人教版高一Unit 15 The necklace (senior 1B)


人教版高一Unit 15 The necklace (senior 1B)(共7篇)

1.人教版高一Unit 15 The necklace (senior 1B) 篇一

Unit15 The Necklace

Reading The necklace


1. To get to learn more information about drama

2. To have a better understanding of the outline of the drama

3. To learn some basic reading skills

4. To develop students’ imagination and creativity by continuing the play

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Warming ups

Task 1: Get students to discuss the following two questions

1. What kind of plays do you like best? (funny plays, serious plays or sad plays) Why?

2. Can you tell me some famous playwrights in China or abroad?

(Caoyu, Laoshe, Shakespeare, Charlie Chaplin, Maupassant, etc)

Task 2: Competition To see who is the fastest to match the writers and their works and countries

Caoyu The Thunder Storm

Britain Shakespeare The Merchant of Venice

France Maupassant The Million Note

China Mark Twain The Necklace

America Laoshe Tea House

Step 2: Reading

Task 1: Pre-reading

Ask one student to do the daily report

Topic: Maupassant ----- a great French writer

Task 2: Skimming

Ask students to listen to the passage and then find out how many scenes there are and how many characters there are in the play

(The answers: 3 scenes; 3 characters)

Task 3: Scanning

Ask students to read each scene fast by themselves and sum up the main idea of each scene

Suggested answers:

Scene 1: Mathilde met with Jeanne in a park in Paris

Scene 2: The Pierres talked about their going to the ball in the home

Scene3: Mathilde continued to tell Jeanne what had happened to her and why she had changed a lot

Task 4: Careful reading

Group work: ask students to discuss each scene and find more information about the play by filling in a table

Task 5: Post-reading

1. Let students discuss in groups and give a description of the characters in the play using adjective

Suggested answers:

2. Summary

Let students discuss the following questions to further understand the story

1) What can Mathilde do next?

2) What can Mathilde say to her husband when she gets home?

3) What can Jeanne do next?

4) What do you think of the ending?

Step 3: Acting

Task 1: Ask students to discuss in groups to continue the story and write a scene in mind in which Mathilde comes back home to tell her husband about her meeting with Jeanne

Task 2: Choose several groups to act out their play in front of the class

(Remind students of using some stage properties and stage directions while acting out the play

Step 4: Homework

1. Written

1) Exercise book

2) Write an ending which is based on the story

2. Oral

Read the passage for 3 times and find out some good sentences to recite

2.人教版高一Unit 15 The necklace (senior 1B) 篇二

Key phrases

1.make a contribution to 2.make a difference

3.help with doing 4.have company

5.inspire sb. to do 6.concentrate on

7.improve one’s grades 8.apply for

9.have big hearts 10.be eager to do

11.have a great/good time doing 12.poverty relief

13.open up 14.build confidence

15.go without 16.promote awareness of hunger

17.fit in 18.without payment

19.make an adjustment to sth. / adjust (oneself) to sth/doing

20.go out of fashion 21.have a reputation for

22.approve of sth/doing 23.be through

24. in many aspects


1. acknowledge vt. 为。。。表示感谢,承认。

acknowledgement n.



acknowledge sth/sb to be + adj/n

sth/sb. as + n.

that clause


The opponents acknowledged defeat.

having been defeated.

that they were defeated.


He is widely acknowledged to be the best player in the world.

as the best player in the world.

It is widely acknowledged that he is the best player in the world.


I gratefully acknowledge financial support from several local business.

The opponents acknowledged that they were defeated. 对手们承认输了。

2. beneficial adj. 有利[益]的(to)

be beneficial to有益于

Sunshine is beneficial to plants. 阳光对植物有益。

Benefit vt 有益于

新鲜空气对你有益。 ____________________________________________.


vi. 获益 受益 (from) __________________________________________.

n. 利益, 好处;恩惠。Be of great benefit to sb. ______________________.


3. make contributions / a contribution to 对。。。做出贡献(捐赠)

Thomas Edison ______________________________________ the world. 托马斯 爱迪生为世界做出了巨大贡献。

It is our duty to make a contribution to ____________________________. 为环保做贡献是我们的义务。

其他常见带介词to 的短语归纳:

Be used to习惯于; be given to 沉溺于; be related to 与。。。相关; get down to 着手做; lead to 导致; object to 反对;put one’s mind to 全神贯注于; be equal to 胜任; be opposed to 反对; devote oneself to 献身于; give rise to 引起; look forward to 盼望; pay attention to 注意; stick to 坚持; attend to 处理,照料; lead to 通向; see to 负责; access to 接近, 进入(某地的)方法; be addicted to 沉溺于,对。。。上瘾; contribute to 为。。。做贡献。

4. worthwhile 值得的

Worthwhile , worth, worthy 区别

Worthwhile 强调“值得花时间或精力”。基本句式是:It is worthwhile doing / to do something . 例如:

参观这个博物馆是值得的。 ____________________________________________

Hangzhou is a beautiful place, it is worthwhile going/to go there. ________________

Helping old people is a worthwhile activity. 帮助老人是一项很有意义的活动

Thank you for your worthwhile suggestion. 谢谢你提出的好建议。

Worth 强调“某事值得做或表示物品的价值”。不可作定语,基本句式是:sth be worth something 或sth be worth doing 。 如:

The book is (well ) worth reading. 这本书值得读。

Worthy 强调“应该得到(尊重,信任,表彰等)”,不表示价值。 基本句式是:be worthy of something/ being done , be worthy to be done.

His courage was worthy of high praise. 他的勇气值得赞许。

广州值得去看一看。Guangzhou is worthy of a visit

of being visited

to be visited.

The school has graduated many worthy young people. 这间学校培养了许多优秀的年轻人。

Those who reject us are not worthy to be called our friends.背弃我们的人不值得做我们的朋友。

A worthy friend 一位可敬的朋友

5. fit in (with sb/sth) 与。。。合得来,适应

fit in 适应,协调

fit in with sth./ sb. 与。。。相适应; 与。。。合得来/处得融洽

fit sb./sth in 找到时间(见某人、做某事)

be fit for sb./sth.

be fit to do

①When he arrived in Tibet , he had some problems _________________________.

②Do these plans ______________________your arrangements?

③He tried to ___________________ others, but it was difficult.

④Doctor White can _________________ on Wednesday afternoon.

⑤He is the best person to ____________________ the position.

He’s never done this type of work before; I’m not sure how he’ll fit in with the other people. 他过去从未干过这种工作,很难说他是否会与其他人配合得好。

Where do I fit in? 哪里有我适合的地方?

Do these plans fit in with your arrangements? 这些计划和你的安排冲突吗?

6. due to 因…引起;可归于… caused by 不可放在句首

This accident was due to his carelessness.


