


1.简爱电影观后感英文 篇一

Jane Eyre 读后感

Every time I read the story, I will be shocked deeply from my spirit.Or it’s just the relief.What I must admit is that I just want to make up for my lack of English literature, but I was attracted by it, touched by the main character of the story.Jane Eyre is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl.After we close the covers of the book, after having a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think.Jane was an ordinary girl without charming appearance, but she fell in love with her employer deeply.At first, she buried the love in her heart.When walking after the tea or dinner, she tried to appear that nothing had happened, but she always opened her memory to miss what they got along with each other.She also tried her best to fins out the marriage between Mr Rochester and Miss Englame.While, Rochester just appeared to be close to Englame, his favorite love was Jane.Actually, they loved each other very much;the words which Rochester said to Jane touched me.“Sometimes you just give me a particular feeling, and to those who use their beauty to stay with me, I find out that they don’t have the spirit as well as heart.I will be gentle and faithful forever.” As a common girl, I think Jane also moved by the words.It was thought that Jane and Mr Rochester would live a happy life, but it was stopped by a sudden accident.Jane left Rochester because his crazy wife showed up.Then the crazy woman died, Rochester blinded after saving his crazy wife.Rochester became poor in the fire, he lived in a wooden house among the forest alone.At this moment, Jane came back.Eventually, they lived together happily.Jane pursues the independent and the fair between woman and man.Though she has a hard experience, she loves her life, besides;she takes the love to the people who need it.In order to pursue a fair, true love, she even gave up her love which she is desired for.In my heart, Jane is a girl with love and reality;she tries her best to live better.Her life is beautiful as the stars.Maybe in our general idea, it just is a love story.But on my individual level, it is perfect after I read it my times.And the moved story teaches me how to treat my life, the environment surrounding, and my feelings and how to treat people around us.Love, friendship, relationship are the great value to human beings.Learning how to love others, thank others is important.I admire and appreciate Jane.While we can’t ignore another character, Helen, a girl has the love the same as Jane.Helen is an angel in my heart.She is not extraordinary because she gives up the real life completely which makes her a high degree.She is cute, however, the angel in our heart are all cute.When Jane was abused by others, she found Helen’s eyes were strange, at last she understand that it was the true brave.Jane was just able to comfort herself with it, she couldn’t step into the spirit of Helen’s heart, and it was the difference between them.It also suggested that a little girl who could behave like this was really admirable.While, her destination or her home, is the heaven.Helen died at a very young age, but all her life was wonderful.When I woke up from my dream, I tried my best to seek the words and descriptions about Helen.Somehow I couldn’t receive the message that she died.To make me relief was that I ignored a detail.In the book on the gravestone of her described her “Resurgam”.The meaning of the Latin is “living again”.Then I was comfortable.I like the two characters in the story.We are satisfied with the final result because life needs light.We always like to search comfort from the book that it don’t exist in the reality.The world is full of various tragedies, if all the results are not wonderful, we can not find the hope.After read the book, we remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes, for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone who had hurt her deeply in the past.I am like a companion with Jane went through a period of seemingly ordinary but again not mediocre life.Actually the life of Jane isn’t on a grand and spectacular scale, but she experiences an extraordinary way.Though a little bitter, she will be happy under the care of angel.Generally speaking, this is our life.In fact, one has endless thoughts for the life.I always think in a difficult situation, if and when the hardships of this life is done, if and when the road of time no longer curves, if and when I try my best to walk to the end, will I be able to see the blinding sunlight? For the most important meaning in life is that, struggling through your trials you realize the value of your life, while taking away all the bitter misfortunes.Only then will we see the true radiance of the golden sun.

2.简爱读后感(英文) 篇二

This is a holy baptism , I think , after my reading Jane Eyre.To be honest , she is the marvelous goddess in my deep heart.I learned a lot.She is self-respect , even though she is not rich , not outstanding in appearance.She pursues the equality , betweenthe poor and the rich , between the men and the women.She treats everyone and everything equally with her kindness , tolerance ,gentility , and honesty.She is a brave Cinderella.She has no inferiority because of the job of tutor.The deep love courage her to express the feeling to Rochester , whose social status was very higher.Her love is generous and pure , not relevant to money and status.She ran to love without hesitation , while she had a large inheritance and Rochester had lost his splendid manor.She was going to comfort him , to marry him , to guard him.The only reason is love.She is aggressive , when she confronted with hardships.She has great vitality , never bow to fate.The longing for a better life has never changed.I think , these are real beauty , eternal beauty.They are not disappeared with the time going.On the contrary , they will sublimate because of the increase of years , and they will become

more attractive.

