


1.(TED英文演讲)城市交通的终极解决方案——观后感 篇一

Education changes our fortune —— Feedback Educational equality is a permanent topic among the society.The poor should get the same access to an entire education as others possess.However, there are still too many women lost their opportunities to know their culture and this world because of extreme poverty.The speaker once helped a number of women with their languages by attending certain courses.These courses were often held in the local suburbs.Furthermore, the inequality between men and women is the fundamental restriction to their unfair education.Many women were eager to control over their simple daily routines and small details that we take for granted.Since those women received the education they deserve, they all realized that the only way to control their life was through education.There are so many facts that show us that it is impossible to overcome barriers to education.Education is the best means to own a better future.Eventually, I’d like to end up with what the speaker said :“Question your convictions.Be who you want to be,not who they want you to be.Don’t accept their enslavement, for your mother birthed you free.”

2.(TED英文演讲)城市交通的终极解决方案——观后感 篇二

To be a positive pessimist.—— Feedback When we were young, we often dare to do whatever we can regardless of anything because we are innocent.As we became more mature after growth, we started being afraid of making mistakes.It’s common that we choose to be the best or nothing.Just like the lecturer Han Xue mentioned, we trapped ourselves in an overprotective world.Everything we are going to do or each situation we may face is unpredictable, but it shouldn’t be the reason for our escaping all hard periods.What if people always get rid of troubles? It seems like a signal meaning a loss of imagination and creativity.So, there must be some solutions that are needed.Han Xue shared her strategies about being a positive pessimist.She suggested that we receive lower expectations to ourselves and prepare to lose.Meanwhile, it doesn’t mean that you can always give in.Spare no efforts and go for it!There won’t be so much pity even if a failure happens.You might have a confusion about the “positive” and “pessimist”, how could a couple of opposite attitudes interweave together? However, we can find such paradoxes surrounding us.Generally speaking, we are expected to show our confidence while taking huge challenges, and conquer them with will power.Particularly, you needn’t be ashamed of losing only if you put your heart into it.A positive pessimist may not have something outstanding, but he(or she)must be better which is unstoppable.

3.美国插画家TED演讲英文稿 篇三

When my first children’s book was published in 2001, i returned to my old elementary school to talk to the students about being an author and an illustrator,and when i was setting up my slide projector in the cafetorium,i looked across the room,and there she was:my old lunch lady.she was still there at the school and she was busily preparing lunches for the day.so i approached her to say hello,and i said,”hi,jeannie!how are you?”and she looked at me and i could tell that she recognized me,but she couldn’t quite place me,and she looked at me and she said,”stephenkrosoczka?”and i was amazed that she knew that i was a krosoczka,butstephen is my uncle who is 20 years older than i am,and she had been his lunch lady when he was a kid.and she starting telling me about her grandkids,and that blew my mind.my lunch lady had grandkids,and therefore kids,and therefore left school at the end of the day?i thought she lived in the cafeteria,with the serving spoons.i had never thought about any of that before.well,that chance encounter inspired my imagination and i created the lunch lady graphic novel series,a series of comics about a lunch lady.who used her fish stick nunchucks to fight off evil cyborg substitutes,a school bus monster and mutant mathletes,and the end of every book,they get the bad guy with their hairnet,and they proclaimed,”justice is served!”and it’s been amazing because the series was so welcomed into the the reading lives of children,and they sent me the most amazing letters and cards and artwork.and i would notice as i would visit schools,the lunch staff would be involved in the programming in very meaningful way.and coast to coast,all of the lunch ladies told me the same thing:thank you for making a superhero in our likeness.”because the lunch lady has not been treated very kindly in popular culture over time.but it meant the most to jeannie.when the books were first published,i invited her to the book launch party,and in front of everyone there,everyone she had fed over the years,i gave her a piece of artwork and some books.and two years after this photo was taken,she passed away,and i attended her wake,and nothing could have prepared me for what i saw there.because next to her casket was this painting and her husband told me that it meant so much to her that i had acknowledged her hard work,i had validated what she did.and that inspired me to create a day where we could recreate that feeling in cafeterias across the country:school lunch hero day,a day where kid can make creative projects for their lunch staff.and i partnered with the school nutrition association and did you know that a little over 30 million kids participate in school lunch programs every day.That equals up to over 5 billion lunches made every school year.and the stories of heroism go well beyond just a kid getting a few extra chicken nuggets on their lunch tray.there is msbrenda in california,who keeps a close eye on every student that comes through her line and then reports back to the guidance counselor if anything is amiss.there are the lunch ladies in kentucky who realizd that 67 precent of their students relied on those meals every day.andther were going out food over the summer so they retrofitted a school bus to create a mobile feeding unit,and they traveled around the neighborhoods feedings 500 kids a day during the summer.and kids made the most amazing projects.i knew they would.kids made hamburger cards that were made out of construction paper.They took photos of their lunch lady’s head and plastered it onto my cartoon lunch lady and fixed that to a milk carton and presented them with flowers.and they made their own comics,starring the cartoon lunch lay,alongside their actual lunch ladies.and they made thank you pizzas,where every kid signed a different topping of a construction paper pizza.for me, i was so moved by the response that came from the lunch ladies.because one woman said to me.shesaid,”before this day,i felt like i was at he end of the planet of this school.i didn’t think that anyone noticed us down here.”another woman said to me,”youknow ,what i got out of this is that what i do is important.”and of course what she does is important.what they all do is important.they’re feeding our children every single day,and before a child can learn,their belly needs to be full,and these women and men are working on the front lines to create an educated society.so i hope that you don’t wait for school lunch hero day to say thank you to your lunch staff,and i hope that you remember how powerful a thank you can be.a thank you can change a life.it changes the life of the person who receives it,and it changes the life of the person who expresses it.thank you.