His illness was due to overwork. 他的病是由于工作过度。

He arrived late due (owing) to the storm. 由于暴风雨他来晚了。


______________________ ____________________ ______________________

______________________ ____________________ _______________________

6 whereas conj.

(公文用语)有鉴于; 而, 却, 倒; 其实, 反之

Whereas the peoples of the colonies have been burdened with taxes... 鉴于各殖民地民众备受重税负担之苦....

They want a house, whereas we would rather live in a flat.

他们想要一座房子, 而我们宁愿住在一套房间里。

Some people like coffee, whereas others like tea.


Some people like fatty meat, whereas others hate it.


Whereas the following incidents have occurred ...


Language points in the passage

1. make a, no, some, etc. difference (to / in sb/sth) 有(或没有,有些等) 作用,关系,影响

The rain didn’t make much difference to the game. 这场雨对比赛没什么影响。

Your age shouldn’t make any difference to whether you get the job or not. 你能否得到工作与年龄有关。

Changing schools made a big difference to my life. 转学对我一生有重大影响。

What difference will it make if he knows or not? 他知不知道有什么关系吗?

I don’t think it makes a lot of difference what colour it is (= it is not important). 我认为颜色无关紧要。

‘Shall we go on Friday or Saturday?’ ‘It makes no difference (to me).’我们周五还是周六走。无所谓。

2. open up 畅所欲言 ;开拓,开辟;开业,营业

It helps to discuss your problems but I find it hard to open up. 与人谈论自己面临的问题固然有益,可我觉得有些话说不出口。

The railway opened up the east of the country. 铁路使国家东部不再闭塞。

Exciting possibilities were opening up for her in the new job. 新工作为她带来了令人兴奋的发展前途。

I open up the store for the day at around 8.30. 我的店每天早上大约8.30开业。

3. starve 常用搭配:starve to death 饿死;starve for sth 渴望得到某物;

如:The engine was starved of petrol and wouldn’t start. 发动机没有油了,启动不了。

In recent years the Department has been starved of financial resources. 在近来几年部里非常需要金融方面的资源。

4. remain (系动词)仍然

to remain silent / standing / seated / motionless 依然沉默/站着/坐着/一动不动

Train fares are likely to remain unchanged. 火车票很可能会保持不变。

It remains true that sport is about competing well, not winning. 体育重在勇于竞争而不是获胜,一向如此。

[v-n] In spite of their quarrel, they remain the best of friends. 尽管有过争吵,他们仍是最好的朋友。

He will remain (as) manager of the club until the end of his contract. vi. 留下,剩下

Very little of the house remained after the fire. 火灾之后,房子所剩无几。

There were only ten minutes remaining. 只剩下10分钟了。

vi. 仍需去做(处理)

Much remains to be done. 还有许多事要做。

It remains to be seen whether you are right. 你说的对不对还有待证实。

There remained one significant problem. 还有一个非常重要的问题。

[v (that)] I feel sorry for her, but the fact remains (that) she lied to us. 我为她感到难过,可事实是她对我们撒谎了。


1. (NMET 95) If you work with strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, ____ great it is.

A whatever B however C wherever D whenever

2. (NMET 97)It is generally considered unwise to give a child ___ he or she wants.

A however B whatever C whichever D whenever

3. (NMET )Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains ____ whether they will enjoy it.

A to see B to be seen C seeing D seen

Fill in the blank with proper phrases.

1. The students in the remote village school study hard. They _________________ learn whatever is new to them.

2. I _________________ chatting online with lots of different people involved with the university.

3.It is time that we______________________protecting the environment.

4. He’s never done this type of work before; I’m not sure how he’ll ______________ the other people.

5. Long skirts____________________________ this spring.

6.How long can a human being _________________________sleep?

7. Although the remote Tibetan area of Yunnan was very different from Guangdong, he had no problems _______________________ his new life.

8.This matter is very urgent. Please deal with it _________________________.


70%的学生赞成参加志愿工作 为社会作贡献,帮助别人是一件很有意义的工作,带来很多个人利益,为日后的工作获得宝贵的技能和经验,为自己创造机遇,增强信心、自觉意识、良好的交际能力和领导才能

25%的学生不愿意从事志愿工作 无报酬,浪费时间,耽误学习

5%的学生无明确态度 漠不关心

make a contribution to , benefit, open up, approve of, no matter how…, worthwhile,

without payment, leadership

Different students have different attitudes toward voluntary work.

70% of the students approve of doing voluntary work. The consider that it can make a contribution to society and it is a worthwhile job to help others. It can also bring personal benefits and will contribute to their future because they can gain valuable experience and skills for their future career. Voluntary work often opens up opportunities for them, build confidence, self-awareness, good communication skills and leadership ability.

25% of the students disapprove of doing voluntary work. They think the work is done without payment and it is a waste of time.

The rest of the students don’t have clear attitude to it , nor do they care about it.

3.人教版高一Unit 15 The necklace (senior 1B) 篇三

Knowledge aims: The use of important words and phrases in Unit1-5

Ability aim: Can talk about the following things

1.ask for information politely

2.what you are supposed to do

3.how things affect you

4.recent events

5.debate an issue

Main and difficult points: 1.The grammar in the five units

2. The topics in the five units

Learning steps:

Step 1:情景导入

Pair work: Practice the conversations with the following structures

1.- Can you tell me where the post office is?

-Turn leftight. Go past the drugstore.

-Could you please tell me where I can get a dictionary?

-Could you please tell me if there are any good museums in Newtown?

2.- What are you supposed to do when you meet for the first time?

- I’m supposed to shake hands.

3.- How do you feel about pollution?

- It makes me kind of angry. How about you?

- It makes me want to join a clean-up campaign.

4.- Have you ever done sth yet?

- Yes, I have No, I haven’t.

5.-There are used to be a lot of manatees.

- We are trying to save the manatees.

Step2:自主学习: 复习掌握下列短语和句型并安要求造句

1. 1. take a vacation意为“度假,休假”

2. dress up in + clothes=dress oneself up in“用什么打扮起来”

3. take dance lessons上舞蹈课= have dance lessons类似的有

take acting lessons上活动课;take singing/music lessons上音乐课

4. a good place to eat “吃饭的好地方”

a good place to do sth “干什么的好地方”

5. 握手shake hands

6.特地(不怕麻烦)做某事 go out of one’s way to do sth.

7.第一次 for the first time

8.使某人感到宾至如归 make sb. feel at home

9.餐桌礼仪 table manners

10.习惯于…… beget used to

11.自学 learn … by oneself

12.顺便访问 drop by

13.瞄准 ; 针对;致力于;旨在 aim at

14.例如; 比如 for instance

15.毕竟 after all16.有时;偶尔at times

17.应该做某事be supposed to do sth.

