


1.暑假学与练七年级英语 篇一












(六)1. 两极稍扁、赤道略鼓;6378千米2. 140万;130万;33万;6000;1500万3.B
















(十三)1.C2.C3.B4.B5.C6.C7.D8.透过的色光;反射色光 9.2.529 ×101310.体温;高;红外线;强11.黄、白、绿;反射







(十七)1.位置;参照物2.在相同时间里通过路程的多少;通过相同的路程所用时间的多少; 单位时间内通过的路程3.运动快慢;58.7米每秒;每秒钟通过的路程为58.7米










4. 略5.A6.(1)男(2)二(3)蛋白质7.A8.略


(二十四)1.花药;雌蕊;自花;豌豆;异花;棉花2.C3.B4.(1)果实;子房(2)55. C6. D7. A8. D9. D10.无性生殖;加快繁殖速度,保持亲本的优良性状11.子房12.B13.A14.(1)有性生殖(2)母体








(二十八)1.地壳;地幔;地核;地壳;地幔2. A3.(1)火山口;火山锥;火山通道(2)高温岩浆;气体;碎屑(3)活;死4.D5.D6.A7.B8.①②③④

(二十九)1.山地;高原;平原;丘陵;盆地2. 等高线3.C4.C5.内力;外力;内力高低不平;外力6.A7.ae;bf;cg;dh8.(1)山脊;山谷;山顶;鞍部(2)




2.暑假学与练七年级英语 篇二


(1)What is it that Joe can’t find in the bathroom .

(2)Sb has difficulty in doing sth .

(3)There is no quick answer to this question .

(4)For along time the language in America stay the same , while the language in England changed.


1. What is it that Joe can’t find in the bathroom ? Joe在浴室里不能找到的是什么?


It is / was +被强调成份+that(who)+非强调部分。

eg. (1)对主语作强调

It is Joe that / who can’t find the toilet in the bathroom .


It is the toilet that Joe can’t find in the bathroom .


It is in the bathroom that Joe can’t find the toilet .

2. 主语+ have +(no , little , some , much , great …)difficulty / trouble in doing sth .

eg. ① Everyone in the town knew him , so we had no trouble / difficulty in finding his house .


② We had great difficulty in building the house .




(2)修饰语主要有:no , little , some , much , great ,(not)any等。

(3)句中介词为in , 有时可省略。


3. With so many people communicating in English everyday , we can see that it will be more and more important to have a good knowledge of English .


(1)With sb. doing sth. 这是with的复合结构,在句中可作状语,表示原因。

eg. ① With the doctors treating me , I will recover soon .


② With the work well done , he got praised . 由于这工作做得好,他受到了表扬。



eg. ① He is running faster and faster . 他现在跑得越来越快了。

② It was getting darker and darker . 天越来越黑了。

4. Many students want to know about the differences between American English and British English .


know和know about的区别

know是vt. 后面跟名词,代词,意为“认识”“知道”指人与人之间直接的认识,了解;而know about(of)意为知道,了解关于……的情况,指间接地“了解”,或听说过某人,某物。

eg. ① I don’t know / about him . 我不认识/ 没听说过他。

② I know about(of)her , but I can’t say that I know her .


5. Written English is more or less the same in both Britain and America though there are some spelling differences . 在英国和美国,书面英语大体上是相同的,尽管在拼法上有差异。

more or less : 大约;或多或少;在一定程度上

eg. I’d like to spend $10 , 000 more or less on a computer .


6. For example , the words colour , centre and travelled are spelt color , center and traveled in American English .

例如:colour , centre , traveled 这些词在美国英语里拼成color , center , traveled .

for example是介词短语,为插入语在句子作独立成份,意为“例如”“譬如”可缩写为“eg”。

eg. He , for example , is a good teacher. 例如,他是个好教师。

7. However , most of the time , people from the two countries do not have any difficulty in understanding each other .


eg. ① However , he didn’t have any money on him .

② He will never succeed , however hard he tries .

③ You can write however you want to .

8. How did the differences come about ? 这些差别是怎样产生的呢?

(1)come about “发生”“造成”

eg. The police are investigating how the accident came about .


