瘤的治疗进展? 73.术后伤口裂开的原因及表现? 74.胆囊息肉的手术切除指标? 75.阑尾炎转移性右下腹痛的机制?
76.急性机械性肠梗阻的水电解质酸碱平衡失调的类型? 77.胆源性胰腺炎的治疗? 78.胰岛素瘤的临床表现?
83.CEA, AFP, CA125,CA199,PSA的中文名及各自的临床应用(5分
1.移植抗原有哪几种?肾移植免疫学的选择需作哪些检查 2.有哪些主要因素影响肝恶性肿瘤肝移植术后疗效 3.原位肝移植后的胆道并发症 4.肾移植临床排斥反应的类型和病理 5.肝移植术后发生中远期肾功能不全及肾衰竭的相关因素,如何处理?(10’)
10.肝移植急性排斥反应有哪些病理学特征? 11.腹腔间隔室综合征的临床表现及治疗原则 12.Fast tract surgery 概念意义及看法
14.列举3个胰腺内分泌肿瘤及各自临床症状 15.腹部切口裂开的原因 泌尿外:
1.膀胱肿瘤病理分期 2.尿道损伤的治疗原则 3.前列腺癌诊断
7.睾丸生殖系肿瘤的分类及治疗原则。8.BPH的病理改变及鉴别诊断 9.泌尿系梗阻的常见原因及诊断治疗原则(以上尿路结石为例)10.急性肾盂肾炎诊断治疗要点 11.睾丸肿瘤分类治疗 12.肾癌的肾外症状(5)13.BPH和前列腺癌好发部位及鉴别(10)14.何为血尿,镜下血尿,肉眼血尿(4分)15.简述前列腺癌的分期
16.如何从肉眼血尿区分出血部位(4.5分)17.输尿管囊肿的诊断和处理 18.试述肾嗜铬细胞瘤的诊断要点 19.肾盂癌的诊断及手术治疗方法。20.肾盂肿瘤的临床表现及治疗 21.膀胱癌的T分期,诊断 22.肾癌的肾外表现 23.包茎可能带来那些危害?
24.诱发泌尿生殖系感染的因素主要包括那些方面? 25.泌尿外科常用哪些诊断性器械检查? 26.肾癌可能出现哪些肾外的临床表现? 27.嗜铬细胞瘤的术前准备应包括哪些内容? 28.双侧上尿路结石的手术治疗原则 29.睾丸肿瘤的标记物,临床表现和治疗 30.闭合性肾损伤的外科手术指针? 31.肾积脓的概念?
32.肌层非侵润性膀胱肿瘤的治疗原则有哪些?(10分)33.肾肿瘤的肾外表现有哪些?(4分)34.保留肾单位手术的适应症有哪些?(6分)35.输尿管镜取石术的常见并发症?如何处理? 36.男性不育症中睾丸后影响因素有哪些? 37.慢性前列腺炎/慢性骨盆疼痛综合征的临床表现 38.急性尿潴留的原因?
39.影像学在尿路结石中的作用(8分)40.简述医源性输尿管损伤的原因。(8分)41.男性不育的定义及原因 42.泌尿系影像学检查方法及意义 43.肾结核血尿特点及鉴别诊断 小儿外科:
1.先天性肛管直肠畸形的分类 2.尿道下裂的病理表现
5.小儿先天性肾积水的常见部位、原因、及临床症状,6.B超、CT、MRI和静脉肾盂造影的作用。7.尿道下裂的诊治,理由 8.先天性十二指肠梗阻的X线表现,引起梗阻的三种疾病,手术方式和原因 骨外:
11.脊髓压迫症的自然病程分期,每期临床表现特点 12.如何诊断腰椎不稳 13.脊柱侧弯分类 14.骨巨细胞瘤诊治
22.老年股骨颈骨折的治疗目标、治疗方式选择及理由 23.颈椎过伸损伤的发病机制、临床表现、治疗原则 24.2岁先天性髋关节脱位临床表现、X光表现及治疗原则 25.先天性马蹄内翻足治疗原则。26.股骨头缺血性坏死的 Ficat 分期。27.简述腕管综合症的主要临床表现。28.骨折延迟愈合定义,原因,及X线表现? 29.孟氏骨折概念和分型?
