


1.these反义词 篇一


物主代词(Possessive pronouns)――形容词性物主代词、名词性物主代词是本单元重点语法教学内容之一,其二是教学生学会询问物品的归属Whose…?能归纳元音字母组合发/a:/,/au/,/R:/,/[:/,/[/的正确发音,及一个辅音发音/F/。

1)掌握词汇:clothes line whose shirt dress skirt dark yours mine hers put on theirs ours about(prep.) beside

2)理解词汇:blouse trousers glove

3)语音:/a:/ar are a,/au/ow ou,/R:/or oor,/[:/er ir,/[/er , /F/sh

4) 语法和句型:

Whose hat is this? Whose shoes are these?

Whose is this hat? Whose are these shoes?

my/ mine your/yours his/his her/ hers our/ ours your/ yours their /theirs

Whose is this…? / Whose …is this?

Whose are these…? / Whose …are these?


Whose is this / that…? Is it yours? Let me have a look, please. No, it’s not mine.

I think it’s his/hers… You must look after your … Put…on… What about…?

Whose …is this? Whose …are these? It’s hers. They’re ours.



该单元核心教学项目是 “找寻物主”(Asking about ownership ), 这就不免牵扯到物主代词(Possessive pronouns)的使用,但要让学生正确区分两种物主代词(形容词性的物主代词、名词性的物主代词),并不能仅仅从有没有“s”来作为标准,当然可以让学生找到其中小小的规律,即形容词性物主代词(my) +名词(name) =名词性物主代词(mine)。另外,whose一词也可同法教学,它本身可以说是集形容词性和名词性于一身的一个词:Whose clothes are these? =Whose are these (clothes)? 类似的还有名词的所属格也具备这一特征:Lucys hat looks like her cat. =Lucys looks like her cat.本单元是功能(Asking about ownership)、话题(Clothes)和语法项目(Possessive pronouns)的典型结合。


本单元重点词汇是以名词居多(8个),其次是代词(6个),其余的还有介词、形容词及两个词组,可见名词和代词占了本单元单词教学的主要部分。在名词中主要是衣物名词的学习,由于接近生活,所以学生还比较容易接受,其中要特别提出重视的是始终以复数形式出现的(clothes, trousers)等词,关键要提醒学生们正确使用与之搭配的be动词。而新学的代词主要是在已学过的形容词性物主代词的基础上稍加注意即可,关键要学生理解两种物主代词之间的区别和联系。在词组方面,可提供给学生put on的反义词take off,What about…?的同意用法How about…?等知识点。


重点突出在以问句为主的功能性会话的训练上,让学生准备丰富多彩的实物做口语对话,使学生在逼真的场景下,脱口说出恰当的语句, 即使学生真正理解每一句会话的用处和用法。 例如:


Is it a nice skirt?/ Whats this? / Its a dress. / This coat looks great, isnt it?/ Whats on your head? It is my hat, is it looks like a cat? / Yes, its very cold then, I wear a pair of gloves…

2)也可以让学生制作卡通的衣物图片,老师把所有图片统一装在一个大纸箱里,派学生上讲台参与抽图片,让其他学生提问抽出的图片上的“衣物”是谁的, 问答形式如下:

Whats this? / Its a sweater. / What color is it? / Its blue and white. / Whose sweater is this? / X X, is it your sweater? / No, it isn’t. / Whose shoes are these? / Y Y, are these your sweater? / Yes, they are. / Whose is the hat? / Z Z, is it your hat? / Yes, it is. / Whose are these trousers? / A A, are these trousers yours? / No, they’re, not.

3)最后一种方法就是,可以把学生们分成几人一组的若干组,各自编一个接近生活场景的找东西的对话,注意学生们句型语序和物主代词的正确使用, 在此提供其中之一,仅供参考之用:

A: Excuse me. Do you see my gloves? I can’t find it.

B: I can see a pair of red gloves on teachers desk, are they yours?

