


1.宾语和表语的区别 篇一



















一:主语是句子陈述的对象,说明是谁或什么。表示句子说的是“什么人”或“什么事”。主语可以用这些词类或形式来担任:名词、代词 二:谓语是对主语动作或状态的陈述或说明,指出“做什么”、“是什么”或“怎么样”.谓语动词的位置一般在主语之后谓语由简单动词或动词短语(助动词或情态动词+主要动词)构成。

三: 宾语是动作、行为的对象,是动作的承受者。宾语由名词、代词、不定式或相当于名词的词、短语来担任





4.一般状语紧连在中心词的前边,但表示时间、处所、目的的名词或介词结构作状语时,可以放在主语的前边.如[在杭州],我们游览了西湖美景.状语 说白了 就是修饰动作的词




2.宾语和表语的区别 篇二

宾语表示动作的对象或承受者,一般位于及物动词和介词后面 , 和及物动词一起说明主语“做什么”,由名词、代词、数词、名词化的形容词、不定式和(宾语)从句。

如:They went to see an exhibition yesterday.(名词)

The heavy rain prevented me from coming to school on time.(代词)

How many dictionaries do you have? I have three.(数词)

They helped the old with their housework yesterday.(名词化形容词)

He pretended not to see me.(不定式)

I enjoy listening to popular music.(动名词)

I think (that) he is fit for this job.(宾语从句)



例如:Lend me your dictionary,please.=Lend your dictionary to me,please.(me为间接宾 语,your dictionary为间接宾语)

* 可带双宾语的动词有bring,give, show, send, pass, tell, lend, offer,buy, make, do等。带双宾语的及物动词 , 如果把直接宾语置于间接宾语之前,必须在变换时加“to”或“for”。这11个及物动词可以概括如下:“七给”一“带”to不少 ,“买”画“制作”for来了。

1.“七给”(give, pass, lend,write, show, send, hand) 和“一带”(bring) 8个及物动词 , 在直接宾语前置时 , 必须在后面加上“to”。即:“vt.+sth.+to+sb.”

如:He lent some money to me.

类似动词的还有:get, mail, offer,pay,promise,read,sell,take,teach等

2.“buy”(买 ) ;“draw”(画 );“make”( 制作 ) 三个动词 , 在直接宾语前置时 , 则必须在后边加“for”, 构成“vt.+sth.+for+sb.”。如:Mother bought a new dress for me.

类似的动词还有:build,choose,cook, cut, do, find, fix, leave, order等。

3. 当直接宾语是代词时,间接宾语for和to于直接宾语之后如:Richard made it for him. 理查德为他做的这个东西Give it to me. 把它给我。

4. 有些动词后可单独用直接宾语、间接宾语或双宾语,如ask,teach, tell, owe, pay.

I asked John. 我问约翰。

I asked a question. 我问了一个问题。

I asked John a question. 我问了约翰一个问题。


英语中有些及物动词,除有一个直接宾语以外,还要有一个宾语补足语,才能使句子的意义完整。宾语补足语是由名词、形容词、副词、不定式、分词、介词短语和从句充当并与宾语一起构成复合宾语的句子成分。宾语补足语是用来补充说明宾语的特征、状态或身份。带有宾语补足语的一般句型为:某些及物动词(如make,let, see, find, name等)或介词(如with)+ 宾语 + 宾补。

例如:His father named him Dong Ming.( 名词 )

They painted their boat white.(形容词 )

Let the fresh air in.(副词)

I ask him to go home now.(不定式)

We saw her entering the room.(现在分词)

He found the door locked.(过去分词)

We found everything in the lab in good order.(介词短语)

We will soon make our city what your city is now. ( 从句 )