18 .本应该做某事should have done sth.

19.首先 to start with

20.到目前为止;迄今为止 so far

21.幸亏;由于;因为 thanks to

22. 盼望;期待 look forward to

23. 关心;关怀;照顾 care for


Group work: Make as many sentences as you can with the following grammar in groups. how to get to sw?

1. Can you tell me where there is a good place to do sth?

Could you please tell me where I can get sth?

If there are any food museums in sw?

2. sb be supposed to do sth.

3.Sthsb. make sthsb do sth.


Yes, sb.hashave.

4. HaveHas sb. done sth?

No, sb. haven’t hasn’t.

2. sb.be dong sth.

3. sb.do sth

4. used to do sth

5. sth be done.

6. sb. have done sth


1. Go past the park and turn left onto Oak Street.

(1)past此处作介词“过” go past=

We have dinner at about a quarter six.

(2)作名词“过去,昔日” 在过去


(4)作副词“经过” The children ran.

2. The staff dress up as clowns. 服务员都一身小丑打扮

(1) dress up意为“打扮,装扮”as意为“成为”dress up=dress oneself up


Christmas is coming He wants to Father Christmas.

(2)dress up in + clothes=dress oneself up in“用什么打扮起来”


Children often enjoy their parents’ clothes. or

Children often enjoy their parents’ clothes

(3)dress n. (a)可数名词:“女服,连衣裙” She is wearing a beautiful dress.


working dress 工作服 evening dress 夜礼服

vt. (a)dress + 表示人的名词或代词为“给… 衣服,给…打扮”“供衣服给…” dress oneself“穿衣,打扮”

eg: 他太小了,不能穿衣服。He is too young t .


Could you pleasefor me?

(b)be dressed in=get dressed in +衣服或颜色

她今天穿着白色的衣服。She is dressed in white today.

3. a kind of, kinds of, kind of 的区别

(1)a kind of “一种”, 常作定语,表示种类,其后的名词可单数也可复数。

(2)kinds of “各种各样的”常作定语,也可写为: ,“不同种类的”为:

作主语时谓语动词看kind, kind为单数用单数形式,kinds为复数用复数形式。


Thereall kinds of books in our library.


He likes to eat fruits.


This kind of cars Japan.

(3)kind of “一点,稍微”相当于a little 常作定语,修饰形容词。

3. be made from 由……制成eg: Wine is made from grapes.

Be made from “由……制成”它指原材料经过化学变化,从成品已经看不出原材料。Eg: Paper is made from wood.

有关be made的词组有

Be made of用……制成(能分辨出原材料)

Be made in 在……地方制造

4.人教版高一Unit 15 The necklace (senior 1B) 篇四

2. Give advice and make suggestions

3. description-----describe

4. be based on…

based on=according to

5. What is being done to protect the cultural sites?

6. Your job is to make a culture capsule.

7. It will be sent into space so that anyone who finds it will understand who we are.

8. represent Chinese culture

9. You may include a short message in any language in the box, but remember that those who find the capsule may not understand your language.

10. In your opinion, what makes a great city?

11. Where there is a river, there is a city.

12. during one’s life in one’s lifetime

13. It was under attack for 900 days, but the people of the city never gave in.

14. be almost in ruins

15. lie in pieces on the ground

16. Restoring the city and its culture relics seemed impossible, but the people of the city would not give up.

17. We will not let our history and culture be destroyed, and we will do everything we can to save our city.

18. rebuild the city

19. bring the city back to life

20. bring back the beauty of their culture and history.

21. with the help of

22. old paintings, including a portrait of

23. look out over the city

24. Dreams can come true.

25. over a period of 150 years

26. The king wished to pull down the city wall and replace it with a stone building.

27. the city’s largest ever cultural relics repair project

28. keep the same look as the old one

29. To make your voice heard, you can write a letter to a newspaper editor.

30. The carbon dioxide from their breath is damaging the paintings.

31. The number of visitors should be limited.

5.人教版高一Unit 15 The necklace (senior 1B) 篇五


1. while still a student = while she was still a student 还是个学生的时候(状语从句的省略现象)

(you) Don’t talk while (you are) eating.

When (he was) asked how he gained first place, he suddenly

became cheerful.

The boys will go out to play football whenever (it is) possible.

I won’t go to his birthday party unless (I am) invited.

2. play/act a role 扮演角色

play the role of...

play a part/role in... 在...中起作用

3. after graduating/graduation (from...) 毕业以后

4. work as an actress 做演员

5. during/in the 1980s 二十世纪八十年代

6. win a prize 获奖 win a game/a battle/honour

beat/defeat sb 打败某人 win sb. 把某人争取过来

7. get married (to sb); 结婚(瞬间)=marry sb.

be married (to sb) 结婚(延续)

7. in the beginning = at first 开始的时候

反义;in the end = at last; finally; eventually 最后

8. make money 赚钱 earn money


9. make a film /blockbuster/follow-ups 拍电影/巨片/续集

10. The reason……is that….. 原因是…

This is because... 这是因为...

for this reason ; for some reason; for some reasons

the reason for +n./doing sth

the reason why/ for which... 定语从句

reason 与 cause 的区别

cause of the fire/accident

11. work on 从事于; 制作

12. take off 起飞;脱掉;很快上升; 开始流行/畅销

13. by the sea 在海边; by sea 乘船; in the sea 在海里

on the sea 在海面上 at sea 在海上;航海中;茫然

14. be afraid to do sth 不敢作某事

be afraid of doing sth害怕做某事

be afraid that 担心;恐怕

15. come from outer space 来自外部空间

16. cut/tear…into pieces 把…切/撕成碎片

cut/tear ... into halves 把...切/撕成两半

17. do research (in/into...) 搞研究

18. go wrong 出错;出故障;走错道 do a little wrong

19. in the end 最后;终于 at the end of在…末尾/尽头

by the end of 到…末为止

19. meat-eating dinosaurs 食肉恐龙

20. owe sth to sb. = owe sb sth 把…归功于;感谢;欠(债)


