


1.五年级下期末试卷 篇一


(二)欣赏是一种善良 1982年秋天,屠格涅夫在打猎时无意间捡到一本皱巴巴的《现代人》杂志。他随手翻了几页,竟被一篇题为《童年》的小说所吸引。作者()是一个初出茅庐的无名小辈,()屠格涅夫却十分欣赏,钟爱有加。他四处打听作者的住处,最后得知作者是姑母一手抚养长大的。屠格涅夫几经周折,找到了作者的姑母,表达他对作者的欣赏与肯定。姑母很快就写信告诉自己的侄儿:“你的从前,有个书生很有才气,但多次参加科举考试都不能中举,他心里烦闷,郁郁寡欢,久病不愈。常常gù yǐng zì lián(),形销骨立,眼看着不久于人世。有一天,集市来了个鹤发童颜的老郎中。书生请老郎中给自己诊治。老郎中仔细询问了病情,沉吟良久,开出了一张处方:山岩上的松籽四钱,将沃土上的野草当柴煎服。书生如法炮制,吃了几剂,病情仍不见好转,就派人去请老郎中。老郎中写一首诗,叫人带给书生。书生展开一看,上面写道:“杂草纤柔身,烧之除草性。松籽耐风寒,食之具松质。”书生读完,máo sâ dùn kāi()。从此他每天都要花三四个小时,到深山老林里散步,或读书,或吟诗,病情渐渐好了起来。一天,老郎中飘扬而至,他问书生,有没有吃药。书生回答道:“吃了,而且把药吃到了心里。”老郎中拈须微笑:“味道如何?”

书生起身作辑:“感谢老先生指点,味道好极了。”老郎中谦虚地摆摆手:“愿闻其详。” 书生说:“杂草生于沃野,松树长于山岩。杂草只能长成细弱之身,松树却能长成参天乔木。只因杂草多愁善感,一会儿愁天旱,一会儿怕地干;夏怕热,冬畏冷;又哀白日短,又怨黑夜长,它怎能长大?松树却不然,生于贫瘠之地不叫命苦,身处逆境之中不







2.五年级下期末试卷 篇二


1.8.45平方米= () 平方分米1.5小时= () 分

2.4.68×0.07的积有 () 位小数。

3.0.25×0.4÷0.25×0.4的结果是 () 。

4.5÷11的商是0.4545……, 结果还可以写成 () , 保留三位小数约是 () 。

5.除数是整数的小数除法, 按照 () 除法的法则计算, 商的小数点要和 () 的小数点对齐, 如果除到被除数的末尾仍有余数, 就在余数后面添 () , 再继续除。

6.在0.35、0.3 5·、0.3·5·、0.355中, 最大的数是 () , 最小的数是 () 。

7.一条马路长a米, 已经修了5天, 平均每天修b米, 还剩 () 米没有修。当a=600, b=40时, 还剩 () 米。

8.一个平行四边形的底是4.2厘米, 高是3厘米, 这个平行四边形的面积是 () 平方厘米, 与它等底等高的三角形的面积是 () 平方厘米。

9.数字2、3、5、6可以组成 () 个没有重复数字的四位数, 其中, 单数的可能性是 () , 双数的可能性是 () 。

10.58, 57, 42, 45, 50, 54这组数据的平均数 () , 中位数是 () 。

11.观察一个长方体, 一次最多能看到 () 个面。

12.工人加工一批零件, 10分钟做了25个, 平均做1个零件需要 () 分钟。

13.如右图, 平行四边形的面积是18平方分米, 阴影部分两个三角形的面积是 () 。

二、判断 (对的在括号里打√, 错的打×。) 。

1.三角形的面积等于平行四边形面积的一半。 ()

2.7.333是循环小数。 ()

3.方程都是等式, 但等式不都是方程。 ()



5.平均数不受偏大或偏小数据的影响, 中位数容易受偏大或偏小数据的影响。 ()

三、选择 (把正确答案的字母填在括号里。) 。

1.一个不等于0的数除以0.01, 就是把这个数 () 。


2.下列式子中 () 是方程。


3.一个三角形的面积是16平方米, 高是4米, 底是 () 。


4.一个三位小数, 保留两位小数是5.00, 这个数最大是 () 。


5.老李a岁, 小林 (a-15岁) , 再过c年后, 他们相差 () 岁。







(1) 6.3×10.1 (2) 0.25×0.8×4×0.125

(3) 0.75×18÷0.15 (4) 2.5×3.7+6.3×2.5


(1) 0.86x-0.3x=11.2 (2) 7 (x-1.2) =2.1



2.下图由8个小正方体拼成, 画出从不同方向看到的形状。


1.每个空瓶可以装食用油2.5千克, 李老师要把25.5千克食用油装在这样的瓶子里, 至少需要多少个这样的瓶子?