1. 划出下列句中的宾语。

1 My brother hasn’t done his homework.

2 People all over the world speak English.

3 You must pay good attention to your pronunciation.

4 How many new words did you learn last class?

5 Some of the students in the school want to go swimming, how about you?

6 The old man sitting at the gate said he was ill.

7 They made him monitor of the class.

8 Go across the bridge and you will find the museum on the left.

9 You will find it useful after you leave school.

10 They didn’t know who“Father Christmas” really is.

2. 划出句中的直接宾语和间接宾语。

1 Please tell us a story.

2 My father bought a new bike for me last week.

3 Mr Li is going to teach us history next term.

4 Here is a pen. Give it to Tom.

5 Did he leave any message for me?


1 She likes the children to read newspapers and books in the reading-room.

2 He asked her to take the boy out of school.

3 She found it difficult to do the work.

4 They call me Lily sometimes.

5 I saw Mr Wang get on the bus.

6 Did you see Li Ming playing football on the playground just now?


1. 1 homework 2 English

3 attention 4 words

5 to go swimming

6 he was ill.

7 him monitor

8 bridge museum

9 it school.

10 who“Father Christmas”really is.

2. 1 us, 间接宾语,a story,直接宾语

2 me, 间接宾语a new bike,直接宾语

3 us, 间接宾语history, 直接宾语

4 Tom, 间接宾语it, 直接宾语

5 me, 间接宾语message, 直接宾语

3.宾语和表语的区别 篇三


1. 不定式与动名词作主语意义上的区别。

不定式表示具体的、一次性的动作或一件未完成的事或目的, 常与特定的动作执行者联系在一起;动名词形式表示经常的、习惯性的动作或一件已知的事或经验。如:

Though driving a car during the rush hour is tiring, it’s dangerous for you to drive so impatiently. 在高峰时刻开车令人厌烦,可是你开车这么没有耐心是很危险的。(前句经验,后句一次性动作)

2. 不定式和动名词作主语的特定句型。


(1) It be + adj. / n.(kind, necessary, important, one’s duty...) + to do sth.;

(2) It’s no use / good doing sth.;

(3) It’s useless doing sth.;

(4) It’s a waste of time doing sth.;

(5) It takes time to do sth.;

(6) It seems (appears) + adj.+ to do sth.;

(7) It’s fun doing sth.等。

例 As is known to us all, ______ is a good form of exercise for both young and old.

A. to walk B. walking C. having walking D. walk

分析 根据题干的form(形式)看出此处的walk应该是一种习惯,不是具体的一次性动作,要用动名词作主语,既然是习惯,就应该是一般时,排除完成时形式。故选B。


1. 只跟不定式作宾语的动词。

表示计划、打算、决定、希望等及物动词只跟不定式作宾语:像afford, demand, arrange, determine, manage, pretend, ask, agree, wish, beg, plan, decide, promise, undertake(答应), intend, refuse, want, hope, expect, choose, learn, propose, volunteer, attempt (企图), enable, neglect等。另外还有appear, fail, happen, hesitate, long (渴望)等不及物动词要跟不定式。

相关结构:try one’s best to do sth.; make an effort to do sth., be determined to do sth., make up one’s mind to do sth., would/should like/love/hate to do sth. 等。

2. 只跟动名词作宾语的动词。

像admit, permit, tolerate, dislike, advocate(提倡), complete, finish, appreciate, suggest, keep, pardon, confess(坦白), endure, bear, enjoy, envy, avoid, escape, miss, deny, excuse, consider(考虑), imagine, fancy, favor, hate, mind, quit, resist, forgive, risk, practise, delay, understand, can’t stand(受不了),can’t help(不禁), feel like, insist on等只跟动名词作宾语。

3. 跟不定式和动名词时意思不同的动词。

stop, remember, forget, regret, mean, try, go on, be used to, can’t help跟不定式和动名词时意思不同。need (want, require, deserve) doing = need (want, require, deserve) to be done.

4. 不定式和动名词作介词宾语。

动名词可以作介词宾语,不定式通常不可以作介词宾语。但介词but, except, besides后可以接不定式作介词宾语,如介词前有动词do,后接不带to的不定式;如无do,则接to不定式。如:

On Sunday afternoon I had nothing to do but watch TV. On the contrary, my sister didn’t finish her homework, so she had no choice but to be busy in doing her homework.

