


1.指导:专四考试的语法与词汇到底考什么 篇一


1. D)【句意】虽然白色过去不受欢迎,但目前它是婚纱的首选颜色。

【难点】as是连词,引导让步状语从句时,往往使用半倒装形式。又如:Beautiful as she is, she is foolish.

2. C)【句意】由于长时间无雨,田野变得十分干燥。

【难点】该句的前半部分是There be结构,完成式独立结构形式,这与时间状语for a long time相吻合。

3. A)【句意】数百万次计算如果用手工操作,那么,到计算结束的时候,就将失去其全部实际意义。


4. B)【句意】电视使我们能够在事情发生的那一瞬间就看到它们是如何发生的。


5. D)【句意】最令我惊讶的是,这个在车祸中失去双臂的小男孩能够用脚使用钢笔。


6. A)【句意】虽然她很小的时候就写了很多短篇小说和诗歌,但她直到25岁才迎来第一次真正的成功。

【难点】这是一个练习not until结构的句子。

7. A)【句意】你应该知道,不该把你小妹妹一个人留在家里。

【难点】to know better than to do sth.是一个常见的表示责备的句型,意为“应该知道不该做某事”。

8. C)【句意】既然火车一个小时以后才开,我们不妨到快餐店吃口东西。

【难点】might as well后接动词原形,意为“不妨,何不”。

9. D)【句意】当她没钱为孩子买吃的东西时,她开始偷。

【难点】resort to意为:求助于,其中to是介词,后接动名词。

10. A)【句意】那个男孩承认在昨天踢足球的时候打破了窗子。

【难点】admit to中的to是介词,后接名词或动名词。

11. D)【句意】贝蒂建议我把我们的行李认真地贴上标签以免运输中放错位置。


12. C)【句意】就钱而言,她很富裕。然而这并不意味着她幸福。

【难点】in terms of意为“从……方面来说”;concerning意为“关于”;as to也是“关于;至于”;in the light of 意为“鉴于,由于”。

13. A)【句意】一篇好文章,除其它因素外,还要求选词优美,组织清晰。

【难点】call for意为“要求,需要”;call on意为“号召,请求”;call up意为“使人想起”;call off意为“取消,停止做”。

14. C)【句意】对于顾客来说直到最后时刻才让售货员猜出她真正喜欢什么,真正想买什么,这是一个涉及面子的问题。

【难点】a point of honor意为“涉及名誉的事情”;in one’s honor意为“为某人的荣誉”; on one’s honor意为“以名誉担保”;an honor意为“光荣的人或事”。

15. B)【句意】这座房子可能下月上市。

【难点】on the market意为“上市,出售”; fair意为“集市;庙会;交易会”;shop是“商店”;store是“储存;仓库”。

16. A)【句意】很小的时候,乔治被介绍参与了非法活动,他受雇为毒贩子放哨。

【难点】illegal 意为“不合法的,非法的”;lawful 意为“依法的,守定的”;faithful意为“忠实的,守信的”;peaceful 意为“平静的;安宁的”。

17. B)【句意】能称得上大学称号的机构是一个比其他种类高等教育机构都更复杂更综合的机构。

【难点】establishment 意为“企业,设施(公司,学校,医院,教会等)”;settlement意为“定居点;殖民地”;construction意为“建造;建筑物”;structure是“结构,构造”。

18. A)【句意】人的社会地位常常由他们拥有的财富的多少来衡量。

【难点】measure 意为“估量,衡量”;examine 意为“检查;仔细观察”;test意为“试验,测试”;question意为“询问,审问”。

19. C)【句意】杰克从不注意自己的外表,衣服从来不烫。

【难点】indifferent意为“漠不关心的”; adverse意为“不利的,反对的”;anonymous 意为“匿名的”; casual意为“非正式的,不拘礼节的”。

20. D)【句意】暴力片的拍摄大有上升趋势。

【难点】trend意为“倾向,趋势”;strength意为“力量,实力”;direction意为“方向”;tradition 意为“传统”。

21. A)【句意】我办公室的窗外右侧有一个救生楼梯。

【难点】fire escape 意为“防火安全楼梯(位于楼房的外侧面)”;ladder意为“梯子”;steps意为“台阶”;stairs意为“楼梯”,指室内的。

22. D)【句意】我在纽约市逗留期间和布朗一家人过了一夜。

【难点】put up意为“宿夜”;put in 意为“度过,消磨(时间等);put down意为“写下,记录”;put on 意为“上演,演出”。

23. A)【句意】以前,病人手术后精疲力竭,需长时间才能恢复,现在手术的病人却感到既轻松又舒适。

【难点】exhausted 意为“精疲力竭的”;unhealthy意为“不健康的”;upset意为“苦恼的,不适的”;fearful 意为“担心的,可怕的”。

24. A)【句意】农夫们被允许在自己的菜园耕种,并将蔬菜拿到黑市上去卖。

【难点】on the market 意为“上市,出售中”,其它介词搭配不合适。

25. C)【句意】由于中止了服务,所以电扇不转了。

【难点】interruption 意为“中止,中断”;pause 意为“暂停,间歇”;break意为“停顿,间歇”;breakdown意为“损坏,故障”。

2.托福写作,到底考什么 篇二













When a country develops its technology; the traditional skills and ways oflife die out.It is pointless to try and keep them alive.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

In conclusion, without suggesting that all technology is necessarily good,Ithink it is by no means ‘ pointless’,in any way, to try to keep traditions alivewith technology.We should not ignore technology,because it can be our friend andsupport our way of life.




Happiness is considered to be very important in life.

