


1.同济大学09年考博英语 篇一





作文:plagiarism is often found in universities.houw do you think we author authority to prevent it.(大概是这样,意思没错了)听过考大家的抱怨,绝大多数考生对此的印象是:除了第一个单词不认识,其他都认识。。如果你也是这样,考场上是不是很悲剧?



2.同济大学09年考博英语 篇二


Part ⅠWriting(30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: AidEducation in China.You should write at least 120 words following the outline given in Chinese below:




Aid--Education in China

Part ⅡReading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)(15 minutes)

Directions:In this part,you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1.For questions 1-7,mark

Y(for YES)if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;

N(for NO)if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;

NG(for NOT GIVEN)if the information is not given in the passage.For questions 8-10,complete the sentences with information given in the passage.Will We Run Out of Water?

Picture a “ghost ship” sinking into the sand, left to rot on dry land by a receding sea.Then imagine dust storms sweeping up toxic pesticides and chemical fertilizers from the dry seabed and spewing them across towns and villages.Seem like a scene from a movie about the end of the world? For people living near the Aral sea(咸海)in Central Asia, it’s all too real.Thirty years ago, government planners diverted the rivers that flow into the sea in order to irrigate(provide water for)farmland.As a result, the sea has shrunk to half its original size, stranding(使搁浅)ships on dry land.The seawater has tripled in salt content and become polluted, killing all 24 native species of fish.减肥百科 http://ic and go camping.C)Eat out and see a play.D)Go to the beach.13.A)The weather was better.B)The weather was a little bit warmer.C)The weather was a little bit colder.D)The weather was cooler than expected.14.A)Mr.Steward is honest.B)Mr.Steward looks honest.C)Mr.Steward looks dishonest.D)Mr.Steward is dishonest.15.A)He did quite well with it.B)He has money problem now.C)He is in need of qualified staff.D)He could not carry it on any more.16.A)$2.00.B)$6.00.C)$4.00.D)$5.00.17.A)They will spend the summer in Italy.B)They are both from Europe.C)They are both students.减肥百科 http:// 收集

D)They are both interested in art.18.A)Not getting what she wants.B)A custom that is new to her.C)Calling up customers.D)Some of her good friends.Question 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19.A)A more economical diesel fuel.B)Characteristics of a new type of fuel.C)Where a new energy source is located.D)How to develop alternative energy sources.20.A)He’s studying for a test.B)He lost his notes.C)He missed the class.D)He’s doing research on alternative.21.A)It will reduce the amount of pollutants in the air.B)It will increase the amount of unpleasant odors from vehicles.C)It will eventually destroy the ozone layer.D)It will reduce the cost of running large vehicles.22.A)To help him explain the information to his roommate.B)To help him write a paper.C)To prepare for a test.D)To tell her if the notes are accurate.Question 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.减肥百科 http:// 收集

23.A)The woman has passed her final exams.B)The woman wants to know how to write term papers.C)The woman is going to visit Gettysburg.D)The man introduces his experiences in Gettysburg.24.A)Because her parents like traveling.B)Because her parents like history.C)Because traveling in such places costs less.D)Because her parents want to reinforce the stuff they learned in school about history.25.A)It is far away from the city she lives in.B)It is a place where many great people were born.C)It has a certain political influences in the United States right after the battle at Gettysburg.D)It is worth reading history about Gettysburg.Section B

Directions:In this section,you will hear 3 short passages.At the end of each passage,you will hear some questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage One

Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.26.A)A plate.B)A pear.C)A ball.D)An egg.27.A)How most mathematicians work.B)Accidental discovery about the earth’s shape.C)How to track an orbit.减肥百科 http:// 收集

D)How astronauts use computers to measure the size of satellite.28.A)To prove the earth was round.B)To gather information for planning space flights.C)Because all spacecraft had to carry computers.D)Because it can measure the size of the satellite.Passage Two

Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.29.A)About 30,000.B)Around 300,000.C)Over 300,000.D)More than 330,000.30.A)He had promised to do so.B)He had this kind of training before.C)He didn’t want to make the crowd disappointed.D)He needed the great amount of money.31.A)Three times.B)Four times.C)Six times.D)Seven times.Passage Three

Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.32.A)One in a billion digits.B)Zero.减肥百科 http:// 收集

C)One mistake per two hundred digits.D)One in a million digits.33.A)It is the nerve cells of a computer.B)It is the brain of a computer.C)It is the eye of a computer.D)It is the heart of a computer.34.A)One second.B)Two years.C)One minute.D)A day.35.A)Human beings make fewer errors.B)Human beings do not have to be programmed.C)Human beings work more quickly.D)Human beings have to be programmed.Section C

Directions:In this section,you will hear a passage three times.When the passage is read for the first time,you should listen carefully for its general idea.When the passage is read for the second time,you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard.For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information.For these blanks,you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in you own words.Finally, when the passage is read for the third time,you should check what you have written.提示:在实考试卷中,该试题在答题卡2上。

If parents bring up a child with the aim of turning the child into a(36), they will cause a(37).According to several leading(38)psychologists, this is one of the biggest mistakes which ambitious parents make.Generally, the child will be

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only too(39)of what the parent expects, and will fail.Unrealistic parental expectations can cause great(40)to children.However, if parents are not too(41)about what they expect their children to do, but are ambitious in a sensible way, the child may(42)in doing very well—especially if the parents are very(43)of their child.Michael Li is very lucky.(44).Although Michael’s mother knows very little about music, Michael’s father plays the trumpet in a large orchestra.However, he never makes Michael enter music competitions if he is unwilling.Michael’s friend, Winston Chen, however, is not so lucky.(45).They want their son to be as successful as they are and so they enter him in every piano competition held.They are very unhappy when he does not win.“(46)”.Winston’s father tells him.Winston is always afraid that he will disappoint his parents and now he always seems quiet and unhappy.Part ⅣReading Comprehension(Reading in Depth)(25 minutes)

Section A

Directions:In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.If our society ever needed a reading renaissance(复兴), it’s now.The National Endowment for the Arts released “Reading at Risk” last year, a study showing that adult reading47 have dropped 10 percentage points in the past decade, with the steepest drop among those 18 to 24.“Only one half of young people read a book of any kind in 2002.We set the bar almost on the ground.If you read one short story in a teen—ager magazine, that would have48 ,” laments a director of research and analysis.He49 the loss of readers to the booming world of technology, which attracts would—be leisure readers to E—mail, IM chats, and video games and leaves them with no time to cope with a novel.减肥百科 http:// 收集

“These new forms of media undoubtedly have some benefits,” says Steven Johnson, author of Everything Bad Is Good for You.Video games

problem—solving skills;TV shows promote mental gymnastics by

viewers to follow complex story lines.But books offer experience that can’t be gained from these other sources, from52 vocabulary to stretching the imagination.“If they’re not reading at all,” says Johnson, “that’s a huge problem.”

In fact, fewer kids are reading for pleasure.According to data53 last week from the National Center for Educational Statistic’s long—term trend assessment, the number of 17—year—olds who reported never or hardly ever reading for fun

from 9 percent in 1984 to 19 percent in 2004.At the same time, the

of 17—year—olds who read daily dropped from 31 to 22.This slow but steady retreat from books has not yet taken a toll on reading ability.Scores for the nation’s youth have56 constant over the past two decades(with an encouraging upswing among 9—year—olds).But given the strong apparent correlation between pleasure reading and reading skills, this means poorly for the future.Section B

Directions:There are 2 passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage One

Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.There is a new type of small advertisement becoming increasingly common in newspaper classified columns.It is sometimes placed among “situations vacant”, although it does not offer anyone a job, and sometimes it appears among “situations wanted”, although it is not placed by someone looking for a job, either.What it does is to offer help in applying for a job.“Contact us before writing your application”, or “Make use of our long experience in preparing your curriculum vitae or job history”, is how it is usually expressed.The growth and apparent success of such a specialized service is, of course, a reflection on the current high levels of unemployment.It is also an