在一些特定句型中,作介词宾语的动名词前的介词(括号内)还可以省掉。如: stop/prevent sb. (from) doing sth.; spend / waste time(in) doing sth.; have trouble / difficulty / a hard time / fun(in) doing sth.; occupy oneself (in) doing; be busy / engaged / occupied (in) doing sth.等。

注意:一些含有介词to的动词短语,如:refer to, devote to, apply to, adjust to, get down to, be used to, be accustomed to, pay attention to, lead to, look forward to, be addicted to等,不要与动词不定式混淆了。

5. allow, advise, consider, forbid, permit 等只跟动名词作宾语的及物动词可以跟动词不定式作宾语补足语。

注意变为被动语态结构时,不定式是主语补足语,如be forbidden to do sth.等。

6. 作宾语的不定式或动名词跟有补足语时,常用形式宾语 it。

例1 I suggested the professor referred to _______ to give us a lecture on how to improve our English.

A. being invited B. invite C. be invited D. was invited

分析 refer to中的to是介词,按理说要跟动名词作宾语,但是此处却要排除A项,因为其作professor的定语,所填应是谓语。根据主句谓语动词suggested知道是虚拟语气,用“should+do”,其中should可省掉,professor与invite是动宾关系,用被动语态。故选C。

例2 (2011四川卷) Ladex doesn’t feel like ______ abroad. Her parents are old.

A. study B. studying C. studied D. to study

分析 feel like表“意欲,打算”,跟动名词作宾语。故选B。注意like作动词表“喜欢”可以跟不定式或动名词作宾语,但是would like后只跟不定式,feel like后只跟动名词。

例3 I appreciate ______ the opportunity to study abroad two years ago, which led to my present position as the head of the foreign division of the company.

A. to give B. giving C. to have given D. having been given

分析 appreciate只跟动名词作宾语,由two years ago知道give动作发生在appreciate前,用动名词完成形式,再由I与give动宾关系得出D正确。句意是:我很感激两年前给我出国学习的机会,使得我今天能坐到公司外事部主任的位置。


1. 不定式与动名词作表语区别。


To see is to believe. = Seeing is believing.

表示愿望、目的等的名词或以what引导的名词性从句要求用不定式作表语,对主语起补充说明作用。如ambition, wish, hope, desire, goal, target, aim, dream, plan, purpose, suggestion, duty, idea等。

2. 现在分词与过去分词作表语区别。

(1) 现在分词表主动意义,过去分词表被动意义,注意与主语之间的逻辑关系。尤其要注意表示情感情绪的动词的分词形式,如excite, frighten, tire, surprise, thrill, amuse, exhaust, embarrass, astonish, confuse, touch, move, bore等。

(2) “get+done”结构表示被动意义或看作是系表结构。

get常与marry, beat, break, damage, tear, strike, hurt, burn, wound, paint, repair, dress, change等动词的过去分词连用构成被动语态,也看作是系表结构。表示的被动语态一般指动作的结果而非动作本身,常指“最后终于,突然发生”等意义。

3. be to blame与be to do, were to be / do 结构。

(1) be to blame 是主动形式表示被动意义。

(2) be to do 表示意图、打算、坚决的命令、可能性、应该、不可避免、期待将来或者注定要发生某事。

(3) were to be / do 用在if引导的虚拟条件句中表示与将来事实相反的情况。

例1 Our aims are ________ small farmers, and landless laborers increase food production and to stimulate rural development in general.

A. to help B. helping C. being helped D. to have helped

分析 主语aim要求用动词不定式作表语,“目的”是一种意图,表将来,不定式的完成形式表示已经发生在现在时谓语动词are之前,要排除。故选A。句意是:我们目的是帮助小农、无地农民增加粮食生产,促进农村的全面发展。

例2 It often takes me more than half an hour to wash my face and wash my mouth, get _________, have breakfast, leave home and get on a bus.