3.简爱英文读后感 篇三

Almost all women love foreign literature, like D Charlottes “in love”.If we think that Charlotte is only just to write this section of tangled up love to write “love”.I think, sorry, thats not correct.The author also is a female, living in turbulent England in the middle of the nineteenth Century, when the thoughts have a brand new start.And in “Jane love” in infiltration is the largest such thoughts -- womens sense of independence.Let us imagine, if Jane love independent, has been killed in his childhood; if she did not share the independent, she already and wife Rochester to live together, began to have money, a new life; if she is not that the purity, we are now in the hands of “Jane love” is no longer a touching tears classic.So, I began to think, why “Jane love” let us be moved, fondle admiringly -- she is independent personality, beckoning personality charm.

However, we cant help wanting to ask, only this step can be independent?I think I wont.After all, womens independence is a long-term process, not accomplish at one stroke.It needs a thorough courage, love was like Jane decided to leave Rochester, need “wind rustling Xi the Yi River is so cold, strong earth to did not return” heroic and courage.I think, this should be the most crucial one step, also should be the decisive step towards independence.And Charlottes Jane love but her stubborn disposition, independent personality left us a moved.So she is successful, happy women.

4.英文观后感 演讲稿(简爱) 篇四

----The feedback of movie

I’ve watched several movies this winner vacation, but what impressed me most is , which is adapted from the world masterpiece, .As what has been told in the book, it tells a love story in the depth of soul, human dignity and equality that really touched me and met what I am always long for.The heroine, Jane lives a miserable childhood, bullied by her cousin and treated badly by her aunt, because of the passing away of her parents and uncle.She is sent to a charitable institution named Lowood School that usually educated children by simply mauled.After graduation from the charitable institution, she is hired as a humble governess in Thorn field whose owner is Mr.Edward Fairfax Rochester.At first, she doesn’t arouse much attention and respect from people around her, including Mr.Rochester.However, with her thoughtful mind and respected character, she gradually shows her unique talent less intentionally and is fell in love with by Mr.Edward who regards her as a rare soul fellow.They are much in loved with each other and spend happy time together in the Thorn field.But just by the moment she marries him, the secret that Mr.Edward already has an odd and cruel wife for 15 years.Jane is shocked and decided to leave him.During her escaping from Mr.Rochester, she is unexpected to inherit a big fortune,becoming rich, but she realizes that she can’t get rid of him, till in love with him and decides to find him.Beyond expectation, the moment she arrives Thorn field, the grand old house has been burnt down by Mr.Rochester’s wife and leaves Mr.Rochester blind, almost homeless and no wealth.But they still embrace each other tightly as if nothing has changes.June is such an independent and respected woman so there is no wonder that she becomes a modern model in many women’s heart today.After read several times, the lines she said in the movie still impressive so much:

”I wish a woman could have action in her life, like a man.It agitates me to pain that the skyline over there is ever our limit.I long sometimes for a power of vision that would over pass it, if I could behold all I imagine”

“Am I a machine without feelings? Do you think that because I am poor, obscure, plain and little that I am soulless and heartless? I have as much soul as you and full as much heart.And if God had blessed me with beauty and wealth, I could make it ad hard for you to leave me as it is for me to leave you.I am not speaking to you through mortal flesh.It is my spirit that addresses your spirit as if we’d passed through the grave and stood as God’s feet, equal, as we are.”

“I am a free human being with an independent will.”

I always feel so lucky to born in such an equal time that I can get full education as long as I work hard, equally as any boys do, and can pursue what I want in my life without totally following anyone’s request as whatis like in the ancient China.How fantastic I am to be a free human being that can have my own thought, find makes me who I am little by little and just live my life!

But, sadly, I find there are still so many girls regard themselves as belongings to men, their husband, even though they’re university students, thinking it natural to be a good wife in charge of a man, following a man’s willing, doing housework for family and taking care for their children.There are several times that shocked me when some university girls complain their own cooking skills or their boyfriends, saying “My mum says I can’t cook very well and I am so worried that I can’t get married because of this.” or “My boyfriend is not strong enough to control me and he even listen to me sometimes.How can this come!” Furthermore, I remembered how angry I am when a boy speaks to me in a pride tone:” There is no sense talking with you, because you‘re just a woman.”

To be honest, I can’t agree with this at all.If a woman’s whole life is just for serving a man, why would she go to school instead of just be trained for caring a family and serving her husband? And we’re born to be equal, why should I be charged of just because I am a woman and

why can you chase your own dream just because you are a man?

I’ve also heard enough arguments towards me as:”you are still too young to understand the world, it almost the same in the whole world that your ability is so limited to change the world.And I strongly believe that you will finally be a wife, spending most of your energy on family, staying at home as it should be” with the facial expression of wining or mercy.Certainly I know I can’t change the world but I can change myself and my live.And if one day I become such person as I was told, then my soul today must be stolen or die.At the end of the movie, Mr.Rochester was pleasantly surprised to know Jane is back to him, he holds her in the arms and says:

” You are altogether a human being, Jane.”