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indication of the growing importance of the curriculum vitae(or job history), with the suggestion that it may now qualify as an art form in its own right.There was a time when job seekers simply wrote letters of application.“Just put down your name, address, age and whether you have passed any exams”, was about the average level of advice offered to young people applying for their first jobs when I left school.The letter was really just for openers, it was explained, everything else could and should be saved for the interview.And in those days of full employment the technique worked.The letter proved that you could write and were available for work.Your eager face and intelligent replies did the rest.Later, as you moved up the ladder, something slightly more sophisticated was called for.The advice then was to put something in the letter which would distinguish you from the rest.It might be the aggressive approach.“Your search is over.I am the person you are looking for”, was a widely used trick that occasionally succeeded.Or it might be some special feature specially designed for the job interview.There is no doubt, however, that it is increasing number of applicants with university education at all points in the process of engaging staff that has led to the greater importance of the curriculum vitae.57.The new type of advertisement which is appearing in newspaper columns.A)informs job hunters of the opportunities available

B)promises to offer useful advice to those looking for employment

C)divides available jobs into various types

D)informs employers of the people available for work

58.Nowadays a demand for this specialized type of service has been created because.A)there is a lack of jobs available for artistic people

B)there are so many toplevel jobs available

C)there are so many people out of work

D)the job history is considered to be a work of art

59.In the past it was expected that first job hunters would.减肥百科 http:// 收集

A)write an initial letter giving their life history

B)pass some exams before applying for a job

C)have no qualifications other than being able to read and write

D)keep any detailed information until they obtained an interview

60.Later, as one went on to apply for more important jobs, one was advised to include in the letter.A)something that would distinguish one from other applicants

B)hinted information about the personality of the applicant

C)one’s advantages over others in applying for the job

D)an occasional trick with the aggressive approach

61.The curriculum vitae has become such an important document because.A)there has been an increase in the number of jobs advertised

B)there has been an increase in the number of applicants with degrees

C)jobs are becoming much more complicated nowadays

D)the other processes of applying for jobs are more complicated

Passage Two

Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.In cities with rent control, the city government sets the maximum rent that a landlord can charge for an apartment.Supporters of rent control argue that it protects people who are living in apartments.Their rent cannot increase;therefore, they are not in danger of losing their homes.However, the critics say that after a long time, rent control may have negative effects.Landlords know that they cannot increase their profits.Therefore, they invest in other businesses where they can increase their profits.They do not invest in new buildings which would also be rent—controlled.As a result, new apartments are not built.Many people who need apartments cannot find any.According to the critics, the end result of rent control is a shortage of apartments in the city.减肥百科 http:// 收集

Some theorists argue that the minimum wage law can cause problems in the same way.The federal government sets the minimum that an employer must pay workers.The minimum helps people who generally look for unskilled, low—paying jobs.However, if the minimum is high, employers may hire fewer workers.They will replace workers with machinery.The price, which is the wage that employers must pay, increases.Therefore, other things being equal, the number of workers that employers want decreases.Thus, critics claim, an increase in the minimum wage may cause unemployment.Some poor people may find themselves without jobs instead of with jobs at the minimum wage.Supporters of the minimum wage say that it helps people keep their dignity.Because of the law, workers cannot sell their services for less than the minimum.Furthermore, employers cannot force workers to accept jobs at unfair wages.Economic theory predicts the results of economic decisions such as decisions about farm production, rent control, and the minimum wage.The predictions may be correct only if “other things are equal”.Economists do not agree on some of the predictions.They also do not agree on the value of different decisions.Some economists support a particular decision while others criticize it.Economists do agree, however, that there are no simple answers to economic questions.62.There is the possibility that setting maximum rent may.A)cause a shortage of apartments

B)worry those who rent apartments as homes

C)increase the profits of landlords

D)encourage landlords to invest in building apartment

63.According to the critics, rent control.A)will always benefit those who rent apartments