A: No, mine are blue and yellow. Can you help me to find them?

B: No problem. Lets find them. Look! There are two blue ones under your own chair, are they yours?

A: Oh, dear. I find them. They are just mine. Thank goodness!

B: Don’t thank goodness, thank me.

A: Yes, you are great, thanks a lot.

B: Thats OK! Be careful next time, you must look after your things.

A: Yes, thank you again.



这是谁的书? Whose book is this?

这书是谁的? Whose is this book?

这是我的书. This is my book.

这本书是我的. This book is mine.

这是你的书. This is your book.

这本书是你的. This book is yours.

但在中文里无论是形容词性的 (whose, my, your)还是名词性的(whose, mine, yours), 译成中文都是同一个词(谁的, 我的, 你的),这正是初学者容易混淆不清之处, 所以要让学生们一定用英文的思维去处理这种情况,类似的还有名词的`所属格,如:莉莉的猫Lilys cat/ Lilys, 老师的房间 the teachers room/ the teachers, 父母的工作 parents’ jobs/ parents’, 甚至可用职业代替说明工作场所, the doctors(医生门诊), the butchers(肉店), the barbers(理发店), the tailors(裁缝店) etc.


1.put…on是教师要提醒学生们注意的,如果"穿上"的宾语是名词,则该名词可以随便放置,即"穿...上(put…on)"和"穿上...(put on…)"均可,而如果宾语是个代词,则只能放中间,即"穿...上"(put it on).

2.must是情态动词,要注意它所含的情态,是"必须"的意思,其后应跟动词原形,同类还有can, may, could, will, would, shall, should, need, have to, ought to, dare等词.

3.Look after是又一个常用词组,注意look与after是不可拆开的词组,其后接名词做宾语。提醒学生们联想与look有关的所有词组:look at, look for, look like, look the same, 并拓展知识外延look out(小心,向外看), look up(查字典,向上看), look over(仔细检查)etc.


本单元在语音方面教学五个元音发音/a:/, /au/, /R:/, /[:/, /[/其中/a:/与/au/,不少学生容易把/a:/发成“阿”,主要是忽视了音长和口腔共鸣,教师多做口型夸张表演,而学生则多做模仿和练习。还有的学生区分不了/R/与/R:/,/[:/与/[/的长短音,甚至有人把/R:/读作“凹”,把/[:/读成“儿”,因而失去了长音的特点,所以要求学生注意听音,加强模仿是当务之急。



1.通过“找寻物主”这一课题的学习,要教育学生养成好的生活习惯。对于自己的东西不能随便丢放。“你必须照看你的东西。You must look after your things.”另外,还要让学生学会关心爱护别人,帮助别人寻找丢失的物品和照看好他人的物品。班级同学要互相关心、互相爱护、友好相处、共同进步。


A: You must look after your clothes.

B: Yes, thank you, Mr. Mu.



2.在英语里表示一家人可以在姓前面加the, 后面加family. 如the Green family. 除了这种表达方法之外,比较常用的还可表示为the Greens. 即在姓氏前面加the, 在后面加s.


(1)形容词性物主代词相当于形容词,在句中只可作定语,修饰名词。如:Their teacher is Miss Gao.


This is your bike, mine is under the tree. (作主语)


I like my pen, I don’t like hers(作宾语)


That bag isn’t mine, its yours. (作表语)



My trousers are long, hers are short. 我的裤子长,她的裤子短。

Your school is big, ours is small. 你们的学校大,我们的学校小。



误 Thats his chair, my is over there.

正Thats his chair, mine is over there.

正Thats his chair, my chair is over there.


whose不等于whos。Whose是who的所有格形式,意为“谁的”,而whos是who is的缩略形式,意为“谁是”。但whose与whos同音,都读作[hu:z]。


Whose is that computer? 那台电脑是谁的?(作表语)

Whose sweaters are these? 这些是谁的毛衣?(作定语)



These are my bananas. →Whose bananas are these?