30.腰椎滑脱的病因分类,诊断和治疗 31.膝关节半月板损伤的临床表现,诊断和治疗 32.肱骨髁上骨折的分型及并发症? 33.骨折愈合的局部影响因素? 34.髋关节前脱位的临床表现? 35.骨折的早期并发症?
37.恶性骨肿瘤保肢手术的适应症及重建方式(10分)38.腰椎间盘突出症术后再手术的原因(10分)39.股骨粗隆间骨折的治疗选择。(4分)40.运动系统慢性损伤的特点? 41.一个患者被车撞后左小腿中断皮肤挫裂伤2*5cm,无血管、神经、肌腱损伤。请给出诊断,并给出AO分型及gustilo-Anderson分型。请详述gustilo-Anderson分型。
中山大学2012年考博试题 外科 简答题70分
等渗性缺水5%的临床表现? 胆囊息肉的手术切除指标? 阑尾炎转移性右下腹痛的机制?
急性机械性肠梗阻的水电解质酸碱平衡失调的类型? 胆源性胰腺炎的治疗? 乳腺癌辅助化疗的选择? 胰岛素瘤的临床表现? 什么是脓毒症和菌血症? 骨折的早期并发症? 术后伤口裂开的原因及表现? 周围动脉瘤的临床表现? 急性尿潴留的原因? 问答题:30分(普外)
4.医学考博英语历年真题摘要写作 篇四
A Blind Zone in Childr-Nutrition
This article reveals a mistaken idea in child-raising which deserves correcting.Most parents take it for granted that children should eat more animal foods such as chicken, meat and fish than grain food because the former are far more expensive and the more expensive the food is the more nutritious it is.However, this is, in fact, a mistaken idea which has lead to malnutrition among many city kids.This is indicated in a survey recently made in Shanghai.What parents don’t know is that carbohydrate in grains, starch and sugar, the main and most inexpensive nutrient for energy supply, is of equal importance in metabolism.The energy it supplies is the main source of calories in human bodies,about 60% of the total amount of calories.If there is a lack of calories provided by carbohydrate, protein and fat will be used up to provide the heat and thus can’t play their original roles in the body.Consequently, it results in a retarded development in the children and even malnutrition.Apparently, the solution to the problem is to provide kids with a well-balanced food containing protein, carbohydrate and many other nutrients, none of which can be done without.Writing Drill 4(98 FATMD)
In the past several years, many Chinese college students have come to accept psychological consultation(PC)they used to reject.In 1994, many students didn’t care to think about the consultation while in 1996, over 90% of 2132 students in a survey answered the related questionnaires carefully.PC is now gradually accepted by college students in China.Surveys indicate that 70-80% college students have psychological problems and 20.3% have such obstacles.There have been reports on many severe cases resulting from misunderstanding and lack of PC.In view of this, many universities in Nanjing have set up psychological healthcare service for students.Many students have corrected their misunderstanding about PC and bravely asked the consultants for help, which has greatly helped them overcome their mental obstacles.Even some military cadets have begun to consult experts for advice.Experts point out that prompt consultation can prevent mental problems from developing into obstacles, mental illnesses and even suicide.University psychological consultation, young as it is, has made remarkable progress and grown into a unique course in universities.Though it contributed to students’ healthy growth, it still has a long way to go to be fully understood and appreciated by both students and faculties.Writing Drill 5 老年健康饮食为先
Aging usually brings about recession in many bodily functions such indigestion, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, and other metabolic dysfunctions.However, scientists find that these hypofunctions are actually caused by irrational diets or eating habits.This article discusses this problem and the solution to it.First, balanced diet with more vegetables than animal food is especially good for the old people.Second, less staple food and less salt in food should be suggested for the aged because overconsumption of these two can lead to cardiovascular diseases.Third, more bean food can replace proteins such as eggs and fat as sources of protein.Fourth, light food should be taken in instead of fat and oily foods which usually contribute to cardiovascular diseases.Fifth, doctors always advise people eat more fruit to regulate their digestion, metabolism and cardiovascular balance.In a word, a balanced diet, more vegetable food instead of fat food are of the first significance to the health of the aged and a long life.Writing Drill 6
Recently, more attention has been paid to a behavioral prescription for various and physical diseases.It includes laughter, sports, dancing and even crying.These methods have different functions.Laughter activates over 80 muscles.In laughing, smooth muscles in organs contract and help improve digestion.Crying can give vent to harmful chemicals in the body accumulated by stress.Sports and dancing can relieve chronic illness such as bronchitis, back pain, diabetes, etc.that medication alone can’t do.2013年医学考博英语正确的复习方法:http:///product/PR000082 2013年医学考博英语协议全程班:http:///product/PR000276
5.南京大学考博真题 篇五
