


1.五年级下册英语湘少版 篇一


the first period

一、teaching aims:

1.to help the students to understand these new words: yesterday/ today/ weekdays/ sick/ railway/ station;

2.to help the students to understand the part a;

3.to help the students to use the new sentences: “where were you?” “i was… ”, and help the students how to response it.

二、difficult points and key points:

difficult points:

to help the students understand these new words and sentences.

key points:

lets the students act part a out.

三、teaching aids:

1.a tape recorder.

2.some pictures.

3.some word cards.

四、teaching steps:

step 1 warming up.

the teacher and the students make a greeting with each other.

t:“good morning, boys and girls.”

s:“good morning, teacher.”

t:“how are you?”

s:“i’m fine. thank you. and you?”

t:“i’m fine, too.”

and then sing the english song: days of the week.

step 2 presentation and drill.

1.t: what day is it today? / how many days are there in a week? what are they?


t:the day from monday to friday is weekdays. saturday and sunday are weekdays. today is…and yesterday was…

the teacher uses the calendar to show the new words for the students, and write these new words down.

2.put some pictures under the weekdays words.

t: today is … and i’m at school. yesterday was … and i’m at the library / sick and in the hospital / … where were you?

s: …

encourage the students to answer this question.

3.listen to the tape recorder and understand the part a to answer these questions:

where was mingming on saturday?

4.the teacher use the body language to teach these new words: during / hand in / in bed / visit / meet / finish

5.let the students to listen to the tape recorder and read after the tape recorder.

step 3 practices

game: chain game.

divide the whole class into four groups. and give each group some place cards.

s1: today is…yesterday was …and i was… where were you yesterday?

s2:…(answer it according the cards.)

step 4 consolidations

act the part a.

step 5 homework

unit 4 where were you, mingming?

the second period

一、teaching aims:

1.make the students to understand the part d and answer the questions after the text.

2.make the students to make up the part d according the key words and some pictures.

3.let the students feel the feeling of love their homeland.

4.let the students to know some past word.

二、difficult points and key points:

difficult points:

ask the students to repeat the part d is so difficulty.

key points:

to help the students to understand the part d and can answer the questions after the text.

三、teaching aids:

1.a tape recorder.

2.some pictures.

3.word cards.

四、teaching steps:

step 1 warming up.

1.the teacher and the students make a greeting with each other.

t:“good afternoon, boys and girls.”

s:“good afternoon, teacher.”

t:“how are you?”

s:“i’m fine. thank you. and you?”

t:“i’m fine, too.”

2. let the students sing the english song: row your boat.

3. let the students to show their homework to the whole class. and give best one a sticker.

step 2 presentation and drill.

1.t: hello, boys and girls. i like traveling very much. i’ve been to many places, shanghai, beijing, and guangzhou… there are many beautiful sights in these places. i took many pictures. then divide the pictures to the students, and write some words on the blackboard to teach the students the new words.

2.let the students to read the part d and answer the question after the text:

where was tim last week?

3.to teach the new words about the text: cousin / valley / lake / cave / crystal cave and so on.

4.then let the students to listen to the tape recorder and read after the tape recorder.

step 3 practices

1.ask the students to make a talk freely.

2.filling the blanks.



step 4 consolidations

according the blanks and some key words let the students to repeat the part d. and give the best student a sticker.

step 5 homework

unit 4 where were you, mingming?

the third period

一、teaching aims:

1.let the students can uses these sentences make a communication with each other.

2.to sing the english song: there are ten bottles on the table.

二、difficult points and key points:

difficult points:

it’s too difficult that to use the sentence have a talk freely

key points:

make the students to remember the sentence by their hearts.

三、teaching aids:

1.a tape recorder.

2.some pictures.

3.word cards.

四、teaching steps:

step 1 warming up.

1.the teacher and the students make a greeting with each other.

t:“good morning, boys and girls.”

s:“good morning, teacher.”

t:“how are you?”

s:“i’m fine. thank you. and you?”

t:“i’m fine, too.”

2. sing an english song: “there are ten green bottles standing on the wall.”

3. listen to the teacher to read the words and write down on the book.

4.show some pictures to the students about the part d and let the students to repeat the text again.

5.let the students to show their homework to the whole class.

step 2 presentation and drill.

