


1.雅思大作文:传统文化 篇一



In modern society, the ubiquity of advertising is not only driven by corporations searching for new ways to sell products but also by media searching for new ways to make money. Consequently, advertisements become increasingly powerful while shaping people’s life by manipulating thoughts.

Admittedly, the advocators of ads hold that they provide useful information of products and help consumers make wise decisions. Usually, it is from advertisements that people get to know the performance and the function of a new product, like a newly launched electronic device and a upgraded automobile. Through watching advertisements of different brands, consumers can make comparison and find which product suits them best.

However, with the constant improvement of advertising skills, the role of advertisements in modern society is not limited to decision making helpers. What people complain most about advertisements is the over emphasis on materialism. To sell more products, companies make every effort to persuade consumers that they deserve a better life depicted in advertisements and realized by the products. Consequently, people might easily get hooked: work hard to make money and then spend money on commodities that advertisers tell them are important to have a happy life, failing to discern what a happy life truly is.

Moreover, people also blame advertisements for distorting people’s concept on beauty. We can hardly find any advertisements whose actors or actresses are fat. With almost no exception, figures presented in ads are slim and good looking, especially for brands of clothes and cosmetics. They set a unrealistic high standard on beauty that is difficult to meet for most common people. But, the ads skillfully make people believe their appearance will be improved dramatically with their products, which is usually not true. As a result, a growing number of people waste much money and become even more self-conscious on their looks.

To sum up, there is much to blame on advertisements’ negative impact on society, as they encourage materialism and mislead people’s minds on beauty.

People nowadays are surrounded by all kinds of advertising. Advertising affects what people think is important and sometimes has a negative influence on people’s lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



2.雅思大作文:传统文化 篇二

在不少国人的心目中, 到国外留学是一件荣耀的事情, 而且可以回避国内的高考, 逃避国内的就业压力和复杂的人际关系。但是, 留学也同时充满着困难和挑战。这些或大或小的问题无时无刻不出现在留学生们的日常生活和学习生活中, 使学生的梦想和家长的希望变得暗淡。然而, 当我们仔细审视这些问题时, 不难发现这些问题的主要根源在于对西方文化理解上的欠缺。补上这一课的方式有很多种, 其中之一就是出国前的雅思考试。因此, 在准备雅思考试时, 不应只注重分数上的提升, 更应该以雅思考试为线索, 深入理解并体会中、西方文化的差异, 为即将开始的留学生活做好准备。

1 衣食住行篇

雅思听力考试的前两部分从某种意义而言就是国外日常生活的真实写照, 它主要包括住宿 (Accommodation) , 旅游 (Travelling) , 银行 (Banking) , 购物 (Shopping) , 看病 (Seeing a doctor) 等主要生活场景。

留学生到了国外首先要解决住宿的问题, 因此雅思听力中有关住宿的题目屡见不鲜。比较典型的题目如剑桥雅思5test4中的section1[1]中有学生申请寄宿家庭 (homestay) , 并向房屋经纪人 (housing adviser) 说明自己的特殊要求, 如比较喜欢的地理位置、特殊饮食、是否与别人共用生活设施等问题, 当然也包括最重要的房租问题。剑桥雅思8test 3中的section1[4]中除了房租和租期 (length of let required) 以外, 则特别考查了不同地点待租房屋的优、缺点。类似的题目考查的角度也略有不同, 如曾考到搬家过程中物品损坏而向搬家公司投诉、购买财产保险、房屋修理和房屋被盗等。通过这样的场景考查, 我们能够了解到最基本的租房常识, 如国外学生的住宿方式、住宿条件、租房子时会跟谁打交道, 以及常见的房间、家具、电器、床上用品的名称;更详细的信息如租房的价格是否包括各种水、电等费用, 这些事情房东一般会在合同中注明, 还有押金的支付方式, 以及入住后如有房间配套设施的损坏要及时向房东反映, 对方会提供免费维修等。关于购买保险, 这是个人意愿, 房东不会也不能强迫购买, 如果你个人觉得购买保险的花费比你要保的物品的总价还要高, 那还是不要购买了。如果房间万一被盗, 应及时拨打报警电话告知警察, 以使自己的损失减少到最低限度。近几年来, 在留学生中发生的被盗窃事件曾上升趋势, 希望考生能从类似的题目中多吸取教训, 尽可能多地为今后的留学生活扫清障碍。

