


1.初中英语写作教案 篇一


【课文类型 】




































(2)、通过对上文的阅读,(和同学讨论)概括上述记叙文较突出的地方: A、留心观察,注意积累生活素材。B、把事件、人物要写得具体典型。


E、写完以后多读几遍,用自己的阅读感受来检验语言是否通顺畅达。(3)、(讨论)明确好的记叙文应该具备的艺术特征: A:人物事件要典型 B:叙事详略要得当 C:叙事曲折有层次 D:感情升华要到位



细节描写 修辞的使用

语言运用(新闻联播的语言很干净,没有一句废话)议论抒情感情的控制 „„

对于写作中技法的运用鼓励学生可以尝试,写出后大声朗读,自己品味其表达效果 【教学后记】


2.初中英语写作教案 篇二







2.重视语言,基本训练。在英语写作过程中,提高学生的写作才能,需要英语重视语言基本功的训练。(1)帮助学生掌握正确使用单词的方法与技巧,让学生在英语写作中能够使用较为常用的单词来表达,尽量免受汉语的干扰,把握好所学单词的联系与区别,在写作中正确根据词性用词,固定搭配选词和根据语境选词,逐渐提升学生的遣词造句能力;(2)重视英语基本句型的教学,在学生刚刚接触写作时,往往难以把握单词的顺序,帮助学生掌握基本的英语句型是提升其写作才能的关键;(3)加强英语造句训练,其目的也在于为了避免在英语写作中出现中文式错误,例如可以让学生熟练掌握运用There is (are+物或人+介词)、I don't think等句型;四是紧张英语语句合并训练,是提升学生掌握英语语句结构的有效方法之一,使用语法分析来掌握单词在语句中的位置,将多个句子使用恰当的关联词进行整合,从而构成一篇完整的文章,主要有and、but和so等关联词。



3.初中英语写作教案 篇三

【关键词】初中英语写作 提高 学生 写作才能








2.重视语言,基本训练。在英语写作过程中,提高学生的写作才能,需要英语重视语言基本功的训练。(1)帮助学生掌握正确使用单词的方法与技巧,让学生在英语写作中能够使用较为常用的单词来表达,尽量免受汉语的干扰,把握好所学单词的联系与区别,在写作中正确根据词性用词,固定搭配选词和根据语境选词,逐渐提升学生的遣词造句能力;(2)重视英语基本句型的教学,在学生刚刚接触写作时,往往难以把握单词的顺序,帮助学生掌握基本的英语句型是提升其写作才能的关键;(3)加强英语造句训练,其目的也在于为了避免在英语写作中出现中文式错误,例如可以让学生熟练掌握运用There is (are+物或人+介词)、I don't think等句型;四是紧张英语语句合并训练,是提升学生掌握英语语句结构的有效方法之一,使用语法分析来掌握单词在语句中的位置,将多个句子使用恰当的关联词进行整合,从而构成一篇完整的文章,主要有and、but和so等关联词。







4.英语高级写作教案 篇四

学期:2012 — 2013学年第2学期 学时:32 学分:2 授课对象:外国语学院10级英语专业学生 教

材:《写作教程 第四册》,2007,上海外语教育出版社 任课教师:宇文静 陈琳






课程成绩(100%)=平时考核(100%)+期末考试(0%)平时考核 100分=100分+0分

1.平时成绩:100分折合为总成绩的100% 注: 100分: 作业8次中取5次,每次20分;

0分: 随机抽查5次出勤,不计分,3次无故缺勤者取消其成绩。

2.期末成绩:无 3.考试方式:大作业 Lecture 1: Introduction to Thesis Writing(Unit 1)


1.Understand the aim of the course 2.Grasp generally some information about graduation thesis 3.Understand what constitutes a good topic for research

二、学时安排 2 hours


1.Principles and Requirements of Graduation Thesis 2.Components of Graduation Thesis 3.Steps of Graduation Thesis Writing


Introduction to Graduation Thesis 1 What is a thesis?

It is a research paper composed by a college student when he/she has finished college study with the help of his /her supervisor, which is also called graduation thesis.2 Significance of thesis writing a.Institutional purpose: b.Personal purposes: 3 Scales of thesis writing Literature, Translation, Linguistics, TEFL, Cross-Culture, Other social science(e.g.Business English, EST, etc.)4 Evaluation of a thesis Letter grade(A.B.C.D.F)is based on its content, structure, language and format.Apart from that, oral defense also counts in many colleges, and so does it in our institute.5 Principles of thesis writing Learning Principle;Independence Principle;Scientific Principle;Scholarly Principle;Creative Principle;Norm Principle.6 Requirements of thesis writing Length;Format;Content;Book binding and layout.7 Steps of Graduation Thesis Writing Choose a topic, collect and organize materials, compose the first draft, revise the draft and finalize it.五、作业

Read Unit 2 after class..Lecture 2: Choosing a Topic for a Thesis(Unit 2)


1.Know what steps to follow when choosing a topic 2.Learn how to improve topics that have problems