1. let the students to listen the tape recorder and then answer the questions:

where was the little lady?

2. listen to the tape recorder again and let the students sing the song after the tape recorder.

step 3 practices

1.sing an english song change the words little lady, at home, sir into dear sir, at school, girl.

2.let the boys sing this song, then let the girls sing this song. give the best a sticker.

step 4 consolidations

play a game: travel in the dream.

the teacher let the students to listen some soft music. and give the students some place pictures, ask the students to sleep and make a dream. the students should use the pictures to make a communication with each other to describe their dream.

s: i was in paris. / i went to the usa. / i visited

2.五年级下册综合实践活动 篇二



































逐个通知 分组通知 无空闲同时通知

费时 较省时 最省时






3.五年级下册英语湘少版 篇三

Unit 1-6

[ Teaching aims: ]

a.语言知识目标:复习目标语句:Nice to meet you!Nice to meet you, too!What’s that? It’s a...Look at this elephant.It’s big.These are flowers.Yes.They are beautiful.I like noodles.I don’t like rice.Turn right!



[ Key points: ]

Nice to meet you!What’s that? It’s a...Look at this elephant.It’s big.I like noodles.I don’t like rice.并能在实际情景中运用。

[ Difficult points: ] I like noodles.I don’t like rice.句型的操作和训练。

[Teaching Methods:]

The Audio-lingual Method,TPR The Direct Method

[ Teaching procedure: ] Ⅰ.Warm-up(热身活动)

Sing a song.Ⅱ.Words Review

A.Read the words of Unit1-Unit6, read after the teacher.B.Make dialogues of this words.Ⅲ.Sentences Review

A.Read the sentences and how to use the sentences.B.两人小组读课文。创设情景,鼓励学生在表演的过程中加上动作和表情。这一环节是一个机械操练的阶段,目的让学生更好、更准确的学习语言,掌握语言。通过学生对课文的感知―理解,小梯度,多台阶地强化了学生对语言知识的理解与掌握。Ⅳ.Production(任务完成)


B.让学生用 “I like „” “I don’t like„” 造句。把学生分成小组,每次每组派一名学生参赛,说得又快又正确的学生得分。有新意的可获得加分。如:回答问题的学生用的都是陈述句,第一个用疑问句的学生可获得加分。得分高的小组获胜。

通过完成任务,增强了学生间的了解,促进了学生之间的交流。同时,学生学会了并运用了本课的语言知识。Ⅴ.Summary and Home work(小结与作业)

a.Summary b.Homework

全班完成:熟读课文;听说读写三个重点句子;预习unit7-12: 背诵或表演课文。

Bb Design:

Unit 1-6 Nice to meet you!Nice to meet you, too!What’s that? It’s a...Look at this elephant.It’s big.These are flowers.Yes.They are beautiful.I like noodles.I don’t like rice.Turn right!Turn left!


Unit 7-1

2[ Teaching aims: ]

a.语言知识目标:复习目标语句:Whose is this? It’s my „.She wears a white and black sweater.Forty-six and fifty-four is one hundred.Thirty and seventy is one hundred.Welcome to our home!This is my bedroom.Where’s the cat? She’s in the kitchen.Peter can jump high.b.语言技能目标:通过复习与操练,运用句型介绍自己的物品,数字的运用,介词in on under,以及描述运动情况


[ Key points: ]

Whose is this? It’s my „.She wears a white and black sweater.Forty-six and fifty-four is one hundred.Thirty and seventy is one hundred.Welcome to our home!This is my bedroom.Where’s the cat? She’s in the kitchen.Peter can jump high.在实际情景中运用所学句型进行交流。

[ Difficult points: ] Forty-six and fifty-four is one hundred.数字几十的熟悉和巩固,区分十几。句型的操作和训练。[Teaching Methods:]

The Audio-lingual Method,TPR The Direct Method

[ Teaching procedure: ]


Let’s play a game.Numbers Train Ⅱ.Words Review

A.Read the words of Unit7-Unit12, read after the teacher.B.Make dialogues of this words.Ⅲ.Sentences Review