That bedroom is mine. →Whose is that bedroom?

Hers are in the classroom. → Whose are in the classroom?


Those are the twins’ bags. → Whose bags are those?

Toms mother is a good teacher. → Whose mother is a good teacher


1. clothes是穿在身上的各种服装的总称.包括上衣、裤子和内衣等。它不单指一件衣服,不能与数词连用,所以无单数形式。例如:

What color are your clothes? 你的衣服是什么颜色的?

2. trousers通常用作复数。trousers作主语时,谓语动词也用复数。要表示“一条裤子”可用a pair(双、对)of trousers,此时谓语动词用单数。

3. shoes常用作复数。用法同trousers,但也可以单数形式shoe出现,表示“一只鞋”。

4. the Green family指“格林一家”,表示“一家人”除此种表示方法外,还可表示为the Greens。

5. Whose 可针对my, your, our, their, Kates等形容词性物主代词提问,其语序为:

These are their sweaters. 这些是他们的运动衫。

Whose sweaters are these? 这些是谁的运动衫?


whose 也可针对mine, yours, ours, theirs, Kates等名词性物主代词或名词所有格提问。

This shirt is his. 这件衬衫是他的。

Whose is this shirt? 这件衬衫是谁的?



Those are her trousers.

Whose trousers are those? (提问表语的定语)

That cup is mine.

Whose is that cup?(提问表语)

Lesson 53-54 教学设计方案

Teaching Objects

1.Learn new words about clothes.

2.Teaching the expression of objects’ possession by using possessive pronouns.

Teaching Aids

objects, record, cards, clothes

Teaching Procedures

Step I Revision:

First revise the content about last unit, like ask and answer What color is your pencil-box? It is white. What color is your bag? It is black. What about your hat? It is black, too. The teacher can lead the Ss to the topic of this unit clothes.

Step II Presentation:

Go on with the question about color of the clothes, like ask the Ss What color is the dress by pointing to a picture of a dress, the Ss can answer the right color, and get the meaning of the word dress, other new words of clothes as sweater, shirt , skirt, blouse, trousers and gloves can also be taught in this way.

Step III Practice:

Let the students practice in pairs upon the easy sentence structure: What color is A’s sweater? It’s light brown. What color are B’s trousers? They are dark blue. Remind the students pay attention to the using of light and dark.

Step IV Act

Let the Ss act before the class about the color of their clothes, like Part 2, lesson 53 in pairs. Be sure they can use the possessives correctly, and encourage them as much as possible. In this way the Ss practice the new words and can keep them in mind easily at the same time.

Step V Presentation

The teacher practice with the Ss on dialogues first about clothes then discuss about the possession of the clothes like:

T: Hello A, what color is your shirt?

S: It’s white.

T: Then what color is B’s blouse?

S: It’s yellow.

T: Whose blouse is red?

S: C’s (blouse) is red…

And the other Ss begin to practice this dialogue in pairs, teacher can check them by acting in front of the class.

Step VI Presentation

After the practice of the key sentences, the teacher change the sentence Whose is this shirt into Whose shirt is this. Tell the Ss Whose can be either followed with a noun or nothing, but the meanings are the same, that is to say it is used first as an adjective or then a noun.

Step VII Listen, read and say

Play the tape about Part 2, make the Ss repeat and after that, let them answer some easy questions about the dialogues, like Whose is this shirt? Is it Li Lei’s? Whose shirt is this on earth? Be sure the Ss grasp the point view of the dialogue, and let them practise it in pairs, then get several groups of the Ss to act before the class. Encourage the Ss who act well.