Why is it difficult to define? What factors are important in achievinghappiness?Like self-awareness,this is also very difficult to achieve’but I thinkthese are the two factors that may be the most important for achievinghappiness.




Some people believe that children’s leisure activities must be educational;otherwise they are a complete waste of time.Do you agree or disagree?Finally,Ithink it is also important to remember that children need to relax as well aswork.If everything they do must have some educational or academic relevance,thenthey will soon get tired of studying altogether,which is the last thing parentswould want.



信号词:Finally,to sum up,in conclusion,in brief,therefore,thus,overall


1. it can be concluded that…

2. we can find that…

3. I think it is also important to remember that

4. the main point is to make sure that

5. I believe that/ Personally, I think that/ I would say that/ I agreethat/ My view is that





_n many countries schools have severe problems with student behaviour.

What do you think are the cause of this?

What solutions can you suggest?

Perhaps parenting classes are needed to help them to do this,and highquality nursery schools could be established that would support families more interms of raising the next generation.The government should fund this kind ofparental support,because this is no longer a problem for individual families,butfor society as a whole.


_owadays we are producing more and more rubbish.Why do you think this ishappening? What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbishproduced?

I think,therefore,that governments need to raise this awareness in thegeneralpublic.Children can be educated about environmental issues at school,butadults need to take action.Governments can encourage such action by puttingtaxes on packaging,such as plastic bags,by providing recycling services and byfining households and shops that do not attempt to recycle their waste.

重述上文的内容,由政府采取措施—提高意识(children & adult)





_n many countries children are engaged in some kind of paid work.Somepeople regard this ad completely wrong,while others consider it as valuable workexperience,important for learning and taking responsibility.What are youropinions on this?

Nevertheless,in better economic circumstances,few parents would choose tosend their children out to full-time paid work.If learning responsibilities andwork experienceare considered to be important,then children can acquire these byhaving light,part-time jobs or even doing tasks such as helping their parentsaround the family home,which are unpaid,but undoubtedly of value in children’sdevelopment。


_ome people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoidingchange.Others,however,think that change is always a good thing.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

In conclusion,I would say that change can be stimulating and energizing forindividuals when they pursue it themselves,but that all change,including thatwhich is imposed on people,does not necessarily have good outcomes.



很难判断In conclusion,I do not think其中到底谁占据主导地位,或者什么是最重要的,两者是缺一不可的,需共同存在。


Research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much moreinfluence on our personality and development than any experiences we may have inour life.

That either nature or nurture is the major influence on a person,but thatboth have powerful effects.How these factors interact is still unknown today andthey remain largely unpredictable in a person’s life.



I 准确的句子表达

1. 句型分析


a. Even though I usually know what I have to say, I cannot always express myself correctly in English.

这句话是一个复合句,由even though引导的让步状语从句。

b. This challenges me to practice my spoken English, with the result that I can complete the speaking tasks more fluently and quickly.


c. I think this is less than ideal because any differences in opinion become personal conflicts, and therefore that might jeopardize the employee’s job.

托福写作辅导指出上句话是一个并列复杂句。and 连接了两个句子,是一个并列句;because引导的原因状语从句。

d. Shallow writing is indicative of weak critical-thinking skills, and such writing, which is often described as “sophomoric”, receives low mark.


2. 有问题的托福写作句子的列举


1). 破碎句


破碎句:She singing alone. (无谓语,singing是现在分词)

正确句:She is singing alone.

破碎句:He did not come. Because he was sick. (从句单独成句)

正确句:He did not come because he was sick.



接连句: Professionals such as lawyers or accountants usually work longer hours than factory workers they have greater freedom in planning their time.

正确句一: Professionals such as lawyers or accountants usually work longer hours than factory workers. However, they have greater freedom in planning their time.

正确句二: Professionals such as lawyers or accountants usually work longer hours than factory workers; however, they have greater freedom in planning their time.


所谓托福 写作句子连接不正确,就是两个独立的句子之间以逗号连接,这是不合英语语法的。正确的做法是以连词、分号、冒号、句号等连接两个句子。

不正确句: Breaking chalk into two pieces is a physical change, there is no change in the composition of the chalk.

正确句: Breaking chalk into two pieces is a physical change, so there is no change in the composition of the chalk.

II 高分表达


正常句: Luck only works in extreme cases.

倒装句: Only in extreme cases does luck work.(否定词位于句首的倒装。)

正常句: The internet provides people access to the latest information.

强调句: It is the internet that provides people access to the latest information. (强调the internet)

正常句: The environment has been deteriorating severely along with the development of industry.

状语前置句: Along with the accelerating development of industry, the environment has been deteriorating severely.

正常句: However, new zoos try to duplicate animals’ natural habitats as much as possible and give animals a comfortable amount of space.

插入语: New zoos, however, try to duplicate animals’ natural habitats as much as possible and give animals a comfortable amount of space. (连词however做插入语)


1. 她突然想到了一个主意。

She suddenly had an idea.


2. 他开车心不在焉,几乎闯祸。

He was absent-minded when driving, and almost caused an accident.


His absence of mind during driving nearly caused an accident.

3. 美利坚合众国创立于1789年。

The United States of America was founded in 1789.


The year 1789 witnessed the founding of the United States of America.

III 实用句型

在托福 写作文章的最后,为大家列举几个新托福考试中可以使用的套用句型,为一些写句子摸不着头绪的考生提供帮助。

1. It pays to make great efforts to prepare for TOEFL-ibt.


2. Nothing is more important than to receive education.


3. The reason why the white-collars suffer increasing work-related stress is that they pursue work achievement in career.


4. It is time the related department took proper measures.