2.服装厂计划做863套服装, 已经做了6.5天, 平均每天做76套。剩下的平均每天做82套, 还要几天做完?

3.世界闻名的丝绸之路在甘肃境内, 总长1600千米, 比兰州到西安铁路长的2.2倍还多159千米, 兰州至西安的铁路长是多少千米?

4.妈妈从超市买来苹果和梨各30千克, 共用99元。每千克苹果1.8元, 每千克梨多少元?

5.右图是一块梯形菜地的示意图, 张大伯把它分成一个平行四边形和一个三角形。平行四边形地里种大白菜, 三角形地里种萝卜。

(1) 每棵大白菜占地0.16平方米, 一共可以种多少棵?

3.新目标八年级下期末测试(二) 篇三


1. I hear she’ll be back ____ a week.

A. afterB. inC. fromD. at

2. ——____ do you go to see your grandparents?

——Once a month.

A. How longB. How often C. How soonD. How much

3. Don’t speak aloud. You ____ keep quiet in the reading-room.

A. couldB. mayC. would D. should

4. If you want to be thinner, you have to eat ____ food and do

____ exercise.

A. little; manyB. much; fewC. fewer; moreD. less; more

5. We all went swimming ____ Jim, because he had to look after his

younger sister.

A. exceptB. besidesC. andD. or

6. ——I’m not feeling well, maybe I have a cold. What should I do?


A. Maybe you should see a dentist

B. Maybe you should have a good sleep

C. Maybe you should see a doctor

D. Maybe you should drink some coffee

7. If it ____ tomorrow, I won’t visit the West Lake.

A. don’t rainB. will rainC. rainsD. rain

8. ——____ will they play?

——They will play football.

A. What subjectB. What sportC. What foodD. What language

9. It’s not right ____ you ____ others’ homework.

A. to; to copyB. for; copyC. to; copyD. for; to copy

10. ——Could you please tell me ____?

——Tomorrow, I think.

A. when will he comeB. when he will come

C. when would he comeD. when he would come

11. ——Will there be less pollution?

——____. There will be more pollution.

A. Yes, there willB. No, there isn’t

C. Yes, there isD. No, there won’t

12. Her mother told her ____ in bed.

A. not readB. not to readC. don’t readD. to not read

13. Work hard, and your dream will ____ one day.

A. come trueB. come onC. come overD. come up

14. The students were reading when the teacher ____ into the classroom.

A. was comingB. cameC. comesD. coming

15. ——Why don’t you go and play soccer?


A. Yes, I thinkB. Yes, I can play

C. That’s a good ideaD. It’s good game

Ⅱ.完形填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,总共10分)


For many young people, __1__ a professional athlete might seem like a dream job. If you become a professional athlete, you’ll be able to __2__ a living doing something you love. If you become famous, people all over the world __3__ you. Many athletes give money to schools and __4__, and do a lot of work to help people. This is a great chance that many people do not have.

__5__, professional athletes can also have many problems. If you are famous, people will __6__ you all the time and follow you everywhere. This can make life __7__.

If you play sports __8__ a living, your job will sometimes be very dangerous. Many professional athletes get injured. And if you become rich,you will have a difficult time knowing who your real friends are. __9__, many famous people complain that they are not happy. They say they were __10__ before they became rich and famous.