21. can’t help doing sth 情不自禁, 忍不住做某事

can’t help do sth 不能帮忙做某事

22. pass the exam 考试及格 fail (in) the exam 考试不及格


23. a thirteen-year-old girl 十三岁小姑娘

a girl of thirteen years old; a girl of thirteen years of age;

a girl aged thirteen

24. stay/be away for a month 离开一个月

25. take one’s place; take the place of 代替

26. lock …up 把…锁起来

27. run after 追赶; 追求; 追捕 be after

28. escape (from)... 从...逃离

escape from / flee (from) /run away from a country

escape doing sth ;

escape being caught 没有被抓住

catch sb doing sth; be caught doing sth

29. run away from school 逃学 skip classes

30. determine to do sth;make up one’s mind;decide

be determined to do sth 决意/ 决心做某事

31. go to town 进城 in town 在城里

go to the country in the country

32. on the air 正在广播; 播送 =be broadcast

go on the air 开始广播 go off the air 停止广播

in the air在空中; (消息等)在传播, 悬而未决的

by air = by plane

33. live adj 活的(动物); 现场直播的; adv. 以实况的

living adj 活着的; 有生命的;现行的(前置定语;表语)

alive adj 活着的, ( 后置定语; 表语)

a living language 现行的语言

the greatest living poet 当代最伟大的诗人

a live fish 活鱼

the live gala on New Year’s Eve 直播的新年除夕晚会

the only man alive 唯一还活着的人

34. all the other pupils 所有其他学生

35. together with 和…一起

36. in one’s own words 用自己的话 in other words 换句话说

37. make comments on / make a comment on 对…发表评论

38. give one’s opinions about 对…发表意见

39. think highly/well of =speak highly of

40. encourage sb to do sth


39. lead to + n. 通往;导致 result in; cause sb to do sth

lead sb to do sth 导致某人作某事 lead to sb doing sth

lead sb (in) doing sth; 带领某人做

lead sb + 介词短语

40. make/earn a living 谋生

41. at a high /low price 以高/低价

42. make a decision 做出决定

43. accept one’s apology 接受某人的道歉

apologize to sb; make an apology to sb. 向某人道歉

44. break down 出故障; 坏了;分解 break up 拆散

45. at full / high speed 高速 at a speed of 100 miles per hour

speed up 加速 speed by 飞驰而过

46. the World Cup Final 世界杯决赛

47. think highly/well of 对…高度评价 speak highly of

48. observe / obey the law 遵守法律 break the law

49. give sb a second look 再看某人一眼

50. make a fool of sb 愚弄某人 = fool sb.

51. turn out 结果变成

52. depend on / rely on 依靠, 依赖

53. stand by sb 支持某人 support sb /take sb’s side

54. meet with 遇见

55. encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人干某事

56. lead the life of a real princess 过上真正的公主生活

57. make one’s career 在事业上有所成就

58. be clear about 对…清楚

59. combine ….with…把…和…结合起来

60. compare…with…把…和…比较

compare...to... 把...比作...

compared to/with 与...相比

6.人教版高一Unit 15 The necklace (senior 1B) 篇六


1. 与某人争论某事

2. 对……有兴趣,热衷于

3. 喜欢(动作) (状态)

4. 上网

5. 单独的;单独地

6. 寻找

7. 生火

8. 即使

9. 把……当作……对待

10. 关心 ,在乎

11. 和……交朋友

12. 和……一样多,多达……

13. 说谎

14. 害怕做某事 不敢做某事

15. (思维、行动)反应迅速

16. 为了

17. 给某人写信

18. 与某人分享

19. 有毛病


1.so/neither/nor +助动词/系动词/情态动词+主语…主语也是/也不是这样

So it is with…/it is the same with…So +主语+谓语 主语的确是这样

1)My parents enjoy music.____

A.So does my elder sister B.So did my elder sister

C.So my elder sister does D.My elder sister does.

2)The doctor said:”now, breathe deeply Charlie”. And ________

A.so did Charlie B. so Charlie did C. Charlie did so

3)Marx was born in Germany and German was his native language. --______

A. So was Engels B. So Engels was C. So it was with Engels

4) If you don’t go,_________

A. so do I B. so will you C. nor do I D nor will I do


be into= be very interested in

love> like + to do/doing/sth.

would like to do

enjoy doing sth

enjoy oneself =have a good time

be fond of

care for


dislike doing hate to do/doing 3.so that/so…that /such …that/such …as /so …as

1)The text is ___________that I can hardly understand it.

2)The book is written in ____ easy English ___ beginners can understand it .

3)Tom is ____ good a student _____ is often praised by the teacher.

4)Tom is ____ a good student _____ he is often praised by the teacher.

5)Work hard ________ you can learn well.

6) I don’t like ____ books ___he recommended.

7)So____ that no fish can live in it .

A the lake is shallow B shallow the lake is

C shallow is the lake D.is the lake shallow

8) I’d like to arrive 20 minutes early _____ I can have time for a cup of tea.

A. as soon as B. as a result C. in case D. so that 4.Even though =even if though, although as though=as if

1)_________ I fail, I will keep on trying.

2)It was hard work; I enjoyed it _______.

3)She talks to me ___________________ my sister.

4)-How is everything going on with you in Europe?

---Quite well. Not so smoothly as I hoped,_____.(江苏)

A. though B instead C either D too

5) ---Have you been to New Zealand?

---No,I’ d like to ,______(2005山东)

A too B though C yet D either

5. Should have done

1)她应该8:30 来参加会议,但还没有出现。

2) I was on the highway when this car went past followed by a police car. They ____ at least 150 kilometers an hour.

A should have been doing B must have been doing

C could have done D would have done

3) I _____ have been more than six years old when the accident happened.

A. shouldn’t B couldn’t C mustn’t D. needn’t

6. as much as

as many as

as far as I know

as soon as possible

as+adj./adv.原级+as…1)After supper she would sit down by the fire , sometimes for _______________an hour, thinking of her young and happy days.

as long /soon /much /many as

2)John is the tallest boy in the class,__________ according to himself.

A. five foot eight as tall as B. as tall as five foot eight

C. as five foot eight tall as D. as tall five foot eight as

3) The more I think about him, the more reasons I find for loving him __ I did.

as much / long /soon /far as

7 to, in order to , so as to , in order that , so that

so +adj+ as to 如此……以至于

1) _________ to pass the entrance examination, we must work hard.

2) 为了赶早班车,我们一大早就出发了。

3)Tom kept quite about the accident ______ lose his job.

A so not as to B so as not to C not so as to



1. In order to survive ,Chuck ________________________________


2.(尽管对方仅仅是一只排球) ___________________________________, he becomes fond of him.

3. __________________(查克懂得了)we need friends __________________(休戚与共的) ,and that it is important to________________________ (关心别人).

4.When he _____________________________(与威尔逊交朋友), he understands that friendship is about feelings and that we

____________________________(就必须给他人同样多的爱5. Perhaps _______________________________(最难熬的挑战 is how to survive without friends.

范文欣赏Hi Jane,

My name is Xiao Fei and I come from Hunan. Hunan is in the south of China. I am a middle school student and I like speaking English. I read your e-mail and I would like to be your e-pal. You wrote that you like rock music. Can you tell me what bands you like? Have you ever heard any Chinese rock bands? You also wrote that you like talking and joking around. I do too! I think you and I can be good friends. Please send me an e-mail as soon as possible.