Step VIII Listen, read and say

SB Page 67, Part 2, do the same as Step VII. Add a new content, that is the use of the phrase put … on, a noun can be use either before on or after on, but a pronoun can only be used before the word on

Step IX Practice and act

Divide the class in half. Let the Ss in one of the class work in pairs to practise the dialogue in Part 1. The Ss in the other half can practise the dialogue in Part 2. After they have had a few minutes to prepare, get some pairs from each half to present to the class, without books this time. Encourage them to put expression in their voices, to use appropriate actions and to use real items for props. They should act, not just say!

Step X Listening

Listening Cassette Lesson 54. Name the four characters in the dialogue for the Ss- Mr. Wang, Jim, Li Ming, and Lucy. Play the tape twice. The Ss listen and then answer the questions in Wb Lesson 54, Ex1.


Assign Ex.2and 3 as homework. Lesson 55 教学设计方案


1.掌握四会句型Whose sweaters are these ?

2.学习掌握名词物主代词的复数形式ours, theirs, yours.














Step 1 Revision

1.Free talk



my mine your yours his his her hers our your their

Step 2 Presentation


T:Whose is this sweater? It’s my sweater. It’s mine.

Whose coat is this? It’s my coat. It’s mine.

教师指出:Whose is this…? T Whose… is this? 表达的意思相同;my sweater 可以用名词性物主代词mine代替。


让学生用Whose is this sweater和Whose sweater is this两种形式做对话练习,找2~3组学生到前面示范表演。然后教师归纳在黑板上。


2.教学名词性物主代词的复数形式。应利用班级的物品,如football, blackboard, desk等教师示范举例。并把句子写到黑板上领读。

(1)This is our blackboard. It’s ours.

(2)This is their desk. It’s theirs.

(3)This is your football. It’s yours.


T:Are these your books?

S:No, they aren’t. They’re theirs.

T:Whose coats are those?

S:They are ours.


Step 3 Listen and read



3.让学生合上书,前后桌4人分别扮演teacher, Meimei, the twins进行演练。然后找2~3组学生表演。

Step 4 Consolidation

1.让学生以同桌形式就教室看到的物品进行交谈,然后找2~3组表演。做WB Page161 Ex.4。


A:Whose sweater are these? Are these yours?

B:No, they aren’t. They are theirs. Ours are on the chair.


1. Whose blouse is this?(改为复数形式)

2.These are our desks.(用改写)

3. These sweaters are mine.(改为一般疑问句)

4. That is her bike.(对一回事线部分提问)

5. There pens are his.(同上)

6.They’re the twins’ sweaters(同上)

Step 6 Homework


2.做书后习题。WB Page 161 Ex. 1, 2, 3, 5。

Step 7 Summary



Lesson 56 教学设计方案


1.复习 (1)blouse, dress, skirt, shirt, trousers.

(2)Whose…is this? Whose…are these?




1.继续巩固Whose 句型。

2.What about…?






2.学生学法:大声朗读语音项目中的单词,注意元音发音要到位,尤其是[a:][au][C:]三个音要饱满;第三部分的连锁练习要单复数兼顾,不要为了图省事只用单数或只用复数。第四部分填空的答案依次为:mine, hers, your, ours, Whose, hers, theirs, Its.






Step 1 Revision

1.让学生分别扮演角色表演第55课Part 3的对话(2~3组)。

2.把学生的学习用品和服装,包括coat, sweater等拿到教室前教师的讲桌上,让学生表演,在内容中反复呈现Whose句型、形容词性物主代词的和名词性物主代词。2~3组的学习中应包括学习较差的学生,学习较好的学生和学习较差的学生同在一组表演。激发学生的学习积极性。

Step 2 Listen, read and say

1.教师用幻灯片显示单词:car are class father让学生朗读,找出他们所含有的共同音素,并观察是哪一个字母或哪一些字母,即字母组合发此音,教师总结,板书并领读:[a:]―ar a (s),a


Step 3 Find the words!

1.教师提问:What can you see in the picture?(I can see a shirt.)

Whose is it? (I think it’s Li Ming’s.)