A.Read the sentences and how to use the sentences.B.两人小组读课文。创设情景,鼓励学生在表演的过程中加上动作和表情。这一环节是一个机械操练的阶段,目的让学生更好、更准确的学习语言,掌握语言。通过学生对课文的感知―理解,小梯度,多台阶地强化了学生对语言知识的理解与掌握。Ⅳ.Production(任务完成)


通过完成任务,增强了学生间的了解,促进了学生之间的交流。同时,学生学会了并运用了本课的语言知识。Ⅴ.Summary and Home work(小结与作业)

A.Summary B.Homework

全班完成:熟读课文;听说读写三个重点句子; 背诵或表演课文。

Bb Design:

Unit 7-12 Whose is this? It’s my „.She wears a white and black sweater.Forty-six and fifty-four is one hundred.Thirty and seventy is one hundred.Welcome to our home!This is my bedroom.Where’s the cat? She’s in the kitchen.Peter can jump high.湘少版四年级下册英语复习教案

Unit 1-6

[ Teaching aims: ]

a.知识目标:复习目标语句:Where’s my new cap? It’s on your head.I’m from Changsha.I like spring in Changsha.Spring is warm.What can you see? I can see„Can you write in English, Lingling? Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.Peter is writing.What’s Anne doing?She’s skipping.b.语言技能目标:通过复习与操练,能够通过这些语句打招呼,运用句型介绍四季。和描述正在发生的事情。


[ Key points: ]

一般现在进行时be + doing,描述正在做某事,进行时问句Are you „?谁正在做某事?What’s Anne doing?She’s skipping.你正要去哪儿?Where are you going? [ Difficult points: ] 一般现在进行时be + doing句型的操作和训练。

[Teaching Methods:]

The Audio-lingual Method,TPR The Direct Method [ Teaching procedure: ]


Let’s play a game.I say you do Ⅱ.Words Review

A.Read the words of Unit1-Unit6, read after the teacher.B.Make dialogues of this words.Ⅲ.Sentences Review

A.Read the sentences and how to use the sentences.B.两人小组读课文。创设情景,鼓励学生在表演的过程中加上动作和表情。这一环节是一个机械操练的阶段,目的让学生更好、更准确的学习语言,掌握语言。通过学生对课文的感知―理解,小梯度,多台阶地强化了学生对语言知识的理解与掌握。Ⅳ.Production(任务完成)

C.作学习:短文练习。I’m from Changsha.I like spring in Changsha.Spring is warm.运用所复习的句型,对四季进行描述,并说出自己喜欢的季节和原因。

D.让学生用 “She is doing”生分成小组,每次每组派一名学生参赛,说得又快又正确的学生得分。有新意的可获得加分。如:回答问题的学生用的都是陈述句,第一个用疑问句的学生可获得加分。得分高的小组获胜。

通过完成任务,增强了学生间的了解,促进了学生之间的交流。同时,学生学会了并运用了本课的语言知识。Ⅴ.Summary and Home work(小结与作业)

aSummary b.Homework

全班完成:熟读课文;听说读写三个重点句子;预习unit7-12: 背诵或表演课文。

Bb Design:

Unit 1-6 Where’s my new cap? It’s on your head.I’m from Changsha.I like spring in Changsha.Spring is warm.What can you see? I can see„

Can you write in English, Lingling? Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.Peter is writing.What’s Anne doing?She’s skipping.湘少版四年级下册英语复习教案

Unit 7-1

2[ Teaching aims: ]

a.语言知识目标:复习目标语句:Today is Monday.My name is „I come from China.Where are you from? How much is it?It’s fifty-six yuan.He has two feet.Do you have a ticket?Yes,I have./No,I haven’t.Do you have any money?Yes.I have ten yuan.b.语言技能目标:通过复习与操练,运用句型介绍自己来自的国家和询问他人,能准确的说出一周的七天,和进行价格的询问和咨询。


[ Key points: ]

Today is Monday.My name is „I come from China.Where are you from? How much is it?It’s fifty-six yuan.He has two feet.Do you have a ticket?Yes,I have./No,I haven’t.Do you have any money?Yes.I have ten yuan.在实际情景中运用所学句型进行交流。

[ Difficult points: ] Do you have a ticket?Yes,I have./No,I haven’t.句型的操作和训练。

[Teaching Methods:] The Audio-lingual Method,The Direct Method

[ Teaching procedure: ]