Read the following passage carefully and write a summary of it in English in about 150 words.Meaning and Characteristics of the Italian Renaissance The word(过于具体)Renaissance means “rebirth.”(与下文重复)A number of people who lived in(过于具体)Italy between 1350 and 1550 believed that they had witnessed(过于具体)a rebirth of antiquity or Greco-Roman civilization, marking a new age.To them, the thousand or so years between the end of the Roman Empire and their own era was a middle period(hence the “Middle Ages”), characterized by darkness because of its lack of classic culture(铺垫).Historians of the nineteenth century later used similar terminology to describe this period in Italy.(铺垫)The Swiss historian and art critic Jacob Burckhardt created the modern concept of the Renaissance in his celebrated Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy published in 1860(举例).He portrayed Italy in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries as the birthplace of the modern world(the Italians were “the firstborn among the sons of modern Europe”)(与前文重复)and saw the revival of antiquity, “the perfecting of the individual,” and secularism as its distinguishing features.Burckhardt exaggerated the individuality and secularism of the Renaissance and failed to recognize the depths of its religious sentiment(详细陈述或让步);nevertheless, he established the framework for all modern interpretations of the Renaissance(与主题不直接相联).Although contemporary scholars do not believe that the Renaissance represents a sudden or dramatic cultural break with the Middle Ages, as Burckhardt argued—there was, after all, much continuity in economic, political, and social life between the two periods(让步)—the Renaissance can still be viewed as a distinct period of European history that manifested itself first in Italy and then spread to the rest of Europe.Renaissance Italy was largely an urban society.As a result of its commercial preeminence and political evolution, northern Italy by the mid-fourteenth century was mostly a land of independent cities that dominated the country districts around them.These city-states became the centers of Italian political, economic, and social life.Within this new urban society,(铺垫,或属于次要原因)a secular spirit emerged as increasing wealth created new possibilities for the enjoyment of worldly things.Above all, the Renaissance was an age of recovery from the “calamitous fourteenth century.” Italy and Europe began a slow process of recuperation from the effects of the Black Death, political disorder, and economic recession(详细陈述或举例论证).This recovery was accompanied by a rebirth of the culture of classical antiquity.Increasingly aware of their own historical past, Italian intellectuals became intensely interested in the Greco-Roman culture of the ancient Mediterranean world.This new revival of classical antiquity(the Middle Ages had in fact preserved much of ancient Latin culture)affected activities as diverse as politics and art and led to new attempts to reconcile the pagan philosophy of the Greco-Roman world with Christian thought, as well as new ways of viewing human beings.(后果延伸)
A revived emphasis on individual ability became characteristic of the Italian Renaissance.As the fifteenth-century Florentine architect Leon Battista Alberti expressed it: “Man can do all things if they will.”(举例)A high regard for human dignity and worth and a realization of individual potentiality created a new social ideal of the well-rounded personality or universal person who was capable of achievements in many areas of life.(后果延伸)These general features of the Italian Renaissance were not characteristic of all Italians but were primarily the preserve of the wealthy upper classes, who constituted a small percentage of the total population(详细陈述).The achievements of the Italian Renaissance were the product of an elite, rather than a mass, movement.(与上文重复)Nevertheless, indirectly it did have some impact on ordinary people, especially in the cities, where so many of the intellectual and artistic accomplishments of the period were most visible.(详细陈述或属于不重要修饰语
Read the following passage carefully and then write a summary of it in English in about 150 words
A tool is an implement or device used directly upon a piece of material to shape it into a desired form.The date of the earliest tools is extremely remote.Tools found in northern Kenya in 1969 have been estimated to be about 2600000 years old, and their state of development suggests that even older tools remain to be discovered.The present array of tools has as common ancestors the sharpened stones that were the keys to early human survival.Rudely fractured stones, first found and later “made” by hunters who needed a general-purpose tool, were a “knife” of sorts that could also be used to hack, to pound, and to grub.In the course of a vast interval of time, a variety of single-purpose tools came into being.With the twin developments of agriculture and animal domestication, roughly 10000 years ago.The many demands of a settled way of life led to a higher degree of tool specialization;the