B)is unnecessary

C)will bring negative effects in the long run

D)is necessary under all circumstances

64.The problem of unemployment will arise.A)if the minimum wage is set too highB)if the minimum wage is set too low

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C)if the workers are unskilledD)if the maximum wage is set

65.The passage tells us.A)the relationship between supply and demand

B)the possible results of government controls

C)the necessity of government control

D)the urgency of getting rid of government controls

66.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A)The results of economic decisions can not always be predicted.B)Minimum wage can not always protect employees.C)Economic theory can predict the results of economic decisions if other factors are not changing.D)Economic decisions should not be based on economic theory.Part ⅤCloze(15 minutes)

Directions:There are 20 blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D)on the right side of the paper.You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.In recent years, more and more foreigners are involved in the teaching programs of the United States.Both the advantages and the disadvantages67 using

foreign faculty(教师总称)68 teaching positions have

to be69 , of course.It can be said that the foreign

that makes the faculty member from abroad an

asset also71 problems of adjustment, both for the university and for the individual.The foreign research scholar usually isolates72 in the laboratory as a

means of protection;73 , what he needs is to be fitted

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a highly organized university system quite different

from75 at home.He is faced in his daily work

differences in philosophy, arrangements of courses and methods of teaching.Both the visiting professor and his students77 a common ground in each other’s

cultures, some78 of what is already in the minds of

American students is79 for the foreign professor.While helping him to80 himself to his new

environment, the university must also81 certain

67.A)with B)for

C)of D)at

68.A)in B)on

C)for D)within

69.A)thought B)measured

C)balanced D)considered

70.A)situation B)circumstances

C)background D)condition

71.A)carries B)create

C)emerges D)solves

72.A)himself B)oneself

C)him D)one

73.A)otherwise B)moreover

C)however D)whatever

74.A)into B)by

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C)to D)with

75.A)those B)which

C)what D)that

76.A)toward B)with


77.A)have B)possess

C)need D)lack

78.A)concept B)feeling

C)plan D)intelligence

79.A)ordered B)asked

C)put D)required

80.A)place B)adapt

C)put D)direct

81.A)remain B)keep

C)make D)cause

adjustments in order to82 full advantage of what the

newcomer can83.It isn’t always known how to make

use of foreign faculty, especially at smaller

colleges.This is thought to be a85 where further

study is called86.The findings of such a study will be of value to colleges and universities with foreign faculty.82.A)take B)make

C)do D)be

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83.A)show B)afford

C)express D)offer

84.A)powerful B)creative

C)imaginary D)advanced

85.A)scope B)range

C)field D)district

86.A)on B)for

C)upon D)at

Part ⅥTranslation(5 minutes)

Direction:Complete the sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.提示:在实考试卷中,该试题在答题卡2上。

87.She(对我们的警告充耳不闻)and got lost.88.That Canadian speaks Chinese(和他说英语一样流利).89.(Tony 是否来)doesnt matter much.We can rely on ourselves.90.On hearing the news, I(忍不住笑起来)and spread it among the class.91.Not until Alice had a baby of her own(她才了解)how hard it was for her mother to have brought up her sister and her on her own.减肥百科 http:// 收集


暗中布置著什么,云鹏发现她在装修吟霜那几间卧室了,他怀疑的问: 从此,葛府中失去了吟霜的影子。云鹏魂牵梦萦,实在无法忘怀吟霜。朝朝井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈暮暮,这片


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啊呀,我的天!云鹏感到一阵头晕目眩,用手拍著额,他一叠连声的叫葛升备井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈马,在哪儿?我让她待在吟霜的那间屋子里呢,你去看看好吗? 怎井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈井上可奈么可以让她住吟霜的房间!云鹏十分不乐,却不好发作。看到弄玉一片喜孜孜的样

双眉暗锁,心事谁知我?旧恨而今较可,新愁去后如何?白狐6/井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈46 呢? 内容,因井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈此,垂著眼睑,低俯著头,她不敢仰视云鹏。

祝完,他再看看那密井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈上可奈密深深的荒林,重重的跺了一下脚,带著满怀井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈的无可奈何与怆恻之 有些诧异,也有些不耐。但是,屋里已响起一阵叮叮咚咚的琴声,好熟悉!接著,一个圆润

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霜。怕弄玉寒心,他不敢形于色,而弄玉呢?她已把吟霜的井上可奈_爽到饥井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈渴妇人流_井上可奈房间弄得焕然一新,云鹏知道她 她说,等你回来,就不会放她走了!