二、学时安排 2 hours


Know how to work out an effective research topic.四、教学内容

1.Principles for choosing a thesis topic Significance(Importance)and Interest;Manageability/Practicality;Flexibility 2.What topics should be avoided? 3.Process of choosing a topic Decide on the subject area---------Choose a topic---------Focus into a question---------Design a title 3.1 Subject areas: literature, linguistics, translation, TEFL, cross-culture and other subject areas 3.2 Finding a Research Problem 3.3 Design a title 4.Exercise 1: literary criticism /comparative study Exercise 2: revise the following topics


Search for as many thesis titles as possible to get the idea of title designing and design your own title..Lecture 3: Collecting & Organizing Material(Unit 3)


1.Learn how to find and evaluate the sources 2.Learn how to document the sources.二、学时安排 2 hours


Choose proper material;write a thesis statement.四、教学内容 Major sources of related literature 2 Guidelines for choosing proper materials 3 Documenting material 4 Reading in depth Exercise : Analyze the different parts of the following thesis statement.五、作业

Read the textbook Unit 3 and create your working bibliography, using APA style.Lecture 4: Outlining a Thesis(Unit 6)


1.Know the format of an outline 2 Be familiar with the types of outline 3 Grasp how to construct an outline.二、学时安排hours

三、重点难点 The format of an outline 2 How to construct an outline.四、教学内容 What is an outline? 2 The Benefits of an Outline 3 Process of constructing a thesis 4 Types of the outline 5 Formats of the outline 6 Conventions and contents of outlines 7 Principles for Structuring an outline Exercise: Outlining the following thesis


Based on your topic and thesis statement, with the accumulation of related material, please construct your own outline.Lecture 5: Introduction Writing(Unit 7)


Master the elements of the Introduction chapter of a thesis.二、学时安排 2 hours


Understand and know how to compose the Introduction chapter.四、教学内容

Components of the Introduction Chapter:  Introduction  Background of the study

 The professional significance of the study  Overview(structure)of the thesis Exercise:

Find the problems in the Introduction chapter of the thesis at hand.五、作业

Finish the introduction chapter for your thesis.Lecture 6: Literature Review(Unit 7)


1.Know what are included in a literature review 2 Know how to compose a literature review.二、学时安排 2 hours


Master how to organize a literature review and how to summarize and paraphrase.四、教学内容

What is a Literature Review? Procedure for Writing a Literature Review Exercises:

1: Find a focus for the following titles 2: Write a Summary


Write a literature review briefly.Lecture 7: Quotation(Unit 8)


Master the way of quotation.二、学时安排 2 hours


Different quotation formats for different material.四、教学内容

Differences between quotation and citation Types of quotation: direct and indirect Quotation of different material: Poetry, drama, etc.Exercise:

Revise each of the following sentences, deleting quotation marks used inappropriately, moving those placed incorrectly, and using more formal languages.五、作业

Remember the format of quotation.Lecture 8: Citation(Unit 8)


Master the way of citation.二、学时安排hours


Different citation formats for different material.四、教学内容

Purposes of documentation Types of citation: In-text Citation and References Formats of In-text Citation: MLA, APA, Chicago Manual style


Remember the APA format of citation.Lecture 9: Methodology(Unit 4)


1.Know how to conduct a research in a linguistic thesis 2.Know how to write the methodology part in a linguistic thesis 3.Know how to write a good findings and discussion

二、学时安排 2 hours


Master how to conduct a research in a linguistic thesis.四、教学内容

Definition of Methodology Methodology in a thesis on linguistics 1.Components 2.Organization

3.How to carry out research 4.Findings and Discussion Exercise: Analyze samples: What research tools are used? How?


Learn SPSS after class: SPSS教程.Lecture 10: Methodology(Unit 4)


1.Know how to design a good questionnaire;2.Master the methods to interpret a work of literature.二、学时安排 2 hours


Master questionnaire design and how to interpret a work of literature.四、教学内容

Questionnaire design 1.Criteria for a good questionnaire 2.Steps for questionnaire design 3.Exercise: Process the following data Methodology in a Literary Thesis 1.Methods: explication(解读), analysis, comparison and contrast 2.Literature Criticism:


Design a questionnaire to collect opinions of the second-year Non-English majors on their L2 learning strategies.中国非英语专业大二学生英语学习策略

Lecture 11: Conclusion, Abstract & Acknowledgements(Unit 7)


1.Know how to write the Conclusion of a thesis 2.Know how to write the Abstract of a thesis 3 Know how to draft Acknowledgement.二、学时安排 2 hours


Master Conclusion writing and Abstract writing.四、教学内容

Conclusion Writing 1.Restatement 2.Summary 3.Future research direction Abstract Writing 1 Types of Abstract: descriptive and informative 2.Requirements 3 Key Words Acknowledgements 1.Purposes 2.Requirements Exercise: Read the following abstracts and then discuss the merits and defects of the abstracts.五、作业

Choose key words for your thesis.Lecture 12: Format-Listing Sources(Unit 8)