Step 4 Play games

首先学习What about…?可由教师开始,面对一名学生,T:My coat is black. What colour is yours? What about yours?(两个句子紧跟,让学生感觉What about…?的含义,并写到黑板上,让他们译成汉语。用What about…?分别提问几名学生,然后让学生回答教师的问题。My coat (Mine)is blue (red, yellow, dark brown, light purple, etc.)

Action chain.操练课本第三,第四部分。

Step 5 Practice

做WB Page162 Ex.1, 2.

Step 6 Summary


2.让学生总结本单元的重点句型、实用型短语、表达方法并造句:Whose…?Let me have a look, please. Put on…I think…You must…Whose? Jim’s? the twins’, Come here, please. Here you are. It looks like yours. On Mrs. Green’s clothes line. What about…?

Step 7 Exercises


( )1.A. car B. father C. that D. are

( )2.A. how B. window C. brown D. trousers

( )3.A. ruler B. brother C. sister D. skirt

( )4.A. kite B. fine C.light D.his

( )5.A. put C. cup


1.My coat is black. What colour is_______(你的)?

2.Her gloves are green________ ________ ________(他的呢)?

3.__________(谁的)shoes are these?

4.The coat is yours. _______ it _______(穿上),please.

5.Please _______(拿走)them to the classroom.

Step 8 Homework


2.WB Page 162 Ex 3, 4, 5, 6.



将几位学生的衣物收集,并让他们回避一会,然后将衣物交给其他学生藏起来,接着让第一拨学生回班,让这两部分学生自由组成对话,并完成找到自己衣物的“任务”贯彻始终,从而练习了“寻物”对话。当然, 除了对新学的衣物单词进行训练使用,也可“寻找”其他生活中用具,如:“钱包purse”或将要学到的“手表watch”等。








让学生接力造句,看谁能说到最后,造的句子最长,如:甲学生说“a coat”,乙学生则说“a blue coat”,甲又说“an old blue coat”,乙再说“My old blue coat.”…一直到谁先说不下去,停下来,谁便败下阵来,胜者可以再开始新一轮的竞赛,此项活动非常刺激学生积极参与的欲望。