4.(TED英文演讲)城市交通的终极解决方案——观后感 篇四

a few years ago, i felt like i was stuck in a rut, so i decided to follow in the footsteps of the great american philosopher, morgan spurlock, and try something new for 30 days. the idea is actually pretty simple. think about something you’ve always wanted to add to your life and try it for the next 30 days. it turns out, 30 days is just about the right amount of time to add a new habit or subtract a habit ― like watching the news ― from your life.

5.TED演讲观后感 篇五


其实做一名设计师或做任何事情最难的就是改变思想,所以我希望在接下来的十八分钟,跟大家分享一下我们公司跟我,怎么走过的这二十年,我怎么去 转换自己,我们怎么去看待这个产业。我以前是从学平面设计开始,然后开始开公司,其实这个转变我一直在探讨,到底设计师在做什么事情?

其实设计基本上就像学英文一样,学完以后,其实只有两种人把英文拿来应用。一 种人就是把英文写成了哈利波特,另外一种人是用英文传简讯,跟他讲我明天要去跟你碰面。这两种人都是在用英文。所以我觉得设计师也是一样,我们今天学会了 设计,那我们要拿来做什么是很重要的。我觉得大部分公司在做的,就是在传简讯,是一个非常不重要的事情。根本没有做到像哈利波特那样可以有那么大的影响 力。


在学校我们可能学的只是设计,可是出了校门,就要学着做所有的事情。就是说我们不能够再把自己跟史塔克 跟 Marc Newson来比,因为这都是设计师。他们也做得不错,他们一年赚三亿,对很多人来说是很好了。可是我觉得我们应跟这一群人比,跟 Steve Jobs跟Madonna跟Richard branson,他们是我个人很喜欢的人。那这些人做了什么东西跟我们设计师不一样呢?


所以我认为我们的竞争对手,不应该是另外一个设计师或是某个广告公司,我们应该跟科学家、医生、律师、跟很好的政治家等社会上所有的精英分子来 做比较。那到底我们跟他们比什么呢?你今天称自己是一个设计师,那到底我们在做些什么事情?我们的影响力又是什么?我们能够改变什么?如果不能够改变什 么,我觉得最好第一天就接受,我做的事情其实是没有影响力的,我觉得这样也很好,我们就接受这样的生活,可是不能怪这个社会对设计产业本身的不尊重,因为 我们的确没有办法改变一个咖啡厅倒闭的命运。

6.TED演讲观后感 篇六