Know how to document sources at the end of the thesis.二、学时安排 2 hours


Master the use of punctuations and italicization.四、教学内容

Basic rules for bibliographic citation 1.Authors 2.Books 3.Author with an editor 4.Author with an translator 5.Work in an anthology 6.Magazines 7.Encyclopedia or dictionary entry 8.Electronic sources 9.Notes: Chinese references Exercise: Create the Reference entry with the given information


Design your own references.Lecture 13: Format and Mechanics(Unit 8)


Know some rules of format and mechanics.二、学时安排 2 hours


Master Contents format and Page number format.四、教学内容 Format 1 Contents 2 Tables and figures 3 Page numbers Mechanics 1 Capitalization 2 Abbreviations 3 Italicizing and underlining 4 Numbers 5 Tables and Figures Exercise Find out the problems of the following Contents



Lecture 14: Language Style(Additional Material)


Know the characteristics of thesis language.二、学时安排 2 hours


Master diction and voice.四、教学内容 Diction: formal Tone: Judgment: careful and impartial basic tone: rational, impersonal and unemotional Voice: third-person pronouns(he, she, they or it)—subjects of sentences Economy: write concisely and straightforwardly Use of Tenses: 1.Literature 2.Theory or philosophy 3.Research results 4.Review of literature Unbiased language Constructing paragraphs a paragraph—a single unit declare a point—offer support for the point A topic sentence—a tiny thesis statement Exercise: Find out the problems of these sentences.五、作业

Revise your introduction and literature review parts.Lecture 15: Summary(Unit 9)


Get a systematic idea of thesis writing.二、学时安排 2 hours


Master the requirements of structure, language and format.四、教学内容

Title: informative, revealing Abstract: should contain the following elements Research topic, research purpose, research methods, research results, implications, conclusion.Key words: high frequency in the thesis, focus of the thesis, 3-5 words Introduction: a.Background of the study

b.The professional significance of the study c.Overview(structure)of the thesis Literature Review: Cover the basic categories • Introduction: central theme or organizational pattern • Body: Organize sources chronologically, thematically, or methodologically • Conclusions/Recommendations: Discuss what you have drawn from reviewing literature so far.Where might the discussion proceed? Methodology:

what(tool/instrument);Who(subjects);How(data collection, procedures)Findings: Data presentation & data description Discussion:

Supplying meaning to statistics, tables, charts, etc.Making comments that are relevant to the research intention/purpose Conclusion:

Restate the research purpose, some background information, etc;Summarize research design, results, interpretation and implication, etc;Suggest future research direction by pointing out limitations of the study and tentative proposals for future research.Acknowledgements:

a.confined to one page, immediately after the Conclusion b.language: sincere, brief, proper c.Order: More important-less important;Individual – collective References:


期刊: 作者.文章名.(需用引号,且引在“.”之外)期刊名(斜体).第几期(年代):页码.专著: 作者.文献题名(斜体).出版地:出版社, 出版年.中文参考文献基本格式:

专著:主要责任者.文献题名[文献类型标识].出版地:出版社,出版年 期刊:主要责任者.文献题名[J].刊名,出版年(期):页码.language:

formal, objective, concise, proper Contents: 自动生成目录,注意页码及字号。

Tables and figures: 注意标题书写,Tables两边不封。

Page numbers: 正文前和正文的页码不同,前者小写罗马数字,后者小写阿拉伯数字,需用分隔符。

Exercise: Evaluate the two sample papers on page 154-215


Review what we have learned.Lecture 16: Oral Defense(Additional Material)


Know how to give a good oral defense.二、学时安排 2 hours

三、重点难点 PPT design.四、教学内容

Introduction to Oral Defense Purpose: examine whether the researcher understand and master the research and the thesis.Components: Presentation + defense Requirements: design PPT;Presentation 10minutes;defense 10minutes.Prepare for the oral defense 1.Circulate the thesis to the other committee members.2.Be familiar with the structure, contents, research method, major findings and major arguments.3.Explain the thesis briefly.4.Prepare in ppt format.Your focus: topic, research method, findings.Support the argument with clear, brief examples.5.Presuppose questions and prepare answers in advance.6.Committee members make comments or suggestions;you need not have to defense.Respond politely with gratitude.Tips during oral defense: 1.Properly dressed 2.Keep confident 3.Bring with you a pen and paper;thesis better 4.Be polite;show gratitude 5.Ask for the question again or make sure the question if you do not hear clearly about it.6.Don’t argue with teachers but explain your idea with proofs.7.Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation and try to make you easily understood.8.Make your answer concise and to the point.Exercise: Analyze some samples.五、作业

5.高三英语写作课教案 篇五

课题:看图书面表达(Writing A Story)


教学重点:引导学生先仔细观察所给图片,掌握故事的中心意思。然后 依次确定出描述每幅图所需的中心词,并由词成句,由句成文。最后对文章的篇章结构进行修改,实现用词准确,行文流畅。

教学辅助手段:电脑(或实物投影仪)教学方法:讨论法 教学步骤:

一、展示(Presentation)1.通过计算机展示上次作为作业的看图书面表达材料。(帮助回 顾、加深印象)2.将含有学生在作业中所犯典型错误的文章展示出来,作为改错进 行练习。



2.请找到错误的学生现场指出并改正错误之处,其他学生一起评判 对错:若改对了,教师可用鼠标单击文中的那处错误,原本隐含的修改部分便会显示出来;若没改对,可接着请其他学生帮忙。(在进行此步骤时,学生无须根据文章的先后逐行挑错,只要找到错误即可发言。)














十、作业(Homework)发给学生另一篇看图书面表达材料,要求学生根据本课所学思路独力完成。Teaching Plan I.Topic: Writing A story

II.Teaching Aim: According to the pictures of a story, teach the students how to write a story using the effective sentences.III.Key Points: Teach the students how to get the key words of each picture and how to use effective sentences to complete a coherent composition.IV.Teaching Aids: Computer V.Teaching Method: Discussion VI.Teaching Procedure: Step 1.Presentation

Present the composition with the typical mistakes made by the students to the class.Step 2.Discussion

1.Let the students work in pairs to discuss the composition and try to find out as many mistakes as they can.2.Ask some students to correct the mistakes in public.At the same time, present the right ones to the whole class.3.Classify the typical mistakes.Step 3.Presentation

Present the pictures of a story to the class.Give the students two minutes to look through the pictures and try to get the main idea of the story.Step 4.Discussion

1.Let the students work in groups of four to get the key words of each picture orally.2.Ask several students to report their answers to the rest of the class.Present these key words to the whole class.Step 5.Writing

According to the key words, ask the students to write down their own sentences about each picture.Step 6.Feedback 1.Present two students’ sentences about Picture 1 to the class as models, and then correct their grammar mistakes with the whole class.2.Present another two students’ sentences about Picture 2 to the class and correct the grammar mistakes too.3.Repeat this step with the other pictures.4.Choose either of the models from each picture to make up a passage.Present it to the class.Step 7.Discussion Give the students a few minutes to discuss how to make these sentences more effective and how to make this passage more coherent.Step 8.Feedback

1.Correct this passage with the whole class.2.Present the model to the class.3.Emphasize the way of writing this kind of composition.Step 9.Assignment

6.经贸英语写作 教案. doc 篇六

● General Introduction An order may result from the buyer’s acceptance of an offer made by the sellers or from the sellers’ acceptance of a counter-offer made by the buyers.An order can either be a letter or a printed form or both.Compared with the offer/quotation, the order is a more common form of correspondence(通信)of obtaining equipment, services, supplies(供货).So besides a letter or memorandum(备忘录), or a printed form, it can be given by faxes, or e-mails, or even orally the phone or at the meeting.The essential quality of an order is clarity and accuracy.An order should include: 1)Name and specification or

description of the commodity 2)Quality 3)Quantity 4)Prices(unit price and total value)and price terms 5)Terms of payment 6)Port of shipment and port of destination(装运港和目的港)7)Date and method of shipping 8)Package The following structures are recommended in placing an order: 1)Use direct language in the first paragraph to refer the seller to the previous contact acknowledging that you have received the offer and have the intention to place an order.2)Describe what is being ordered in great detail.Indicate the catalogue numbers, sizes, colors, prices, specifications and all other relevant information.Two paragraphs will be

needed to fulfill this part.The first paragraph is to give the detailed description of your order.The second one is to state the terms of payment and the anticipated(预期的)date of delivery and the mode(模式)of transportation.3)Close the letter by expressing willingness to cooperate.● Sample Reading Sample 1

体育用品公司确认某公司初次订购 Dear Sirs,We want to say how pleased we were to receive your order of 25 March for our sport supplies and welcome you as one of our customers.We confirm supply of the goods at the prices stated in(以…中标明的价格)your letter and are arranging for

dispatch next week by sea.When the goods reach you we feel confident you will be completely satisfied with them at the prices offered(以所报价格), for they represent exceptional(特别的)value.As you may not be aware of the wide range of(种类广泛的)goods we are dealing in(从事), we are enclosing a copy of our catalogue and hope that our handling of your first order with us will lead to further business between us and

2mark the beginning of a happy working relationship.Yours faithfully, XXX Notes: 1.dispatch: v.发送, 派遣, 迅速处理 e.g., If the buyers failed to ~ the vessel

in time, the sellers shall have the right to claim compensation for their losses.1如买方不能及时派遣运送船只,卖方有权要求赔偿损失。

We are anxious to ~ a business in hand.我们急于办完手头一项业务。

~ your order when we have stock.一有货,马上发送。

2.mark the beginning of:标志…的开端

Sample 2


Dear Sirs,We are pleased to receive your order of th19 January for tablecloths and welcome as one of our customers.We confirm(确认)10,000 dozen tablecloths at the prices stated in your letter and will arrange for delivery(安排

1发货)by the first available steamer upon receipt of(一收到)your L/C.We

feel confident that when the goods 2reach you, you will be completely satisfied with them at the prices offered.34The draft contract is being drawn up