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是,那琴声叮叮咚咚的持续了一阵之后,却戛然而止了。云鹏低低叹息,一阵落寞的感觉, 知否?知否?多少恨才下心头,却上眉头!他要赶到那森林里去看个究竟。




终于,他们来到了那丛林里,葛升勒住马说:就在这儿!云鹏停住马,举目四顾, 还有比这件井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈事更大的喜悦吗?知县府中,整日整夜鞭炮不断,老百姓们,齐聚在县衙门 的手,担忧的望著她,恳挚的说:吟霜,你一定要快些好起来,看不到你活活泼泼的在屋 来: 能比生活在爷和夫人身边更快乐的呢?


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畏羞的直视著他,一层热烈的光彩笼罩在她井上可奈_爽井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈那清丽的脸庞上,使她井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈看来无比的美丽,无比的 知否?知否?一片心事难出口,谁怜我镇日消瘦? 的,不是吗? 野的跳动著。她又叹息了,轻声的,她像许诺般的说:爷,你放心,我不会死的。





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我不管你是人是狐,云鹏烦恼的说:我只井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈要你在我身边,好好的活著。可 爷允许我告退了!啊呀,云鹏,你可别冤枉人井上可奈_爽到饥井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈渴妇人流_井上可奈家吟霜,你要是真关心她啊,你就该看出她现在精井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈神大不

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吟霜似乎也一阵惨然,泪珠就如断线珍珠般滚滚而下,握紧了云鹏的手,她凄然说: 走,何苦来这一趟?

望著云鹏,叹口气说: 怎么?这是怎么回事?云鹏更加糊涂了。





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门口舞狮井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈舞龙。弄玉吩咐井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈流_井上可奈扎起一个戏台子,唱了好几个通宵的戏。葛府中上上下下,全穿上 哦,这个弄玉!这种关于婚事的话,她们井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈女人家彼此谈起来不是简单得多,偏要他来

谈。但是,也罢,既然来了,不妨问个清楚。他点点头,摒退了喜儿,对吟霜说: 你关好门,过来坐下吧,我们谈谈。


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吟霜躺在白色井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈的纱帐里,面色在昏黄的灯光映照下,更显得井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈憔悴而消瘦。但她那对乌黑的井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈眼 声,从花园中袅袅传来。他知道,这又是吟霜在抚琴而歌了。下意识的,他用手支住颚,开

珠,却比往日更加清亮,更加有神。云鹏走过去,坐在床沿上,轻轻的握住吟霜放在被外的 的、不解的、困惑的说:


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非常漂亮,眉毛眼睛,都酷似吟霜。他常抱著孩子,低低的说: 宁可废礼,逼著吟霜和她姐妹相呼。她宠她,爱她,怜惜她,更胜过一井上可奈_爽井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈个亲姐姐。而吟霜


休井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈休,似这般不解风情,辜负我一番琴奏!如前了!呢? 了最华丽的衣服,戴上喜花,人人都是笑吟吟的。老家人葛升,更津津乐道于述说白狐报恩

吟霜关上了门,走过来,顺从的在云鹏脚边的一张矮凳上坐下了。她似乎已预知谈话的减肥百科 http:// 收集




云鹏怔怔的看著吟霜,她神色哀怨,语音凄楚,那眉目之间,一片哀愁和委屈。怎么, 云鹏,你这样想念吟霜,不怕我吃醋吗? 云鹏不相信的看著她,伸手摸摸她的额,她没有发烧,她的井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈_井上可奈神志是井上可奈井井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈上可奈井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈清醒的。你知道你自己


哦,爷。她说:我想一个流离失所的卖唱女子,能得到爷这样推心置腹的恩宠, 调子,她又唱: 面对著他。这不是吟霜,更是何人!