Xiao Fei

7.人教版高一Unit 15 The necklace (senior 1B) 篇七

I Learning aims:

1. To know something about the new unit.

2. To learn the new words and expressions of the new unit

II. Teaching important points:

New words and expressions

III. Teaching difficult points:

How to use some 4 –skilled words and some useful expressions

IV. Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Greetings

Step 2 Lead-in

1. Show the learning aims of the new unit

1.Talk about travel and cities.

2.Practise making complaints.

3.Review the Non-finite Verbs(1): -ing , -ed, to do…

4.Write a descriptive essay/paragraph.

2. Brief introduction of the new unit.

More and more people like going on a trip to a faraway destination with the development of society. But before we start, we should know more about the destination we have chosen. This unit is arranged about the central topic-Destinations. In Warming up, teacher will ask students to talk about the routes and more places in the world ,improving the students’ geography knowledge .In studying the reading material “Destinations”,the students will know more sights in the world and other things with the help of the teacher .By studying this unit, students will also know that finding out more about the destination is not only a good way to save money and avoid problems, it can also be a lot of fun. As to Grammar-Non-finite Verbs, a number of exercises are arranged. After doing them, students will master some knowledge of the Infinitive, the v.-ing and the Past Participle, and know how to use them.

Step 3 New words and expressions

1. Every now and then

e.g Every now and then ,they’ll have a beer together

Every now and then, she wiped her eyes with a big handkerchief.

2. get an itch to do/ have an itch for +N

The man got an itch for knowledge. And left his hometown.

3. get /be tired of

e.g. I’m tired of your conversation.

The woman got tired of her present life.

Everyone is tired of your complaints!

Be/get tired from/with

e.g. He is tired with walking.

Are you tired from walking?

4. cool off: become colder / cool down

e.g. After a morning in the sun he liked to cool down/ off in the sea.

He has cooled off a lot towards those people.


e.g. It’s still under guarantee, so the manufacture will repair it.

I can offer my house as a guarantee.

I guarantee that he’ll go there.

6. rate

e.g. The factory produces cars at a rate of 100 a week.

The train was going all the rate of 160 kilometers an hour.

7. budget

e.g. Sensible people budget their incomes.

I’m budgeting for May Day./ for buying a car.

8. downtown

e.g. My friend moved downtown.

Who wants to go downtown with me?

9. take a dip

e.g. Give the baby a dip tomorrow.

She called to ask if I’d like to take a dip in the swimming pool

10. look into

e.g. Yesterday a man was murdered. And the police are looking into the murder now.

11.(1) upset 使不安,使心烦

* 听到这个消息,他感到不安。

He was ____when he heard the news.


*My wool coat stretched when I washed it.

*The waters of the sea stretched round them as far as the eye could see.

*He stretched out his arm to take the book.


reach表示 “到达”,=arrive at, get to

stretch 表示 “使变宽,拉紧”.

例: The shop keeper reached/stretched for a book.

The garden reaches down to the lake.

13.feast n.宴会, 盛会;节日 v.大吃大喝,享受美食

The king held a feast.

Christmas is an important feast for Christians.

He feasted his eyes on the beautiful scene.

Step 4 Practice

Translate the following sentences into Chinese:

1. 他问我是否到学校浴室泡泡.

2. 我在看电视时,电话铃响了.

3. 他告诉我他对目前的生活感到厌倦.

4. 时常出去郊游对我们有好处.

5. 盐城的自然美景使外籍老师大饱眼福.

6. 我要到树林里去乘凉.

7. 不要心烦,我保证他们会帮助你的.

8. 他的工作效率很高.

9. 昨天上午我们聚集在人民公园纪念为中国革命而牺牲的烈士们.

10. 咱们出去聊聊天好吗?

Step 5 Word study

Ex.2 Choose words or phrases from the box to complete the passage

Step6 Vocabulary

1. Complete the following sentences with proper words you have learned.

2. Combine the words to make new words and then complete the sentences.

Step 7 Summary and Homework

The 2nd period

I. Learning aims:

1.Learn and master the following:

(1)New words: airline, uncomfortable

(2)Everyday English:

I’m sorry to say…

I’m so sorry.

I hate to have to say this, but…

Could you do something about…?

Why didn’t you tell me the truth?

Why don’t you do something about it?

2.Train the students’ listening and speaking abilities.

3.Get the students to talk about travel and cities.

II. Teaching important points:

1.Finish the task of listening to train the students’ listening ability.

2.Finish the task of making complaints to train the students’ speaking ability.

III. Teaching difficult points:

How to help the students finish the tasks of listening and speaking.

IV. Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Greetings and lead-in

A poem about spring

Spring has come .

All kinds of colorful flowers are here and there.

The air is fresh and sweet.

The sky is clear and blue.

The spring breeze is kissing your face.

It’s a season for us to look, to hear ,to think and to dream!


1. What would you like to do most during holidays?

2. Where have you been ?

3. Is there anyone who has been aboard?for travel?

4. Do you hope to travel around the world?

You must know some famous cities in the world.Tell me their names,please.

:Paris,Moscow,Sydney,San Francisco,Berlin…

Oh. So many! And they are all world-famous travel destinations. Today, we’ll begin to learn Unit 15 Destinations.(Bb: Unit 15 Destinations)It’s a good chance to talk about travel and cities. Are you interested?

Describe your dream resort to your partner.

Step 2 Warming up

Imagine that you are offered a free ticket that lets you travel around the world and make five stops along the way. Can you follow me?

OK. Now, please work in pairs to tell each other where would you go and why. At the same time, draw your flight line in the box on the right and mark the cities you want to visit on the map. A few minutes later, I’ll ask some students to talk about your travel plan. Is everything clear?

Step 3 Listening

Now, let’s come to the second part-Listening. First, look at the following pictures taken of some foreign cities. Look at the first picture taken of Greece. What part of Greece do you think the picture shows? Any volunteer?

(Teacher and the students talk about the pictures briefly. After that ,teacher says the following.)

OK. Now, let’s listen to the tape and do some exercises. The first time I play the tape, just listen to get the general idea. The second time, write down the answers. If there is difficulty in writing down the answers ,I’ll play it again. At the end, we’ll check the answers together .Is that clear?

(Teacher begins to play the tape.)

Step Ⅳ Speaking

We’ve talked a lot about travel and cities. However, while you are traveling ,you may come across some problems unexpectedly, which could take place in the airline, the hotel or the restaurant .Can you guess what problems would occur?

Luggage is lost./The plane is late./The food is terrible…

What shall we do if we come across such problems?

Go to the manager and complain to him/her of the problems.

How do you think he/she will deal with the problems?

First, he/she may explain, apologize or argue. Then/he/she will do something about the problems.

If I were the manager ,I would do like that as I see fit. Do you understand “see fit”?