另外一个对考生比较陌生的听力场景是银行场景, 考生可以从中进一步学习中、外金融体系的差异。剑桥雅思6 test3section1[2]中考到了如何开立帐户 (opening a bank account) 。这是一个典型的银行场景, 在这个场景中考生可以了解到开立帐户的相关事项, 如需要提供一个身份证明 (护照或者是英国驾照) 和地址证明 (学校证明信, 水、电单据等) , 和银行提供服务的类别, 如银行提供对账单的时间和提供其他信息的服务。同时, 考生还能学到一些基本银行金融术语, 如current account (活期账户) 、savings account (定期帐户) ;存折本 (passbook) 、银行借记卡 (debit card) 和密码 (PIN number) 。银行借记卡 (Debit card) 一般是不能透支的 (overdraft) , 国际学生也可以申请信用卡 (credit card) 。其他常考到的同时又很实用的信息包括, 英国比较大的银行有Nat West, Lloyds TSB, Barclays, RBS, HSBC;大部分银行的工作时间都是9:00-17:00 on weekdays (周一到周五) , 周六只工作半天, 周日休息。而且逢bank holiday (公共假日) 也是大门紧闭, 但是cash point machine (自动提款机) 可以比较方便的取款。

雅思口语则是考生改善社交能力的切入点。雅思口语考试分为三个部分, 分别是个人相关信息描述、指定题目的描述和观点论述。评分标准主要针对流畅度与连贯性、词汇丰富性、语法正确性以及发音是否准确等方面。交流能力的提高会让考生更快融入国外学生的生活圈。在国外, 没有家人和朋友的支持, 所以中国留学生之间当然更有亲切感了。不过既然选择了出国我们还是应该主动的放开自己, 尽量入乡随俗, 多去熟悉当地的文化, 多和当地人交朋友。利用尽可能多的机会, 如校内的兼职工作、学校的各种活动等, 去融入当地的生活。而这些没有好的交流能力是不可能实现的。在越来越多的交流中, 会逐渐发现西方人的思维模式是“直线型”, 善于论证;相比之下, 中国人的思维模式是“螺旋型”, 善于推理。中国人认为谦虚是美德, 所以中国人的思维是谦虚为上;而西方人的思维是努力证明自己的强项为上。当考生注意到这些文化差异的要点, 将它们充分应用到留学生活的日常交流中, 他们一定能够自信地将自己展示给别人。

2 学习生活篇

学习生活是留学生活的重心, 主要包括课上学习如:大课、研讨课, 口头演讲, 小组讨论和课下学习如:图书馆使用、图书阅读、完成作业和备考等。而这些内容也全部出现在雅思的各项考试中。

首先, 在听力考试中, 图书馆场景是常考内容。图书馆是大家在国外学习活动中使用频率比较高的设施, 所以对此类场景相关情况的熟悉和掌握是十分有必要的。剑桥雅思5test2section1[1]中出现的一个真题场景就考查了reference (参考书) , overdue book (超期书籍) 和back issue (过期刊物) 的拼写, 还提及到recalled books (召回图书) , loan time (外借时间) , fine (罚金) , photocopier (复印机) 等与图书馆设施或资源相关的词汇。通过类似场景的学习, 考生可以了解到图书借阅/返还, 书籍类别, 借书期限, 图书馆资源等相关术语。基本上来说, 国外大学的图书馆网上资源 (online resources) 都十分丰富, 有些馆之间也会有联系和合作 (interlibrary services) , 这一点也是此前听力中考查过的。建议大家在留学过程中要充分利用图书馆这一资源, 不断提高自己的专业水平, 不要等到写论文或考试临近才去光顾一下。