identities of the ax, adz, chisel, and saw were clearly established more than 4000 years ago.The common denominator of these tools is removal of material from a workpiece, usually by some form of cutting.The presence of a cutting edge is therefore characteristic of most tools.And the principal concern of toolmakers has been the pursuit and creation of improved cutting edges.Tool effectiveness was enhanced enormously by hafting---the fitting of a handle to a piece of sharp stone, which endowed the tool with better control, more energy, or both.It is helpful to draw the distinction between hand and machine tools.Hand tools are those used by craftsmen in manual operations, such as chopping, chiseling, sawing, filing, or forging.Complementary tools, often needed as auxiliaries to the shaping tools, include such implements as the hammer for nailing and the vise for holding.A craftsman may also use instruments that facilitate accurate measurements: the rule, divider, square, and others.Power tools---usually hand-held, motor-powered implements such as the electric drill or electric saw---perform many of the old manual operations and as such may be considered hand tools.Machine tools are analogous to hand tools in their function as shaping implements, but they require stationary mounting and mechanical drive for the working of strong materials, primarily metal, and the mass processing of precision parts.During the evolution of tools over more than 2000000 years, using as principal materials, successively, stone, bronze, and iron, humans developed a number of particular tools.Taken together, these specialized tools form an inverted pyramid resting upon the first general-purpose tool.The nearly formless chopper.With the discovery of metals and the support of numerous inventions allowing their exploitation, the first approximations to the modern forms of the basic tools of the craftsman established themselves, with the main thrust of further development directed at improving the cutting edges.The earliest tools were multipurpose;specialized tools were latecomers.A multipurpose tool, although able to do a number of things, does none of them as well as a tool designed or proportioned for one job and one material.(2004)
Read the following passage carefully and then write a summary of it in English in about 120 words.The success of failure of a company abroad depends on how effectively its employees can exercise their skills in a new location.That ability will depend on both their job-related expertise and the individual’s sensitivity and responsiveness to the new cultural environment.One of the most common factors contributing to failure in international business assignments is the erroneous assumption that if a person is successful in the home environment, he or she will be equally successful in applying technical expertise in a different culture.Research has shown that failures in the overseas business setting most frequently result from an inability to understand and adapt to foreign ways of thinking and acting rather than from technical or professional incompetence.At home U.S.businesspeople equip themselves with vast amount of knowledge of their employees, customers, and business partners.Market research provides detailed information on values, attitudes, and buying preferences of U.S, consumers;middle-and upper-level managers are well versed in the intricacies of their organization’s culture;and labor negotiators must be highly sensitive to what motivates those on the other side of the table.Yet when North Americans turn to the international arena, they frequently are willing to deal with customers, employees, and fellow workers with a lack of information that at home would be unimaginable.The literature on international business is filled with examples of business miscues when U.S.corporations attempted to operate in an international context.Some are mildly amusing.Others are downright embarrassing.All of them, to one degree or another, have been costly in terns of money, reputation, or both.For example, when American firms try to market their products in other countries, they often assume that if a marketing strategy or slogan is effective in Cleveland, it will be equally effective in other parts of the world.But problems arise when cultural context changes.Just as inattention to the cultural context can result in some costly blunders in marketing and management, it also can affect seriously the success of international business negotiations.Time, effort, reputation, and even contracts can be lost because of cultural ignorance.The world is changing faster than most of us can calculate, and if American businesspersons are to meet the challenges of an increasingly interdependent world, they will need to develop a better understanding of how cultural variables influence international business enterprises.A healthy dialogue between cultures and members of the international business community will be an important step in achieving that needed understanding.