1. A. becomesB. becomeC. becomingD. to become

2. A. to makeB. makingC. makeD. made

3.A. will knowB. knowC. to knowD. knew

4.A. charityB. charitysC. charitiesD. charityes

5.A. ThoughB. BecauseC. HoweverD. Still

6.A. seeB. watchC. lookD. look at

7.A. difficultB. to difficultC. most difficultD. easy

8.A. asB. inC. withD. for

9. A. In factB. In a factC. On factD. At fact

10. A. happyingB. happyerC. happierD. more happy




1. Which is the cheapest(便宜的) of all? ____.

A. HatB. T-shirtC. PantsD. Socks

2. How much are two pants? ____.

A. $14B. $20C. $21D. $22

3. You can buy ____ in Mason’s Clothes Store.

A. black pantsB. a blue sweaterC. a green hatD. red socks

4. If you want to buy a T-shirt, which color isn’t afford(提供)?____.

A. redB. yellowC. greenD. black

5. You like red and you only have $6. You can buy ____.

A. a sweaterB. a hatC. a T-shirtD. nothing


There are 45 students in our class. I have made a survey, 36 students say they like to exercise. Most boys play basketball together twice a week. But girls think basketball is difficult for them; they’d like to play volleyball together twice a week. My friend, Tony, is good at running. He runs fastest(最快) in our class. He runs for 30 minutes on the playground every evening before he goes to bed. Is it interesting? Gray is good at swimming. He goes to the swimming club three times a month in winter and four times a week in summer. So he’s pretty healthy. Some of my classmates have good eating habits. They eat both meat and vegetables. 70% of them drink milk every day. 15 students say they drink milk three or four times a week. But some students like to eat junk food, especially Sally. What’s worse (更糟糕的) is that she doesn’t like to exercise, so she is very fat. She always says “I’m going to lose weight tomorrow.”

6. How often do most boys play basketball? ____.

A. Every dayB. Twice a dayC. Twice a weekD. Twice a month

7. Why do the girls dislike to play basketball? ____.

A. Because they have no time

B. Because they think it’s not easy

C. Because they don’t like to play with the boys

D. Because they don’t like to exercise

8. Who runs the fastest in the writer’s class? ____.

A. GrayB. SallyC. TonyD. We don’t know

9. How often does Gray swim in summer? ____.

A. Three times a monthB. Four times a week

C. Hardly everD. Every afternoon

10. Why is Sally so fat? ____.

A. Because she doesn’t like to exercise

B. Because she likes to eat junk food very much

C. Because she likes sleeping very much

D. Because she likes to eat junk food and doesn’t like to exercise


Life in the future will be different from life today. Between then and now many changes will happen. The population (人口) is growing fast. There will be more people in the world and most of them will live longer than people live now.

Computers will be much smaller and more useful, and there will be at least (至少) one in every room. And computer studies will be one of the important subjects in schools then. People will work fewer hours than they do now and they will have more free time for sports, watching TV and travel. Traveling will be much cheaper and easier. And many more people will go to other countries for holidays.

There will be changes in our food, too. More land will be used for building new towns and houses for all the people. Then there will be less room for cows and sheep, so meat will be more expensive. Maybe no one will eat it every day. Instead they will eat more fruit and vegetables. Maybe people will be healthier. Work in the future will be different, too. Robots will do dangerous and hard work. Because of this, many people will not have enough work to do. This will be a problem.

11. In the future there will be ____.

A. much more fruitB. more people

C. less vegetablesD. less people

12. Every family will have at least a ____ in the future.

A. robotB. cowC. TV setD. computer

13. In the future people don’t have to ____.

A. work long hoursB. work fast

C. walk on footD. eat meat

14. Which of the following is NOT right? ____.

A. There will be more people in the world and they can live longer

than now

B. There will be more room for sheep and cows

C. People will eat more fruit than meat they eat today

D. Robots will do dangerous and hard work for people in the future

15. One big problem in the future is that ____.

A. many people don’t have to work

B. many people will not be able to find work

C. people have to work fast

D. all the work will be done by robots



1. What ____(发生) to you last night?

2. One day people will ____(飞) to the moon for vacations.

3. Can you ____(带来) some music CDs to the party?

4. There are all kinds of ____(花) in the garden.

5. I will ____(发送) an E-mail to my best friend tomorrow.

6. The girl felt a little ____(紧张的) at the meeting.

7. You could give him a ____(票) to a ball game.

8. There are two____(百) workers in the factory.

9. My father doesn’t know how to ____(使用) the computer.

10. They finish the homework by ____(他们自己).



A. Dress-making

B. Beauty Sights in France

C. Starting Your Stamp Collection

D. Sports

E. An Instruction to History

1. Her mother is a teacher. She enjoys dress-making for her family.

2. Her father has been interested in history and he also likes


3. Jack, her elder brother, is studying languages at university and will

spend nine months in France next year.

4. Sarah, her sixteen-year-old sister, loves watching sport programs

on television.

5. Dan, her younger brother, is twelve. He loves pop music. He also

collects stamps and has a large collection.

