1.利弊英文讲稿 篇一
A:How do you think of keeping pets?B:Oh,I think It`s wonderful.A:Why?B:Because pets are lovely.They can bring something to life.They will be your best friend,and so on.A:But it is said that pets are dirty and they may hurt people,isn`t it?B:My friend.That is just a way.But sometimes they are right.A:Please tell me the reason.B:Okey.At first,If you raise some pets that are strong and dangerous you will be hurt by them.A:I konw.I will keep some pets that lovely and small.I will feed them gently.I believe that we can be good friends.B:Yes,you are right.Pets are the same as people .They also need care.A:I agree with you.But what else ?B:Second of all,you should keep them clean.A clean pet will bring more happineto your family.A:Thank you very much.How kind of you!B:You`re welcome.That`s my pleasure.
A: It must be very difficult for dogs to live in cities.
B: Why’s that?
A: well, most of them are locked up in apartments when their owners are away.
B: that’s true. But there must be a lot of excitement for them sometimes too, when they are taken out for a walk, all the people in the streets, and other pets, and all the interesting smells, especially from restaurants.
A: yes, I like pets, I think pets are good company, especially to lonely old people, they can help people kill loneliness.
B: You’re right, I also like pets, but keeping pets costs time and money, I can’t afford either. So I give up keeping them.
A: well, having a pet can limit your freedom truthfully, you don’t want to go out and leave your pet alone at home.
B: really, sometimes you can ask your next door neighbor or friends to look after your pets.
A: it’s a good idea, recently, I have heard that in major American cities, many people employ ‘dog walkers’ to take their dogs out for some exercise.
B: some people do use dog walkers, yes, I’ve seen that. One person is walking alone with five or ten dogs at one time on leashes.
A: it must be quite sight.
B:absolutely,but it’s really a good job for those who love animals. A:oh,sorry,I get go,I’ll see you tomorrow.
B:see you.
2.利弊英文讲稿 篇二
1.1 能创造全英文环境, 培养学生听力及语感, 弥补学生在英语语言环境上的不足。
在缺乏英语语言环境的情况下学习英语是我国英语学习者面临的一个困难, 也是造成我国英语学习者在长期英语学习后仍然处于“聋哑状态”的原因之一。所以, 在英语课堂上实行全英文教学可以给学生营造一个全英文环境, 让学生在这种环境中学会用英语思考和表达, 从而达到培养学生听力及语感的目的。
1.2 能增加英文输入量, 为学生英文输出打下基础。
有输入才有输出。英语学习者在英语输入缺乏的情况之下, 其英语输出必然贫乏。除了阅读
之外, 英语交流也是增加英文输入量的途径之一。所以, 在英语课堂上实行全英文教学, 可
以给学生增加英文输入量, 为他们的英文输出打下基础。
1.3 能培养学生用英语思考和表达思想。
在全英文的教学环境之下, 学生被迫用英语思考。在师生互动的环节中, 学生必须尽可
能的用英文表达。这样可以培养学生用英语思考和表达的习惯。同时, 培养学生英文输出可以巩固输入的内容, 使所学语言知识在反复的输出中在学生的脑海中加深印象。
2.1 教师全英文教学的水平有待提高。