其次, 在听力考试的section3中, 主要涉及的是师生/学生小组讨论 (group discussion) 、课程论文 (coursework) 写作、作业讨论 (assignment discussion) 、备考 (exam preparation) 等相关场景。比较典型的如剑桥雅思8test4 section3[4]中列出了备考建议的流程图;剑桥雅思7test1 section3[3]是辅导老师和学生就公司的员工管理进行讨论。从中考生们会逐渐领会西方的教学模式主要以学生为中心, 充分发挥学生的自主学习能力。教师以启发学生探究为主, 提倡多样性、个性化的合作学习。而中国课堂由于受中国传统教学思想的影响, 还是不能完全摆脱说教式的教学方法, 以教师的讲授为主, 久而久之, 学生易养成不善于思考, 凡事依赖老师的惰性。所以, 准备留学的学生必须在思想上有所转变, 多了解西方的教学模式。

雅思阅读考试则主要针对学生阅读能力和方法进行测试。考试的题型则主要集中在两个要点上:文章中重要的观点和重要的细节信息。考试的文章除了敏感的政治题材外, 任何专业的内容都有可能涉及。题材很大部分来源于主要英联邦国家和美国的主流杂志、报刊和书籍, 如Economist、National Geographic、New Scientist等。通过备考, 阅读大量英文原版的报刊和杂志, 可以了解西方的文化背景, 不断提高自己的阅读能力。而这些捕捉重要信息的能力也正是适应国外教学模式的基础。在国外大学的专业课中, 每周各门课的作业基本都包括阅读部分的内容 (文科更多一些) , 所以花在阅读的时间要远远超过在国内学习的同学。面对如此大量的阅读任务, 阅读的同时还要提取主要观点、消化理解核心内容、提炼自己的观点、改善思维模式。这种以课下大量阅读为支撑的教学模式确实让中国留学生很不适应, 许多学生开始时身心疲惫, 往往是读了很久才读完几页书, 离完成老师的作业相差甚远。但如果在国内对此做好充分的准备, 必定会让自己在国外的学习有一个好的开始。

以上我们通过撷取典型的侧面介绍了雅思考试中涉及到的西方文化的点滴。不难发现雅思考试涵盖了生活英语 (survival English) 和学术英语 (academic English) , 关系到考生在国外日常生活的各各方面, 通过备考雅思进一步了解相关文化, 感受中、西方文化差异, 势必对今后的海外留学生活起到事半功倍的效果。


[1]Cambridge IELTS5[M].Cambridge University Press, 2006:32, 78.

[2]Cambridge IELTS5[M].Cambridge University Press, 2007:55

[3]Cambridge IELTS5[M].Cambridge University Press, 2009:14.

3.浅谈雅思大作文的整体感 篇三


雅思大作文需要具备三个要素:①清晰一致的观点;②充分的论据;③条理清晰的论证方法。这三个要素在雅思写作的两个评分标准中都有所体现。一个评分标准是回应题目(Task Response),要求考生围绕考题进行全面论述,并在写作中予以清晰论证。另一个评分标准是连贯与衔接(Coherence and Cohesion),主要强调文章要有条理,要求文章论点一致,段落规划合理,每段皆有中心论点,文中指示代词明确,同时有效使用连接手段。考生在写大作文时若能达到上述评分标准中的各项要求,使文章一气呵成,就实现了笔者提出的整体感。



1 明确中心立场


例1:With the wild spread of the Internet, many peoplechoose to work and study at home instead of travelling toworkplaces or colleges. Do you think the advantages of thisdevelopment outweigh the disadvantages?




2 处理好立论段和让步段的关系

由于这两个段落是相互对立的,考生应在两个段落的衔接处做好过渡,否则两段之间缺乏联系,彼此割裂,会影响整篇文章的整体感。好文章应该呈流线型而非块状结构,也就是说整篇文章要有一条逻辑主线。其实实现这个流线型结构并非难事,考生只需在让步段的第一句下足功夫。仍以例1为例,如果考生在立论段写的是在家办公和学习利大于弊,那么考生一定不要在让步段开头直接写:“However,there are disadvantages toworking at home.”这样写太突兀,会给人全文立场不一致的印象,而且和立论段缺乏联系。考生只需在这句过渡句上再加点东西,就能起到桥梁作用。

However, there are also/certainly disadvantages toworking at home.

However, there are some minor downsides to workingat home.

However, I admit that there are demerits to working athome.

However, I admit that e-working is not perfect.

However, I understand why some people oppose e-worldng.

Of course there are some opposite voices against thisworking fashion.

However, the opposite voices also sound reasonable.

3 处理好开篇段和主体段之间的关系


例2:Recently,some people have been workingfrom home using modern technology,Some think this onlybenefits the workers,but not the employers,To what extentdo you agree or disagree?


Nowadays,an increasing number of people work athome viathe Internet,Who canbenefitfromthis developmenthas given rise to debate,It is true that the workers gain muchbenefit from this phenomenon,but I am unconvinced by theopinion that the benefits are restricted to workers,

As more and more professionals seek a better work-life balance,the working from home option is becomingincreasingly popular,Ifthe workers do not go to the office,they can look after their young children or older familymembers while working,Working women,in particular,do not have to give up their career due to domesticresponsibilities,Working online is also time-saving,becauseworkers do not waste time travelling to the office,For thosewho like travelling,distance work allows them tO live amobile way oflife and feel utmost freedom,


Of course workers are the direct/first beneficiaries ofthis working fashion,

Certainly workers benefit from telework in the first place,

Undoubtedly many employees welcome this working fashion,

There is no doubt that many employees would favourtelewark.

4 结尾段做到有效阐述

实现整体感的第四个环节是写好结尾段。通常结尾段的写法很简单,用in summary、to conclude等开头即可,而难点在于后面需要总结的内容。重申自己的观点是考生最常用的策略,但若想让文章更有整体感,笔者建议考生不仅重复自己的观点,还可以把对方的观点也涵盖进去,只要阐述清楚双方对立的关系即可。

仍以例1(在家办公是否利大于弊)为例,如果考生持赞同态度,结尾段就可以这样写:In summary,telework,as a flexible and economic way of work,satisfies people'svarious needs in life and flees them from the restrictionsof location and time,Hence,it is welcomed by peoplefrom many walks of life,It is true that telecommutingis not mature enough at present and not suitable foraU positions or jobs,but I believe it will gain morepopularity in the near future.

如果考生持反对态度,结尾段可以这样写:To conclude,employees working from home may gain moreflexibility and save money for the employers,but they are more likely to find themselves losing connection with society,which is against human nature,If the significance ofwork is beyond making money,then telework should not be advocated.

考生如果认为利弊要依具体情况而定,也要在结尾段阐明双方对立的关系,写法如下:Overall,my viewis that whether or not“)adopt telecommuting depends onthe worker and their type of job,If the worker can tunein well and the job can be accomplished individually,likefreelance writing or computer programming,or the workersare self-motivated enough,then telework may be optimal,Otherwise,it should not be encouraged.

4.雅思大作文:传统文化 篇四


In my country, a century ago, it was not easy for a child to grow up due to malnutrition and diseases. But today, parents are able to not only guarantee children’s material abundance, but also provide them with qualified education. All these allow children to have more freedom enabling them to have better development.

Admittedly, it seems plausible to assert that children, given the young age, are not mature enough to enjoy much freedom. Obviously, children sometimes lack necessary experience and knowledge for them to make right decision or regulate their behaviors. Without any restriction, they may fail to resist the temptation and indulge themselves with freedom. For example, they are likely to spend all their pocket money on snacks, such as candies and puffed food, which is bad for health, or they waste too much time on watching TV and playing computer games, which squeeze up their time for other more meaningful activities.

However, with parents’ appropriate and effective supervision and guidance, children can benefit a lot from the freedom. It is parents’ responsibility to help children cultivate self-discipline and self-control and teach them how to judge right and wrong. All these are indispensable for children to enjoy freedom. Hence, they are free to explore the outside world and govern their life. The free access to Internet enables them to gain knowledge and make friends; the free choices of study and entertainment help them become independent and responsible. In a word, with the freedom, children are able to nurture many valuable traits and habits.

To sum up, it is beneficial for children today to have much freedom in life.

In many parts of the world, children have more freedom than they used to. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?








5.雅思大作文:传统文化 篇五


In recent years, online education of different forms is increasingly popular among the public and even exhibits signs of replacing traditional role of lecturers, due to the unparalleled advantages of Internet. But, no matter how powerful and effective online education becomes, lectures are an indispensable and irreplaceable part of education.