5and will be submitted to you for approval(为…批准)as soon as it is ready.We hope the conclusion(成交)of this deal will pave the way for(为…铺平道路)further friendly cooperation between us and mark the beginning of a good working relationship.Yours faithfully, XXX Notes: 1.the first available steamer:第一艘(可得的)轮船

2.reach: v.到达;达成

We’re taking all necessary steps for the opening of the L/C and hope it will reach you in a week or so.我们正采取一切措施开立信用证,希望一周左右抵达你处。

reach an agreement 达成协议 3.draft contract: 合同草案 draft: n.草稿, 草案

e.g., She asked me to check the ~ of the contract.她要我审查一下合同的初稿。v.起草, 草拟

e.g., draft a proposal for the project.请为该计划草拟一个方案。4.draw up: 准备, 起草

e.g., We will have the contract drawn up for signature tomorrow.我们将把合同拟好,以便明天签字。5.submit: v.提交, 提供

e.g., Please ~ specifications, preferably with illustrations.请提供规格,最好有插图

● Useful Expressions: 1.Thank you for your offer of June 5.Your prices and quality are

satisfactory and we are sending you an order as follows.感谢贵方6月5日的报盘,产品价格及质量都令我方满意,现随附如下订单。

2.We’re glad to have closed(finished/ put-through/concluded/finalized/rea--lized)this transaction with you.我们很高兴和贵方达成这笔交易。3.If you can execute the order to our full satisfaction, we will place further orders with you.如果你方对此次订单的处理能够完全令我方满意,我方将会有更多的订单。4.To get things started, we would like to make a trial purchase.为使交易起步,我们愿意试购买。5.We’re very sorry that we’re not in a position to accept your order but hope that you will understand our situation.我们非常抱歉不能接受此订单,但希望贵方能理解我们的处境。

● Writing Practice: I.Translate(on class)Dear Mr.Johnson,Thank you for your letter of July 15 enclosing your order for 8000 meters of 100 cm wide watered silk.Unfortunately, we no longer supply this silk.Fashions constantly change and in recent years the demand for watered silk has fallen to such an extent that we have ceased to produce it.Our satin silk is selling very well in many countries for its extra smoothness and softness.It has more patterns and agrees with the latest fashion of returning to the ancients(复古).I am sending you a full range of(各种各样的)patterns by parcel post.If you decide to place an order(订购)we can supply

them promptly.We look forward to your reply.Sincerely yours,(Signature)

Larry Sun

Key to Above: Johnson先生:




II.You’ve received your customer’s

initial order No.023 for wool and made out your Sales Confirmation No.123.Now you’re asked to write a letter sending the S/C(Sales Confirmation).The following points should be covered in your letter.(after class)1.销售确认书已寄出,请收到后签退一份。




● More Sample on Placing Order Dear Sirs,Thank you very much for your letter of September 6 together with(attached所附的)patterns(样式)and price lists.We have chosen four qualities(types)for which we enclose Order No.465.The goods are urgently required, so prompt delivery will be most appreciated.(被动)

Order No.465 Messrs.Johnson & Kemp Ltd, 78 Madison Street London, England

Please supply the following goods: Quantity Article Price

Delivery 800 doz.510

$2 per doz.December 500 doz.512

$4 per doz.do 300 doz.514

$6 per doz.do 200 doz.516

$7 per doz.do

Packing: Each dozen to be packed in a tin-lined(带有内衬的)carton, with 10 dozen cartons in a wooden case.Insurance: W.A.(水渍险)for 10%

over the invoice amount(发票金额).Marks(包装、运输标记): As usual with our previous orders.Payment terms: Draft at sight under an irrevocable L/C.We have instructed(指示)our bank to open a letter of credit for the amount of this order.You will soon hear from your bank.Yours faithfully, 该订单详细罗列拟购商品的数量、价格、交货期、包装、保险、唛头(运输标志:收货人英文缩写+目的港或目的地名称+运单号/订单号/发票号+货物件数)、支付条件。Note: W.A.: With(Particular)Average(水渍险,单独海损险)自然灾害、意外事故导致货


Draft at sight:(即期汇票)要求立即在规定日或在将来规定日对某人或持票人支付一定金额的无条件书面支付凭证(分为即期、远期)。

Part 2 Making Payments(付款)● General Introduction In international trade, the buyer is concerned(关心)if he can get the goods as ordered while the seller wants the security of payment.Terms of payment reflect the extent to which the seller requires a guarantee of payment before he/she loses control of the goods.(付款方式对于卖方是否安全)Writing strategy: 1.State your accepted payment terms clearly.2.The buyers adopt the following 3 steps to negotiate the terms of payment.★ Mention the contract, goods, etc.★ Suggest the terms of payment and

give out the reason ★ Wish the reader to accept The sellers also adopt 3 steps to complete the letter: ★ State you’ve received the letter ★ Give the reply of agreeing or refusing and the reason ★ State your wish to do business with the reader 3.Negotiate for changes