首先, 教师在课堂上的英语表达是学生模仿的模版, 也会潜移默化影响学生的英文知识构成和英文表达方式。教师的英文发音是否标准, 英文表达是否地道, 用词组句是否准确直接影响到学生。而当前我国英语教师的整体师资水平并不高, 无法保证他们英文发音标准, 英文表达地道, 用词组句准确。如果教师用不标准, 不地道的英语实行全英文教学, 反而会给学生造成英语学习的负迁移。香港大学实行了全英文教学, 但是其师资水平却并非是国内所有院校都能企及的。香港大学的教师中, 99%有国外学习的经历, 外籍教师占了教师总数的40%~50%。戴曼纯, 张希春2004年的高校英语教师素质抽样调查显示, 我国52.4%的大学英语教师没有研究生学历。夏纪梅 (2002) 的调查显示, 我国84%的英语教师没有出国进修或参加国外外语教学研讨会的经历。可见, 我国当前英语师资水平不高, 要实行全英文教学, 首先要解决师资水平的问题。
其次, 有些专业水平高的教师, 虽发音标准, 口语地道, 用词组句准确, 但全英文教学的技巧也有待提高。不根据学生的英语水平现状, 高估学生的水平, 用偏难的词汇和语句教学, 也得不到好的教学效果。美国著名的应用语言学家Krashen提出的Comprehensible input理论告诉我们, 在学习当中, 可以理解的输入才是有效的输入。用偏难的全英文教学, 但学生并不理解, 会被认为是无效的输入。
2.2 课本的难度和当前非英语专业学生的英语水平差异, 使得讲授课文时用全英文教学存在难度。
当前, 许多非英语专业的学生英语水平还处于中学水平, 有的甚至低于中学水平。然而英语学习是一个循序渐进的过程, 大学英语应该在中学英语的水平上扩展加深, 不可能停留在中学英语的难度上徘徊不前。所以, 大学英语课本在难度上有所加深。这使得课本难度与当前非英语专业学生的英语水平之间存在差异。这个差异使得教师在讲授英语课文时用全英文的paraphrase存在困难。对于较复杂的句子, 教师用英语paraphrase之后, 学生依然是一头雾水。影响了学生对整篇课文的理解, 也让学生产生了学习英语的挫败感。
2.3 只注重目的语言, 忽视目的语言和母语的对比和转换。强调了学习第二语言的目的是自我表达和交流, 却忽视了学习第二语言为他人服务的目的。
全英文教学着重强调了英语学习, 但是忽略了非英语专业学习者将目的语和母语进行对比和转换的练习。这样就会导致这些英语学习者仅可以理解英语语言, 但是无法用母语准确的将英语语言翻译过来。《大学英语课程教学要求》中把英语翻译能力作为英语教学目标之一, 要求:能借助词典对题材熟悉的文章进行英汉互译, 英译汉的速度为每小时约300个英语单词, 汉译英的速度为每小时约250个汉字。译文基本准确, 无重大的理解和语言表达错误。
所以, 全英文教学忽视翻译练习违背了《大学英语课程教学要求》。再者, 大学英语的教学目标是培养学生的英语综合应用能力, 使他们在今后学习、工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行交际, 以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要。教学目标中指的用英语有效的进行交际, 不仅指有效的自我表达, 也指能有效的作为国际交流的中介。如果只能自我表达, 却无法作为一个翻译中介, 就并没有适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要。北京大学外国语学院教授黄必康认为, 在教学的一些环节中也不应完全排除语法, 翻译法的一些合理成分, 例如, 教学中恰当的母语参与提示在语言学习活动中不仅可以产生语言习得的正迁移作用, 还可以为学生对有意义的语言输入提供积极的认知导向作用。可见, 在英语教学中, 将目的语言和母语进行对比和转换是有必要性的。
推行全英文教学有利有弊, 如何趋利避害应给予重视。在缺乏英语语言学习环境的情况下, 在课堂上营造英语环境是有必要的, 但是在营造这种英文气氛的时候, 需要注意以下几点:3.1.英语教师要注重自己专业水平的提高, 同时, 要充分做好课前准备。全英文教学给英语教师提出了挑战, 鉴于教师在课堂上的示范会给学生带来深刻的影响, 所以教师必须通过学习提高自己的专业水平。同时, 充分做好课前准备, 对于课堂上所用的英语语言进行课前充分准备, 做到语言准确地道。
3.2.要针对非英语专业学生的现状, 在英语教学中使用恰当的母语参与。教学的目的是给学生解惑, 在全英文教学不能达到给学生解惑的目的的时候, 适当的母语参与有积极的作用。如果完全拒绝母语的参与, 有时不但不能给学生解惑, 甚至还会增加学生的困惑。
3.3.要注重目的语和母语的对比和转换, 进行适当的翻译练习。一方面, 这种对比和转换, 可以加深非英语专业学生对目的语的认识。另一方面, 这种对比和转换练习, 让这些英语学习者在增强英语自我表达能力的同时还具备了作为翻译中介的能力, 使其能更好的适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要。
对非英语专业学生实行全英文教学有利有弊。教师在英语教学中, 不能忽视当前师资和学生
的英语水平, 盲目的进行全英文教学, 在教学中应使用恰当的母语参与。其次, 不能只强调
学习第二语言为自我表达和交流的目的性, 却忽视学习第二语言为他人服务的目的性, 也要
[1].原春琳, 香港大学:《全英文教学, 国际化环境》.中国青年报 (N) 2005.5.19, B07版。1.原春琳, 香港大学:《全英文教学, 国际化环境》.中国青年报 (N) 2005.5.19, B07版。
[2].黄必康, 《大学英语改革及教材建设启示录》, 中国图书商报 (N) 2005.11.4, 第A10版。2.黄必康, 《大学英语改革及教材建设启示录》, 中国图书商报 (N) 2005.11.4, 第A10版。
[3].Krashen, S.D.Second LanguageAcquisition and Second LanguageLearning.Oxford, Pergamon (J) .1981.3.Krashen, S.D.Second LanguageAcquisition and Second LanguageLearning.Oxford, Pergamon (J) .1981.
[4].张尧学《.关于大学本科公共英语教学改革的再思考》[J].中国高等教育, 2003 (12) :8-13.4.张尧学《.关于大学本科公共英语教学改革的再思考》[J].中国高等教育, 2003 (12) :8-13.
[5].戴曼纯, 张希春《.高校英语教师素质抽样调查》[J].解放军外国语学院学院, 2004 (3) :44.5.戴曼纯, 张希春《.高校英语教师素质抽样调查》[J].解放军外国语学院学院, 2004 (3) :44.