(2)happen和take place , happen to do

It happens that …

eg. ① The car accident happened under my eyes .

② I happened to meet him in the street yesterday .

③ It’ll happen that I’ll go to your university for a visit .

④ I don’t believe that the accident happened to him .

⑤ The May Fourth Movement took place in 1919 .


eg. ⑴ I have never come across such a thing before .

⑵ Come along with us if you like to .

⑶ He came from TaiWan .

⑷ Summer comes after spring .

⑸ The elder gentleman came down in the world with the bank crash .

⑹ The true story came down to our generation from last generation .

⑺ The new term began and we all came back to the school .

⑻ The rain stopped and the sun came out .

⑼ Leaves and flowers come out when spring comes .

⑽ My book will come out next month .

⑾ Your photo didn’t come out because the film was faulty .

⑿ He came off his bike and scraped his knees .

⒀ Her attempt to break the world record nearly came off .

⒁ It’s your turn . Come on .

⒂ His English has come on a lot since he joined the Listening class .

⒃ He came up with a new method for improving English .

9. At first , the language stayed the same as the language used in Britain , but slowly the language began to change from one part of the world to another .



eg. The windows stayed open all night long . 窗户整夜开着。

(2)the same … as “和……一样”

eg. She used the same pen as I(do)她用的笔和我的一样

(3)… used in Britain是过去分词,作定语。修饰前面的language。

eg. ① the broken glass

② returned students

③ the used pen

10. Sometimes , the English spoken in America or Canada or Australia changed , but sometimes the language spoken in these place stayed the same , while the language in England changed .




Unit2 English around the world单元同步检测

一. 单项选择

1. - Your father has given up smoking , hasn’t he ?

- Yes , he smokes now .

A. any more B. not more C. much more D. no more

2. There are many differences spoken English and written English .

A. is B. for C. between D. about

3. He told me that he better .

A. was , that day B. is , today C. was , this day D. is , the day

4. Miss Green , their new teacher of English , is European .

A. an , an B. the , / C. an , the D. / , a

5. It is said that the earth is becoming warmer and warmer , How does this ?

A. come from B. come back C. think about D. come back

6. The teacher said , “ stop ! ” so we stopped .

A. to talk , to write B. talking , writing C. talking , write D. talking , to write

7. English words come from foreign language .

A. A great many B. The great many C. A great many of D. A great much

8. - Take a short rest , will you ?

- Ok , I’m tired after a long walk .

A. more or less B. more and more C. as a result D. for example

9. I can hardly the difference between these two words .

A. point B. talk C. tell D. was using

10. I really don’t know when we’ll the mid-term exam .

A. take B. attend C. join in D. join

二. 完形填空

How long can you expect to live ? That is to say , 1 is the average life expectancy for us ?

The average life expectancy 2 from country to country , but for many countries nowadays , the average life expectancy is over 70 years . That 3 that the overage 4 will live to be at least 20 years old .

Actually , in the United States in 1980 , the average life expectancy was 73.8 5 . This age is a little 6 than the average life expectancy in 1970-70.8 years .

In fact , if you look at the average life expectancy 7 for this century , you’ll see that the

8 gets higher every year . For instance , in 1900 it was 47.3 , in 1910 it was 50 , in 1920 it was 54.1 , 1930 was 59.7 , 1940 was 62.9 , 1950 was 68.2 , and in 1960 the average lifetime was 69.7 years .

9 does the average life expectancy 10 getting higher and higher ? The main

11 are related to 12 care . First , health care , 13 general health care for 14 children has 15 steadily . Second , a large number of 16 have been 17 in the past 40 or 50 years . These 18 drug can prevent and cure many 19 that used to be fatalin the 20 .