If the expected terms of payment can’t be accepted, make a polite request and give the reason for a change.As far as the other party is concerned, if they have to give a negative reply, use the reader-sensitive “you” attitude and emphasize the positive.● Sample Reading Sample 1 某公司欲试订150辆摩托车,要求买方能按付款交单的支付方式结算。

Dear Sirs,Order for 150 Motorbikes

We would like to place a trial order of 150 Motorbikes, model MS500 at the price quoted in your offer which reached us on July 15, 2008.As for the terms of payment, would you

1please give us some special treatment to pay by D/P(付款交单)instead of Confirmed Irrevocable L/C as required in your offer? Because issuing an L/C(开证行开立信用证)will tie-up(占用)our capital and increase the cost, leaving

2us a much narrower profit margin.We would be most grateful if you could extend(grant)this favor to us.You can rest assured that once we receive the

3shipping document for the captioned goods we will pay immediately the full

amount of the purchase.4This is just an initial order.If the transaction goes well(smoothly)(交易进展良好), large orders will follow(大笔订单随之而来).We are looking forward to your favorable reply(好消息).Yours faithfully, XXX Notes: 1.special treatment: 特别待遇

2.profit margin: 利润率, 利润幅度 e.g., But if sales go as well as they should, that’s still within our ~.不过假如销售状况有应有的表现,那就仍在我们的获利范围内。

We’ve had many problems recently, and the recession has really cut into our ~.我们最近有很多问题,尤其经济萧条 更使得我们的利润下降。

3.Shipping document: 货运单据 e.g., We usually accept payment by ir-revocable L/C payable against shipping document.我们采用不可撤销的信用证,凭装运单据结汇付款方式。4.initial order: 首批订货

5.release a L/C: 将信用证交给受益人

issue a L/C: 开证行开立信用证 6.D/P: Documents against Payment 付款交单(分为即期、远期),我们发货后准备好我们的议付单据,通过我方银行交单至客户方银行,客户银行提示客户单据已到,客户付款后银行交单。

Negotiable(可议付的): 可流通、可转让的。通过背书(在单据后面签名同意转让)或单纯交付可将一切载明权利转让给他人。

Negotiable L/C:被授权议付的银行“对汇票或单据支付对价”的行为,并强调“仅仅对单据审核,却未支付对价”不构成议付。国际商会(ICC)对议付进一

步解释为“立即付款”(如通过现金、支票、清算系统汇款支付或贷记账户),或“承 担付款责任”(undertaking an obligation to make payment)(不同于承担延期付款责任)。

D/A(Documents against Acceptance):承兑交单,也是通过我方银行交单给客户银行,不同的是客人只需承兑我方单据,就可以拿走正本单据,到期后再付款。




Sample 2 这是一封要求延后信用证中装运日期的信函。信中卖方提出由于赶不上当月船期,所以发货期不得不延后,希望对方能给与理解并尽量对信用证装运日期条款做出修改。Dear sirs, We regret to learn from your letter of thJuly 5 that you are unable to extend L/C No.5436.(延期信用证)

1As you know, there is only one vessel sailing for your port each month.But

2the only vessel available this month will be leaving here in a day or two and the deadline for booking(订)shipping space is a long past.Therefore it is impossible for us to ship the goods this month.We

would be obliged if you do your best to extend the L/C as requested in our letter thof June 26.Please give the matter immediate attention and let us have your reply by return airmail.Truly yours, Notes: 1.vessel: n.船舰, 血管, 容器

2.available: adj有效的,可得的,空闲的 ● Useful Expressions 1.With reference to your letter dated… agreeing to establish the L/C concerning the order No.…


2.We regret having received no news from you up to now.但遗憾的是,我方至今未收到任何相关 消息。

3.As you have failed to establish the L/C in time, we regret being unable to effect shipment within the stipulated time limit.很遗憾,由于贵方未及时开出信用证,我方无法在规定日期发货。

4.Owing to …, we would appreciate your extending the shipment date and the validity of your L/C No.… to … 由于…, 若贵方将发货期及第……号信用证有效期延期至……, 我方将不胜感激。

5.We regret to say that the payment terms stipulated in your order are unacceptable to us.很抱歉,贵方订单中规定的付款条款不能为我方所接受。● Writing Practice I.Translate(on class)Dear Sirs,We are in possession of your letter of October 8 and have noted your request

for payment T/T(以外汇现金方式结算Telegraphic Transfer)for contract No.339 and No.340.We regret that we are unable to consider your request for payment on T/T terms, according to our usual practice(惯常做法), we ask for payment by L/C.But in view of the amount of 2 transactions being very small, as an exceptional case, we are prepared to accept payment for contract No.339 and No.340 on D/P at sight basis.But we think it advisable to make it clear that D/P will only be applicable if the amount involved(涉及到的)for each contract is less than GBP(英镑)1,000.We hope that the above payment will be acceptable to you and look forward to hearing from you soon.Sincerely yours.XXX

Key to Above






II.Write a letter to Simpson and Sons at 54 Madison Street, Sydney, Australia requesting them to amend(修订)L/C No.5058 covering(有关)3000 dozen of Poplin Shirts as follows:(after class)