Let’s sing a song together.Ⅱ.Words Review

A.Read the words of Unit7-Unit12, read after the teacher.B.Make dialogues of this words.Ⅲ.Sentences Review

A.Read the sentences and how to use the sentences.B.两人小组读课文。创设情景,鼓励学生在表演的过程中加上动作和表情。这一环节是一个机械操练的阶段,目的让学生更好、更准确的学习语言,掌握语言。通过学生对课文的感知―理解,小梯度,多台阶地强化了学生对语言知识的理解与掌握。Ⅳ.Production(任务完成)

C.合作学习:进一步学习如何和人打招呼,并且进行操练。并通过合作学习,对星期进行操练已经How much„?的句型。

通过完成任务,增强了学生间的了解,促进了学生之间的交流。同时,学生学会了并运用了本课的语言知识。Ⅴ.Summary and Home work(小结与作业)

A.Summary B.Homework 全班完成:熟读课文;听说读写三个重点句子; 背诵或表演课文。

Bb Design:

Unit 7-12

4.五年级下册英语湘少版 篇四



1.A.______ I have this toy car ?

B.Yes ,you can.2.A.What do you like,Anne?

B.I like the _______doll.3.A.The baby is crying.B.Give him the toy _____.He likes it.4.A.How much is the ______?

B.It’s fifty yuan.5.A.Do you have a puppet?

B.Yes, I _____.二、将中文意思与英语单词连线。

弹钢琴swimming pool

游泳池go away

走开playing the piano


中国post office

三、连词成句。.new, is, cap ,where ,my ?.in, English,can, write ,you ?

3.and,nice, is ,spring, warm.4.the,is, how,much ,apple?

5.have ,you,ticket ,do, a ?


Peter is writing.where are you going?

I come from China.It’s hot in summer.Today is Friday, tomorrow is my birthday.21世纪教育网http://21世纪教育网/

5.新湘少版五年级英语上册教案 篇五

Teaching aims and demands: 1. Learn the words & phrase: wake up/ make the bed/ wave/ I’m late. 2. Canuse the words always/ often/ usually/ never to describe the activities. Teaching methods: games, reading, action, etc. Period I Content of courses: textbook P6 Part B Teaching aims and demands: 1. Be able to master the words & phrase: wake up/ make the bed/ wave/ I’m late. Educational affiliations: textbook, tape, tape-recorder, and word cards. Teaching-learning process: Step 1 Warm-up activity 1. Greeting.. 2. Let’s play: Look and guess: What is it? Step 2 Presentation & drill 1. Learn to say: swing T draws a swing on Bb and help Ss understand the meaning. Read the sentence after T 2. Learn to say: wave T waves the arm and help Ss understand the meaning. Read the word after T. Learn to say: wake up/ make the bed/ I’m late. in the same way. 3. Drill.⑴T shows the pictures and Ss say the words. ⑵T shows the pictures quickly and Ss say the words. ⑶A guessing game. 4. Open the books at Page 6, listen to the tape and read after it. Step 3.Practice 1. Practice in four. Ss play the cards. 2. Listen & act. Step 4.Consolidation Period II Content of courses: textbook Part A Part C Teaching aims and demands: 1.Be able to understand and tell the story. Educational affiliations: textbook, tape, tape-recorder, word cards. Teaching-learning process: Step 1 Warm-up activity 1.Exchange greetings. 2.Sing a song we’ve learned last term together. Step 2 Presentation & drill 1. Lead-in. T shows the picture of Part A. T says, ”This is Katie’s Day. Listen to the tape. What dose she do?” T writes the sentence on Bb and help Ss understand the meaning. Read the sentence after T. 2. Ss talk about the picture. 3. Drill. ⑴T shows the pictures and Ss rearrange them. ⑵T shows the pictures and Ss tell the story. ⑶A guessing game. 4. Open the books at Page 5, listen to the tape and read after it. Step 3.Practice 1. Put a tick if the sentences are correct or a cross if they are wrong. ( ) Katie always gets up at six o’clock.. ( ) Katie always watches her face at 6:15 am. ( ) Katie’s family often has breakfast at 6:45 am. ( )Sally always goes to the breakfast table on time. ( ) Katie’s father usually waves them goodbye. 2.Ss practice in four. 3.A game——A competition among groups. Step 4.Consolidation 1.Draw your favorite things and talk about them. Period III Content of courses: textbook P3 Part D&E Teaching aims and demands: 1. read and write the sentence with correct words: always/ often/ usually/ never. Educational affiliations: textbook, tape, tape-recorder, word cards. Teaching-learning process: Step 1 Warm-up activity 1.Exchange greetings. 2.Sing a song we’ve learned last term together. Step 2 Practice 1. Lead-in. T shows the chart of Part D. T says, “Look at the chart. Take turns to tell each other about Peter’s activities.” 2. Pair work. Look at chart. Describe Peter’s activities. 3. Make sentences about own activities.. 4. T writes the sentence on Bb and help Ss understand the meaning. Read the sentence after T. 5. Open the books at Page 3, Ss write the sentences on the book 6. Look and write. Mrs LI is a busy housewife. Look at the chart of her activities below. Then write suitable answers in the blanks. Step 4.Consolidation