2.these反义词 篇二

How much are these pants? 新目标七上教案及同步练习

教学目标与要求 一、串记口诀 颜色词 blue蓝grey灰,white白的像雪堆。 yellow黄green绿,red红的似血迹。 orange橙purple紫,black黑的如墨汁。 brown棕褐色,color颜色记仔细。 二、学习目标 本单元的核心内容是“购物”,该单元围绕这一核心内容设计安排听、说、读、写。要求掌握有关“购物”的日常交际用语。 围绕Shopping这一话题,进行归纳总结,自编对话,进行表演。复习巩固动词like和have的一般现在时的用法。 三、能力目标 1.表演对话及看图说话的能力。 2.就How much句型进行数量方面的交际问答的能力。 3.继续培养听的技能,逐渐掌握听的技巧。 4.运用拼读规则学习词汇的能力,逐步学会查字典的能力。 课文重点与难点 一、单词导航台 1.dollar n. 美元 2.much adj. (more, most)大量的,许多的(修饰不可数名词):It won’t take much time.那不会花太多时间的。You take too much interest in what you wear. 你太过于关心穿着了。 pron. 许多,大量:Do you see much of her? 你经常见到她吗? adv. 很,非常:Thank you very much. 多谢。 3.shoe n. 鞋,鞋子:a pair of shoes一双鞋 【引申】Over shoes,over boots.一不做,二不休;shoe polish鞋油;shoeblack擦鞋匠;shoelace鞋带。 4.sock n. 短袜:a pair of socks一双袜子 5.sweater/′swet/ n. 套头衫,运动衣 6.take/teik/ v. ①拿走,带走;②做(和名词连用,表示与该名词意义相关的动作):take a photo摄影,take a look看一看;③花费(时间,金钱):It took me a lot of money to buy the house. 买这幢房子花了我很多钱。④吃喝,服用:take food/medicine;⑤乘车(船):take a train/a boat/a bus坐火车/船/公共汽车。 7.thirty num. 三十 8.Twenty/′twenti/ num. 二十 9.welcome n. } v. 欢迎,迎接 【考点】You are welcome. 别客气。Welcome sb. 欢迎某人。 二、句子破译站 1.How much is this T-shirt? 这件T恤多少钱? How much are these socks? 这些短袜多少钱? ⑴how much多少钱,用来询问价格。若所询问的东西是不可数名词或可数名词的单数时,谓语用is;所询问的东西是可数名词复数或不止一种东西时,谓语用are。如: How much is the rice? 这大米多少钱? How much are the potatoes? 这些土豆多少钱? How much are these things? 这些东西多少钱? ⑵how much多少,用来提问数量,后面加不可数名词。如: How much water is there in the bottle? 瓶子里有多少水? 注:how many也用于提问数量的多少,但后面必须加可数名词的复数。请比较: How many pears do you want? 你想要多少梨? How much meat do you want? 你想要多少肉? 2. Can I help you? 你想要点什么? Can I help you?和 Let me help you.是当人们询问别人是否需要服务时或想要提供帮助时的常用语,两者都表示愿意或主动向别人提供帮助,意思为“要我帮忙吗?”“让我帮帮你。”需注意的是“Can I help you?”在不同的场合有不同的译法,如:售货员对顾客说时,可译为“您想要买点什么?”;在图书馆,图书管理员对你说时,可译为“您要借书吗?” 表示提供帮助的其他一些英语句式还有: What can I do for you? (需要帮忙吗?) Could I help you? (要我帮忙吗?) May I help you?(要我帮忙吗?) 后两句比Can I help you? 在语气上更加客气和委婉。 3. What color do you want? 你想要什么颜色? Want是及物动词,后面加名词作宾语,此句中宾语为what color,译为“想要……颜色”。如: I want a blue sweater我想要一件蓝色汗衫。 4. I’ll take it. 我要了。/我买了。 ⑴I’ll是I will的缩写形式,will是助动词,在句中没有实际意义,与动词take连用表示将要发生的动作。语法上称它为一般将来时。如: We’ll go to school tomorrow. 我们明天要去上学。 ⑵take=buy,是“买下”的意思。在口语中,当表示买下某物时经常用take,而很少用buy。如: The bike is very nice, I’ll take it. 这辆自行车很漂亮,我买下了。 You can’t take it, it’s too dear. 你别买它,它太贵了。 5. ―Thank you. 谢谢。 ―You are welcome. 不客气。 Thanks. Thank you. Thank you very much.以上三句都是表示感谢时广泛使用的礼节性语言。其中,Thanks是一个名词,其含义相当于Thank you,但不可以说Thanks you。也可以用Thanks(a lot). /Many thanks. 回答时,不能依据汉语“不用谢”直译为No thanks.或Don’t thank me. 而应该说:That’s OK. That’s all right. You’re welcome./Not at all. 等。如: ―Jim, is this your cup? 