(2003)Read the following passage carefully and then write a summary of it in English in about 120 words.Europe was the first of the major world regions to develop a modern economy based on commercial agriculture and industrial development.Its successful modernization can be traced to the continent’s rich endowment of economic resources, its history of innovations, the evolution of a skilled and educated labour force, and the interconnectedness of all its parts-both naturally existing and man-made—which facilitated the easy movement of massive quantities of raw materials and finished goods and the communication of ideas.Europe’s economic modernization began with a marked improvement in agriculture output in the 17th century, particularly in England.The traditional method of cultivation involved periodically allowing land to remain fallow;this gave way to continuous cropping on fields that were fertilized with nature from animals raised as food for rapidly expanding urban markets.Greater wealth was accumulated by landowners at the same time that fewer farmhands were needed to work the land.The accumulated capital and abundant cheap labour created by this revolution in agriculture fueled the development of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century.The revolution vegan in northern England in the 1730s with the development of water-driven machinery to spin and weave wool and cotton.By mid-century James Watt had developed a practical steam engine that emancipated machinery from sites adjacent to waterfalls and rapids.Britain had been practically deforested by this time, and the incessant demand for more fuel to run the engines led to the exploitation of coal as a major industry.Industries were built on the coalfields to minimize the cost of transporting coal over long distances.The increasingly surplus rural population flocked to the new manufacturing areas.Canals and other improvements in the transportation infrastructure were made in these regions, which made them attractive to other industries that were not necessarily dependent on coal and thus prompted development in adjacent regions.Industrialization outside of England began in the mid-19th century in Belgium and northeastern France and spread to Germany, the Netherlands, southern Scandinavia, and other areas in conjunction with the construction of railways.By the 1870s the governments of the European nations had recognized the vital importance of factory production and had taken steps to encourage local development through subsidies and tariff protection against foreign competition.Large areas, however, remained virtually untouched by modern industrial development, including most of the Iberian Peninsula, southern Italy, and a broad belt of eastern Europe extending from the Balkans on the south to Finland and northern Scandinavia.During the 20the century Europe has experienced periods of considerable economic growth and prosperity, and industrial development has proliferated much more widely throughout the continent;but continued economic development in Europe has been handicapped to a large degree by its multinational character—which has spawned economic rivalries among states and two devastating world wars-as well as by the exhaustion of many of its resources and by increased economic competition from overseas.Governmental protectionism, which has tended to restrict the potential market for a product to a single country, has deprived many industrial concerns of the efficiencies of large-scale production serving a mass market(such as is found in the United States).In addition, enterprise efficiency has suffered from government support and from a lack of competition within a national market area.Within individual countries there have been growing tensions between regions that have prospered and those that have not.This “core-periphery” problem has been particularly acute in situations where the contrasting regions are inhabited by different ethnic groups.(2002)
Read the following passage carefully and then write a summary of it in English in about 120 words.Developments in 19th century Europe are bounded by two great events.The French Revolution broke out in 1789, and its effects reverberated throughout much of Europe for many decades.World War I began in 1914.Its inception resulted from many trends in European society, culture, and diplomacy during the late 19th century.In between these boundaries---the one opening a new set of trends, the other bringing long-standing tensions to a head---much of modern Europe was defined.Europe during this 125-year span was both united and deeply divided.A number of basic cultural trends, including new literary styles and the spread of science, ran through the entire