“See fit” means “consider it correct, convenient or acceptable.”We can also use“think fit” to express the same meaning. For example,“Do as you think fit.”Do you understand?

OK. Now ,please look at the last part-Speaking. Here are three situations about problems with services given to you. First, read the situations. Then choose one of them to act it out with your partner according to the role cards. Besides, don’t forget to study the useful expressions below the role cards and use them in your dialogue if possible. Is everything clear?

Well. Begin your work now. A few minutes later, I’ll ask some pairs to act out your dialogues before class.

Learn the following Everyday English

I’m sorry to say…

I’m so sorry.

I hate to have to say this, but…

Could you do something about…?

Why didn’t you tell me the truth?

Why don’t you do something about it?

A sample dialogue:

Student A: Manager Student B: Guest

A: How do you feel to live in our hotel?

B: On the whole ,not so bad, but the room I am living in faces a noisy street, and I’m a light sleeper, so it is impossible for me to fall asleep. Could you please do something about it?

A: I’m so sorry. I’ll make an arrangement for you as soon as possible. Anything else?

B:I hate to have to say this, but the bed in my room makes me feel uncomfortable.

A: That’s too bad. I’ll settle this problem at once.

B It’s very kind of you. Oh, by the way, would you please send someone to have a check on the supply of the hot water? There is no hot water at all.

A:I see. I’ll do that.

Practice the dialogue in groups.

Step Ⅴ Summary and Homework

Thank you for your wonderful performance. Now, let’s see what we’ve done in this class. First, we’ve talked about travel and cities. Second, we’ve practiced listening. Third, we’ve talked about problems with services one may come across while traveling and practiced making complaints .Of course, we’ve learned some useful expressions, such as “I’m sorry to say…”,“I hate to have to say this, but…”,“Could you do something about…?”…(Teacher writes them on the blackboard.)After class, practice them more and preview the next part-Reading

The 3rd and 4th periods

I. Learning aims:

1.Learn and master the following words and expressions:

every now and then, phenomenon, downtown, commercial, get tired of, avenue, altitude, breath-taking, downhill, inexpensive, feast, dip, gym,

2.Train the students’ reading ability.

3.Get the students to learn about some big cities in the world.

II. Teaching important points

1. Learn to use the following useful phrases:

every now and then,get tired of,cool off,itch for,take a dip,work out

2.Train the students’ reading ability.

III. Teaching difficult points:

How to help the students understand the text exactly, especially the following sentences:

1.A walk through downtown is a history lesson.

2.Kitzbuhel is a paradise for skiers.

3.a feast for the eyes.

4.…Should you have enough money left after a day…,you can…

IV.Teaching Methods:

1.Fast reading to get a general idea of the text.

2.Careful reading to get the detailed information.

3.Asking-and-answering to help the students understand the text exactly.

4.Pair or group work to make every student work in class.

V.Teaching procedures:

Step1 Greetings and revision

1. Review the new words and expressions

2. Ask the students to practice the dialogue in pairs。

Step 2 Pre-reading

Yesterday, we talked much about travel and cities.We know there are many big cities worth visiting in the world.Can you tell me what a tourist needs to know about the chosen destination before going there?

Which place in China do you most want to go?


If you were offered to go on a trip to Harbin or

Sonya, which would you choose to visit? Why?

Climate, food, transportation, attractions and so on. are very important for a tourist to travel happily. Now, imagine that a person from another country is going to visit your town for the first time .He or she has asked you to tell him or her about the important things a tourist needs to know.

(Teacher shows a chart on the screen.)

Area Very Important Important Not so important

Food Special dishes, famous food Good restaurants, Eating habits, food prices, supermarkets

Transportation Airport, train Buses and subway Taxis and cars

Attractions Theme parks, amusement parks,

Theatres ,temples Small parks , shopping ,new buildings , Hotels. TV stations ,cinemas, karaoke bars

Today we’re going to read a passage “Destinations”.It will lead us to two world-famous resorts-Rio de Janeiro and Kitzbuhel.First I’ll show you a travel programme about Rio de Janeiro and Kitzbuhel.Watch it and listen to the explanations carefully.

Step 3 Fast reading

Q1: Of the two places introduced, which is a summer resort to us, and which is a winter resort?

Q2: What is Carnival in Rio de Janeiro?

Q3: Where is Alps?

Rio de Janeiro /summer; Kitzbuhel/winter

Carnival is a four-day festival to celebrate the sun

Alps stands around Kitzbuhel in southern Austria, in Europe

Step 4 Careful reading

Para 1 :

Wanderlust the urge/itch to travel

Para 2-3

Location:along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean in Brazil in South America

People: Cariocas: big hearts/friendliness

Places worth visiting:modern malls, theme parks ,beautiful beaches, downtown Rio

Para 4-5

Q1: Which of the following is true?

A. Copacabana is close to a century old.

B. All beaches are not far away from downtown Rio.

C. To take a bus back to downtown Rio is not a good

idea after a long time in the sun on the beach of

Princess of the Sea

Q2: The best time to visit Rio de Janeiro is _______.

___is also good because of ____.

A. in June and July because it is the summer time

in Rio; March; Carnival

B. in June and July because it is winter in Rio;

March; a festival in celebration of the sun.

C. in June and July because it is cold in Rio;

March; a famous festival

Para 6-8

Q1: What can tourists do in Kitzbuhel?

1. Go skiing

2. Try downhill slopes。

3. Watch downhill race。

4. enjoy a variety of entertainment

5. take a walk around

Q2:What kind of place is Kitzbuhel?

1. a paradise for skiers

2.good weather and breath-taking scenery

3.a lively mix of old village culture and the excitement of an international tourist area

Step5 Post reading

Ex。2 Work in pairs and try to explain what the phrases or sentences below mean

1. Kitzbuel is a paradise for skiers.

Kitzbuhel is a wonderful place for people who like skiing

2. a walk through downtown Rio is a history lesson

You can learn a lot about history by walking through downtown Rio and looking at all the buildings and visiting the museums

3. a feast for the eyes

pleasant to look at

4. should you have enough energy left

If you are not too tired

Ex.3 I would like to go Rio de Janeriro because

1. I like swimming.

2. I’m interested in history.

3. I want to see the carnival

I would like to go Kitzbuhel because

1. I love skiing.

2.I want to see the Alps.

3.I want to watch a ski race.

Step 6。Language study

.Let’s learn some useful phrases.

1. By looking at the pictures We can guess that the reading will talk about different places . Since the unit is about travel , I can guess that these are places that tourists like to visit.

2. phenomenon: The text tells us that fact that we sometimes get the itch to travel is a phenomenon.

3. downtown: Downtown is a part of a city.

4. commercial; Commercial means having to do with business or trade.

