


1.科技的弊端段落 篇一

In the past few years the cost to produce photovoltaic cells and modules has dropped significantly, opening the way for large-scale deployment.Various cell types exist, but the least expensive modules today are thin films made of cadmium telluride.To provide electricity at six cents per kwh by 2020, cadmium telluride modules would have to convert electricity with 14 percent efficiency, and systems would have to be installed at $1.2 per watt of capacity.Current modules have 10 percent efficiency and an installed system cost of about $4 per watt.Progress is clearly needed, but the technology is advancing quickly;commercial efficiencies have risen from 9 to 10 percent in the past 12 months.It is worth noting, too, that as modules improve, rooftop photovoltaics will become more cost-competitive for homeowners, reducing daytime electricity demand.近几年来,光电池及组件的生产成本大幅降低,为大规模运用开辟了道路。虽然电池类型种类多样,但如今最便宜的组件是由碲化镉构成的薄膜。如果要在2020年实现每度电成本为6美分的目标,碲化镉组件转换电力的效率不得不达到14%,而系统的安装费用则需要降至


The great limiting factor of solar power, of course, is that it generates little electricity when skies are cloudy and more at night.Excess power must therefore be produced during sunny hours and stored for use during dark hours.Most energy storage systems such as batteries are expensive or inefficient.当然,太阳能发电的一个突出局限性是阴天时几乎无法发电,而夜晚则根本不能发电。为此必须在晴天储存足够能源以供其它时候使用。大部分像电池这样的能量储存系统昂贵或低效。

Compressed –air energy storage has emerged as a successful alternative.Electricity from photovoltaic plants compresses air and pumps in into vacant underground caverns, abandoned mines, aquifers and depleted natural gas wells.The pressurized air is released on demand to turn a turbine that generates electricity, aided by burning small amounts of natural gas.Compressed-air energy storage plants have been operating reliably in Huntorf, Germany, since 1978 and in McIntosh, Ala..Since 1991.The turbines burn only 40 percent of the natural gas they would if they were fueled by natural gas alone, and better heat recovery technology would lower that figure to 30 percent.压缩空气能量储存是一个有效的方法。来自光伏电站的电力压缩空气并将其灌输至空置的地下洞穴、废弃的矿山、含水土层和枯竭的天然气井中。压缩空气依据需求被释放出来,推动涡轮产生电力,同时燃烧少量天然气加以辅助。压缩空气能量储存自1978年在德国亨托夫市和自1991年在阿拉巴马州麦金托什市运行良好。在只以天然气为燃料的情况下,涡轮机仅燃烧40%的天然气,如果采用更好的热回收技术,这一数字有可能降到30%。