[6].夏纪梅《.大学英语教师的外语教育观念、知识、能力、科研现状与进修情况调查报告》[J].外语界, 2002 (5) :40.6.夏纪梅《.大学英语教师的外语教育观念、知识、能力、科研现状与进修情况调查报告》[J].外语界, 2002 (5) :40.
3.利弊英文讲稿 篇三
Recent fifty years has witnessed incredible changes and transformations, the ebb and flow.A defeated country boomed and fell.A wall was torn down and a country became united.A nuclear war was pushed to the edge of breaking.A super-power broke apart, falling in to pieces.More and more countries rose up, gaining a say on international affairs.China and America went through these rough and disturbed 50 years together and both did a terrific job in making their two countries better.Despite the difference in ideology and partisanship, many similarities in the characters these two countries developed during these 50 years still can be found if we check carefully.First of all, both China and America attached much importance to innovation and progress in science and technology.Fifty years ago, the New China was just as young as thirteen and she did not fully recover from the civil war impact.But fortunately, the leaders of our country came to the realization: China would always subject to powerful countries’ dictation as long as we are dependent on economic and technical assistance from Soviet Union.Chinese people would keep hopelessly grappling with poverty and hardship as long as we left aside innovation and development in science and technology.Soon the invisible engine started and Chinese economy began to accelerate.Now, we are not only the biggest producer of cement, fertilizer and textile, we also managed to be one of the most competent countries in machinery manufacturing, fine chemicals, aerospace technology and nuclear energy for military and peaceful purpose.We own all these unimaginable achievement to the innovation and development of science and technology.America accomplished more than China did.Due to America’s ambition and encouragement of science, many inventions emerged and changed the world: genetic engineering, hybrid vehicles, new treatment of cancer, just to name a few.Besides, the federal government funnels billions of dollars into scientific research every year.This is exactly the way America is so attractive to most of the sharp brains and has made itself a Mecca of scientists all around the world.Second, the influence both China and America imposed regionally and internationally increased.As a newly born country, China was pretty much isolated by the majority of countries.To gain the recognition of international community, primer Zhou called for “peaceful co-existence and cooperation” in Bandung, Indonesia.Soon we gained support from tens of African and Latin American countries.Establishing diplomatic relation with America was the most successful maneuver in the ice-breaking plan.And through victory of wars over India and Vietnam, we proved China was not the country that could be bullied now and then.In comparison, America resorted to a more peaceful way: by maintaining its top position of economic entities.Everyone can tell that just by looking at Wall Street’s dynamics and vibrancy.In addition, America were also actively engaged in humanitarian tasks in many poverty-stricken or disaster-stricken countries in Africa and Asia.American-led military operations in Panama, Somalia and Afghanistan successfully eradicated regional drug transaction, a humanitarian crisis and a terrorism regime respectively.The most important of all, by advertising its culture, like hip-hop, Hollywood, fast food, and its great product, like Windows, Coca-Cola and iphone, America made itself so indispensible to the world and therefore ,enormously influential.Third, America and China, two major players in the world, began to be willing to take up more responsibilities in accordance with their big country identity.Both China and America comply with Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and executed nuclear disarmament.After the debt storm swept Europe, America and China played important role in bailing European countries out.When they were in the middle of financial crisis, China and America stepped forward and declared that we are resolved to fix the trouble and spurred up the sluggish economy.In short, what we did was indeed what two big countries were supposed to do at that time.These fifty years meant so much for both countries.We learned and developed.We went through bumpy times and all-speed-ahead times alike.I realized if this is the pattern we develop ourselves, if there is a same belief or creed we hold onto, America and China must be main force to pull this world forward.The world leaves us no better choice than to help and understand each other, to momentarily leave aside issues we can’t yet agree upon, to create a win-win situation with collaborative efforts.Only in this way can we make the world a better place or deliver a better world to our next generation.
4.学生玩手机利弊演讲稿优秀 篇四
5.英文演讲稿 篇五
Ladies and Gentlemen, Good afternoon/morning!I‟m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech;today my topic is “the important three things I want to fulfill before thirty”.Undoubtedly, all of us have their own plans to do something at the certain state of their age and we make sure the priorities should be done at the very important time of our life.That‟s right;now let me share you the very three things I desperately want to finish before thirty,Firstly, I want to be a fully qualified teacher and try my best to make a great progress in my teaching field, teaching my students to learn to behave and then learn to study, I consider that it‟s the very essence of a good teacher and it „s also the ideal of my occupation development.Second ,I hope that I can catch every chance to travel to more places to promote myself.It‟s said that travel can widen one‟s field of vision.Exactly, as far as I‟m concerned, travelling do a great help to us ,not only to relax ourselves but also to gain more cultural knowledge to enrich our life.Thirdly, to help the children from remote areas and hope that they can receive a better education, we know that the economic and education situation is not so good in the remote villages.Therefore, as a teacher, I really expect that my contribution to these remote areas can come in handy and then prove the level of our education.So much for my speech!