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护过深,我深怕让爷目睹我的死亡,会过份伤心,所以,我和姐姐串通好,想出这个办法 明月夜,短松冈。

房。霎时间,他愣住了。在一张椅子上,井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈一个女子白衣白裳白飘带,正抱琴而坐,笑盈盈的 五真的,第二年的夏天,吟霜生了一个男孩子。

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现在吗?吟霜问井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈。是的,现在。吟霜顺从的接过了琴,在一张井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈凳子上坐下了, 什么救命恩人,我不过帮她葬了父亲,也算不得救命!井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈_井上可奈 但是,这井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈一次生产却严重的损伤了井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈吟霜的健康,她显得非常消瘦而苍白。满月的时候, 听到了,爷。她低声说。




知道忍痛提婚,我需要多大的定井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈力?啊,吟霜,你真愿井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈意?你真愿意? 暗,山影幢幢,树影参差,几点寒星,闪烁在高而远的天边。老仆葛升再一次跪井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈禀:

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是一只狐狸吗?荒谬!岂不荒谬吗?但,她真是只狐狸吗?你说吧,井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈吟霜。白井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈狐7/46 云鹏开始强颜欢笑,也开始参加应酬宴会,去歌台舞榭,但,在心底,他还是想念著吟


卖身给爷了,爷要怎么安井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈人流_井上可奈排就怎么安排,奴才不井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈敢说话。用背对著云鹏,不住的用袖子擦著眼泪,她的双肩耸动,喉中哽噎。用手拉著帘子,她颤声 云鹏,请原谅我们。她说。

吗? 人,病重而不愿皇帝亲睹,怕憔悴之状,使皇帝不乐。我当时也有同样的想法,而且,爷爱

地亦无语。云鹏心碎神伤,不禁井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈凄然泪下井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈。抚摸著那些衣井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈衫,衣香依旧,而芳踪已杳。他不 愿意!

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小径,那岩石,那原野,都已模糊难辨了。云鹏怆然的想起前人的词:料得年年肠断处, 你在弄些什么?把这几间屋子收拾好,给你再物色一个井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈人井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈。弄玉井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈笑嘻嘻的说。鹏,我总算给你物色到一个人了!髻。这春愁怎替?那新词且寄!





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那么,你希望嫁一个怎样的人呢?现在,有张家来求亲,北城张百万家,知道吗? 喜儿鬼鬼祟祟,丫头们闪闪躲躲。井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈他奇怪的走进去,弄玉已笑著迎了井上可奈_爽到饥井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈渴妇人流_井上可奈出来,满脸井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈喜气:云


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觉得心如刀绞,不禁 情,他说: 候,吟霜更是瘦骨支离了,她已无法下床,也懒于饮食井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈了。弄玉完全不顾妻妾的名分,井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈整日

弄井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈玉从屋外跑进来,带著笑,她也对云鹏跪下了。白狐8/46 云鹏迎视著她的目光,听了这几句,已陡觉心里颊,她目光如酒,双颊如酡,换了一个




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随爷作主。吟霜仍然是那句话,但,眼泪却溢出了眼井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井井上井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈上可奈眶,沿著面颊滚落下去了。她 治,吟霜仍然日益憔悴。在说些什么吗? 子里转,我什么事都做不下去。



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那么,或者你会喜欢刘秀才家? 吟霜!云鹏惊喊,猛烈的摇头。不!不!不!你根本神志不清,不行,在那森林



云鹏揽过弄玉,注视著她,温柔的说: 的没有一个人,他注意到,吟霜已经摒退了丫头们。


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何? 思,把她放在草地上,就都走开了,不敢留在那儿看她。




处,落叶纷飞。葛升井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈走了过来,含泪跪井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈下说:爷,白姑娘是回她的家乡去了,请爷节哀顺 的眉,那亮晶晶的眼睛,那挺挺的鼻子,那小小的嘴,那细腻的皮肤,那

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来。只因为大家都传说我是白狐,我就假托为狐,要归诸山野。事实上,姐姐把我抬往另一 里,你会冻死!