6.五年级下册英语湘少版 篇六








1. 识字写字数量的要求不同。人教版小语五下要求认识350个生字,其中150个要求会写,占比例约43%。鄂教版小语五下要求认识328个生字,其中240个要求会写,占比例73%。通过数字比较,可以看出鄂教版小语五下的识字任务相对过重。新课标中强调识字教学须贯彻多认少写的原则,以减轻学生负担。当学习的压力与难度在学生认知水平与能力允许的范围内,学生学习的兴趣才能较好地培养,同时效果也是比较高的。

2. 生字注音方式差异。鄂教版教材中的课文没有随文注音,课文中要求会写的生字方框里有注音,书末页中的生字表与查字表均有注音。人教版教材中要求会认的字是随文注音的,而会写的字一律不予注音,旨在让学生使用字典、词典等工具书在解决读音的基础上,同时更全面地了解字义和用法,而不是将对字的认识局限于课文。


1. 课文的题材与体裁。从题材上看,人教版课文题材相对较抽象,偏重人的社会性教育,如五年级下册中的主题包括“走进西部”、“永远的童年”、“语言的艺术”、“他们让我感动”、“中国古典名著之旅”、“走进信息世界”、“作家笔下的人”、“异域风情”,其侧重于宏观地反映和传播人类社会生活与智慧。而鄂教版的题材相对更具体,较集中折射出儿童熟悉的经验世界,贴近他们的现实生活与社会实践,注重以学生为中心取题材,如读书生活、童年往事、熟悉的戏剧电影、人与自然的和谐相处,从生活的点滴、细节中对学生进行情感、态度、价值观的教育。从体裁上看,两个版本都涵盖了诸多体裁,但人教版中显得更为丰富。人教版教材中编入了小学阶段的第一篇文言文《杨氏之子》,一篇相声《打电话》和两篇研究报告,即《奇怪的东南风——关于爸爸咳嗽病因的研究报告》《关于李姓的历史和现状的研究报告》。此外,它在取材形式上也更灵活,如在第七组中第22课,仅截取了一个小兵张嘎与胖墩儿比赛摔跤的片段,突出单元训练重点,帮助学生体会人物描写的写作手法与技巧的妙处。

2. 课文的篇幅与类型。鄂教版的课文篇幅比人教版更大,且纯粹由精读课文构成,其教学目标偏重于培养学生的阅读能力并提升其阅读速度,却忽视了课堂中学生略读、浏览的读书方法的训练。此外,大量精读课文中的生字、词语、优美语段的记忆成了每节课的强制性任务。人教版则更突出儿童的主体性与特殊性,首先是精读课文与选读课文的交叉学习,使得教师教授与学生自学进行有机结合。不同类型的课文灵活设置让学生在适度的心理压力状态下收获的是学习的乐趣与良好的习惯,而不是程序性繁复的记忆任务。这也体现了国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要提出的精神,即将减负落实到教育全过程,促进学生生动活泼学习、健康快乐成长。

3. 课文练习的异同。尽管两个版本的教材中课后练习都涉及到读、背、理解、表达、讨论等方面,但鄂教版没有选做题、阅读链接。鄂教版中的课后习题的开放性与弹性不够,不能为学生留出选择和拓展的空间,满足不同层次的学生需要,不利于学生学习的个别化与个性化。