1. Mother ____ 2. Father ____ 3. Jack ____

4. Sarah ____5. Dan ____









4.三年级思品下期末试卷 篇四

1、以热爱祖国为( ) 以危害祖国为( )

2、家庭是我们的第一所学校,我们在家中得到家人的( ),学到了( )、( )和( )的道理。

3、国家将每年的( )月( )日定为教师节。

4、请写三个礼貌用语( )、( )、( )。

5、( )岁以下的儿童不能在马路上骑自行车。



1.小明和父母到餐厅吃饭,对服务员从不说谢谢。因为给他端菜倒茶是服务员的工作,是付了钱的,不用说谢谢。( )

2.小兰总是瞧不起班上的小明同学,因为她觉得小明笨,成绩不太好,所以不和小明交往。( )

3. 小雨每天晚饭后都帮妈妈洗碗、拖地。然后才复习功课和玩。( )

4.我还是小学生,主要任务是学习,所以妈妈应该给我洗衣服、收拾房间。 ( )

5.做作业的速度慢,就说明我写得认真。 ( )


(1)美化环境 (2)游子身上衣 (3)辛苦我一人,方便千万家

(4)营养丰富 (5)六周岁

1、环卫工人给我们( )。

2、慈母手中线,( )。

3、徐虎以行动实现自己的若言:( )。

4、学校食堂的叔叔、阿姨们为我们做出( )的饭菜。

5、凡年满( )的儿童,不分性别、民族、种族,应当入学校接受规定年限的义务教育。







5.五年级下期末试卷 篇五

















一、填空96%,二、选一选96%,三、算一算98%,四,画一画100%,五、解决问题96% 六,原因分析。





6.2014年五年级下期末评语 篇六




























7.新目标七年级下期末测试题(三) 篇七


1. Green Garden is b____ Sunshine Supermarket and Happy Library.

2. Her father works in the h____. He is a doctor.

3. He doesn’t like the r____ days.

4. My mother would like a m____ cup of coffee.

5. His uncle is average b____.


6. Don’t ____(listen) to music in the classroom.

7. Mr Jones ____(go) to Australia last Monday.

8. Look! Linda’s brother ____(play) soccer with his friends.

9. This girl has to ____(help) her mother make dinner every day.

10. Do you enjoy ____(read) Miss Smith’s articles?


friendly, reporter, restaurant, snowing, bank clerk

11. A waiter works in a ____.

12. Jack is always ____ to me. I like him.

13. It’s cold and ____ in Moscow.

14. A ____ sees a lot of money every day.

15. A ____ works for a magazine.


arrive late for, on vacation, long curly hair, be from, in front of

16. Where did your aunt go ____?

17. My pen pal ____ Japan.

18. His house is ____ Green High School.

19. Her brother is very lazy. He often ____ school.

20. ——What does your sister look like?

——She has ____.


21. My bike is black, what about yours?

A. how about isB. what color isC. what colorD. how about are

22. They got to Beijing on time.

A. arrive inB. arriveC. arrived inD. arrived

23. The yellow shirt is not cheap.

A. expensiveB. interestingC. goodD. nice

24. It is raining now.

A. rainB. rainsC. rainyD. to rain

25. Bridge Street is a good place to have fun.

A. enjoy yourselvesB. having fun

C. has a good time D. enjoy a good time



1. ____ Saturday morning, he went to the park.

A. AtB. InC. On

2. This boy has no pens ____ no pencils.

A. orB. andC. but

3. There is ____ orange juice in the glass.

A. a littleB. manyC. a little bit

4. Bill is from London and he is an ____ boy.

A. eight years old

B. eight-years-old

C. eight-year-old

5. This TV show is ____ boring.

A. kind ofB. a little ofC. a kind of

6. How did you ____ your weekend?

A. spendB. takeC. do

7. The children had fun ____ at Linda’s party.

A. playB. playingC. plays

8. My brother wants ____ a reporter because he likes to talk to people and ____ stories.

A. to be, writesB. being, writeC. to be, write

9. It’s time ____ class. Let’s ____ into the classroom.

A. to have, goB. have, goC. to have, to go

10. What ____ your mother ____ last night?

A. does, doB. did, doC. do, did

11. It’s ____ outside. We have to ____ at home.

A. rain, stayB. raining, stayingC. raining, stay

12. ——What does your father ____?

——He is medium build.

A. look likeB. likeC. do

13. ——What is your uncle doing?

——He ____ his car.

A. cleansB. cleaningC. is cleaning

14. ——____. Is there a post office on Center Street?

——No, there isn’t.