A. changing B. to change C. change D. changed

分析 根据get的提示看出表示所做的结果,即“穿衣”,用get done结构。故选D。句意是:从洗漱、穿衣、吃早饭、离家到坐上公共汽车通常要花去我半个小时。


“特殊疑问词wh- (when, where, how, what, whether)+to do”能在句子中作主语、宾语和表语,现在分词和过去分词则不能。

注意: (1) why和if不用于此结构。(2) consider (考虑), discover, discuss, explain, find (out), know, observe, suggest, wonder, understand等通常不直接跟不定式作宾语,但可以接此结构作宾语。(3) why后面可以跟不带to的动词不定式,表示某动作是不必要或无意义的,why not do sth.表建议。如:

— How to solve the problem is a hot potato.

— I don’t think so. In fact, what you should do now is (to) decide where to put the box.

例1 I didn’t know _______ to laugh or to cry as I cut him short. “You were afraid of those two drivers, and they were afraid of you”.

A. ifB. whetherC. whyD. what

分析 根据题干的不定式排除A和C。根据其中的or和句意看出是whether... or... 结构。故选B。本题表面上是考查词语辨析,事实上是考查“特殊疑问词+不定式”结构。句意是:我哭笑不得地打断他说:“嗨,你怕那两个司机,人家还怕你们呢”。


Tomorrow would be Christmas Day, and Della had only 5 dollars with which to buy Jim a present (=with which she could buy Jim a present). 明天就是圣诞节,黛拉只有5美元给吉姆买一份礼物。

例2 It’s reported that the city needs more land _______, but news has came that the local government will reduce land supply.

A. on which to build houseB. on which building houses

C. which to build housesD. which to build houses on

分析 本题属于“介词+关系代词+to do”结构,介词应该置于关系代词前,排除C和D。B项用的现在分词形式,故选A。



1. The pupils will ________ (感到糊涂的) if they are made to learn too much. (confuse)

2. “Dear Miss Wood”, she said, “________ (这件事怨不了谁). I always thought that I could not deserve the love of such a man as Mr. Elton.” (blame)

3. I have no words ________ (要用什么话来感谢你们) for holding this welcome party for me. (thank, “介词+which to do”)

4. I think it no use ______(再在这儿等下去), for he may not come here. (wait)

5. All idioms must be learned; good idioms need ______(只需要学一次). (learn)

Keys:1. get/feel/be confused 2. Nobody is to blame 3. with which to thank you

4.过去分词做定语和表语练习 篇四

1._____________(开水)2.________________(一个破碎的茶杯)3.three ___________________(受伤的士兵)4__________________(一枚用过的邮票)5.__________________(一支点燃的蜡烛)___________作定语:通常放在________之后,其作用相当于____________;______________做定语,表示_______________________________ 6.Do you know the boy _______(lie)under the big tree? 7.“Can’t you read?” Mary said angrily, _______(point)to the notice.8 The woman ____________(sell)vegetables has gone.9.The wheat is watered by water _____(bring)from a pond.10.He is a leader_____________(respect)by the people.11.We lived in the house ______________(build)by my uncles我舅舅们修建的).12.Any medicine _______________(take(服用)without the advice of a doctor can cause trouble.13.We spent two hours discussing the plan __________________________(由她制定的)。14.Most of the people ___________________(被邀请参加宴会的)were famous scientists.15.Lessons __________________(易学的)are soon forgotten.16.The computer center ________________(开办)last week is popular with the students.17.Prices of daily goods _______(buy)through a computer can be lower than some store prices.18.Mr Smith, ______(tire)of the ________(bore)speech, started to read a novel.我喜欢穿这种布料做的衣服。

________________________________________________________________________________ 外国观光者种的那些树长势良好。

________________________________________________________________________________ 昨天捉来的鱼还活着。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 我们要去看那座建于几百年前的桥。