Part 3 葛洲坝信函案例

Correction on Our Letter(纠正以前的信

件)XXXX Joint Venture

Date: 29 May 2004 XXXX Site office

XXX Regional State

Our Ref: 1.H-C/3.100/ft/457-04

Attention: Mr.XXXX Project Manager

Subject: XXXX Hydropower Project, Contract Lot 1B/2/3 Correction to be made in one of our letter

Reference: 1)Your Letter CX/HX/366/04 dated 22 May 2004

2)Our Letter 1.H-C/3.342/dp/415-04

dated 17 May 2004

3)Your Letter CX/HX/326/04 dated 07 May 2004

Dear Sir,We apologize for the printing error that was shown on our letter 2)above.We confirm your findings about those printing errors and appreciated the action you have taken to correct them.Yours faithfully,Mr.XXXX

7.走出初中英语写作困境 篇七

一、高度重视, 树立信心, 培养兴趣

写是口头交际的书面再现。在很多情况下, 写的功能是非口头所能替代的。如果说提高听说能力是为了克服“聋哑英语”, 那么, 提高读写能力则是为了克服“文盲英语”。写作是目的性很强的社会行为, 如果学生将来连e-mail都不会写, 或连个人简历都不会填, 又怎能适应未来社会的竞争与挑战?教师在教学过程中应努力使学生高度重视英语写作, 引导学生树立信心。让学生知道“Where there is a will, there is a way. (有志者, 事竞成) ”。初一开始就可以从简单而有趣的看图写话开始激发学生的兴趣。兴趣是最好的老师, 是搞好初中英语写作教学先决条件。


(一) 抓好批改环节

为了培养学生良好的写作习惯, 只要布置了学生去写的作文, 我一定全批全改, 并且认真细致地在学生的作文上作批改笔记, 帮学生修改错误, 勾划句子, 有时候还会写上一两句评语或建议。在批改过程中, 我会在自己的本子上作批改笔记, 记录下这篇作文学生的主要错误和问题, 记录下写的好的或有进步的同学的名字, 以便评讲时用。虽然耗费了很多时间, 但我认为还是值得的。我想用自己的做法告诉同学们:老师是很认真地对待他们的劳动成果的, 所以他们也应该认真去写这篇文章, 这样才会有所收获。

当然, 批改的方式可以是多样化的。例如让学生课堂限时完成的作文, 教师可以采取当堂批改的策略, 以一个同学的作文为例, 打在投影上, 让学生集体纠错, 互相批改, 订正后再收上来进行二次检查, 提高学生的自我修改能力。对于一些写作能力较薄弱的同学, 个别批改的方法可能会更适合一些。教师可以面对面地对他们进行写作指导, 当学生在写的过程中出错时, 教师不必急于纠错, 可用一些不赞同或迷惑的表情暗示, 或是给出书面提示, 留给学生一定的空间, 自我纠正, 这样印象更深, 有利于保护学生自尊心, 同时调动学生的积极性, 使学生有一种成就感。

除此之外, 我认为批改时的鼓励和表扬也尤为重要, 在批改过程中, 对于学生写的好的地方, 教师可以作上标记, 如划波浪线或打五角星等。在批改作文时使用一些人性化评语鼓励表扬学生或者委婉提出学生需要改正的地方也是有益的。

(二) 抓好评讲环节

每次评讲作文时, 我都习惯从三个方面来进行分析:

(1) 分析重点问题和主要错误;

(2) 对学生进行写作技巧指导;

指导学生认真审题, 明确写作要求

看到作文题目后, 不要急于动笔, 应阅读题目要求, 认真审题, 审题应包括审文体, 格式、人称, 主要信息、主要时态、活动时间、地点等。

指导学生确定主题, 组织要点, 构思全文, 整体谋篇

在认真审题的基础上, 开门见山, 紧扣主题, 组织好题目要求的每个要点。确定好文章的整体结构, 开头, 过程和结尾都分别要写哪些内容, 注意文章按时间, 空间或逻辑顺序来写, 对文章有个整体的把握。文章结尾适当用1—2句评论发表自己的看法, 前后呼应, 使文章得以升华。


在写作时, 切忌死扣试题中的汉语提示进行翻译, 而应在不改变原意的前提下, 用自己最熟悉的词句和句型来表达。力求文理通顺, 语言规范, 避免中国式英语。多使用简单句, 少使用复合句。句子越长, 出错的可能性越大。掌握好文章长度, 不要字数过多或过少, 但要注意前后的一致性。

指导学生巧用连词和过渡词, 使文章通顺, 流畅

在组织好整篇文章要点的基础上, 如能在适当的时候用上恰当的连词, 可以让文章更加流畅, 通顺, 让文章增色不少。

指导学生反复阅读, 认真检查

从文章格式, 单词拼写, 文章人称, 单复数, 语言运用, 句子时态、语态, 主谓一致等方面入手对自己所写内容进行检查, 指导学生注意书写工整, 美观。段落分明, 层次清楚。