A. SorryB. Excuse meC. Nice to meet you

15. ——____?

——I’d like a small bowl of noodles.

A. How are you

B. Can I help you

C. What kind of noodles would you like



1. He did his homework last night. (改为一般疑问句)

____ he ____ his homework last night?

2. I asked students about fashion last week. (改为否定句)

I ____ ____ students about fashion last week.

3. My father went to the hotel by taxi. (改为同义句)

My father ____ a taxi ____ the hotel.

4. You can’t play the guitar in the classroom. (改为祈使句)

____ ____ the guitar in the classroom.

5. Her uncle is sleeping in the bedroom. (对划线部分提问)

____ is her uncle ____ in the bedroom?



1. neighborhood, there, the, school, in, is, a


2. do, not, for, class, be, late


3. exchange, Linda, to, be, an, wants, student


4. short, a, with, Mr Smith, man, hair, is


5. is, Peter’s, kind, music, favorite, what, of




1. 我爷爷会说一点儿法语。

My grandfather can speak ____ ____ French.

2. 一群女孩子正在做游戏。

A ____ ____ girls are playing games.

3. 我们学校在中心花园的对面。

Our school is ____ ____ Center Garden.

4. 琳达不戴眼镜。

Linda doesn’t ____ ____.

5. 我们必须戴帽子吗?

Do we ____ ____ wear hats?



A. You’re welcome. But the lights are red.

B. Turn left at the traffic lights. The park is near a tall office building. It’ll take you about fifteen minutes.

C. How can we get there?

D. Excuse me, is the People’s Park far from here?

E. Now the lights are green. You can go!

F. Thank you very much.

G. Well, we have to wait.

H. You can take the No. 5 bus there, or you can walk there.

I. No, it’s not far.

J. How do we walk there?

1.____ 2.____ 3.____ 4.____ 5.____ 6.____ 7.____ 8.____ 9.____ 10.____


A. He speaks English and Chinese.

B. He is thin and has short curly hair.

C. Yes, he does.

D. I’m writing a letter to my new pen pal, Bob.

E. He is from Canada.

A: Hello, Bill. What are you doing now?

B: __11__

A: Where is he from?

B: __12__

A: What language does he speak?

B: __13__ Sometimes he writes to me in Chinese.

A: Really? He is so great. What does he look like?

B: __14__

A: Does he like China?

B: __15__ He thinks China is a beautiful country.


The first class was over at nine. Betty went out of the __1__. She played games with Jenny and Sandy in the hallway. At __2__, the sec-ond class began. Betty put a gum(口香糖) in her mouth and went into the classroom.

Mr Brown put a map on the blackboard. He is __3__ and often tells his students to keep the rules. But he’s a good __4__ teacher, so the children like him. He asked, “Where’s Egypt? __5__ can answer it?”

All the children began to think of __6__. Mr Brown looked around and waited. He found Betty __7__ something and looking out of the window. He was __8__ and came up to her. Now he knew what the girl was chewing (咀嚼).

“Betty!” said Mr Brown. “Take the gum out of your __9__! And then __10__ us the answer!”

1. A. bedroomB. officeC. classroom

2. A. half past eightB. nineC. half past nine

3. A. shyB. strictC. friendly

4. A. geographyB. physicsC. gym

5. A. WhoB. WhatC. Where

6. A. themB. theyC. it

7. A. makingB. eatingC. watching

8. A. happyB. angryC. tired

9. A. pocketB. bagC. mouth

10. A. tellB. sayC. speak



I cleaned my room yesterday. I found an old diary. I wrote it when I was ten years old and I am fifteen now.

When I was ten, my mother took me to math classes three times a week. She wanted me to be a scientist. And I had to practice the guitar for two hours at home every day. But I don’t do these activities now. I often play chess and basketball.

I also found some old photos. I was short when I was ten. I had long hair. Now I’m quite tall and my hair is very short.

I didn’t like the teachers when I was ten. So I didn’t study hard. And I got low marks. Things are fine now. I am good at all my subjects. I couldn’t stand the school rules now. I know they are good for us.




6. What must the students do when a teacher comes into the classroom?


7. When must the students arrive at school?


8. What must a student do if he is ill?


9. Can the students drink in the classroom?


10. Must the students stay at the school at lunchtime?



假如你是Bill,是Green High School的一名学生。请给你新结识的笔友Bob发一封电子邮件介绍你的外貌、爱好、学校生活,70词左右(注意电子邮件的格式)。