吉姆,这是你的.茶杯吗? ―Oh, yes, it is. 呦,不错,是我的。 ―Here you are. 给你。 ―Thank you. 谢谢你。 ―You’re welcome. 不客气。 6. Do you need bags for sports or school? 你需要运动包或书包吗? ⑴这是一个选择疑问句。提供两种或两种以上的情况,问对方选择哪一种的疑问句,叫做选择疑问句。这种问句应选择其中一种情况来回答。选择疑问句的构成方式是:一般疑问句+or+一般疑问句。在实际应用中,后面的一般疑问句常常省略与前面一般疑问句相同的部分。or连接两个并列成分,即两个成分是相同的词性。朗读时or前面的成分用升调,or后面的成分用降调。如: ①Is the cat black or white? 那猫是黑色的还是白色的?(连接两个形容词) ②Is this your bag or her bag? 这是你的包还是她的包?(连接两个名词) ③Is Bill in or out? 比尔在家还是没在家?(连接两个副词) ④Is it a pen, a pencil or a ball-point pen? 它是钢笔,铅笔还是圆珠笔?(连接三个名词) ⑵need译为“需要”在此句中作实意动词,故其一般疑问句的形式是将助动词do置于句首。它还可做情态动词用。如: You needn’t come here. 你不用来这里。 ⑶or后面省略了bags,即bags for sports or for school,也可说成sports bags or schoolbags。介词for表示对象,用途等,意思是“为……”。如: These apples are for you. 这些苹果是给你的。 7.We have sweaters in all colors at ¥50 each. 我们出售各色汗衫,每件仅售50元。 ⑴注意本句介词in与at的用法。in有多种含义,如:in English用英语,in a room在房间里;它还可与表示颜色的名词连用,如:a girl in red穿红衣服的女孩。介词at也有多种含义,如: at six(在六点) at the station(在车站);此处后加¥50表示价格,at ¥50相当于at the price of ¥50。 ⑵¥50读作fifty yuan,fifty yuan中的yuan是人民币“元”的汉语拼音,在英语中表示人民币单位缩写为¥。虽然fifty yuan五十元看起来是复数,但由于yuan被看作不可数名词,所以yuan后面不能加“s”构成复数。yuan是不可数名词,作主语时动词用单数。如: Fifty yuan is cheap for this sweater. ⑶句末的each为副词,意为“每,各”。如: The tickets are £1 each. 入场券每张一英磅。 它还可作代词用,如: Each of his sisters is very beautiful.他的每一个姐姐都非常美丽。 8.Have a look at Zig Zag’s Clothes shop. 欢迎光顾Zig Zag衣物店。 ⑴动词短语have/take a look at sth. 意为“看一看”,此处look作名词用,如: Please have a look at my picture. 请看一下我的照片。 此句也可以说: Please look at my picture. 这里Look作动词用。 但have a look要比look更自然些,时间有时更短些, go and have a look要比go and look自然得多,因此一般不说 go and look,have a look后面也可以接at介词短语,表示看一看某物。类似的动词短语还有很多。如: have a drink喝一口,相当于drink喝。have a walk散散步,相当于walk散步。如: ①Can I have a look at this map? =Can I look at thia map? 我可以看这幅地图吗? ②Let me have a drink. =Let me drink. 让我喝一口。 ③Let’s have a walk. =Let’s walk. 我们去散步吧。 ④Let’s go and have a look at his new house. 我们去看看他的新房子吧。 ⑵Zig Zag’s Clothes shop 为专有名词,是商店名称,故首字母大写。英语里姓名+所有格通常表示场所,如: He often visits the Green’s. 他经常拜访格林一家。 He often goes to the Charlie’s for his stomachache(胃痛)。他经常去查理诊所看胃痛。 9.Here you are. 给你 Here you are. 是一个习惯句型,用以向对方展示其所需要的东西,意思是“给你”;不能按照一般顺序写作You are here。因为后者的意思是“你在这儿”。类似的表达结构还有: Here it is. Here they are. 如: Excuse me. Is this your book? 请问,这是你的书吗? Yes, it is. 是的。 Here you are. 给你。 Thank you. 谢谢。 同学借你的词典,你给他时可说:“Here you are.”。你在商店买了一支铅笔,服务员递上铅笔时可说:“ Here you are.”或“Here it is.”;若买了两支或多支时,可说:“ Here they are.”。 三、工具箱 1.基数词 表示“多少”的词叫做基数词。如one(1),two(2),three(3),thirteen(13),twenty(20)等。 100以下的基数词 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninty 100 a hundred 21 twenty-one 25 twenty-five 58 fifty-eight 说明:(1)13~19均以后缀Cteen结