1. A. Where B. Why C. Which D. What

2. A. changes B. turns C. varies D. rises

3. A. appears B. means C. proves D. says

4. A. expectancy B. life C. man D. person

5. A. years B. ages C. points D. long

6. A. later B. bigger C. higher D. older

7. A. number B. figure C. knowledge D. information

8. A. difference B. average C. result D. age

9. A. Why B. What C. How D. When

10. A. stay B. leave C. keep D. hold

11. A. explanation B. ideas C. answers D. reasons

12. A. health B. medical C. loving D. hospital

13. A. specially B. exactly C. especially D. actually

14. A. older B. young C. big D. small

15. A. changed B. risen C. increased D. improved

16. A. drugs B. medicines C. products D. goods

17. A. invented B. produced C. developed D. made

18. A. strong B. powerful C. effective D. wonderful

19. A. diseases B. sicknesses C. illnesses D. troubles

20. A. century B. period C. history D. past

三. 阅读理解


Let children learn to judge their own work . A child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time : if corrected too much , he will stop talking . He notices a thousand times a day the difference between the language he uses and the language those around him use . Bit by bit , he makes the necessary changes to make his language like other people’s . In the same way , children learning to do all the other things they learn to do without being taught - to walk , run , climb , whistle , ride a bike-compare their own performance with those of more skilled people , and slowly make the needed changes . But in school we never give a child a chance to find out his mistakes for himself , let alone correct them . We do it all for him . We act if we pointed out to him , or correct it unless he was made to . Soon he becomes depandent on the teacher . Actually , the best policy is : “ Let him do it himself ! ”

1. The writer mainly wants to tell us it is important to let children .

A. make some mistakes B. correct their own mistakes

C. learn some useful skills D. judge their own work

2. Which of the following should teachers NOT do ?

A. Give children correct answers .

B. Always point out children’s mistakes to them .

C. Allow children to correct their mistakes immediately .

D. Help children notice their mistakes .

3. In the writer’s opinion , a child can not learn well if he .

A. depends too much on his teacher

B. notices the difference between what he does and what those around him do

C. makes changes now and then

D. learns to do things without being taught

4. The passage suggests that learning to talk .

A. is just the same as learning to ride a bike

B. is different from learning to whistle

C. is not as important as learning to walk

D. is more important than learning to climb


Visitors to Britain are sometimes surprised to learn that newspapers there have such a large cireulation(发行量). The “ Daily Mirror ” and the “ Daily Express ” both sell about four million copies every day . British families generally buy a newspaper very every morning and two or three on Sundays .

Besides the national papers , there is ,however , another branch of the British press which sells almost as many copies . Local(地方的)newspapers have a weekly circulation of 13 million . Almost every town and country area has one . Nearly all of them hold their own financially(财政)and many of them are very profitable(赚钱).

These papers are written almost entirely for readers interested in local event births , weddings , deaths , council(地方会议)meetings and sports . Editors(编辑)prefer to rely(依靠)on people who know the district well . A great deal of local news is regularly supplied by clubs and churches in the neighbourhood and it does not get out of date as quickly as national news .

The cditors must never forget that the success of any newspaper depends on advertising(广告). He is usually anxious to keep good will of local businessmen for this reason . But if the newspaper is well written and the news items have been carefully chosen to draw local readers , the businessmen are grateful for the opportanity(机会)to keep their products in the publie eyes .

5. Visitors to Britain are surprised to learn that .

A. there are so many local newspapers there

B. local papers should have a circulation of four million

C. the “ Daily Mirror ” and “ Daily Express ” sell as many as 4 million copies every day

D. British newspapers are so widely read

6. Local newspapers have .

A. a circulation as large as that of national newspapers

B. a daily circulation of 13 million

C. a slightly smaller circulation

D. an even larger circulation

7. Which of the following is true ?

A. Every town and country area has at least one paper of its own .

B. Nearly town and country areas have their own papers .

C. There is paper , national or local , in each town and country area .

D. A lot of distant town and country areas do not have their won papers .

8. Which of the following is NOT true ?

A. A great deal of local news is supplied by the clubs and churches .

B. Local readers are much interested in local news .

C. These papers written almost entirely for local readers .

D. These papers are likely to get out of date quickly .

一. 单项选择

1-5 D A A C A 6-10 D C A D D

二. 完形填空

1-5 D C B D A 6-10 C D B A C 11-15 D A C B D 16-20 A C B A D

三. 阅读理解