continent.European states were increasingly locked in diplomatic interaction, culminating in continentwide alliance system after 1871.At the same time, this was the century of growing nationalism, in which individual states jealously protected their identities and indeed established more rigorous border controls than ever before.Finally, the European continent was to an extent divided between two zones of differential development.Changes such as the Industrial Revolution and political liberalization spread first and fastest in western Europe---Britain, France, the Low Countries, Scandinavia, and, to an extent, Germany and Italy.Eastern and southern Europe, more rural at the outset of the period, changed more slowly and in somewhat different ways.Europe witnessed important common patterns and increasing interconnections, but these developments must be assessed in terms of nation-state divisions and, even more, of larger regional differences.Some trends, including the ongoing impact of the French Revolution, ran through virtually the entire 19th century.Other characteristics, however, had a shorter life span.Some historians prefer to divide 19th century history into relatively small chunks.Thus 1789-1815 is defined by the French Revolution and Napoleon;1815-48 forms a period of reaction and adjustment;1848-71 is dominated by a new round of revolution and the unifications of the German and Italian nations;and 1871-1914, an age of imperialism, is shaped by new kinds of political debate and the pressures that culminated in war.Overriding these important markers, however, a simpler division can also be useful.Between 1789 and 1849 Europe dealt with the forces of political revolution and the first impact of the Industrial Revolution.Between 1849 and 1914 a fuller industrial society emerged, including new forms of states and of diplomatic and military alignments.The mid-19th century, in either formulation, looms as a particularly important point of transition within the extended 19th century.(2008)
build up ,and like some magnificent structure without foundation.Answer:(2007)
Finland, an enormous land of unspoiled lakes and forests, nourishes Finnic genius of commitmen and coexistence with nature.The basic nucleus of the Finnic population are Finns coming from the Urals in the early century of the Christian age.Being such short history, Finland does not have enormous number of work of art, but it is still possible to meet craftsman in Savonlinna who are working according to the old techniques.Glas, which is a typical Finnish product, seems to sum up the characteristics of the world from which it originates: purity, simplicity, and a sense of nature.The forests and waters inspire contemporary works of art;and the meditative soul of the Finns, who blend in with nature, is nourished by these fresh color.Near Leiksa, an extraordinary sculptor working with wood is one of the example of contemporary artists who is inspired by nature.(2005)
A tool is a device use directly upon a piece of material to shape it into a desired form.The date of the earliest toll is extremely remote.Stones as tool were the keys to early human survival.The twin development of agriculture and animal domestication developed the general-purpose tool into single-purpose tool.Generally speaking, tools are removal of material from workplace.It is helpful to draw the distinction between hand and machine tools.Hand tools are those used by craftsmen in manual operations.Machine tools are complementary to hand tools in their functions, but they require stationary, mounting and mechanical drive for the working of strong materials, primarily metal, and the mass processing of precision parts.The earliest tools were multipurpose;specialized tools were latecomers.(2004)
(2003)Europe was the first of the major world regions to develop a modern economy.Its successful modernization facilitated the movement of raw materials and finished goods and the communication of ideas.Concerning the time, it first began in the 17th century.The traditional method of cultivation involved allowing land to remain fallow thus fewer farmlands were needed to work the land and the accumulated capital and labor created by this revolution fueled the development of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century.Industrialization outside of England began in the mid-19th century in Belgium and spread to some of the other European countries.Although they had recognized the importance of factory production and had taken steps to encourage local development, there still existed large areas untouched by modern in industrial development.During the 20th century Europe has experienced periods of economic growth and prosperity, but continued economic development in Europe has been handicapped to a large degree by its multinational character.(2002)(2008)
2017年南京师范大学学科教学英语考研真题 经验分享09-15