(3) 举例点评学生的优秀作文, 让大家共同学习。小结:每一位老师都应认真批改和讲评学生的作文, 在这个艰辛的过程中, 你会渐渐感受到学生的进步, 更加贴近他们的心灵, 无比欣慰。

三、提高学生综合技能, 以说促写, 以读导写, 以写助写

语言是一个整体。听、说、读、写是语言作为功能结构综合整体的有机组成部分, 在教学上不应该被分割。因此, 在日常教学中, 我们也可以通过其他三方面语言技能的训练来促进写作的进步。例如, 每日课前安排学生进行英语值日报告 (布里顿Britton指出:“学生口语结构和表达方式是他们学习写作的基础。”) , 鼓励学生增加课外阅读, 鼓励学生学写英语日记等。


教学是一个实践——积累经验---总结教训——再实践的过程。因此, 每位教师都应做个有心人, 注意整理收集学生优秀的习作, 汇编成册, 或输入电脑文库。学会建立学生作文档案, 把经过评价的作文、平时积累的写作素材、阶段性自我总结和评语存放起来, 对自己的写作教学过程加以回顾和反思。通过这种方式, 教师对学生的写作进程有了一个清晰的了解, 从而能够及时并有针对性地为学生提供指导, 而学生也能够看到自己的进步和存在的问题, 并及时主动调整学习策略。

8.初中英语写作教学 篇八





早在 20 世纪 60 至 70 年代,语言学家们就对读和写的相关性进行了理论和实证研究。结构主义语言学家认为,写作和阅读是编码和解码的过程,读写都是对同一书面材料进行积极的思维加工的过程,具有一定的相关性。语言行为理论认为,作为接受技能的读和作为运用技能的写分别负责语言的理解和运用。这两项技能通过具体的言语产生互动,达到作者与读者之间的信息传递


舒伯特在“Reading is writing”一文中指出,教材所编写的阅读文章是写作素材的集散地,是语言现象的展示厅,是语言规则的剖析室,是文章体裁的示范本



第二,课前预测,激活新词汇。在阅读前让学生仔细观察课文插图,分析文本标题,来预测课文内容,可以激发学生阅读的欲望。学生进行预测就像破案一样 :发现线索,通过阅读文本,不断验证推断的结果。为了确认自己的预测是否正确,学生充满期待地进行下一步阅读,这样就激活了学生的思维。同时也可以通过预测,让学生加深对新词汇的理解。




第二,寻读——关注体裁。寻读是指阅读者在较短时间内完成阅读活动中的信息筛选的一种阅读技巧。初中英语教材中的阅读材料多样,体裁各异,有故事、书信、广告、新闻稿等。教师应在教学中对这些文本进行归类总结,理清体裁,让学生注意不同类型文章的几个方面 :如文本的基本格式、基本结构、常用的语言方式、写作特点等。同时要求学生找出主题句,总结段落大意,把握作者的谋篇布局思路,总结概括文本大意,通过剖析阅读文本的结构让学生掌握同类文章的写作格局。




3、读后活动——以读促写,水到渠成。读后活动是在完成阅读活动之后进行的学习活动,它是变被动为主动的最佳方式,是读与写结合的最好体现。教师可以指导学生在提炼篇章结构的基础上,着手写作实践,达到阅读教学与写作教学的有机整合。可以从以下四个方面来操作 :第一,读后复述。阅读后,可以利用口语或写作的方式,复述学过的阅读文本的大意。第二,读后改写。指导学生以阅读文本为依托,筛选或改编获取的语言信息,转换文本的某一方面,这样,一节课让学生学会写两篇作文,不但可以提高学生写作的能力,也让学生增强了学习英语的自信心 :原来英语作文是如此简单。第三,读后仿写。阅读后仿写主要是模仿阅读文章的语篇类型及其文章结构进行写作。其教学目标直接指向写作能力培养。第四,读后创作。阅读后创写是阅读文本后,运用想象力,重新编写故事的结局,也可以根据文本主题从其他方面来谈谈自己的看法。


《英语(新目标)Go for it》教材中所提供的阅读文本,不仅是教的蓝本、读的范文,而且是写作的样本。在初中英语阅读教学中,教师要充分利用教材中的阅读文本挖掘写作话题,注重阅读教学与写作教学的整合,指导学生把握文本篇章结构,并把从阅读文本中学到的写作基本方法运用到自己的英语作文中去。只要持之以恒,通过初中三年教师有计划的指导,学生的英语写作能力肯定会提高。因此,教师一定要重视初中英语阅读教学与写作教学的整合,充分利用教材的阅读文本对学生进行写作训练。


[1] 龚亚夫,Nunan, D 等.2007.英語(新目标)Go for it(八年级上下册、九年级)[M].北京:人民教育出版社.

[2] 侯兰华.2005.高中英语阅读与写作的整合[J].中小学英语教学与研究,(10): 44–45, 57.

[3] 刘俊梅.2005.读写相关性对中学英语教学的启示 [A].穆林华,张玲棣.写给中学英语教师的书——英语写作教学理论与实践 [C].北京:中国青年出版社.