5. Avenue means almost the same street or road.

6. Altitude means something like the height of something.

7. Surrounding means being around something.

The surrounding scenery is very beautiful.

There are many shops in the surrounding area.

8. inexpensive means not expensive.

should: if / in case

e.g. If I should see him, I ‘ll tell him.

If you should change your mind, do let me know.

Should anyone phone, please tell them I’m busy.

10. work out

(1) 训练,锻炼

Mr. White keeps fit by working out for half an hour every morning.

(2) 算的出来

The sum won’t work out.


We didn’t plan our art exhibition like that but it worked out very well.


I’m sorry that I can’t work out this difficult problem.

11. breath-taking adj

take one’s breath away 使人吃惊或高兴得说不出话来

The scene was breath-taking .

Your offer is so generous that it takes my breath away.

(Show the following on the screen.)

Fill in the blanks using the right phrases in the text.

She_____ cooking for her family.

She can’t resist her ______ traveling.

_______ she went upstairs to see if he was still asleep.

Let the hot pie _____ before serving.

I _____ regularly to keep fit.

In summer it is fun to _____ in a pool.

(Teacher allows the students enough time to prepare first. Then check the answers with the whole class and write the phrases on the blackboard.)

Suggested answers:

1.got tired of 2.itch for 3.Every now and then 4.cool off 5.work out 6.take a dip

Step 7 Practice

Pair work: Choose one situation to make up a dialogue

Situation 1:

The summer holiday is coming. Your family

plans to go on a family travel but has not

decided the destination. Persuade your father

or mother to go to Rio de Janeiro.

Situation 2:

The winter holiday is coming. Your family

plans to go on a family travel but has not

decided the destination. Persuade your father

or mother to go to Kitzbuhel.

Step 8 Practice

Group work

To develop tourism, the Yancheng government decides to create a website to attract foreign tourists and is now collecting ideas. Please make a design for the web and

draw an outline.

Step 9 Summary and homework

Well, let’s come back from Rio de Janeiro or Kitzbuhel to see what we’ve learnt in this class. First, we’ve learnt about some foreign countries’ culture and history by reading the text. Second, we’ve learnt some useful expressions .After class, please read the text again and use the chart from the Pre-reading to analyze the text about Rio de Janeiro. Compare your choices and the choices made by the writer of the text. What are some similarities and differences? What might be some reasons for the similarities and differences

1. Read the passage and understand the text further.

2. Find another world famous summer resort or winter resort, and write a brief introduction of it.

The 5th Period

I.Learning Aims:

1.Review the words appearing in the last two periods.

2.Review Non-finite Verbs(1):-ing,-ed,to do.

II.Teaching Important Points:

1.Help the students guess the missing word in a sentence to improve their ability to master new words.

2.Help the students finish each exercise correctly to revise Non-finite Verbs.

III.Teaching Difficult Point:

Master the uses of the three kinds of Non-finite Verbs correctly.

IV.Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Revision and Word Study

Yesterday,we read the text about Rio de Janeiro and Kitzbuhel. Do you still remember something about them?

Well,now please look at the statements on the screen and tell whether they are true or false according to the text.If they’re false,correct them.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen and checks the answers with the whole class.) 1.Rio de Janeiro is Brazil’s second largest city.

2.Copacabana,perhaps the most famous of all beaches ,is far away from downtown.

3.The best time to visit Rio is in March, but the biggest tourism season comes around

June or July.

4.Cariocas are well known for their big heart and friendliness

5.Rio de Janeiro is a paradise for skiers.

6.The good weather and breath-taking scenery make Kitzbuhel a world-class ski resort.

7.The world’s best and fastest skiers gather here twice a year to try their daring in the downhill race that every skier wants to win.

Suggested answers:


False:2.far→only a few bus stops

3.March→June or July; June or July→March

5.Rio de Janeiro→Kitzbuhel


Well done. Besides, we’ve learnt some useful words in the text. Have you really mastered them? Please open your books at Page 37.Look at the first part of Language Study-Word Study .Let’s do Exercise 1 first. Fill in the blanks with words from the text. You’re given three minutes to do it. Then check your answers with your partner .At the end ,I’ll collect the right answers from you. See what I mean.

Suggested answers:

1.altitude 2.avenue 3.reminds 4.feast 5.dip

Well done. Next, let’s do Exercise 2.Read and understand the following passage carefully to see if there is a mistake in each line. If there is, find it and correct it. You can begin now. Five minutes later, I’ll check your answers.

Suggested answers:









Step Ⅲ Revision of Grammar

OK .So much for Word Study. Let’s revise the Grammar-Non-finite Verbs .Look at the sentences on the screen.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

to do

1.The first thing would be to decide where to go.

2.The most important thing would be for you to decide where to go.


1.Every now and then we get the itch for traveling.

2.Kitzbuhel has the most challenging and exciting downhill slopes for skiers in the world.

3.Few visitors leave Rio feeling disappointed.


1.Amazed by the beautiful scenery at Copacabana Beach, he decided to come again next year.

2.Known as Carnival, the festival attracts visitors from all over the world.

Study the sentences and tell the functions of the Non-finite Verbs. Try the first pair of sentences.

“to do” is used as Predicative in both of them.

Are there any other function of “to do”?And what functions?

Subject ,Object, Object Complement, Attribute and Adverbial.

what about “-ing”

In these three sentences,“-ing” is separately used as Object, Attribute and Adverbial.

And do you know some other functions?

Subject, Predicative and Object Complement.

“-ed”is used as Adverbial in both sentences. Besides, it can be used as Predicative ,Object Complement and Attribute.

Step Ⅳ Practice

Next ,let’s do some exercises. Look at the sentences on the screen and point out the function of the“-ing”form in each sentence.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen and deals with the exercise orally with the whole class.)

Point out the function of the -ing form in each sentence.

1.Doing nothing is doing ill.

2.Be careful! The falling stones might hit you.

3.When you hang wet clothes near a fire, you will see steam coming from them.

4.Not knowing much English, I found it hard to understand them.

5.While walking along the shore, we saw that the water was very dirty.

6.Playing tricks on others is something we should never do.

7.Babies like tearing paper into pieces.

8.They went out of the club, talking and laughing loudly.

Suggested answers:

1.Subject,Predicative 2.Attribute 3.Object Complement 4.Adverbial 5.Adverbial 6.Subject 7.Object 8.Adverbial

Well done. Now, please open your books at Page 38 and do Exercise 2.First,do it by yourself after learning the examples. Then, check the answers with your partner. At the end, I’ll collect your right answers.

Suggested answers:

1.Being very brave ,he went into the cave alone to look for his friend.

2.Being quite ill, she could not visit her friend in England.

3.Being an experienced traveler ,he knows how to plan a trip.

4.The girls attending the sick all come from the countryside.

