


1.朗文1a期末复习 篇一

朗文国际英语教程 期末试题(Level 2)


Part 1 : Where are these people? Listen and choose the correct answer()1.A.department store

B.Laundromat()2.A.pet shop




()5.A.barber shop


Part 2 : Listen and choose what the people are talking about.()1.A stove



B.garbage disposal()3.A.TV


B.cell phone


B.car Part 3 : Listen and chose the correct answer()1.A.You should watch TV more often

B.You must stop watching TV so often()2.You must lose some weight.You should start eating rich desserts()3.I should stop eating spicy food.I must start eating spicy food.()4.You must stop relaxing.You must take life a little easier

()5.You must start listening to loud music.You should stop listening to loud music.2.Vocabulary(词汇)Fill in the words(根据句意,填写单词)





mechanic 1.Can you _______ a good hotel? 2.What foods do you think are ________? 3.You had better take the car to a _______? 4.I liked your old rocking chair.it was very ________? 5.If you do your homework so______, you might make mistakes.6.My grandfather is old ,but he is very healthy and ______.He swims everyday.7.It is ______ to ask personal(私人的)questions.8.I saw an accident this morning.Two cars ______ into each other.3.Circle the correct answer.(选择正确的词语)

1.My doctor says I must eat(less, fewer)potato chips , and(less, fewer)fatty meat.2.Jim(mustn’t, doesn’t have to)eat too(much, many)spicy food ,because he has stomach problems

3.My son will be performing in the school play(for , until)a week.4.This camera isn’t(ours, our)

5.Alice usually drives safely ,but last night she was(careless, carelessly)6.If it(doesn’t, won’t)rain tomorrow, I(go, will go)sailing.7.I am sorry you(couldn’t, won’t be able to)go to the baseball game with us tomorrow.4.按要求完成下列题目

Part 1 :

1-5 choose the correct response(选择正确的答语)()1. May I speak to Peter?

A.Thank you.B.Yes, hold on a moment.()2.When can you come over ? A.At three this afternoon.B.Don’t worry.()3.I don’t want to disturb you?

A.Yes, I will.B.Don’t worry.You won’t disturb me()4.I can come over tonight?Is that okay?

A.I’ ll be glad.B.Sure.I’ll see you then.()5.If you stay on the beach all day ,__________.A.you will get a sunburn.B.you won’t get hurt.Part 2 :

6-10 Answer the questions(根据要求回答问题)6.What was Paul doing when it started to rain ?(提示词:paint his house)____________________________________________________________ 7.Were you able to go camping last weekend ?(用were able to否定形式回答)

No, I ____ _____ ______.It was too windy.8.---I had my yearly check up today.---What did the doctor say? The doctor said I am a little too______ and I must _____ some weight.9.What will you be doing at 9 p.m.tomorrow evening ?(用将来进行时回答)__________________________________________________.10.---English isn’t as difficult as Russian ?(用比较级….than 回答)— You are right.Russian is _____ _______ _______ English.5. Reading comprehensions(阅读理解)Passage One(第一篇)

Charles Dickens, one of the greatest English writers, was born in 1812, in one of the small towns of England.When Dickens was 9 years old, the family moved to London, the capital of England.There were a few younger children in the family.Their life was poor, so Dickens could not go to school.Only until his father was out of prison(监狱), could Charles go to school.At that time he was 12 years old.But he did not finish school.Two years later he began to work.He often went to the library to read books.He read a lot.Then Dickens wrote lots of novels(小说)and stories all his life.Dickens died over a hundred years ago, but people are still reading his books with great interest.1.Charles Dickens was born in a big city.2.Little Charles could go to school after his father was out of prison.3.At the age of fourteen Charles began to work.4.The great writer never went to the library.5.People like the books written by Dickens very much today.Passage Two(第二篇)

One day a policeman was taking a thief(小偷)to the city.On the way.they saw a shop.The thief said,“Let me go into the shop to buy some bread.We can eat it in the train.”

The policeman agreed.The thief went into the shop and ran out of the back door.When the policeman knew that,he began to look for the thief everywhere.At last the policeman caught the thief again.They went on to the city.On the way they came to the same shop.The thief wanted to buy some bread again.“Oh,no,”said the policeman.“you did that before,and you ran away.This time I’ll go into the shop and buy bread.You must wait here for me.”


1、What was the policeman doing one day?

A、Catching a thief with others.

B、doing nothing.

C、Taking a thief to the city.

D、walking to the city by himself.()

2、On the way the thief asked to _________.

A、buy some food to eat B、let him free C、take a rest D、walk slowly()

3、When the thief went into the shop,he ran out of _________.

A、the back door

B、the back window

C、the front door

D、the front window()

4、Which of the following is right?

A、At last the policeman caught the thief again.B、The policeman looked for the thief.but he didn’t find him.

C、The thief was caught again by other policemen.

D、The policeman went back with the thief()

5、From the last three sentences we know that the policeman was very ______ A、brave(勇敢的)B、careful




A : shop assistant

C: customer A: May I help you? C: Yes, please ________________________ A: I think you will like this one.C: Don’t you have a ___________________?

A: No.I ’m afraid not.This is the ___________ one we have.C: _________________________? A: It ’s 200 yuan.C: _______________________? A: Sorry , there is no discount.C: Ok, I will take this one.7: 翻译


2.你上星期的体检怎么样?(checkup)3.我今天自己一个人去钓鱼了。(by oneself)4.你能告诉我去书店的路怎么走(the way to)5.他是我知道的最聪明的人。(smart)