Admittedly, the development of e-learning not only breaks the barrier of territory but also brings people more choices on study, which greatly improves education efficiency. Undoubted, what attracts people most to study online is the flexibility of time and place. If only there is access to Internet, people are able to begin their study. An equally important reason why a growing number of people become customers of e-learning is the availability of multiple options with high quality but low costs. With companies competing fiercely in the market, consumers benefit a lot from well-designed products that are both educational and entertaining.

Though the advantages of online education are obvious, people still need traditional classes that provide them with opportunities to have face-to-face communication with teachers and classmates. While sitting in a classroom, students are able to ask questions and get answers in real time. The teacher gives tailored education according to students’ needs. Also, the face-to-face communication with teachers allows students to acquire emotional supports, such as encouragement and suggestions. What else a classroom can offer is the atmosphere to conduct group discussion and cooperation. From each other, students develop critical thinking, learn to think from different perspectives, and nurture team spirits. All these constitute an essential part of education and make lectures irreplaceable.

To sum up, in spite of the superiority of e-learning, the role of lectures is irreplaceable, as a traditional class provides students with the chances to have face-to-face communication with teachers and classmates.

Lectures were used to be a way to teach large number of students, but with the technology available for education, there is no longer justification for lectures. To what extent do you agree or disagree.


★ 考试分数作文

★ 心理健康教育总结报告

★ 心理健康教育工作计划-工作计划

★ 心理健康教育工作计划

★ 心理健康教育教学计划

★ 心理健康教育教案

★ 中小学心理健康教育学习心得

★ 幼儿园心理健康教育教案

★ 中班心理健康教育随笔

6.雅思大作文 篇六

and more people.Some protesters claim that air travel should be restricted because of its massive pollution and too much fuel consuming.I find it extremely difficult to side with them.First of all, the most obvious merit of travelling by air is its speed.You can fly from London to New York in about four hours.By contrast, you would spend nearly a month on the sea by ship.This would save a lot of time and the expenditure is correspondingly much less.What is more, it is often more comfortable and convenient for long-distance journey, which spares you numerous transfers.By now, no other modes of transportation can compare with airplanes in all these aspects.Another reason lies in the fact that air travel is an essential factor

in the blueprint of the global village.If some restrictions are placed on it, the process will definitely be slowed down and many sectors such as international trade,tourism or communication will be negatively influenced.Of course, there is no denying that traveling by plane produces

greenhouse gas and is fuel-consuming.But one fact should be made clear that the main source of world’s emission is private cars rather than airplanes.Moreover, alternative energies are being explored and some have already come into being.It is imaginable that in the near future we can enjoy the journey from Beijing to London in planes powered by new energy.So overall, I am optimistic about the future of air travel and firmly

7.雅思大作文真题 篇七

If the government persuades its citizens to take care of their environment at the local level, some environmental problems will then be solved. Only if every individual in different areas choose to lead a low carbon lifestyle , for example driving less but taking public transport more and using less disposable products but reusing and recycling more, the air will be cleaner and resources on which we thrive consumed less.But if all individuals just continue to damage the environment and take no action to change, the environment in which they reside and live will become a uninhabitable place. Without cooperation with different groups at the local level, the environment will hardly be improved.

But only pushing people to conserve the environment locally cannot address all environmental problems fundamentally. For example, the energy crisis has recently been a tricky problem for most countries, a problem that is so complex that it is beyond an individual’s ability to deal with. This is mainly because developing clean and renewable energy costs money and resources and because a growing number of environmental problems are no longer confined to a certain region or country.

Even worse, a majority of people are reluctant to adopt the solutions the government has proposed. The major reason is that many people consider the environment problem as a future concern. Some environment problems, such as climate change,may need to be tackled even after a century. Time and money is better invested in coping with immediate problems such as house shortage and traffic jam than in preventing a disaster that is only expected to happen in the future.

In conclusion, workable as it seems , inducing people to defend their own local environment not only fails to be an effective solution but is difficult to make this goal a reality in real life and in addition to individual efforts, other measures are also necessary especially when the environment problems is caused by a combination of factors, many of which are too big for an individual to resolve.字数 336words