5.When hearing the music ,he began to miss his hometown.

6.Seeing the flame on top of the mountain ,they knew that another war would begin soon.

7.When driving to the airport ,he hit a boy on a bike.

8.Having got married, he lived separately from his parents.

Now, please look at the two groups of words on the blackboard.



Can you tell the different usages of these two groups of words ?Any volunteer?

We use the first group of words to say how we feel about something and use the second group of words to talk about the person or thing that makes us feel interested, surprised, etc.

.Both of the two groups are used like Adjectives to refer to a state or a quality, not an action .Do you agree with me?

(Teacher writes two uncompleted sentences on the blackboard again.

It is important______us to learn English well.

It is clever______you not to tell him the news.)

Now, look at this pair of sentences and fill in the blanks.Yao Yue,you try,please.

The first one is“for”;the second one is“of”.

Can you explain why?

The first sentence talks about something people do; the second sentence talks about people who do something.

How do you know what the sentences talk about?

According to the adjectives as Predictive in the sentences, such as important and clever.

.Now, please look at the screen and do the exercise on it.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen and allows the students enough time to prepare. At the end, check the answers with the whole class.)

There is one mistake in each of the following sentences. Point it out and correct it.

1.Having traveled a lot in China this year, I am getting tiring of traveling now.

2.We had to waiting three hours to get the ticket to Harbin.

3.Although the unboiling water looks clean, I prefer not to drink it.

4.I’m sorry to tell you that none of the banks I spoke to were interesting in this


5.It is tired to climb to the top of the mountain.

6.It is not enough to simply decide where you want to go. It is also important of you to consider when and how you want to travel.

Suggested answers:

1.tiring→tired 2.waiting→wait 3.unboiling→unboiled 4.interesting→interested 5.tired→tiring 6.of→for

Step Ⅴ Summary and Homework

In this class ,we’ve reviewed the new words in the text. In addition, we’ve revised Non-finite Verbs(1)--ing,-ed and to do, especially, we’ve done a lot of practice to master the usages of them. After class, do more practice. The more you practice ,the better you will master them.

The 6th and 7th Periods

I.Learning Aims:

1.Review and master the following new words:


2.Train the students’ integrating skills, especially reading and writing skills.

3.Get the students to learn how to make a plan for a travel.

II.Teaching Important Points:

1.Get the students to understand the text exactly,especially the following words and phrases:

rate,make one’s own arrangements,seasoned,travel light,sights

2.Help the students write a travel brochure well.

III.Teaching Difficult Point:

How to help the students master the ways of writing a better descriptive essay/paragraph.

IV.Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Revision and Lead-in

Yesterday, we reviewed the use of Non-finitive Verbs-to do,-ing,-ed. Now, let’s do an exercise to see if you have really mastered them. Look at the screen.

(Shows the following on the screen.)

Complete the sentences using to do,-ing or -ed according to the meanings of the first sentences.

1.It is important that you should decide where to go.

→It is important___________________.

2.You didn’t give up the opportunity of going abroad for further education. I think you are wise. →It is wise___________________.

3.Since he could not find his passport, he could not go on the trip.

→___________________,he could not go on the trip.

4. If they had been given better attention,the cabbages could have grown better.

→___________________,the cabbages could have grown better.

5.As they were influenced by his example, they performed countless good deeds.

→_____________ ,they performed countless good deeds.

6.When he saw those pictures, he couldn’t help thinking of those memorable days they spent together.

→__________,he couldn’t help thinking of those memorable days they spent together

(Teacher allows the students a few minutes to prepare. Then check the answers orally with the whole class.)

Suggested answers:

1.for you to decide where to go

2.of you not to give up the opportunity to go abroad for further education

3.Not finding his passport

4.Given better attention

5.Influenced by his example

6.Seeing those pictures

Besides, we’ve learnt a lot of words to describe an international trip in this unit.Which words in the text can help you describe an international trip?

Beautiful/modern/cultural/historical/perfect/attractive/paradise/breath-taking scenery /

a world-class resort/challenging and exciting/a feast for eyes…(Bb:beautiful…)

Today, we’re going to read another passage about travel. It will provide you some useful travel tips and practical advice.First,let’s review the new words in this period.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen and deals with the words as usual.)


Step Ⅲ Reading

Well. Now please open your books at Page 38.Read each paragraph quickly and try to find out what tips and advice the writer gives us.

Now, I’ll collect the tips and advice the writer gives us. One student, one tip or one piece of advice,OK?

Who’d like to be the first?

Find out more about the destination you have chosen before you go to save money and avoid problems.

Consider when and how you want to travel and you’d better ask travel agents for help.

Bring some cash besides credit cards.

Keep your passport and money in a safe place and make photocopies of all important documents before you leave.

Buy foreign currency at home. If you must exchange money during your vacation, do it in banks not on the street or with strangers.

Plan a pleasant, interesting and comfortable trip. Travel light if possible.

.Now, please re-read it carefully and further understand it. Then work in pairs to finish the Exercises 1~3 after the text.

(The students begin to re-read. Several minutes later, teacher checks the answers.)

Suggested answers:

1.save money and avoid problems


3.travel with as little luggage as possible

Step Ⅳ.Listening and Reading Aloud

.Now, I’ll play the tape for you.First,listen and repeat, paying attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Then read it aloud for a while.

Step Ⅴ Consolidation

.Now you’ve been very familiar with the text. Here is a question for you to discuss. Listen carefully! Which travel tip do you think is the most useful? And why? Are you clear about that?

Work in groups of four and discuss for a few minutes. Then I’ll ask some students to say your opinions. You can begin now.

(A few minutes later.)

Who’d like to be the first to talk about your opinions?Any volunteer?

I think the tip about money is the most useful.It reminds travellers of avoiding bringing too much money.Instead,credit cards could be a better choice.In particular,travellers should not forget to have all important documents photo copied before leaving in case you might lose them.

I think planning and packing is the most useful. For any thing, well-prepared is half of success. You’d better plan it in advance in order to avoid problems and save money or time.

Step Ⅵ Writing

T:Well,in order to have a pleasant and interesting trip,you’d better have the tips and advice in mind.Now,please read the travel brochure in writing quickly and find out what information it describes.

(The students begin to read it quickly and answer the teacher’s question as soon as they finish reading it.)

It describes transport,accommodation,attractions and activities for traveling to Thailand.(Bb:…)

Quite right.Now you’ve known how to write a travel brochure.Work in pairs.Choose your favourite destination and write a travel brochure in which you describe the place,suggest activities and provide travel tips.Can you follow me?

When you finish your brochure,show it to the rest of the class and try to persuade them to visit your destination.Is everything clear?

(The students begin to work.Teacher may give them advice to help them write a good travel brochure while going among the students.)

Step Ⅶ Summary and Homework