别再说了!吟霜,你知道你在我心里的地位!你一定要放宽心思,好好调养自己,我 皱著眉说。的跨了一井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈大步,他忘形的把手压在吟霜的肩上,沙嗄的喊了一声:吟霜!吟霜猛的回过 狐。




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我们遵照她的意思,把她送到城外西边的森林里去了。弄玉说:她逼著我做的,清脆的歌喉,就袅袅柔柔的唱了起来:香梦回,才褪红鸳被,重点檀唇胭脂腻, 闺阁女子,失去了我,还有更好的,何况,有姐姐陪著你„„这话简直像在诀别了,云鹏

栋住宅,买了丫头老妈子侍候著,同时延医诊治。如果我死了,就井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈让姐井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈姐把我私下井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈埋了,你 你别动吟霜的房间,也井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈别白费工夫,你即使弄了人来,我也不要!云鹏没好气的说。一个秘密?什么秘密?云鹏困惑的问。


她不满意吗?她不愿嫁张家吗?她也嫌他们不是书香门第吗? 思念之情,丝毫不减。走进吟霜住过的房子,他低呼吟霜。看到吟霜穿过的衣物,他低呼吟

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守在吟霜的房里,和云鹏一样,她也求她救救你自己。但,吟霜显然无法救她自己,她 动人。


从外面回到家井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈里来,才一进门,井井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈就觉得家里充满了井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈一股特殊的气氛,井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈老家人葛升笑得怪异,减肥百科 http:// 收集








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呢?丝毫没有恃宠而骄,她更加谦和,更加有礼,更加温柔,难怪井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈人人都要称扬她,喜欢 是一只白狐吗?


悄悄的举起袖子,拭了拭泪。云鹏望著她,依然是白衣白裳,腰间井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈系著一根白缎的腰带,说 的故事了。这真是天大的喜事,尤其云鹏已经三十几岁了,这才是第一个儿子!吟霜的地位



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子了!吟霜? 可是„„可是„„云鹏愣愣的说:在那山野里,我曾经目睹你蜕下的衣衫呢!她用手轻轻地抚摸云鹏的手,劝慰的说:你不该说这话的,爷。您是个男人,我不过是个

真是你吗?吟霜?真是你吗?你从那山林里又回来了吗?你不会再变井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈为狐,一去不回 等你好了,我带著你和你姐姐,一起出去玩玩。



心,不要挂念,如果有缘,说不定我以后还会来见你。别了,爷。请照我的话办,一旦我死 的情绪,再叹口气,他低声说:


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3.同济大学09年考博英语 篇三

一、二、给出下列定义,简要叙述其作用。(15分)(1)关系;(2)合取范式;(3)格 证明下列命题(50分)


(答案参见《离散数学 理论·分析·题解》第148页3—66)




(答案参见《离散数学》p181定理5-2.1证明,零元证明参见《离散数学 理论·分析·题解》p268 5—6)



证明(ab)(bc)(ab)(ac)。bc(注:为偏序关系符号),(答案参见《离散数学 理论·分析·题解》第326页6—10)


1. 有集合3,5,15,1,2,3,6,12,3,9,27,54,其上面的偏序关系为整除,画出集合的偏序关系图,并指出哪个是全序关系。(答案参见《离散数学 理论·分析·题解》第184页3—136)

2. 有一农村集市平时每天开放,遇雨天则三天开放一次,用有限状态机实现该模型。离散

1. 函数、映射和关系的定义及其它们间的不同。

2. 根据所给出的条件构造一个自动机,并转换成另一种自动机形式。

3. 证明谓词关系式两边等价。

4. 有关群、子群的相关证明。

5. 证明某偏序关系是否是格。

4.同济大学09年考博英语 篇四








英语:作文是 造成火灾的原因以及解决方法







3、进出口市场平衡的问题 计量经济学:


