


1.unit6作文 篇一

UNIT 6 Can I take your order? 课程名称:英语

使用教材及出版社:《英语基础模块1第2版》高等教育出版社 教学课型:技能课 课时:共9课时 教学目标:




学生能够运用阅读表格的策略对餐厅进行比较。文化意识: 学生能够了解西方国家的就餐习惯以及中西餐饮文化的不同。情感态度:







PPT、Audio file for listening 教学过程:

Period 1-2:Words & Expressions Step 1 Lead-in T greets Ss as usual.Do you often eat out? What kind of restaurant do you prefer? T help Ss read all the new words correctly.Step 2 New content T helps Ss have a general idea of the usage of some important words.1.order a.点餐

Three orders of fried chicken 点三份炸鸡 May I have your order, please? = Can I take your order?(在餐馆)请问你要点什么? b.顺序 In order 顺序的(反义词)out of order 杂乱的,不按顺序的

Put things in order 整理东西

The room is in good order.房间井然有序。

c.In order to do 为了做(比单纯的to do更强调目的)They did anything in order to make money.为了赚钱他们什么事都做。

2.Waiter/waitress actor/actress god/ goddess lion/ lioness prince/ princess host/ hostess tutor/tutress(女家庭教师)spokesman/spokeswoman salesman/saleswoman landlord/ landlady 3.Burger = hamburger 4.Say cheese!笑一个!(Don’t move!More teeth!别动!再笑开一点!)5.Steak 烧烤方式有rare半熟,medium七分熟,以及well-done全熟。6.Medium(尺码size:Large大号,Medium中号,Small小号。加大加小号


7.Salad days(使用复数)没有经验的少年时代,少不更事的时期。

8.Cheap(inexpensive)——(反义词)expensive 一般和物品东西连用,不能和price连用。

Things are cheaper in the country.= Price are lower in the country.乡村的物价比较低廉。(Price are cheaper„×)Step 3: Consolidate and expand T help Ss complete the following exercise.Translation: 1.(在餐馆)请问你要点什么?May I have your order, please? = Can I take your order? 2.四份牛排:four orders of beef steak 3.书架乱七八糟。The bookshelf is in bad order.4.为了美好的未来我努力工作。I worked hard in order to have a bright future.5.为了取得进步她努力学习。She studies had in order to make good progress.6.询问商品的价格:How much is the„? = What’s the price of „?

7.最近大米的价格比较贵。Rice is expensive recently.= The price of rice is high recently.Step 4: Summary T make a short summary of what we’ve learned today.Step 5: Homework Read the new word many times to memorize them.Review the usage of important words and complete the exercise.Period 3-4: Listening and Speaking Step 1: Lead-in T greets Ss as usual.T lead Ss review new words and expressions we have learned last period.T make a command on Ss’ exercise.Activity 1: Read and tick.Ss tick out the words about restaurant.T check their answers.Activity 2: Look and complete.Ss read the pictures and try to complete each sentence with proper words.T check their answer.Step 2: New content Activity3: Look and tick.Ss work in pairs to discuss what the waiter might say in the restaurant.T check their work and give some explanations.Activity 4:Listen and match.Ss listen to the recording and match the person with the food they order.T check their answers.Activity 5: Listen and complete.Ss listen to the recording again and write down the drinks they order.T checks the answers.Activity 6: Listen and underline.Ss listen to the recoding and underline the sentences about talking about ordering.Ss read the dialogue by following the recording.T explain some language points.Key phrases and sentences: Would you like something to drink? 你想喝点什么? Would you like…? 这里意为“你想要。吗?” Eg: Would you like an apple? 想吃个苹果吗? Would you like some noodles? 想来点儿面条吗? Step 3: Consolidate and expand Activity 7: Act and practice.Ss make a similar dialogue with their partner based on Activity 6.Sample : A: Can I take your order? What would you like to eat/ drink? B: I’d like…

A: Would you like…? B: Yes, please./No, thanks.A: What about you? B: I’d like…/ I’ll have the same.T asks some pairs to demonstrate their performance.Activity 8 Talk and complete.Ss work in groups to make a menu.Ss show their menus to the whole class.Step 4: Summary T make a short summary of what we’ve learned today.The way of ordering.Step 5: Homework Talk with partner to practice how to order in the restaurant.Period 5-6: Reading and Writing Step 1: Lead-in T lead Ss review we have learned last period.T choose 1-3 Ss to practice ordering.Step 2: New content Activity 9 Read and circle.Ss read the menu and make a menu for a party.T check their work.Activity 10 Read and guess.Ss read the sentences and try to guess the meaning of underlined words.T ask some Ss to speak out the answers.Activity 11 Read and choose.Ss read the passage and choose the suitable restaurant for each person.Ss speak out their answers.Ss practice reading.T explain some language points.Key phrases and sentences: 1.more delicious 意为“比。更美味” Eg I think Chinese food is more delicious than Western food.我觉得中餐比西餐好吃。

2.I want to invite my friend to eat Chinese food.我想请我的朋友吃中餐。Invite sb.To do sth.请某人去做某事,也可以是invite sb.to sth.Eg She invites me to have dinner.她请我吃饭。She invites me to her birthday party.她请我去她的生日宴会。

3.But I don’t have much money.但我钱不多。Much表示“许多,很多”。Eg I don’t have much free time.我空闲时间不多。

4.I want to eat out with my friends.我想和我的朋友去吃饭。With 在这里表示“和…”。Eg I often go shopping with my mother.我经常和我妈妈去买东西。

She often goes to she seaside with her family in summer.她夏天经常和家人去海边。Activity 12 Read and write.Ss work in groups to write down the reasons of choosing which restaurant.T check their work.Step 3 Consolidate and expand Unit Task Make a survey to compare three restaurants near your school.An American friend comes to your school.You want to invite him/ her to eat out.You want to find a restaurant with reasonable prices and good food.Now you need to make a survey and decide on a restaurant.1.Choose three restaurants near your school.2.Choose three kinds of food or drinks that are served in all three restaurants.3.Ask your classmates and teachers about the food quality in three restaurants.You may use the following sentence patterns.Do you like...? Is it delicious? How about / What about...? Is the food good? How much is it? Is...far from / near our school? 4.Complete the following table.Name of the Restaurant Kind of Food Quality of the Food(delicious or not)Average Price Place(far or near school)5.Report the result of your survey.Eg: Among the three Restaurants, _______ Restaurant has the longest menu.The food in ________ Restaurant is the best;______ Restaurant is the most expensive;and __________ Restaurant is the nearest to school.So I will choose _______ Restaurant to have dinner with my friend.Step 4: Summary T make a short summary of what we’ve learned today.Step 5: Homework Talk with partner to practice how to ordering.Period 7-8: Language in use Step1: Lead-in T lead Ss review we have learned last period.Step 2: New content T helps the students have a general idea of the usage of “Comparative Degree”.形容词比较级和最高级


1.基本句型:A+动词+形容词比较级+than +B。例如: 1)Mike is taller than Tom.麦克比汤姆高 2)

3)Dumplings are more delicious than noodles.饺子比面条更好吃。Kate has more books than Jim.凯特比吉姆的书多。

2.在形容词比较级前还可以用much, even, still, a lot, a little等来修饰,表示“…得多”,“甚至…”,“仍然…”,“更…”,“一些…”,以加强语气。例如:

1)This skirt is much more beautiful than that one.这条裙子比那条漂亮 得多。

2)He is even lazier than before.他甚至比以前更懒了。


基本句型:主语+动词+ the +形容词最高级+ of/ in +…。例如: 1)2)3)Our school is the biggest of the three.我们学校是三所中最大的。Spring is the best season of the year.春天是一年中最好的季节。He can answer the most difficult question.他能回答最难的问题。Step 3: Consolidate and expand Activity 13 Look and write.Ss work in pairs and make sentences with given words.Activity 14 Discuss and write.Ss work in groups to discuss about the “most” in class, then write down the sentences.Step 4: Summary T make a short summary of what we’ve learned today.(Comparative Degree)Step 5: Homework T offer each Ss exercise to conclude language points.Period 9: Vocabulary practice Step 1: Lead-in T lead Ss review we have learned last period.T make a short comment on exercise paper.Step 2: New content Pronunciation Practice 1.T explains the pronunciation rules of the given six phonetics./s/ /z/--/s//z/是s的发音,/z/又是z的发音。舌齿摩擦辅音。发音时舌端靠近齿龈,气流由舌端齿龈间送出,形成摩擦音。/s/是清辅音,声带不振动;/z/是浊浦音,声带振动。[ s ] 字母组合: s c ss ce 单词举例:six sing snow cinema city [ z ] 字母组合: z s ze se 单词举例: zoo zero pizza these those // //--////是th的发音。舌齿摩擦辅音。发音时舌尖轻触上齿背,气流由舌齿间送出,形成摩擦音。//是清辅音,声带不振动;//是浊辅音,声带振动。[ θ ] 字母组合: th 单词举例:thin thank three [ ð ] 字母组合: th 单词举例: this that these those /f/ /v/--/f/是f和ph的发音,/v/是v的发音。唇齿摩擦辅音。发音时下唇轻触上齿,气流由唇齿间通过,形成摩擦音。/f/是清辅音,声带不振动;/v/是浊辅音,声带振动。[ f ] 字母组合: f ph gh 单词举例: fox fish laugh photo elephant [ v ] 字母组合: v 单词举例: Very vase five love wave eleven 2.Ss practice reading the 6 phonetic symbols under T’s help.3.Ss listen and repeat.Read the following sentences after the tape and the teacher.Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.Step 3: Consolidate and expand Activity 15 Read and group.Ss work individually to divide given words in different groups.T check their answer.Activity 16 Discuss and write.Ss work in groups to make menus for their families, then compare with each groups and choose the best one.Life and Culture T give some hints to the passage “The Origin of Sandwich”.Ss read the passage after recording to practice reading skill.T ask some Ss to read out the passage and correct their wrong pronunciation.Step 4: Summary T make a short summary of what we’ve learned today.Step 5: Homework T help Ss review the whole unit and Ss check themselves about what they have learned and what they have mastered.

2.教学反思—unit6课后反思 篇二










3.五年级下册unit6教案 篇三



























学生1:喜欢铅笔, 0.1元是1角。



学生4:喜欢红豆, 5.7元是5元7角。




4.Unit6 Jobs 教学设计 篇四


1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写police officer,nurse,cook,doctor,bus driver, taxi driver, farmer, worker 2. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型 Is she a worker ? No, she isn’t.Is she a farmer ? Yes, she is.二.教学重点

能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写police officer,nurse,cook,doctor,bus driver, taxi driver, farmer, worker


能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型 Is she a worker ? No, she isn’t.Is she a farmer ? Yes, she is.四、教学准备



Step 1 Sing the song : good morning to you.Step 2 Free talk 1.Greetings(师生之间常规问好)2.Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.Hi!/Hello!/ Nice to meet you.How are you? Step 3 Read and say 1.Watch the cartoon and try to read the words: police officer,nurse,cook,doctor,bus driver, taxi driver, farmer, worker

2.Read after the tape.跟读, 齐读、分组读 Step 4 Games 1.Flash the card.2.Bomb.3.What’s missing.Step 5 Chant.Step 6 Guessing game.七.作业设计

1.writer the new words.2.Copy and translate Part A.八.板书设计

5.七年级下英语教案(unit6) 篇五

Language goal:

Take about likes or dislikes.New languages:

1.Master the use of “like” in general question sentences.2.Master countable and uncountable nouns.3.New target language:

Does he/she like salad?

Yes, he/she does.No, he/she doesn’t.I like salad.Do you like salad?

Yes, I do.No, I don’t.4.New words:

like, banana, hamburger, tomato, broccoli, French fries, orange, ice-cream, salad,strawberry, pear, apple,Difficult points:

1.Master the use of “like” in general question sentences.2.Master the rules of changing countable nouns.Moral points: We should keep a balanced diet

Period 1

Teaching periods:

Step I.Warming up

Practice oral English.Speak oral English on students and let them answer them.Teacher: Good morning, Boys and girls!

Students: Good morning, teacher!

Teacher: let’s introduce ourselves.What’s your name?

Students:My name is…

Teacher: You can ask me the same qusetion.Students:….Teacher: What colour do you like?

What food do you like?

Do you like bananas?

Step II.Revisions

Review the colours, the family name ,the first name.Step III.New words presentation

1.Use the pictures to teach the new words: banana, apple, orange, tomato, ice

cream, hamburger, broccoli,salad

2.Then ask students to read the new words after the teacher.3.Then ask the students to read the new words together

4.Play a game : Missing game

Step IV.Presentation

1.Show the pictures to studengs and ask them to pronounce the words.2.Then use the picture to teach countable nouns and uncountables nouns

3.Then ask students to divided the words into three groups: countable nouns,uncountables nouns ,countable nouns and uncountables nouns

4.Give the pattern sentences: I like bananas.Do you like bananas?

5.Then answer it.Step V.Pairwork

1.Practice the dialogue with your partner.Do you like...?

Yes, I do.I like...No, I don’t.I don’t like...2.Use some picture of famous people to practice:

He likes ….He doesn’t like …

Does he like q…?

Yes, he does.He likes…

No, he doesn’t.He doesn’t like…

They like…They don’t like…

Do they like…?

Yes, they do.They like…

No, they don’t.They don’t like…

Step VI.Exercise

1.let students do some exercises.2.Do a survey :

I like…I don’t like…

He likes …he doesn’t like …

She likes … she doesn’t like …

They like…they don’t like …

3.Then ask some students to make a report.Step VII.homework

Practice today’s conversations with your classmates ,and try to find out who likes and dislikes food as you.Blackboard design

Unit 6 Do you like bananas?

Do you like bananas?

Does he /she like bananas?

Do they like bananas?

Unit 6 Do you like bananas?


6.五年级下册英语unit6教案 篇六


1、能够听说读写单词again , put on, take off

2、使用句型I like toXXXX.表达个人喜好。







本课的表示衣服名称的词和天气情况的单词重点单词again , put on, take off及句型I like toXXXX.。






一、Class Opening and Review

1、Play “Simon Says”学习“put on, take off“及所学衣服的词汇,例如:指名到教室前面,教师发指令,Put onyour scarf. Take off your mitts.

2、学生快速描述每位学生根据个人的实际情况说出自己所穿的衣服(可以用自己喜欢的方式) I am wearing XXXX. I like red.My sweater is red.

3、(Ask and answer)问答练习

(a)How many seasons are there in a year?

(b)What’s your favorite season?

(c)What do you wear in winter/spring/summer/fall?

(d)What do you like to do in spring/summer/fall/winter?

二、New concepts

a、skate, ski, learn, teach教师拿出滑冰鞋,边做动作边说:“I like to skate on the ice. Canyou skate? Do you want to learn? I can teach you.并用单词卡片学习“skate, learn,teach”

b.用同样的方法教学“ski, I like to ski on the snow.”学生模仿并结合实际说句子。

C、This is winter. Where are Jenny and Li Ming?学生听录音或放光盘,回答问题

No.1 A cold, snowy day

a) What day is today?

b) What season is this?

c) What clothes does Jenny/Li Ming wear?

d) What do they see?

e) What does Danny say?


No.2.Where is Danny?听录音或放光盘,回答问题

a) What does Danny like to do in winter?

b) Does Li Ming swim? Why?

c) What do you like to do in winter?


三、Class Closing

What’s your favorite season? Why? What do you like to do in the season?Talk about them and write down.


Lesson 14 Snow!

It’s Winter In winter I put on my XXXX.I take offXXX.

7.unit6作文 篇七





房子n.喝 v.饮料n.茶;茶叶n.喝茶

在明天 adv.明天;未来n.游泳池;水池n.购物v.商店n.超市n.男人;人n.竞赛n.主人;东道主n.学习;研究v./n.州n.美国;美利坚合众国

美国的;美洲的 adj.美国人;美洲人n.龙 n.端午节

任何的;任一的 adj.任何;任 一 pron.另外的;其他的 adj.另外的人(或物)pron.幼小的;年轻的adj.儿童n.儿童(复数)

8.unit6作文 篇八

Unit 6 Find the right place!

Lesson 21

林永文 (/10/25)

一. Teaching aims: 1.Asking for directions: Where’s the … ?

2.Giving directions: It’s next to the …

二.Teaching tools: pictures, computer ……

三.Teaching steps:

1. Organization.( omitted )

2. Revision.

Park farm

School shop factory




Say: The farm is behind the factory. The shop is next to the school.

Ask: Where’s the school? …… ( Using behind / next to )

3. Presentation.

Park farm

School shop factory


Ask: Where’s the farm / park / school / shop / factory ? etc.

( Using on the left / right side of, in front of, on the left / right )

Let the Ss ask and answer in pairs about the map.

4. Read, say and learn.

Part 1. Look at the picture and ask: Where’s the hospital?

Present this dialogue, using on the left / right, next to ,

in front of ,behind, outside.

A: Excuse me, where’s the hospital?

B: It’s over there, on the left.

Do Wb. L21. Ex.1 individually. Check the answers with the whole class.

5. Ask and answer.

Part 2. Play the tape of the first dialogue and practise it with the Ss. Make up another example. Practise the second dialogue in the same way. Get some pairs to act theirs out.

6. Homework.

① Finish Ex.3 in Page 101 for homework.

② Go over L 21 and recite Part 2.

Language points:

1. Look at the picture.

Look at 看 look through 查看 look up 向上看 、查 look out 向外看 look over 复习

2. the post office.

合成词:①、写成一个单词: bookshop ②、写成开放式: post office


3. next to 紧挨

4. in front of 反义词 behind

5. Excuse me 的用法

①、引起别人注意 ②、请求让路 ③、向人问路或打听消息

6. Thank you all the same.

All the same 仍然

The hospital the bus station the bookshop

The post office the bank the toilet

The hotel the police station the school

The park the factory the farm

9.unit6作文 篇九

[ 2008-8-16 14:07:00 | By: 李怡 ]






本课是《新目标英语》八年级上册“Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister.Section A”。本课要分两课时完成。内容是谈论两

个人/物的相同点和不同点,重点学习形容词比较级的运用。这是在对形容词进行了一年的学习之后,学生已经掌握形容词的使用之后进行 的语言技能的提高。也是学习本册书第十二单元最高级的基础。

2、教学目标的确立及依据: 1)、语言知识与技能目标:





3、教学重点与难点: 1)、重点及突破方法:

用both表达相同点的用法及用形容词的比较级表达不同点的用法是本课的学习重点。突破方法是分类练习、归纳总结,使学生在头脑中形成 清晰的脉络。












本课重点是学会表达人物外貌和性格的相同点和不同点,因此,事先总结有关人物外貌和性格的形容词是很必要的。所以,我以What does he / she look like? What is he / she like? 展开词汇归类的角逐,继而导入新课。



①、借助多媒体呈现成对人物,并出现We both,引导学生自主发挥,用“both+动词”表述共有的外貌特征。之后,拓展提高,要求学生 介绍两位较相似的人,巩固提高以上所学。

②、借助多媒体呈现成对人物,并出现They are both,引导学生自主发挥,用“系动词+both”表述共有的外貌特征和性格特点,之后,拓 展提高,要求学生介绍两个人物的相同点,巩固提高以上所学。2)、不同点的学习:


③、实践应用:播放视频,引导学生感知比较级的运用。之后,比较特异双胞胎,比较秀兰·邓波的儿童照和成年照(这一步的设计也是为 第九单元的学习打下基础)。

④、拓展与提高比较班内的两个同学,找出两者外貌和性格的不同点。由于初中阶段英语的书面表达是以仿写为主,所以我呈现了表达的 套用形式供学生参考。


运用猜谜的方式:先把全班学生的人名分别写在条上,让参加的学生抽条,之后说出条上学生与自己的相同点与不同点,其他人在他说的过 程中进行猜测,直至猜中为止。




从相同点和不同点两个方面完成书面表达: “My Best Friend and I”。词数:60~80词。




首先,通过学习,学生对表述人物外貌和性格的形容词进行了较为全面的总结。其次,由于引入时是分类引入的,学生对知识点的掌握也就在一开始就进入了分类状态,所以在之后的综合表达环节出现的混淆现象比预计 的要少。

10.unit6作文 篇十

《Unit6 How Many?》

Part A Let‘s learn教学设计





(1)能够熟练运用数字eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen。(2)能结合所学句型: How many...?进行相关对话游戏。





(1)数字thirteen, fifteen的发音和认读。






1、Free-talk T: Hello!***。Good morning.How are you? / How old are you? / Where are you from? …

2、Let’s sing a song.全班活动,课件播放第一册Unit6A部分let’s sing“Ten Little Candles Dance”,学生边听边拍手边跟唱。


Step2:新课呈现(Presentation)Teach the new words: eleven、twelve、thirteen、fourteen、fifteen.(1).教师课件出示一张有11只老虎的图片。T:How many tigers? Let’s count together.one、two、three...eleven.带读eleven.(2).用同样的方法教学:twelve、thirteen、fourteen、fifteen.(3).5个单词全部呈现完毕之后,老师带学生看图,出示标有11号的小船,让学生用英语说数,依次认识12到15。认识13、14、15数字时,分别把three,four,five写在旁边,让学生比较这三组单词在音、形上的异同点,加深学生对数字的认识。Step3:趣味操练(Practice)(1)、学生们坐在座位上,用one by one的方式,一个对着下一个快速报数,报到fifteen后又马上从one开始,训练学生的快速反应能力。


A、用How many...do you see? I see...句子说话。B、Ask and answer。Step5:小结。



How many?





