


1.联合国教科文组织总干事“国际母语日”英语演讲稿 篇一









2.联合国教科文组织总干事“国际母语日”英语演讲稿 篇二

ofInternational Literacy Day


Literaciesfor the 21st century

21世纪的扫盲 September 2013


Literacy is a basic right and anessential motor for human development.It paves the way to autonomy, theacquisition of skills, cultural expression and full participation in society.扫盲是一项权利和人类发展的基本动力。扫盲是通向自立、能力获得、文化充分表达和充分参与社会的必由之路。

Illiteracy in the world hasfallen over the two decades, thanks to international efforts and work towardsthe Millennium Development Goals.Today, 84% of the world’s population can readand write, compared to 76% in 1990.In 20 years, the illiterate population hasbeen reduced by more than 100 million people.近二十年来,在国际社会和千年发展目标的推动下,世界上的文盲现象有所消退。今天,世界上84%的人口会读会写,而1990年这一比例为76%。二十年中,文盲人口减少了一亿多。

This is still not enough.Behindthese figures there are still serious inequalities.Two thirds of the 774million illiterate adults in the world are women.Most of the children andyoung people who do not go to school are girls.Fifty-seven million primaryschool-age children and 69 million secondary school-age children do not havethe opportunity to attend.Children lucky enough to go to school do not alwaysleave being able to read and write.Even in economically developed countries,the proportion of the population lacking basic reading and writing skills istoo high.This is a serious obstacle to individual fulfillment, to thedevelopment of societies and to mutual understanding between peoples.这并非万事大吉。在这些数字背后,严重的不平等继续存在。世界上7.74亿成人文盲中,有三分之二是妇女。大多数不上学的儿童和少年是女孩。5700万小学适龄儿童和6900万中学适龄少年被排斥在校门之外。那些上学的幸运儿在走出校门时不一定就会读会写。即使在经济发达的国家,太大比例的人口并不掌握基本的读写能力。这对于人的充分成长、社会发展和人民之间的相互理解构成了巨大的障碍。

This situation is exacerbated bythe rise of new technologies and modern knowledge societies that make theability to read and write all the more essential.Literacy is the firstcondition for dialogue, communication and integration into new connectedsocieties.Young people need new skills to enter and succeed in the job market:knowledge of several languages, understanding of cultural diversity, lifelonglearning.Literacy is the key for acquiring knowledge, interpersonal skills,expertise and the ability to live together in community – all skills that arethe foundations of modern society.In the twenty-first century, more than everbefore, literacy is the cornerstone of peace and development.新技术和现代知识社会的飞速发展使书面的东西成为一种无法绕开的能力,所以这种状况愈显严重。扫盲是对话、交流、融入新的互联社会的首要条件。年轻人需要新的能力才能进入劳动市场并取得成功,掌握几门语言,理解文化多样性,终身自我培养。扫盲是获取作为现代公民所必备的知识、为人、本领和处事之道的钥匙。它比以往任何时候更是21世纪和平与发展的基石。
